Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 04, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    20? Second Sh
nrtl " -
Medford Mail Tribune
Hlimver tonight and Hnntiny
Mat. 7:i ; lln. 7Uj Hum. 73.
roily-fmirlli War
Unlit' Nhiili Vtiir
NO. 12
,.' I.
Dictator Calm nnd Oclionalr, Expects
Worst ami Is Prepared (or It
Great Distress Reigns In Capital
City's Drstructlon Feared.
Congress In Continuous Session
Srcklnii to Avert Financial Crash
Resistance Involves Peril to All.
MKXK'O CITV, April l.--Tvnor
ri'iitiifil in Mexico t'ttv today over
llu coinpiuiitivi' few win know Tut-
M'lHI llllll I'llllcll.
Tho new liml fillet nl In through
American official mill coniiintri'iul
(liiiitiliHM ninl was eitt'iihiting snw
ly. It iiieitnl, most n'iiil thought,
tluil l'iiiilnii( llucitu Kiiuit would In'
inukliiK hi lust diloh fight in tlic
'Hint this flxlit would involve (In
tiliuot ii'iil to all in tlu city nobody
doubled. For inn) tiling. ei'it M"
oni'iiilc je"1' IlinTlii credit four
UKc livery oho felt (.tiro lu Mould
din rather t him surtcuder. What
tln'V rruri'd wns t lut t iimny, prohnh-
I.V IHiIII'IIIIiIhiIiIIiIh ll- Well IIH htllllilTS.
would dii' wilh linn. It was even
considered likely lie would ilctro
lhi i'IIv riilhor limn mi it iwi it ii i rd
by (Iciii'nil Vilhi.
Tin' dirtiilur himself was as culm
niul dihoiiiiir hi if ho liml received
tlio ploimiiiilo-l tidi line Hi uiniiiirr
iiiilioiilt'd Hint ho expected llio wool
ninl wan tint in tint least n f mid of it
Willi cyilicul cheerfulness ho nuillti
Hid In deny t' llifixo In was pet feel-
Iv ii Hiiro knew better, t lut t Tnrreoii
hud hroll captured. Meeting 1'llllrd
SIiiIom Charge d'AffiuroH O'Shatigh
in'.v, for example, in n oufo lnt
iiikIiI. ho Hinili'd mid said: "Toiioou
Iiiin no fiilli'ii, Tho fcdcriils have
dmcii Villa buck."
Thoro win great distress In tho
city. Ilimiuoxri niih flut. Thoro was
employment for uohody. Piices were
sooting. Trade 11I110 of pesos wns
declining. Everybody un t r injr to
pot fold moiioy. Congress mm in
session till ti lull t seeking menus to
iiMit n financial crush,
All wiles In llio norlhwiiid wi'tv
WII.KT.SIIAHKi:, l'n Apnl I.
Alter making his mil Inst night, Itus
sell I hi, millionaire, piesidcnt of tho
Penn Tohiioi'o company, lolt hit
homo hero curly loduy n ml Inter hi
hut, ooiil niul ovorcoiit wore found
on tho hunks of tho Husipichmiuu
iior. It whs I'cnred Unit I'hl Iiiin
I'otiiiuillcd suicide for some unknown
ioiimiii. Tho cnrporntlou's luniks
woio found to ho in oveellenl shape
NKW YORK, April I. "Cih'Io"
Joseph (I. Cmuiou sailed limn hero
loduy for lloriuiiilu.
VANfUl'VHU, II. ('., April I.
luck Koiii 17, ti Chinese, loduy eon
foksed Unit Ii" iniiulci'cil Mrs. CIiiih.
.1, .Milhiid, wife of tho chief llekel
UKOiit of llio Ciiiiiidinn Piicifio Hull
wuy eoiupuiiy, who bus been missing
hince lust WcducHihiy. Kou w'iih
employed ul llio .Millard home. Mill
mil hud Koiie lo Vieloiiu mid upon
his return wiih iiiiuhlo In locate his
Illniidttliiiiis nil tho oinpel mid Hie
ilikonvory of Mrs. MillmirH hut,
moruliiu di cm mid oilier wealing up
pniel, In tint jjiwicI, wllh ii hloody
li M' hi I In hiikiiiioiili iiiilleiiled It'll)
Wealthiest and Mcst Secretive of
American Millionaires Passes
Away at Wlntrr Home From Cap
illary Pneumonia.
Personally a Paradox Frugal and
Unostentatious, Without ?. Hobby
Survived hy Seven Children,
PAHAOKNA, Oil., April . Fred
crick Woyerhnotucr, thn timber lung
unto of HI. Paul, reputed nn ono ot
(ho worM'H rlvlivHt incn, who lion
boon III nt bin wlnlor Iioino boru for
tho limt ton in)n aIii rnplllary pnou
mniiin, dlod nl b:30 o'clock thlt
I'robiihly tho wi'iillhloht, rortnlu
ly tho inoMt kocrotho, of Ainorlcaii
inllloiinlroH, I'roilorlck Wojorliacimcr
loft nn mtnlo tlio vnlilo of Mblcb hi
lUOHt liitlunttii liiinlncii umioclntoii
cnmiot fount within n biiiiilr.'d mil
Hon ilnllnm of oitlmntliic. Hit prob.
nhly n worth linlf n billion ilollnrn,
liumt of bin wtiiltli boliic In vimt tllil-
Iut bolilliiK tbroiiKb tho north unit
I'rrooiuill)' n I'lirmtox
I'ornonnlly. ho vinn u pnradox
Known to bin Intimate nn n kcuiIu
mid kludl)' limn mill n man of doop
rollKloiiii ronvlctloim, bU nnniu a
entirely unknown In tint field of clmr
Ity. Ill friend nort that ho Knvo
to cbiirlty but nlwn) with tlio wnrn-
liiK Hint putdlrlty meant Inunodlnto
wlthdrnwnl of hi upK)rt. Tlioy nil
lit I C Hint ho Ktio couipnrntlvol) lit
Ho, however, nltboiiRTi they liellcve
that hi wilt tuny illrlou moru Ken
Hut If Vo)erhnoiuer Knvo llltl'j
to otlior, ho pamporod hlnuolf lcn.
Ill ImbltH were extremely friiRnl
Ho hail nn hobbled. Olio nutoiuobllo
na ouotiKh for him. Ho wn n
atrniiRor to yncht niul nrt Kallerle
mid nil otlior cxpotitlvo fnd of Ih.i
StuilloiiK nlwny. but ntudloul' t-
lout, nn liitlmnto friend iinld of him
recently Hint hi koiiIiih for rocret
veiien nuioiinti'd iiluioMt to n mania.
Ho hutod publicity,
I torn In (Jernmny
WVyorhnoiiHor mi boru In Oeriiian)
In lSItl, Ho laid (bo foiiudiillon o
hi fortuuo nt Itock Ulnnd, III
while mnuHKliiK n miuiiII luinbor mill,
which bo took on n dobt.
Ho h Btirvlved by novoii cblldron
III wife died In ltUl. Tho family
homo wiih nt St, I'nul, Minn., but he
maintained u winter rcnldeucu !u
I'liBiidonu, ownliiK ono of tho more
mndeit of tho maiiBloim In tho fault
lonuhlo Oak Knoll dlntrlct.
Tho body will bo Kout oiikl on tin
I, oh AnKeloH limited nt noon tomor
row. Fiinornl borvlcca will bo In
ut Itock Inland, III., wboro tlio Urn
her miiKiinto mndo lit ntnrt In tb
accumulation of his nut forlur
Mr, Woyorhuoutior, who dlod No
vtiinbcir 2D, 1U11, Ih hurled thorn.
With WoyorbnuiiHor nt tho tlmo o
IiIh death woro nil bin hoiih uiu'
dmiKbtorH Krcdurlck, John, Chnrlo
Itudolph, Mr. J It. Jowott, Mm, ti
9. DiivIh mid Mrs. W. II. Hill.
play, Tlio elnthliij; was torn in
phicoK mid K'lvo ovidenoo of n btruj;-
Susplelon ut oueo fiislened upon
the Chiuoso hoy, hut ho hlouilfiihlly
denied uny knowledno of Mis. Mill
urd'H disitppeiiruueo, l.nlo yoslordiiy
n ft o moon tho police ilu up Ihu k111'
don ut tho Milliml resideuoo, in
seaicli for llio woman's body.
A Inter oMiiuiiiiitiou of Hie fiuii
nee, however, invented u tdd lint:
tluil hud hceii worn h.v Mix, Millnid
mid it ipimilily of chimed hones,
Cuiifrniiled wiih Ihoso evidences ol
llio eiiiiie, llio Cliluckii hoy iimile a
roiupli'lo I'Olili'ksliiu,
Portland Jobbers Secure Reduction
In Rates So as to Invade Local
Field Aualnst New Gold Hill Plant
Six Cents Per Hundredweight.
Case Wos Brought In Name of River
side Plant to Cripple Home Enter
prise and Promptly Granted.
SAI.I'M, dr.. Apnl I. Tho lliur
kido I'ottlmid Cement enmpmiy won
ilM fio,ht for ii lower fieiuht rule on
cement in carload loin shipped from
Portland to Med ford mid (Injury ip
mi order irmiciI loduy hy tho htute
.ruilrond I'limiuif-ioii, reiuiriui llio
Sotithoru l'aeifie Umlrond eompni v
to allow n ruto of 11) roiilK per 1110
pounds from Portland to Medford,
'JO I'outit to Akhhltld mid 'Jl eentn to
(Iropiry. This is n reduetiou from
'Si cciiIh per 100 muiiiI oil oiirloildn
of ,111,0(10 pounds minimum. Tlio ro
lueod rules npply to ourloiids of
1111,000 pounds minimum.
At tho hen riii;; it was iilleod hy
tho eeiiicut ooiunuiiv Hint tho rail
toad company was dieiiiiiinatin
UKiiiust Portlmid shipH'rs in favor
of llio Ili'aver-Porlhind plant nt (Johl
Tho Hivorsido plant ut Oswoyo is
not completed, not in opomliou, mid
prohahly never will ho. Tho rnso
was hronyht nt the iuMitnco of Pint
land juhhrp of tho cement trust,
who fonrod loss of tho soiilhorii Ore
jron territory hy tho oonstruetion of
llio (hilil Hill plant. Tho now ruto
will enable tho trust to invade local
territory npiiust tho now plant.
LADYIIAXIC, Seollmid. April I.
Ill tliniikiiiK the Ha-t Fife l.ihoral
soeiatiou toduy for ucccpliui: his
oandidnoy for ro-oleetiou to parliu
ment, Premier Asipiith denied that
llio London Kovonimeut had attempt
ed to provoke an outbreak in Ulster,
as tho conservatives have eliarm'd.
"As for tho nrmy," ho added, "it
will hear no polities from mo mid,
reciprocally, 1 will hear no polities
from llio tinny. Tho army has no
place mid no voice in moulding our
polities or our Inws. Tho roeent Tory
doctrine of penuittiiijj nrmy offioori.
to say where they shall or shall not
servo strikes ut tho very root of mil
itary discipline."
f xJ PBLjV'VHsHHLrL HI OTMr vjupH! t
J) PBKBj?ft"' H ""IKkiPsksii! Ity
w.d,7wT'iiHPrBJFv- " if-r-i - lti r riaaOB
ltKBSf icr- t
Two men lout I heir lives, hundred of other were put In peril, thousand
hit Imh'ii tliitiiHui'tl lo Ihu extent of f'.'.WO.lMJ by tbv Hood tlmt ept Ihroujjli
tu Kvw VuiU Muto, . .
-j - ' v'f j, vail
taalLtfiH!r?PVil f '-.'ni HLu
URL imimSme&l
iU'nltcr .WInani, well known American cportmnan, has tbu dUtlactlon of
having killed the larRcut nuroclM of wldcb thero Is any accurate record. Mr.
tWlunni killed tho big aurochs while huntlnc on the game reservation of Count
Josef i'otockl, In Uuwla. It took several shots to bring the animal to tho ground.
Thn bont weigh more than a ton. lie has horos flvo Inches longer and icv'cn
Inches wider spread 'ban the record of aurochs Ju Itowland Ward's "ItocoriU
of Itlg Q a me."
LONDON', Apnl I. -With trades
unionists and suffragettes makinc
simultaneous counter dciunntnitiou.
opponent", of lnli homo rule gath
ered to the number of 100,000, it was
estimated, in II vile Park today to
protest against tho foieiug of a Dub
lin parliament's authority upon Ul
ster, Thoro wen fourteen platform-, and
fifty speakers, among them l.oul
Londonderry, Lord Chatles Here
ford and Sir lldniud Carson. Tho
gathering was formed hy tho eon
verging of twenty-two proeossions
upon tho park. Itesolutioiis were
adopted demanding Hint the homo
rule question he put to a popular
Tho suffragette demou-d ration
took place in the same park. Like
tho miti-homo rulers, they woro hit
tor in their denunciation of the government--
not for planning to give
homo rule to Ireland, hut for with
holding tho frauehiso from women.
ST. JOHNS X. I, April 4. Much
alarmed for tho safety of tho steam
scalor Southern Cross and Its crew
of 170 men, tho vessels owners today
dispatched two steamships, equipped
with wireless, to look for tho missing
craft. Tho sealer was flvo day over
duo ami unreported, nnd It was ad
mitted thoro was strong reason to
believe It had been crushed In the
ice and gone down with all on board.
Tho Delia Venture, with most nl
tho survivors and tho dead from the
Now Fouudland's crow, was only 3
miles outsldo St. John's harbor but
remained stuck fast In tho Ico. J:
was hoped it would force Its way
through ami mako port tonight or to
morrow. Ot tho Now Foundland's survivors
It was feared a number would die be
fore they could bo lauded.
Knrl of Klleiistnere, ono of the
rii'hc-t of Itriti-li noblemen, 07 years
old today.
were thrown out of work mid pioporty
tbu Mohawk nd HmUon Itlmr vallvf
Fight Over Confirmation ol Inter
state Commerce Commissioner Re
sults In Defiance cf Ancient Rule
Governing Executive Sessions.
Opposition B?sed Upon Daniels De
cision Holding Good Will a Tang
ible Asset of Corporation.
outrage" wni Senator Kenyon's
characterization today of Wlutlirop
Daniels' forced coiifirmutioit nu n
member of the interstate commerce
commission. "Hut it nceomplishcd
one good thing," he said. "Seeret
sessions in the sennte have received
their denth blow. Never again will
appointments he made without full
knowledge by everyone conecnied
that what is said on the floor will
go out to the whole country.
"As far n- I am personally con
cerned," said Senator Cummins, "I
intend the country to know what the
views of nominees nre, what the sen
ators said mid why they approved
the selection of this particular inter
state commerce commiss!nner."
I. Fotlette m I loiter
"Hereafter," paid Senntor La Kul
lctte, "1 propose to disouss in the
open senate, from the stump,
through the press or in any other
way (Tint seems proiicr, this or any
other matter of public interest
brought up in executive session in
tho senate."
Daniels' confirmation as nu inter
state commerce eommi-sioner was
opposed on the grounds Hint his de
cisions n a member of the New Jer
sey public service commission to
which President Wilson appointed
him during his tenn as governor of
New Jersey indicated that Daniels
believed eonrntions were entitled
to dividends us "going concerns" in
addition to the dividends based on
their actual physical valuations
His opponents in the sennte fought
him for three days. Much of the de
bate was very hitter. Finally Sen
ators Kenyon, La Kollctte, Jones,
Groniia, Poindexter, Clapp, llristow,
Cummins and llorah announced that,
inasmuch as tho confirmation evi
dently was going through, they would
not bo bound by the oath of secrecy
imposed in connection with executive
senate sessions, but meant to tell the
country all that had been said in the
course ot tlio Daniels controversy,
that the people might know how they
stood and why they objected to the
I.lne-Up of otcrs
Democrats who voted against con
f intuition wcie; Ashurst, Chamber
lain, Lane, Hitchcock, Mollis, Lea,
O'Oormau, Thompson, Vardamiin
and Walsh.
Republicans who voted with the
majority tor continuation were:
Hrundegee, Dillingham, Fall, (lallen
ger, Lippitt, Lodge, McLean, Oliver,
Page, Perkins, Towtiseud, Warren
and Weeks.
GIIAXD KA1MDS, Mich., April 4.
With tho validity of tho resorvo
clause Involved, tho suit lustltutod
by tho Foderal League to restrain
Catcher William Kllllfer from playing
with tho Philadelphia club of tlio
National I.caRiio opened horo today
before United States Judgo Session.
Tho out lu w organization claim that
Kllllfer signed n binding contract
with the CIiIcoko club.
Kdward (late, representing Fed
oral League ofkial. tiled ufflduvlU
from James A. (lllmoro, Churlet
Woi'Khuian and Joe Tinker to tho ef
fect Hint Kllllfer, beforo sinning, bin
uerled that ho was not bumperC
by any other contrail. The catcho
iirompniilrd here by Probatr
Ho Improvement for Disputed Par
lions Rinhts of Way Must le
Provided or Money Will le Used
in Other Portions of County.
Billings' Exorbitant Claims fer Dam
ages Leaves That Stretch of Pa
cific Highway Untouched.
As n resuit of threatened injunc
tion proceedings, damage suits mid
perH;tual controversy over tho Pa
cific highway right of way either side
of Ashland, the county court Satur
day unanimously decided not to im
prove thc-c stretches of rond. but to
stop the grading nnd pavement be
fore the disputed sections arc reach
ed nnd, unless the city of Ashland
straightens out the matter, use tho
money in the other parts of tho
county, there not being sufficient
funds to waste in condemnation suits
or legal controversy. Tho snmc rule
will probably bo adopted for any
stretch of rond in dispute.
"We have no mouey to spend
fighting for what should be donated.
WV: cannot afford to expend funds
forcing improvements upon people
that benefit them and enhance tho
value of thoir property. The state
highway engineer select tho Pacific '
highway route, subject to the ap
proval of the county court. If the
approved route means n law suit or
n hold-up, we simply will use this
money on the other portions of the
rond," is the court's statement.
This decision followed the protest
of a delegation of Ashland people
over the proposed rond through tho
Hillings properly, eliminating the
railroad grade crossing and tho
steep hill this side of Ashland, which
has been viewed aud approved hy the
Mr. Hillings stated that he would
demand four bonds of the county
court ns follews: To prevent damage
from tho retaining wall; to insure
ii continued flow of water from his
spring; to prevent dnmago from
flood water and siphon it tiway; to
provide a way for him to get out
with his hay and for his son to get
in nnd out of the Myers tract. Then
if these four bonds wero satisfactor
ily provided, aud $4000 in gold laid
ou tho table, he would still refuse it.
As a result tho improvement of
the highway will stop at Hear creek,
north of the Hillings' place.
Largest Grain Carrier Launched
POKT AltTlirit, Out., April 4.
The f.tenmhip W. Grant Horden,
built for the Canada Steamship
Lines and said to bo the largest
grain carrier in the world, was usc
cessfuly launched toduy nt tho local
yards of the American Shipbuilding
Company. Lady Williams-Taylor
performed tho christening ceremony.
Prominent among tho invited guests,
of the occasion were Earl do la Wnrr
mid Sir Montague aud Lndy Allan.
Judgo William Kllllfer of Paw Paw,
his father. Weohgmun and tillmoro
aud President linker of the Phila
delphia club also -woro present. Kll
llfer was represented by Attorney
Samuel Clement and George Pep
per of Philadelphia and Judgo Wl
Ham Carpenter of Detroit.
In arguing tho cao, Attorney
dato said organized buseba.ll had
rUkod Its existence lit the Kllllfer
"If wo win this cuo," said CJntM,
"the major IwiKiies not only will Iwe
Kllllfer, but Dlmidlng. Kabler, lUum
Kardiiur and Williams n wh, Ifj
wo lose the case, It will whh (bat
baseball contracts are H lemr vIW
and that an orgsnUwi k-swtUII lyf
may Jump as ottm M he plwn."
I !