6 X 9 MEDFORD MATL TRTDUNE, klSDFQRD, OR BOON, WWDNKSDAY, AVJIUj STEEL'SPLANSCA IL FOR MPROVEMENTS AI CRATER PARK Hiiiitiliilmiliiiil Will (I, llltml nl (Jrnliir l.nldt Nnllniiiil I'm It In illh t rl tm 1 1 it k roiliM or It I h Mimiuil report fur IP III, iiihnliit liy Hut Popnrt inont of (ho Interior nl Washington, Miiny lniirovoiiieiiiH urn meow IIIUIIlloil. A power pliml, to miwilypC'rater I. a lie Turk with ulcctile Unlit nnd power, nuw romlH In plum of tho prmetit rrmlti piillm, new brldio when (ho romln urn loiiipleli'tl. not fnuri'H nml ImiIIiIIiik'i nml n tlior oiikIi linprox'iiioiit of Niuillury con illllini nrrt Init few of thu tliitiKtf which will tm ilniio It the plana nn lioiimeil by Hiiperliititiidi'iit Htuel are curried out. in nililltlon, khiiiii protection In thti park will rerelMi spuria! Minn, tlim. ho report, In pnrt, n): "Tim entire mutter of kuiiio pro leriion iiMiiii mi nnimractoriiy handled liy creating n kriiio pre- vorve, 10 niniirMco not only the park but nil Hint portion of the forest rvsorto on Hie north of township 28 ntul on the went to rniiKo I, U'l I In Mi otic mnrlillnn, then kUIiik to It Just inch protection mi I now nf forded to other kuiiiu preserves of n similar character," Attention l called to the fnct tlmt hut to temporary ranisnra nrn allowed ilurliiK tlm pnrk season, one of whom constantly employed In liming license nml registering ts lion, no (lint oiiu tunii mum pntrol the entire pnrk. TliU, Hiiperlnlniid. ent Hleet in), Is largely tho rcaso.i Hint report nrn current tlmt dear nre 1UKhlarc b) ponchem, who need only to keep trnck of Hie rnnncr to rnrry on their nefarious practices with perfect Impunity. Hut four nbfolutn concessions are granted In Hie pnrk, according to the report. The Crater I.nko Com pany hnliU llm concession for trans portnilou through tho pnrk, for the iiinlutriintice of hotel, for operating hontii on the Inke, nml for carrying on n general merchandise, business. The Klnmnth Teluphno k Tele graph company maintains tho tele phone Hue throned tho pnrk, nn.t photographic prh Urges are hold by the Klser I'hoto rompnuy of urt Innd and tho Mlllcv l'hoto company of Klnmnth I'ntln. The tola) niiinhor of Ultom at the park during Inst season I Klveii an C2fi3, tlm Irntel being dUlded rs foiiiiHr.: Juno, 43; July, lltt; August. UN, nnd November, a. TliU Is a pain of 10 IS over the tlsltnrs the former car. In oritur to secure- labor for lin. prowmonts at tho tlmo most needed, during July and August, Huperln. tendont Hteel mlvocaiui tho" con. irurllon of a building for laborers, containing kitchen, sleeping roonii. dining room, etr. Id, estimate the foot or Ntirh a building at $1200, Tho rule and regulation of tho pant ttoason villi remain In effect with but few minor chained. NEWS FROM COUNTRY CORRESPONDENTS" A A. , . ..a. EVANS VALLEY BREEZES I FLOUNCE ROCK FRILLS It. It. Vinrent'h lirotlier ts siting him to fiK-ist in the hlicnring "f IiIh gonln. Jfr. SDiiinlug nml family nml Mies Colby nre hpeuiling Hie week end iH Nelson N'yeV. Mr. I.eww mnilii ii hin lo Mcilfoul liiht week, .Mr. nml Mrn. T. IJ. Iliuiultotliniii hpent hewrnl du.vn Mlinj their mom, ,1.M, nml lieliiiiij; him miw IiIn j in in. Mr. Ilmillc.v, K'iieml liwpet'tor for tho ('nlifornln-tJM'KOii Power eoni puny, vihiteil Hie power pliint ln.t week. I'nik Hiipeiiiileiuleiil Will (I. Steel putted tliroiiKli Proxpeol lust week eu route to .Mcdronl, Mill Peyton in Mnyiiifr hdvernl iIii.vm ut (he MuiiNl'ielil iniu'li. Mih. . II. ViiukIiii Ih MilYciiiuj finiii heiulie ilieiimnliHiii, Itev. I.imllilml of Asliluml will he. Kin il )iioliiielei iiici'tiii nl I.nuieU liurnt hi'lioolhouxe Momlny, Mm eh .'10, whieli will luht Tor 'two weuliH. Kveryouo h invited lo itltenil. Itonil ('oillllliNNiollei' Sniilh nl' Knjtiio Jther eiime up hint week lo iiiipeiil the ioiuIh nml iliieet the work. u wuh leiiivl with the woik iloiie. The tliiiudor of I he oeeiiu surf wns heiuil plainly in t10 m.iK,ioihooil sgverul days of Iun week. Tlm W. (', T. U. niol Kntiii.lity with Mih. .1, V, Dilhwoith. 4The Union ohxerveil the mmlvi.i'uni-r .,( Neul Dou'ri liirlli witli lending Vrom lilt reininiheeiiees nml timely nrlleles mill InlkK, Tliouo luvHeiit were i Mesiliimen Peyton, Kinkiue, I)hh, PIHiw, llliineluiril, Kye nml MrM. A Inii'il iiiulliMiee L'iciili'il Dr. He infer of the t'liiwrxflv of Oitiuoti nt the Wlmer eliuicli HnliiMlny lililL' to henr IiIh ecline oh I he eou hoIIiIiiIIoii of llm in in I whonl 1 1 ( k IiIcIh; (lie relnlioii of the xeliool iilO Inline mill their eifiet on llm future of Hie chilil. We nil hope llm time U mil Inr iIIhIiiiiI when Dr. Hillmfer will lnldieMn iw It urn tho imaeinhlv hull of it until Mch sehiml, .Mr. nml Mih, Pint Mliillioiu were dinner jjueHU of Mr. nml Mr. I lor iter of Hiiiiliys1!!!' Inrm. A slluht fioNt in the willrv Tups. dny iiIrIiI. A purly of upper Cmiiih 'iille, people met nt the home of .luck Kit ten on the nl.t Itimu i.tfun. 1 1. .. .,,,.hm. ..--i-.. ,', .!' initio- ion bfiiiir ti fin ew ell to Mr, iimi Mrn, Knleii, wild hlioilly leave for Kliim nth PnlU. Those present ft out Kv iiik valley wrrei Williiim lllllin, Jli rum Moore. Dun N'enllininer. U'nlliicp (lalhrnllh, l.iiulsny NVntliuincr, Tom Olden, Mis, M'llcr nml iliiuuliturx, .Mrn. Payne mid M.h. llnttle Miller nml Tlioimih Culleii, Until To the wife of licit Vokum, n sou. Dr, Miller "lis in nlleiidiiuee. The Missos Ploieuee ami MnrL'iiU't Whnrtoil weie the RtiesU oP Mr. Hirntii Moore om dn this wrek. , John L .Summers, from ItcillniulN, ('ill., who iceeiitly furehtiHed the Dowry fnrin, known locally im Hid Mycr iilnee. Iims snhdiiiled liix lam) into eiehtv ami thirtv.neir triiets. The first wan sold o Mr. Woodanl, the other lo n Mr. Poimlextcr. Moth purlieu nre from Hie (loldeti State. They intend to put the nlnce in til fulfil ns soon n iMmsilile, Tint this year will sow to com, beniiH Mid onK Jack lloleomb of Itonle Itiver i l)ilV hiiilditiK n new buiiKitlow fuf John I,. KumiiierH of Chester fatm. The fall nml spruii' sown rnin it looking fine and there U wery indi cation for n liiiuipei- crop. Mi.n lMilh Uwciih hH'nt Hie veck's end at the home of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. James Owens. C. ('. AteCotkle wjih ii Srvilfi.nl !. itor Momlny. J. J. KniltliiK'ter. the local tnereli. mil, U lmyiiiK' red heaim of our I'nnii crs ami cxpccU to ship n enrload ti. rortiami. (Icne Hlaloek wns n cuest nt the Jim Owens' farm .Sunday. We note with recret the ilenartiire of ProfeHHor P. J. O'durn to new fieldii. One ferU tlie eount hnn lost n uilurd ami useful cltlicn. Ilnloriirise (Irnuue will me mi ciu Icrtiiiiiuieut in the near fotnro in n. plenlsli Hie pMienil fund. The OrntiKe has Ihcii the menus of grlting many of our lii-st ediieatorH to Uii in.. H. I.. Potter of Fair Oaks Wns circled delcuuto lo tllF'nmiiinl nieet. jin,"'orTllie state (Jraii(;e, with K. P. t linmneroi hem llnll hh nltcmnle. Hoad Supervisor A. K. Knilmrl, with n corns of wotkmeii. is urndiin. Knixclin nnd mnlliiir I'lnmpcx in the eouniv roan on ttm wet hide or Kv mm erevk. .Mcsdiiiues Kd Diniiek nnd fleiire Peers shoiMil in OrmitH Pass Wed. iiesdny. Professor Pitman f the Mom mouth Normal will lecture in the May's creek school dUtriet nt the old Vnn (loethein homestead on April 3. A shadow party will he j;iven by .Miss Pnttursou for the benefit of il... school. A III ice crowd from the Memlnwi. ntlciidcd the Huriiio unrtv nt the Jiii'k Knteiis plnce, near the forks of tho creek. BEADLE BEAGLETS PHOENIX PHYLERS Horev Of Kiiulu Pninl ; .Muwe i..,.i,. Kinenlil, ("olhy, (iuM IIM ,, NM', 'Deiisie iilnl 'fed Miiiiniui Messrj. J'evlnu.'DiUwoilh, lllnneli. Hid illlil Unwind Kineaid. Alive ill.. IILIIIllllll. XI IU I lll.. ... II. . I .. 1. I .......,.h ,.,,n, ixinniiiiu nriicil II IIU.I Ill'llMIS I'llll'l.l'll llllllll'l', j llao )nu roRUtercd? H. K. HlovoiiH was In Jacksonville, Hat unlay. MIih Mildred MorB of AHhland. was tho Riiciit of Mrs. C. C. Scott, the flmt of the woek. Hobort Hartley, of Kvaimvlllo. AVIa., Ih vUlttiiK Dr. and Mm. .1. 11.' Wobnter. Mr. Hartley In fr, Wob- mora hrnther, M. Vcrtln, who purcliaiied tho T. I., KiukUoii furin WeHt of town, lH ex peoted hero very soon with IiIh (km. Ily to niuko their homo on tho farm Mr,' Vortln coiuom from nroiiklnrlilRo, Minn. MrM. .T. .MiilniKien returned homo from Painduun, Cnl., last Saturday arter a throo niouth'a vlnlLWIillo In California ihe vUltod Mr, mid Mra. Itoborl Orr, former tohIiIohU or HiIh place mid, (Jouhd' thom wall nnd plea santly located. Mm. llomor ltnu.ii- nml Hill,. duuRhtor, wro Imvo boon vlnltlng .Mrs,1 C, a, Scott for tho pait three wopktj returned Monday to their homo In I'arkdttlo, OroRon. Tho Proitb)torUn Ladlca' Aid will hold ii manufacturcm namplo inle Prldiiy nml Saturday In tho KiirIc more. Tho aulo will continue In the ovonliiRu of both dnyn. A careterla mipiier will ho nerved Friday owning Mini Ico cream and cako Hatunlii) ovenliiR. Tho W, U. T. V. will ineui In n.i thrltl,n church puiior Thunday in p. hi, I Inn uh for (lot vi nor Kiiiithl Heiiltnl Med find puilii'M weie licie Tuesdiiy oil icjiI eslate trndes. nnd Ki'lling pileoH, We hiivn seeiul line hlilttiiiiis nml will lie L'lnil lo uecoiii. iiioijutu anyone desiriiiK to buy. Mis. .llm llriseoc of Medfoiil was held visiting her uiolher. Mrs, .lane ItllKiitllle, Wedlli'sdiiy. Hlie letuiiled lo her home Thursday. Ocure Hlney mid son, Hy, went In Medford Thursday mid pureliiiseil a Ford niilo, We "auto" lime one, too, Who'd eer Hioiiuhl il Joe Me. t'icllit spoitiiiK n pink win am) Al herln Jones n willow plume. Well, we (ml nlainlv see I lint thliius are Kcttlii Just u little too up.lo'dnle ill IIiik eoiiuiry for Aunt Niimniitlin nml Uncle .lohinli, The weather mini surely did smne stunt Tliursilny moiiilm,', the ther momelei' reisleiiui; ontv till dearie nliote ero, and our peaches and chcrrieK well, we neu-r did like such fruil, miywny, Miss Khoiills wim Ilia cuest of Hie Kweets Thursday ulfjht. Tony Olson nml wife diove to uold Hill Friday. 1 .11 lie Vlfini1 ilrnvi. Iiiiini. frmti Ilik Amite inieli Fndny mid will look after the .Meadows ranch for n time. .Mr, Drake had LusIucsn in Hold Hill Friday. The Sweet lime is passable, in spite of our road stiK'nisorf the rond having been disked mid smootli cd by Sir. Sweet. ' .Mm. Daw' of DcbciiRcr droe owi Friday iiIrIu alter .MUh Shotilts, who rvtuniod homo with her nod remain ed until Siitiilnv u'cht. Afr. nnd Srrs. Dave Cot troll ie turned rrom .Medford Friday. It makes t:s smile n bit when we rend about those city chaps Koine; out to work iii.oii the farm, where folks have notliiiiL' much to do mid liiuir is a elianu: wheie life is just one holiday, u lnuir eoiitiniled treat, with Kienl biR trech for amjile simile mid lots to drink mid eat. And idle RirN, they k' aloii(., sweet "dnirj' maids" to he, with pleasing thoughts Hint buMerflich would make the but ter, M-c and nil that thev would lime to do nt noon or iiiulit or morn, would be to make some finite nnd enke mid blow the dil.i.cr horn. In stead of etuht hours' work eneh dnv nnd off one afternoon, they find that willy to mnke liny thev can t bcRpi tod soon, nml when they lenrn )ic liwon that thev can't work too Inilc. ihmIIiimLw fl,,t.'il nlii.i,.,.. t...T- .......l n, hit nnd sine miothur nu;. .And e're'thev lenrn Ii) UnHi.i -uitb nil HiejrijilRm;iilVd iniiin they'll pack ttil)ir littleiiiKlities up mid haste back to the train. Tom Jones has been hniiiL a hliuht ntlavk of la Kriiie the past week, but Is better now. Sirs. Alberta Jones nnd Flora Slimy enmc home from their schools to spend hundiiy with their parents nnd tnke a ride in the new auto. .Mr. Joiiin curried Alberta lo her work Sunday nnd Henry MorKnn looked ufter the Interests mid comfoits of Sis.tiT Horn; Nonnah (liio mid sister, .Mary, look Hnii to register .Monday while ell route to Gold Hill on business. The SIorrisoiiH, And Kulin Hous ton dined at the C. Clinpmnn fnrin liomo Sunday. Isn't it htrnnite how thinpi pet so twisted in repeating that they fairly mystify, iik for instance, the'leiU'licr teaeliCH the pupil to sinj; "Vmikce-Doodle-Doo" mid the rooster Miim its eock-iLdoodlp-doo mid the poor, forloni old main comet in on the re frain with Any-dude-ul-do. 9 lililj,' ill eolineelioii with the Vounx PcopliiV CV I!. Hoclity. A .Mr. SI. .lumen Inis t'htuMlnliftl n Shingle mill heie. A lllllo excitement wax eitused on Hiilurdiiy owninc by the arrival of somij pciinilem IihIiiiiih who Maid they hud walked in from Ashlaii.l. Tlmv seem penecalile mid the men are lev. inj; lo jet woi k. Ihe Junior Lmlciiior soeiclv is In- teniliiiir lo hine a i.ieme Fnste.- Kim. day, if the weather pennils. I lie Iiiivm hue been ninetleliii; baseball u Mile teeeii y,. The bitml Juwiri'd us with some miisie Kiiniliiy iifleritooii. Kev. Dav pienelied hit farewell sermon Sunday eeniii to a wry Innjo eonrepiiion. WJille no one else has eompliiiiie.I, Sir. Day Hunks lie Is Kettiiij; too old and will retire in fax or of a voiiiiRcr man. u Fulls will hi) L'lnd to uelemtin ,, ,,. minister mid lfid also to know Hint the old one will nmaiii. 1, 1.0M. P3TOE TWXWi ciihsiiI, Sirs. MflCcc surprised Ihe pntroiiM with a wry itniqiio lunch of sauerkraut, v.eiiierwurst naiKlwiclies mid coffee, The City if Otherlv l.ote. Itc.no.- Kmart Set. Slrx. D, Sf. Sle.S'asser nnd duuli ter and Slis K. A. Piekiin: weie Sunday dinner fact of Slisn Tay lor mul uiolher. GLASS OF SALTS IF KIDNEYS RUCH RUMBLES at It meat If yon feel Backachy or have Bladder tronble-BalU fine for Kidaeyi. wnn Ib- Jamen Itlco of Medford HIiiK at Ituch Monday, .Minn Hazel llnmllton wan tho Rucft of .Martha Iloone Sunday ovonlnR J. N, Slatney wag nt Ituch Tuea day, llrloni Hamilton of Ituch won a limilncia caller In JackMuvlllo Fri day. Wm. Matney and nrrent Hamilton wcro vlittlng the hcIioo) .Monday. Madison nice who baa been wprk Iiir In tho valley returned homo Thuriday. Mm. J. II, Itlco of thin vicinity waa ono of tho many who wcro at Aih land to hear Helen Keller' lecture Tho Ituch bcIiooI elnR club met lat Thuraday ror tho firm time. The clam was well attended tho medbers belnR Carrie Yocom. Louis 'Itlco, Vorglo Iloone, Hesilo Vcnablo, Klliabcth llolzRanR, Illta Itay, Anna HolzganK, Ituth Hamilton, Marthat lloono and Hazel Hamilton. To bo Stone and family were Jack sonville callers last week. Joseph (loldsby and family wero visiting I. I.. Cofrman and family Sunday. Ilcsslo Vcnable entertained a large number or her friends Saturday even ing. A birthday sufnrlso Party wag held at tho homo of Mrs. M. A, Matney Tuesday ccnliii;. A largo number of neighbors and friends attended. After laying games and pulling candy until 1 o'clock the guests departed. i:eryoue said they bad a tip top time. AJarRo drove of cattlo belonging to -Mike Hanlcy, was driven .from Frank Crump's ranch through Ituch on thnlr trnv In Mr. llanlov'n ranch iicar Central Point this week. I WILLOW SPRINGS TWIGLETS I ' - IUHE FALLS IUIILES. Str. mnl ill's, Mills made a busl- lies tup to Medford Tuesdny, i-e-hmiilisr Tliursduv. Itev. AlldoiSOIl Iiiik been MieiuliiiL' IIih week licio trmisnetiiiK liuHiucsS, Jesse Philips mid two little ehil- dren nre visiting .Mr. and Mi. Tr.uiu nt picseut. Miss Harriot Miller iniuU' a brief isif witli her reliiliveK on F.vmts creek last week. Mr. NethVrl at i Imid is back- from Med- foul til Minerintciiil Hie uoustiiielioii of a retiervoir on tho hillsido aove Hie mill. Itev. Day has a stock of shocv in the building- now occupied by Hie ilnij? store aiul pvtoffiee. Itev. l.imlbliul of Ashlmul has been hojilju sen ices here for the last two weeks.' Voliioy jlones was baptised Sundaj lij'tllov. Itopp. lleibeit .Walker hud the misfor tune lo get ii sou'io cut on the wrist Saluiday while trying to fell u tree, Sir. llninii.li of Fugle Point was up last week insiiectiii!f mil' real estate lipropor. of cstnhlihiug a liM'iy sin. hie heie, He wUhes his fainilv to hiue the benefit nf our pine waler mid imigoriiliiig clininle. Our uiiioii Kiiuilav school is mul;. ill" iwcimrnlioiis lor mi Faster en. teiliiiiiineiil In he (jhcu in llm eve Xfrs. II. V. I'nrler is prcallv im proved from i recent sickness-. W. O. Thomitsoii MiH'iit severul iliiyrf in Meiltyrd this week. (lossip U coiitngioii'. dont pet ex posed. Sunday, J. 11. Howo visited his sister, Srrs. Otis Suuiuels, of Sred fold. If you onn't see n joke, don't blame it on the joke. .Mist. Salade entertained on Thurs day in honor of her picst, Miss Helen SliKoii. Sir; P. O. Ilonnie wnk n iileimnul giieht of SIish Hose Jones the latter part or Hie week. Lots of work in tho local biriiuos world is dun. F. 11. Pieknrd, wife nnd son, me visiting rclatixct, mid friends in thW district. Kev. It. W. .MucCullongh of the .Medford Haptist church-will begin u sericK of meetings in tho Central Point Itnptist church April 7. Women with no sense of humor generally have u fine sense of rumor. Tho Parent-TeaebeiV club will meet Saturday, April -I, at the homo of Sirs. Sam Anderson. Saturday eveniiiir n very interest ing meeting- of tho Orango wns held and siibjcels of importance were dis- LADIES! LOOK YOUNG, - DARKEN 6lr HAIR Use Grandma's Sage Tea and Sul phur Recipe and nobody can ttU. Snua it through hair. Gray liair, however handsome, dnoU advancing age. We all know tho udvtn tacea of a youthful appearance. Your hair la your charm. It makes or mars the face. Wlicn It fade, turn gray and looks dry, wispy and acraggly, just a few applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur enliancva IU apjvaranee a hundred-fold. Don't stay gray I Look young I Klther prepare Uio tonio at bouie or get from any drug store a 0 cent bottle of "WycUi's &ige ami Sulphur Hair Item, rdy." 1 hoiusindi of folks) recommend this ready-to-uu rsiratlon, because it dark ens the hair beautifully and removea lUndruir, stop sculp Itching and faUing halrt Wvililc, lie oun can KMlbly tell, as It darkens so naturally and evenly, You niolit.-n a siiife or soft bnisti with It, drawing (Ids through the hair, taking .mo man iirmiii nv nine, 11 morning Hie gray Ulr dltsppearsi after anotiier sppllcallou or ti, Its natural !r Is restorrd sud it IwMiitm tlilvk, gloasy anil utloil, uimI juii Sssf )rar joungvr, Meat form uric acid whleh excite snd oTerjrorks the kidneys In their effort to nil-r It from the system. Kegular eat ers of meat muit flush tho kidney occa sionally. You must relieve them like you rtllero your bowels) removing all the acids, waste and poison, tlm you feel a dull misery In the kidney region, sharp pslns In th Iwu-lf nr alrlr ..,l.... At!. rlnem, your stomach sours, tonguo is coated and when the weather Is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment j the channels often get Irritated, obliging you to ret up two or three times during the night. To neutralize these irritating acid snd flush off tho body's urinous waeto gel about four ounce of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a table spoonful In a glass of water before break fast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine and bladder disorders dis appear. Tlds famous salts Is made from the acid of grains and lemon Juice, com bined with llthia, and has been used for ceneratlona In -lxin nmi ilm,,l... .i... fflill kldnevs and i(n Mal.p Irrli.tlnn Jad Ealt is Inexpensive; harmless and make a delightful effervescent llthia water drink which millions of men and women take now snd then, thus avoiding serious kidney and bladder dUeavs. SUNRISE LAUNDRY AND CLEANING WORKS The J;ijuncpc Cleaning and Pressing Parlors will ho roin binetl with Hie ,Snnris Laundry March 15, and wo will bo prepared to do every thing in those linos and guarantoo Hiiiijiu;iiuu. Ladies' and .Men's Suiis Dry Cleaned, sJsl.2iS; Suits pressed 50c. All kinds of dyeing. Club rales, $1.50 month. Wc call for and deliver goods. 215 S. Riverside. Phono 873 A -if - "f '. fr ftr pf"f KLEIN FOR KLOTHES Is still at tho old stand next door to the First National Dank, upstairs. MEDFORD TAILORS s SmJlAii have tra,vellecl"imick. irt many land s. ' The remote phres of tlie eaxui are not imknown to mo. My mission has veen. owl o ixapuu service evexywtierg V Cvrus Noble TOT WLiL COUX CST rll. arctics tltc Yicat ox the j tropics the iavalul or j oiwcLuzjc&riT, - xae X&a or tnri'rrt. IP r '-j)su.saOMM.Brai Ui x. SJill. ,r -"-ir-i .i 'a-.t " Twist. d a. Msm W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents JFortland, Oregon R Our $500 Challenge and Poiitive Guarantee Wc wjll pny 5-MX) to any person who can show In any way tlmt Toirle'a I.jC Cabin Sj nip contains any rIu cote, nefd or any adulterant or pre senatlic. Thli rcwnnl will bo paid In rath Inttantly upon proof. Wc positively jnuirantee tho whole some purity of Towle's Io Cabin Syrup. Any houtclfu who onlcrs a can from her pwer, and finds that it Is not exactly as wcrcprrtent, will have her money cheerfully re funded If she wilt write ui. $nl -- TMaMs7larsPMMglSBaf1fi?gaaBiiaaalaaalsaW ZTllSSBaHBSHk ' IHASsCZMaaaasaHOPl mWMMmBM IJ T3aasaBay il' ocr "lalaasalBajBI fl m'QE BgaMJWil-Svs ntVarFsasasaf iVVi I SWVi- I SSH.aVlBhawBBBBBaStBSBSBl W'al ISHBHHHawHaisHaHBaS YOU Will enjoy the full, rich flavor nf nnro maple in Towle's Log Cabin Syrup served on your wheat cakes, waffles, muffins and French toast Log Cabin Syrup does not soak into the cakes it has just the right "body." It floats on top of the cakes, and you get the delightfully individual flavor of both the cakes and the syrup. TOWLE'S LOG CABIN CAN E AN D MAPLE SYRUP is made by the Towle Process a perfect blending of pure Vermont maple and pure sugar cane syrup. Log Cabin Syrup hits been the same for thirty years the same tempting flavor of pure maple, the same rich quality, the same wholesome purity. Log Cabin is to syrup what Mocha and Java are to colTee the per fect result is all in the blending, It is sold all over the world and liked everywhere. You, too, will like Log Cabin Syrup served on your wheat cakes, watlles, muflins and French toast. Have Log Cabin Syrup on the table at every meal it adds appetizing goodness to custards, puddings and other tasty desserts. Through the splendtil cooicnition of your re tail uroocrs we want cvervtme iii tins citv to get better nciuiainteU with our syrup. Get a can from your grocer today. If he hasn't it, send '.'J cents for n full measure pint can by ircMld Parcel l'ost, nnd our Free Uee';w Hook, giving iiuiny delightful ways of terlng and using Log Cnbln Syrup. You'll know Towle's Log Cabin Syrup by the log'cabifi'thaped can The Towle Maple Products Co. Dept. 21 St. Paul, Minnesota Rofiaria! St. Johrubury, Vermont St. Paul, Minnesota Sal headquarters i Chicago, Illinois Remember the can Jack Towle . l2ask 9 m I