Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 04, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Clint lliilliilln, -who Iiiih been en
M'rtnliiK In the Aaliliiiul dUtilet muuil
Friday In Mtnlfunl mi miitii lit Ills
home ill Kuril.
.tint Wilson of Titlotit Ik In lint rll
tinluy iitlciiilliiK to IniHliiimH mutter
anil vlitltluit friends oir Humliiy,
Onion miiIIm -men, w.iiiumi ami
children it t I. K littind'ii & Co,
Aliunr Hiullli of (lolil lllll In v Is
1 1 lit k friends mill i I'lut Ivok In tit. ill)
(or n Tow tlitjH.
MUn Kumt Kvnui ill Hums Volley
In vlnlllnt! (iIi'IiiIh iiihI iii'utlv" In
tliu city for it few Iioiiih Indny.
Special for Stii.iln)'. Nniolltnii
lirlrli velvet It" cicruu. Phono t K I
Carl Unlirltilswi of Coon comity I
hIiIiik In lint mil")' for n day, iol
iiiorlH lo leuvit for Iioiiih tlm flriil 'if
Jntt M, Under of I'lioniilx In nt
It'iiilhiK lo liiialiinsa iiiiitlitr In the
city tudity
Order Inknii for nil Mini of vmc
Initio nlunls, nny uuatitlty. Knrly
cabbage iilnuti now ready. Hurt
Inittl nvvntiu (Irennhousn. I'hono
87-H. 3:"
lllll I'nni'lii'r of the Hon llur lodi:o
fluid fitri'n h vIxHIiik ri-litiUi'H lif
ter a fortnlKlit In (Irani I'mm.
IMUun Marshall, the rlslnc oiiiik
J.iitriitill.l of this illy, In ititliilni: lot"
fnltto nt the V of O llntldc ImlliK
tint only rreahiunii over Klvcn the
honor of vvrllliii; tlm official aprlim
ixtoiii, In linn nunoed tint honor of
ImliiK tint first I'rcshuinn, who ivot
wrotit a IkiiimI itrllrlit for tlm collt'K"
Manila, chorolntti ninl Whlttt'd e
clnl tut erenui for Hitmlny. I'hono
lllll (liiernsoy, who startled hi
friend In thin clly n ueek nun h
Ihrrnti'tiliiK to nlk from Hnn Fran
tlseo to No York, ninl not lei In
n house en routn, lo advertise the
ll 1 6 fair. h not walked out '
rrUru to ilnt" Cor some reason tlm
fnlr offlclnl nnt not overl) cnlhu
litsllc. nltout tho ilu.
Vnim knit hosiery for notimii
ninl children at Hoiiel'. Tlmy aland
tin' test.
A letter received by local people
from tint Huston Ideal Oporn coin
jinny nt I'hoetiU a)n tlmt tlm lio
U innkliiK kooiI wlllt it limu:, an.)
Hint n miinrlt) hoinm KrU t'try
Don't n Int rrfitm, ny VhUo'
vw led rrrnm. It ln)n ii'iii.
lk CroMlHiT In at 11 1 Ultrtrr thv
wenthttr with n Ituil tooih Hint rt'
f no m to ylt'lil to itnutlitry.
Attorney I'rril Wllllniini of Ornulii
l'n miont Crlilny attomlliiK to hul
lima litnltcrn mill tnlllliK on olil lie
iiunlntnuri'n. l.nilli'H. our Kimrnntfoil mtorlnlly
wrnppi'il hrml nt II, A C. cnili toro
No tow ii llakcry. ?
Mri. II. I. T)liHt It-nvi-n tomor
row for llmllnutl. Cnl., whom lm
will miikit Iut Iioiiih In tlm fmurn.
.Mr. Hurry Porter, (nt'o l.nur.i
Ntiolti-r) or (lolil Hill Ullctl frloiuU
nml rolnllv.H In IhU city mid Jurk
ion lllo Crltlny,
I'nrkor ft fitnncllff urn koIiir to
nrro ininnlcit tonlRht nnd they nnt
MoInK to ho film. ItllliT & Dunlnp'it
old Hlnnd, '2
S, H. HuIIIh will nrrlvu Hundny
ion(t)K from Now York nnd utlmi
fitlru nlntH. whoro Im Intn hcitn
nliii1liiK to ImihIiu'm mitlUTM for tlm
litht two motitli,
Wlmn In donht, tritdo nt )tutr.
Wnltrr Mnrrlck wnn it Jnmlni'
vlnllor In Aitlilitnd Crldity uflrnoon
nnd nviiiiliiK.
"KtiHton Comedy" nt tlm It Tlma
tor tunlttht. Kvoryhody aula to 'o
tlm ln'Ht In ronmdlcH. "Mutuitl Mv
lim." Only fi contn. !'
Jny TutU of HoHohurK In upmidlitK
n fuw dnyn In tlm city nttondlug t(
liimlni'H mittturH,
Fruih llmo. Mortford Lbr. Co,
J, II. Hull of AhIiIiuiiI triiiimictPtl
liuHliifHH mitttorH In thU city Crldity,
mid lull thin inornliiK for Hullo l-'alli,
wlmro Im hnn n liomciitcitd.
flchool chlldrtni. nntr pontnU
for HntliiK. Jt wlitit ou witut, for
lion cont ut tlm Wonder utoin.
A IlKlit HprlnkUi of rnln fell Krldny
uvuiiIiik, to iwiko Kood tho wtmtlior
iniin'H iirttdlcllon. Todity tlm nky it
ovorciwt with clotidH, nnd tlio pro
Hpuctit nro (or lieuvy HhoworH IiiiiIkI(
mid toiuorif.w. TIiIh will Klndden tlm
InmrlH of tlio fitrumiH, and cusl
kIiioiii or Urn flHlmrinoii who flK
until on it BUiiHhlny day on tlio rlvor
Atlmnii nndorwonr nt noiml'H I
proliiK popular In iuallly and prlco.
Jim KIiik of tlm l.lttlo AppleKto
In In tlm clly for a fow Ouyu nttoiul
litK to liiiHliieHa lutoroHlH,
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Iilr AmiUlmit
I)y riiono 1?J7
Night K. W. W'k 13-J
1'liouw A, IS. rr B7H4I
, .n.t .-..!
.IdIiii (Ireriu of WntlilliM, vImIUk!
filoiiittt mid rnlnllvi'H In (liln city I'rl
day, leavliiK t IiIh moriilnit with n
lonil of KiipplleN for llltt MllllllIK
ctnl niK
KouiittliliiK Iiiih hunpuiiiiil (o the
npiuinwH of (ho Hokiio ilwtr vitlltr. ,
for Ihcy mo hot iih pli'iitlful mi In
foiuior yi'iiiH, ncniriliiut to ftirnturn.
Tlm 1 11 1 to peHlii (hnl Iniwi iiiiulu Kit
ter'M peiinut ronntnr n coiiiuilNHiiry for
uiontliH mo mI 111 on the Jolt mid cr)
Cnrkln & Tuylor, lawyer. (John
II, Cnrkln, (llciiu 0, Tnylor), linn
kliil)o)duii IIIiIk., Main Hlroel.
Henry CallitKhmi will leave inixi
Tlitiriiilay uioriiliiK for tlm Mine l.edx
illNtrlct. Ho will tnko up mi am
linl of Htippllea for tint NprliiK mi
milliner woik,
Mln Marlon Hiullli o, OrnntN 1'im
Im xlnltliiK frleudn mid relatlveH I
thin city for n few dn)n.
Hcliotil children I Caster poitnln
for HntliiK, Jimi whnl you wmil, for
ii'ie cunt ut the Wonder nlore.
A A AkltiN atletnled lo litlnliieji
ititttteiit In (IrmilH I 'a it it 'niurmlity am
I'rlday of I It In week
Itoy Iteitrdon of Tnleut In In Hi
illy today WkIHiik frletnlH mid .ttlcnJ
Iiik lo ItintltifKH iinittcrti.
Hcreeu dnori at M ml ford
her Co,
Chief of I'ollce IIIUhoii wlihos i
minoiiuied Hint thero will he a Uriel
enforcement of lite Inw relative tn
milo owner not provurliiK ulnie II
rett Hen after Monday, nud for nil nil
titUtit to tulle wnrulUK mid KOVefll
thelllHelteH ItCcordlllK'y
Tutny write Imtlnr (Irn Irmurnnce.
It. W. Cldeti or Central I'olnt wan
n liimlneni lltor In tho city I'rlda;
afternoon. He Tumjr ror Hro Ittitirnnro.
A Inn;) no Hitter or people nre In
the clt) today lor lite week'ii ell I
trndliiK, nud iiierclinuiH of the city,
report tlm hrUkent IiiihIik'mh or nix
week. ThrenlenlllK wenther did lint
deem to hnvo much erect on thou
I'lllK. Model llnknry Rooilit nt Do Von.
The Jutilorn on the flrnt Interclnt
truck meet of the IiIkIi itcliool nt the
hall park I'rldny nfternoou, urorlun
('.3 (he Sophomorei, .Senium, nud
I'rcihiiicu follow Iiik In tho order
untiled I'eloiite. wnn (he (nr nnd
with llrmidou, drey mid llrowu will
reprenelit Medlord at CtlKello III tile
ntntit meet,
Kodak tlnlihlnx, glotiy or dull (In
uh at J. O. OcrklnK'i itudlo, C28 E.
Main Hi. I'hono 3I0-.
Chief of I'ollro J I' lllttiiou went
to Hold Hill thin iiiornlnK to uttoitt
noine nrtltKy Into hi rmulldncy for
lierlff In Hint tectlou
J. O. (lerklnB. the bust all around
libotogrnpuor la aoulhorn Oregon..
Alay rollablo. NVRatlTr mndo any
whoro. Hmo or place. Studio 228
Main flt. I'hono 320-J.
Two rnrlonda of (lrukelll arnrita.e
of lend for vprnylnK, tho unurn m
tmed ratlffartorlly ror tlm pant four
iH'ttHOtiH received lodny. KoKUo Hit
er 1'rult and Produce Aimnclntlou-
Milk and cream at UeVoo'a.
Two carload of (imiuolll nriennto
of lend ror uprnvlni;, tlm initio nt
tmed itntUraclorlly tor tlm pant four
hcnoun recehod lodny. Hokuo Itlv
er Trull nnd Produro Accoclatlon.
K. I). Weston, coiumerclal pbotog
rapbor, ucsattvca made any time or
place by appointment. Tbone M
Two carload of (Irnmolll nrneitnlc
of lead (or itira Iiik. tlm unurn m
titled (utlMtnclorlly (or the piml four
ticnNouii received today. Itor.ue 11 Iv
or r'rilll and Produce Amoclnllon.
Tlm woekly cttnlenln In the typo
"wrltliiK department or tlm local hlKn
hrltool watt nn follown; Second ro
iinmter. flmt (our pUrrs, Vera liue,
Chnrlcn Hay, lltaucli Maul, l.eali Wal
tlter. l'lmt noineHler, flrnt hIx plncei,
Venllii Corllen, Pearl Stewnrt, I'rnn
ce lletuiett, Allcon Perl, Mary Tin);,
or mid Joseph Urey. Thero wore al
toKotlmr ' conteNtnuU.
AccordliiK to a loiter received thlj
mornltiK by "Pa" HurKctt (rom hU
ou Art at Phoenix, Arlionn, Hurry
HlrkH, well known locally, Ima boon
IruitHferred rrom tlm orrico or tlu
(lenernl Film compnny In that city to
tho Portland otrico. llloka lo(l
Phooulx ThurMday and liituuda to
pond n day In MoiUord vlnltlnn old
frlentlH, bororo nuBiitnliiK ll ow
It wiih recaled by J. H. Howard,
"father of MoiKord," thin noon that
Id ycaiH ago today Im and Tip Ply
mlro Ik'OiKo Nlcholn and Tom V.uU
Hum, Hiirvociil Uno butwooii whnl
Ih now Medford and Jncluonvlllu.
Tom CoIIIuh nud Mr Howard met
till inornliiK mnl talked over all
tlmtiM. (loorKo NIclioU, ir tlm Km
itoiuy miirkot wiih tlm )uiiiiKot mom.
bur of tho party, nud mi frlky wllh
youthful HplrlU that It took tlm revt
to keep him In Him. Ho wa f If lien
yenm old. Mr, llowurd mid Mr. Col.
Huh worn looklpK ut Urn now tttreet
car, wlmn tlm pioneer loiuluUcnuU
wurit uvtuldiiiml,
At the Churches
llnpll-l, Tuleol
l(et, Mm. W. T. W. MueCiilloiiKli,
It, A. .MoiuiiiK itilili, II ii, in.;
exeuiiici TilMh Milile m-IiooI, II; II. (lo
(o ftiiii ill KiiihIiix,
.Men'tt It'.lile CliiH
(If lilt I'. I hi lliiillhl ehuieli liifclx
Sunilny iiitiriiintf nl II: 15, Kubjeel.
"(IMiiK lo (Jul." Come ninl join in
llie iliieiitHiiiii", You i'iiii lulU Imek.
( Inn Ii of (foil .Mission
ll.'t N. I'liuit ft red. Siiim1ii
Ncliool nt III a. in.: ineiieliiliu M'H
icctt ul 1 1 ii. in. A (clinl welcome to
I'liKl (IiiikIi of CI. list, Kt hnl 1st
Kuiiiluy Mfiviee ut II n. in., hiiIj
jeel 'Uiueiility"; Wi'ilneNility even
i i i jr. If liiioiiinl itu'iliiiK nt 7:.'io, All
are coiil ally invilnl, Stiinlny hcIiooI
ul 111 o'clock, nil miller llie ne oi
'JO me wcli'otne, Ki'tnlinu' loom in
clitircli eilifice, 2VJ. N. Oakilale, in
open from 1 :.'HI to I :tt daily, ex
cept Huiulit.H and Ituliilnyt.
JnikMiiitlllo I'Kliylcrlitn
I'ttliti Kuiiility woliip with Hermoti
ut II o'clock, Mibjcol, "The Tii
iiiitpltnl I'utry." Kv tiling wooliip
tt'lh mtiiioii nt H o'eloek, Hiilijeel,
"The 'lltinl Tiiiiilntioii of Jimiik in
the VilileriieM." The m'riicew mid
music are lo he of tiiiiiHtial clinnie
ter. Wltv mil cotne mnl wortliip
with iih I'lilm Sunilny mul KitHtcrf
l'uiil S. Mainly 1). I) iiiinihter.
'llie MlulHlerlitl Assorlnllon of llie
lluKiie Itltcr Yallpy
Tlie .Mitiinleriul Afsociiitinn of the
KoK'ue ltier miIIc.n will meet Miut
iltiy, April II, (it III it. in. Ut Talent in
lie M. I). church. All ministcrx
whether pailorx or not, mul nil
Chrihliiiu wotkiTH tint uracil to lie
nn'Hclit. Aildresses will lie licnnl
mul iintortiiiit work outlined. All
fiom .Mcilfont will jtu on tlm initrii
iiik motor uoiiik soiitli.
(In lo dim eh Sunilny. Hov. It. W.
MiicCiiIIouhIi, Ph. I)., piisliir. Mont
ttiK worflcp, II it, m.; MTtnon, "The
Oloriei of the Cio-.." Couiinunioii
mul rci'i'plioii of nclv meiiiher, ee
iiiiij; 7 :.'!(, .ennoii, "Tin; (llorien of
the Cro"." The pustor expcclM to
preach twelve hermoiii on the one
text. Ilil.te sehool, l:l.'; It. Y. I.
I'., Ii::til. (lo o clniicli Sunilny.
m l'rr Mi(Iiih1
Comer Tenth mid :vy. Quarter
ly incotliiK orcntlon. Sunday ncrv
Icon. Hundny chnol UM5 n. in,
Love remit 10:15 n. in.
PrenchlnR 11 n. in.
MlMilonnry icrvlce .1 p. in.
I)ltitcl Klder J. W. Sharpe. will
hnvo charge of tbeso ttcrvlcen. Hvory
body ko to church Sunday. J. V.
Hnidley, pniitor.
Maude S and 10:30 with blenslnrf
nnd illxtrlbutlou ol Palm.
KvvnlUK devotion 7:30, lecture.
"The Catholic Church and tho
MornlitK main will be nt S o'clock
on Holy Thurdny; (loot! Friday, nnd
Kaler Kn turd ay. Adoration o
lllethed Hacramunt, nil day Thtim
day Adorntlou or Holy Cms, on l'rl-
dn, evenliiK devotloiiH, Thtimdu)
nud I'rlday nt 7.30, followed by con-
fosHlon, each evenliiK. Kverytuni It
Invited to nny or all or tlieso hit-
vice, or at nny tlmu diirlni; the
Oiikilitlc Avenue Metltodlsl
Hundny school ul IQ n. in.
PPnmchltiK U a, in, and 8 p
Thin will Im tlm bcKlnntUK or pe
clnl ovmiKolUtlc meotliiKs contlnulitK
two wooka. Hcv. K. H. Mowro o
Portland will bo hero nud attaint the
pntor durlnj; theo nieetlUKs.
uxtend an Invitation to tho public ic
attend and help us. Preaching ench
evening at S o'clock.
everybody should ko to church
Bomuwhero Sunday, April 5. W'a
trust Hint Medford will mako n good
showing ul church Sunday. 11. M
Hrnuhnm, pastor.
.Ion Lutheran
Services ut Zion I.ullmrmi, fil'2 W.
Font Ih htrei'l, will ho eonilueleil in
(lerinmi mul KuulUh ut 11 n. u.
ltiltle holmol ut 111 a. in.; no evciiiiif:
herviee. (loud Kiiilny mm vice (fiom
mun) ut 11 u. m.
(lo habitually, prayerfully, to tlio
greatest institution oulaiued for (lie
service of Ootl mul initu, tlio church
,of Christ, vvhi'io the Wind is tuicl,v
incaelictl nnd tlio Sncnmicnts eoi
teelly ntliniuisteicil mul vvheio evory
Sunilny is lU'iliouteil lo tlm VMirship
of Hint who is tlm l.oul of l.ouls
mnl Kinti of KiiiKs.
Services in St. Mink's (lull.l hull:
Holy eoiniuuniou, K a. m.; Sunilny
school, III a, in. holy Kueliurisl mul
senium, II ii, in, At the 11 o'clock
service. Ilicie vvjll Im llm hciicilii'lioii
wild pultiiH mul piitcesslnii with
juiIiii, Tlio iiiithviu will hu "Jci'il-
Itoiletii, lleholtl 'J'liv K im'" Mervieen
i limine holy week n I'iiIIekm: llolv
communion, Ut.lll it, in. daily, except
Dveii-oii', H p. m., Thiiifnliiy, even
Mont; mul iiiIiIicmk, I p. in.; (looil I'd
lay, iillnr ieivie nml hiIiIich, (I'll)
m.; Ilticc-ltoitr I'oiniiii Miniiitioii,
in. lo 'MM . in.; evcuMiii mul
nennoii, H p. in.; Kuter evm, huH
llllpt Mil, I l. (II.. COIlllllllllllOII III
NlruetioiiM, c(ic(In mul l-iidiiV
lollotvln hvcimuitf, l(. , II
llnmilloii, vienr.
Mcilford MethodlMt i;plc'Jii
chiirih, corner or llnrtlett mid Fourth I
At renin, K, Olln Kldrlilta- paiior
Men lien Hundny nt follown, pieach
!ns. It a. :r.. .-.::.'. X p in. niil.j... .
uioriiliiK, "ClirlitCR Kntry Into Jerti
Kiilum," ovitiiliiK. Hi'V Dr. Von Cor
fen, dhttrlr.t mipnrluteudent. Hundn,
Ncliool, IncliidliiK ndiili lllltle chiRHc
for men, women and yoiiiiK ladle
U'Ki n. m.
Junlour l.enf.ue, 'S p. in ; Cpworlh
I. en Kite, 0:15 t. Ill
Prnjer meetliiK Thiirdny evenli
s p in., thoiiie. What W Can Di
for Ktntu Wldu Tempernnco Amend
iiiiuit." Cxcollent inutile by churn
choir under the deudiT!tlp or F '
IMiuentlH, All feature or tho serv
Ireu will ho III harmony wllh the day
Palm Holiday. You nro cordially It
Vlted to nil tlmmt norvice.
"Co lo church Hundny."
.Sunday hcIiooI at !'M5 n. til.
MornlnK norvlce and communion
1 1 a. in.
Chrlitlan l.'udenvor C;.10 p. in.
CveitlltK service al 7:30 p III.
Mr. Carle II. iou, stnte supur
llitendeitl or the Illblo schuol wll
npenk both inornliiK and cvcnlnK.
. A special feature of tlm services a
this church I tlm splendid tuusti
conducted by MU Florence Harel
rlKK. Music ror today.
MornlnK servlco, anthem, "Olory
Prnle and Honor (K. K. Hcycr.)
Other music by choir and counrc
i:enlnK service, a quartette com
posed or Mr. nnd Mr. II. II. Kerby,
MU Flornco HnzelrlKK. H. F. Mul
key will ting "The Sinner nnd the
Hon," (Thompson.)
Other music by choir nnd coitKre
everybody to ehnreh Suiulay.
Address nt 11 n. in. by Dr. James
lleury (iilbert of the University of
Ori'Kon. Dr. flilhcrt is one of the
best men in the university nud all
tire invited to henr him on this Sun
ilny when every body pies to church.
Pr'nii'liing "t 7::il) . m., subject,
"The 0'ii Itoml.'' SMrrinl muse
both tuornini' nnd evcnint;. At each
service there will (to an nullum itm'
solo in the iroKritm of muie. A
cordial invitation i e.xteiiilo.l to all
to attend both morning nnd evcinit.
Tho Metlforl orchestra will jiw" it
leeilal in th" eltureli Tuesday nt 8
p. m., free to all.' It will be Dr. J.
W. Marion's uoml-hye to Hie people
of Metlfonl, n he goes to make his
home in the sunny southland. V. 1'.
S. C. K. meet- nt 11:30 p. in., snh
jeel, "Twelve (Irent Veres," lender,
Chnrle- Kay. J. S. ('. 1'.. meets nt
3 . m. Piitvcr incetiuK ul 7:30 ji.
in. Tliuisiltty.
livster Miilc
A musical service will be kivcii at
the First Methodist Kiiseopnl church
next Friday at h:l."i p. in., when the
choir of forty voices will Kive
Saiuer's oratorio, "The Crucifixion,
mul part two The Kesurn'etioii nml
Ascension," from fJounotl's oratorio,
"The Keileinption." Adtlcd lo the
iiiuiMWil interest that will he takiu
in I'litireli nnd musieiil circles hv the
civiu of lhee musical works, the
fact that the choir will wear ve-t-nientu
for the tir-t time inltN to tlio
oeeasion. The ehureh will undoubt
edly be crowded, so it is sucKO-ted
that nil who erne to fittingly ob
serve this ehnieh event eouiuiemo
luting Cluist's crucifixion will kind
ly he ut the church in jruiul time. In
oliservini; Good Friday nml in the
itlcit of vestments the Methodist
Kpiscoial eltureli here is only close
ly following the lending methodist
churches throughout the country.
The following spcciul iiintilior will
he included In the music ut the First
.Melhodist Episcopal ehuieli tomov
iow: "Fear Xo, O Israel," by Mux
Spicker, and "The Undiunt Mom
Unlit Fussed Away,'' by Woodwind.
No chemicaU
&ro uscil in
refining thU
olive oil
II It rcfinf J
(ntltcly lir lillrj.
Itm. thus rcUlnlim til lla tltll-
clout native quality nJ flavor.
You want Hit lmrt tuJ Uttltit.
We titva It lur you.
la tlMUkl, lltkl kW mUJ Km
l4Utnlt,2a. ruu,M.
qiuftt, iixio
kr( aif gmranlttij
l A Ivr llit lirt l-H.U(t u(
j'oiui'iun mm itciytt
Itobert B uIii now president
of Peru, bos Just armed In the
Cnlted Htatcti on bis wny homo to
nssuniu office. Ho v. eg called from
London nftcr President Illllllnt;hiirl
hud been driven out.
ADMixi.vrit.vroifs netici: to
In the matter ol tho estate or Anna
Carpenter, deceased
Public notice Is hereby Riven thai
under, nud by virtue ol an order or
the county court of Jackson cotintr.
Oregon, mndo upon April 2. 1914.
llm underslRncd ban been duly ap
pointed administrator or the above
entitled estate. All pcrnons having
claims against said estate are hereby
notified lo present the s.tmo duly
vurcricd to the undersigned cl the
law office or G. M. Roberts, over tho
Medford National Hank, Mcdford,
Oregon, within six months from tho
date of this said notice
Dated nt Medford. Oregon, thU
4th day or April A I). 1914.
Administrator of the estate of Anna
Carpenter, deceased
Attorney for nld estate.
Rug nnd Carpet Cleaning
and Weaving
Phone 533-R
Ifct located and moil jopulir
hotel in the Cityj circubtitiB ice
water ineveiy' room.
Especial attention lo Udlea
trsvcllini alone.
Kxccllcnt, teajorably priced gnlL
Meet your ftiendi at me Man.
r..ruo.n riin Ratu Jl.BO up.
Manaecmtnt, Cheiter W. KtUey
I You
1 smiJMI&BIStin
WW r- Wfm
i mL r
JZCr Vfi Ml
in u i:-l t -.u .tuiV
l-.rk, im.fl Ul4 I4 KKu.Y
ti uis Itur 'jr"E.Tl-
UrnrtUI. A.l ll. III ISTCM
IHAllOMD l.tlA.NU 1-ILUs.lS
M 5 r
May lie Clieikril Ity Cilii(j llcrplcld'j
Tho above expression Is one which
Is used frequently In connection with
linlr preparations. Just exactly what
Is meant by It In each Instanco Is a
lunation. Haldness In not n dlscnro
and hence, does nol permit of n cure.
j It Is a remit Invariably to be traced
, to tho dandruff germ and If the
condition lio become chronic, that is,
If th ore Is complete atrophy of tho
hair follicles a "cure" Is absolutely
li. ,iossllile.
Approaching balducM, seen In
falling bnlr, may always bo chocked
and If the hnlr follicles arc not atro
phied the hnlr may bo Induced again
to grow
I 1 bis Is accomplished by regular
application of N'ewbro'n llerplclde.
'which cleanses the scalp and cllml
i nales the dandruff. Checking tho
Inrrumulatlons of scarf skin removes
tlm most common enemy to beauti
ful hnlr.
Sott, glossy, flurry nalr cannot
grow on n scalp Infested with dnn
druf( any more than a delicate plant
can grow on an ash heap. Tho
tralp must bo kept clenn and freo
(rom dandru(f. Tho Best romody
ror doing this Ik Newbro'fl Hcrplcldo
which receives tho highest endorse
ment from professional men, the
stage and tho best people every
where. Newbro's Herplcldo In GOc and
11.00 sizes Is sold by all dealers who
guarantee It to do all that Is claimed.
If you arc not satisfied your money
will be refunded.
Applications obtained al all first
class barber shops and hair dressing
Address tho Hcrplcldo Co., Dept.
II., Detroit, Mich., enclosing 10c In
postage or tllver for samplo and
Outfit for Hills
Party leaving city will sell mackl-naw-
coats, overcoats, Duxbok riding
trousers, pack sack, boots, banjo,
bathing suit and numerous other
articles. No reasonable ofJcr ro
tated. Sunday 1 to 3, no other
time. 12C North Holly.
Mifhir's Advict
Tt Htr DaicM ir
K Seal Live Doll to Fondle U Woman's
Greatest Happiness.
Site Is vrlsdom lUolf who knows of or
Icarus o( that famous rtmedr, Mother's
t rleno. it I an ex
t e r u a I application
for the nbdomlual
mucles nnd breasts.
It has a wonderful In
fluence, allay a all
fear, banUhes all
pain, Is a. grateful en
couracement to ths
cxiK-ctant mother, and
rvrnilU her to go
throush the ir!od Itappy In mlnil, d
lined to anticipate woman greatejt bai
pinrn as nature lutended she should.
Tbo action of Mother's Crlend makes tho
muclc pliant nnd nuponihe to exiwinslon.
Thus all strain nnd tension upon the nerves
nud Hcaments Is avoided, uttd, in pUco of a
period of discomfort acd cutistsiueut drvad
it is a seabou of calui rcic! and joyful ex
pcctntlon. There Is no nausea, no morning sIckneM,
no nervous titcliltic, none of thnt constant
strain known to so many women.
This splendid remedy can ho bad of any
tlnnr-hit ut Sl.Ui u bottle. Write tit Hntd
Held Iteculator to., 'ZX1 Lniunr nKU., At
Itntn. fta., for their boo to expectant
Havch't Much Time Left to
Your Easter Clothes
If yu want to make sure of a satisfactory selection .
f pattern ahd fashion get an early pick of thess
Medels for spring and Summsr. You don t know what
satisfaction you'll miss if yeu fail to have us show
them to you bsfore you make a decision.
Trip Kpch of pvprvhhinri for Men nnd Rqys.
OicrxaEr .cst
the Cornsr Main arid Bartlett
111(111 gl'AMTV WITHOUT
Is possible In linking Pow
der, duo to progressiva chom
IhU nnd modern methods.
Absolute, Purity nml Mod
(rule Price Is what you gut In
25 Contn Per Mi.
Ask Your Orocor
CHKSC'IJNT MFO CO , Senttle, Wn.
Don't Make the
Of trying to do tho family wash
at homo when wo will do 50 pieces
for 1 1.00 or rough dry.
Domestic Laundry
I'hono 100
Uaitet HirthoiUha agrto U-:
to kep Mag
aeo Um but latins ol
S pedal booklets on thoilimtuMOf nogs
and the prevention ct Hoc Cholera
Ireo upon rrqueaU
Medford Pharmacy
. Next Tost Office
' 1