VAGV, KF,VT)Nr K You'd Do It, Too, Wouldn't You, If You Had $45,000? f By "Bud" Fisher (0 (!tvo hU Jlfl- jMRDFOW) MAIL TIM HUNK MI'lDKOIll), OIllMON, KlflDAV, APRHv .'I, 101 1. mmmmm "" II flHanHlUMaanaM ' II "-------------- - - . pi I M - -. W . - . J . , W)WU '(WTwTL VAiWMTi -5-.:i;Xfln n? r- t um c,orcr f ) i -taw: mi a a , rrn -5K i Bii fflln'iMico H'ovr 11 Uo J . rPy'T f HD7t;J V To Dfvy, , ' f?V MIL r- I prf ACS f 1 )miYCyv'niywmzr . . Qig.-&grcf.crn. o s-- r.; UNIVERSITY AW TO E I'Olt KIIKItll'l. I A. W. WalKnr of Modfunl, an .rinniintnt hni Im-.ii iiim.Io l.v ,, j,,, camlltlacy Tor thu ro-tin- I iiii'iit nt On-put I'rMi'inlpulillcan mutilnntlun nikticrirrnl tliu I.1MK111'. r.n' Hit' tiriMiiclitiii in Mnl-1 i,ri,iarc, iny 15. f.ii.l, mi April IK, .f .1 M. Iliiul.,' liiillutnt lliiinurl I'liiniMiy "lhi rni Ci'-.hi'h l.nt Slurj", liy I'mriwwir Ai.lnliiilil I'riifiitiMi It.'.lilii' iiinl III' I niNi'iity nl' Itrrxmi t'lnH of Hrt.ui nth lull iiilalimi. 'I Imi Cii I'.rfii' a S.'ol.'li M'rwuil niio,vi'.l liy Ili.'OnoiltwIliox, Ml" Sliciuiir'l I'y Wliil.- KiikIUIi'IiiiiI tin l'r-'n i.'r.'liiry, Ml llolii. Ml Dr. ('ot'iiH- mi old fricml f lli. I'luft'xM.iiH Mr. Ilox.'i M7 I'mff-Mir (lii.i.lwillii. .Mr. Itnlilir l.mly Miltli.'il ()" 'JO) wif. of Sir (I.'urK. lilliiiK Mi"' Sliliiiii M.'i Sir (li.irK' (lililin;, M. I. (up 'JIM . Mr. A-l. M7 Kinily, (iik' 'J(I) Dutviip'r l.inly 0. Mt'iMiintluT of Sir (I. .MiH M.'i I'.'l., ii Si'oli'h lmrvi"li'r, in loi with i:ilkJlr. .Muralmll 'J U.'iiilcrH, iiniithi'r, ulo oitniu.nir.'.l of Kin.' Mr. MioiuuimIi Mf. Ais'iUM (liiinlwillitw, im l'rnfi.nor'" Miulcr Min Yuiiiig M I llr. Y.'ll.inloitv., a MoiltTiiint Mr. ('..Itrni M" Mr. rMitiu Marxliall Im lln nu of Mr. mill .Mi . (I. ). Miirxlmll, ..f M.-.l ford. Fire Wards and Slanals Tim flro diinitinvnt liavo dlvldod tint city Into tlit .Mi flro ward an fol low us Ward Ono--i:nat of Hear rrook. Ward Two -Wont of lluor cr.'i'k and minth of Main Hlrcot. Ward TliriM Wen! of Hear rr.t ami north of Main, HIkiiiiIm - Ward Oiio-I.oiik Ida! of vlillo. a iniiitio, then ono wlildtlc, Ward Two I..hik Maul of nlr.n Kluirt ulr.'ii wlilhtlo, a paitHO, tlicn two w hint Irs, Ward Throw l,tiiK lilam of ulron wliUtlo, a imiiHn, tlii'ii lliroo nlnirt Whlfttll'K. J. W. l.AWTO.V. 2 1 2 (Jlilvr I'lro D.'iil. (TI'V THUAHlMIIt'.S NOTK'K. Ngtlio U liurony kIvcii that tho city of M.Mirord, JarkKou county, Or.iKoii, will tnli.i mi ami canrol tho following Improvement lunula: No.'h CIC. and t:i7 dali'd Nov. 1, IDIli. No.'n I8S0 to IKK3, Inc. datod Nov. 1, 1011, Aluo tho followliiK water main lm provmniint hen.U: No.'h 2 and 3 of BorldB "(V dated Nev: I. 101 1, liitur.iHt on tho ahovn tin m ml houdrt will coiiKo at tho next M'ml anutial Interest puylns period. May 1, 1IMI. Dated April I. 1014. (Ilia II. HAMUKI.H, City TroiiHiiror. AIIMlXISTUATdlfH rrN'ATi NOT I (T III tho county court of tho Htato of OroRon for tho county of Jiiclttioii. In tho nmttur of tho catnto of Kulu K. I'arkhurHt, doconHud, Nolle In hureliy kIvdii that tho tin domlKiied, admlulutrator or tlio en lata or l.tilu K. I'arkhurHt, decoaieil, has filed IiIh final account an mirii iiUmliilHtrator. and that tho hiiiiio hitri broil mitt led and allowed a filed liy an order duly mado liy tho Hon, Krank b, Ton Vollo, Judito or tho aliovo muutlouud court on tho 2lHt day or April, 10CI, tu wiiluh or dor tho i.ui'Mlnn or tho dlni'lmruo or tlio mild aduilulHtrator wax rimm-Ved ror riirthor huarliiKi and upon mild adiiilnlHtrator'H application nald court Iiiih fixed Monday, April Hlth, 10H, at 10 00 o'clock hi tho loro. noon or that day In tlio court room or thu nald county court In tho county court lioiuu at Jackminvlllu, Orenon, an tho tliiio and pi a co ror tho lionr liiK on nald appllcalloii lor dlncliaritn All piirHoim IiuvIiik any ohjectloim In (ha dUchiirku of nald udliiliilNtra tor nro liereliy uolKlnd In preneiil llm HUMID l Dlllll coin t Ull or liufuiu mild .iikm n ) i. i i i ii imai a m i'." -' cvbhi -uc . -iiSjLSjr .i.'i) ,lhn ;( wW lJ$K11 V 7 p UiWLiw, x.WC BBiU - M .,jaHHH 1HH K L I mmr'. t in " i"i uruL'ui in ii k'kour.BhBHiLJK'jn j i i i ibmii n" i m iutt'itc' iKMtilClhi J1 1' - 7BF4jfHH v y WW JU WBI HHifi&riTfm ,BPm!r 'JmmSMim r-W. PtC -J& & LjSKf 1 rfi:wiftwsw,1i i w. yre- 'csx bbbb tib7 BB,ni n iitu - ' - -r 'Abnrfr -vi -. i J , -- cw--v iHJk'inr-ri4iri hut ini'iitloiii'il ilntii. i nit. .1 Murrh nih, iru I. IIAItltV I). MII.I.K. AiliiilnUtititnr. rOI.ITIC.M, ANNor.N'CCMKNIX. d'nlil Ailv.) J. I'. IlltUuii, rhl.'f ol pollco nl MiMlfiinl. aiiniiuiic.iit liln tnmllilncy fur tli.t iloiiiocrntlc iiomliiiillon lor uliurlff of Jnrl.dou county at tliu j.rl inarlu May 1&. (1'nl.t Ailv.) I wh lo nniiounco my cnmlldacy for tli.i r.'Piilillinn nomlnntloii at tlmrltf at tho iirlmnrlon May IGth. A. K. CAIIIIAItT. (( I'alil I Imroliy aniiouiiro my for llm .Ii'tnorratlc nomination ,. uliurlff at tlio iirlmnrl.'i May J.T. HUMMKUVII.I.i:. (I'alil Adv.) siNci.Kit rou siinuiT. In acrcplliiK tho appointment hup- rredliift my brother for lilt uuexplroJ term an nlierlff, I did ) for tho bono- tu ui hi widoiv nun iniiiuy, i no oi-. i no nan uau an iionem ami emciont admlnlitratlnn. With tho r.anio object and pur poiea In view 1 hereby announce uiy olf a a for tho republican nomination at tho prlinarlvi May 15, 1011. W. II. SINdbtilt. d'ald Adv.) foii ror.vrv tuicasuubu. I hereby announce ni)eir as a caudldato ror tho office of county treasurer, on tho republican ticket, to bo voted on nl thu com Inn primary election on May tlio 15th, 1011. 1 have alwayrt delivered tho Koodn and will do mo aiAaln If elected, 1 r.iiaratitc.)' 1. To account Mrlctly for nil money, 2. To perform tho duties of tho office according to law, I am tint connected with any bank, All haiikH will bo treated allko, with no Hpeclal favors. I'HBI) b COl.VIQ. I am a caudldato for tho republi can nomination for county treasurer at tho primary to ho held May 15(li. H nominated and elected I will r.lvo tlio office my pomoual attention, and perform tho dutlen pertnlnliiK thereto nccordliiK to law, tin I luivo done dur- liiK tho pant. .IAS. M. CHONBMIbbBU. (Paid Adv.) I'OU eOUOMCH. W. W. UHHliur announcos liln can dlducy for roiouer on tho repuhllcnti ticket. (Paid Adv.) FOII STATIC HICNATOlt II, Von der llellen, or Wullen, In cuuilmiit, aiiiiouucert his candidacy FOR SALE Homestead rolluiiulHlimont for uiilo or trade lor city lots or for sec ond hand Ford, li la place Ih well located, close to railroad and Pi- cUlu hlRhway. Also have city lot or oiiulty In housu and lot to traJo for uuw or Hucoud hand auto, Five room housu on paved utroot, modern, to noil on Installment!). Hinall payment down, balaiico f!G to 25 per mouth, Hoiihoh mid office room to rent cheap. Como up and lull me your troubles, Itoom Mil M, l ,! II, IliilldliiK OppiiHltu thu Post Offlco w. t. vomc. I'ormiilly Keillor Mumbur of V. V, Vol It tc Co, for tlit ri!iiilllcnii notnlnntloii ok ' Kttiln Kdimtor from Jnt'ltion county. ' (I'alil Ailv.) mm HUNT IIOAIIII AMI IKIOMS ninn.".r"n(Ciu?AT"Mra?X i. (irmitii. r.2s i:. Main. 21 4 ' - ion hi:nt iui(msiii:i iioomh! I'OU UKNT Largo leiilni: rooms, ntut nioilorn lioiuitki'.iiiliiR npiirt- j iti.itiU, (irlruH .try ruanoiinlilo. i I'lion.i 217.1,. li'i South Holly I atpct. : I'OU JtKNT Modern rurnUhed Iooiiim, Tlio CottuKi) HoHldelif., 0" Went 1 0th Kt a I foii m:.M ii()r.Mr:iu:i:i'i.(i IKX I.MS I'OU HUNT- Nlcoly runil.hi.l hoimc k.opliiK roouiH. Call 23 1 l.'ant 0th. after 2 p. m. I'OU ItKNT LlRht hoimokciiplns milten and nicely furnlihed rooms, cheap. Tho Oxford, 223 W. Main treet. 325 FOII ItKNT l'i;ilMS1li:ii AITS. I'OU ItKNT I'lirtilihed apart nleiit Tho Hoi ben. Main and Quince. rou iti:."t uot:sr.s rou ui:nt -rumuiieii Iioum. on PliVoiiionl. 3 roouiH and bath. Call 730-11. 13 I'OU HBNT Seven water paid, $0.50. HariU'nt. room hoiiK, liiiiilro Col. 21 I'OU ItKNT -One five room modern, fitruUhod bonne; one four room unfurnished. I'hou.t 370-11. i I'OU HUNT OH HA bit Six room biinttalow, term reauonnhlo. Ap ply to Dr. Porter. I'OU HUNT l'urnlshed house nt CO N. OriuiKo St. foii sai.i: nouses I'OU HAI.K - I room house, lot 50x 120 In baurel I'ark Addition, $473. Kimy paxueiitH. l'houo 004. 11 To loan on Improved ranches. Interest S per cout "Insurance That Insures." II. 8. STINB Iluy your Insuraato or a taxpayer WHY? You who have been hero for somo time Hhould know that tho prexent schediilo or prlccri or laud Ih as low as they will no. Located Near .Mcirr.l lleut Hear crook bottom 1250,00 (lood alfaUn 200,00 Alfalfa and ;raln land 125.00 Clay loam, good orchard land 75.00 Desert, can bo IrrlKatea 00.00 Fair Krudos of Btlcky, BiikIo Point and Siuuh Valley cc- ItoiiH In Kraln 05.00 Alfalfa, ApploKato, IrrlKiHed 150.00 baud In brush or hlllsldu (It;- ores 10 00 to 20.00 baud hero Is as cheap as In Kan- huh or Iowa, J. C. BARNES JO l Flint Nat'l Hank ItUl-. NEW TODAY Just lor u few ilaya 1 can null 300 arroH within four miles or tho city of Mod fold, and a largo part of It la good tillable laud 100 acres under plow, another hundred lays fluo, and tho balance sloping, but very llttlu of It Htoop. All good deep free mill, A rino Ktock and itonornl fanning pro position riKlit now, mid Ilia uho;o thing would make u flue orchatd frco from float danger, Think of It, and Investigate quick ly. Huh never lin.m offered ror sale before, but Is oil tho market now at $10.00 per aero. Terms on u part at it per cool C. D. IIOON HI It SAMI IIOMKSTKAIIH I'd It HAI.B SO arnt liuiintenil r llui.tiliilimitnt, 7 inltmi from Moil font Willi ntnall liotue on It liy owner, 1100.00. AtlilroM Owner, rnro Mall Tribune. 12 l-d ItS.VI.l. I'AU.-.l bAMl.H I'OU KAI.K lilKhty acr.m or """fiinii with 14" od hous., harn and well With n.'i iicroi. In cultivation to al falfa, orchard and wheat. On tho I'ai'lflf hbthway, only one niflu from a town. All ran l rult:- atod. Total prlto only H.'OO, pn aid. on trrniH. . S. Tinny 210 (luructt-Corey III.Ik- 1 1 I'OU SAf.lN .'.ckkaei: I'OU HAl.i: A 6 and 10 arro tract, clou) In. Income property, easy tcrmi. I'liono 302-M, owner. S2S I'OU SALB I'lvo and 10 aero tracts cheap and on easy terms. Lo cated ono mllo south ol Hotel Med ford. W. II Kvorhard. 1013 Weet Ninth St , phono C07-.I foii sai.i: roi'iruv I'OU BAMV Hatred ivock .Tkijs for lintcliliiK. $1 per netting. Uurncll. Meiirord, It. I'. I). No. 2. phono 2 41-115. FOU Pure, b.rpd Plymouth Hoc I; and llnmburu 'opKS. 11.00 for 15. A. Pottlnuor, 713 Wot 10th. Phono 13S-H. 24 I'OU S.M.B Splendid strain ol win ter laylm; white leghorn cockorols. Alio day old chirks and trap nested ecKH. Hunch rnlfcd! xery rcaion able. Phono 5V..-J2. Urommer Hnis.. It. It. No. 2. 12 I'OU 8AI.K 31 tboroiiKhbrod W. b. pullotH lnliiK u per cent, every bird a beauty, oelentud from a flock of 400. $1.00 each or t3' ror the pen, 3 cocks, $1 each. ThrouKhlired W. b. yearling hens IioIiik 70 per cunt, $10 per t.'oon. Sumo fine cockerels, $1.50 each. KkKh from above block $1 per 15 and $.00 por 100. Uaby chlx, $10 per 100. C. I Carpen ter, phone 201-114. Ii FOU SAI.B LIVESTOCK I 'IH fs A I .It l" lilat k IMrolieron btal Hon 3 M:iix old. wo!. lit 1700 lbs., on ranch 2- mites tututh or Jack sonville, by owner. Henry .Man kins. 12 FOU SALB Haled alfalla hay $S to $10. Call 732-J2. 31 FOU SAI.B Slnglerooter. gentle baddlu horse and good saddle. $100. II. II. Tort. 12 FOU SAI.B Ono Jersey cow, ono work horse. 11. S, Staucllffo, Phoenix, Ore. 12 FOU SAI.B Cow and calves, entire dairy herd. Walsh's ranch, mllo out North Hoosovelt avenue. 327 I'OU SAI.B Jersey helfor, Juet rresh. Will Muller. 41 N. Orange.' FOU SAI.B Two yearling colts. In qulru Nahh I. Ivory. 10 FOR HA Lit MIJiC17li.ANKOUS ion sai.i: - W, Ihuiich. drain hay and corn. ( Phono 501-H4. FOR SAI.B OH TRADE For Reed blcMle, a minute Diamond post card miuiilno. Address box 331. 12 Fit SAI.B New Duntloy combina tion carpet sweeper aud vacuum cleaner, sacrlllco. Phono 800-J. 12 FOR SALE One 25 ton capacity hay pre, power aud wire machine. In quire Hort Hell, Talent, Oro. 12 FOR S.M.B Vow posta, dry body Write Nounur Oregon. and cedar fence fir cord ood. llroa.. GlQiidale, 320 FOR SAI.B Queen bees, Italian Qiiooiih, bred from my Dost honey htralu, untested $1 00 each, 0 Mr $5.00. Ready after April lSth. 321 Plum St., James Sluwart. 330 FOU SAI.B Fancy seed potatoes. Evorgrouu sweet roru; ulso good family cow, Hubert Dutton. phono nfifl-M, WANTED HITUATIONH WANTED Wmi. fur man mid wife pieroralil) on runt Ii Addro'n box 24, euro Mull Tribune. j. WAXTKD SITUATIONS V.T?riwiM'on' on raiuill liy marrlml man. txiurluiicjd. A- dy fi2S North C.uilral. 21 WANTliU Jnpanoio hoy want a'l klndi of Iioiiho work, by hour. I'lioile -t I -It. Khmoi:a. 24 wantiiii :iHi;iciiiAAr.-ors WANTKII l onco. to rent, for a few darn, slni'lo horte and buexy. will isoarauteo hot of caro. A.t ilrow. (I. V., caro Mall Tribune. 12 WNTII!) I'lvo pawHUifier autonio lillc mutt bo In Kood rondltlon. Cull ur wrlto W. O. Tottlu. The Coli-iiwu, W. Main St. II WANTBD Team for orchard plow liii;. Inqulru Scott V. Davis, phone 808-U. It WANTBD Somo Reed, sound pota toes. Itobcrt Duttou. WANTBD 50 head of stock to pas ture. H. J. Honar, pnono 530 J5. 31 WANTBD Horses Phono G07-H4. lo jiasture. WANTBD First class slnfilo buRBX cheap for cash. Phone SCS-X. FOU at'llAMJE FOU BXCHANOB 10 acres In Washington stato and a modern homo In Canyon City, Colorado, tor Medford property, Huutnwcst preferred Hox X, caro Mall Trl - bit no. 12 IIL'SINIIHS DIUBCTOIIV Alilo nnppUnu LAHBH AUTO SPUINO CO. Out big secret In making sprlnga Is the tempering. Wo aro operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant In the Pacific northwc.t. Use our springs when others tall. Hold under guarantee 2C North Fif teenth St. Portland. Or Attorneys PoTtTEK JS'EFF." WM. P. M BALEY Attorneys-at-Law. Hooms 8 and 9, Medford National Hank bldg. A. E. IlEAMES, LAWYEU Uarnott Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney aud Conn sollor at Law. 123 Bast Main street. Medford, Ore. Wni. M. CoIvIk George M. Hoberti COLV1Q &. HOHBUTS. LAWYEHS Medford National HauW Hutldlnx H. F. MULKEY & GEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Dank Huildlag. NEWTON W. UOHDEN Attorney at law, room 7, Sparta building, Mod ford, Oregon. Physicians nnC SurKeok Dlt. F. Q. CAULOW, DR. EVA MAINS CAULOW Ostoopathlt phyelclans, 416-417 Oarnctt-Core bldg., phone 103C-L. Resldouc 2C South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD OstoopathT. physician, 303 Oarnott - Core building. Phono 004-M. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice Ihultud to eyo ear, novo and throat. Eyes sclen tlflcally tosted aud glasses supplied Offlco S2S East Main St., Hour. 8:30 a. tu. to S p. tu. Phone. DR. MC M. M. DOW Physician and surgeon, Dr. bydla S. Dow Os teopathic physician, offlooa 3-1 St. Mark's block, Phono 100. Resi dence tho Dow Hospital, Central Point, 333 E. U. PlCICBb. M. D. Orrico Jack eon Comity Uuuk bldg. Offlc. phono 43-R; resldonco phono OS-It DR. MARTIN O. HARHBU Phyil clau aud surgeon. Offlco Palu block, opposite Nash Hotel, lloun 10 to 12, 1 to 4, Phono 110-J. Dlt. H. W. CLANCY Physician nr surgeou. Phoues, office 3C, rosl douce 724-J. Offlco hours 10 t 12, 2 to 6, Oil. 8. A. bOClCWOOD Physlclai aud surgeon. MYRTLE H. I.OOKWOOl), M. D. Practlco limited lo dUoao o women. Offlcos 232 B Main Phones, residence, 814-J2; office KM It. J. CON HO V. M D myslciuu am 1 Surgeon Over Hutchison & bum duu, 210 B. MutuHt l'houo 77. -EFii' --' ;i I1UKINI-SS IlIKCCTOItV Auctioneer - WlbblAM UbUICH Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford OrcRoo Terms reasonable. Unnl dene.) phone 1C1-J. Office Jack rou County nink building. L.1i!rwjruCTtr DIl. II. J. LOCICWOOD, ChVropr-etor ncrvo specialist. Hooni.i 203-204 20S Oarnott-Corey bldg. Vapoi baths and scientific massage given ncedlo spray, head and snouldei shower In connection; advlco In dietetics. medical gymnastics hydroptherapy. Lady attendant Phone, offlco 543, residence 5 11-11. Oil. A. U. HEDCJBH. Dr. boulsol; Hedges Mechauo-Theraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothcraplsts. Thest systems. Including dietetics, cura tlvo gymnastics, hydro-theraphy, etc.. produco results In both acute and chronlu diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Deuel St Co., cor ner Main and Oartlett. Hours 9 a. m. to C p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phone 170. Oartag OAUUAOB Oct Tour prcmlsci cleaned up tor th- winter. Cab on the city sarbae wagon fot good service. Phono 325-L. P. T. Allen. Printer and I'ubllsticra jMEDpoitD PRINTINQ CO. has the best equipped printing office Ic southern Orogon; book binding loosoicaf ledgers, billing systems etc. Portland prices. 27 Nortl Fir St. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A Quick, Handy, reference for lluny l'eoplo Art Portraiture Scott's Studio, nil grades of portraiture, kodak finishing, enlarging, tinting. Drlng tho babies, wo understand them. Over Hnsklus' drug store, Phono C92-R Art Stoio R. !.. Honnctt. Paint. ol!s. glass, wall paper, enlarging, picture framing. 27 North Grapo Phono 36C-.1 Auto Doilies and Spray Tanks J. W. Mltcholl, blacksmlthlng, horseshoeing, wagon work, rub ber tiro work. 22 South Hiver sldo street Phono 2C Harness, Suit Ciixch, Gloves Herman Hrothcrs, 317 East Main, repairing ot all kinds. Phono 481-J Halwl Hay, Flour, l'octl, Grain b, n. Drown. Ituss Mill, also poultry supplies. 139 South Riverside ...Phono 020 Ilakery Royal riakcry, bread, pics, cakes. Coruor Malu and Grapo. ............. ...M.. ...... ...... ....1 houo u7 Reality Shop Tho Beauty Shop, Madamo Hoodo, bhnmpoaliig, hair dress lug, manicuring, chiropody aud children's hair cutting, room 35, Jackson County Dank Uldg. Phono 741 Cleat Factory Oregon Central Cigar Factory, Johnson, Pitt. Maxnpan cigars. 210 West Main Fhotio 321 Civil Bnulneeru Osgood & Drown. T. W. Os good. Asso. M, Am. Soc. C. E. A. Thoo Drown, doputy county surveyor. Medford National Hank Uldg Phono 2C2 Electric Wiring, Fixtures, Supplies Southern Oregon Elcctrlo Co.. Mazda Lamps. 0 South Coutral Avenuo Phono 215-Y Furniture Now mid Second Hand Scott Woolf, successor to Mor doff & Wooir, complete liouso furnishers. Spoolal low prices on Axuilulster rug uud furni ture. 22 South Fir Phono 9 Farmer liiiplemeiitb Hubbard Hrothors. Full lino or John Dooru makes. Fur spe cial prices on buggies. 335 Bast Main Phono 231 I Ye 1 1 and ('mod Meals Rur Meat Market. M W Wag. uur, Plop. 314 Bust Mulu Phono 273 Hj 1IUSINKSS DIHBCTOKT --- Dentists DU. W. M. VAN SCOTOW DR C. C. VAN 8COTO0 Dee tl its Oarnott-Corey bldr., suite lift, Bedford. Ore. Phone 86 . Binployinent Agency Wo aro here to holp people get re liable, compotcnt help. Wo fur nish help In almost all lines of business. Wo niako a specialty of competent men and wives for ranches. Wo solicit your patron ngo. Ulttnor'rt Heal Estato and Employment Hureau, Rooms C and 7 Palm Hulldlng. Medford. Phono S5S. Mrs. Dyrd Caster, Manager, successor. tr;- T' Instruction Mr. FRED ALTON HAIQHT Teach- er or piano and harmony. The Halght Music Studio, 116 Bout Laurel St., phone 178-U. Notary PuliQc HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary dob- 11c. Drlng your work to me at to sign of the Mall Tilbun. bteaogTaftetra ELLA M. OAUNYAi Palm block, Stenographic work One quickly and well. Trnei ----n---. .-!14 EAD3 TRANSFER ft 8TORAOE CO. Office 43 NorU Front St. Pbom 315. Prices rls-C 8tie guar Groceries Drownlco & Dudley, Monopolo canned goods. Upper Crust flour. 327 East MaIn..Phono 927-L Giiiih, Aiiiiuniiltlon, Sporting Goods Bwlngs Gun Storo, fishing: tackle, sporting goods, lis West Main Phono 345 linuraiice Any Kind II. II. McCurdy, writes flro, life, accident, liability, auto, plato glass, burglary, fidelity and surety bonds, Sparta Hulldlng. ......................m.......... ...... t nouo l. 3 Modern Photography Tho Mackey Studio, latost and most up-to-date methods. Por traits of chltdron. Main and Central, back of Daulels for Duds. Nursery Tho Quaker Nursory, commer cial varieties of pears, apples aud ornamental shade trees, II. D. Patterson, manager. Special prices for next thirty days. 104 South Fir. Phones, otrice 702-J, Resldonco 249-X Practical Horbcbboer mi.l blacksmith O. F, Morrlman, Medford me chanic. 20 South Illvorsldo Avonuo Phono 279 Plumbing and Heating Van R. Pelrson. 28 North Grnpo Phono 920 Real Estate, Loans ami Investments Page Dressier Company, farm lands, sub-dlvislous. 320 East Main Phono 288 Uostauraiit Johnson's Cafo, nil homo cook ing. 28 South Central Avouuo. Phono 001-J Shoo Repairing Model Hoot Shop, whllo you wait. 10 South Central Avo nuo Phono 875-IT Sheet Metal Works Medford Sheet Metal Works II. (1. WorthliiBton, Prop. Cor ulca mid ftkyUghts, roofing of alt kinds, tin mid Bhoot Iron pipe gutters, tiiuku, 10 Fir street ........Phouu 477 Staple mill Fancy Oroccrle 0. P. Krlbs & Co, 33 North Urapo ......I'hoiig 109 Steniigraplier "M T Edwards, sUm5grkK. Typewriter. ImisI srwHImiIUuui, nmnlfolillHit, I'ulw LliMk. ..,....,.M.....,.......M.f..fMtMS 104