PAGE BIX I WHO KILLS THREE MOUNT Vim'ON. Wash.. Mntoli !IO.-More tlmn 1200 inch nrc todnv ppourinp the country between the Culindiiin bonier on the north nud Kterctt on the south for Charles HonkiiiB, n ruRitive, who hast com milted several murders since the he ginnine; fC the yenr. nnd is regarded here ns n second Hnrrv Trne.v. Hi latent uctims were Antone Qerh, -10. John Freeman, 35, nnd nn nnident fied man, held up ou the road near r.lirlieh station, Skagit county, Sat urday night, flerh was instantly killed, Freeman wjiR furiously wounded nnd the other man who had accompanied the other two in missinp. Freeman was first knocked unconscious with the butt of the bandit's reoher, nnd ns he lay rtrofrtrnto shot through the neck Upon rcRiuninx Ii!b HeiihCH Sunday morning ho crawled half n mile U the station, awakened Joseph Kell, occupant of n slinek. Dr. II. I. Mil ler was summoned, the sheriff and constable notified nnd n gencrn' nlnrm i-ent out. Posses in three counties were quickly organized. In one of his conscious period Freeman recognized n picture of Hopkins. "Thnl'tj him; that's him," he cried. Hopkins has tho words "true love tntooed on h:s fiugcrs. He is nccus - cd of murtlcrinj; Charles Hodges or Jnnunry 31 in n Seattle lodging house, nnd last Thursday night seri ously wounded Patrolman William son nnd two others nt Everett. Every logging enmp, rnilrond cm ploy nnd town constable nnd deputx s-heriff between Cnnndn nnd Seattle has been supplied with n picture of tho fugitive, and with three organized jmisscs nfter him, Deputy Sheriff Stevenson of lUount Vernon s confi dent he will bo captured shortly. BILL HANLEY BULL I PORTLAND, .Mnrch 30. Willinm Ilnnley yesterday niinouuecd that he xeouhl be n candidate for tho pro gressive nomination for United Stales senator. Since the progressive luncheon on Thursday the movement to urge Mr. Ilnnley to enter the rnce for the pro gressive nomination gnthercd force, nnd many progressives called upon him to urge him to bo a candidate, while others wrote hira letters and prominent progressives presented him tho following petitien: "Hon. William Ilnnley, Portlnnd. "Dear Sir We, being members of tho progressive party, nnd nppreci ntivo of the services you hnvo ren dered the cause of the development of Oregon, nnd believing that the principles jou stand for are in ac cord with tho national platform of tho progressive party, herewith urge oii to declaro yourself n candidate for tho office of Uuitcd States senn tor on tho piogressivo ticket." To these ho replied agreeing to be come, a candidate. FROM STATE BOARDS SALEM, Or., March 30. Gover nor West today announced Unit Dr. C. J. Smith of Portlnnd, nxpirant for tho demoeiutio nomination for gov ernor, hnd resigned ns a member of the state board of health nnd the state bouid of higher curricula. Dr. Smith wiyi, in hit, letter to tho gov ernor; "This nclioii would hnvo been taken some time ago hnd it not been for cei tain uncompleted matters be fore these hourds. My term having recently expired on tho last named honid, formal lesigniitiou nf. to it is pei Imps uniieceMiry. "Public offico bhould bo n public trust, nnd it seems to mo n man ennuot ho tin officeseeker nnd nt the snmo tiiuo do his full duty ns an of. ficeholder. Tho temptation to neg lect tho peoples, affairs for one's pn vnle ambition is too great." FOREST GROVE MAYOR DEAD AT SIXTY-SEVEN PORTLAND, Or., March 30. Wnltar lingo, mayor of Fnient drove in 31108, nnd formeily editor of the l'oroht drove Times, iw dead hcio to dny nt the ago of (17 yenra, ufler a three mouths' illncH. Ileforo coming to Olefin in JII0I, lingo wiu editor of lu'H'AjwiwM in ISYIirnMiti. . ' SECOND RAY CHASED BY P READING AMKKTCANDIWSSMAICKHS DHXY FKKNCII CHAIiCK i THAT AMERICANS AUK TO RLAME FOR DHHSS INDECENCIES SOME GOWNS THAT HyuH... 1 Ptosis W EbIBHJH E WsfWk.,: JM- &1MjPwB ibbbbbbW 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLI t' CjL a .A fc r v SESvHMflrtMitoAV bLbbhbI K L. si? bbbLbbbLH Bi.3HHHHH BBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBVSraESh. V'.i ROBE OP WHITE SATIN TRIMMED WITM PEARLi .Ainu QREEN GIRDLE Dressmakers In Atnerlc.i resent tbe ltllo fur I hi' ilnrhlL Innnlinn uhkli ivcnUthcs of .vmori ix's lejdlus drossum-lug shops expressed tbelr surprise 1 r tuo America" wouun. I 11... . ltlAl.h. ..ll... .1 .. dAi..... .. .k. 1t. . t-.t., - i ur uiinroui iui.itni.ii mi iiiim'uiiv-i-iiii-i.i iu iiiu muiiu-ui i .urioiif i.rnciic ni iari, rvcciiuy on!anietl ror Hie punxe of supposing Immodesty in dress. And Immcdlntel.T upon the heels of the announcement of the Women's Patriotic I .en cue camp.iipn came the statement, made by a leadliiK French dressmaker, that Americans were entirely to blame for this hide, eney, The nnnniiiu enent sttd In part 'The American woman, and not the French woman, created the demand for rUiue dresses 'the French Initiated tbe mode, but tho Americans degraded It outmceously. The silt skirt and the transparent cornice are made In n'ne cases out of ten for exportation. Tbe Furlsleuue knows Just bow far to go, but fir our Amir. :m mstomcrs notblnj; sec ins too darnu." ' DRAMATIC LEAGUE ARRANGES TO GIVE UNIVERSITY PLAY Arrangements have been made by tho University of OrcBon Drama ucaguo ror the prouuction in .Moc ford at the Page Theater, on April 1SS, of J. M. Uarrlo's brilliant three act comedy, "Tho l'rofor's Love Story." by Professor Archibald Fer guson rteddlo and the University of Oregon class ot Dramatic Interpre tation. ' Professor Neddie Is well and most ! favorably known horo for tho de-j ltghtful readings which he has gives In connection with the University o Oregon extension work, and that he Is to tako part In and direct the pro duction alone is sufficient guarantee of Its excellence In every way. The rest of tho cast Is mado up of ton of tho university students who Imvo been selected for their Individual adaptation to their several parts and ably trained to a point closely ap proaching perfection. "Tho Professor's I.ovo Storj " was Oarrlc's first lmmonio dramatic suc cess, and In It tho author Is at his best in pure, whimsical humor, the play being replete with a wealth of 'droll lines and situations. It U an almost continuous laugh from start to finish nnd we can promlso our readers a most delightful evening's entertainment on the dato mentioned. ALASKA SALOONS ORDERED CLOSED SUNDAYS HEREAFTER FAIRBANKS, Alii-kn, Mnr.h 30. Fnited State District Attornej J.I J. C'ron!ey has issued mi ord ulohu salootu here on Sundnn uMr April 1. Snlooiib huve heretofore heeu open niyht and duv tho jenr lotiud. "TB" GLADDENS SOREJP FEET "TIZ" make eore, burning, tired fttt fairly dance with delight. Away (-0 the ache and palm, the conu, callouwi, LlUtera and bunloni. "TIZ" draw a out the acids and oUoii that j'UlI up jcur feet. No mutter how hard jou work, how lung jou dance, how far )ou uU, or how long jou nmulii on jour fiet, "TIZ" brined restful foot coinforC TIZ" U on-iK-rful fur tlnxl. achlriK, nwolltn, irnarthig fut, Ynir fiet jut tliiulv fur joj , nliuiK nutr hurt or umiii tight. (itrt u '& lent hox of "JIZ" imw from Jinjr ilru'gUt or depwr tint lit time, i .it I fuot torture frerr ttm tnullvr lim keep your h, livtb, nwul mil Impji. 3s W. MTCTVFCmD MATL TRIBUNE. - raised a prxnw3tk. , IOW 1ET EVENING CORSAGE OF SILVER wiim ill irw that American customer who ulromlv- rullril ilnn-n n Hfnrm nf iirlnt mum immr In l,rj iir. 400,000 ACRES OF LAND COT OUT OREGON RESERVES WASHINGTON, Mar 30. An oxe- cutl0 order Jugt promulgated Imi resulted In an elimination of lands from national forest aroas In Oregon. Tho readjustment of boundaries has resulted in a total reduction of gross area on tho Paulina and Hei di u Us national forests of about 100.- 000 acres. Tho lands eliminated aro located In the oast central part of the!reetion without finding trnce of the state, a considerable portion bolnp ou pumice lands of low fertility and lit Jjtle value for prossnt or future forest purposes A portion Is located near the Deschutes river and already com prises a largo pcrcentago of prlvato lands, and Includes two towns. Tlieto eliminations aro n part ot the work of boundary examinations Initiated flvo or six jcars ago, which Is re sulting In fixing, aftor careful sur vey, tho definite boundaries ot thoso lands which should remain perma nently In forests. Thn presont eliminations aro mado because tho land Is not required for forest purposes or for tho protection of wntorshedB. Tho lauds have con siderable grazing value, but only n small portion aro sultablu for agri culture under present conditions. Ugly Sores Quickly Banished Yu MarveI HoW Wor,t Slin Eruptions Disappear as Result of romous Keracdy It jnii ihotild mtf t mron TirnUliIni; a I or with a irnay nlntiaiut lour !t ml vle wnulil Im- to ijull nuili tlilnifii aud utlmd to tho hlwjil. To KiircMuiiiilljr lUht any IjIwjI (roiibte, tome trujitlKi Kkln itlitawi (all It enema, Iujjui, lunrlamt. laalarli or icrorula get your blood under the Intluenoi it H. K H. It I one of tliou) rant medical force wlilcli act In the bl'Kd with thn name di;reii of certainty that U found In oil natural ten d'ocle. Tho manner In whUh It dominate and control the myterlou trannfrrtuio of rlih. rd. pure arterial Mood, fur tbe dlneatrd ltnoun blood la marriloiu. Out through every tkiu mte atlda, Rfrii and ollii r bbxHl linnurllle are for red In thu furui of Invlalhle vapor, thu howrhf, kldae), bladder and all emunclorlea of the body are inarahalbd luio a fltfhtlni: foii to i'ipl very vmllK" of eruptive illiM-aur 'Iliere U itunvly u roiu in unity anwlieni but Mhat Iia lu llvlui; oaiupti) of the Hondtrfuj rnratlve effecla of H. H H. (in a botilo nt thli faliioim reimdy loduy, and If your ran It lulilioru or pemllar, writ lo Hie Nwlft HikII1c Co., Uld Hwlfl llldj,' . AHanla. fla i' not pirmll anyone In Ulk you Ini'i .uie ne. roiupotliid thty pill Up a Kub.lliuie f.r H H, M No huiied, V,ll do IliK, MEDFORD. OREOOtf, MONDAY. MAROIT M. 101 SKILFULLY CUT DECOUXTE GOWN OF WHITE SATIN ,TME AND PETAL SHAPED RUFPLEi- -j VOI LE SPANGLED WITH KHINE5T0NU buy French model drcc nm rpioon. and Indlcnatlou at tbLs arraignment -A .1 .. ... a GANG SHOOT UP BANK DF ELMA ESCAPE WITH $3500 ELMA, Wnsh., .March 30.-It is believed today the seven men who hot up the Hank of Elmii early Sat urday evening nnd Mole .f.'l.'iOO in currency from the vnults have mndc good their escape. A pose of forty men returned late Int night after heating the woods for several Iniles in everv di- nnnilits, i The robbery oenyrrcd while cus- tomers were coming in nnd going out f the hunk. The men, led by n big fellow who epukc broken Knglish, lined tho bank employes up nt the points of their guns, intimidated by stander with a fu-ihidc of shoU that injured no one, entered the vnults and took the coin at their lcixiirc. They fired several shots up nnd down the street us they ran to thu woods. Legal blanks Trlhunft office toi ssle at tbe Man U DEAD ANIMALS Vc will remove nil (lend animnls from your premises on short notice, FRKK OF CIIAROK. MEDFORD REDUCTION CO. Telephone 237 V Y 'f "SHELL" GASOLINE? t t : 1itai t ? f ? T t ? ? t ? T w F RANGE B EXPOS ON CLUB FOR CONCESSIONS 1'AUIS, Mutch HO. That a lihiunl nppropiiution for u French exhibit nt the Sun Francisco oxpoxilion will be uded by the (lulliee wirliiiiuenl soon after the election of new deputies on April 'Jtl was the prediction of u ei, untitle I'm is politician here todny, The situation, he said, N just this: French business men think the) see n chance to cvtort tant'f confer sious from the United States by threaten ng to boycott the exposi tion until they get them. The present deputies do not think they will gvt any such concessions, and thev do want a French exhibit at the exposition. They are uftiiid they will offend certain influential electors if they vote an appropriation without .the concessions, howexer, and thev arc unwilling to gio of fen so with an election so near. After the election is over the nu thor of this exploitation said he wits sure the appropriation would be forthcoming. lltX'IIAMIIKAU Thn ItnnnriKil Ir)iiirin afnlllnn. owned bv Walter Kilt,, will h !.i Phoenix, on Menday: Jacksonvlllo. Tuesdns, the Dickey place at Table iiuck, on ciinesuay nnu innriiin),! and Vlnrcnt barn In .Med ford on Fri days and Saturdnys I'lionn Main I'J Jncksonvllte, Ore. Patronize Home Industries THESE GOODS ARE MADE IN TH E ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. KEE P THE MONEY AT HOME We hnvo changed our name, hereafter tin. Missiof, Furniture known as Works will be The Pacific Furniture and Fixture Factory Home of the "Pacific" Cedar Chest. E. G. TROWBRIDGE, JR. Proprietor 113 South Holly Medford, Oregon. HAVE YOU TRIED Ls tho question aiitoniohilo owners are asking each other, now that the Anieriean Oasolino Co. have opened their Medford .station. IOvery automobile owner is in terested in the gasoline question, and "tSlUOLL" is the answer. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE Phono or Write to HUBBARD BROS. Helling Agents, Medford, 1. Where is the Best Place to Buy Seeds? Why ltronille)' of Course, the only plnrn In tloutliern Orotton where jou ran get Hurriuc Beodti mm Mulford'n Nltrogorm, Ho hni Imil nunrly 30 joar experleiiro In hnndlliiK nnd (trowing needs nnd cimtoiiicm nil linm the hcnoflt ot his experience. It U only a few steps from Main street nnd It will certainly pny )ou to take (ho few extra steps to llrondley's' whom you ran get uer thing for tho Kiirdou, Uo Mulfurd'a Notroperiu In your le guiiii) crop, llurpee Bpcncor Sweet Pens Imvo no eipinl ntul you hnvo about 40 ot tho ory best xnrlntles to etioono from. If you don't sou wL. jou want nk for It., ' BROADLEY THE FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN la In the 'M. F. Store I'lione 872 Hupmobile History CIIAPTKU VII (Continued from jesterdny) Tlio bevel driving pinion Is The chief ndviuitaBii of the Hup-' mounted between two roller bear mobile de-dun In, Hint no load whM lR hlch hold It In perfect nllnf ever Ib carried on tluf nxle Hliitft.i '"" hrul U taken up by They do nothliiK but drive the wbeeb ""other ball benrlng nnd It nUo li and the axlo caning which In lnrg'i ndjiutablo to help secure projtir nml atrimp i-nrrlna Ihn limit. TIiIh ... .(.... ..-.. . .-- . .. - enrlug Is built up of two tiiierel steel tubes, the mslleftbln Iron cen trnl housing nnd the taper steel tube propeller shaft housing These pieces form a easing so strong and rigid tbnt It does not reipilro tlu support of either truss or reach rods Tho differential which cnrrlcs tho driven bevel gear Is mounted ou two Urge roller boarlngs. Tbot.i rnrry only tho up nnd down loads "ho end thrust Is taken earo of by wo bnll bearings Just oiitsldo of the oilers. Two threaded adjusters nrc used to novo tho bevel gear In or out fropi ho pinion until the proper tooth con tact or ' mesh" Is secured for (pilot and efficient running. ' IHCrOIlSO tllO POWOr Of Your GUT j Vt I'CIIIOVC CUI'llOII l)V tilt OXV,r('ll piOt'P.SK lit tilt! ll)W tiosl t)f $1.00 DIM' Crater Lake Motor Car Co. Medford Iron Works K. O. Trowbridge. Prop. General Foundry and Machine Works Pacific 401 ; Ilomo 298L. Res. Pac. 5031; Eomo 227 L. For tho best of EVERYTHING MADE OF WOOD Seo ua. Wc mako n specialty of OFFICE FURNITURE and FIXTURES, MANTLES, SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS, Etc Factorv Corner South Fir and 11th Sta. Both Phonei MEDFORD SASH AND DOOR CO. .1.1 J. I-I. .J & II. lliilldlnK (Jrcciibousn Htf J . Iliell l.'arh wheel runs on two roller hearings, one of which takes tbe land nnd tho other side thrusts mirount or ml In turning corner. Thus, the axlo shaft with flanges boltm! to tho wheels re free to do tho driv ing The hearings am nil of thn best manufacture nud nil working parts nrc. inndo from high grade, electric, or open hearth steel heat-treated by expert metnllurnlsts It Is noteworthy that many of thn tending Furopcnn makers of high priced cars such ns Paulinrd nnd !." vnasor have adopted this construc tion for the axle casings of their lat est niudels, (To he continued.) CVIIIHIOI' For GALVANIZED TANKS OIL AND WATER nud IRRIGATING PJP13 Go to J. A. SMITH 128 N. Grape St. Telephone 890 Y ? f !( 't i it t t t ? ? t I . J."i; n i I i