FAflTD BTX MOVING PICTURES OF ROGUE FISHING 0. 1'ntnnm returned Wednc"dny from I'ortluml, vlicru lie represented the Rogue Iticr Fi-.li Protective n poeialion nml the Medford Rod nnd llun club, nml ntlendcd the nnnunl dinner of the hiortMiien o the -tate, following the organization of the Or econ Sportsmen's league, represent ing the sitj -seven rod and pun and protective societies. A constitution and h-lnvv were ndonted and offi cers elected. The league will work for tho lio-t intcrciti of the sports men and iceommend legislation needed. Tho meeting was n most successful one and provides orgunUed effort to ns-i-d the work of the tish and panic commission. The work of the com mission and of Game Warden Finley and Fish Wnrdcn Clanton was highly commended nml the sportsmen were a unit for the expenditure of all the license money for protection and propagation work. The feature of the meeting were the moving -picture film, showing work of the commission in fish and pa mo propnpntlon. Thec were followed by n film showing the arrival of the fih car at Medford, the placing of cans aboard automobiles, the arrival of the nuto nt the Country club and the distribution of the fry. Fishing scenes in the Rogue river showing !o cal sportsmen lauding stcolhend won great applause, while the film shovv ing Judge Kelly swimming the Rogue with his rod in his teeth brought down the houKe. Mr. Finley has arrccd to fdiow thej.0 iiicturea nt the coming banquet of the Medford Commercial club. FRISCO SEALS 110VKS SPRINGS. Cal., Mar. IS. Lofty Lelfleld, San Francisco's star aouthpaw jiltcher, was expected to reach the spring training camp here before, night. This will give 111 at 'two weeks to get in trim, and Mana ger Howard believes Lefty is equal to tho task. Howard also expected to hear something definite from Orval Over nil beforo the week's end. Ho flat ly denied reports that ho contem plated trading Overall for Pitcher Klcpfer. HERB WHITE WINS STOCKTON', Cal., Mar. IS. Louis Rces Is busy today tr)iug to figuro out how Herb White beat him all the way through their ten round bout hero last night. White's show Jng wbb a vast Improvement over ro- tent performances and Rces' speed which baffled tho local boy two weeks ago, was not sufficient to off bet the heavy hitting of White. Rees was In a bady way during tho final round. EVANS IN AMFRICA TO TELL OF SCOTT'S DEATH AT POLl COMMANDER. E.R.G. R.EVANS With tho arrival In .New ml re cently of Commander Rvniis. c II R. N., tho story of hotv Captain Itobeii Kulcou Scott ami tlirte tuuiiuuluiis perished on their return from the Sou Id Pole was retold with many new und dramatic details. For tho first time Commander Rvuin. who will lecture In (he Culled .SttitcK and Cuiudn, exhibited Id onu dhir). which, vvhllo lucking tho tiiigle woid pictures of 8cot' diary, nevertheless in rilled with passages tl.ut stir the blood ud grlli tho liuuglu'itloii. Commander Kvuii U every Inch man, us ho Mould luvo to t io lime lived through Urn jmwlwtaa Jjy, bud Ui lit Aiilurvtk'. MAKE IFIELD JOINS PHOTO OF PANAMA EXPOSITION HIMtflBsfcW?''w t&&rysss&i -T 2 jsm- " s ..,, r ' . vfw R-cr4, WMS '3 JOE RIVERS WIPED FROM LIGHTWEIGHT MAP BY DECISIVE WELSH DEFEAT Mexican Boxer Outboxctl From Start by Shifty British Champion Ritchie Bout Next. Inability of Lcser to Get Set and Start Rough-H:use Tactics Hurt Punch Is Lacking. I.OS ANOF.LFS. Cnl.. March IS. Joe Rivers today is eliminated from all lightweight championship consid eration, even by his home town friends, as the result of his decisive twentv -round defeat at Vernon jes. terduy by Freddie Welsh. Rivers was hopelessly outchisM-d from u boxing standpoint, and Welsh steadtastlv rcftistd t Hnnit him to mnke rough-hou-e fight, wherein lav the Mexicans' onlv chance for victorv. WeNh's victory inuv win him n chance nt the title. Froiimter Mc- Carey snid nfter the bat le that he will leave no stone untureiid to mutch him with Willie Ritchie for July -I. Such n bout, McCnrcv believe-, would draw the greatest crowd that ever attended n fight in Los Angeles. The story of the first few rounds E SAN FRANCISCO. Cal Mnr IS. -Anntillmcnt of her marriage her March 3 to Clarence Tapper, on the ground that It was forced upon her by police Intimidation, was asked of the superior court toda b) -Urn Electa Tupper, formerlj Kleua Cold en of Seattle. In her petition Mrs Tapper relates that she and Topper wero under arrest at tho tlmo, and that detectives told her If sbo did not marry him both would bo prosecuted for violation of tho whlto slave net S500 LOST IN TRANSIT SBATTLi:, Wash., Mar. IS Tho theft of 1500 In gold while In transit from tho Hank of Montreal brunch at Vancouver, I), C, to the Seattle National Rank, by Wells Fargo ex press, Is being Investigated today by officials of the two cltleti. Tho money should have been shipped on tho steamer Princess Charlotte. Ex press offlclaU bollovo It wus never taken aboard tho veste). DRANK BOTTLE PATENT ON BET; HE'S DEAD RAX FRANCISCO, Cnl., Maid. 18. - John King drank u bottle ot put cut medicine on i bet hcio cuily to day, though he kuevv it wax ior ex ternal use only. He died latei nt the emeigctiey hospilal. To Make a Mcx Holiday NOOALFK, Honorn, Maich IX. -Two fcdciul K.vuiputhlciH, iiieml'cix oi mi arou sipuid that bunted so cial lailioail hiidgc south id Nun Sunday, wero nM'culed puhhclv lieu toduv. Another Is held in tin ui.ii til, tieiiding tnal b it (ouil in t ! il Several fcdciul soldier m exc ctilcd wln'ii the bijuail wi inpli.ivd. AIM ED WEDDING ITWTtVOm) MATT, MTttTmNK BUILDINGS FROM AEROPLANE twUB.lWKXiUvri,.. W was the s(or of the tight. River apparently was unable to get slutted. WcWi refused to let bun get set, and constantly up-el his buhiiico with a lightning left jab that soon had Riv ers face badly put fed. In round af ter round the Rritou built up n dis heartening lead on points, and Iheie was little need for the referee's de cision nt the end. WelhV boxing wns mnrvclous. Old ring birds were of the opinion that he is ns good as he was five enr ago, when he was n prime favorite here. lie was lightning fast and his geiieraNhii) was perfect. Welsh's admirers were disappointed in one thing only. Freddie's punch was not stiff enough to hurt Rivers, no mutter how otteu or solidly it lamltd. His success av ,'ntircl.v in his sptd and winrdl.V rlcvcriies-i. Rivers, us usual, linked bniiiivvork. With the exception of the few times that be tore niter Wcl-b in windmill fashion, he tried to box. lie -tuni: Welsh badlv in the thirteenth and lif teeuth rounds, but the Mnton's clev erness and wonderful defene held him up until the fog cleared. The condition of both fighters was so perfect that thev battled the full route nt top sccd under a broiling uii with the mcrcurx clo-e to 101) de grees in the shade. E SA.V I'lF.tlO, (ill, March 18. Governor Friiiici-co Viisuer. of Lower California, who arrived here early today on the steamer lluiiito I Juarez from Kiisennda, lett nt once with his party in nit automobile for the border. Through his secretnry, Governor Vnsrpie. snid that no investigation by tho Mexican authorities into the mur der of Frank Johnston, poslmiiil r and clerk in the Mountain Commer cial compan.vV store near Tecnte, bus been mad". Weather Forecast Oregon- Fair tonight and TIiiiis- day; northed' winds. With Medford tiaro ts Medford mado DARKENS GRAY HI Brush this through faded, lifeless locks and they become dark, glossy, youthful Hair that loic iU odor ami lustre, or when it fade, turns gray, dull and life less, is caused by a lack of stdpbur la the lulr. Our grandmother mado up a mix ture of Hdge 'lea anil fiulpliur to Leep her lucks dark and beautiful, and thou sands of women and men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade of luilr which Is so attractive, um only this old time reclx. Nosvudays wo get this famous mixture by ukking at any drug store for a 60 cult bottle of MWvllri Kugj ami Sul iilatr Ilulr itciuuly," which darkens the hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobody can poiwllily tell it has Ixx-n apiilled. lie kldts, it takes oil dandruir, Uh scalp Itching uimI fulling hair. You lust tlaiii'ii a siongu or soft bruth with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at u tlmo. Ily tiioru lug tho gray hulr dli4picurst but what dLllghts the ladle with V)tlh' Huge und Kiilphur Is thnt, l-hli Uuutlfully durkculiig the hulr after a fuvv upjdlfu tlons, It iiIcj brings Uick the gloss und luntru and givut it an uppearuuut of nbuudsncc r TiiiigaaiiMMnjrMiMPr in t tjt ME N BORDER M MTCllVOttn. OKWflOtf. WRnNRSTMY. MARfTT 18. ABOVE THE GOLDEN GATE JAP GRAFTER IN JAIL SLAIN TO EVIDENCE TOKIO, March IS. Tb.it the man Vosluda, n prisoner in connection with the Japanese uavv graft scan dal, who was repotted vesterdav l have committed suicide in jail, rcillv was murdered to prevent him fiom making u confession, was himed id tndnv's nuti-gnv eminent ncwsprp.rs. Yoshidti was nccii-ed of having been the intermediary in uegotiaiioiis between Siemens nnd Sebiickert, tier mull contractors, nnd Japanese offic ials, whom the firm was charged with having bribed to give it lh prefer- Jence in furnishing 'naval supplies. I He was to have, been the prosecu tion's chief witness, and it was ex- Miectul he would besmirch the liuiues of many men lugh in the mikado's service. NF.W YORK', March IS. Karly stock market trading wus within nar row limits toduv, except Canadian I'acilic, KniiMi- & Texus preferred and I'eopleV (las, which ro-e 'J points each. Colorado Southeni coinmoii dropjied 1 and the lirst preferred .'l' on the uiiiiouiicement that its dividend would be sii-pmidtil, nnd the general tmlroad list suffered in svinpathy. I'nrly Strength in the melnls, ns u roult of belter prices for copper, was not sustained. Hoiid were easy. The market closed firm! Klamath Smith to Run SAF.F.M, Or., Muich 18. -Wesley 0. Smith of Klamiith Falls, republi can, todav fihd his declaration for representative in the twcnty-tust dis trict, comprising Klamath, Lake, Crook mid Grant counties. 5 FOR YOUR DEN 5 Itcaiitlful College rctinunts Vale and Harvard, eatli I) in.V -I In, I'rliKelon, Cornell, .Mldilgan I'uili 7 in. x 21 in. All best qimllt) felt with felt head ing, streamers, IclteiH and mascot ex. ecutcd In proper tolors. This splen did assortment scut postpaid for DO cents. Send now IIOWARII hl'RCI.ll.TV COMI'ANY lii)lou, Ohio SH Footwear to Match Your Dress We Dye Pumps and Boots The Popular Tango Color &efif tngs OF ; SEATTLE SOCIETY AGAPE SI:atTM'., Wash, Mar IS -Seattle society folk todav have not gotten over tho thrill, when Mm. John W, Consldlne, entertaining at two bridge parties on 8t. Patrick's Day nt her homo here inrrled out completely the green color scheme by wearing a wig of emerald hue The ntfectntlou of smart miclety wo men of tho east was seed here for the first time at the parties, and Mrs. Consldlne carrlci off the laurels for tho Introduction of the novelty coif fure. Mrs. Consldlne has ordered n var ied assortment of brilliant hued wIks nnd will wear a new onu and differ ent gowns each evening during the coming grand opera week. MISSING BOY WAS BROKE IN ERISCO SAN' FRANCISCO. Cnl.. Ma-.-h 18. - The police here were seaiehln,: the city todav for Robert Mills, aged S vears, who came her a mouth ago from Portland, on n visit. Rcecu'lj Mrs. M. K. I.illis, the vouth's mother, received u letter from him iiskiiiu for inoucv to return to Portland. It wu scut, ami when the bov didn't letiici, Mrs. I.illis suit niiolher letter, this one iilso containing money. Yesterday, in riling to advices re ceived here from Portland. Mrs l.il lis received u picture postcard fiom her sou, on which was scrawled an appeal for help. Brownell's Vote-Getter SAI.KM. Or., March 18. Request ing that the slogan "Favor national ami state prohibition, notional suff rage, low taxes, ubolishiiig useless commissions," be printed nfter hw name on the hallo), George C. lirovv uell of Oregon t'llv todny filed his declaration of enmlidacv for the re publican nomination for coventor. RADFORD. VA., MAN Rundown unit Nervous, Itestorcil to Health l.y Vluol A. I) Robinson, Radford, Va., itavs' "I was all run down In health, had no appetite and was so nervous I could not sleep nt night. Ylnol was recommended to mo and nfter using one bottle I noticed an Im provement. Continuing ltd use I wna completely restored to health. Tho nervousness Is all gone, I can gel a good night's sleep nnd have a hearty nppetlto. I ran recommend Vino! to anyone who suffers as I did." Vluol is tho grentest body builder and ntrongth creator we know of, Tho curatlvo elements of tho rod's liver, aided by tho blood-making, strolgthenlng properties of tonic Iron contained In Vluol, restore tho lack ing Ingredients to tho blood, und ths result Is health, strennth and vigor. If you need building up try a hot tie of Vluol with tho understanding that vour money u III be returned If Il does not help oii. Medford Phar macy, Medford, Ore. P. S. - If joti havo Cczomii try our Saxe Salvo. Wo guarantee It, 120 Acres for Sale Orange, Lemon and Olive Land On railroad and river, one milo from lied -Bluff, Cal. Price $75 jier acre. Address A. H. McINNIS Red liluff, fill. (Dioc Store WEARS W GREEN 1l)lf. " SVNOI'SIS OF TIIK ANNtWI. STATIIMKNT OF Till Mannheim Insurance Company of Maiiuhelin, (lerumiiv. mi the Illst diiv of lleiember, IIMII, mnilo to tho Insurance ConunlnMloner or the .State of Oieiton, pursunnt to law j Capital Amount of cnpltnl stock paid up 200,niiii.no Imoiue I'reiulnins received during the vear In cash Il,4!lil,tn:t,:t7 luteiest, dlvldeiulH and rents retelved during tho enr . . at, 17 1. 87 Income from other souries received during the eur HID. 721 10 Total Income .. . . ,. . . . 9 l.r.tt7.S 1 1 7J Mlsbiliseuieiitn v Losses paid during the vear I U37,tlKM.H0 Commissions ivud snlarle paid during the )ear .TIM. Mm, 7 1 Taxes, HceiiHCH and fees paid durlni: the ear ... . tit, 402.20 Amount of nil other expenditures 278,722-11 H Total expenditures ' . ..h. , I,iUi7 H.2.1 AhscIh . Value of real estate owned .. L,t N" Value of stocks and bonds owned $ 1125. 150, on Loans on mortg.iKcs and collateral, etc Nil Cash In banks and on baud It.tMs.r. I Premiums In course of lollcitlon mid lu traiismlsstou nit.iil7.Sj llllbi receivable :t,l22.li Interest and rents due and accrued . 7,5'iO.U'j Total nmtets I V&4.ASK. I'. Total assets admitted III Oregon t5t,iiss pi MitldlUlen dross claims for losses unpaid f 220,177.11 Amount of unearned premiums on nil outstanding risks auii.oot to Hue for commission and brokerago 2, MS. 1 1 All other liabilities . . 30,500 00 Total liabilities exclusive of cupftal slock of f '. tl.52tl r, Total premiums In force December 31, IU 13 ... f 774,1711.0-1 lluliicss lii Oicgon for the Year Total risks written during the jear .... . t.'....i1 ino.tnu.iiil Cross premiums received during the )car .... .. . ' 1,391 .11 Premiums returned during the vetu .... .i : it3i!.fiii Losses pnld dlirltiK the enr ................ 470 25 Losses Incurred during tho jenr ,.,...... l,ii3li.5li ' i Total amount of risks outstanding In Oreiton December .It. ID 13 .,,.' f 335.050 00 II) F IIKRR.MANN A CO., t H MOIIH. Statutory general agent and nttnrnc) for service, (1. Klrkman ttmlili, Lewis Midi;. Portland, Oregon SUNRISE LAUNDRY AND CLEANING WORKS The .Japanese (Meaning and IVcssinj; 1'arlors will lie com bined with the Sunrise Laundry March Ifi, and we will ho prepared to do everything in these lines and guarantee satisfaction. Ladies' and .Men's Suits Dry ("'leaned, $1.2."); ' Suits pressed f0c. All kinds of dyeing. Club rates, $1.00 month. Wo call for and deliver goods. 215 S. Riverside. Phono 873 Where is the Best Place to Buy Seeds? Wlijr Itrondlry's of Coiirso, tho only plaro In Southern Oregon whero oti can gel lliirpres Seeds and Mill ford's NltroKcrm. Ilo has bad nearly 30 )cars pxKrlcnro In handling nnd growing seeds nml customer all have, the benefit of his experience. It Is only u few steps from Main street and It will certainly pay )oti to take tho fuw extra steps to llrondli)V where )ou ran get ever)tlilug for the garden. Use Mulford's NotroRenn In )our le gume crops, llurpees Spencer Hwcot I'eas hnvn no equal and )ou have about 40 of tho very best varieties to choose from. If you don't seo what )ou want ask fur It.. BROADLEY THE FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN Is lii tho M. I Htoro riionn M7U Pretty Pumps For Every Foot Nothing would be more pleasing Io the o)o than (o ee )our foot daintily encased In one of our pretty pumps, It would bo a pleusiiro for )ou as well as iih to have )ou rail and ex amine our new spring st)les, As wo hnvu Midi a largo variety of correct st)les Io select from wo know- )ou w bo delighted with them, There ure Colonials, Mollis, Unitarian and Colleclnn Pumps lit velvet, suede, patent und dull leathers, Never beforo hnve wo been ublo to combine nimllty and stjle so well nml sell nt the prlies wo aru asking for thcio pumps, $2,50 to $4.00, C. M. Medford Pharmacy PENSLAR ; AGENCY VINOL AGENCY Medford roar Postoffice, Phono Uh A II. llulldlng (Jrrcnliouo HflK-J KIDD Pharmacy Phono 10 Your Wauls. i s.