Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 04, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Tho Democrnllo Tlmea, The Mfrifori)
Mall, Tho Mcdford Trlbun. Thn 8outh
rn Oregonlnn, Tlio Asltlamt Trlbuno.
Office Mali Tribune UulldtnR. S6-JT-1B
North Kir street; telephone 76.
Offlclnt Paper of the City of Mtdford.
Official i'nper of Jncknon County.
Entered na necond-clnm matter at
Medfonl, OreRon, under the act or
March 1, 1870.
One year, by mnll. ., 5.00
One month, by mnll .. .50
Per month, delivered by cnrrler In
Mcdford, Jacksonville and Cen-
tral Point . .80
RalimUy onlr, by mall, ier year J.00
Weekly, per year. . . 1.50
averair for nix months endinc
December SI, 1913,
The Mnll Tribune I on .vlo nt the
IVrrr JCews Ktninl. Rin Pranclaoo.
Portland Hotel News Stand. Portland
Portland Now Co , Portland. Ore.
W. O. Whitney, Kent IK Wash.
mil denied Wire United Frtfi
Metropolis of Southern Orciron nnd
Northern California, nnd the fastest-
Ki-nwInK city In OreROn.
Population IT S. census 1910 SSI0;
estimated. 19H 10 500.
Ileal paved city of slt In world. SO
mllpK nsnhnlt nnvlne cnsfliiir 11.000 000.
Ornvlly Mountain Water System costing
f&ZS.OQO; sewer system cosunc jtau.uuv.
Manner fruit city In Oregon Hokuo
lllvcr Hpltscnlwri: npptes won sweep,
stakes prlr nnd tltln of
"Apple Klnff of the World"
nt the National Apple Show, Snoknnr,
nnd u car of Ncwtowns won first prl
nt Canadian International Apple Show,
Vancouver, It. I Uoruo lllver New
towns won first prize nt Spokano Na
tional Apple Show
With Medfonl Stop-Over
Some ilny this week you will foci
the earth (ttiver nnd .shako. Do not
throw up both hand mi J yell: "ThN
is tho end!" It will be nothing but
the Ilullw interests nt the Sterling
mine tlischnrKinj; l.",000 kegs of high
power powder to lootn the enrth,
that is supposed to hide n harvest of
Men ure now at w.ork distributing
tho explosive over the nrea" to bo
"blown." nnd expert to have every
thing ready for the big blast the
middle of the week. The powder will
bo Bet off by electrieity nnd is the
biggest charge in tho history of
southern Oregon, and the largest in
the history of northwest develop
ment, outside of the one on the North
Dank road, when the Hill interests
toro nwny half a mountain of rdek.
With tho big hlnxt, tho Sterling
mine will be ready fur aolunl work,
and the panning and washing of the
earth will begin within a week or ten
days. Tho hydraulics and other ma
chinery nro ready for operation.
Thero will be n bountiful supply of
water when the snow in the moun
tains begins to melt.
It Isn't often that a photoplay Is
given applause, but at the clouo of
tho Daughter of tho JIlIIu last night,
now being shown at tho Star theatre,
tho audience vociferously applauded.
It Is Indeed a masterpiece and fa
without doubt tho best of tho Famous
Player productions yet released, no
cxpenfco has been spared nnd tho re
sult Is u photoplay of tho highest
As a curtain raiser, a three part
story entitled tho Doom of tho Ocean,
is shown and Is a big feature In itself,
tho thrilling rescue of two people
from an Isolated lighthouse by means
of an atrial cable to a ship, is ono
of tho most daring scones over shown
In ,jOtlon pictures. Tho program
closes with Ilaymond & Templo In e
clover net entitled "An Artistic Od
Owing to tho length of tho pro
gram tho first hIiow will start prompt
ly at 7 o'clock tonight and tho second
show nt S.45,
WASHINGTON, April 4. Infor
mation from Hogota today Indicated
that un agreemont virtually had been
reached upon tho terms of a final
settlement of thu long standing und
blttor controversy between tho United
States nud Colombia over tho separa
tion of l'nniimu.
It Is said thut only minor dotalls
remain to bo nrranged betweon tho
American Minister Thompson and tho
Colombian government and that tho
perfected agreement may bo reached
In gbout threo wooks.
President Wilson's nttltudo on tho
ranal tolls U said to havo aided ma
terUlly Jn hastening thu tiogotlntloui,
UPON tho tombstone of Thomas Whitehead, for many
yours town olork at Burton-on-Tront, in Knglaud, is
the following inscriptien:
"37th In descent from King Alfred the Great.
"3ilh from King Kdwnrd tho Kldor.
"3Bth from Kins Athelstnn.
"34th from liny, Karl of Warwick,
"30th from Krmehltd. sister of Lnofrlc, Karl of Mereln, nnd l.ndj
Godlva, his wife, bettor known ns l.ndy (iodlva of Coventry.
"9th from Jean, sister of Wllllnm Shakespeare of Stratford. on-Avop,
the eclulirnted dramatist.
Commenting upon this. Don Marquis of tho Now York
Evening Sun remarks:
"How proud will Alfred tho Orcnt and the Shakespeare family he whoa,
with their spiritual eyes, they see Hint tombstone nnd reflect that their
eommlnRlIng blood, growing richer through the nges, finally produced Mr
Thomas Whitehead, for many enrs Town Clerk at Uitrton-on-Tront."
This is ancestor worship as practiced among lOuro
poans. It differs from the ancestor worship of the Chin
ese in that tho Chinese respect is that they themselves
may do credit to the dead mav live up to'the standard
set hy the departed.
There can he no denying the vantage of the Chinese
view point. Hut this is not the only point where western
civilization lags hchind that, of China, according to the
Chinese, who regard us as barbarians, and are more or
loss correct in this opinion.
Tn "the Chinese Revolution," by Arthur .J". Brown,
appeal's a letter written by a Chinese after his return to
his native land from a tour of Europe, which gives the
current view of Christians entertained by the Celestial
You cannot clvlllxe these foreign devils. They are beyond redemption
They will live for weeks and months without touching a mouthful of rice,
but they eat the flesh of bullocks and sheet) In enormous iiuantllles. That
Is why they smell so badly. They smell like, sheep themselves. Kverj
day they take a bath to rid themselves of their disagreeable odors, but
they do not succeed. Nor do they eat their meat cooked In small pieces
It la carried Into the room In lame chunk,! often linlf raw, and they em
and slash and tear It apart. They eat with knives nnd prone. It makes
a civilized being perfectly nervous. Ono fancies hluifclf In the presence
of sword swallowers. They even sit down at tho same table with women
and tho latter are served first, reversing tho order of Nature.
Chinese appreciation of the tango is given by a Chinese
who writes as follews:
Tnoy (Americans) have no sense of dignity, for they may be found
walking with women. Yet the women are to be tiltled too. On festive.
occasions they are dragged around
ruosi ueiusn music.
Although China has the
tions and religions, under
need our instruction in religious matters, we still send our
missionaries over to convert them tho western ways of
worshipping all of which seems wasted onergv and
-Meanwhile, President luan Shih-Kai, while restorintr
Confucianism as China's official religion, has furnished an
excellent example to sectarians the world over by a man
date granting and guaranteeing religious freedom.
REVIVAL of church going has swept over the eoun-
try as a result of the naming of one Sunday when
habitual non-churchgoers are especially invited. Tomor
row is this date in Med ford. i
It is many years since some of us entered a church, and
the visit tomorrow will be found profitable in iiiaiiv wavs
to those familiar only with the exterior of the buildings.
The experience of other cities has been that nimiv of
those who go to church one
i-umi; iiuiTc&iuu, gu jignui ana eventually uccome reguiai
attendants, gainers not only morally, but intellectuallv
and socially.
Too many of our preachers talk to too iimnv emptv
pews. Too many of us are so wrapped in our own tem
poral affairs that we neglect the spiritual side of life. Too
many forget that identification with a church is a whole
sonic thing for a man or woman to have, not onlv for re
sultant benefit to the individual, but for the influence on
the community.
Most people are religious at heart, and the lessons
learned in childhood are never forgotten. The childish
prayer at mother's knee, the Bible story and the faith in
culcated in youth exists in all merely covered bv a ven
eer of worldliness and selfishness. (!o to church and
scratch the veneer.
Church going has been described as ft habit, once bro
ken, hard to form again. Of the many who renew their ac
quaintance with the churcb tomorrow, there will be some
who will heed the call and niriiui "trot tin. habit" ihov
should never have dropped.
NKW YORK, April 4. Tho pres
sure exerted fehortly before yehter
day's eof.o was ubsent at the open
ing of the stock market today. Trad
ing was light, however, mid changes
small. New Haven, Reading nnd
Krie were n fthadu higher, but all the
other active stocks were slightly un
der yesterday' close, llouds were
The mttiket closed dull, but steady.
PORTLAND, Or., April !. An
active cmupuU'ii to kcciiio a brunch
of the Bun Francisco legioual bank
iu Portland is being mapped out
here today. A definite move will be
made iih soon as the Ban Francisco
district in formally organized, which
is expected to be in about ninety
Look! I,okt
Smoko Governor Johnson cigars,
t'loy'ro nitdc In Medford you'll llho
a room to the accompaniment of tho
oldest of the world's civiliza
the delusion that tho Chinese
Sunday out of curiosity be-
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., April -I.
Tho last charge remaining ngiiinst
Walter Oreer Campbell, former multi-millionaire,
that of obtaining
money under falso pretenses, was
dismissed here today by Police Judge
Deasey. Campbell was charged with
cashing u .fiO draft without suffie
ient funds to back it up. but it was
announced that he had settled in full
with the manager of the local hotel
who cashed the draft.
A charge of wife abandonment by
Susio Uarth Campbell was also
dropped, tho woman refusing to pros
ecute. Campbell was arreseld in
Poitlaud recently at the request of
San Francisco authorities.
Legal blanks toi sale at the Mall
Tribunal offlea tf
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant
Phone M. 47 ana" 47-72
AmbuJasc Berrlto Deputy Coroner J
rr.UKti Outuiet, ut lUuton, the joutkful holder of Hie nntlotutl open golf
championship, recently sailed from America to match hit ucne mid skill Wth
the best of the Imropenu golfers over the famous couri of thu UrliUh title
and I'm nee. Oii tils twenty-first birthday the conqueror of the famous HrltU'i
professionals. Vanlon and liny, will N getting Into trim for the IlrltMi niiuteui
champlotisti p tournament over the Sandwich course. May 18 and 'JU.
A ItcMime nf the Itcieut Movement In Muulrlpnl I'ollllo ami the Sulleul
I' futures of ("J Ic Iteftirm.
Hy llenj. C Sheldon. Socretno Medfonl Charier Commission.
in reiMi.Ai: co.vritoij
When flulvchton faced the prob
lem of her rebuilding after the fcrent
flood of 11)111), a vast amount nl
prompt nnd efficient constructive
work wit, dciuivudud. Her city gov
ernment, based on the old sysieiu,
completely btoke down. The exig
encies of the ease gave rise to the
beginning of the(lso.culled (but really
misnamed) 'Cjunmiwion Form" of
city government, iu this country..
Gnlvoston go to the movement
the idea of a rnnll, mohjlq govern
mental iioiiy vmiji large jHjwern. ti
worked. Results followed. Vn-l
improvements were made and uith
an uetttal reluetiuu of runuitii; ex
I tens e.
' tie ties .Mimics men
The movement spread, nlowly at
first but with increasing momentum.
le.s .viojiio, iiiwu, in Flint nns ni
coine widely kiovn ns the "He
Moines Plan" ndded to the (lalven
tou "centralization of powcr" idea,
the iuisirtmit feature of popular
control. The (vpicol Ameriean plan
of liiuuicipHl orgnniation scorn to
have been on a theory expressable
by the phrap, "Don't put all your
eggs in one basket". The l)es
.Moines idea said, "Put your egg i
one banket ami then watch Hint hu
ket". I'lrst lt)fornts
The moveineiit which is now
sircadiiig nolioti-vvido is generally
considered as lieginnilig with Hie new
cliartctx of (lulvcktou and Dm Moin
es. As a mutter of fact the thriv
ing for popular control hud i: leal
beginning in earlier rcfuuns. We
liud it iu the introduction of the
direct piimuiy, uomiualioiis by pe
tition, mid uon-piirlismi cleclion-i
They were slips in tho right ditee
tiou but left iho system uiivveildly
mid still the prey of those making
polities their business,
Tho Des Moines ehnrter provided
for the Initiative, Referendum mid
Recall, We citiens of Oregon Hunk
of these measures us established
fixtures for with us Ihev nro slate
wide. In thi-, as iu many others,
Oregon is in tho vnnguard of, prog
ress lending her sistes states iu the
uphill struggle for n real rule of the
Tho Imported Pcrchoron stallion,
owned by Waltor ,KIUo will bo Ja
Phoonlx, on Mondays; Jacksonville,
TuoHilayN; the Dlcltoy plnro at Tublo
Hock, on Wednesday and Thursday,
and Vincent burn Jit Medford on Fri
days and Hut ui days,
I'liouu Mala lii Jatksoinllle, Ore,
feJMaUseMafraar-Bf'-M V
people. To most of the um re populous
eastern states, tlit priiu'iples an
new, vogue and not understood.
The initiative is a provision where
by u certain perccntaice id' the
voter, varying iu different state
and cities, may petition the legisla
ture or city council Tor a scci!ie
legislative eniietment. If the peti
tion is grunted, the provision becomes
law. If not, the propool must In
suliuiittrd to the iwoplc for a vol
and liecoiiies law tiiioti its adoption
and cannot be lYpcnled excejit b I
vote of ilit pcole. I
The referendum is a provision
vvhotoby niiy enaetuieiit by the egi
ktlive body, wvo it few neeewHiry
for the ilium dinle iresrvnliou ol
the public pence, health or safety,
shall not go into effect for a certain
time, usually leu duys. If during
that time, n Mtitioii of u specitied
number of electors is filed, protest
ing agMiiist said etiaetiueut, it shall
not become operative but miisl
either be tepenled by tho body pass
ing it or it shall be submitted to
it vide of the people,
Thu charters of some cities mnki
it lefereudlliii on bond issues in ex
cess of specified mooniits (except
for certain public improvements nud
lefiuicliiig oiilstmnliug bonds) obliga
tory. Also, either all, or cettaiu
olunsoa, of I'tmicliisi's.
The reenll is it provision whertby
Ihe s?ople mav remove any officer
whom they have elected. If a peti
tion it- . led ill due form, signed by
a required percentage of electors
ipiallticd to vote for said officer,
liciiiuiidiug his removal mid staling
the grounds for stieh deiimml, the
Expert Corsetioro
32(j North Bartlett.
Phono SfilJ !.
Wo manufnctuio sptay and supply
tanks of all kinds. Wo havo built
these tuultH In .Medfonl for 15 years
nnd somo of tho first onoH aro still
In utiu. If you want a good lank got
ono mmlo by
M H. Itlvci-side, .Mcdford IMioiiu '-'(I
120 Acres for Sale
Orange, Lemon and Olive
On railroad and river, ono
mile i'roin Red UlnlT, Oal.
.Price $7f per acre. Address
Ittil JJIulT, Cal.
HUi'mIIiui of Ills ouiitlmiing in ot't'leo
HUM ho milmiitletl to Hie people for
it ole.
Means to an Ihul
Tlteo tne the common ineaiiH of
neemiug popular conliol. Their
npplli'ittioii vtities widely, lliiullng
Ion, W. Va. HtiliNllluleH Tor Iheso
devieoH a Niipetvisoiy elllren'M hoiitil
of (II member whleh ! K'ii Hie
power to veto net of the llomd of
CoimiiitMoiieix (If the power is e
eieised promptly). It) tuny also,
under eer'nln lilies, i emote fiom of
llie it member of the eommlmdoii,
The deiees heteiu iiienlioned me
onlv means to mi end. Their ineor
porat:oit in n oily ehnrter do not
insure popular eoutiol, They must
not lu iibiiM'd. They must be used,
iitid It-ed iulelllgently.
Cublle luleie-t
It is iiiipottitut to uiidettiluiid,
In consideration of popular eoti
trol, Hint the Knnie eatiuol be ne
iiited wiHkiiiI piihlie knowledge iiml
puhlii iuleie-t, Tlie reenll eniinol
be used justly nor effoetlw-lv iinleHs
the people know the fuels. To know
them, publio affairs must be con
ducted and Iho uccouuts thereof kept
in u Ihoioiighle Hyxtemitllo milliner,
mid they mtit be made publio in u
wa eily uiiderslood by the uer
age The people will not un
dertake to control when the govern
mental uiecliiiiery makes it difficult.
Nci(tu;r will they be iiiletested in that
whlWlhey find it hiinl t unpre-
, A public official who is wnsleful
Atid negligent is a greater ptibln'
iiieniiuce than one who Iiuh been
enugltl. iu u single dishonest act.
Wntiirfutiiewt eamiot be preveutel
unless systematic mid well designed
iidinini-.tiiili' e methods ate adopted.
In the municipal rcfonn movement
sweeping the country, this htihjccl
is teferred to us the "effieienc.v
movement" mill ns such will lie treat
ed in a separate paper of this seue.
Heal Uciuocriii-y
The secret of the plan's ticeo
lies in the fact that the everciscs of
public power it taken out of the
jungle of uuiipproiicliuhlc, tiuropou
sive officiiildom, nud the durkne of
obseure iiccouuts mid ummbli-heil
r rds, nud set upon a pinnacle of jure constantly under the watchful
light where the people can see and 'eve of a people possessing mi Intel
watch II, It involves a breaking I'gcnt nlnlitv lo judge of the ipiality
awav from the old shibboleths of, of service reudcied
Photoplays Friday-Saturday
Self's Celebrated Serial Story
Daniel Frohman Presents
The Daughter of
the Hills
In Three "Parts
A pastoral drama produced by
the "Famous Player" Com
pany of Stars.
The Doom of the Ocean
Three Parts
'A stupendous story of the sea,
beautifully hand-colored
Presenting their clever vaude
ville act, entitled
Admission 10 Cents
I'oiiiih and coitccins lsc)l' with lliu
substance of ienl tleinocnicy. II con
sss in pot electing till nllichils, but
iu the cloMMicsit with which official
iicllon follows popular will, The may
or's office hpy's cffli'lcncy depends
upon his set vice lo Hint office, not
upon the ipit'stion id' whether lie wits
elected or appointed.
The (bill Mclilml Hie Done
A survey of lite stales und cities
having these popiihtr control uieiis
tiles shows that, coustdcicd imlloii
wide, they lutve iniely been used.
So much the heller. Their Indirect
efficiency is iiiiipicstiouiilile. I'iei
dent Wilson's tlcseiipllon of these
devices of "deseivcd populiilil.v" ns
the people's "gun behind Hie dooi"
implies, nntl rorrci'Hy, t!ot iii-tni-meiits
for uelital use, lliey ate euiei
gcticy tueiisiiicM only,
Hut their teal value is much great
er though Hid m nppareiit. They
murk the logical development of Ilia
democratic, idea that the voter lata
the eitpiteity to think mutely upon
public questions. They Increase lite
citircit's interest In pitbllu uffuirs by
making is winter for him lo impress
his ideas upon publio uetmn. They
titcatt the vvltolesone stripping from
public officials of the idea they hcciu
to have gained Hull they have been
ovnlled o powers greater limn those
of the people who elected them, ,
Tltn I'el'oplo Supreme
Above all else these mensurea stand
us it monument to the fact thai Hie
people ure supreme. And so they
work with a twofold powers upon
the people III broadening their view'
of a eitien's eivio duties mid pott
crs, iu enlarging their conception of
the real ends of government; in con
tributing not only to Hie public wel
fare, but the more altruistic eousider
ntiou of making for u better, nobler
posterity; and upon officials in keep,
lag steadily before tlieiti Hie baste
facts replaling to public office, that
they nro only representatives of the
people, ililprettseil with the neeesslly
of milking their official ncta a coe
approximation of Hie popular judg
ment; thill their service to those
whom ihev are supposed In serve
iiittsi be loyal, constant and efficient;
mid lastly, a realirutioii that they