' y' JYpA,d Stp- yt'U- nrnqon HltM"' arMv i"i Sernnd Street Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER 1'nlr (oiilnlit nnil Tlnirn1njr shower Mnv. .10 Min, SIN. ,fW.fourth Ymr jj !- Ninth Vr '"WILSON SENDS v ULTIMATUIV1 TO V , SPEED SENATE hIMIIM II MEDFORD. OH KCJON, WUDNKKDAY, APRIL 1, 1011. NO. 0 MILEAGE GRAFT ITATOOED BANDIT CONGRESSMEN President Atfcs Seriate Committee to Promptly Report Upfi Repeal of Canal Toll Exemption Measure ly House Aivl. Administration Figures i Sixteen Majority AmemlnwiHi U Be Of fered by N orris and Polnrfextcr. TO BE COT OFF Appropriations Committee Vote to Abolish Perquisites and Substitute Actual Travcllnii Expenses Instead of Twenty Cents Per Mile. Abolition of Mints and Assay Offices at Boise, Helena, Carson City and Salt Lake Favored. KEEPS QOIE TRIPLE MURDER Cool and Defiant, Charles Hopkins, Suspected of Klllinu Three Men, Refuses to Answer Lcadlnnj Ques tionsPromises Straiiiht Story. WAHIIINOTOK, April J An tdtl innliiiii wits conveyed frnm llm white hiHin Id he inriiilM-nifOr llm HiMintc utiinl- miniiiittee lodnj to thn effect tllitl Unless till' PuilllUIII ennui ,, tull iii'iil iiii'iiNiin in n-nitli'.l promptly the iidiiiiiiilinliiii' supporter will siuniuiiiily fi ft I lie eoiiunillec'i IiiiiiiI. In tlit iiieiiiilimo llii' decks Hi'ic being itemed fur It i(llt expect I'd In iilii-i tin' "Me in lln uir house. It w.u nihiiitlcd nt tin' white Iiuiihi' Mint tin' udininisirnlion's entire for- ,i Hilr limit." ill tin balance. ItclltCltsI 1 1)' (111 I'll I'lin drliwrv of tin' while linn!' kuntuni wiin preceded liy ll roll iicc between President Wilr.uu nnil ir Owen nf Oklahoma, the chief itt'V -pnkcMiuin mi tin Hour of per liniiicli of congress, nnil il trough OiM'ii Unit tin' iidinliiiH. IH IllCSsaiJC WHS COtllCXCII in milt O'tliumuu til' the senate is commtlicf. committee would In' gien n In iMHiHhlcr thi' Suns resolution, niiiiI. At Hit' expiration of that If no irpmt was forthcoming, "rClllllor WllllllI IIIOM1 t lilt I till' Colli niillli'KI"' instructed In present tin' meusuif to I III1 MClllllO, I'ntor Prompt At lion "I lime u Unlit," Mini Owen pliiin Iv In O'Oomian, "to iimiic lliat tin1 ri'iolntion will lit' reported in a ten Miimlilu I line." Tlit' xi'iiatorN generally uiitii'tioii alit favori'il prompt action. All tin -dentnod llio situation fully, am! it seemed to ho agreed that nothing rotiM In' gained h ilt'lny. Sonic of llii' uiliniuiktrnlionV friends lme, in deed, SUggl'tled II ptislptilienil'llt llf tin' mii a' i' miIo until lifter the No venibcr elections on the ironml that the rotiulry would thus he rimlilril In i'pri'HK it h views on Ilia eaual lolls preposition, I lie president, however, U'loeil Hum plan. II wns said he ex pressed the opinion that if llm Until eon wan lo lie crossed it would he ah Mild to Mop in midstream, mi object of ullnck finni liolh shores. Administration' .Majority The iidiiiiiilrilruliini'ri uiiileisluiul lug wns that it hud .1(1 o (10 sure sup porter in the M'linli' iiml not nuue than 3(1 went defiuilely opposed to it ii'a I. i ne presnlcnl, It wax Nam, wan huiH'ful Unit Ihe lawmakers would agree the question ut issue wns so simple uml elear thui I hey would deem extended debute unuecessnry. WASHINGTON, April I -In rn porting to Hie hmiMi thn legislature, .lUcetitUo nml Jmllrlal appropriation bill. itKKrvKiitltiK t36.n00.tMl0, the appropriations roniliilltcti voleil to il n)' nmmiK other tliliiRt, nliolltlon o' ruiiRP'Mlninil "nillenKii urnfl." A n Niilmtltuli', n plan wax pro poneit wltiTi'liy ni'iintum, repreiieufi tlex nml llielr fninlllen would tie al lowed nittinl traveling expeiiKeii to the rapltnl nt the Iu'kIuiiIuk of enili uenilou or roiicrmn alii tmrk to their home at IIm eitit. Thn lawiunkem nr now ntlowett - renin per utile- The bill profiled for nlKilUhltii; the uiliitM nml aumiy otMren nt lloliie, llulenn, Cnrnon City nml Hnlt l.nke City, nml reioutiuemlcil n reduction In thn numbo of employe In t Senttle nmuiy office. V3r.0i)O nnniinl trnolliiR allow. nure wnn mudl'to the ireiliteut; tl 000,000 wun proxlded for rollcctliiK Ihe luroiun lax and the commerce de partment wnn k ran till $75,000 ti develop forelKU trade, $100,000 lnetlKHto Kenernl tradu condltliin ir.0,000 to Imiulre Into production rout nml $SO,000 to (iroinoto South nml Ceulrnt AiiierKan commerce. Fears Lynclilnij by Crowd Asks for an Even Break Is 25 Years Old and From Clilcntjo. WTHERSPOON SUCCEED I 10 AS F OF SIAFF MOUNT Vi:itNO.V. WuhIi.. April 1 Cool nml defiant, Cluirle lloplilim, NUHpi'cteil of three murderx. Iny on hU eot in the Hkn:lt roiinty Jail thin nuiruliiK and nklllfully Ktiurded him itelf acuhut lendltiK ipientlons i tiewnpuper men. lie suld ho iilflpl Veil Invt nlKhl and etiJo)e, tbo Jail rooking. He admitted thut IiIh untile In ChnrleH Uupklmi nml nald he would not dntiy nor affirm thn chnrKo o murder Indited acnlnnt. "I Kiiem IfH murder they hao mi rlinrxed wJth." ho xnld, "nlthnuitli I fdon't exactly know. No, 1 won't a 'Hint I did or that 1 didn't do the "klltttiK- I don't enre to illaciiHit thin tliliiK until nfter 1 have had n re 'llmlnnry henrltiK. After Hint I'll tell you the trnli;ht of It. "I wan nil In when they got inc. that'll nil there nn to It." HopkliiM mid hu wnK IT. )ear ofd tim, flint lila parent live In ChlcnRo When '(In curltUii alien orowded Into the courtroom nml corridor fur a Rllmpto of the. ftiRltlvo. Hopkins. Vho wn heliiK stripped by doputlen, Vioved uneailly nml pnied terror fjilrlrken nt the crowdi in tho itrceif holow, 'No chnnco of n lynching in rthero" hu nokod. "All I wnnt U nil even break," lib concluded. WOOD WA8IIIX(1T0.V, April 1 -rMnJiK-Heiiernl Wllllniu Wlthumpoon will Hitcreed Major (leuorat Leonard Wood im chief of utaff or the United 8taten nrmy April S2, Secretary of War Harrliion announced today, Wltherpoon Ih now Wood's n Intant. Ill turn, llrlgadier (.enernl II. I.. Scolt wilt beromo Wither hpooii'h tmiiliitniit. Wltheriipoou will nerve un chief of staff until Novom- fher, when ho will retire. Wood will tnko command of the department of thn emit with head quartern at Oovernor'M Inland, N. Y KXCilJSII AH.MV IIHAI) WHO JIKSIOXKD. ws. Field Marthal Sir John Frcneh. 11. '! M.ip.'nl l- .Mm Trench, chief of the Imperial General Stnff ol i:m.i.nei u ! : iiir i.fri - wii mlt'. .'U I. - r l 'H !l... I f I !!) . ' ii t i t . .,1 i .. i THREE AVIATORS JEF DEATH IN E itsidered Iud reL'u I'l.'ti an m reult of I're - . in i-k k1'i t" the .irm uffuers that , . il l t ij. i,. a. .itf In tr GOVERNORRES ;t n MGHTS TO MID-AIR ACCIO m IESN0T (Continued on pg j.) MISSING CHILD KILLED 8Y HORSE BURIED F ARM lMIIMimi'lHA, April I.-Tlit' nolleo weni witlliim today lo hear fur ther fioiu tho unonynioiis letter vrilr who informed them Tuesday of the dentil of 7-venr.nld Witrten' McOur lick, ininhiii),' Miiee Mureh I-. from n hoine'rt kli'k on the heiul. The lei lei's author sniil he wiih a funtier uenr town; thui the child nut muter his hotseV feel nfter his hoop nml wiih inslnully hiched to dentil. 1'Ynrliitf he mlnlit hn hlmni'd, the writer stilled, m huiinl llm body on his I'm in, hut pioiuiNi'd lo reveal the nio if assured he would not he piui- ihlll'll. Deleellve Ciipluhi ('iitumon initde llm iieei'itsiuy pi'iiinisii lliioiih llio HiiHsiiipi'iH, iiiivideil Hie letter will ii's slur) tH line, nml Ihe mini wiih iiinnii'iiluiily i'XU'('lin u iiiieni' nl jiollco ht'inhjiimlt'iK, E i.os ANni:i.i:s. cm., April i. In u formal notice on fllo today United Slates Circuit JuiIko Krsklno r.M, Hohh ilecllneH n beiiueHt of ns.400 tdinrea of stock In ArUonn koIiI mines iiiudo to him in tho will of his Into wife, Ida Hancock lions. In decllnliiK tho stock Judge, lions siild ho had un Intention of contest Iiik his wife's will, undor which her sons, (lallnu Hancock, Ih mado tho rluclpnl heir. The. stock, which at tho tlmo the bequest wiih mndo, kuvu promlso of ureal vitltio, is said now to bo worth about $15,000. INFLUENCING DECISIONS SUFFRAGETTES OPPOSE I WASHINGTON', Apiil l.-Krim lor I .a I'olletlti introdiieed In Ihe up per house a hill !uimsiiiir fJOOO fine, it leiin in priHoii. or hotli, upon per sons who try to intliieiien Ihe iiiler hlnlu I'oiniiieieo i'oiniiilision in its ile. iiliuiiH. He Inliiniileil Hint nlleinplH of Hits l.liiil were iiiinle In eoiilieeliuii Willi (he t'lislein inlliuiiiU' ii'iiu'l fur JIUIIUlksiuil 10 llK'I'CIIKt) MlU'K. I'OIITI.AN'1), Or., April l.-lnsur iniee polieics are not to he construed to the letter, neeonlinj' to u decision rendered lodav hy Circuit Juile flcclon, n'i'ij; jtidpiiiMit for .fllOO to George I'. Moore nj;ainsl the Aetna Life liisurnuce eouipany for tho losn of nil of his left hand, except the thumb, hy u shotgun accident. The company denied tho right of the plaintiff to $1000 insurance for the hand on tho ground that tho policy tnitdo. uecessnry Iho amputation of the hnud at or above the wrist." I'livsieians teslified that the thumb might us well he removed ns fur ns its utility was couceriii'd. SEEKING TO LOCATE POISONS USED IN TEA NKW IIAVK.V, Conn., April 1. Tho police were trying today to learn where llm cyanide of potassium wits obtained which was found yesterday afternoon in ten served nt the home ot .Mix. John .1. llognu, totinerly eon neeled with Iho Yule psychologicul laboratory, to herself and .Mrs. .Mar gin el Williams, who lives with her. llognu, who was said to have ipmr reled with the two women, was ar rested on suspicion of having at tempted the poisoning. It was admit ted, however, there was not iniieh evi dence ugniiiit him. If they can find whence the eyanido emtio, the police said, 1 1 1 tiy probably will bo able to dioovcr who got it. KIIKIMS, Fruriv. Aprl 1. Thrc n inters were killed here ihIh hi two separate accident. The were: Kinilo Vcdriuus, brother of Jule Vedriues, the fnntori flying inmi. I'ierre Tcilurlrt, u well-known member of tbr French Aero club. Clcmeni Aigny. w.itist'r iu Te-tueletV mnehine. Vedriues met den h while trying to loop Ihe loop with a monoplane. He fell 1 110 fret mid wx killeil instmitly. Later in the dn the aeroplane in which Te-luelet mid Avigny were fixing plunged toward the eaith fiom u height of .'Ulfl feet nnd struck a py lon, whereupon the petrol tank ex ploded uml machine ami aviators ernshed to the ground, naming. It wits believed b"th men were killed by the collision witi Ihe pylon. FOREIGNERS SAFE NEWSPAPER MAN HALTIMOUK. Md.. April 1. IllKhts of citizenship were restored today by Governor Goldnuorongh to Harry S. Haward, who put In seven ears ns a huniorfstnnd ctlltorlnl w-rltor on the Dally News, of Cumber land. .Md. Ha) ward disappeared from Cum berland Just after receiving an nnon mous letter In 'which tho writer threatened to make known thcafl mat no nan lorvea seven yean in the penitentiary. Hayward left thu following nolo to the editor of the News: "I got on n tear for somctlmo af ter my homo Ufa wns broken up and lauded In tho Maryland ponltentlary for the crime. I wns as guilty n Holt but it was nil a spell of years of foollabnct. as It Is really not a part of my nature to bo a criminal. The law hns nothing whatever on m I paid ami vindicated myself with nearly seven years of straight work, as )ou know." A concerted effort wag being mndo today to find Hayward and lndtt:o j hi in to return to Cutuberlnud. TORRE I J N STILL N K N DA AM y Confllctlnn Reports From Front, Rebels Claim Victory, While Fed erals Claim Serious Defeat for the Rebel Forces. Strenuous Efforts to Relieve Be sieged City Underway, State DIs patches Received at Juarez. rilllirAIII'A CITV. Mex., April 1 Torreon was tint yet completely occupied by the rebel today, nccord ii g lo latest news from the front. It was slated that the federals were still furlilii'd in certain section of the city and thut street fighting con tiniuil. WASHINGTON, April 1. "The rcbcW hne been scrioti-lv defeated nt Torreon,'' wns ns-erted in n slutc inctit given out from the .Mexican consiilnte general here today. "Gen eral l)e .Moure, niili .1000 freh fed- erul soldiurx, from Saltillo, is near Torreon, nt the rebels' rear. "In several engagement' nt Mon clovn Ihe rebel suffered 1000 ensu nllies, besides 100 nt .Sierra Denr- "" ,. ir "The rebel mlvnnee gwi'cj in the state of TainuulIMs hns been annihilated'.." EL PASO, Tex., Anril 1. Strenu ous efforts to relieve Torreon were being mado today by the Mexican federals. Yesterday's announcement, receiv ed at Juarez, of the city's. capture by the rebeN proved erroneous. How it came lo be sent, Oenernl Cnrmnzn, who made it public, does not know, llii theory wi that Genera! Villa thought he had overcome the lust ,vstige of resistance nnd then found he wns'tnistukcti., Not. only were Ihe fedi-nds still holding out, but confirmation wns re ceived of earlier remrts that federal reinforcements were iipproaehing Ihe city by forced iiiiirchc. from the east. How many men there were or who commiiuded them was not knot jn. Villa, however, detached two bri gades to meet nnd attempt to stop tho coining enemy. WASHINT.TO.W April 1. Word that all foreigners In tho Mexican district of Torreon were snfo was received hero today from Oeorgo C C'arothers, special representative of tbo state department. This In eluded II. K. Cuuaid Cummins, their consul nt Clonic I'aiaeio, who car ried from Ceneral Villi, to (lenernt Velasco, federal commander of Tor reon, n rouuest for tho latter' fii render, and wns erroneously reporled to hnvo been executed by Velasco. JAPANESE WAR TALK TRYING TO AVERT LINE LONDON, Apiil 1. Tho Host Fife election, hy which Premier Asutiith will seeli i tl in it In piuliiiiuent us call- Inet hi'iid mid iiiinUler nf war, was set Imlny for Apiil l'i. Mililiint siif fmgelU'n weiu iiiuniiuilig In opiHin'l him, lMIILADHMMlIA, April 1. Hep resentntives of the owners of Cen I tat Pennsylvania bituminous coal mines and of their employes were trying today to agree on n wuge scnlo superseding the one which ex pires April II. Should they fnil, "", 000 iiiiueis. will walk out on thut date. COAL MINERS 10 AT XI.W YOUIC. April 1. Comment ing here today on Ihe speech deliv ered in the senate Monthly hy Sena tor Lewis of Illinois on Iho free cu ual tolls proposition, Dr. Hhoshuk sitto, dean of the college of agricul ture iu Tubulin imperial Japanese universiiy, bitid: "War between the Tniled Slnte nml Japan is out of the question. I.veii it it did come, Japan would not seixo the Philippines. We don't want them. "Japan feels friendly toward America nnd it is simply" nliMtrd for anyone to suppose, tnat .la pan is lending money to Mexico." ML'H TRADE ALAN AG U A L PRGDUCTHEAVY Balance of Exports 965 Cars as Against Balance of Imports of 431 Cars Three Years Ago Shipments to Date Show Healthy Increase. 589 Cars of Apples and 434 Cars of Pears, Not to Mention Less Than Carload and Express Shipments. The balance nf I rude in llogue Ilivcr vnlley's favor is grenler than total-, recently published hv the Mail Tribune, liites J. IL Mulehny, dis trict freight ngent of the Southern Pacific. From July J, 1013, lo Feb ruary US, 101 1, there were 120(1 enrrt of produce shipped out nnd 331 cars shipied in, leaving n balance of ex IMirls of !)IJ." enrs, ih contrasted with it balance of imports totaling -431 fur year ending June 30, 1011. The bal ance was. really renter, beenuse Ibis does not include less than curled nnd express ihipments. Mr. Mulchny gives the following totals to ditto from nil valley points from July 1 to date: Shipments from Kogue River vnl ley, July, 1013, to Mnrch, 1014: i Medford Apples, 359; peurx, 373; peaches, I; fruit, 10; potatoes, lY? total, 702. Central Point Applet, 70; penrs, 33; potatoes, 2; total, IU. Grants Pas. Apptes, 37; jwars, 10 peaches, ; fruit, 1; total, 54. Ashland Apples, 40; penrs, 1; peaches 10; fruit, 19; vegetables, 1; total, 71. Phoenix Apples, 21; penrs, 17; potatoes 1; total, 30. Talent Apples, 31; potatoes, 3; total, 37. Gold Hill Apples, 17. Itogue Jciver Apples, 2; vege tables, 1; total, 3. Merlin Peaches, 3. Grand totnls Apples f80; penrs, 431; peaches, 20; fruit, 30; vege tables 2; potatoes, 23. Total cars, 1100. This does not include liny, grain, livestock nml other produce shipped, or lens than carload shipments. Carload Shipments of agricultural products : Re- For- Commodity ceived. warded. Apples Penrs . Peaches CHICAGO. April 1 Itopresonta tlves of Illinois, Indiana and town coal miners wit Id today tho men In tbeso Hi run ytnttiH would continue at work under tho expired iiKreuuiont of I It 12 pendliiK tin iilleinpt by their lUtrlt't oHU'luU to'iniibu HHiecmuiiu ltd tho owner. I" TO SAl.KM, Or., April 1.- -Congress it In he usked to innku un appropria tion lo enable the naval militii. of the country to participate in the cere monies attending the opening of the Pumim ciiniil nml exposition in Sua Frnncisco next cnr. Secielury of Iho Navy Daniels tuhitcd governor Went in letters iccclved liidny that it is understood unofficially Hint Ihe Nil Mil Miluiu association of the 1 tilled Mutes Is pteputliig In tnl.e Iho iiintlei' up with euii;'ii'n ut the proper limt', CHICAGO, April 1. A mob of ntoro than ."00 uuemiiloyed men con gregated today iu u cold rain ir front of the Soo Lino freight term inal us a re tilt of n first of April joke perpetrated by un unknown person. Before the small nrmy could he iiifoiutcd thut they were vic tims of u hoax mid that the report that the ruiltoud wanted hundreds of workers were tint rue, the mob surged against the sleel gates, breaking ih. locks and poured into the yards. "We want work," they shouted. The police reserves were called out and it reiptired nearly an hour to ileal' the streets in the vicinity ol tho yards. The men stalled for tho vnrds wh'Jit someone gnve out n tip at em ployment offices nlong West Madi son street that tho railroad company needed hundreds of men for road biulJjug work. Green fruits, mixed.. . Vegetables 3 Onions Potntoca 2 Grain 23 Hny Flour, feed . I., 27(1 Cattle uml livcAonk. Hogs .j- Sheep .. - 23 Horses Ileum . I 580 131 0 43 3 3 23 11 ill 48 211 12 4 Total j Carload; out over 331. 120(1 shipments In, w 'S FATE WITH JURY SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., April 1. Tho case ugaliut Paul Spott, au Oak land plumber chnrgod with ut tacking Miss Ida I'enrrlug hero last 'Sow Year's Day, was given to i Jury this afternoon. Ml Penrrlus was tho first witness today mid ro pented tho story she told at Spott' preliminary hearing. .Maury 1. DIkkh. who, with Walter (IIIIIkiiii, will go to trial May 80 or n limllur cburKo, wan nu lutoruntei upcttulor Hu kept hi oes rivulet uu MUD Pcurrluts duilu her luvll tuoiiy, I THE FLY IS CAMPAIGN THROUGHOUT TATE PORTLAND, Or., April 1. Thou sands of citizens, men, women and children, started out today on u ten daya campaign to rid the state of flies. Not only will the pestiferous insects bo swatted vigorously, but their breeding places destroyed. Commercial clubs nnd other civic bodies, nlong with the school chil dren, nru eo. operating in Iho cam paign. In Porlluud u particularly thor ough plan of extermination Is in op eration, Tho school child thut crushes out tho lives of the greatest number nf Hies will he plveu it cash prixo of jjCVi, A second nnd third pride of 15 mid 10 respcclividy Ima uNo been offered. Ten ik'iihhiiU will hu given, nun nn ei'li day, o hs school which hi mux in tho huM fmn I for llmt duy.