Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 19, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PAGK lfOUB
meditord matt; tribune, medford, OR1-JC10K, TiintsnAY, MAKorr 10, iom
puiimkiiki) i:vimr aptkknoon
Tho J)moernlle Times, Tim MrtUonl
Mall, TI10 Mrtlfonl Tribune. The) South
em Orcgmiln.ii. Tlio Aslilnint Tritium.
Offlcn MaII Tribune HullOltnf, J5-:7-:
Norlli Kir streets telephone S.
Urriclnl lMper of the City of Medford.
orriclnl iMper of .t.ickrion County.
Rntered nit srcond.ctns matter nt
Medroril, Oregon, under the net of
March 3, 1B7.
nunsonirxioN ratxi
Ono yenx, by mntl . .. ..... 15.00
One month, by malt .. . ,- ,(0
Per month, ilellveretl by carrier In
Medfnnt, JncksonWllo nnd Cen-
irnl Point . . . . .RO
Saturday only, by mall, per vcAr. 1.00
Weekly, per yenr. - -,...... 1.50
WICH Mcrifon Stop-Over
WASHINGTON, March 10. What
he termed ii btocktnen's .WO.OOO.OuO
aero "crab" f piddle land has hern
checkmated, Cotifrro-Mtinn Fergusson
of New Mexico averted today.
The original plan, he said, was to
rocrvc the jj'ivenimcnt's cmi-nrid
and arid land, under the Kent, hill,
for Krazinjr jmrpo-es mid lease it to
Mockmcu, but a majority of the
Members of the house committee on
public lauds opposed the proiwsi-iion.
Instead, said rYrpf.ou, a tenta
tive compromise has been reached
under which land-i unsuitable for the
prowinj of eroos would be divided
Into three clashes the first to be
leased to stockmen; the second,
Hiiitablu for no by the smaller stock
growers, to be opened to home-dead-ers
in GlO-ncre tracts; tho third,
which Ferpusfon spoke of nt a ''twi
light zone," to be leaded for limited
periods and if found, on develop
ment, to be suitable for crop row
itur, lo be opened to small homesteaders.
npllAT tho "out-to-win" move is ronllv tho oroation of
- a now parly, an organization seeking money and
power, honing by tho capitalization of tho "moral nim'o-
niont," to ride the prohibition sontiniont to office in indi
cated hy instructions to ' mini r.nmuetpators ol Amer
ica" ami to "city mid precinct chairmen," issued froui
state headquarters.
Among tho "Kmaueipators," cash prizes tire awarded
to worker, $o to tho men and women securing the largest
number of points during the mouth. At least 100 points
are necessary to secure a prize. Hut that the money raised
is more important than the voters secured, is indicated by
tho following basis of rating:
Kach voter enrolled on tho "Out to Win Votes t.cnguo." vomits one point,
h'nch subscription to the Pacific Patriot, the statu organ, counts two
Kvery dollar raised In cash or pledges counts five points.
According to this, a dollar is worth five voters to the
league, tiuti a subscription two voters.
tilt . t t .
luo comprenousive ami inorougii ciisiractor ot. the pol
itical work outlined, is shown by tho oflort made to reach
every individual in tho state. A master political mind is
back of the "Out to "Win" campaign, but its purely polit
ical character is shown by the following instructien:
UnoIhIu that we are conducting a systematic canvass of the entire state
In an effort to enroll tiO.000 cnouch to carry the state. Also that It Is In
conjunction with tho xrcat national movement that Is boliiK pushed by thi
nattonat committee In all tho states. Kmphaslze the tact, It necessary,
that In reality no arc bulldlnc a new party and that the affairs ot the party
will be In the hands of the new enrollment.
Sign Commercial Club Register Cards
Tho Medford 1'ouuiic.vlnl flub
wants to help you. Will oti co-operate
to the extent of a two-cent
postage stump1? "
Without exalte ration, then have
been tliouxiuuU of kilors to the
club's exhibit rooms uinkiuu ittiplii'
collect nlui; persons who viunA lioni
their homo towns. In mo-l cases the
club has not been aide to handle
thoe jmpiiiios owing l the lack ol
int'ot motion, tl wants that In forma
tion. An oak eaid index cabinet file is
to be installed in the exhibit build
ill); in which to keep u list of the
names-, addresses and former ad
dresses of the' roidentx of Medford
netici: eksai.i: stuay.
KhrIo Point, Oro., Feb. L'T, t'.MI.
Whereas a certain steer calf has
boon taken up hy II, A. Me or at his
ranch on Salt creek, Jackson coun
ty, Ore,, and same has been ordered
sold by Justice of tho peace of Kaslo
rolnt district at tho ranch of the said
hud HiiuomidiiiK sections. The elub
feels the need of lhit list. I.el it
be nble to ut ,ou in 'touch wllh
people cotnhij; here ftoni ,vour for
mer home. It may prove both aiee.
uhle mill iciuuueiattve lo urn.
Will each leader kindly assist In
tills woik by (illhut iu Hie uecom
pnn.viiik! coupon and mailing it lo the
Med ford t'oiumoieiul elub today.
Local Addris
Foriuer Home
recotu tho runts and profits there
from, and that the defendant and
each of them be enjoined and r
s trained from imruiltlltiK any waste
on said premises dtirltiK thu period
of this foreclosure. Hint the defend
ants and all persons clalmliiK any
rlKht. title, lieu or Interest In said
a n o.tnr.ii. iii. Diiiilreal estate or per-oiml propelO, or
day of March. 13lt, at ouo o'clock1 any part thereof. b. throiiKh or tin.
ii in nr ani. i ,i.f Ider them, or cither of tnciH, tie for-
, .... w. ..... ,,.., ....!. .j... I rj.... .....
Said animal Is described as fol
lews: A llyht red steer cnlf about
two years old, marked with under
and upper crop off of the left ear
ever barred and foreclosed from nil.
and all rlKht, title. Interest or claim
In and to said proper!, or the pos
session thereof, and Hint any and all
no other marks or brands percelv-i parties c altnliiK by, UiroUKh or uu
Manager Gordcn of tho I'ajje
makes the pleasing Hiiuounccmcnt
that on Saturday nnd Sunday he will
offer for tho approval of .Mtdford
theater patrons tho International
Vaudeville company, presenting
seven high-clas nets.
Tliirf company comes- from the
south with the best of indorsements
from press and public, nnd should
meet with tho approval of vaudeville
lovers of this city.
The company is headed by the
I'eciless Comedy Four, u ipmrtcl of
no little ability, top-thetf with Miss
liny -McDennout, knowifflmi vaude
ville circles ns "the HvSTwire sou
brctte"; Charles HareiitTa splendid
Yiddish comedian; the Alolm trio, a
llaivaimn musical act; .Miss Grace
Marshall, the International Sextette
and Miss Kdilh Vernon, dramatic so
prano. The engagement in this city will he
for two nights only, Saturday and
Sunday. Popular prices will pre
vail, l,r'iiiid 2.1 cents.
ELSFAYll.l'iKlO appears u communication, written upon
official postoffice stationery, taking the editor to
task for expressed opinions concerning "Tho Monaco" and
the religious bigotry, intolerance and civic strife its mis
sion it is to create.
There ought to be no misconception in the mind of the
public regarding the Mail Tribune and the position it
takes on religious, industrial and political questions. It is
surely outspoken enough.
t A
Hie Alan Tribune believes m ireouom ot conscience
and the inherent right of everyone to worship according to
the dictates of his or hqr conscience. It believes that uo
one has the right to attempt to dictate, least of all by
force, the religious beliefs of another. It believes that as
religious intolerance has decreased the world litis grown
better and that in the niillenium of the future creed and
sect will be forgotten in a universal attempt to literally
live the golden rule.
Such appeals to discord and inciters of religious strife
as the Menace are anachronisms in this enlightened age.
They belong to the dark age of religious oppression and
should be numbered with the nick, the torture chamber,
the fires of Smithfield and the horrors of the Inquisition.
The world has outgrown them all.
able, will wcIkIi nbout 000 lbs. Now
therefore. It said animal bo not
claimed and proven the samo will bo
sold In accordance with tho order of
said Justice to satisfy the expenses
Incident to tho taking up, kccpluK.
and costs hereof,
A Defender of the'.Menace
Threatens the Mail Tribune
In the circuit court of tho stale
of OrcKon for Jackson comity.
Kenneth A. Wjckoff. plaintiff,
vs. C. P. Dickey and Pearl Dickey,
hushnud and wife, and C. O. DIcKoy.
To C. P. Dickey, Pearl Dickey and
C. O. Dickey, the above named de
fendants: In tho name of the state of Ore
con, von nrn lierulii' rpnulred (a all-
pear and answer plaintiff's complaint
on file In tho nho.o entitled court,
on or before six weeks from tho date
ot the first publication hereof, ttie
date of said first publication Pelus'L ,, . , , ,
March 19, 1914, and tho date or tlio UnPn filKPS Tit tltP rVP
last publication being April 30. 19.)",ll;,, UIC1MW I II lilt UJt
and It you fall so to appear and an-i They restore nervous energy not
swor, plaintiff will demand ne relief lonly t0 tu, j inll t n,,, , body
dor tho diifeudsuls. or either or any
of them be burred and enjoined
from claiming or asserting any right,
title or Interest In or to said pro
perty or the possession thereof, and
that tho plaintiff may have a Judg
ment for any deficiency which may
remaln after palng all the proceeds
of the sale tif said property properly
applicable to tlio satisfaction of said
Fourth. For such other and fut
Iher relief ns may be Just and meet
In cuulty.
This summons Is published by nil
Ihorlt) of an order of the nbovo en
titled court, made and entered on
the 12th da or .March. I '.'I I. by lion
K. M. Culklns, Judge thereof.
Datn ot first publication, March
19. 1911.
Date of last publication. April 30.
JOHN I' i.on.N.v.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Watch lluslmntt's; Italr. ' ir 'I bin or
Cull or Daiiilriirr ItisUt on Ills
I'slug Parisian Sago
Men give but Ditto thought to the
caro ot tho hair, Not Until the first
bald spot appears do they realh
lake notice. U your huMiuud's hair
Is gettluA tblu; U ho ban daiidtufr or
Itching ealp. take liumedlato action
-Mln nut let hltu become a bald
(let fiout any drug or toilet eoitu
ter a 90 cent bottle It Parisian Hugo
Tho first application stops llvhlu:t
head and removes dniidrufr th
great hair destroyer. A llltlo Pari
sian Sago rubbed uell Into tho scalp
ror a few nights will work woiplbrs.
When I be hair stops falling and tho
now growth appears a frequent use
or this Invigorating toule Is all that
Is needed to make tho hair perfectly
healthy, thick and beautiful.
Surely try Parisian Sage, t'hni.
Strang sells It with an agreement to
refund your money If not satisfied
It's a delightful hair tonic for men
and women
Export Goraotloro
:tt!(i North .Uarllott.
Phono fiUJl "Mi
Phooplas Today Only
The Masquerader
Two Heels
II IT wi'm: NOT run POI.I.V
lllogiaph III ama
A Ni'AM: IHK)U ri,lllTATIN
Item I'llday
United State.-. Post Office
A-.hlnml, Or., March 17, 101-1.
To the Kditer: .
Dear Sir: I got acquainted with you
in your editorial of Snturduv, .March
Neither nre
been highly
eMtry I can prove
we coward-.
Von hate no doubt
praised lor your editorial liv your
i local priest, hut he N only one prnU-
ine nt'iiiokt M'Vf-rnl liiiiiilrn,! in thin
14, paper, on "The Menaee." Youjvnllcy who have condemned you for
showed up in your true liht iu that it.
editorial nnd proved that vpu are 'r,1 -Menace is' not fighting a re-
one of the popo' dailies in the United fon I" A,r'or''t'."-, ' - 11,,i,,K
... . , , , , , 'Iiomuni-m, and it has- it million and
Slates. It shows very plainly thai Illf ,)f ,, ,,r(ltl..t)tIlt H,0lc
you do not read the .Menace or you .hack of it. You nre on tlio vromr
would have known better than to
iniiko Mich n fool of yourself a- to
Ka!:e that time-worn statement
nbout the "pin-headed bigots" who
do read the Meiiuce.
foot when you hack up the pope of
Rome in U deviliih.-work iu Amer
ica nnd you will soon realize it. We
nre nil after the cowardly pope-ruled
dailic uho don't believe iu free
Six boys .mil ope iiinii weie nrrct
cd Wedne-dav by (lame W.udui A, S
Hubbard for ciitchnig' fish iu Ileal
i'lcek under ten iuche- in length.
They uero Vera Kleuin. age 111; Km
Wallow, HI; Vern (juigley, l.'i; doe
Reynolds, l.'j; Clarence .Jones, III,
and lluiold (Iray, 15. The mini was
George Reynolds. They had iu theii
j)os csion sixty lish, nil under six
inijhen, some under three inches,
Tho Pautoiium has a swell now
unto delivery, with the popular bo
llcltor, Chos. Caldwell at the wheel,
that Is attracting considerable atten
tion, The engine and running geur
uro of Ford make, tlio body Is tho
work of Mitchell's wagou shop and
lio pulutliiK was duuo by Carl Colli
eriimu, tho expert puluter. Mr. Kl
llott. tho proprietor or the Paulor
ltiu belloves til not only liming up
tO'dalo iuueJliiiry, hut first (iu
nnd prompt servlro In calling for an I
lli'llvorliiK (fodHi I
You huve gotten and will get more speech and n frco press, ami you are
free advertising by those remarks- umon them.
timn yon know. 'Tis more honor to; Look nt Spain and Peru and .Mex
be a "pinhcad" than n "toe-kisser.", ico for u samnlo of vonr lim-ker's
The rennce gaitw more "pinheads" work, and thin, for the love of Cod,
iu one week than vour entire sub- -e.i.. lu-lniii- in nnil,, il,.. I'nitr.l
scriptiou list, nnd each one of l,:i78,-!. States as progressive () as they.
178 of these "pinheads" will hear of, Your daily iicwk jugglers -are doing
you nnil your "toe-kising" reumrkK great daiuage to your country. Print
in the near future. There nre more, the truth; it won't take up so much
good, whn!o.sot;led people right here space and is a lot betler.
iu Ashland and .Medford who read will give y.ui some real dope on
that glorious little .Menace and be- this subject if I see any more slush
lieve iU truths than you have on like that printed iu your paper. You
your list of readers-. are cheutin- your subscriber by
ion seak ot "bigots," ot which printing it
as well. How often do wo sco ex
treuui nervousness cured by wearing
properly fitted glasses? How often
arc severe headaches cured by thlt
same reined)?
These cures arc ot almost dally
ocrurrcnews In my office. My glassoj
1 tit them right. I
Iteasouablo charges ror tpinllty o(
service rendered.
lilt. ItlCKKUT
Suite 1-1! Otrr Deuel's
S. &. It 'irocn Trading Stamps (liven
120 Acres for Sale
Orange, Lemon and Olivo
On railroad and river, one
mile from Wed lUulT. Cal.
lied Hlnff, fal.
. H. inotur uinioiutiis I
m m " " rvi(i.wiiin
you nre in the wrong. The Menace
leaders aio not "bigots," and if me.
Your, very truly,
Prohibit Paid Circulation of Subscriptions
To (lie IMiter:
The more I study the (picstiou of
prohibiting paid circulation of peti
tions, the more firmly convinced 1 be
come that tho present system is wrong
in principle nnd mixicprescututivc.
The peliiiou today icnro-cuts the ex
icndituie ol' u certain iiiiioiuil of
money nnd mil public sentiment. Some
jicople suy that ehe best ulnn is to
pluee pctittoiiki iu iiublie iilaccn and
let people call and sign them. My
hill dues not prevent that, but it docs
permit anyone to niiculiite a petition
if he feels sitflicieul iulere-t to do
so without pay. The only purpose
nnd effect of my bill i to eliminate
tho money JVatuie of petition circu
I am confident Hint if yon 'study
the mailer on will coiuiudc that uu
hill is along tight lines. If so, won't
you help the movement hy placing
copies ol (ho petition in your oft ice
and invite people to come iu and sign,
ouil also tiige those who believe iu
the hill lo lake copies nnd toliiulurilv.
illt'illllle of eiguiiliin-, IUh ilmiioii
sirnting Hint paid circulation is not
necessary. If you will do this, kindly
iiuoress me at roriiann and copies
ot the petition will be sent to you,
I shall send you from time lo lime
nrgumciiiH in oeuaii oi tim measure
and Ijopo you will find them of suf
ficient interest to your readers to
justify your giving them space.
Yourn very truly,
Notice Is hereby Riven that tho
Medford Itrlck company, composed or
J. W. Prlddy, (leorRo T, O'Urten and
O. I). Nah'le, doliiK business as a co
partnership, has been dissolved lo
mutual consent. 308
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant
uh h. iiAitTurrr .
Phones M, 47 n4 47-JJi
iubiilNic4 HtH-flco I'ej'uty Corouer
prayed tor In the complaint, to-wtt:
tor a decree aud Judgment as fol fel fol
eows: First. For a Judgment against
tho defendants. C. P. Dickey and C.
O. Dickey for the sum or Sixteen
Thousand (11(3.000 00) Dollars wlt.'i
Interest In addition thereto at the
leeal rata to Judemeut: and tor the
further sum or flfti-slx ( lot.. 00) l)o'-icuro becauso
Iars itlv Interest, at the lesul rate i .now n0w.
lo juiiKiuciu, ana lor too iiiriner nuiu
or Six Hundred (JC00.00) Dollors, to-
Kothcr with Interest thereon at the
legal rate to Judgment, and ror tio
costs nnd disbursements herein to
bo taxod.
Second; For a decrco ot fore
closure foroclimlne the mortpni;u In
the complaint set forth, ami nil of
dofenduuts' rlRbt, tttlo and Interest
In or to thu property In said com-
piaiut ucscnucu. Miuaie m jiicksou j
iuuiiij, urvKUii, iii-nii.
CommcnclnK at tho northeast ror
ner or Donation Land Claim Number
Forty-rour (44) In township thlrt)
six (3D) south or rsiik'o two (2)
weit of tho Willamette Morldlan, and
from said point running thoncn south
on tho east lliio of said Donation I
Land Claim Number lorty-four ( . ' l-iici .sV7;Vt)ei' acre Vddrcss
26 chains and Mi Units: thenco we.nl1 ' ,ll-V',J I-,M-IU WVi
11 chains n,nd 30 links, moro or less,
to tho west lino or section ten (10)
ot said township aud ratige: thence
north on said section lino 2C chains
and H'J links to tho north lino of
said Donation Laud Claim; thenco
east on said north lino tl chains and
.10 links to tho placo of commencing;
also tho northeast ouo quurlcr ( U )
or tho northwest ono quarter ( U )
or section sixteen (Hi).
Also commencing nt the southeast
cornor of Donation Land Claim Num
ber Forty-four and running tliengo
west on south llnu thereof 11 chains
and 30 links to tho west lino of sec
tion ten (10), thenco nprth on said
section lino 12 chains ami .if links;
thenco east 1 1 chains and 30 links,
moro or less to tho oast lino ot said
Donation Land Claim Number Forty
rour: thotico boutli on hnlil oast Hue
12 chains and !U links to .the- pluco
or beginning
Also all or Donation Lana rim in
Number Forty-throo (13) oxcopt
eighty (M)) acres described n fol
lows, sold to Leah M. Collins; com
mencing at tho northeast corner or
said Donation Laud Claim Number
lorty threo (43); running thenco
south ouo hundred sixty UHO) rods;
thenco west eighty (80) rods; thenco
north ono hundred sixty (100) rods;
thenco cast elght (RO) rods to placo
of beginning; all In township thirty
six (30) south, rango two (2) west
of Willamette Meridian.
Also a sixty (00) foot road run
ning through said eighty (80) acres
heretofore convevod to L. M, Col
Huh through raid tract from the nut
lino to the west lino and at a point
on a lino parallel with the north Hue
or tint Flnley ranch,
Also tho following porsounl pro pre
perty: Throo-roiirths or ou'o shuro or tho
eapltal stock ot tho Table Hock Ditch
company, formerly tho Drum llybec,
PIckenH, lliiusakor Ditch cuntpaii)
That the said real estato and per
sonal proport) he n, in the manner
provided bv law. suld porsounl pro
perty being first sold, anil If the
same do not bring the amount or the
Judgment heretofore prayed for, Hut
tho real propcrt. lie sold, and that the
proceeds or h.ii sale be applied
towurd tlio paxnent of the said Jink
liient as herein uruyed ror. and tlio
overplus, II an) there be, bo paid Into
court ror the use nnd beneril or tin
defeiidunls or such of Ilium ns may lie
entitled thereto iu law and eutiliy
Third' That tho plaintiff ho per
milted to bid ui ;M sale on liu suld
real and personal properly, and the
piirrbiirfer thereat bo put lulu Im
inedlulii posi.eHoi i(,rcof iii o
Bulger's Goat Circus
7 G0ATS-7
yptieial Scenery and Soilings
Sunsalional and Furiously Kuiiuy
Four Roola Bost Photoplays
Tomorrow, Daniel Krohmaii 1'rexents
Atlinis.sioii 10 ('eut.s
Our (iuarnnty la Voue Pitileitloii
Wo hao been looking for somo
time for i) preparation tor Piles, (or
Hommnrholds,) ono that wo could
positively guuranteo for this annoy
ing and piiluful romplnlut. Wo now
have; the joxclusho ugenry for
a combination trcntmuut used Inter
nally aud externally, Nothing lllm
It on tho market. Wo sell It on n
pusltlvo guarantee.
C't Klip Ui
limit labiit
Every Woman, Css Lovtna Glance at
the Nestling Cuddled In Its Sonnet.
A woman's heart responds li llm swrct.
ncss of a pretty child, mid mure so toil.iy
f, , , iiijiiicict iicjnro sipra
iii nnvi'iit ot .tioie
er's Friend.
This Is a wnnilrrful
external Inip to tlio
iniiHclfn nnd trillion.
It pviictrntus tliu tis
sue. .uinlfi'S them
ruadlly yield to unt
urv's dumu;iil for ex
uaiiiiloii.Ni tliLTit l no
period of psln, djfcooifiiu, struhdiiK, naii
di'ii or iillutr synititoins so iiflon ilutri'xnliii:
durhii; Ilia niixluus wvuks ef rxpuctuiicy,
.itellier's Friend lliorinixlily lubtlcuU-s
every nerve, Iviiiliin and mifsclit Invnheil
ami Is a sure prim-Mho for caLlix of thu
And particularly to young mothers Is tliU
fuiuuiis ivmvil.v or liienlluishlH YsIiki. It
enables tliwu lo ircmjrv lliulr lu-altti aud
strciiKtb, nnil tliey rnnnlu pretty by lmvln;f
avoided all llie sillferhm U'ld dsoKcr Idjt
would nllitrwUu uccouipauy suih u occa,
You will find till splendid remedy on
sals si all dm stores ut (1,00 a buttle,
Wrll UraJei tiilnlor l., 2.'(t Lv
msr Itlds., Allsnls, (Is.) tur tMr lulfu.l'
Irsbvi'klvrvipecuuviuvthvn, '
Saturday and Sunday, March 21-22
Till'! IM-lKlt'U'iSSCO.MKDV h'OUtt
In .Mirth iiimI Melody
Tho Aloha Trio Ohos. Sargent
Hawaiian .Musicians 'Hie Yiddish Kin
International Sextotto Misa Grace Mavshall,
J ii Idtle Hoiikh Qimeil of Jho TtUlKO
May McDormott Edith Vernon
live Wire Sonli''U Uramiilie Soprano
TiHE. ,