MEDFOUT) MATL TmnUNTC, MEDFOW), OKFION, MONDAY, APIW, 0, 10M. FACIE THREE i&! . b .1' r I f M Rl SHY;DEFICIENCYFOR AN ions THE NINTH INFANTRY ENTHAIMING AT RMT THOMAS FOn MEXICAN BOnDER Murine Mm ell lint i'l of mi Inch of ruin full which In :ifi liirliiiH bit low Hut noriiiiil. Thh. iiimIii'h tint de ficiency from tin- first of llm rlliuutlc year 10,71 lnilum. TIio prediction for today lit rnln Ulil Ai'lll t'lixtiiri'H tu tin wet Mini riMil. rnri'i'nNli'r T, V. Urahn call tint froat on the I'Hili n Imnl frcoio. Home Idea of the weather In March ran tin obtained from llm report of .'U rlrar tin), 0 cloudy iIuh, anil U Varlly cloudy ilayn which Ik seldom (MinntlKil In tint iiilililln of nuniiiiur. Tim report follow! Itnln " ii i i I. i . . KWtwj&rwtwr&mw -w iiit j...''.! z urmmim u,rtraa Limjmffi?j:w&MViv;mr ?t$& .ltaK :ATV -: iY'ZW rfJl&Mf' 3!'rit, v n I HOGS GULAR Date. Mux, Mill. In. 1 f.7 ,VJ .12 IM tlily a r..i an .02 cii-nr I a r.S 32 .... Clunr i r.7 -ii ,ims ciomiy r ; is .... rir 0 US a I .... Cl.-nr 7 72 .17 .... Clear H 71 ail .... Clour f 72 ail .... Clear 10 7H as .... Clear II "n .IS .... Clear 12 71 10 .... Clear M "0 a.s .. clear 11 H 3.1 .... Clear IS 70 3D .... Clear I" 73 .1)1 .... Clear 17 77 31 .... Climr IK 70 IIS .... Clear l! !2 3N .. Clear 30 Ml 3i5 .... Clear 21 7H 37 .... Clear 21 71 3.1 .... I't fitly. 23 153 3.S .... 't. rldy. 24 6 3K .... I't. rldy. 3S SI 2ti .... I't. ldy. 2)5 SS 23 .... Clear 27 Si! 31 .... Cloud v 25 Sfi 3D .... Cloudv 2U SS 3G ,20 Cloudy 30 S7 39 .02 Cloudy Mean iiinOiiiuin m,2 Mean minimum 30.2 Mean .. SI. 2 .Minimum N2 Minimum 23 Total precipitation 0. 12 Number of ilaja clear , .. 20 Numlier of days urtl cloudy .. S Number of iltivn cloudy 0 Heavy freeto 011 the Siith, l'ree11 of 2Ctll did little dnmtlRO to orchard whore flrlnt; iih done. Some Ion reported from 11 11 fired or chard. TiiKonem: r ouaki:. Loral forecaiter, weather tiureau. Within a short time iifti r l'Mslilt-nl Wilson iledded that tho Texas bonlei needed mure troop" to protect rill rutin there against Mexican marnii dera the .Ninth Infattiry, which wan al Fort Thomas wan on It n wn", to m m COUNTRY COR E SPONDENTS E FOR CHILOQUIN LINE KI.AMATU FALLS, April . Thn expected motor service belweo,v this city and Ciilloiitilii will nut bo Initialled by thu Southern Pacific company. J, U, I.IkIii, traveling paheiiKor agent for tho company, link carefully Investigated tho matter and sayn that ho cannot ronielenllousl) recommend to tho board of opera thin that a motor car ho put In sor vlco on tho linn north of hero. Mr. Light feels very favorable toward Klamath, Ho savs ho would like ory uiiicli to recommend tho motor mirvlce. llowoxor, ho hn found Hint tho traffic that could ron. nottnlily bo oxpectod doeK not war rant Km humiliation. Tho expenxe of nporntliiK n motor car la Kreat, wa)H Mr. I.lKht, nod beciumo It Ih of ten In need of repair an export inechnulc la required to ho almont coiiHtantly omployod. Hither for tho inechaule to ho emplojed hero or to Hond tho car to DiiiiHiuiilr for repair very often would not ho piolltiiblo, coiihIiIoiIiik thu moderate amount of traffic oxpectod between Chlloiiilu and Kluiimth Falltt. (WANTS PASS, Or., Apiil (I. Sily iieics ol' lounlieuii'H are now hcin' pliinli'il out on the Koue Itiver OicIiiiiiIh tine'H, between lliU city mill .Meiliu, thin licin the Hint elciiHie plnuliii of lliis iomlm I'niil in fcoiillicin Oicnoii. Tim iluuliiipi lilt belli),' 111111I0 miller the iliiiMillou of II. A. Hill, hoilieiilliiiiHt I'm' the iiieliiml eoiiiiiiuy, mill lie pliiulH mo liciiiK ii'i'i'iveil lit Meiliu ill hlnleil t.liimciiU I'ioiii 11 W'llliiiu cHo ".lower, I'ioiii whom !l 1,11011 IiIiiiiIm weiii rnnliiii'lril lor Mils HiriiiV ili'liwry, uiiil ulii'iil 11 i'iil imiiiy ol' lliciii hiivi Imtii lei'i'lM'il mn) n'li' now In Hie tfiouiiil. Tin1 ! itK Ihih Im'cii iiii exccllciil one lol llm Nellliiu mil ol Mn' mhhic beny vlni'N, mnl llm ii'iTiil imiix mnl llin ItHltllllK HI'llllll'l' llMVO UMIII Hmiii llm lii' I 1,1ml ol' it klnil, I X" GOLD HILL NUGGETS "' (I'lom I he Newx.) Ibiu I!. Seney, cnyiucei-iii ehiui lit the eemeiit ilillit, lellilucil on TucNiliiy from 11 weeK'x nbeiicu it I Smi rrune hco, u licit' lio eoiiferrcil wild l.eih Hunt, prewnletit of the eniixtriietiou ennipniiy. The hitler i i'.xpeetci to return to thi it iMiuie time within the eomiu weel.. Willi ocr foi men upon the pay roll, the Itrmleii mine, lniuet of miii ill r ellletirii(4 ill the Hold Hill ilin tint, in rcportcil to Iniu' iiinile one of the Iiii).'! elctiiiuiiH in iln cured iltinii)! llii' piiKt uioiilli, Miiuy of the oienilii'H ure miner of experience mnl ability, who wen ciitii)icil upon the fttnling M'nle lenxe hlcin. Sev eral of thee nte milil to bine pnrtiei pHtcil in the Iiii; iiiiiic'm pro-per'.ty to the e.xleut of V.'.'iO to fltllO oueli, n their ictuiii for n 111011 hV labor. Willow UntV iirvu-cMil wunleii. Itiley lliiimuerxly, eiiine ilown from the upper IImhih eieek wihleruenH on Wciluciliiy upon u pioiioiiiu) trip to tliH city. Wnriieu lliiinmerxly re portH ileer mm iiiiiinuiiIIv plentiful, with tin' eoiiKitr ibuii their million be. to lower tbe eeiiMi. On Tue iluv HKverul mile from hi- enhiu the warden enme upon lite rcuiiiiii of a coiiKiir kill tin partially ileMiuicil enreaH of 11 Inrye, flit hiiek. lie Ir HOW in rori'tpomleiiee with the Hliitc eoinmiioii ielalio to the puri'luiM of u pair of varmint dop, mnl hirf reiiuest for io.Kintiuii'1 in the iliffi eult !niiueii of iihatiiiK I lit concur mnl cut tins been kiiiiiIciI, piowiliiijt iIorh nun be found that will pN a Miccckful exnuiiiMitioii in triiel.uiK mnl tenacity. Winn tlue are ooetii eil Wunleii I In ttimc t 1 coni iilently promixiw to Iimi a eoiiKur M'tilp up to dry cveiy new moon, (lunrrt, ol iiHpiriiij,' eiinino, with 11 full comple ment of teeth mnl intelligent uoc-, are iiiMleil to eotrotipoiiil with (lie wunleii, wIiimo poklofliee nihil e ih llciif-le, Oie. Unity Un, xeivalile lemler of the (lobl Hill couceil blind, not content with lilllkiUK 11 mcloilioi hlleecKH of Hie local oiiMiiiftitimi, is lileinlly 'iu r.Miit; melody to nil pailn of Miulheiu Oregon. At pii-eul I'lofe r Day in lemler of the two loenl IimihIh, one of which U eouipiicil of pionii-inc ccliiii hoy tulciit, the (Vn Hal I'oint bund, the Untie Fulls huiiil, mnl 011 litc-.ilu, eiu n nssihtc m the orpiulr.ulion of the .Inek-omille llosi.' biiiK.s bmiil. One ilnv of tho week will be (.pent in each city, di recting mnl uxMMliii;.' hum! MinlcnN, mid 11I odd InncH- when Hairy N not busy -he impomK to iclml 11 lew pimiiw mnl miixical iicccxKorieH ut llin iiiiimc hloie in thii. eil. The cuceily niitieipaleil pioiluctinu of the ilcliKlitful eomcilv-ilimiin, "The Corner Store," y u uuln.NV of local nIiii'h, !h M'hcilulcil lo oeeiir 011 Fii lay oveiiinj,' next, Apiil 10. .Mcm liiTrt of Ibe cusl me A. K. Ilmnhcr, Hli'linnl Morelock, Maurice Hull, l.e Icr l.oi it, Williiiui WntMin, l'I.Mle Sluiw mnl Mis. Dora F.ihliiins, Miss llciilnh llamhcr, .Mrs. Letter The piny in in four ucls, with 11 fiih ciiiuluiK mnl uiiithl'iil plot which ecu Icik iiboiit the obi in in I meielimiiliso hIoiv. Secinl weeks of Imnl woik mnl iiiccsHiint lehenisiii; me suiil o have peiieetcd the member in lln 111i011s 1 oles, niiil 11 pioiliiclioii iintch licyoml the oiiliuiirv uttiiiiiment of loenl liileul may be expeelcil. I'ro cccils I'ioiii the culciliiiiiiuciil will be eipmlly uppoilinucil to the benefit of llie hmiii mnl I lie lull t in r fuml. A, I!, llamhcr, who lius luul much exper ience in munleiir tliealiicalx, is in cliiu'u'e of (he I loupe. IAGLE POINT EAGLETS I My A. ('. Ilowlcit. II K. I'liiwcr of Cocur ifAlfiie, 1l11ho, came in lat WciIiicmIuv mnl chhiikciI 11 room, mnl thu next dux jwent up on the head of Salt creel; I to look over 11 timber ela m that be- loupn to one of bin neighbor in Idaho. licit I!. II. II of Mownrd, III., was alo a riw1 with us the miiiid niht. He wo on Ins miv to Derby. MUs IMiii Whrley of I'orllmul, who hits ben the picct of Mr. mnl Mrn. William ton dur llelleu for llm pmt few days, went up to l'n,peei to isit her parents lm. WciIiicmIuv. Mrw. .Ioiics, nee l.elah I'rjer, ol Seattle, 'WmhIi., came down jut in time to ce hpr mother before flic pawscd uwiiy ln: Wednesday, April 1, mid the next iiioiuini; Mrs. Aiclce (Irccn, her sixlcr, nrnved from neni I.os Angeles. Died April I, Hit I. Mrs. I.miciii .lane Krxcr, coiiorl of the late .1. .1. I'Vjrr, after ti lineiin illnc- ol eeinl ear. aged ll'J yrnrs, h uioiiiliK nuil 'J.'l dns. The subject ol this notice was born in I'lntt eoiiuly, M'sMiuri. July .S, S."il, crowed the pbiitis 111 VJ with her iareot. dolin Lewis, who o tied in the Willamette xnllox, just below Albany, where she rviuaiuiil until she was Hi yenrn of ove, when her parents moved to luck-on coiiiily. While they were in the Willamette alley they were washed out of hoiie mid home in .laminry, ISO'.', innk'nc Mr. Lewis' family one of the lii-loiie fumilie of that seel ion. The few euily -e'-tiers who hne simixid perhnp will reincmber the incident of the fiiuuly's leuiarkable escape diilinii that flood, mid as n- 111 Lugem' ut the time the incident come- fresh to my mind. The waters o the Will mne;le mernt that time were spread till over the low Imnl nlonc both sides of (he liver, mid in ninny in stalled, owiiu; to the tdoiifis heint; filled with water, the iiihahitaiits wem often cut olf from their bariis mid fiom the holier laud. In this particular nis mice Mr. L. had iiiaiiHKcd loud to his burn mn) lum en ail o Ills slock lnoc. but bail no way of yoiiif,' in thu upland, which vvtis about u mile nwtiy. So he wii theie with Lis wife, her mother, (Irmiiliim Tinner, 11 peifcctly heli les iiiMilid, mnl live children, iiuiiie l.. Itenrv. now of Cocur d'Alcne, Idaho; XcvUon of Applepito, Flunk of Kayle Point, Mr-. Amiiudii Hell of Talent (there were two other ehil dicn bi'iu later, but they were not in the Hood, that is, Mm. Miiiv I). Woods of Coo-, Hay mid Mr. Hollo Miller, whose icsideiice I could not (emu). As the water Iickhii to come into the house those who were hirjie cnoiifjii to entry IIiiiiks up Minis took such lis they could up mid then hejjuit to look with nil mi.xicly for the icscueis, hut thev weui lookiiiu the front. Till photograph idiowg a number of ohllurM boordltiK Him trnlu fo; tbolr now diitluH. the resi'ticrx came mid took them olf. This vvns 11 part of lite experi ence of thu deceased in htir younger days. She wits iiiatiicil ((, James John ncr in March, lh(l7, mid has spent all of her uiiiriicd life in this neigh borhood, except tvto XMir hhe spen' ii Coos Hay. To the titiioii were bom three diiughtcrs, Argyll- (Jrccn, Lclnh Jones 11111I (Jlndys I'iurcc, with whuiii shu was living at the time of her dentil. Shortly after licr marri age she made 11 profession of her faith in Christ and was imuieiscd by Kov. It. C. (hliwhy and lntur united with the Hnptist church nt this plnce. In the laller part of her life she seemed resigned mid t-cemed to realize t hit t the time wits hoit when she would go to that m;inion pre liared for her. She not only leaves her three daughters unit five grandchildren, hut a host of friends to feel the be reavement. The fuiiernl services were conducted at the family resi dence by her pastor. Itcv. L. L. Sim mons, and the remains were interred in the Cent ml I'oint cemetery on Friday, the lid in-l. There was a lurge concourse of people in attend ance during the services, iiml finite 11 number followed the remains to the last resting plnce. Died April .'I, 1911, Mrs. Itaehnel Allen of Derby, rtged till yours, months and IS tlti. A more extend ed notice later. l'mfe-sor C, it. Johnson clo.od his school in Laurel Hill district last Wcduosihiy. They had 11 nice pro gram in the dosing exercises, mid Mrs. Cliirno, with whom he boarded, gave 11 putty ut night, nnd thev hud candy pulling, music, etc., no dune injr, nnd 11 "ood time geuenilly. George Wilkiiis of Kentucky nnd Mr. Malum mid his son, of Siski.vou county, Culiloiuiii, spent Friday night with us. A. W. Wnlkcr, emididute for sher iff on the reoiiblicnn ticket, mid Henry Miller of Mcdford were with its Friday. Mr. Walker seems to be ipiite Mipiilar in our little town. We also had D. Sely mid wife mid A. It. Sating: mnl Mrs. Cunningham, nil of Mcdford, tor dinner Friday. Mr. Saling was out to show them some of our good laud. Mr. mnl Mrs. Paul Ojsl.vke of Trail came out Saturday, took dinner us mid went 011 lo Mrdiord Satur day afternoon. CATTLE STEM Id SHEEP HIGHER POIITLAND, April ft.-- IteccipN for the week have bcmi: Cuttle, IJ'i'l; calves, ;t; ho, 1209; sheep, 'KiOH. Cattle market sternly In Inner Him week. I lest light-weight steer lop oup (o -iH aga'u. Hotter beef dcuimid iih Faster approaches. Huleher stock in good position, wiili strong call for ulmifie cows nud heifers, which urn selling from .f ()."." to .". Hog market irregular, with n weak lemlency, mid tops hovered around 8."0 mid jj8.7."i mofit of the week, and clime d .8.(!0 to 8.70. Itcceipts coiilinuc liberal. A linn sheep house with both motion mnl liiuib on higher level. Wool wethers at i'.."tl and ewes nt $."i.2i nre 'Joe bettor bids than those ruling tin days ago. First 11)11 spring lambs selling "off enrn" at 10 and .fill", featured the late session. I.iipiitlittioii did not meet rcipiiremcnls. I ALONG ROGUE RIVER f "Tir FOR TIRED SOBtpilCFEET Ah' what relief. No more llrnl frcti ' no more burning fct, swollen, lm mncll . Ing. nwrnly ItH. No more pain In corn rnlloiues or Imnlonii. No rnatUr what Poisoned BkMMl Quickly Cleansed I I, In Any Form of Blood Trouble tho Curo is Rapid. your frrt wfial under T0L0 ITEMS in vain, mid iiboiil 'J p, m. Mtv, L, MRS. LILLIAN M. STEVENS. PRESIDENT W. C. T, U DEAD I'OIITLAND, Me, Apiil (I. Ml. Iilllimi M. Hlcieiis, uiilioiiiil picsideu, of I In r. ('. I'. I', mnl vlce.pic.idcol of Ilia W'oi Id I'liloii, died n Ini home hen, Imlnv. hhe hud liccu pi 1 01 1 tt ml weeks, siivv Hint Hie house was bound to go, so ho took 11 bed cord off one of the bcdsloiitl-i (they didn't htivo spring beds mid slal bedsteads in those da.vs,, taking the tope, he tote off it pint of the loot' of thu house. climbed fiom there lo 11 clump of liiiliu or coltonwood trees, nnd tak ing I he lope wove 11 plnce where he could place the hoaiils of the minor Hour, their Inking the cliildiin mid lushing them on the plutloim one hy one, he then look Mrs. Tinner null then his wif mid after they were nil sul'elv iiiielioieil in the brunches of tho Irees, winked us long us it wits I'ghl enough to see. Hut they yvuil- id in vuiii. They had not been in the lice lop hill 11 few minutes until the house unshed nwny, nnd Mr. Lewis, Uncle Johnnie, us we used lo cull Mm, In relating the Incident In me, said Hint every time the I ices would vibinlc he could led thai ihcy well' uriiduiilly giving way, And thu. Ihcv sat dining llm! long niubl and llie in 11 coming itimn 10 lol - icnl-, ivpii tinit In In ihikhcil In u iwiii iv unite 1 tin inoineiil lu n la t, (iboul HI 01 hoi,, 1 he ni ,,ij, .xi rn. .. w. linn ami Mrs. C II. Ilernmn woro In .Mcdford Friday af. teriioou. .Mm. h. M. Johntitoii of (Irnnts Pars has been tho guest of .Mm. Fred Slfora for the pant week. Mrn. K. !:. .Smith spent Friday af ternoon In Central Point. Fred Sliors went to .Mcdford on IiuhIui'hh Wodnesilay. Mrs. It. II. Swnnk went to Mcd fonl Mondny afternoon. .Mrs. i:ilii. lluea bpeut Monday u AhIiIiiiiiI, Mrs, W. II. ForsuHon wn In Cen tral I'oint Tuemlay nfternoon. M. O. Heniiott and vviro who woro hero for n short tliuo left the first pari or mo week. Mr. Dennett Is now doing some aurvevlng not far from AhIiIiiiuI. Mr. mid Mrs. J. Stevens drove, to Jacksonville Monday to attend to biiblnoH.s. Mr. and Mrs. John l.nitornnin drovo to (told Hill Tuemlay to trude. - ;l A .MKIMCINI-: OF .MI.'ltIT A proiirletary niodlclne. like every thing olm that come before tho pub. lie. him to prove Its merits. The law of the mirvlvnl of the flttont ap Piles In this field as In others. Tho iciuou for (he tremendous micccx of LviHa II Plukhiiiii's VeKutuhlo Coiiipiiiiml Is beriiiike It hits been fill- rillliiK 11 real human need for foity tears, so that loduy thoiitumU of American women own their lieultli uiiil liHiilueis tu tho iiiHrvcloiis power nf this faiiunii medicine mudn from roots uud livrbs uitiiiios re uied) fin vtoiiiiiu Ills Mss .Snuinntba Miutur was the guest of Mrs. Kiigene Hvllovvs the last of the week. Tout llelcher has traded his FJk creek property to Mr. Leg for Cen tral I'oint properly. He moved to (Viilml I'oint the first of the week. Mrs. I'm nk John-on and children have returned home lifter spending the winter 011 Iteece creek. Miss Ktilit Houston closed the spring tenn of school in the Aulioeh district Friday. F.ltoit Ittiinev vvns in Ccutnil I'oint Thursday. Hurry Coffccn wunt to Mcdford Wednesday to play baseball. C. Cregor mnl Harry Howard were Central I'oint visitors Wedncs ilay. Professor Johnson cloed a sis months' term of school in the I-uii- rel district Wcdiiesilny with a nice program. In the evening .Mrs. Jetlie Cliirno gave n enndy pulling mid nil present report mi cnjoynble time. The rain Saturday was welcomed by the fanners. Mn. Daily of Mcdford spent the week-end with her fiilhcr, J. C. Han nah. licit Wygnnt of Ashlnnd has been visiting his sister, Mrs. F.ugene Hel- lovvs. Amos Ayers sinyrd with Lloyd French Wednesday night. Mr. Arborgast has sold his ftinu near Long Hrmieh to Cnlifontiii par ties mnl has gone back to his for mer home on the John Day river.v Mrs. George Staeev of eltngle was the guest of her sister, Mr-. Will Houston, of Long Hrnnch. Mr. Trusty of creek (our next mail currier) made n trip 011 the stage recently to learn his new du ties. Kit Fence mid family ure camped nt Ferry Foster's, cooking for Daxe Fence's load crew. Mrs. I'eler Ilelz vvns hostess to the circle Tuesday nud ouilted on a ipiilt. Those present were: Me diitnes I low a id, Coffeen. J. Clnrno, It. ( lanio, Itet. mid Hergituui. Tom Ituiney of Central I'oint has icitted the Lnwreiitx place nud has been up putting in 11 crop. Chris Xatvvick is grading and building 11 piece of road &outh of Iteeso creek. Stevo Smith of Medfonl drove out 10 spend Saturday mid Sunday with tlenrv French. all or the nun you're tried without gtltlni; ri-llrf, just 11 j "TIZ." "TI." ilraw out all tin pol ronou exuda tluna wbl'h puff up tho fret; "TIZ" la mag leali "TIZ" 7 grand; 'T1Z wlll cure your ftxit trotibi n joti'll never limp or draw up yotr face In pain Your hovi won't Kim IkjIi and jour fret will nnrt. never hurt o Bt ore, swollen or tlrrd. Oct ft 23 cent lot at nnr dnijj or drpartment itorf, are! get rHi'f mil. $jk DEAD HORSES Cattle and Hogs Wo Want Thcni Wo will remove them from your premises on short notice, frco of crargo, anywhere, within a radius of 10 miles from Mcdford. Notify Mi:i)i'om iii:m;ctio.v CO. l'lionc li'17 An ntonlhlnft rrcnnt of erlon bloofl polomlnx u il.illr brmiKlit lo our attrntlnti. ' Ami m.-it If not ait thf. UfIi;r.iC I clmllk run lil Im aTrrl'il wf rn thn lilooit prlmnl, tnnml ami imrinisj In adranrn hf that wotiilcrful rcmiljr known ctfrrwliTn ai H. H H. few popi rrallm mvt cnlctlr the rtrm Is-cnnini Infrctril with the actiU ami frrmcnla from anitlKMtnl fowl, con- llpatlon and Inactlro kldncji. Tbe jmplom are frrrr, thlrnt, exclt abllltr. "Irr akin followed lir raali. ami 1 raanjr InJIratlon wronslx Ulnirnopd an rtomalne pohonlni?. Thli comlltlon Ii at- moat UDlvtmal la all cllmAIr and la (jultkl orercooie hy the action of K. H. H. The meillrlnal propertlra of H. H. 8. aro 1 rriMiivi jumi mn mrniiN, in writ iminiici-ii ' health aa are the ntitrltlre proprrttra of . the tnt. Kraln. fata anil anipira of our ilallr f'ssl. Ami If nil will ts-ar lhl fact 1 In mind ami sec jour Mmsl under thn dominating Influtnce nf 8. 8. H. jou will not onlj drlre out Ihoae tmpnrltlra that ratue Ilhrumatlim, Catarrh, Rncma. llm 1', Holla and thin anrrnlc blood, but 7011 will feet anew the thrill of hfatth that ran rom only from n purlfteil blooij atream. I)n not accept anjthlnic ele In place of F. K 8.: pay no attention to the "Jnat a ftnori" claims of those who wotiM aacrlflco ynnr' health to make an extra profit. 8. H. 8. mntalna no mineral, no crude ilrnex. nolhlns but the mont beneflelal botanical material. Po be aure and Bet 8. 8. 8. ami arold iHaappotntmrnt. net a bottlo todir and write for free artrlre to Tho 8wlft Hpeelflc Co., 222 Swift Hide-, At lanta, da. Colonial Flats!'ht bouechCciiInK- Ilcnt by week or month only. A quiet, refined homo for people who like comfort more than ele gance, and rents well within the limit of their pockctbooks. Slimmer rntca. Kvcrythlni; modern and up-to-date. 217 South Illvcraldc. Look us up. , - . A MaaaMHBl. MgHa.Hi.i.HHM raaaV VS alilililH iSirHwaNLflLVaaaH rH' lHaHaatH (aaaaaMM MffjBaBaSaaanaB O "" - - II . I Tbe New Ilrlrk Union I.hcry Horn on Soutli Itlvcrsido Hvcrythlng new and up-to-date. Livery and ambulance service. Phone 150 GAUNYAW & BOSTWICK, Props. SUNRISE LAUNDRY AND CLEANING WORKS The ."Japanese Cleaning and Pressing Parlors will be eom binctl with the Sunrise Laundry March 15, and we will bo prepared to do everything in these lines and guarantee satisfaction. Ladies' and Men's Suits Dry Cleaned, $1.25; Suits pressed 50c. All kinds of dyeing. Club rates, $1.50 month. We call for and deliver goods. 215 S. Riverside. Phone 873 Jv L E I N roil LOTHES Suits lo order, prices reasonable. Next door to First National Hank, up stairs. MUmOitl) TAII.OHS. flaLW Where is the Best Place to Buy Seeds? Why llroailley's of Course, tho only placo In Southern Oregon whoro you can get Uurpccs Seeds and Mulford's Nltrogerm. IIo has had nearly 30 years experience In handling and growing seeds and customers all have, tho benefit of his experience. It Is only a fovv steps from Main street and It will certainly pay you to take tho fovv extra stops to Ilroadloy's' whoro yon can get everything for tho garden. Uso Mulford's Notrogorin In your le gumo crops, Uttrpees Spencer Sweet Peas have no equal and you havo about 40 of tho very best varieties to choose from. If you don't boo wtf.". you want ask for It.. BROADLEV THE FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN Is lu tho M. F. & II. Building Store ritone 872 Greenhouse H9" J IIOCII.IHIMU Tho Imported IVrcheroii stallion, owned by Walter Kltto will bo In I'hoenlx, on Moulin), Jiiilinonvlllo, TuendaM; the Dli'Key plum at Table Itoelt, on Wedueaduy and Thiiril'. and Vincent barn In Medford nil Frl dnis uud Hutuidu). riiouo Mn I ii I 'J Jii(I.Miiie, Oie, Free Lecture on Christian Science 3y WTLL1S li GROSS, C. S. M., ui' IJasloii, uNta. PAaWTllltJATKR, Monday Evening, April 6th At Eight o'clock