Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 03, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    P&G15 TW1!J
Tho nuintry iiiiuIn hid iiiltn iIiimI)
fiont the long dry hh), Tim vt until
in iiiiiii lituiK out tlm black flitc,
which kIiiiIiIiuioiI t ho iiciiiIh of far
inem, orcliimllntH mill hiiiiiII itnrdfti
A. P, llnlulit or ItihclMin: I al
tomlltiK ( liiiHlurnH itmllurn In llm
clly IIiIh week,
It your crodir ilou'l handle Nine
town llakory nnmlii, iioiiii 110 and
jour order ulll liu dollwirod prompt
(leorito l.iiiin of Jiulintiinlllii upon!
Thunuliiy In Modioli! ntli'iidliiK to
limine!! iiihIIith
Tim Oritur of Owl, limtullod In (hit
lty dy OrKaiiltnr .1 K. Woods, mi
In tlm nullity Jul) iowiIIiiik nml tot
lillei'ed iiinnlllK tit forued ll't
urn htlll In doubt whollmr tlmy nrn r
n Kutarly nrKaulod nml funnel or
dor or not Tlm Krand latino
Knilth llonil, Itiil., In exported in j;yi
n decision on llii'lr i.lulim In u few
till) ri.
Union miltM ini'ii, wiitiH'ii nml
children nl V K l Vn A Co.
A number of lonil nittninnhlllnU
nrn pnliitliiK up thidr machines (or
tlm uprliiK nml summer tinretitiK.
Orders taken for nil kinds of viKf
table plants, nny iiunntlty. I.nrly
cnlilinRii plnnli now ready. Port
I nml nvuiiuo Orconhouno, Phone
8711. 230
Tlm brick work on tlm now Klks
leinplo oh North (Vntrnl aouuo In
pi((Kr'liiK rnplilly.
It, I), lloko of CVutrnl Point as
trnimiK'tliiK liiinliifki matter In tliu
city till afternoon.
Vnnn knit hosiery for women
nml children nt DoiioPi. The) stand
the tout.
"Tlm I.Ik," n inmspaper edited by
CnloiH'l TeiiKwatd In tlm interests of
the fraternal oritur of the mine nnmo
iiinito Hi appearance Thursday, and
contains it lot of gossipy onus of in
ti rct in Klk nml llilr friends. II
Mill lio Issued regularly.
Ladles, our r.iiarautcrd specially
trapped bread nt II. &. 0. cash Kara
NrntoMii llakcry. 2H
Word from Murtlii Iteddy who In
In Southern Cntlfornln fur his licit 1 1 ll
tirliiR tli i Information Hint he It tin
imttliiK rnplilly, nii( expects to re
turn to tliu lloituo ItlM'r tntluy
Wliru In iloillit. trnilo nt lilltl'.
Heerul fnlr iiililii' of fish were
imuto In Hear creek slum tlm flnt of
Hid nioutli .Moot of tlm fishermen
Kro hnjs.
l-'rnuk Cnluiunii of Jacksonville was
nmniiK tlm out of town tUltorn who
ntteiiilnl tlm hall Knmo Wednesday
Tlm first Intcrrhis track meet In
tlm Jackson rouul schools I liolnc
lielil nt tlm Imll piirk thin nftrriionn.
with Ml high ncliool Ik nn rouip
tltorrf. Tho wlnnerit In tlm vnrloun
utentu Mill lintn tho honor of repre
1'i'iitliiK tlm IiIkIi mcIiooI nt (ho itntn
meet to Im held nl KlIKetle In Jlllln
under tho nuHplrvn of tlm t'lihiimlly
of Orc'Koii,
Ittrhnnl Tnto of Mnmlifleld N
HpemlliiK n few iln)n In tlm city nt
temlltiK to luihlnenH liinttern.
Ilottnrd Tuttln of llrnutn IMkh 'n
hpeinlliiK a fow dnjH In tho illy nt
trndliiK to hiiHlncM inntterH.
KrcNh llino. Moil ford Co. '
V, i: ltnn. n well kmiMii cattle
limn of Klnmnth county. U nlteiiilliiK
to hiulncnH mnttiTH In tlm Milley thU
week, niukliiK it trip to I.'iikIii Point
Atheim underwenr nt Deuel'ii I
provliiK populnr In finality nml prlc
Jon (' Hinllli of ItoKiie Itlver !
Hpi'iidliiK n few dnyu In tho city I
connection with county lniBlnenx.
A. H. I.lttln of AhIiIhiiiI nttemleil to
liunlnoxit niitttortt In thU illy thla
Cnrkln & Tnylor, lnwora. (John
II. Cnrkln, (Ilium O, Tnylor), Una
kln.loyden IIIiIk., Mnln utrcot. '
County Itecoiiler l-'red CoIIk w
n hiiHlnei'H lHltur In Med ford for n
few houm Thiirridny iiftornoon,
Tho Imhy cIoIIiih dopiutiimut nt
DoiioI'h Ih replelo with IiuikiiIiih.
, Tom III ley of tho Antelope illxtrlct
.Ih In tlm city today iiltnudliiK to
IiiihIucmh inntterH nml vIhHIuk frlnmln
a tut rolntlvi'H.
Hereon doora nt Muilfnnl
hor Co.
Allen MuiiHoy of Talent vwm n vh-
Itnr In Medfonl ThurHilny aflurnoon
lloi'limu I'eait Iiiih letinued from
a fow dii)H liiihlncHH trip to (linntH
Tinny wrlteB bolter tiro luHiiruuco.
Atturmiy Ctnu Iteaniea ami 10. K
Kelly inadn n trip to tho Apploitnto
country IIiIh afternoon, ;o limped nn
IrrlKatlon ditch In coutrovomy In tlm
--".-------------- A
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Jjidy Asklntuiit
Day Phono UU7
NlKliI V, W, Works IUH.JU
Phoues A, K. Orr W7M-M
H H, 1 1 ii M Im. hmid nf tlm Huutliorii
Ori'iton Trudlon lonipiiuy who lint
linen In tho eanl for tlm hint two
uioiiIIih on IhikIiickh iIiiiiIh, 'it cue to
arrlvo In .Mnilford HiindMy for an ox.
tended Htay,
Heo Tinny for flrn Imiurntirn.
Hi ott llulihard who Iiiih been vlii
ItliiK frlendu nml relalheii nenr
Heiiltlo for tlm hut two weelm, will
return tho flint of tlm week to in
minii) It Ih poHltlou iih operator at the
Htar Thunler,
Kodak fliilHhlnr.. kIon; or dull tin
iih at J, O. Ourklni:' itudlo, Z2H I!
Main Ht. Phone n:'0..
Itny llniinou of lliitto Knlln la ll
the city from hi liotmiHtend In tint
norlliiii ror a fw iluy.
J, 0, (lerkltiK, tho bent nil nrouud
pliotoKrnplinr In iniithnru OreKon.
Alnyi rullubto. Neuntlven timdii nny.
hero, tlnm or plnco. Studio z:8
Mnln Rt. Phone H20-J,
W l I'lnley, rtntn Kntun n union,
nrrlwd finni Pnrtlnmt I'rldnv nfler-
noon to Kite the motliiK picture In
dite nt tlm Puko tonlKht. Mr I'lu
ley nityn that tie imnjin dnplctlui
locnl rtin;lerM fluhlni; nml wndlnn l
tho Ituciin hnvo iiimle n hit tvlmrov i
Milk nml crenm nt l)oVo'
J C llunli, pri-Kldeiit of the
llenter-Portlnud Ceiuoni Co. luff
Thurmlny afternoon for Oold lllll
He nyn that untUfactory proRrrnn
heliiK inniln nt tlm Cold lllll iluni,
the pa) roll nvenir.liiK 1 5 000 p?
month. Tin. criinher U dim to nr
rive from Knu 1'inncUco thin week
ni'il Miiee rnrlondH of mnrhluery from
tho uiit by the 10th.
i:. I). U'oaton, coiumorctnl photog-
rnpher, npgntlri- mado nny time or
plnce by pioltitiniMit. Phoim M
Aierr Ton Voile, l.eotnr nml
Hinlth. .f the county court, accom
lianlei' KiiRlncer KlttrldRK to Aihtnml
to tlcw thn proponed p.rudi' tliroiiKh
thu lllltliiRi property I'rlday nfter
Model llnkery Koodn nt t)e Voei.
llecniirn or thu Coliinierclal elnli
lueetliiK nml otm or two other ineol
Iiikh pretlotmly mlii'dutcd ror t lint
iitimltiK The lecture on Taxation
Hill not bo kIwii nt the library on
Prlday eteuliiR Dr. Cllberl could
hardly have a repreneiitathe aud-
lenro nml hn mked that tho date h
"Muttml Movlft." MiMlfnrd'n fho
renl dhow ho line. Dnlly cliniiKC.
threo recl of the bcl, wipe off jour
chin nml pull down jour tent, nut
b-e.a.t "It" If ti can. It Theater
Went Mala.
Thu final children') utorj hour o
the onr will bo held In the public II
hrary tomorrow- iiioniliiK
A $ tOO Kunrautcn that tlm new
MiHlford rreaiunry butter, mndo in
Med ford, In eiiml to or bettor thnn
nny butter ever nolil here. Tor nnlu
hy J. II. OliiKtead, Mnrh & llonuett.
II Jt C. mull more, V. V Krltm nml
V. i:. Conner. AidHiIiik hold by tlm
nbote imrtliM or put out by me rot
Iowh thin Kunrnutee from thl date
W. I.. Chnppell. M
Katurda) the Innt dn or the Knbn
cornel deiuonntrntlou. Have jour
cornet fitted by nn expert fitter
If you hate had troubto In beliiK
properly fitted to n cornet let thu
Knbo deinoiiHtrator correct theou
troiihlcH, idio In mom AUcci,nful. Sat
urday the Iiihi dn) nt AhreiiH,
Jttxt arrived one carload of beard
lenii bnrle) -rolled-- If )on want to
make nur hornea laiif.h Jum try It
l.eo Watkltm Co , 1'ced Store. 3!7
H. I'ront Phone 3rtt.
Dr. C, KlrvliRi'Miier In now locnted
In (Inruett.Corey liulldliiK. room 21.1,
houm 1 to a, Phuiio SI'S. Iten.
deuce tlm nnie.
FOU HAI.K Hubert lluttou will hnvo
fancy npplcH and potntoea at tho
market Saturday. 11
FOU HAI.i: Oil TltAlli: One biiunru
piano, two coltnmi organs. Valley
Second Hand Store, ill North Fir
FOU I112NT r room Iioiiho rlos In,
Apply at Smllh'H tin nhop, KS x
drape St, '
WANTKI) PohHIuii an hotmeiseopor,
Hent of rofuri'iicea. Ilox A, X
euro Malt Tribune HI
VOU 8AI.K- Team, imTiieini and
wiikoii, $200,00. Phono alio. n.
W. Wakefield, 1 mile west of Med
ford, i(
Span koIiIIiikh, I and 7 jears old,
uclKht :iooo lbs.
Span Keldlimn & ami 7 onra old.
welKht IIih.
Span KeldliiKH, 7 and U years old,
welKht 2700 Urn.
Mare and' hornij, I nml G yearn old,
wolKht 2600.
Span tiinrea, 7 and S yenra old,
wolRht 2500 i;ih.
Mnro and colt, 7 and 2 )oam old.
welKht 12fi0 lbs.
Mare, 7 yearn old, welKht 1 150 lbs
SIiikIo di her, f yenra old welKht
lir.O lbs,
(InldliiK ll years old, welKht 1200.
All homes umiriiuteed as represented
Ailillll woik nil (lie I'olilllli'tmii
Ol' (lie cleiiHiiiii nl (he Itillll- hIikI
ear line to I In edy ii'Meitoir In pin
TIimimiImv inoiiiin, nml ( hi stork will
lie nixlicil to eimii!i'!inii. Tien me
now lieiuif uiinle nml I lie m'U me on
wu, Inilli iMicliinir HiIh city tin
uililille of next niili. ll i exnueteil
to liute the line in opcnitiuii by Mn,
I, A tinilcr eur lor the Slilnliiv i r
tlee w be mldeil in the tienr liiture.
The itceul plan Ih lo make Hie
teliiin liip hv the xmne unite, hut
upon the i it ii in ol S. S. Itnllin liom
Kiw Voik the liit ol' tlm wuk,
(iIiiiih will be iiimle for u loop down
Sprint; incline.
The exIeiiMimi Iiiim eunoeil K1"1'
jo o plopeltv iiwiierx nil the ciimI
iile, iiurt eiilmly Ihnl Diuilop, The
rxtcnxiiin w ll mil iitht lliinuftli hi'
linel, ii III.
Number four or the Adventure of
ICntlilj ii encaplnr, from "The Tomplo
of tho I. Ion" Hem Into the dppthn of
tlm forent and taken refuge In a bun.
ler'n blind plntfnriued In a tree hnx a
ntruniiiiiin experlenco, but In finally
trlveti from her retreat by the wild
luhabltnniM of the Jungle to n worno
fnte, fnllltiK Into tlm hnndH of nlnvo
trndern. Two comedlen complutea tho
bill for Prldny nml Katurdny.
Wcncllter Hosiery nml Paradise
(Jill tern
Wo offer for a limited lime only
lx palrn of our fluent 3t.c value
('iiarniiti'iil Hose and a pair of our
well known Men's Parail.'M- Carters
lor one well known Men'N Paradise
(.'a n its lor one dollar, postpaid.
You know tlienu hone; they nlood
the text when all otbern failed. They
give real foot coniMrt, Trey bate no
ncnmi to rip. They iiexcr become
loonu nnd liaKK)' nn ttio shnpe Is ku't
In, not proined In. They nro (iunr
iiutiM'il lor flnciionn, for nt)le. for
nuporlorlly of material nml workman,
nlilp, nbnolutely ntnlnlen and to wear
six montliH wltbo'it holen, or a new
pair fioe.
Dou'l ilelny semi In jour order Ik.
fun offer explrr, iiosikhv company
lln)toii, Ohio
Ide Silver
Cm t I I U tUun. Im. K 1.
cV3r s-L
cleaning Time
la hero and you will want some
now wall paper. Wo havo tho larK-
eat lino of the cholcent patterns over
show im In Medford, Come nml ne-j
Wo carry Cabot's Creosote Shlnglo
ItlH ICast Main l'liono I.V1
Wo Klo 8. & 11, Oroen Stamps
llecuntly remodeled and onlarRod,
added new enmonm and apparatus
and Is now strictly up-to-dnto In
every way.
I'oiilineilcal Woik of all KlmU
IneludliiK eopliiK and ciilnrKltiE of
pictures, legal documents, etc. lira
mldo eularBliiit, any uUo, and kodak
flulnhliiK of every kind,
Professional nnd nmutiier photo
Kraphlc niippllun.
h, ,M, Hmiiiioii Aocluteil Willi Me,
Hhup over ll Thoiiler, Pliuiiu H7-J
jfttiWMjNUtii- v jlyttVMMlMUMmMKWMf '
2 iMCWCZqWWfliPWnnl .
i a
2Se m
m si
Sn In tlm Time lo (Jel Itlil of 'lliene
I'ltly Kpiilw
There'ii no Ioiikit tho HtlKhtrrt
need of reelliiK (iHliniuiid of your
rrecklun, an tlm pre( rlptlon othlno
doublo KlreiiKth In Kiinrcutocd to
remove I hide homely Hpot,
Hlmiily net nn oiinro or ollilne--
j double rtreiiftlh from any drtiKClnt
mid apply a little of It iili;hl mid
moruliiK and ou xhotild noon nee
that oven tho worm freckle liue bo
Kim to illtnpitojir, while the lighter
ones hnvo vaiilnhed entirely. It In
neldoiu that more than an oiimo In
Herded to completely rfear tlm nkln
and gain a beautiful c'oar eoiikplexlou
He nuro to nvk for the double
ntreiiKtb otbltm nn thin In aold under
Ruatnnfi'v of motif) back If It fnl!
to remote freckle
Get in the
of Progress
Let Hie R, R. V. TAILORS, Palm
Block, ilo your worlc in Meilfonl
nml yon will Im satisfied.
PllOHl! 71
To the Milk Consumers
of Medford
Why not buy your milk and cream
from tho dairy that hai tho niche.!
icoro or any dairy In Medford?
We soli milk Just as cheap as the
tow-cit scored dairies and guarantee
ll to bo pure, clean and rich of butter
Wo mnko a specialty of milk for
Oho us a trial nn'd )ou will alway
be our customer.
Wo mako two dell erica dally,
J. W. Solder
Phono SOt. J.I
.Good Time Now
1 Fnr Rlfwul Health
Energies Are More Keen
and Respond Quickly
to Help.
If jm) are down with rbrumatUm: If
ton m'0r. fi-fl rhlllril. air rhoktsl wllti
rslarrh. Iism' n ruuish, or ymir tkln In
plmplnl anil Iriltalril with roll, rrirma,
or any utliir titoo,! itltonlrr Jmt rrinrni
Iht thai nil tho Ilia of lite romp from Im
parl IiIihmI And mi ran raitljr Eire vonr
IiUhmI a pkhI tlioruiisli rli'aiulnu'. a lull!
tijr mine 8. S. S Thm' It no nr-l (or
Biiymir u Ik- ili'p'iiiltrit otit llio lllnrta
ef IiIoihI Impurlllrn. No mallrr bow Niilly
Iticy atlark Ihr )tfiu, or tiuw untletillr
t'ivoinr tlii lln, lint ri'mruilxrr llirro la
enc Incri'illfni in S S S. tliai i atlnui
latii the rrllular llmira tliroUKUout Ibe
tolr ttiat rarti urt K'lf-U IK on a ('
n'tillnl iiiitrlmriil from ttip blood.
Thla inrana thai nil Ocoay, all brrnk
Inc i'iwn of thi llup. In rtirrki'd anil
rrpalr work txi:ln. S S. H, ha xncli a
npfclflc InftHfiico on all lorat celt" ti
prraprte llirlr niuliinl w-rlfam ami afford
n proper rvlatlte aiilBnrc to each oih.r.
I'nr manv )ear pwple rrllnl Hn Mcr-
iirt. Imlhte of l'olath, Aroontr. "t'hjalc-t."
falhartlm and "Hope" na remedies for alcknemi. hut now the pure xeevtnblo
K S, S. la their aafopiard.
You ran net H 8 H. In anr drus atore.
hut Imlm iiHin tiavltiK It And yon should
take mi rhanre hy permlttlni; anyone to
rerommend a niilntltule. Ami If your
hlood rondltlon la lan-h that you ould
like In ronault n Speetallat freely, nddrea
Medical llopt . The Swift Specific Co., 2t8
Htl Hide, Atlanta, ila.
'Ilin Veil lit It U I'iiIiiii l.hery
IIWDlhluii now mid iip-to-dalu
Phono ICO
. JJMHsssmsmsmmMMsmII .,-
'SlSrwiSlSlHI ' BlBlBlBfflWSsSBBH
M ": taSisHsU aSiSiH'' Mlr i.fiHlHaB
B ' fHffl il!kwi5sll
I asisiB ItsisisisisisisWl iisisisisisiH WMMH9BMSIsisisisisisiHasiH
.") r -asBpB
iifc.,-..- i
I'ltoiic iih for I lie Im-hI of cv
crylliin in lrcsli
Our .stock is new imrl com
plete' and our prices fire
J. F. Dotmell, Prop.
Phone 101.
The Highest
The Best
The Lowest
Creamery JJntter, 2 lbs...55c
'ime Sugar, 20 lbs. for $1.00
3().J0 S. Central
Phono 271-272
Choose your Garden and
Flower Seeds from a stock
that is earefullv selected and
Our method of handling
seeds insures perfect relia
bility and a "true to name"
standard is perfected.
Don't put off your buying
too long, as we may not bo
able to duplicate seeds that
we are out of later in the
Monarch Seed
& Feed Co.
U'Jtl i:. Main St. .Medfonl, Ore.
Next to Star Tlientcr
Hani on Koulli
I.Ueo iiud iiiiiliiiluiuo beivlco.
Rubber Sole
Tor women In three gradca
$:i.oo, f.t-,o ami 91.00
Mado In tho now mnhogitny color.
A shoo like thin
between your feet
Free Lecture
on Christian Science
Dy WILLTS R GROSS, C. S. B., of Doston, Mass.
Monday Evening, April 6th
At Eight o'clock
Special Corset Sale
to Close Out
$1.00 grade Corsets at 69
pl.ou grade (orscts at piuJ
.$2.00 grade Corsets at $1.39
$2.50 grade Corsets at $1.69
$-1.00 grade Corsets at 2.39
Home-Made Lard Until Further Notice
Per 5-lb. Pail, for. 65
Per 10-lb. Pail for. .'. $1.25
Hutchison & Lumsden
Only General Merchandise Store in the City
Great Enameled Ware Sale
The HHASONS that this Is the ltKST Knameletl ware made are:
(1) tho llase Is like old-fashioned puddled Iron and mado accord
ing to aSiiecial Formula; (2) tho Knaiuel coating Is High in I, utter,
very Hunt, and Tcnm-Iorn. under extremes of temporaturo; (3) It
will successfully withstand all aclda encountered In rooking anil Is
(lUuroJitcvtl to bo absolutely Safe and Sanitary; (4) rucli piece Is
Ruaranted to bo aSelccUM Flirt (5) tho sizes furnished are Actual
and not exasperated "trade" sizes; (C) It weiKlts about 20 moro
than most gray wares sold at higher prices; (7) Its Appearance
r leases aud its Quality Satisfies.
si:k tiii; goods
ISc Wash Ttnslns. Sale price , 10c
15c Wlndsqr Dippers. Sale prlco H l()c
20c MIxIiir Dowels. Salo price 1 ,1c
20c Lipped Sauce Pans. Sale prlco l1c
2 Tic Wash Uaslns. Salo prlco Iftc
25c Deep Hid. Dako Pans. Sale prlco I Be
40c Covered ollrlln Kettles. Salo prlco U5c
40c Lipped Saucu Pans. Sale prlco
40c Covered Ucrlln Kettles, Sale prlco , IWc
liOc Dish or UlnslnR Pans. Sale prlco 40c
75c Seamless Wator Palls. Sale prlco ..40c
15c Deep Plo Platos. Salo prlco 10c
15c KlarlnK Cups. Salo prlco IOc
20c Deop PuddltiR Puna. Sale prlco 13c
25c Deep Pudding Pant). Salo price 13c
25c Lipped Sauce Pans. Salo prlco Oe
25o Lipped PresorvliiB Kettles. Salo prlco lAc
10c Lipped Presort Ihk Kettles. Salo prlco 23c
40c Illnsinc Pans. Salo prlco :Oc
50c Lipped Preserving Kettlos. Salo prlco .'Wo
75c Dish or HIiibliiK Pans. Sale prlco 43c
75c Tea Kettles. Salo'prlco 30c
Thla Is nn opportunity for the economical housewife to secure. In
this famous waro, juxt the iikies slu needs at ery uuuiuul prki'i
for such a trade of ware; a chanco to obtain, for a small sum, ar
ticles that will IlKtiteu her work for jcurw to eouio and licltflitcH her
pride iu her Million.
"Tho Host Is always tho Cheapest." but this la a Hare Opportun
ity to net tho llext at LOWKST MUCKS.
To enablo us to Introduce this waro at such prices, tho factory
cao us a SK'rlal Price and paid a good part of tho frelKht.
Medford Furniture &
Hardware Co.
puta n riihlier solo
and tho Jar of tho
J , , j;gSJ
9 "8o0a it"
s oc h