Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 19, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Mount Unit) ngo '.tin local tiri'MR
otitiiliii'il inrtn.M ItoniM regarding a
new nni- illncnkii In (.'nil f or n In, Tim'
iiltetitlou ol (lio writer wnx rnllod to
ttilri (rouliln It) unwrul pnthnloitlHlu
who mmiIiiimI uniihln In dlnituoiui ll
On u, rctcut trip to California it
eare-Ml iixniitliiniinii wns iiindo ID or
der to iliititrtnlini whether or not It
would ln inlvUnhln tor our piMr
grower to continue to ship nuriinr,
Mock (rout (lot district In wllch (IiIh
dUenmi rn'! tucil to lio protnlolit. A
etiroful ituimluiitlnu showed (hut u
iroiitiln wiin physiological In limrne
lor nml wim dim nltnot entirety to
ttnll rotullllon. It whn found In tho
pnrtloulur tnrulltlen nhrrn tlm tro.i
lilo wih uiimt n-rloim that tlm noil
went very nrlil In rhnrnrter, dtiu t.i
tho (nrt Hint Inrgu depimltit of mir
liKiitltio nick worn nenrby Tlm ncll
tomlltloii of tliu milln nmiiltod from
tlm deposit of iriintliio waili
brought down li tho raltm mid Irri
gation, II wan nlio found Hint Hut biiIIh
woro Imklng In phonphiitrH, mid lit
nddltlon tho trees had been forr.iil
mt) Into In tlio fall by ovor-lrrlgn
Hon. Tlm trees were nioMly young,
being from olio to four enr of
age, nml In many ncn prnctltall)
whole orchards weio lout dun to tlm
ntioto Mill conditions nnd to tlio
method of hnudlliig tliuiu.
It U lutercatltig to nolo Hint tlm
tintholoRlmH who woro lookliiK ut1
tlm tllunUnn forgot to rtniiitnti tlm
mills, nod It wns their first thought
Hint tlm llrt was pear IdlKht, or
nt least something similar to ll An
etnmlimllou of Did iuti loll coif
dltlons cleared up tlm ltunllon, nnd
trouble, will lin averted In tlm future.
In the. meantime It gUes nsstirniirn
Hint' tho fruitgrower of Hid valley
nwi.iiut fpnr tho entrance or n now
UNivmtMTY or oiu.'iioN, i:u
Koiio, Mnr 13 - Two I'nlvorally of
OroKon frokhinnu vo rdt, Madco Hnrry
of Mnrlifrld, nnd 1'rnnccn llrath, of
K'niiln Point, tinhvrod In tlm Mirly
prliiK by NwlutmluK down tho Mill
'lUfo. n dlntnuro of ono tnllo, Into
Mondny iiftoruoon.
Tho girl worn nrrompnnlcd In n
en nor by lle Coudmi and Wllllnm
lt)n. both of rorllntul. Mlm llonlh
wnn token front tho rhllly wntor, un
dor protent, when within ino nrJ
of hor dmtlnntlon, llond'n honthou
MIm Itnrry, liowoVur, wim iionutltod
to flliliili tlm (oure No III effect
hno followed their dnrliiR prnnk.
Tho Ktnrllng point wnn nt tho Junc
tion of tho Wlllntnotto rlor nnd tho
Mill Itncc. A utlff current nldrd them
tuntorlnlly, bill how they wcro nblo to
wlilmtnud tho ley wntor U tho toplr
of iniirh i-nnipiiH coin emnt Ion. Not
tnoro thnn Ion moil htno pirfonud
tliu "Htunt," Biieeemfully, on iimlcr
tho iiiont fntornblo eonilltloiiK nu I
Hioiio two froKhnmn r.lrl nm tlm fir tt
women oer to coiuploto tlm nwlni.
MIm Hnrry Iiuh o,ulto n roptitntlou
nu n Klrl Hwlmntor nroiind hor Com
Hay homo nnd n little Jnunt of a mile
or two Ik a froiiiont occurrouro diir
Iiik hnr minimnr acatloim.
. "Yen, tlio wntor wnn rold," hio
-aid; "but ! didn't mind It n bit."
I'ortlaud OroRonlnu.
Hulgor'H gonta dhjirovo tho IiIim
Hint gontn nro good for nothing but,
to oat rubbluh. Ilulgor ban hi mil-1
iiiiiIh nt tho Star today mid thoy nru
n delight to tho children no well nK
the old folk. Kapeclnlly popular I?
"Tuffy" tho comodlnn goat, who Ik
attfrod In aloiich hat, hwontot; nnd
overnlla. "Tuffy" I a ronitnon back)
alloy goat with n mind nlmom iih
kooii iih n poraon'H mid In probably
tliu lo'i of tho hovoii miliiiula iiir'rlod
by Mr. Iliilger. Tio net Ih it novel
ono mid very Interesting mid c(ovor.
Tho photopInyH nru nil good with
"Tho Kit I ho llrlilo" iih (ho hentlllno'-,
with MIhh Klorvneo I.awretico In Hi)
tltlo rolo, Thom Ih nluo a whorl odu-
cutlonnl Hiihjout mid tho hill tioHoti
with a Joker comedy. Coming to
morrow In Mm. rinko In "Ton of tho
D'UrhorvlllcH" produced by tho "Fa
in on ii Pluyur" company und under
tho porHouitl direction of Daniel
Krohiiiuu, NotwitliHtmidlug tho oxtru
coHt In NeeurliiK t IiIh bill, tho udiuls-
ulati will romulii im imunl,
. .Free Methodist Revival
Kpcolnl roWvul hoi-vices now in
pingniHrf' nt tint Fieo MollmilUt
I'liiiruli. ('ome o the Clospel Vmi,
You mo weleomo, KvrviooH every
iillil t'joepliiiK HiiIiiiiIiiv nl 7:11(1. .1,
I!, llindley, pimlur,
OOE WE JJutg?iTl71
Tlio linnd of Mexican yittlu pur
chased In tlm Ahlitnnd rnllrond )iirdi
liiMt )enr by II I Null and lleiir
llnruehurg nnd wintered nt Fori
Kltiinntli worn shipped to Htorklon,
Cat., Iniit Hmtriny for spring feeding.
Tlutro In milch speculnllon among
stockmen hk to tho outcome of HiIk
Investment before tlm uittlo nri
tilnii'd lulo loff ii lid (.nnliiMl. At tlio
(lino of tlmlr purcliHuo nt l.l.'i pit
head It looked like n flue luvi-miui'iU
lleuton llowiim I In old .Mexico took
Iiik niter n InrKo hand of rattle pu.
rlniKetl ihnro liy Hurdle ft How era
boforo tlm r.nolutlounry Kowrnniont i W) tlllt pBHien?er trnlnn inn bo nidi
mined Iho export duty on Moek cut- trtirkixl nil iilonc tho llnu between
Ho which Ii now $10 per htwul Ainorl- hero mid Iho foot of tho muiintnliiM,
tan nionoy,,
Hort ll tlri'or of Aahlniid linn mi
cured n dale nt I'nito Thentor In Mod-
ford for tho dvlhory of n IiIk upench
openliiK IiIh campaign for the ropub
tlcnu noiuliintlon for atnto lonntor.
Ho will i'oiiio out flat-footed for
atnto wldo irohlbitlon.
Hob VIiiIiik mid hi architect,
UoorK" II. I'urvU nro hero nnd liaxc
tho VIiiIiik Thettter well under wny
Tho imw laud offlro official it
HoMilmrg decided tho foroat erUco
coiiteit nKnlimt onrd I'nlmorloo'j
honmtoad In faor of I'nliuorlro. Tlio
decltlou nn Hm charge woru
KrouudleHM nnd oxprna rcr.rct Hut
the Rinorninent b roup lit tho content
J, V Hwi'oiioy, contractor on tlm
HIkl)ou lilKliway, I nMombllnK
trmtiM nt hi nrloiu ramp on Hi?
niouiitaln road Two cnrloadd of
nonoa nnd mule wcro brought to
town Mondny nod unloaded. Thi
worn n fine looking lot of ntilmnln
find j;no tho Hivoonoy cunipnuy tho
appenranco of bolng a ory mibitnu
tin! concern Tiiemluy fourteen bond
woro led to Stolntiinu camp and
eighteen bond woro rolonded nnd
whipped to OreKor)'. Two tnoro enr-
ST. I.OriK, Mo Mm rod III. M'
Icr tlurl.-eeii hourh' Initial in tin
ruiiiM of tlm MiKMiun Atlilelie club
liiiililini;, 0. Ilurke n taken out
ulio early toila.x, only lo die two
luliirn luler ul the eniorgi'iu'.x liopi
lul. Itnrko wiih a workman for the St.
I.oiiIn Seed ciiuipuny, upon whoso
iMillilin Hie eluhV woht wall foil on
Tuomlny ufleriioon. He went down
in tho onihli, hut was mi ptoteeleil
liv n.MVtioii of Iho fallen wall llial
the life wiih not oomolelolv orushed
out of him, nml lie lav In u kind of
tomb until tlio tcnouer ftunihlcil mi
'For (loil's nuke, j;ie mo u think,"
were Iho first wotilh he Kiispoil when
tiiken out. Then Im fell to raing,
ilisistin (hat lie liml been liuiii'il n
w oek".
Ilui-ko liiouglit tho number of (lend
aeoountoil for up to Hoven, or to
tliiity-M'von, iuoliuliiiff Hiomi who
ilied in tlio lire whloli piooeileil the
wnllV fall,
Tlm rumor Hint S. & 11, Orecu
Trading KtmnpH are to ho discontin
ued In Medfonl and AHhlnud Ih abso
lutely flllHO.
H, & II, Trailing atmnpa nro hero
to Htny, mid nil our HiiliHcrlhora both
In Medfonl and AHhlnud nro giving
thom urn! will continue to do so l;i
the future.
Rmoka Mt. Pitt.
Cigars and help build up
roll for your own town.
- Hta tw ul iiiu,w
T - .1 t
u iMlVl'tiLTXUlZ
loiidn nro expecle J
Htoluiiinu rnmp
Tin. Houthorii I'neKlcn IiIkIht of
IflcinlN are pp.'Kicd with tho prohloni
of hniidlliix tlm litis tmfflc with IU
(Initio Hue of rnllrond cotinectliii; Hnn
Trnnrliiro with tho northwent, nnd
on tho other hniid nro pronftcd with
tho Loiupntltlon Hint I ho now
pnKiiii;or liner will nln them ho
twiieii Amnrln nnd Knn Fnuiclnco, So
odd lain liiinoiinceiiiriiU linvo )e!
Iieeu iimde. hut iiouielhlliK HI ho
doliiK wry foou.
One of tlm plaim In to oxK)dlto tho
trnin nerlie hotnioii Aihlnnd nnd
.the foot of tho Hlnklrou mountain
Hum brltiRlui: tlm nttunl trip ocr
tho iiinuutnlii to n donor raiiKe. Thin
plan contomplateg tho conatructlon
of nnollior lino from Anlilaud to Hi -vicinity
of A j em Hjiiir, eon iiiIIok
wiiith of Anhlniid .inakliii; n double
Till will butoiiK to tho AHhlnud
jiinl nnd pro out tho balling up of
rotiKPMod traffic In tlm four mile of
rnllrond trackage. In tlm Aahlnnd
yard Tho umiio plan contemplate
addliiK ono mllo of double track
hoiith of lliuniulr Tho rnllrond
comiau hn kIvcii onler for now
locoiuotlen, additional car mid n
vnat amount of other equipment In
order to hnndlo tho traffic which i
comedo In nil direction will be
ll I ImpOHidlilo to flKUro out how
tlio company run mnnnco Iho traffic
demnnd with Iho proont round-
hoiiKo fncllltli'H In tho Aahlnnd yard
Ioiib ulnco overcrowded for Iho
preitiiK domniiiU or Iho roKulnr but.
litem. That tho pant rumor of tho
doubling of tho ten-Htnll round-homo
will bo ronllzed Ik evident nml It will
co mo to pan within tho next fov
INDIANAPOLIS, lud, Mnr, 13
After nu Jill night hchhIoii, tho demo
cratic vtnto ron,outlonti rotolutlonb
committee nt flo n, in. today adopted
n Htnlewldo primary plank aa a ro
Hull of doinnndH of Henntora Kern
nnd ShUeley nnd ltopreHontnthok
Adnlr, t'ullop nnd llarnhart. A ma
jority of tho lit comiulttemen were
oppoaod to tho plank but flualty
ngreed to Hh tiihertlou,
"Tho member of tho comtnltteo,"
snlil Chnirmnn Iloll, "have been uimlo
Iho pa 1 1 lu-a re rH of tho democratic
party In Indluun. Itatlier thnn nu
penr to tnko u 'alnp' at tho ndinlnU
trntlou, wo Included tho primary
plank, Tho plank fnora a primary
law for noluluatloiiH but wo will moot
In convention for orgnnlzntlou pur
poses and declaration of party prin
ciples.'1 HOW "TIZ" HELPS
doed-hye aoro fwt, burning fret, awol
Ira feet, aweaty fevt, smelling feet, tired
Uood-byo com, callouaes, bunion and
raw apot. Ho
more ihoo tight
lira, no mora
limping with
pain or drawing
up your fare in
gony. "TI.'M
magical, acta
right olf. "TI7."
draw out all the
ixiixuiuiu exuda
Hon which pulf
UP Hie foot. Uin
"TIZ" and for.
get your foot mlicry. Ah I how com
fortahlii J our fict fcl. (let a 'J.1 cent
Ikix of 'MIS'," now ut any druggUt or
department nlorc, Don't tiulTrr. Ile
gmxl feet, glad fret, foot that uuvrr
twrll, iiiuT hurt, never grt Hrl, A
)rar' foot eoiiifott guai aiilrrd or
money refunJcd,
mmwm mm in mm mm
U'AHlllNfJTON, Mureli 11), Tlm!
Mm. W'oiiiliow WiUon's eimc liml
titkeii a tuni for tlio woi-no, ns was
rumored liml nilit, uiin ilenicd at
tliu while Iioiiho toiluy. On Iho eon
Irary, it wiih hinted, was recov
ering riiniilly from tlio effeotrt of the
recent fall hho htiHliiiueil.
The htory that -he was oro np
parenlly oripiintril from the fnet
that Dr. (Im.woii failed to uniiear at
a Mcililui nt wliieh he hail been ex
pected to officiate ninotii; the und
er . Hit abM'iieo wiih due to this
nceof-ity for icniHiiiintf at ,Mrn, Wil
mhi'h lieilride, tieenrdin to tho re
port. The real reason the doctor did not
fiftnriil lin i i.jlftii... t. ib l..l lliui.
lent W'iImmi wanted Inn for a com -
paninn at golf.
Suffered Everything Until Re
stored to Health by Lydia
E. Pinkham't Vegeta
ble Compound.
Florence, So, Dakota. "I ued to b
very' elck every month with bearing
down pnlna and
backache, and nad
hendnche a Reed I
deal of tho time and '
very little appetite.
Tho rains were o
bad that I used to
ait right down on tho I
floor nnd cry, be-1
cnuso it hurt me j I
and I could not do '
nny work at thoao
time. An old wo
man advitcd me to try Lydia E. Pink
ham' Vegetable Compound and I got at
bottle. I felt better the next month so
I took three more bottlea of it and got
well o I could work all tho time. 1
hone every woman who suffers like I did
will try Lydia C. Pjnkham's Vegetable
Compound." Mrs. P. W.,
Kouto No. 1, Florence, South Dakota.
Why will women contlnuo to suffer day
in and dny out or drag out a sickly, half
hearted cxistence.migslng three- fourths
of tho joy of living, when they can find
health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable.
For thirty years it has been tho stand
aril remedy for femalo ills, and has re
stored tho health of thousands of women
who have been troubled with such ail
ments ns displacements, inflammation,
ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc.
If you want special advice write (o
lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
bo opened, read aid answered by a
woau and held la strict coaldeace.
Rug and Carpet Cleaning
ami Weaving
Phone 5U3-R
It's Splendid Results
in baking are caused
by the excellence of
its ingredients
Sold by All Grocers
Crescent All'g. Co,,
Seattle, WiimIi.
ODKSSA. Mar 13. -Warhhlpa
from hero wcro crulalnj; off tho
Crimean coast nnd In tho Sea of
Arov In search of aiirvlvors from
flailing teaacli lot In the recent
atorni which awept Southern Huiula,
ending tho I he, according to some
CHtlmate. of 5000 to 7000 people.
Kvcn a fairly accurate kiickh of tho
number who perished u- be Im
loalblo, however, until It U known
how heavily tho flailing fleet Buf
fered. About 2500 dend wcro ac
counted for by the tidal wave In the
Sea of Azov
Is still at tho old stand noil door
to tho First National Sank, upstairs.
Pack your winter's supply of eggs in
Costs Less Than 2c Per Dozen
For sale at
Haskins for Health
Is a Serious Problem
Wo aro unablo to furnish divorce
papers but can supply Wall Paper
representing tho latest creation of
lending American designers.
Water's Paint and
Wall Paper Store
318 K&t Mnln St.
Wo Oivo S. & II. Grcon Stamps
Plant our Pen, Carrot,
Hect, Itndlsh, Lettuce, Tur
nip and Onion teod now.
AUo onion bets.
Wo make i specialty of
nil plants for re-iotttng such
ns Cnlilmge, Tomato, Pop
per, Celery, Sweet Potato
nml Kulo plants. Also seed
Let a houso of quullty
supply jour beeds tor tho
family and market garden.
Monarch Seed
6 Feed Go.
I U--'1 K. .Main HI. Medfonl, Hie.
Next In fctnr 'I dealer
Iteioowi lltory Particle of Dandruff,
(Stop l-'nllliifc llnlr nml In n Ho.
Ilglitrul Drenxlng
To bo poiKcsucd of n head of
heavy, beautiful hair, 10ft, luntroiM,
fluffy, wnvy nnd frco from dnndruff
I merely a matter of imlng n llttlo
ll la enay and InexpenaKo to hnvo
nice, oft hair nnd lot of It. Just
get n 25 cent bottlo of Knowitou'j
Oanderlno now all drug atorca rec
ommend It apply a llttlo nu directed
nnd within ten minutes thurc will be
nn appearance of abundance, freJli
non, flutflnein nnd nn Incomparable
gloea and luster and try aa you wilt
you cannot find n trnco of dandruff
Where is the Best Place to
Buy Seeds?
Why llrondley'n of Coumc, tho only placo In Southern Oregon whero
you can get Hurpcea Sccda and Mulford'a Nltrogerm. Ho hag had noarl
30 year experience In handling and growing aeedn and ctutomcra all havo
the benefit of his cxperlonce. It la only a fow ittcpg from Main urcet and It
will certainly pay you to take tho fow extra atepa to Droadley'a' whore you
can get everything for tho garden. Lfio Mulford'a Notrogerm in your le
gume crop. Hurpcea Spencer Sweet Peas have no equal and you havo
about 40 of tho very best variolic to chooso from. If you don't co
what you want aik for It..
It In tho M. F. & II. Uulldlng
Ktoro Phono 872
That you arc saving' money regularly and de
positing it promptly in the Jackson County
Bank. Jf you are not a depositor with us do
not put it off any longer, but start an account
with us today.
4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts
oven 22 years Under our management
Hupmobile History
(Continued from yesterday)
"Forced lubrication through n
hollow crank (baft will bo In the
majority. Ono of tho leading inakon
of a 75 by 130 millimeter four-cylinder
motor will next season havo
2.5 gallons of oil In circulation.
"Tho chain drivo for cam shaft
and for magneto Is becoming more
and more common. Its representa
tives will be In a decided majority
over thoao of tbo practlco of mesh
ing pinions.
"UonuetH must hnrmonlro with tho
car bodies. This Is so thoroughly
understood that thero will bo prob
ably no car at tho Paris Show with
an abrupt break at tho dash-board,
(las tanks will cither bo on tho
front of tho dash-board or under tho
bcuttlo dash.'
Statisticians who mado n careful
analysis of tho threo hundred and
twenty models exhibited at tho last
Paris Show, gie Hie following per
centage of specifications of tho ma
Our repair shop h eeollll to none. K. N, Hunce, late foreman of tho
Inrgcut reMilr slum on the Is our nuxMor mevlinulc. t
We sell Ures, tube, oils ojhI gasoline.
Agents for the llupuuibllo am! Cadillac cars.
Cars mukIiciI and polishes day or night.
Free air compressor In front.
Crater Lake Motor Car Co.
Think o tho Company behind
tho ear and you'll realizo why
Itords and Government bonds
aro bought with equal assurance.
Strongest financially world
wide in scope largest In volumo
of output. AVo build our reputa
tion into tho car. Rotter buy a
J595 Is tho prlco of tho Ford runabout; tlio
touring car Is $tl IS f, o. b, Medford, complete
with equipment. Get catalog and particulars
or fading hair; but jour ronl mir
prlao will bo nftor about two week'
no, wlicn you will sco now hnlr -tlno
nnd downy nt flrat yebut
really now hnlr sprouting out nil
over your acnlp Dandorlno In, wo
bollevo, tho only mire hnlr grower,
deatroyor of dnndruff nnd rnro for
Itchy acnlp and It never 'fails to atop
falling hnlr at once
If you wnnt to prove how pretty
and aofi your hair really In, motaton
n cloth with n llttlo Dnndorlno nnd
carefully draw It through your hnlr
taking one anmll Htrand nt n'tlmo.
You hnlr will bo noft, gloray nu 1
beautiful In Juat n few momenta rt
dollghtfut aurprlao nwnlta uvqryaiio
who tries Hit.
Greenhouse 8GH-I
jority of motor car makers abread:
Small bore, long stroke.......... 85
Illock cylinder castings L type.. M)7e
Silent chain drive camo shaft and
magneto -.... 70
Threo piston rings 75
Three-bearing crank shaft ... 80
High-tension magneto .. 100
Thcrmo-syphon system cooling 00
Full-floating axle 857
When you como to starting and
lighting equipment you will also
find tho Hupmobile lu tho same high
class company.
In this country tho Identical mako
of electrical equipment Is used by
some seventeen very woll known
cars among them such high priced
makes as tho Pierco-Arrow, Stovcns
Durjca and tho Palmer-Singer.
At tho recent Paris and London
motor car shows several of tho best
known and expensive cars munu
factucd laMKuropo wcro equipped
with thesamo mako ot electrical
(To bo continued.)