Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 20, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    Oregon Mi.tfrh"'
207 Second Sir'
Medford Mail Tribune
I'alr tonight and Hatimliijr,
easterly winds.
fnrlyttilril rnr.
Iillv KImIiIIi roar.
NO. 308
Oltonldi Folh Funeral of Flijaro
Eilllor Shot Jiy Minister's Wife
K 'js Dispersed After Charuo hy
Police anil Leaders Arrested.
Disappearance, of Henri floclictte,
Accused of Frauds Auurrnatlntj
$20,000,000, Dclnii Prolicd.
I'AltlH, .Mnr. 20. Despite nlitir
ato pollen precaution to prowuil It,
rlottiiK followed ttio funorttl hum Ut
ility of IMItor (fusion CnlnictUt of tho
I'lnnm, who wits shot to donth by
tint wife o( Fliimuo Minister Joioph
Cnlllnux, liU political enemy.
Tho itlMintnni nicurroit In tic
MoiitiMiirltx district, whero. In ilo
tlunr.. of over) effort the authorities
iomIiI mkn to koop tin peopto nun
lug. l" roynllsi crowd gnthorcil.
nhoutluK. "Down with Citllliiiu'
Down with tJm UMnMln!" lit tho
midst of tint eu'ltitiuoni no uniden
tified unto flrml several pUlol shots.
Finding the incitement steadily In
rnmnliiK. Hi 11 pollen llnntl)' charged
Tim royalist resisted mul it fierce
fight ensued, lo which a number of
persons were Injured. Tho iiollw
til length, hnovnr, succeeded h
dispersing thu mull.
IMIinr l,it- Ithtnii
Killtur Mtiurlro I'ojo. of tin Ac
tion Krniit-itlsi. tool, it lending port
In tho ilKiiioimtrntlon. Cteu after
tint crowd (mil oiuo boon scnlterod,
h succeeded In. gutting together n
frotili follow Ink. which Mlnrtnl toward
I he boilli'VtmU shouting dciiunclii
lions or Cnlllnux ami demanding ft
otorntlon of tho moniircliy Tho
tlirotiK had not gone far before It
ttiirounleri'd n lino of policemen
stretching nrroM tli street. Throtign
thl IIiih tho lln)iillt trloil to force
llinlr wuv noil nmitlmr fight ensued.
In which tlm jMilIro wcro lrtorloiu
uiiil more people wore hurt
Man)' nrrusl wore made Includ
ing that of Pujo,
Mmili n Witness
Itx Minister of .Marliin Mont, who
resigned yesterday, wan it wlino
today lioforo a committee of deputies
engaged In Investigating tho dlsnn
poiirnncu of llonrl Itnehetlo. who, lic
ensed of fraud uggroiilliiK 120 0 ()(),
Ouo, tit hlM trial postponed, secured
hi rnli'itxo mnl then vanished.
MoiiIh, who wiih premier nt otho
llion. wits incused of paving Iho way
for lloclmtlo'M oHiiipo. To tlm In
OMtlKHllliK colillillttri) Im I'Xplalmnl
that Jiml lii'foro lit) lircalilo proinlur
.loimpli Calllnox. who ri'Nlmii'il tho
niliilHlry of flomuo hh noon iih ho
hoanl IiIm wlfo Imil I.IIIimI Onlmt'tto.
nliil for n pohtpoimimoit of tli.)
trial. HityliiK ho wIhIioh to act an
Itot'lmttu'ri lawyiT nml cllinc toKoiit
polltkal anil ollmr rritMOiiM for iloluy.
Ah MoiiU'h HiiiTDKor, Honator tlnn
thlor wiih iipnplntoit inlnlKtor of
SAI.K.M, Or., Mim-h "JO. "Tho up-
iiiilintiiiil iniiilii hy (ho liiht lt't,'i"
liitiiro to i'otr tlm tvtniu of I'ui
I'im'h from jiihlii'o luih hi'i'ii oxIimiHt
'ril," t.iiiil (lovi'inor WVxl loilay, "nml
no I'nilluir i'i'iiiixitloiiK fur tho ioIiiiii
of fiiilivrK mill Im ihHiii'il hy this of
I'ii 'i' until I do hovoutl conntii'ti bco fit
III blllllll III!) 0HIISI'.
"I'mlor tho ili'fii'ioiu'v law pashoil
nl Iho hihl hOhhion of Iho li'KHlntnii',
it U iiiiiiIo ii iniiilrnioaiior lo inoui'
iinlilili'iliii'MH ullcr tlm I'.vliiuihlioii of
mi iiiii'opi'ioliiiii."
pioUiliiiK for Iho oHlitlillrliiimiil of n
fUli iikprilniifiitiil Mlut It'll III Ori'H'il
tWIH IlllMlilllM'll In Iho ll'lllllO lllllllt
Ii) Htniitjr I liiiliiluilulii
Ulster Orar.urnicn Prepare for Fore
Idle Resistance When Effort to
Censure Government Falls In Com
mons Tl!roti;li Coalition of Parties
Carsen In Conference With Country
men Rumors cf LIbcral-Laljcr-Irish
Quarrel Pkvc Groundless.
HKI.I'AHT. Irolmiil, .Mnr. 20. War
wim In tlm UUtiir atiuoKilioro toilay
Irlnh homo rulo nt liit mmmiioiI a r'-r-tnlnty.
Tlmrn unit ovory Imllt iitluu
(tint I'lutiir'H OraiiKonion meant to ro
Ut It forrlhly. I'nw pcopli lutio
liiKoit thorn MTloimly hlttiorto. To
ilny'H apponrauioH mto that iIiIh wnm
n inUako. Tlioro wnn a Krliu ilctnr
niliintlon In tlmlr nttlttnlu which
nooineil omliiuiu.
Hlr Kilwnnl Canton, the nntl-lioino
rulo Inaitor. arrhoil In tho courno o,'
tlm ilny from London. A hl ilolo
Kiitlon of DruiiKDinoti mot lilm, unlnt
Iiik him with xiclforoun choom mnl
n Milloy of plaint nhotii. Kir l-Mwanl
linnmillnoly wont Into lonforonco
with IiIn lloiitonnntH
To linn Unit Colinly
Tlm nntl-homo rntorit PoIIommI tho
Kinornmoiit liitomlod to occupy tlm
county with troop. If o tlmy totdl
thvy propimoil to IlKht tlm noldlor.
Tho I'Utor cnrrlMiiiK, tho)' atmortod.
hml Iiooii iloiihloil iilnco Hit' homo rule
Umm lioranio ariito. XovortliolofK,
tlmy Kntil. Iielni: nrtni'il nml woll
ilrllloil, tho wuru not ufrnlil.
TIioiikIi tlm Koorninuiit ilonlod It,
tln report i.tlll Krliii(!il that war
run In worn out for Hlr Kdwnnl Canton
nml other prominent nuioiiR the
OraiiKomen. Tho only rotiRun tlmy
w'nro not nrrcitod, It n aimorti'd,
wan that Hid authorities ronllnd how
perlloun It would Im to attempt tlmlr
arront In tlm mldht of tlmlr follow
or. Alllaint lluliU I'lrin
Tlm antlhomo-rulom ildoutly
worn nnwlllluc to liuvo their militant
orKiinltatlon'H recordn fall Into tlm
Ki eminent' linmlH, for thoy ro
inoteil them hurriedly from tlmlr of
ficial ImailiiuiirUTii nml hid them
Today 'h itImIh wan duo to tlm r-
milt of it tod) In tlm lloiiM) of Com
iiioiin, In London hut nlKht, which
dhow ml. to tlm CoiihorvatlvoH' ton.
htermitlon, Hint tho Liberal-Labor-Irlnh
alllanco xtlll hold lomther. and
apparenlly nifiint to forco tlm litinio
tnlo hill throiiKh, desplto all opposi
tion. I'romlor AhiiiiKIi rrrontly offorod
to lut onuli Irlnh fount)' ileeldo for
Itnolf whether to recoKlilo it Dublin
parlhuuent or to remain under tlm
JurlKillrtlon of tho huporlal Inwinak-
Iiik body In Loudon. Ho propoxod n
Nolo on tlm nuentlou otery six yonrtf
CiiiiiiroutlM) Itojoi'tt'il
1'ntll tho nntl hoine-rulorH told
him whether or not thU offer hhUh
fii'd tlmtii, tlm promlor nald ho would
not iiiihIi tlm hill. Tlm "antU" orl
Klnnl plan wmi to tlo nmttera tip In
definitely hy imviT niiBWorluK th'a
ititHtlou, for tho offer wiih not, It
hooii became liiiotvu, ttatlHfartory t
tlioin. It did not Hiilt Kimlltihnion
with Irlnh IntoreiiiH otitoldo Clslur;
It did not reconcile thorni who profomi
to holliiM) Irolmiil ritnnot ninmiKo ll
own financial affairs, unit It failed
'to reiiHHiiro tho elonient which -una
that it fico Irolmid woiin
Hpeedlly ho niitdo it bano of nnvtl
oporatloiiH itKiihiNl KiikIuoiI hy tho
lattor'ri ouonilori iiiuoiik tho woi)d'.
Vowoirt. Uvon tho I'lBtornmn ohjoctod
(Continued on 1'nKO 3)
nlor Lit I'ollollo loiln lulil lii'foti
Iho uppei' Iioiiko n pioteM lioin Iho
liitoiuiitioiiiil Si'iiihoh'h union nuniiihl
iipimviil hy tho liiuiiiiiKti' of the
fiuilliiKN of Iho H'ceiil l.ouiloii fun
IVl'i'iit'O on hiifoly nt hi'Mi loui'lhtT
wllh il ieiiiel fur iioiiko of lilt'
Nil -on tioiiinoii'n hill It won iihsoiI
til Hint Oiit'iilnlt nit iliitiou' hilo
nun lioin III iH'iiiu.
"VJWHHLi 'L m 'ii inn wmmmmm n
Suite tlm ,.; i io k i uomi'ii inisljfori' tho ciiiiuri A in I'vnlu.t tlif
he prep.iri'il to i.itih .ill l.ind- nl iloti't know iiiinh , I o it reuli,i. Ku
liitin iiiiirm tors iiie mii-t le.ini in
'hunt, nml one of tho fnt illilie of
till' polieemi'ii of thnt eit Iihm lieen
In hhfiw llii'iii linu. Piiii! tin uiiv ill
' i
wlurh llii'V l-iilil tin ir it'vohrri he-
Ni:V YORK M.inh "JO. Mr
l'.thel l.orrnitio lleliimnt, fonner
elioniH irl nml wife of Itnyiimnil
Itclmont. con of Aii(iit lloluiout, tli)
miiltiuiilliouairo, opKtnreil in .liintieu
(IrieiihaiimV eonrl here toiluy. She
churned that Iho older ltelniont eiiu-
i'i) Ka.Miiouil to iloaort lirr eicht i!uys
after their weddlim hero in N'oveui-
her. MM-', nml Hfkiit mi allowance
ettfiioiont to maintain lier "in tho
t.lo hho would Imvo tit joy nl hml
ItiiMiionil Itelumiit iMintinui'il to live
with her." The plaintiff, AnguM
lleliiiout mnl hi altnnie.VK wore in
Mr. lloluiout, the plaintiff, vat
the fir-1 wilne-.". thin atteinooii.
"Tun i1nvi liiifinn mir tiiiirriML'i' we
niel ill the Kniekerliooker hotel," elm
le-lifiiil. "Itu.Mimuil wanted to live
in Iho eouiilr.V. Ile Mini Im wouhl
Kite me -flllO a nioiith for hoif-clioM
epeiiMV, mi I nioro if iiueoiir.v. He
I inured Iiik own income ut $7011(1. in-
ilepeiuli'iit ol wluil his fiilhot unxe
t'uilei i'iiiN--eMiininiition Mm. ltel
niont uihuitleil she hint never Imcii mi
aelress, hut (nut met Kasmond in n
ili-oiileily ImiiM) in IthHI. She Mini
ho estiililixlu'il her in mi iipnt'tuioiit
mnl uuo her mi allowance of .f200
nmiithlv. Later, xio raid, ho in-eren-cil
Hum to .fJ.'O mnl then to
In l)eiiiiiliir. till), liiith weie mi id
to hae hiuueil nil agreement leleas-
iii1.' Itiixumml from nil elaim-, he
navum her .'JlUIIIO at the time. Tllk
.--.- ---ii -- - . -
iiKiccmenl wiih inlioduced at this ttf-
toi'iiooii j. neaiiii.'.
SAN' l'UAN'CISCO, Cnl., Miueh
UO.- Yerit ion t ion of a leport that the
Northern Navigation company nntl
it 4-,000,0"l) of ImliliiiKs in Menm
xhipx, Im !;'- mnl teiiniiuiN hml heeu
Mihl to tho While I'nes .V Ahiskit Yu
kon route, n hli; Ahihku rorpoiiilioii,
could not ,1m ohlaiiicd hero loiluy.
I. con Sliixx, pieKJileut of the former
concern, nihuilteil thai negotiation,
were In pi'iKieH, hul lie wouhl not
eoiiliiiii the Mile.
Tln Xoi'lhein eoinpmiy nun Ii
I'lccl of thirl v Momuerx, folly liaico
nml iiiiuieioiix IcimliiaU ami oilier
propel ly nloni,' Iho Yukon Oiikjii-
ally it wiin ii pail of the Ahikn Coin
ineielal roiaiaii,, which iihiuit III
Ici'li m'iii'k nijo united MiliMdian or
umiir.ntioio limn ilmi e mliT
iiikIiiiii'o. .Mr. (Iiinenl in lliw nlmto
n hhootin? with her rihl lutiiit while I
he i-IkIih with ln-r left eve, n tni'thoit
whii'h ii nhsnlutflv ile trop in the
In'M .'iiuuu'Ii'h i inlt.
WAHIIINCiTON, Mnr 20 Secre
tory of Wnr Cnrrljon announced thlii
afternoon tho follow Iiik iiipolntmen
for the I'nnntuit tone, effective Aprl
t; Colonel UeofRo W. Goethals.
Koternor of tlnxono nml chief !
tho depnrtment of operation and
Colonel Henry llodgo. engineer of
maintenance depart uieiit.
C-tptnln llniih Ilodmnn. lupcrlu
tendetit of trnimportntlon.
Captain William Itote, electrical
Coiuuinudcr I). Iw DIsniukoH and
l.leutennnt Cotnuimider Henry Hut
ler. captain of toriulnnl ports.
Naval Conntrtictor I). C. Cutting,
miperlnteadent of nhops and dry
docks. Major C. S. HoBgs, iturchadnR of
ficer. Captain It. K. Wood, chief quarter
inaHtor. Lieutenant Colonel Charles Muboii,
chief health officer.
Lieutenant Colonel DchIioii, sup
eriuteiuleiit of hospitals.
Passed .Wlstitnl Surgeon Marshal
C.utlirle, rhlef officer of tho iiuitrau
tlne division
SALKM, Ore., Mnr. 20. -Governor
West's trip to Washington to
take tip with the Oregon delegation
In cougrcks and the Interior depart
ment various land mutters of im
portance, cost tho stitto just SI ro
ttccordliiK to mi expense btntemcut
filed by the chief executive with tlm
secretary of Ptnto today. This was
for railroad faro from Salem to
Portland. The governors statoment
shows that the expense of his trip
from Portland to Washington mul
return amounted to $;i75. It nlso
shows that ho earned UT.pi by de
livering one speech en route. In
stead of pocketing this amount ho
donated It to the stnto as mi offset
to tho expenses of his trip.
SKATTI.i:, Wash., Mar. 20. A
shipment of chestnut vprout from
Japan Intended for distribution .ill
our the Piitlfle coast, which was ro
ferred to tho botany dopailmeat of
tho University of Washington for ex
amination, was dlscoteied hy Pro
fessor J. W I'olson to ho affected
Willi chestnut bllKlit, which It Is -llinaled
would have cost llm roust
uto.i pel haps 11,01)0 01)0 to (lull'
Tho shipment was dclio)od.
Akiiiii, the L.hI mnti of llm wet,
lio kiiiivt- sonielhlii about the tt-c
of unns in im I'liHTtfiriioy. wouM -eoni
to Mht nt nil. Ho xIiooIj from hi-
hip, itiiuin tho pin by imtinct. Ho
ieae tlm -ilitin of pun- to the
men who xlmot prairie 'hieken.
WASHINOTON, Mar. :0. -Cov
Rrejsmnn .Maun of Illinois, tho re
publican floor leader wlnhed, with
much emphasis In tho house this af
ternoon that tho country "had a
Itoosuvclt or n Jackson ttTrical with
the Mexican situation."
As an Illustration of tho manner
In such International controversies
rsliould ho handled, ho cited Presi
dent Koosuvelt'g messaito to the Sul
tan at the time Pcrdlcarto, an Amer
ican citizen, was kidnapped by the
f bandit Italstill, In Morocco, in which
tho then chief executive peremptorily
doinnnded "Perdlcarls alive or Hal
still dead.''
Then tho congressman discussed
President Wilson's rcquost for re
peal of tho exemption of American
coastwise shipping from Panama
canal tolls, denouncing tho propo
sition strongly Tho canal, Mann
declared, was built largoly to com
pel low trans-continental freight
rates, and If tho Wilson program It
carried out ho asserted this on J
would be defeated.
SACHAMKNTO CAl... Mar. 20.
"Liberty City," tho big shaded lot
of tho unemployed In exclusive Oak
llldge Acres Is tho fastest growliu;
suburb of Sacramento.
Ten more joined tho remnants of
'(lenentl" Kelly's army this morning,
Hwelling tho total to 170.
District Attorney Wacbhorst has
'announced there Is no way in sight
of getting rid of tho army unles3
they "strt something,'' which Is not
likely its former Chief of Pollco Wil
liam Ahem with four armed depu
ties has been stationed to guard the
f suburban homes mid Constablo Mike,
judge of American township has
seven deputies on the scone.
NKW YORK, March 20. -Except
for l.ehmh Yallev. Mocks moved
iiatiiiwly ilurini; tho early part of
Hie htoek market Utility. After op
euiu up, l.ehigh fell hack n point
limler heay helling. I'uilcil Stntex
Kxnii'Mi later ilroiuieil I intuitu, uiuk-
iiil' n fall of 1H points from it re
cent h!gh Injure. An mlwiimo turn
in ptogreos nt noon, with the Hill
stock lending New Haven, llnlli-
iiiiiiv i Ohm, IteadiiiL' mul Mimiiiii
I'ni'ilie me I In 1' l.i'h'uli l
e also rallu'd iiiiiiv than a point
llniiil weie en
Tliu niiiikvl clustil sU'il.
Pears and Oth:r Fruits In Blossom
Two Week's Earlier Than In the
Average Year Orchard Heaters
Should Be Placed at Once.
First Heavy Frost of Season Usually
Due In Middle of April Forecas
ter Due Here Next Week.
The bluoiniiiK mmmmi this yenr is
advanced urnctienlly two week
ahead of the normal.
The nventKi" hlootnin tcnson for
.he iR'ar heiiw about March '27 nml
the trees are UMially in full bloom
nhout the firt week in April. Tin
year we find ltnrtlett-. HowelU mul
Anjoii-i nml other varieties blooming
fully two week earlier. For thif
retihon fruitgrowers have womlcrct!
whether or not there U more ilmmer
on account of frn-t. It i- aihi-ahle
of eourt-e, that orelmnl heaters tie
placed nt once to he remlv for anv
etnereney. However, in !hc pn.-t iix
vwiri the reeonls of mv office ihow
that the mo-.t ilunj:erou". H.'rioil hnx
been from nhout the middle of April
to May ."i.
For nhout four years the first
heiixy frot oeeurreil on April It,
but the frost- which did the greatest
damage were those which oeeurreil its
late as April 127, May 2 nml May .
It will be remembered that the
heavy frot of hist yenr was on the
inoniin of May 'J. In 1U0S the
henvlest fro-f o"f the seasrti was
on Mnv j.
Ileiiiniu with Mitreh '-'3. Theo
dore F. Drake, asi-tmit ilUtriet fore
caster I'nited SUttes wcnU'er bureau,
will have elm rye of the frost work
in the Kotio Itivcr valley. Mr. Drake
is n man of much experience mul will
jrivo the people of the Itogue Itivcr
vnllev very Kootl service. It wn he
who in-tailed the meteorological in
struments in the local weather hu
reaii. It is sup'e-teil that tho-o who
tire iutere-ietl in the fro-t situation
call upon him mul seek his counsel,
I would al-o sugge-t that he he
taken over the country so as to jrtvc
him an opportunity of .-tutlyin more
elo.-ely local condition-. U must he
umler?tooil that there is a ;:rcnt ileal
in knowing exact local conditions in
making local forecasts. I know that
the fruit growers will show him ev
ery eoitrte-y nml they will be the
aniens thereby.
Confident that their application lo
the United States court of nppoals
for u retrial will he successful, the
three Western Fuel company offic
ials sentenced to prison terms b
United States Jiul'6 Hooting hist
night for con-piracy to defraud the
fjoveruuient of custom duties, were
still in mi optimistic mood today.
Sentences were iuipo-ed upon
Yiee-I'iesident James II, Smith, Su
perintendent F, ('. Mills nml Checker
K. II. Mayer. .Smith, the alleged
chief conspirator, was sentenced to
eighteen months in San Queiitiu mul
fined SoUOO. Mills wus jiven eight
een months in Snu Qiieutiti, hut no
fine was imposed. Mayer was given
one year in the Ahtiiieda county jail
Smith mid Mills received their sen
tences with indifference.
WASHINOTON, Miiiih 'JO. Itoh
eit Lansing of Nets York wa
olioM'ii Unlay h I'lciileiil Wilson In
suceci'u joiiii misseii .ii ooi e as mini-
kt'llor for lilt kUilo di'piilliiii'iil. lout
Johnson nf Texan was Iho pies)
ilmi' I'liniij for slain dcpiirl infill
solicitor, kiii'vi'i'diutf Joseph i Foil,
m MP v'.i2.
iKr r ''issssl
FssBssm.kAL " " . m i
nenry Slegel, whose largo depart
ment stores Ir. Now York fntlotl sonio
weeks ago has been Indicted with his
partner, Frank K, Yogcl. by tho
grand Jury of Now York county. Tho
charge against them was larceny, tho
making or false statements regarding
their stores, and tho acceptance of
deposits when the bank connected
with the stores was In a dnnoroi'S
condition. In connection with their
New York stores they maintained a
private bank which did a largo busi
ness. Money was borrowed front tho
bank and used In tho department
store business.
PEXDI.KTON', Or., March 20.
Juilge Phelps scored today in tho
miti-jramblin;: crusade when u major
ity of the gamblers indicted hy the
proud jury' appeared before him and
pleaded guilty. He imposed n total
of $1450 in fines upon them mnl
warned thorn that if they appeared
again before him ho would without
hesitation give them tho maximum
penalty. "Gambling- wilt no Iiftiger
be tolerated in this county," ho said,
"ami I warn all of you to stop it or
go some place else."
Wesley X. .Matlock, son of tho
mayor, was given the heaviest sen
tence. He was fined $'2ZQ, ami Judgo
Phelps gave him a sound lecture.
"The fact that you, a relntixe of
one of tho administration's officers,
should he connected with gambling'
mny have been inducement to others
to gamble, mnl for this reason I
mako your bentence heavier," Hitid
the court.
Judge Phelps invited all of tho
gamblers to mako statements us lo
why they had engaged so openly in
gambling, his obvious intent being to
learn whether or not thoy had heeu
protected hy the authorities. F.ach
refused to make u statement, where
upon the judge recommended to Dis
trict Attorney Steiwer that ho sub
poena them nil before the grand jury
niiil endeavor to ascertain the rea
son. MK.XICO CITY, March
his health improves boon, Unit
ed States Charge d'Affaiies
O ShtiughuesHy bind today hu would
resign and return to the United
Stales. His physicians said ho was
in danger of complete nervous col-hin-e,
O'Sliituglinessv and British
Charge il'Affaires. Holder will go to
Vera Cruz tonight on it short vaca
tion. WASHINOTON, March 'JQ.Thn
cuiigiTSMoiinl eoiniiiHti'u which ltHV
been liuesllgaliug strike eoHUliiW
ill Michigan mid Colorado, ImM ft
joint nrt I'onl'eience inUy ni
which Hu)' tiUnisicd tkt U4iW-
lU Of klihpurilltllitf J'im li,
teller. They dhl im4 Mmk
Ihiir Unhloni