wmw Sf m r TQM 90X311 MEDFORD MAIL TRTBUNK, MEDFORD, OttKGON", TURSDAV. MROIT M. 1I)H If, "(f.a,. .1 MEDFORD MAIL TRIDUNB AN INDRI'UNnnNT NBWKl'APRR PUUMKIIKI) KV1CHT AKTUIINOON EXCHI'T HUNOAT IIY TUB HU)FOIM l'lUNTINU CO, Th Democratic Times, Tim Mtilford Mall, Tlio Mctlfonl Tribune. Tlin South trn OroRtinlnn, Tho Aaltlaiut Tribuno. orflcn Mall Tribuno ItulUUnc, 2S-27-3S North Kir street! telephone T6. Official Taper of tlio City of McdforJ. Ufflcln) 1'nprr of Jnckson County. KntereA as ofconrt-clnss matter nt MMfotil, Oregon, under th act of March S, 1ST9. SUBSCHirrXOK KATE One yrnr, by mnll...,.J5.fiO Ono month, by mnll. ..--....... .SO IYr month, itiOlvoreil by carrier In Mrdfonl. Jacksonville nnj Cn- trnl Point .... .80 flatunlay only, by mnll, per year. S 00 Weekly, per year . ... 1.50 rv J-" ' With Mcdfonl Stop-Over COMMERCIAL CLUB 14 MATERIAL PROGRESS Tlii'i material progress ol tlio Koguo Ktver vnlloy is shown by a comparison tit' agricultural imports and exports from Southern Pacific roeoftls for the present sea son as compared with those of three years ago. The eom parison shows a mueh healthier eomtition of affairs, and the coming three veal's should shown an even greater per centage of gain in the production of staples. "The record speaks for itself: From July 1, 1310, to June 30, 1911. Articles In Out Articles In Out Oar- Cur- Cur- Car loads loads loads load Votntocs nud onion SI Hay 22B Oats tuul barley -IS Hour and mill feed -132 KgKa nnd butter 3 Apples rears, peaches, green fruit , S Vegetables 35 Canned Koods 13 Total Trade balance 1 C2 96 41C From July 1, 1913, to Fob. 2S, Potatoes Onions liny Oals nnd barley Flour and feed Apples Tears Teaches Cireon fruits, mixed Vegetables Cattle and livestock . Hogs Sheep Horses 2 23 271! 23 3 91 11 r.S9 134 43 3 4S 2tl 12 t o or. 634 OFFERS FOR FLY SWATTING The director of the Commercial cluli held nn iiniHirluul tncoliii- yes terday uftemoon. An invitation was extended io the California delegates to the Pacific Coitfct Advertising Men's convention, to bo held ut Vancouver, II. ('., in June, to stop off here nnd be s-hown over the volley in nuo. It. D. Hoke nnd n committee from the Merchants' association appeared to discuss ways nud menus to com plete tlio Ktibscription list for estab lishing tho Hoke cannery. I'ltius were iiinuo to finish that work. A resolution was introduced by Den Sheldon offering fourteen cash prizes to school children in the swnt-thc-fly campaign initiated by the Women's clubs, nnd ndoptcd. The contest will bo tinder the direction of the superintendent of schools nnd a committee of tlio Greater Medford club. An invitation wns extended to the commercial bodies nud citizens of Jackson, Josephine nud Klamath counties to meet nl Medford in the near rulnre in a monster get-together meeting for the purpose of boosting the great natural scenic advantages of Southern Oregon, Mich ns Crater Lake, Oregon Caves, Ashhiud Dutte, etc. COMMUNICATION. -4- To the Kditer: According Io now-paper roMirti, the Commercial club bus requested the Southern I'neifio to grunt reduc ed rates during the fruit packing sen. son ns nn inducement for the orange nnjl lemon pucker of California to , -conic to this valley and pack our ap ples nud Kaitrs. it seems to mo the Commercial club In getting off on the wrong foot here. I think I can bptak for the members of tho Co-opcrntivo Fruit Growers' association when I say (hut we do not want the Califor nia packers here, There nre plenty of local people to do this work nnd we would rather keep the money at homo. 1'rncticnlly nil the puckers wo employed were without expcrieiic.c at the beginning of tho season, learn ing to pack in our packing school, nnd without an exception they were doing very Fi.tisfnelory work before tlio season closed. They were nil lo cal peoplo mid tho money they earn ed stayed in the Itognc Hiver valley. Quite u percentage of the money earned by tho California packers wus. sptnt in California perhaps Is help ing to build good roads and pay tuxes across tho line, where it doesn't do us any good. We turned away doz ens of applicants lns,t hummer men nud women, boys and girl all resi dents ut the valley, who wanted to Jeuui to pack fruit, and whom wc would buvft been glad to employ if wo bud hud work for them. TIo ury that there nru not people licit) to do this woik i without foundation. Tliuro mny bo n hid; of experienced pokers, but it doesn't take long to educate u boy or girl who Im- uu aptitude ut till for tho work. I'lwifio put tho Co.ovrative Fruit Growers association down us being in favor of einoloying locfil people o liandlo our fiult, and keeping tho money at hoine, and against (he im pollution of ouUido people nud send ing tlio money nwny. Vouis trujy, H. . YJ-;, Koi'ielury, SEVEN BANK PANDITS MAKE GOOD ESCAPES IIOQI'MM". Wasli., Mnrcb .'11, Coiiiplclcly bufiliiig the hliwil'rV posses, Ilia set en iucji who robbed the Hunk of Khun Hutuiilny niijlit of MilKO linvi' iiihIo llioii I'soijio nud llioic Is lilllo lpii) loitny ol cipliii iuf UK'))) III till1 llWIM muoiU. i Total 331 Trade bnlnnce om the above it will be seen that the balance of tradtt has been turned from a deficient' v of -Ml cars imported to a surplus of G3-1 care exported. Complete figures, showing express shipments of eggs, poultry, vegetables, etc., would show an even greater increase, for these products, form erly imported by express, are now similarly exported and total several carloads each. Cannery and dairy products are also left out, and the' form an over-increasing ratio. The government soil survey, published in 1912, com menting upon the importation of agricultural products, said, and tlio remarks arc true teday: There Is absolutely no reason why tho products Imported should not be crown within tho valley. The soils ana climatic conditions are favor able, the only requirements being a more extonslvo development of Irriga tion facilities nnd a movement to divert a' part of tho enersy of the farms along new lines. There will always be a certain quantity of early fruits and vegetables shipped In from other sections or the Pacific coast, us the local climate does not favor an extremely early production of fruits anil vegetable products. Aside from thesp early shipments, however, tho vat ley could well afford to bo a shipper of this class of product, rather than an Importer. Climatic conditions are favorable for the livestock and poultry industries. Most of the livestock imported this year are blooded animals, and will raise the breed stand ard. Hogs are a natural adjunct to tho orchard, and 1000 cars a year should be profitably exported. J'verv orch- ardist should plan to make his orchard self-sustaining out side of the fruit, and when this condition is accomplished and it can be nothing can disturb the reign of prosper ity in the Rogue River valley. The future of truck gardening, berry culture and small fruits depends largely upon canneries. Eventually half a dozen large canneries will be operated most of the year. Every effort must be made to establish them, on a small scale if necessary at first, to grow with the valley's devel opment. They are an essential if we are to continue to progress. An effort is now being made to establish a small can nery at Medford. The necessary acreage of products has been signed up. Four thousands dollars of the $5500 needed lias been subscribed by Medford business men. The market for products is already arranired for. It is up to the orchardists and funnel's to lend their co-operation in starting this necessary institution. It should be followed by enlargement and the establishment of similar canneries needed elsewhere in the valley. If von have not alreadv subscribed to this cannery project, do it at once it will help create abiding pros fields dry out quicker Hutu on plowed ground ntnl aro harder to plow tli following year wltllu thu, physical condition of tho noil Is not ns good for thu HUbsoqttont crop. Woods, notably Itnsslnu thistles and tumbling mustard, are ntiieli mora nuuiurous on stnbhlod In fields, as nro iiIho In sects In sottin cases. Tho reflections upon ono'a credit and standing as a farmer must also bo listed among tho illsndvautniH'H. Farmers state: If the ground Inn boon deeply spring plowed tho onr before and Is rich, loose, free front wends and sown early, sttihbllng lu Is nil right. I u a tow Instances where the sttthhlu was burned off lu ino spring Holier results wore se cured than whore tho stubble was not burned. A few Indorsed press drills for this work. Fioin tho oildenci! of these far mers it would seem to bo generally tinwlso to follow this practice. If farmers would use foresight lit plan ning their year's work tho MtihulliM In of grain would rarely bo uccci sary. The practice Is usually fol lowed because more work has been undertaken than could properly bo accomplished In the time available A better understanding by (armor of the average length of season and the nverngo day's work would tend to greatly reduce tho number of casus where stubbllng In would be uccct sary. REWARD $500 OF FOR CAPTURE OF I A EO BANDI I .MOUNT VKItNON, Wash, Match 31. A reward oC Jfitio ban boon posted by the county coiuiulsslouois for the capture of Charles Hopkins, the t.Utnood bttudlt, who has boon torrorlxlng this section ol tho stale and to whom U laid tlio btitiun (or throe murders, A search for tho body of Tony (lurb, one of tho three hold up on tho railroad tracks by Hopkins, early Sunday morning, has thus far been uunvatllng. The body of (ho man round on the tracks has been Identified ns that of Tony Olson. John Freeman, who was seriously wounded, Is recovering and his de scription of the bnudll tallies with that of tho second Harry Tracy, as Hopkins Is now Known. Soverul reports have boon mndo to the sheriff's office or Hopkins ap pearing at vitrlous ranch houses and demanding meals, HEAVY MEAT EATERS HAVE SLOW KIDNEYS Eat less meat If you feel Jtaokaohy or havo bladder trouble Tako glau of Baits. Where Rise the Trout Ily Thomns Xtinnn in Snn Francisco Examiner. "The trout-fishing bcuson ojents next Wednesday in nil const streams." Sunday Examiner. My doctor say I need n rest; a ml Dee, he knpus me well. The thing I need he cnu, indeed, in skillful mnniier tell. He snyi. thnt I sliotild get uwny from bubjness for a while, And bravely try to bco if I ran idle hours beguile. I hate io think of quitting when there's lots of work to do; Hut htill I know I'll have, to go, nltlioiijji it makes mo blue. The doctor says I'm nil run dow n; un! Hoy, he known me well. The thing I peed lie cud, indeed, ill skillful manner tell. 'Tis bard to leave the city now, and nothing but my health Could check the puce of my mud race ujong the roud to wealth. I know a (lushing mountain stream where gamely rise the tioiil; Anil Dee ugrccp the brook would case my malady, no doubt. 1 need frcnli air, the doctor say; and Doc, be knows me well. The thing I need Jie can, indeed, in skillful manner tell. Cllll'AUO. Match .11, -"Hand-some Jack" loettei was cotmctro here today of the murder of Mrs. Kmmit Kraft nud was sentenced to life imprisonment. The jury took thirteen ballots. lo otters was convicted on tho firt bal lot, tho others refciring to the penalty. Koctters paled when the verdict wns returned and his parents nud si-tors wept. Defense Attorney Coo per notified his intention of 'asking for it retrial. May Help You 11 Lungs Are Alfcclc l'roMT dW, rri'li sir mi. I trrorrrnta tialill are t-in-1l to prrvon KiKTotlnit fmui I.uus Trout.:, but pi strat tniujr limtatH-r rrporta afinw that Ilia ailillllna ut a niHIrlne fur II1I1 aftvtlou lias ma trtUlljr IivIns la tirtunlnc atmut nvmr I'nr more tli4n nrin-u yot Itckuuna AtlcrallTr. a mr-lUtua for TtirtMl ant l.m:e Truulilr. ha aisMniIUIi (osl ttxutU. Ilrail wtial It lll la tlila .-.-Matllion Ut, Mlun. "tlrutlrnwtr Id lirrrntlMT luK, Marih. lln. ami Sri'li'int-r. Iti. I waa lakrn Willi tiriuorrliasr i.f the lun; which rm. nnisl lilt- arirral ntfli, encli Urns In tnr lwl. Mjr ilorlor ailtlnil tnr til B11 Wot, fTlth Medford trarto is Medford nuin GET MU5TER0LE TODAY FOR LUMBAGO! It's an amazingly1 quick roller. And It's so cany to lite. You Just rub- Ml'STKItOI.K In briskly, nnd presto, the palu Is gone a delicious, soothing comfort comes to take Its placo. ML'STHKOI.i: Is a clean, white ointment, made with nil of mustard. Use It Instead of mustard plaster Will not blister. Doctors and nurses use Mt'STKIt- OI.K and recommend it to their pa tients. They will gladly tell you what re lief It gives from Soro Throat, limit chills. Croup, Silf( Neck, Athma Neuralgia. Congestion, I'lourlss, Itheiimatlsm, Lumbago, Pains an 1 Aches of tho Hack or Joints, Sprains. Sore .MiiscIch, amines. Chilblains, Frosted Feet, Colds o( the Chest (It prevents Pnoumonla). At your druggist', u 2.'c and r0c Jars, and a special large hospi tal alio (or -'0. . Accept no substitute !( your druggist cannot supply you, rend 2."tc or 50c to tho MUSTUIiOM'J Com pany, Cleveland, Ohio, nud we will mnll you a Jar. postago prepaid. (7) I)r, J, J, Cordon, a well-known Detroit physician says, "Musterolo It Invaluable in my practice and my home." I,. .1 .....t. I .... ...I .. ,AU bua I'ul .flrr in? arrival I mrl Mlrliari Urioly, who, tliKill Iramlitf n( injr mmll lion, urk-nl iu to lav I:. Inian a Altrra tttr. I krpt on laVlnit Itin uirilli l- alii Itiitiriunl riu In Mar. U, HMO. I rr tnnirtl homr I am rtitlrrlr rll, hit" a KihI ttpix-IIto ami lrri Hrll Wln-ll I li-ft llctmr mr Hrlilit waa 1,11 lo.nuila. I tHinr rUh liH, mr tmrinal wriKbt. I Hunk Omt apj yuur Altrralho fur tor lira I tli " (.miUlll PAtJl. U I'AHNACIir. iAtxi atitirrttatnl, tiion- nn ri"-Wrt.) Krktnart a Allrrattri liaa lirro on.iru f manr Jrara' trat to tw tnoat rfflrackiua for artfr Tlmvit nti.l tt Aftrrllnna, llronilillla. Ilnnirlilal AMbiiia. Mulitairn I'oUU ami In m.tmll.llne tht ayHrtn. Coiiialna nn mntillc. i-ln or liatili fnrinlinc ilrnir. AK for txoiMrl irlllnaT of rrrorrrli-a. ami write ti IVkluan Ilwralorr, I'bllaitclptila, I'a , for el drucr. Tor aal by all Uaillns ilmttlila Ko titan or woiintn who rats ntcsl kru larly can tnitke a ttilatnkn hy llusltliig tlm kidney oreitalntinlly, says a well known authority. Mnt forum urlu neld wldnli exoltei tlio kliltuns. llicv Uyoin oir- wotktd from tint strain, got sluggish and (nil to filter Hid witattt ami polnoiiH friitn tlio blotsl, tlii'ti we grt sick. Nearly sll rhtiiiiAtUiii, hcAiUclirs, llvrr ttouMe. lu'rvoumiPM, dluincaa, alrrpli'imra uitd tirliniry dlmritcra ctniu from slugylsli kliln)s. 'the ttwimrnt you (eel a dull uclm In W kldnoys or your back hurts or If tln tirluo li rlmuly, otrciiatve, (all ef sodl meat, Irregular of i'ftangeortittrndi'l by a sotmatlon of sealillng, stop ratlhg in rut and grt about (our ounces of Jnd Salts front any pliirmney 1 take a tablojitiooiidil In a glnm of vrnter Ivfore brrakiait anJ In a (rw dss your kidneys ! will art line. This (stitotu salt Is tiiitda from the add of grapes and Iruion Juice, eotiiMitrl with lltltls, nnd tins Nyii un.nl (or gTitrntltitis to lluah sn.l atlntulata thu klilnoy. alo to iicutrallrn th iwl.la lu urlitn It no loiigi-r rAin Irritation, linn cikIIhr tilad.lrr wraknrtt, Jsd Salt It liiexisMialvs and rsnnnt lnur ntskra a drllglitfnl rlTrrvnwriil lltlila-wfttcr drink which evrrymie atiould take now and then to krop tlm kldnryn clean and nctlvs nnd the tihsst pore, llicrrliy avoldlnjj scrlou kidney complications. KLEIN FOR KLOTHES Is still nt tho old stand next door to tho First National Hank, upstairs. MEDFORD TAILORS ISIS IHMIRE v.rm:viu,K today Frederick Harrington Ai Co I'resunl Never Again a i ioor rniuouy Hlioleh l'holoplit)N Tncsilu)( nnd Weiliiesihiy llllltKKH DIHIT KMlHoit IVatiiro lit two reels, Kim t tir ing Itlehatd Tucker I'ATIIi: WCHKI.V NO III News SK Kill. I!V lll'VH A IIOTCD I'nreo Coined)' dm: 'ritot'HAM) to dm: shot I'arro (Nimcily Coining 1'ilility Tilt: ItOVAIi HI.AVK No. t of Adventure of Kathlyu i -.-. ai rf DEAD ANIMALS Wo will loniovo all dead animals from your prt'inisps on short notifo, VUKK Oh CIIAIWIK. MEDFORD REDUCTION CO. Telephone 237 nouses pott sai.i: "One kooiI nil round horse, i'. yearn old; team i! and h years old wnlght SfttlO. One pood ranch team 8 nud 0 ear old wclicht 3300. One 7 )onr old horse weight 1100, whkoii ami hnrnes I). S. I.ltli, I'Iioiio 1.10. At Union lUrn STAR THEATRE thi; iwiiiiKrs llloKraph (arco comedy STOHV or thi: WILLOW IWTTCIt.V Kdlson driiiun If HILL CLIMII Two part Hellg IIKATlMt TIIIEIH MO.MIIt HILL llloftntpli fane romody KAVA .V.MI'ltDOCIC Vntidnvllto W'OOI, WOlt III ,V WOOLWOHTH .Music nud uffects ,tllllllio id (Vol 5n M Stubbling in Grain Unprofitable Tho stubbllng in of grain Is being practiced more or less lu tho wheat fct-ctlons of the northwest. Tly stub bllng n grain Is meant tho seeding of tiralu oi field (hat have not been plowed since the removal of tho prov. Ioiih crop. Thorn are uppareut ad vantages nud ilUuilvuiltuues In the prut tlio. Tho advantuKOK lie In tho saving of llmo ami eiulpmuiit In plowing, In tho plumper und mittrr fiiullly of lieriinls and lu thu Inruur uron I luil iiiiij bo rovinod Tho ill (nl vii it l a yo mo Unit llio jJvlds, on an average, aro about one-third less and occasionally both need and labor are thrown away. Thu straw Is commonly shorter and In an ud vorso year Is hard to find Into firm bjiudlcnCtbiiUwIII not tfcttler. The ftr m ji ii nmui i ji s John A. Perl UNDERTAKER Lady Assistant tt H, HAKTLKT 1'liOHi-a M. 17 a4 47-71 AhiIimUhco Herrlto deputy Corouw 120 Acres for Sale Orange, Lemon and Olive Land On railroad and river, one milo I'nmi ed '131ulT, Oal. Vvumfylf vv itere. Address A. H. McINNlS licil Bluff, Cil. Manhattan Cafe . Under New Management Quick Liuicli, !")( up, Ifeu lai Dimit'i', 'J.h' ), Wo hovvo nice, Ni'Ml -rifiHH lliliigrt, WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP Recently remodeled and cnlnrKod, added now cameras and apparatus and Is now strictly up-to-dato In ovory way. Contnierlcul Work o( all Kinds Including copying and enlarging of pictures, legal documents, etc. lira, mido enlarging, any slio, and kodak finishing of every kind. Professional and nmatuor photo graphic supplies, t. .M. Harmon AkkocUleil With Mo. Shop over Islg Theater, Phono It 7-J BASE BALL AT MEDFORD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 AT 3 P. M. Nick Williams' Northwest Colts vs. New York Colored Giants This Kume will he called al p. m. in order that tho school children can attend. All children under VI years of uj,'o admitted free. All school children over 12 years of nj,', admission 2f (tents. General admission f() cents to either grandstand or hleach ers. Accommodations for automobiles. The only chance to see bij; league ball this season. Remember that some classy ball players will bo seen in action in this game, as tho New York Colored Giants havo three of tho best ball players in tho world. Gales opened at .1:15 p, m. to aeuonuuodato the crowd. JoJJM 7ak sWsW asWsl r W I H A II am K ssm 1 UJb,UAl 11 i t t f T f T t T t t f T T t Y ? Page Theatre March Klaw & 'JDrlanger Present HENRIETTA CROSMAN In Tlor OitoI Cumody Kuitc, .jtWMMlfi The Tongues of Men Seats on Sale Monday, 10"A7M."atThoatorOffice" NOTIOIO IMHCKS: 1st M rows and Ho.Kcs..l.r,0 I.asl 1 rows 1,00 IJalconyj 1st 'I rows 1,00 Next -I rows 7fi IwihI f rows no This Attract ion is pluyliif,' I'Visuo nnd Vorllaiitl at $2.00 t 5 5 t C f5 5 'C 5 C t 5 5 C fe fy V 5 5 i $M8 f 5 W kfi flat .n .