Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 06, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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bxit.I't bundat nr TUB
The Democratic Tlmm, Tlio Mmlford
Unit, The Mrdferd Tribune. Tlin Houth
rn OrcEonlnn, Tho Anliltind Trllmno.
Offlro Mnll Tribune llull.llnc, 35-37-JI
North llr stroM; telephone 75.
Orflclnl Taper of tho City of .Mulfonl.
orflclul i'npor of Jncknon County.
KntcroJ nil second-rlnss mstttr nl
Moilfonl, Oregon, under the act of
March t, IS70.
sunscniraoH bates
Ono yenr, by null ..15.06
Onu month, hy mull -. . .10
Pit month, delivered by enrrlcr In
Mcilfiml, JnctiRUinlllo niul Cen
tral Point -. .SO
Bntunlny only, by mall. per year S.oO
Weekly, per year ... -...-. 1.80
Dully nvernpe fur Mx immlhs endlne
December 31, J9t3. 5oo.
Willi Mcdfonl Stop-Ovcr
l'ATEKSOX. N. J. April C Sen
ator Olllc James or Kentucky was
campaigning In the seventh congres
sional district of New Jersey today
In tho Interest of James O'Uyrne, tho
democratic candidate tu tho special
election to succeed tho lato Congress
man Hrcmmcr. Tho election will 3
held tomorrow. President Wllcon'J
record Is being made an Issue In tho
Tho socialists arc making a su
premo effort to elect Gordon Dcmar
cst, who Is concede to liavo a chance.
Henry Whltohcad, tho progressive
noinlnco, Mas not expected to poll
anany votes. Tho republicans, how
ever, was betting oven money pn
their cnndldate. Dow Drukkor. Tho
republicans havo attacked O'llyrno
for refusing to state, his position on
tho Panama canal tolls question, be
cause lie said ho had "not had time
to read tho Hay-PAuncqfpfCjitrcaty."'
Illshop Campos or Chllapl has been
crulclflcd by General Zapata, leader
of tho southern rcbllllon was feared
hero today.
Tho bishop was captured by Zapa
tistas last week and tho general an
nounced that unless ho considered a
?50.000 gift ho would bo crucified
on Good Friday. Tho prlsonor could
not find the money and it was re
ported that Zapata convinced that bo
would not get tho money ordered the
It Is reported that four federal
generals hud committed suicide.
VANCOl'VEIJ, 11. V., April . It
is icportcd here tliut Sir Itiehnnl lie
Jlriilo, premier of HritWi Columbia,
lm- been iiiioin(vl ns tlio huceesor
ol Lord fttrutlieonu ns high coinmiH
tdincr in London for ('uiiiiilu. Ac
cording to tho report, .MeJIride, who
U nt present in the cunt, vill tuko ef
fiff ill Mny,
Methodist Church
For the firfc time n (luoil r'ridu,
MTviru will lm lidil it the KirM
Jlelhi'iUet Kpihctipnl church till"
week, following the general custom of
the lending cliiirche of thi- diiioni
iiialiou throughout the country. Hnin-ci-'rt
oratorio, "The t'nu-iluiou," uud
pint 11 of Gounod' oratorio, "The
Jtcilemptioii," will be i endured liy u
choir of forty voices. The choir will
weiir vestment, conintiug of the
conventioiiul block ciifcMick nml while
Kiiipliee. Tlio nitiKti ued will cord
nboiit -t'JO mid the vestiiicntH uhoiit
i?7.", ull of which oxpciihC is borne by
thin worthy choir. A Mlver offering
will he expected nt the door. (Vr
tulnly n choir llml t-ttituln in tin Ikhii
liiiik' of choir of IliU dciininiiiulion
in (111 kIiiIo rjclilv deceives not onl
recognition hut iiimiicinl nid liom
(IiIm coiiHiiuilily, ("M'liily limn nil
who piofi'xH to hiiuid for u hiuh
firntU f chiiHi niiiol'. ll will mii1-.
Pm itn.vlhlii over jillriuil'l hy lln
iholr mil (lilx furl trill m -in l''M
ww h'1: iM't'iijilt'd.
WILLIAM KANPOL1M1 1IKAKST ami his nowspa-IHM-s,
railing in lltt' HTori io foivo lite rnllotl States
into war with Mrxipo. continue to make the tlay anil the
nielli hideous with siren shrieks of despair over the repeal
of the canal tolls exemption bill.
The position is directly opposed to what lr. Hearst
advocated a few years ago. but that makes no difference.
Xoxl .Mr. Hearst will want the government-built Alaska
railroad to transport free of cost all goods received from
American-owned ships and thus "help restore America's
lost maritime supremacy."
"Why not I The same arguments apply. "Why tax
Americans for use of their own railroad? Is it not also
"unpatriotically sacrificing our sovereignty" and "the in
terests of our shipping to curry favor with Ureat Hritaiu "
Why lot Klm null bulldoze us into charging freight on our
own railroad for goods transported in American vessels i
Congressman William Kent of California, after de
scribing Mr. Hearst's flip-flop on the canal tolls proposi
tion in congress, sent the following telegram to the editor
of Hearst's San Francisco paper:
"If Iho world were populated with William Haudolph llearvts and the
sky (tapered with his publications there would be a scene of sordid solflslw
nobs mado still more Intolerable bv senseless clamor."
President Wilson is bit tori
these undemocratic organs of
terrible calanutv ot a war
great triumph. He is showing much the same patience
and dignity under criticism that Abraham Lincoln
showed during his difficult administration. His stand for
the repeal of the tolls exemption has been on the high
moral ground that our treaty obligations are sacred and
should be lived up to.
Wrapping the American flag about him, holding his
yellow journals aloft, Hearst poses as the Goddess of Lib
erty enlightening the world
RICHMOND PEAKKON ltOHSOX of naval and oscil
latory fame, has just sueroeded in drydocking an
other collier, this time the staunch old ship Hooze.
By an order of Secretary Daniels all intoxicants have
boon barred from the navy and hereafter Cncle Sain will
fight his battles with a grape juice navy.
When the bugle call sounds above the strife and din of
the battle for the serving of a round of grog, the enemy
may well quake in its boots at the thought of a rejuvenated
)clligerant roused by the potent fires of a round of grape
All hail, Admiral Bryan of'the Battleship Piffle: mav
!Jiis appetite never grow less.
The Right
(From the Portland Telegram.)
About three years ago Tho Tele
gram called attention to tho fact that
Med ford In Its obsession over fruit
production was cutting out Its alfalfa
fields, destroying Its truck gardens,
Its dairying Interests and getting to
bo utterly dependent upon tho out
side for everything that it used, much
of which could bo better produced in
its own back yard. As an acuta il
lustration among other things at
tention was called to tho fact that
tho express records showed about s
thousand dollars a year was shipped
to Portland to pay for lettuco which
tho luxurious citizens of Mod for J
used on their tables. It was ar
gued from this that it was unwise fur
Medford to put all Its eggs in tho
ono basket and that whilst it was
raising apples and pears It might just
as well at tlio same ttmo tako caro
of Its own needs in other respects
instead ot dopendlug upon tho out
side world, thus draining away from
it much of Its spare cash.
Thcso statements were received
with Home resentment In Medford
but on Investigation It was found that
thoy woro true. Instead of resting
on their oars when tho pcoplo found
they woro truo they sot about remedy
ing tho evils and conserving tholr re
sources. Thoy set to work to en
courage homo production, to stiuiu
lato local development and with such
good success that -whereas throe years
ago thoy sent out ono carload of po
tatoes and onions nnd brought In VI
they now bring In two rarlouds of
potatoes and send out -u, bring in no
onions and send out three carloads,
bhovilng that thoy aro not only sup
plying their homo demund but tlialit
they aro able to export as well, a con
dition which thoy will doubtless em
phaslzu as timo goes on. They usod
to shl) In '-'-' carloads of hay and
ship out G2, now they ship out Dl
carloads; oats and barley IS In and
two out, wliilbt now '.'3 carloads aro
shipped In und 11 out. In flour and
pilll feed thoy used to ship In 432
carloads; now thoy ship in -70.
Tliey used to ship out 2G5 carloads
of apples and now ship r,S0; pears,
peaches and green fruit, 01 nnd now
J KG. In vegetables und livestock
they inul.o u similar showing. Of
this bit of products they used to ship
In 8(7 carloads; now thoy ship In
331; they used to ship out 41i car
loads, now thoy ship out tGf.
This has been largely accom
plished by looking a situation piuni
ly In tlio faro Instead of trying '
foul thoinsolvoM lliut what was lining
done was nil rllit A public inurlioi
bus liidpod tho thing wonderfully,
for It bus stimulated public liituront
III this mutter of cheaper und hollr
Inlnc it bus moused llio iriu-U
Kuiik'uum lo ui'tlWl)' mid ll bus yw
v assailed in everv issue of
snobbery, yet in averting the
the executive has achieved a
but the pose deceives no ene:
Way to Do It
vlded thorn with a manct right at
their doors whero they could readily
dlsposo of everything thoy ralced
whilst at tho same time It has given
them tho ready cash for all the sup
plies which thoy sold. Ono Interest
has thus reacted on tho other to great
public advantage.
Tho people arc wisely going ono
step farther; they aro organizing a
i canning company so that tho com
munity will bo able to take caro ot
tiro surplus product. With thcuo two
combinations at work tho public
market to bring the producers and
consumers together, providing a
ready market at cash prlcos for such
pcrlshablo products as tho commun
ity can consume, and a cannery to
dlspoao of and mako commercially
profitable tho surplus product, Med
ford with Its fruit nnd other re
sources should now bo In as comfort-
ablo a position as any community In
the stato. Tho Telegram wishes to
congratulate It on tho way it took
hold of nnd solved tho problem which
confronted It nnd to commend its
action to other communities which
havo tho samo probloms to solve and
up to dato aro consistently sidestep
ping thorn.
TOLKDO, O., April (). It heemed
certain today Hint tlio city council
would not accept the propoiiil of the
local traction company to kettle t It t
Ntrcotcnr eonlroveroy here. The com
pany proposed that u hfruiulit fi-ecnt
fare be elmr't:i), nml Unit (no tickets
bo hold for Ji cents. It vu nuiil
that Mayor Keller planned to enforce,
the Hlrui'ht .'l-cent ordinance, and
has ordered the police to protect pan
ttcugerh who icl'iincd to pay more.
Iliiiidrt'ilrf of persons uuuiit declined
lodny toipay S-t'ent'fnrcK und rode
free. i. -.
r - i - i i i
Work on additional municipal railway
linen, authorized by n bond iuit f
.:i.',)0ll,l0fl voldf at AIIJ.MIHI, wa
klurtcil lien today nheii .Mayor Polph
pulled Hie lccr llml seul a ah i'lli
tenia hammer cialiiui lliionyli li
pavement of Villi NV cuwiiie at
Mailjol klicel, When completed llo
line lfiilfil loiluv mil mu on Von
Newt, incline Irnm Miultcl I reel lo
(lie-liinl -!i il. a ill l.imc or I "'I
Dr. Frank .1. (loudnow of Coluin
bin umvir-itx mid now political nil-M-er
to the republa' ot t limn, Iuik
been clio-en ptvMilcitt l' .lolin- Hop
kiiw tiuix r-itv il ItiiUuuoro,
Dr. Utioitiiow w Kntoit pmlV or of
udiuiuitiutixc law mid munieipiil
law nt Columbia uuiveiitv und i on
n three wu' leave in t'liiutt. The
t'hine-e overiiiueitt and tin t'utiie
gic inteiiiiitionnl peace eiidowmeut,
which ielccltd him for the po.-itioii in
(.'limit. hac iclii.-tiuitK rilca-cd liuu
from Ins sen ice tlere.
DKN'VKIl, Colo., April 0.- Follow
iii Iik dcmrtution from Denver IukI
timlit by sclf-tippoiutrd "regulators"
whom he had lingered pre-otiunhly by
bis outxpoken pulpit utterance. the
llev. Otis Spurgeon, u Den .Moinen
evangelist, was in St. Luke's ho-pital
here today, reeoveriiif; from the ef
fects of the lienliiif: he iccuived when
the vigilantes him.
The latter luuntTered abnul fifty.
They eiillnl on (ltd WeryyiiiHii nt his
hotel curly in the eveniii-.'. A police
corgeuul who happened to be stand
ing in the doorway nt the time was
overpowered und held fnt ttllilc
Spurvoou wtt iltudM"1' "it. lie wh
in his hhirt lee s. nml wn not ichon
time even to itl hiw cohI.
An Hiitoniobile wan waiting and
into it the cvniijrelwt wn roiujehl.v
tumbled. On his way through the ho
tel of lice Mini -ros t lit oideunlk be
received doxros of blows nnd kicks.
Seven of the men olimbsd into the
oar with him ami hurry-up run was
made to n point mi the railroad truck
twenty-four inil uoith of Denver,
where the prisoner wiia'ivcti $"2.l),
put out of the car nnd ordered to
"hit the truck" uortliwurd, wdli u
warniiiK nut to return.
In the ine.inliiiie city detectives
hud started nfler the party in an
other automobile. They overlook
Spiirgeon before lie luid Stone litr,
brought him luck and turned him
over to the ln.ilitl lute at night.
(MAY- At his home near Fori
Klamath, Daniel Gray, for thirty
carrt u losiilent o' Jackson connlv,
und laakiiif his home in Wood l(ier
valley for the last lite yea is, died
Siiluid.iy, Apiil I. .Mr. (I ray was
born June J, 1HIII. Itliouiiiiitixii.,
parulysiK und the general bieakdowu
dun Jo old au was tliu caunu of
DucoiiMud IvHic mi uged wile, Iwo
sons, two htepdiinlitew, ono step
son ami three hiolhur. The sous
lire Callie ami llnirisou, Tliu step
childieii me Mr-. Tom llooth of
Medford, .Mrs. J eg Kirkpalriek of
Fort Kloinutli mid Chris 1'iuiHoii oi'
Illy. Two of the brolliuiv, (luo'ge
ami ,loliu (Jruy, are lesideiils of
Wood Kiiei' valley, nml the otliio',
llobnit (liny, liven in Jack. on
M. W. Tuttlo. formerly or Medford
died ut (Irani! Forks, North Dakota,
on April I, at 0:20 p. in.
Mr. Tuttlo and bis sou, Harry II.
canto to Medford about six yean
ago, and have both been closely con
nected with tho city's growth and
prosperity until tholr removal to tho
old homo In North Dakota a few
weeks ago, which was occasioned
through Mr. Hurry If, TutUo's ur
cuptuuru of tlio secretaryship of the
(Jrand Forks Y f. V. A.
Their frlondn iro am legion, and
itllhoutfh for tun past two or linen
year Mr. M. W Tulllc's health bar
Ix'iui vor poor, tint iiotVN of hi
death will ie somuivhul of u siirpilsu
us rcuoris iiut' i.oufi nui'lvnd slmo
llicii mriuii in i. mud 1'i-rl h I hoi hi
condition hs MinMiiliirnbly inil0V('J
I b'
HD9HBfifx Jh
J VjW r A vt.
HS HBKA -iff
MONDAY, APKITi fi, 1011.
Mueli bus appealed in (lie niuvspu
peis reeentlv regarding Iho milium
tronliueul for enucor. As showing
the opinions held by scientific men
in F.uuluiidi the Loudon eonvspoud
eiil of The ,lourimt of the Aiuoiiciin
.Medieiil Assoeinlioii irporls u icccnt
dlseiissloii on litis Mibjecl.
At the ituuual meeliiig of Hie kov
evninx of the Cancer hospital nt'
London. I'liiules Uyull, F. K. C. S
cliiiiiiunti of the tuedieal couuuittee,
deseiihi'd llu inesenl position of nul
lum Irouluieiit lo caiieer. lie sujil
Hint iilthuiiuli ii ureal dun! ht..J Iii.mju
written in the lay pios of late eon
cerniiig rudltiui und Hie inniv clous
elites which tl hud iippuienlly ef-
cclod, iitdiuni had nut conie to sup
pl.iul siuitery in (lie lieiitmeut of
tuiiccr, but to aid it.
Cancer was a disease which grew
from day to day and eieutuallv
reached Hie incurable Mage, ami
therefore for snfely it mils! be got
rid of us early its possible, und the
uuieKo-t und surest menus wit shll
Iho Knife. There were ciises, how
ever, in which operation was either
imiiUi-alile or iiupoihlc, and in
these, radium mid the Itoentgen ru.vs
were resorted lo. Iladium wus the
One of the host recent bulletins of
the United Ctiiles dopaitmeut of iv,
riciilturo is No. (IS. issued under the
dale of February 'J."!, DM I.
This bulletin is by lt.vroii I hint or.
iigrictilturiM for the department of
farm management, mid is intended
to ciicoiirugo hog misers in the Pa
cific uorthwcM, especially in the
stales of Oregon, Washington mid
Idaho. The title is "Posture and
(train Crops for llog. in tlio Pa
cific Northwest," This bulletin
should be on Iho desk of every for
mer in this section of the country,
and is to he had free by writing io
the I'nilod Stales department of ag
riculture. The siuuiuary of Hie bul
letin follews:
"During recent jour tliu hog in
dustry in the Pacific lioithwe-t has
been imiilcipiute to supply the local
demands for pork mid mrk prod
nets. This emt-ett the average
llllOWNSVILLi:, Tex-., April 11. -
Confidence that (leiietul N'illu is
planning an inunmlluto utlilck mi
.Monterey was e.xprcssi'd ut uoiistitu
tioualisl hendipiartem in .Mutmiiortm,
across the Itio (liamle from heie.
This opinion was based on the fact
Hint orders hud Inen received for
rebel troops nt .Malamonis to entrain
for Hiiinoiii's, twenty miles north of
.Messages fioni Victoria said two
federal troop trains, cmrying rein
forcements to Tauipico, were blown
up near San Luis Polosi Friday, und
(hat thirty-six men weio killed.
POHTLAND, Or., Apnl (I. A re
port reaching Portland bunkers who
are in olose loiich today with the sil
nation in the east was to tliu effect
thai William (1. .McAdoo will icigu
us secrelury of tliu (rcnsiiry about
July 1 und becomu governor of Hit)
federal reserve board iiicatvd by tho
new currency hiw.
Look youngl Common crden Sago
and Sulphur darkens so naturally
nobody can tell
(JrandmoUier kept bor hair beautifully
darkened, glossy nnd abundant with
lircw of Hae Tea and Sulphur. Wlwta.
over her hair fell out or took on that
dull, faded or streaked sripnarsnce, nils
imilo mixture was applied with won
tlurful effect. Hy asking at any drug
store for "Wycth's Bajo ami Hulphur
Hair Hemedy," you will get a lurgn
UHtle of tliU old-time recl-, ready to
use, far about 60 coals. Tills simplo
inlituru can lx deneniUsl upon to n-nUiro
natural color and hcuuty Ut the luilr and
i splnndld ivr tlauJrulf, dry, itchy soulp
and fallleg hair,
A wullknown downtown druggist aays
iivcrylfidy mm Wyetb's Hagti and Hid
pluir, U-rituwi It duikvns so uuturally and
mnly tluit isibody ran Ull It has l"n
Miipllisl It's s-i isiay to uw, loo. You
sliiidy dsinS'ii a comb or soft bnxh
and draw it through your hair, Uklng
one strand ut a Hum, 11 morning tlio
ipsy lislr ilUsppmrst after anthr il!
rMUm ut two, It I tutored lo lit uttursl
t;br slid I'K'k (.I", "lt uud nwiii
and Cancer
must nellvo milnlnuee l.uowu, mid ll
wus proved Hull it lunl n definite no
tion on living cells.
In cancer ll hud lireu I'oiiihI lo o
oil a deliiiilo uellon eilher bv uV
hlriiyiiig I hi' enneer cells or by ie
Intd'iug or pieveuliiig limit' Ktov.lh.
The piopeilles of radium were com
piiiulively llllle known, ami theielotc
iiulluiii Ircatiueiit was in the expel I
inentnl singe, in which nllempls wete
Ili'llUt inude lo ntlhum IIh cfl'eet on
ilisense, espeeinllv cuncei', lo eli
tuiile its dosage, nml lo classify what
enses weie Miilluble for lienlineiit by
It. Thai would iioiiii some .veins of
Willi;, nml il would thcivl'olc be Well
it' silence could he maintained on Hie
subject for Iho next Iwo .vcnix until
some definite uuitoituectueul could be
A definite iitoiioiiueemenl wild le
gal d lo tiwuntch might be a wailed
with confidence, as tliu indium ie-
seal eh work in this country wus be
ing carried on nystemntleully. Tbeie
was an enormous field for ncntci
mid tiealiucnt among the patients ut
that hosiiilal. bat Hie workers were
bumpered by Hie iuadeiuale tpiuutitv
ot radium. at their disposal mid llieii
luabililv lo procure mole owing lo
its scnieilv und I'lionuoiis cost,
Hog Bulletin
price of pork lo be lelaluely lilted
mid has mado it nccosaiy tit ship il
largo percentage of the lio.'s
slaugliteicil uud bacon consumed
from cast of Iho lloek.v mouiilnius.
"It is possible to provide pastille
for hogs in most of Ibis regini
llnoiighoiil mueli of the ,i'iir, In
most localities it is also hismIiIo lii
provide eiop that mav be lioggei'.
off during several iiioiiHim or lb"
busy sousoii. Tlio oroH getioinllv
used for this purHNtc are wheal,
Held peas, com mid barley, Hy sup
pleiiiiiiliiig well managed pasl'iio
with the proper grain rations uud (lie ubility of the hog to
harvest grain crops tor himself, the
average cot of firoduciiig pork iui
be materiallv teducid. 'l'heo con
ditious offer mi opportunity foi
prontnblo pork production In Hie P.i
clfio northwest on a much I.i!l r
calo than ut nrrenl practiced "
((HANTS PASS, April (I. -Four
boat loads of fishermen left (his oily
Saturday morning for the lower
river, where they will fish fgr nl
moii for the canneries llnuo till the
season mi (he upper river oj.ei.i.
With the boats were Messrs, Frank
mid Will .McPnrlaiid, Sid Howell,
llanl; Croissant, Hal Schmidt, Will.
urd mid Douglas Idiiue, John Aub
rey and Hugh P.lliolt. Tito season on
Hie lower liver opens April 15, uud
on (ho stretch below (lianls Pass
not till June 1. The men expect lo
be about four days in making the
tun down tliu river, tuklug uiiiplo
time to iiivivntigalii the rapids us they
come to them in time tit fish heic
with Hid opening of the season.
Look! Look!
Hmoku (lovornor Johnson cigars,
t'.oy'ro t-inds. In Mudford you'll like
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant
I'lioncs M. 17 n 47-Ja
Atiibiilaiica Hervlco Doiuitjr Curonw
Plain, Wed Kidney and with
pork and tomato .sauce.
Nothing Bettor
tl'j for Tablo Ubo
- t
or Outings
See Window Minplny
Pimm !.?..',
l'bitiiilu.s 'l'otuy
In the Meshes of Her Hair
I'atho Two Itool Foatnto
a Nnsr ivi'i:,vnii:iti:i
lltuginpli Draiiia
nrxxv's itiiiTiiD.w
Comedy, Willi John lluutiy uud
Flora Finch
Hero Toinonow
l,l, lull IIH s.ui:
IMUou IViilure, Two Heels
Iviig and Cnrpi't CIoiiiiIiik
anil WVaviiitf
Phono fiSW-U
120 Acres for Sale
Ornngo, Lomon nml Ollvo
On railroad ami river, ono
mile from KVd HltilT, Cal.
Price $7.") per aero.
lied MlnlT, f'al.
ir hat-
Wo mauiifartutc, spiny and supply
tanks of ml kinds Wo havo built
thusu tanks In .Medford for tr, years
and sonii' of Iho (Irst onus aro still
In use. If you want a good tank eel
ono iiindo by
Ull S. Itlvcrsblc, .Mcdionl l'lioun Ull
iimmrA I'Olt 8AI.K
One good all round horso. C, )nrs
old; tiiam 0 and S )ears old weight
2(100. Ono good ranch team S and :
years old weight ::)U. Ouu 7 )oar
old horso weight 1100, wagon and
I). K. Lilts, l'lioun int), At Union Itnrn
To the Milk Consumers
of Medford
Why not buy your milk and crosm
from tho dairy (tint bns tliu highest
scoro of any dairy In ModfordT
Wo soil milk Just as Cheap as thn
lowest scored dairies nnd guarnntoo
It to bo pure, clean mid rich of butter
Wo onnko a specialty of milk for
Dlvo us a trial and you will always
bo our customer.
Wo make two deliveries dally.
J. V. Holder
Itiiruntly romodelud ami onlurgod,
added now tauiuntH and apparatus
and Is now strictly iip-to-ilnto In
every way,
('ommerlcul Work of ull Kinds
Including copylms and eiilarglnu of
plvliiiim, lua duuiimuiits, nlo, Ilro
mlilu (iiilnrgliii;, any Ut, und kodak
flnMilUK or every kind,
I'rofissloiiul uud umiitiior pliolo.
Kinphla tuipplles,
1 1, M. Iliiiinon AnhuiIiiIi'iI With Mu,
Mhop over Isis Tlieiiler, I'lioiiii M7-J