PAGK SIX MEDFORD. KATTj TRTtfUNE. MEDFORD. OKKCION, VWDAX, APRIfi 'X 101- If . SAN FRANCISCO jam REGIONAL " RESERVE BANK Washington, April a After lurco months consltteration tno ro i servo bank organization committee i toilny announced It has divided con tinental United States Into twelve banking districts and selected twelve elites where the federal resorvo banks will bo located nndor the now eur rcney law. This Is the first decisive stop toward establishing the new sys tem. Tho cities selected are: Uoston, the reeervo Imnk will have capital of 9,9.11,000. Now York, capital $20,- CS7.000. Philadelphia, capital J12,- 903,000. Cleveland, capital $11,021, 000, Richmond, Vn capital JC.313, 000. Atlanta, Ga capital $4,702,000. Chicago, capital $13,151,000. St Louis, capital $0,219,000. Minnea polis, capital $4,702,000. Kansas Cltr. capital $5,594,000. Dallas, Tex., capital $5,634,000. San Kranclsco, capital $8,115,000. 1'lvo hundred nnd fourteen nation al banks and sonic, state banks nnd trust companies are members. The San Francisco district consists of California, Oregon, Washington, Ida ho, Nevada, I'tnh nnd part of Arlioua. Tho organization commlttco has authorized to provide branch banks but this will bo done by tho federal reserve board yc( to be appointed by the president. Tho organization commlttco in Its announcement called attention to the fact that under the net's requirements it could not find grounds for the establishment of over ono bank on tho Pacific coast but held hopo that in tho near futuro anotner bank Mill bo authorized by congress for this section. It Is said tho committee was Im pressed with tho Idea of tho growth nnd development of lflalio, Wash ington nnd Oregon, but on tho basU of six per cent of tho capital stock and surplus of the member banks of that section could not provido the minimum capital. With the continued growth of that region it Is reasonable to expect that In a few years tho capital and surplus of tho member banks will bo suffic ient to Justify the creation of an ad ditional rcscrrc district. "A DAUGHTER OF THE HILLS" AT THE STAR The intinngcmcnl f Ihc Slur Tlientro offer for today nnd tomor row n big double program, Lnurn Snwvcr of the famous Player Com jinny, in "A Daughter of the Hills" in theree parts nnd "The Doom of The Ocenn" it beautifully colored photoplay, nl-o in three putt-. Itny. inotiil & Temple eloe the bill willi n clever vaudeville net. "The Daughter of The Hills" is mi extraordinary picture, and it is n pleasure to record n picture that while speetiteulur in its staging nlso contains n real story, one of liunan interest, nnd simple nnd convincing, From it pictorial viewpoint there lire ninny hceitc tiiut will charm. They nic of tho open country, or mltiii; in the glow of the firelight in their hut The program opens with "The Dnoiii of The Sea" n powerful nnd gripping story of intrigue on loud uud sen, showing u mo.-l cxtruonli iiury rescue i-cene. Iinprisoneil and left (o die in ti deserted mid desolate lighthouse by mi unscrupulous illiau, who plots to gain u largo fortune, mi heirexs nnd her hoy vscnpo by a terrifying slide fur life from the iop of the truturu to u ship. SENATE BLOCKS DANIELS' NAME FOR NOMINATION WASHINGTON, April 3. Con fronted with tno most serious nom ination contokt blnco Prefcldant WIN Bon took offico, the senate ml throughout today's session Lohlnd closed doors dlscueiiug tho confirms tlon of Wluthrop Danlots of New J or scy aa a member of tho Interstate commerce, commission. Thou a ro- cecs was taken to resume tho debate tomorrow, it Is tho third day of continuous consideration of tho case. Konators LuFolletto nnd Cummins led tho fight against confirmation. Senator Martfno, of Daniels' own etato was reported to have told the senate he had come to tho conclusion the confirmation would bo n mistake. He added that personally ho had tho highest regurd for Danlols, Daniels' view on tho valuation of public Bonico corporation property as expressed In the Possnle gas rato case are tho basis of tho opposition. In this ciuo, the first to come up under Governor WIUoii'h public util ities art, Daniels, the critics say that as president of tho public service ooMitiUsloii lie was too llbuial In the valuation of tho pan company' prop- TITLED FRENCH WOMEN YtfCOUKTOS" ISKOJSt P'AK Washington society on April lit will lme the opportunity (if wing two more plays at the fashionable linyhmiio. The actor, in usual, will all U soclal loader. The dramatic committee of the l'ln.vlioue announces the piny will be given for the benefit of the IHutilnlcan Slter. The flr-t piny, Suicide?," Is n comedy In one n t by Mr. Pret n GIIkoii adapted from n story by Leonard Merrick. The - '. "L'Amre Motif," Is n French comedy. In ntikh Countess de Hortlcr de S-. ny, wife of the French military nttneliC'. and Vlsctuuiles UcuoUt dAz., wlr of the Trench nS atta. In', win a t Encouraging Signs Solving Fruit lly W. F. Owin. General Manager, .Nortuwestcrn Fruit Exchange change was organized ns a service Ono of tho most encouraging slgn3 clearing-house, through which tlu of tho times, as they concern tho orthw vstcrn and tho associations fruit Industry of tho Northwest, is and shippers In other parts of the the great Impetus that has been gl en country could co-operato In supply to the Important matters of co-opera-, '"K a tonnage sufficiently great, and tlon amongst the fruit growers and w'at Is equally Important, sufflclen' organization of tho growers. In ," continuous, to keep a great sales theo Important works, new co-opera- toTCO ulie' fr twelvo months In the live agencies which have come lnto''onr- Speakers on co-operalivo or existence within a year, have acconv pushed much, nnd arc to be com mended. It Is with much relief that the Northwestern Fruit Kxclinngo viewed and continues to view the creation nnd progress of these new agencies, for the field to bo covered and the burden of education nnd organiza tion to be borno is so great that It Is doubtful If any one concern could ar compllsh tho task efficiently. Fe: nearly threo years tho exchange bor the heat and burden of tho battle for organization nnd order, alone. Kn- tcring tho field In 1910, it round It In complete possession of commission merchants from eastern cities, nnd tho marketing of the crop largely on the old-lino consignment basis. Tho Kxchange was the very first to urge the advantage nnd Import ance of divorcing the business from the consignment basis and placing It on a merchandising basis of f. o. b. sale. From tho very start. It an nounced its policy, and has not onlj stuck to It persistently Itself, but has been gratified to sec its policy. lit principles, and much of Its practice and argument adopted by others. In cluding tho co-opcrattvo marketing agency that came Into clxstcnco last season, and hag bteomo a largo and important factor in the situation. From tho foregoing, It will be soon that most decidedly the Kxchange Is not only not an opponent of co-operation, but Is the first organization to urgo tho advantage-u of It, and Its whole record Is one of consistent ef fort and achievement In the direc tion of practical co-oporatlon. It has. at its own expense, been instrumental in organizing now associations nt many points throughout the north west, and fostering and nursing them until tlioy were strong enough to stand alone; h .t talked co-operation, ami practiced co-operation, to an ex tent, especially In tho practlco, that has never been equaled in this part of tho country. For Illustration, Instead of confin ing tho practice of co-operation to tho growers of tho northwest, which Is as far as evou the boldest ro-opcr-ators, outsldo tho Kxchango. have thought of going, tho Northwestern Fruit Kxchango, away back In l'Jlo figured out tho truth, now ovldont to nearly everybody thut npplo grott o's In tho northwest must tiecosKarllv co-oporato with fruit and vegetal) growors In other parts of tho toiin- try In Florida, In Toxas. In New i:m;land. in Michigan, In California, i overcome tho hoasonal lmmlleatw , ...- . . on the operation of perinauont and ef ficient, as well as economical sales service. Have you over figured out how a sales feervlco could be efficiently and economically maintained by fruit groweis of the northwest, alonn, when tho fruit is harvested within about 100 days and marketed In a period of about six months. What will become of tho sales machinery tho other six months? Will It ho al lowed to Ho Idlo and rust, or must It ho abnuoiiod and renewed annually. Doesn't either nlternntlve offer service olfactions to the mind of niiv rational IjiihIiioi men? What about It. then? Well the KmIiuiiho met that prohlom by n pure co-operative principle, without any rounding of lira or tinkling of cymbals, but be iilmiidoiicd uud ruuenud iiiuiuiilly TO ACT ' FCrt C..ARITY COUHTkST K H&IIIR. IS 5"AU VIGK of the Times in Marketing Problems Tho North American Fruit Kx- ganlzntlon recently have admitted their problem In this regard, nnd have expressed the hopo that sooner or later, increasing tonnage will en able them to employ more salesmen. Hut Increasing tonnage of only northwestern fruit will never enable the work to be done with maximum efficiency, for the reason stated. The Northwestern and Its asso ciates In the North American, handled during tho year ending December 31st, 1913. over 11,000 cars of fruits and cgctablcs, maintain over 100 direct agencies in as many different cities, and represent. In Its operations, (estimated ( over 15.000 growers, In all parts of tho country, all of whoso tonnago combines to support service of a kind not parallelled elsewhere. at a cost jcr unit lower than produced under any other conditions. It will bo seen then, that the Kxchange has been practicing, slnco 1910, practical co-operation In a positive, effective way. Proven performance Is always more convincing than theories and promises for tho futuro. Now, tho whole question rcsoltc Itself Into this: What Is our object In growing fruit? If you nre In the buslnofs primarily to mako money for yoursolf, you owe It to oursoir and to your family to got right down to braes tacks and romparo tho re sults of tho various marketing agen cies. Thero are bound to bo several of them. Never doubt that. Kvon In California, so often men tioned as tho homo of co-oporatlvn marketing, there are several large, strong factors In tho deal, nnd the successful growers nro not by ar means to be found In any one of thorn. Mr. C C. Chapman, the most successful individual orange grower In California, and the owner of the famous "Mission Ilrand" Ik not u member of tho Cullfornla Fruit Grow er Kxchange, for example. Ho, hero In the northwest, tho Industry Is nl roady settling down on similar Unci. and no ono concern, co-oporntlvu or otherwibo. will over control all or even nearly all of tho fruit. Fur thermore, It would bo trenmondously against your interests If any one con cern, co-operative or otherwise, wore to control it all, or nearly all. Human nature, you know, Is hu man nature, whethor found in tho ranks of pure co-oporatlon or outside thoni. And monopoly tends to abuses, to Inertia, to extravagance to corruption. This Is true when one political party controls the govern ment machinery for too long, nnd It Is truo of any other human Institu tion. Competition is needed by overj man to sharpen his faculties; to bring tho best out of him, Theso things being fundamentally true, It Ik up to you to study the whole ques tion and decide for yourself In which method of marketing you can rely most advantageously to yourself, If oii want money, jou would bettor study the Kxchangos record for four jears, I wnut to warn you ugalust the sophistry of supposing that co-operation and organization Is a pannten for all market Ills. Wo liuvo noticed of Into the growing use of tho expres sion "Itemember 1912," much ns the expression "Itoiiuniiher tho Mitliio" was used In ISUK. u Is nil very well to teiueinber I HI-', uud take what step we inn lo gunid iimiiIii a re petition of IhOHe conditions. If fit ( is eipmlly well not tt fool ournolenf In tho belief that co-operation ulnne will prevent thorn. As a tuntter of fact, there will be lean ears - en loan years -as well ui fnl years, In tho futuro ns In tho past Co-operation Is not responsible for this .eiirV Reed prices, nor will It prexeut some future year's very bad price. Fit te you realize tho truth of this and build jour business nccordlngly, yon will be greatly etnbnrrassed later on. The California Fruit Growers' Kx change to often quoted ns the ne phi ultra of co-operation, has not been nhlo to avert this ear's mar ket disaster: many scores of cars ol oranges from California have re turned red Ink to the growers and many more linvo sold for les than cost of production, despite the fact that huge sums of money have been sent and are being being spent In newspaper and magnztnn space to ad vertise the fruit. Kcportcd by Jackson County Ab tract Co., Sixth nnd Fir Sts. Circuit CVutrt ltcuer-Portland Cement I'o. t W. S. Fitzuctald et til., action to quiet title. Heaver-I'oillnud Cement Co. -Wm. S. Fitzgerald, uelion to quiet title. O. C. (larrett et nl. s. Surah .1. Krdinan, timling and decree. John A. Perl V-. Rudolph Seholol et nl., order su-tiiiuing demurrer. The 101 Orchard & I.nnd Co. v- Anna Kvnus et nl., default nnd tie eree. ClinrlOM Nickel v. Jin. .Inne Oil bert, iiffiiluvit nnd order for publi cation of summon. Mabel Strum! v. Arnold Stntnd decree. Then. Itnudle- vs. H. 0. Mctlce el al., affidavit mid order of publica tion of summons. Knie-t Cole vs. F. .1. Cnttcrliu, de cree. Mabel II. Taylor et nl. s. K. A. Hefler, order overruling demurrer. I.eo Piipp- v-. Muliudu Jane .Mile- mill Win. Miles, to foreclose mortgage. . Protmto K-tnte of Anna Ctircntcr, deceits ed. I. Tliomns Carienter, minimis trator. Ilond filed; order appointing npprni-ers. Kstute of F. I.. Crniifill, deceased; inventory recited. KMnte of D. (i. Klirne, dcceiited, inventory recited. Ivditte of John T. I.a.vtuu, deceas ed: fifteenth scmi-nnuual account filed. Ileal INlnto Transfers Phoebe J. Wells et nl. to H. K. Appltgiite, land in 'u. -7-;is--jf:. . It. (I. Jeffrey to A. I. fro-, luiid in sec. Illt-III-VJf;. Henry Winner et ux to Wiiy innii Wniiier, hind in Cen trnl Point W. A. Wright to .I. A. Walker mid Charles W. Marsne, land in st.t'. 'ill. lU-.iK. T . . LouiMi J. Wright to ,l. A. Wal ker mid C. W. Marsne, laud in sec. ''0-IO-:iK ..--. . II. J. Aydlott to J. II. Lyons uud .. William-, luiid in, see. l!).;if!-:iW. . - - J. Williams to 0. II. Harris, same properly . .. . .. II. L. Whitcd et ux to (I. W. 10 I, 'JO I It) 10 Ktuvcus et ux, ll. Ill a eras in sec. ,i-:iu-ii-: T. K. I'lynu to Hen .!. Trow bridge, land in sec l-l-tl.'i-liW. . . N. Welter et nl. to (I. W. Ted rick, lot HI, 1 1 ami Hi, Ml;. I, Till tin's Second Addition to .Medford - . -.. -. S. . Starr it ux to J. H. Her sey et ux, lot in Downing tract, Aslilnnd .. . A. X. Hulbeit et ux to Isu bellu lliitsoii, lot-. .), (I, 7, uud 8, lilk. l.'l. Hold Hill V. M. While el ux lo H. K. Itovv rriiui, (I neres in see. '-'0- :i7-'jw. ti,000 10 .'.'ill .i.r.on 1,51)0 C. Hurgens et ux to K, I.. (Jiigsby, lot I, hlk. ti, Itruni oke mlflilioii to Medford. ti,ti00 Flora A. Kelsoy et vir lo ,J. K. .Miuiliiin', lots l, ti, ,'i mid I, blk. til), Hold IIIH. .. ... J. C. Drown el ux to W. !'. Is lines, lot ,'i, Oakluiwi uddition lo Alcdford v...... A. S. Arhoust c( ux lo It, il. Toft land in soc. li;-;il- 1 x -t ) - Kail DrirToe lo K, II. Adam sou, puit of lilecl: (, Talent J. F. Davis el ux lo .I. T. Ila gen, laud in see, .'IIMKI-tiW Isuhcflii (I, Unison e vir lo W. et ux, lo's 7 mill H, Ml;, III, Hold Hill . 10 10 10 1,(1110 .folin Van Nutlii et nv to I). T, MnKeridinr, lots - mid f, Ml;. D, Hoiilevniil Pail; Ad diliou lo Ashliiinl II. C. Kilev el uv lo ,l. Huiiis, laud in .'IH-IK I' S. S'nlioiiiil II. ml. of Ash land o (Inutile (ny HiiiiiujM 10 10 COURT HOUSENEWS Hunk of Ashlnud, purl f blk. 1, Ashluiid t). C, Hogg el u lo O. It. CliuriVe, laud in Tuft Addi tion to Medfoul .Mui'N .1, l.uui'ciicc to I). It, Hutoii, laud in see. MIT-lSW 10 00 IMollu ,!. .Muee.v el nl lo KM Oieluud Co., laud ill see. I- :ir-iw. 1 Minnie (liider et ie to mime, same piopeily I Kale Whitley el vir lo hiiiuc, siune piopertv I Cnllie .Inyeov et ir to mine, same ptupoity I Addle C. Kvnus lo wiine, lime ptoperly 1 Waller S. K.i.iu et n lo sumo, same property I Henry C. Klhci to smne, same piopeitv I Alum Kwitis et nl to siune, Htiine ptopeity I Atlhtin I eel to Mime, saute propel ty 1 A. l Hvnns et u. to sninc, uiuH propei ty 1 I. C. Donowiu et u. to I'm- deutinl .Mining Co. of North America, undivided two- thids iuteiet in land in see, ji-;iii.:iw. :m,otio Fruitgrowers Title ; Tru! Co, to N. !'. Lneey, parts lots I nut' ", Crenthtuok (JrchnnN 10 Legal blanks tot sato at thtt rlhun offlc Mall t With Medford trute W Meilford mndo World a Cttil CRUUE r i9is "'SSXTSfJ' "CLEVELAND" From San Francuco, Feb. 22, 1915 Viiiling fninotn c!t!f and cniuiltira on it fUlUi lrmtli!p which (Civi'i at our toteL Cveiy lutury and comfoit Aituinl. 135 days $900 and up (Deluding Sliete Tttp and tl nrrry o ipn w. AtoCmItnt!i Wf.1 fiidUt, Pan Ciu CaaaI and Mdjtrrkit Uiu SnJ ft m tit, ttUnj tut H HAMBURG-AMERICAN 200 Sloclto Stf ! Sin ri4ncba Or tcml mt0t9 IIAUVCV .V PAIAIIIIt North Pacific (leueral AKenta 4 11-tit White Hldg. Phono Dlllott 1.17C nnd .'.Gjy Seal lie, WiisIiIiikIoii t Aroitfraf tmmh'lsmm (KLb L? rJm - "?s " LABELS OF ALL KINDS Fruit and Cannery Labels in any color or all colors our specialty This $3500 Miehle Press Recently installed especially for label work. Our work equal to any and our prices right. Let us figure with you MEDFORD PRINTING CO. 25-27-29 North Fir Street ... Where is the Best Place to Buy Seeds? Why Hi oadlej's of Course, the on'y plncn In I'onthern Oicgon wlinro you can gel llui-pcci Seeds ami Mulfoid'n Nltrogenn. He linn hud ueuily 30 years cMictletiro in haudllug ami glowing hiumIh uud eutitoiueis all havo the benefit of IiIh evpeiieneo, It Is only n few stop from Main street and It will certainly pay you to lake the few extra steps to IliofidloyV where you can get everything for tho garden, Use Mullurd's Notiognrm In your In. gumo crops, tlui pees ilieurer Sweet Peas hao no equal and mi have, tiliout 10 of tho very best varieties lo chomio from. If on don't seo nt )ou want usl for It , BROADIEY THE FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN Is In tho M. Sloie Phono HTU Families Are Buying "Sunkist" Oranges by the Box or Half -Box Ktijoy the rich, delicious meat and sweet, tanjy juice of ruddy, thin-skinned, seedless "Sunkisi" or.mj;cs. I lave this golden fruit for breakfast, dessert and "hetween meals." Cleanest of all fruits- never touched by hare hands. .....1 i .. . i rr." ilfVttP. illUI l. I s oranues and v.-1 ''i-i; IV z V'lT clean, white cotton jloves. "Stiiikiit" urnni'es tire tho fin- cut, juicioat orniiitcM kvrJ Trce-riimiieil.fiberless. Not a seed .'il :.. "C. ...! ll Wi.' wuiinisi, my I'wJ'J r IiiiIMhx. Tlmt TVA iiil liv the dozen. 7 W Auk fur "Sunkint" Intuitu so full of juico tlmt they ko fnrthor limit other lemon. Tiy "Sim kit" luitioimtle hot or cold. Lcmonn atlil flavor to llsli, meats ntul s.tltnls. Get Rogers Silver with "Sunkist1 Wrnppers Cut the trmlemarkH from "Stmklst" orange nnd lemon wrappers uud mmu! them to us. Wc offer 27i!lf L3 ferent prciuituiis.nll Korcpi A-l Stnudnrd Gunrnn- tectl Silverivnrc. KxcIiihIvc "StuikiHt" (leiii.Ml. jfLimMAOv ,.-or lH nrnne Lnnoii W'niiperi, ami ti jo teat atatnpt "Kni" or.iiif.e anil lemon wmppcr inuit nine nl "SiiuLltt." Buy "Sunltist" OrntiKca nnrl Lemons nt Your Ucnlcr s Send your name mid full ad 'm. for Irco preiuiiiiu uhect mid I'l'MU'uni 1 1 ti Addicts nil onlert lor irrmium and all lii'i'iltloi to California Fruit Growers Exchange 1J3 ;(. Clifl Strtit, otswerioKHHRn ! f I l "HP" - ,wEtefli3!T-" ' , T '"u F & II. Ilulldlng ti'rceuliiiiiNo HIK i All the pickers i c. .. i-., l Ol OUIIIUII lemons wear in tlio wmli! I I... !... !... milll uy un- imia is cheaper tlistn liny- Tliev keen (or weeks. ,, .m j2 sunbUt" Oranga or CkKiia, IIL (i) 3 TTvCI ViKijlWV ? J V ? ? X ? y ? t ? ? f ? f t t f t J T T T ? ? t T t y X , ,..,...