Tis the Only Life, Boys, Believe Me! r (ZOifai-, Un ytmrfruSr A p(ryu.e ANTITRUST BILL READY FOR SENATE i xHlllVllTOX. April f lrn lit all) toned ilown, revised ilraftH of (ho nilmliilHiratloii'it mill-trust bills Mill III Mlbmlttrd 10 i-OMKtH till week. It wim nuuiiuuiod today. Tim lawmakers wliu urn handling Iht'iii Inn ii recheil limtrui'tlntm to hmmmI matler up nx much iim pnnnllilu lint tlm iiplnluii turn gaining Krotiiiil tpni ierul ill the til I1m limy lnt limited for the mtimluii ami tlm mill triikt program eurlnlled or pcrlinp uten postponed In Din Interests nl nn iKtrl) uiijiiiiriiiiiriii. no umt con RrinMiiinii tuny get back to their tnualllimiirles nuil loo!, uttur their political fence. Iliiio of tlio mill (runt bills, It miih Mitil, tiro llkttly to bn comprensed Into iiiik. Whether tlio Intior utilo.i nml funnem ori;nnlntloii ikoiiiptlon iliuimti i lm luTliilttcil to Ntuiiit Mill In ili'ilili'il In n fow ilnH, It ni Htntoil. 'I'llH KXpiH'tlltlOII hum tli.it tlm Ilarlli'lt llnron nininiiliiiciit, nti tluirUliiK unTuu to iiiiiko cfonil utiop iiKri'oinoiit ultli tuplnyr, vrould In- iiioiIIIIimI, nt niiy rnto, by llmllliii; miloim' oxi'inptloii from tlio opera tion nf mill triiKt liKliilutlou to nr lulitiloii for ori:miltn(loiiii to oxlnt wltlniul li'Kiill'hiK rloni'il utiop iiKrco- IIIMltH ALABAMA VOTES F IIIUMlN'nilAM, Alit., April (I. -Suipoiici u'Mpt'i'llvi'lv f Counri'fK mull (Niur V. I iiilmxooil nml Iticli iiioml I1. Ilolixoii oircicil citml I'liuliili'iii'i' today tlmt tlicir ciiihIi iliili'x Mould win tin1 I'nili'il SIiiIim M'llllllllllll I'Ollll'xt lit till' hllllltWIilo iliiiiiocrulii' ptimiiiii'N. CumlliliitiM for miinv oilier of fircri wore inxnlvi'd in IoiIii.v'h vol iiiUi tint lulrroMt in llto I'mlcnMiiiil llolmou lijlit for llio m'IIiiIi1 iimt hIimiIowciI vcrydiiiit; t'ltp. It wiik mil only hot hh ii polllicnl riif:uli,l lull miii'li pcrHoiiiil iitti'iuoH4 cnlcri'il into it. Tlm wt'iitlii'r wiih fiiu. A rcconl Mill' Mils cii'i'fi'll. MARKET REPORT I Tricot Piiit) fy ncnleni KdflH-I.V. IIUTTIIII- Cieiinu'iy, L'dej ilutry, ITie (mi lbs, ITATOKK 7fm per 100 llii. AI'I'l,i:S-li.. ONIONS .HOI) per 100 His, IION'KV -lUV&i' u poifiiij. OIDMII afli. I'OllK-lOo to 1 1 V& IIKHK - r-'it In Me. I.AIID I'.'e. IIACON tKe. SIIOIJMIKIIH-Me. HAM '-'Oij. iii'Trr.ir KAT--a. H'B (MIKA.M -Win cnf. LUeniurk IIO0H llrcsHCil l'Ji',5 ulle, 7'(i. Klli:i;i 7e. KTIJKItN-Allw, (l'l.7o. I'OWH All(, i VKAl DieMsnl, I'Je. I'OUIrilV MiM'il eliiekeiiw, :i(., ilriNwi'il, I He In ''!.. liny mil) Oriiln (lllllllK I'lil'CH.) WIIDAT Dil.i iHinliel, OATK 1,'h- Im.lirl, IIAV- Veleli, if 1 1 lout finilii, I-' In Hf. MAUI. I 'i Wliolo, fJFi Inn, ( OIIN KM Inn, OR NEW SENATOR . fif vwi'vo &ot ANN- , I imjMXrti0'0 won. I r ) v vw iwe fl wo ' . wTwwiflf, iu.cw.rcu en. JT -J '" lu amt it FiLuwuirrn, LT , ii t m Jams ? 1SP &U aaaJ' . IffixS 7 wiz&jfo ;: .,B31 mtiZrXS Will ?" "Na A2 . PAT CAMPBELL I.OXIill,V, April r. (JcorKH C'orn nulllH -i mnl Mr I'ut Cuiiiptii'll lli itnn, nro iiinrrlinl Ihto toilny, Immmllnti'ly folloultiK tlio court e iirllou mnkliiK utmoliito nit lutorlo rutory illvorco ili-iri'o lu Mr. t'orii nlllH-Vit'H fuor. Tin Intor as foriuorl) Uul) Itmutolpli Cliurrlilll i'oi.rrirAixxorx('i:.Mi:x'i'S. rou sin.-miT. A. W. Walker of .Muilfortl. nn riouticin hU camlliincy for tlio ro pulilltan noinlimtlon ni ilivrlff at tha prlmnrle Mny IS, d'al.l AJr.) J. P. IlitUon, rlilnf of pollro of .MiMlford, nn n ii ii n rou IiIh candidacy for tlm diiinocratlc noiiiluatlou for ulii'rllf of Jm-l.tioii county at tlio prl mnrle May IT,. (Paid Adv.) I wh to nnnoiinro my cnndldacy for tlio rnpulillcnii nomliintlnn mi hurirr nt tlio prlmnrlo May lSth. A. K. KAItllAIlT. (d'nld Adv.) I licroliy ntiiiouucu my rnndldncj for tint democratic nomination a Hhcrlff at iho prliuarloi May Kith. J.T. HI'MMKItVIM.K. (1'nld Adv.) KINOI.ni I'Olt HIICIUIT. lu nrrcptliiK tlio nppolntuiont nuc rcodliiK my hrotlicr for hli utiuxplrod turm nu Khcrlff. I did to for tlio bene fit of hi widow nml family, Tho of flco linn had mi honcut mid efficient niliiilnlntrntton. With tlm miiiin otiJectH nnd pur pon'H In lw I hornby nnnounro my xoir an u raudldnto for tho republican nomination at tho primaries Mny IS, I9H. W. II. SINllI.KU. (Tald Adv.) I'Olt roUNTV TltKAKCIIKH. I hereby nunnunco myself na n raudldnto for tho offlco of county treasurer, oil tho republican tlckot, to bo voted on nt tho coming primary election on Mny tho l&th, 1U 1-1. I linvn nlwnya delivered the goods nnd will do so ngnln If elected. I cunrnutoe: 1, To account strictly for nil money. 2, To perform tho duties of (ho offlco according to law, 1 am not connected with any hmilc. All bnnkn will bo (rented nllko, with no bpeclnl favors. KRKI) L COLVIO. 1 mn u cnmlldnto for Iho republi can nomliintlnn for county treasurer ut tlm prlfmuy to bo hold Mny llitli. If nominated nnd elected I will glvo th6 offlco lily pe iho ha I nttoiitlon, and perform tho dutleu ierinliiliiK thereto Urrordlug to law, nn I htivo done dur ing the piiHt. .IAS. M. CHONKMILLKU. (Paid Adv.) KOIt COHOXKII. W, W. I'HHlier miuouiues IiIh eau dldney for coiouer on tho lepubllemi ticket. (Paid Adv.) KOIt HT.VM HKNATOH II. Vim der Mellon, or Welleu, lu cumheiit, niinniinrori his caudidney for tho ropithllrhii iiomluatloii nn Htnto (uiiinlor from .Incluuiii coiniiy (Paid Adv.) I'llUNtV I'l.KIIK, I lini'idiy Miiiiiiiiiiru mytiulf iim enn (llilnlo fur I do roiiilillnin iiouiliiiillmi mm niuiily clerk hiiIijiu t In Iliu will nf Iho wiorM ut dm prlinary uomi MKiyKOM) MAIL TRIMUNH, M Sir Jf SZAjLr"-TO U VK5o I Ml m T L nntliiK I'lcctloti to lio liolil i'rlilny, .Mny l.'i, l!it lu mitiouucliiK my i t-iiiullilfiry I lo no Knowing tlmt .hIioiiIiI I lio ruiioiiiliintDil nml r 'oliTli'il I will (nullum n cooil luml- liemi-IIU' mill ixiiiiomlciil iiiliiiliilxlrii jtlon. ' (I. A. (lAltDNI.'lt. i . - ' I'Olt Itl.'NT IIOAl'tW AXI IIOO.MS IMUST CLASH IIOAItl) At Mrs. C. I. (Irmit's. r.2S i:. .Main, Zi I'oit itn.vr iTitNi.sin:i uoo.mh F0?MUJNT LiuKiTrcplnB rooiiif nml modern IioiiiioIi'0iiik npart imiilft, prlrn very roanonnlilo. I'lioue 217-Ii. 222 South Holly trout. I'Olt ItKNT Modern furiilnhod J room. Tim i nitaRo llonlilenrv, (iM Wil I Oth Ht. 31 rou iti:.i iitMsr:iu:i:i'i.Na IIOO.MS i'O It II IKNT NiuiTy'li urimdipThKtv keoplui; rooniH. Call 231 Knit Utli, after 2 p m. I'Olt ItKNT I.lRht lioimekeeplns milter ii ud nicely fiiruUtied roomn, cheap. Tho Oxford, 223 W.Mnln treot. 325 1X)II HAI,f-IXTH I'Olt HAI.K -Or what havo ou to t rutin for equity lu Kood lot. Ilox C22. Mudford. Ore. 13 To lonn on Improved rnnchca. Interest S per cent "Iniuranco That Insure.." II. S. ST1NB Iluy your Insurance or a taxpayer FOR SALE Homestead rotluuulshmont for snlo or trndo for city lots or for sec ond hnud l'ord. his place Is well located, close to railroad nnd Pa cific hlghwny. Also hnvo clly lot or equity lu houso nnd lot to trnJo for new or second hnnd nuto, I'lve room houso on pnved street, modern, to sell on Initnllmeuts, uumll payment down, babneo i& to T-'S per mouth. Houses nml offlco rooms to rent chenp, Como up nnd tell mo your troubles. Ilooui III) M. I Ai II. lliilldliig Opposlto tho Post Offlco W. T. YORK. Kormnlly Senior Member of W. T. York & Co. WHY? You who hnvo been hero for soma time should know that tlio present schedule of prlcea of land Is as low na they will go. Loriileil Xenr .Medford Host Renr creek bottom S2S0.00 Good nlfnlfn v 200.00 Alfnlfu mid grain laud 12S.00 Clay loam, good orchard laud 7S.00 Desert, can ho irrigated Kalr grades of sticky, Kaglo GO.OO Point and Saum Valley sec- tliiim lu grain , AUalfa, Applegnto, Irrlgnted Laud lu brush or hlllsldo fig ured $10 00 to Of.. 00 t&O.OO 20.00 Laud hero Is as cheap an In Kan- 8.1 a or Iowa. J. C. BARNES JO I Hint Xnt'l Malik lllilg. NEW TODAY A 110 room upartmoiit house, very clOHu In city nml bench, lit Ding lleiuh, ror trndo ut $12,000 for a geiiorul purpose ranch here. Mort gage of $3100. IIiiiib for two your. Will nssuiiio on n plnrn hero. Cull for nil pat Id iilnrs. Heuni ncrert very ('lone In In iei ford. I.tirxo lioimo, i'i'fiilsluii mi In Hide. SI00 C. D. HOON " 151") FORD, OKI ION, MONDAY, APRIL 0, If)! I. rou rent kuixisiikd aits. waxtkd Mitfci:itt.Mroufl iiusixi-ss directory I'Olt lti:XT Kurtiltlioi! npartmonU. Tlio Ilurliuu. .Mnln anil Quince. rou iii:.vi nouses roiiltV'irurnlHiiiiil imrnuPTlu piiMjiiiL'iit. 3 rooiiiM mnl Imtli. Call 7.10-lt. 13 I'Olt UKNT Rovnti wntor paid, i..10. Har;ont. room house, lnt'tilro Col. 31 KOIt ItKNT Oil HAM-: Six room liunRiilow, titrmn rvanonnblu. Ap ply to Dr. 1'ortur. I'Olt ItKNT IIoiiim., Imrgiilii. ilx room inodrirn buiiKalow fiirrilalicd, with KM. 722 V. I'olirli'Olltll !it. 1 I'Olt ItKNT fi room house rloe In. Apply at Hiulih'N tin hop, 12S X. Ornpo Bt. rou SAI.K ACUKAGK KOIt SAI.K A 5 nnd 1" aero tract, rloso In. Income property, cnty terms. Phono 392-M, owner. 32S KOIt SAI.K I'h'o and 10 acre tr&cU cheap nnd on cany terms. Lo cated one mllo boh th of Hotel Mod ford. W. II. Krerhnrd, 1013 Wcet Ninth St., phone CG7-J. rei: sai.k i.i viamci; rolfsALK-rblack IVrcheron tnl lion 3 yenm old, weluht 1700 lbs. on ranch 2?i lilllex uoutli of Jack fotnllle, by owner. Henry Man ning. 13 KOIt SAI.K tinted nlfnlfa hay $S to 10. Call 732-.I2. 31 TOR SAI.K Cows nnd cahes. entire dairy herd. Walsh's ranch, mile out North Itoosovelt avenue, 327 KOIt BALK- Two yearling" colts. In UUlro Xmth Livery. 10 I'Olt SAI.K -lluroc Jersey boar, eight mouths old, 1 1.". no. Kruuk It M)ers. Roguo ltler. Ore. 23 i'oli SAI.K -Ten in. hnruesR and wngou, $2oo 00. Phono 344-J K. W. Wakefield, 1 mllo west of Med ford. 1C KOIt SAI.K POULTRY KOIl SALRk llarred nock ec?s for hatching, $ 1 pur setting. llurell. Medroid, It. K. I). Xo. 2. phone 241-ItS. KOIt SAI.K .'2 hens. Main St. 10151 West 14 FOR SALE Puro bred Plymouth Rock and llnmhurg eggs, $1 00 for 15. A. Pottlugor. 713 West 10th. Phono 13$. It. 21 FOR KALR MtCTTtiANKOUS FOR SAI.K- I'lvo passenger Ren. good condition, bargain for cash. P. O. Iiov 520, Medford. 14 K01 tALK- Second hnnd 45 h. p. Apperwm touring enr, only been mil 2700 miles, has been over hauled, flrnt rings condition at a bnrgnlu. J. C. Robinson, nuto agent. 33 South llartlett, phone 835-J. 15 FOR SALE Grnln hay and corn. C. W. Isaacs. Phono 501-Rt. FOR SALE Cjueon bees, Italian Queens, bred from my best honey strain, untested $1,00 each, G ror $5.00. Ready after April 15th. 321 Plum St , J nines Stewart. 330 FOR SALE Fancy seed potatoes, i:orgrecn sweet corn; also good family cow. Robort Dutton. phono 3SG-M. FOR SALE OR TRADE One square plnuo, two cnttngo orgmiK. Valley Serond Hand Store, 23 .North Fir street. FOR SALE UlifilH Red llelglnu Karen, from registered stock; bueks, two mouths old, $2 00; three to five mouths, $1.00; un til rod stock, $(' to $8. Graded docs ory reasonable, bred to regis tered llelglnu Duck or Flomlsii Giant buck. A. K. Kellogg, (told Hill. Oregon. 10 HKi.p W'VV'yjp'11'," WANTKIl OrcHsmnkor or Ronton would like eiiKiiKemnutti by du. perfert fit, 2 50 per tiny. 32 1 W. 4th HI. II WANTKIl MlM;iai,AMWH i S K JBS m WASTL'H 50 head of stuck Id pin tore it j inumi, pikiiiu nan Jr., 31 1 WANT1M) ToniiiB for orclianl plow IriK InijuJr- Srott V. Datli), plum W'ANTKI) Soino Kooil, gound pota tooa. Hobett Diitton. WANTKIl- Horses Phono fiU7-ltl. to pasture. WAXTKO Klrst class slnclo bussy cheap for cash. Phono SC8-X. WANTHU nSITUATIOXS WAXTKO Poiltiou" on rniich by umrrluil man, expurleuioil. A Pi) r.;s North Central. 21 WANTKIl Jnpnnoio boy uantn a'l kinds of Uniisto work by hour. Phone tCl-It. Shlntoda. 24 WAXTKO Position on ranch by man and wlfo. experienced In orchard work. 243 S. Holly. 17 WANTKIl Position as houwkeopcr. Dost of reference. Hox A. X., caro Mall Tribune. K WAXTKO Work for man and wlfo. preferably on ranch. Address box 24. caro Mall Trlbuuo. lu I.OST LOST Tuesday nlfiht at Page Thea ter or on street, whlto lory pin, in shapo Inro row?, prized as heir loom. Howard, return to Mrs. Whitney, Oregon Hotel, Ashland. II MOXKY TO 1OA.1 TO LOAN $1000 on good security. Phone C I. room 210 Qarnctt Corey Illdg. IS iiusixi:s nntnoTOitY Auto Snpptln. LAHER AUTO SPRIXG CO. Our big secret In making springs Is the tempering. Wo nro operating the largest, oldest nnd best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Hold under guarantee 26 North Fif teenth St.. Portlnnd. Orn Attorneys PORTER J. NKFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attorneys-nt-Law, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Rank bldg. A. E. RKAMKS, LAWYER Gurnctt Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street. Medford, Ore. Wm. M. Colvlg George M. Roberti COLVIG & RORERTS. LAWYERS Medford National llauk Uulldlng R. P. MULKEY & OEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Dank Rulldlng. NEWTON W. UORDEN Attorney at law, room 7, Sparta building, Mod ford, Oregon. Auctioneers WILLIAM ULR1CII LlcenBod Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford, Oregon. Terms rcnsonnhlo. Resi dence phono 1G1-J. Office Jack son County Dank building. M ITttiMprncttm DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor norvo specialist. Rooms 203-204-205 Gnruett-Corey bldg. Vapoi baths and scientific massago given, needle spray, head and shouldoi shower lu connection; advice Id dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydroptherapy. Lady nttendant Phono, offlco 543, resldonco 511-R. OR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louiso E Hedges Mechauo-Thernplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothoraplats. These systems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnustlca, hydro-theraphy, etc., produce rcsulta in both acute and cbrouiu diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Douol & Co., cor ner Main and llartlett. Hours 9 a, in. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phono 170. Oariiag OAMiXaKlm vour pTouiTse'i cleaned up for th winter. Call on tho city Karlnrfo wagon foi good service. Phono 32&.L. P, Y, Allan. 3Kj: -. t 1 fMBSKt KADH TUANHFKII k HTOIIAGK CO -Office 4J NortU rront Ht Phoue 916- I'rleos (lUK. Iirl gua By Dentlsia DK. W. M. VAN SCOTOt? DK C. C. VAN 8 CO TOO Dentist Osrnett- Corey bldg., toll Medford. Ore. Phono SGn tlO Kiiiplojinent Agency Wo arc hero to help pcoplo set re liable, competent help. Wo fur nish help In almost all lines of business. We mako a specialty of competent men and wives for ranches. Wo 'solicit your patron ana. Illttnor'g Heal Kstato and Kmploymcnt Ilureau, Itooms C nnd 7 Palm Iiulldlnc, Medford. Phone SSS. Mrs. II) rd Canter. Manager, successcr. Instruction Mr. FRED ALTON IIAIGIIT Teaih er of piano and harmony. The Halght Music Studio, 11C South Laurel St.. phono 17R-II. Rotary fabric HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub He. Bring Tour work to me at tb sticn of the Mall Ttlhnnn Printers nnd rubiUhrr MEDFORD PRINTINQ CO. has tht best equipped printing office lc southern Oregon; book binding looso leaf ledgers, billing systems etc Portland prices. 27 Norti FlrSt. tttenoRrnplier ELLA M. GAUXYAv Palm block. Stenographic work Cine qnlckly and well CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A Quick, llnndy, reference for Husy Peojilo Art Portraiture , Scott's Studio, all grades of portraiture, kodak finishing, enlarging, tinting. Iirlng the babies, we understand them. Over Hasklns' drug store. Phono G92-R Art Store R. L. Dennett, Paint, oils, glass, wall paper, enlarging, plcturo framing. 27 North Grapo Phono 3GG-J Auto Itodliw nml Sprny Tanks J. W. Mitchell, blacksmlthlng, horseshoeing, wagon work, rub ber tiro work. 22 South River side street Phone 2G Harness Suit Cuj.es, Gloves Herman nrothers, 317 East Main, repairing ot all kinds. Phono 4 8 1-J llnlttl liny, Flour, Feed, Grnln L. R. Drown, Rus.h Mill, nlso poultry supplies. 13!) South Riverside Phone 529 Rakery Royal Bakery, bread, pies, cakes. Comer Main and Grape. Phono 3 7 lleauty Shop Tho Beauty Shop, Madame Roodo, shampooing, hnlr dress ing, manicuring, chiropody and children' hnlr cutting, room 25, Jackson County Dunk Mldg. Phono 711 Clgur Factory Oregon Central Cigar Factory, Johnson. Pitt, Mnxapan cigars. 219 West Main Phono 321 Civil Engineers Osgood & Drown. T. W. Os good, Asso. M, Am. Soc. C. K. A. Theo Drown, deputy county surveyor, Medford National Bank Bldg Phono 2C2 Kleetrle Wiring, Fixture, Supplier Southorn Oregon Electric Co., Maatdu Lamps. G South Central Avenue Phono 215-Y Furniture New and Second lluiul Scott Woolf, successor to Mor doff & Woolf, lomploto house furnishers. Special low prices on Axmlulster rugs and furni ture. 22 South Fir Phono 9 FiirmerM Implement Hubbard Brothers. Full Una of John Deero makes. Fur spe cial prices on buggies. 335 East Main . . .. I'liono 331 I'll. 1 1 nml Cured MniU Hlar Meat Market. M W Wag. bur, Prop 314 Kuit Main raCIT! FTVTJ "Bad" Fisher uusixd niiiKCxoiiy 1'tiynlcliinx anfl nurKvoa rm?"p. a. caiilow, dVeva MAINS CARI.OW Onteopathli physicians, 41G-U7 Garnett-Coroy bldg., phone 103 0-L. Renldonc 2C South Laurel St. DIl. W. W. physician, building. HOWARD Ostoopatbli 303 Oarnett - Corey Phono 804-M. DR. J. J. EMMKNS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eye scien tifically tested and f lasses supplied Offlco 22S East Mnln St.. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. DR. MC M. M. DOW Physician and surgeon. Dr Lydla S. Dow Os teopathic physician, offices 3-4 St. Mark's block, Phono 1C0. RcJi denco tho Dow Hospital, Central Point. 333 E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Dank bldg. Office phone 43-R; residence phone 68-R. DR. MARTIN C. HARDER Physl clan and surgeon. Office Pain block, opposlto Nash Hotel. Houra 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, office 36, resi dence 724-J. Offlco houra 10 to 12. 2 to 6. UK. ti. A. 1.0CKWOOL) f&ysiclaa and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. . Practice limited to diseases ot women. Offices 232 E Main. Phones, residence, 814-J2; office 814 R. J. CONROx', M. D. l'hystcian anu Burgeon. Over Hutchison & Lum den. 215 E. Main St Phone 77. Groceries Brownlee & Llndley, Monopole canned goads. Upper Crust flour. 327 East Maln..Phono 927-L Ci'iins, Ammunition, S)(rtliig Goods Ewlngs Gun Storo, fishing tackle, sporting good3. 112 West Main.... . Phono 345 Insurance Any Kind II. II. McCurdy. wrltos flro. life, accident, liability, nuto, plate glass, burglary, fidelity nnd surety bonds, Sparta Building. Phono 133 Modem Photography Tho Mnckoy Studio, latest and most up-to-dnto methods. Por traits ot children. Main and Contrni, back ot Daniels for Duds. Nursery Tho Quaker Nursery, commer cial varieties ot pears, apples nnd ornnmentnl shado trees, II. D, Patterson, manacor. Special prices for next thirty days. 104 South Fir. Phones, offlco 752-J, Resldonce 249-X I'niettral Hoi-te!ier ami lllttckamltb O, P. Merrlmun, Medford me chanic. 20 South Rlvoraldo Avenue. Phouo 279 Pliiinliltig nml Heating Van 11. Polrson. 28 North Grape Phono 926 Real Estate, T.ouiin nml Inve-stineuts Page Dresslor Company, fnrin lands, BUb-divlslous. 320 East Mali) Phono 283 Restniirunt Johnson's Cafo, all homo cook lug. 28 South Central Avenue. Phono 901-J Shoo Repairing Model Root Shop, whllo you wnlt. 10 South Central Aviv n uo....... Phono 875-tT Sheet. .Metnl Work Medford Sheet Metal 'Work 11, G. WorthluKton, Prop. Cor nice nnd skylights, roofing ot all kinds, tlu und sheet Iron p!po gutters, tniiKs, iv lir street Phono 477 Staple nml I'miey (JrnrerleH (J. P. Krlbii & Co. 33 North Drupe Phono 109 Hlwnogniplier ""M T KdwiinU, 4iiKrkff Tjfpuwrlter, leetal wUMlvh, iiunlfuUinu, Palm llk,