y Jeff May Be Short of Stature, but He's Long " WKtUMT COLOKCl) "ofi SUCH ('j "" j 4rqiIRiiO,vcu.ownTc.aeFPiHiMKi - j mhvu Mtl cofAu;; 'A MQ'6KI.WCLUDKbM(IX.VCtLHIili(la Tl I'll. OUlT MT jN t IrfON'T LBT OH TILL a&) . wICRk t UT oua J , NOW TH.C IggO 1 Metis T M V fl" . I a I I W4 V11ACJV1' , ,, ,,, GOETHALS 10 HEAD BULL MOOSE 1916? NEW YOIIK. Mnr IS fu nil nr tlcln bended "Coi'tlinU (or iiri'kl dent; IVrMua tlm Wnrwtek." the New Yurk Herald today quotes nil unlimited WnrhliiKtuti army ii(fjrr to lint iffi that Theodore ltottaiolt Iiiih ilol'lcil not lo hend din progres sive iinllnunl ticket In I '.'It'., null Hint ho fiiMirn Colonel (iiii'tlui.;. Smith Ml. I'ltt. Cigar nml help bulla up n pay roll for jour own town, POLITICAL ANNOl'XCEMENTH. FOIt SHERIFF. A. V. Walker of Medford. an nounces lila rniutlilncy for tlm re publican nonilnnllon n sheriff at Hid prlmnrles May lit. (Pnld Adv.) J. IV ItltUon, chief of pollen of Medford, announces his cnmllilncy for Hid democratic nomination for aherlff of Jackson rounty nt Hio pri maries May Hi. (Paid Aitv.) SINGLED F4.IH SIICIHIT. In nrrxptliiK Hio nppoliitinunt itnc riKiilliiK my lirotlmr fur III iitiuxplruit toriu iu utiorlff, I illit no for tho luuiiv fit of III lilow mnl fnnilly. Tim of IliK linn limt tin lioiimt nml fflrlint nitmlnUlrnllun. With Hio itnnio oh'ucU mul pur poNiii in vlnw I hcrohy ntinoiinco my M'lf nn u ptiillilnto for Hio ropntillran nonilnntlon nt tlu prlnutrlt'i May IT., IS! I. II. 8IN(ll.Ult. (Pal.t Atv.) Foil coi'.ntv :iiti:.Ht'in:it. I hiTi'liy minoiinco iiiynolf nn n intiillitnto for Hio offlro of rounty Ironntimr, on tho ruliiihllrnn tlrkot, to hit voti'il on nt tho coiiiIiik primary clct'tlon on Mny Hio rcth. 1DH. I linvn nlwnyH ilollvonul tho kooiU nml will ilo vo ut In If clod oil, I Kiinrmitue: 1. To neennnt utrlctly for nil monty. 2. To porform tho Out Ion of tho offlro nrconlliiK to law. I nm not connitrtml with nn hmilc. All bnnkH will ho trentoil iilllco. with no Hporlul fnvora. FltKI) I.. COIiVIO. I'Olt ItK.Vl IIOL'SIO FOIt ItKNT Hovon room houso, hIjiopIiik porch, 110. Inqulro Col. Huritoiit. 31,t FoTt"TtKNT - l)ilmhlo npnrtmoiit. f. rooniH, rmiKo, hipoiuiik porcn, Inqulro Colouoi rinrKont. 321 FOR RENT lllHI.IKUKKI'INfl JWOMS FOR RENT Light hoiiHiikeeplui; upiirtmentH for runt, 2 room fully modern aultes, till furulHlied. Colonial Klnta, 217 Hotlh Rlvoi Hldo. FOIt ItKNT--l.lght hoUHiikeupInx Hulti'H nnd nicely furiilMhed rooiiui. eheup. Tho Oxford, 223 W. Main Htreel, 323 FOR RENT- -Ftirnlahod room for light houHekeuplug. now mminge inniit. i'Iiiho In. Phono 37H-J, nf lor 2 o'clock. 310 I'OH ItKNT HOARD AND ROOMS WANTED Flrsl rlims hoard nt Mm. Fiiy'M, Kill South Hinpo St. 320 FMIHt' CLASS HOARD At Mm. O. U. (Iriinl'H, 32K K. -Multi M0S FOR RENT .MIHtMCLLANEOUrl FOr"TuN T'Olt sM.i:-- (Iiiiilrii iind f i ult Iniul. M. A. Riidnr. GO N. Oliiugn HI ' I'Olt RENT Hnmll iiiurli, iIoho In iilso fii'ali cow fur nule Mm II J TUMiiil'. Rons I .a n n 1107 I'OH RENT FURNISHED JIOOMH FOR SALE I.OTH FOIt HALK Mim,'in,.AXEOCB MKIJ' WA.VrKD FEMALE ' ,"' "" ."""'.""""'--n 'Oil HUNT Largo sleeping roomi, nnd moiliirn housekeeping apart iiiimtii, prices very reasonable. I'honu 247-1.. 222 Ho nth Holly trout. I'OH RENT Furnished rooms, moil, urn, comfortable mid clean. Tin) Cottage residence, C04 V. loth trout. 300 roit iiK.vr iiouMiM FOIt ItKNT-flU llUIKii) clone III. Phono nan-v. room V A furnished .Ml.IHT. SlU" KOI! ItKNT 7 room modern hous. 127 Hoiitli (trap 307 I'Olt ItKNT Olt HALK -Six room bungalow, terms rehsotinhlo. A ily to Dr. Porter. FOIt ItKNT Furnished Go N. Ornugo Ht. Iiouiu at FOIt 8A1.H ACItKAOi: FOIt SAI.C -Ownor offiTH for anlo rlunp. S nfrrt of nlfnlfn mir romnti'il hy lintittfiil hoiihoH nnd with nil tho ronvi'iili'tiirii or Hio city. Hero In your opportunity for nn Invt'xtmi'iit or n homo. Ail ilri'HH hox 772, Mt.'ilfonl. 311 FOIt HAI.K $2.'.00 mull (no trmlo). Imyit tny 10 nrri't, foncvil, kooi) hninio nml Imm, city wntcr, mnnll fruit nml fnnilly nrrhnnl, horiin, wnftou nml tool. .1 mllcn from Mcil fonl. V. A. Flnlnynon. It, F. 13. No. 3. FOR SALE A 6 mid 10 ncr tract. rlone In. Itu'omo properly, easy terms. Phono 392-M. owner. 323 FOR SAI.C Flvo and 10 acre tracts cheap nnd on ensy terms. In rutml one tulle south of Hotel Med ford. W It Cverhnrd, 1013 Woct Ninth St.. phono GG7-.I FOR SAI.C IIOFSUH FOIt SAI.C -Modern six room bun gnlow, cost $3300, with $1300 fur lilturo on Oakdntc, near Washlur. ton srhool nt bargain. Answer M II., rnre Mull Trlbuno. FOR SAI.C--Cheap, If tnken at once, homo mid lot nt 412 So. l.nurel St.. prlro $1100: house mid lot nt 411 So. Now town St., prlro $1300; on lot ndjolnltig south, three room homo nod lot, price $730. All lota 33x110, ror salo separute or nil together by owner, Snm Hnuor. Ncakowlu. Oregon. 30S FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SAI.C 8 bond of Jemey cow a. Wrlto P. F. Anderson, Ruth. Ore , or call 3I-F21. 313 FOIt SALK--(Ioldlni: and mnro o mul 7 yeura old, weight 2200 lbs price. $200.00: 2 colts, 7 mid 11 months old, prlro $00.00. Must ho sold at once, ran bo sueu nt NiihIi Livery, J, Stephen. 30'J FOIt SALE Cows nnd calves, entire dairy luiril. WuInIi'h rmtch, mile out North HooBovolt aveuiui. 327 FOR SALE- A fluo well broken Percherou teum, 3 mid 4 yearn old. Oua mnro mid otto gelding. In qulro F, L. Ton Vollo. 307 FOR HALK Fresh Phone 300-R2, Jersey cow. ;ioc. I'OH HAl.i: Horse, harness ami buggy. $30.00. W. II. Eorhnrd. 1013 W. Uth St. FOIt EXCIIAXOE GOO iicrca uour SpokuiiOi Wash., 100 a mm In high Htnto of cultivation, hitlauco piiHturo, good hiilldluga, only flvo miles to railroad Htatlon, with wnrehouuo at stittlou for ship ping purpoHoH; IK hend fluo Dur ham ruttlo, IK hend Percherou honu'H. A iiumbiir of hogs; nlso wiigoiiH, liackH, hutgloH, hariiess, 3 uiowera and rakes, gnmilluo bill er, plows and nil farming Implo moiiU. Will oxiiiiiiigo for Medford Incoiho proporty or orchurd. Prlcu for it while, $30,000. 177 urrcH near t'orvallhi, 123 iicreri In high statu of eiiltlvntloii, good buil dings, 30 ieitl ruttlo, four good I(ii'iih, lings, eiili'k.viiH and all fiiriu Iiiiiiiiiiiiiis. Will oxtiutuco for Miulfonl liii'oino itopoiiy. Prlio $123 pur licit' Heo W. A. MESHNCH, Plioiio iiini.y, mil n, iioiiy Hi. 1011 RENT Largo aleonlnK roomi. I i.vm urn i.v .imnr.iviui nmi untin. OTDirom) matt; TiniHJNrc, tmicoforb; FOIt HAI.K-Improved provod lotH chcup. ViKl Hl'COIIll Ht. ami untin Torinn, 7.1 1 aos ion kali rot'iritv FOH.ijrTvi'o?vii Whlto OrpiiiK ton hi'im mul rorkoroln; nlxo Cy PlurH, 70 'KK liii'iihntor, nr-.r. 1'homi 3-F3. 310 FOIt HAI.K llnrr.il Hook -kk for hntchlni:, 11 pur nctHnK. Ilumnll. Mi'ilfor.l, It. F. I). No. 2, phono 211-ltf.. FOIt SAI.K- Huff OrphltiKton i'CKs for hntchltiK. from 2-ycnr-old hoin, fl 00 por m'tiliiK. H. I.uy, Jnck - mmviiui, utn. 310 I'Olt SAI.C Onktnont Fnrm. Whlto WynmlottcH mid llronro turkeyi, ' egg mid stocks. J. II. Fuller, Tnl-I out, Oregon. 310 ' FOIt KAI.C-White Orphlngtou eggH. IT. for tl 00. 737 W. Hlli St.. phono 224-.M. 313 FOIt SAM' MISCCI.I.AXKOL'S FOIt SAI.C Cheap, good npplu nnd potatoe. iiopert Dut.on, 10th street. 1022 FOR SAI.C drain llormudn ranch. l.ny and rorn at I'honu SU1-R4. FOIt HALK Yovr posts, dry body Wrlto Nouiior Oregon. and cedar fence fir cord wood. llros., Clendnle. 320 FOR SAI.C Carrots. $r.oo a ton on ground. Apply James Penland, Table Rock. 300 ' FOR SALE Two It. p. garnlinn en gine, or will trade for good row. llox J. N., caro Mall Trlbuno. SOS 'OR SALE- One windmill. Foot hill Orchards. Phono 113-J. FOR SALE Cream aepnrator. prac tically now nt hair price H. W. Uarnohurg, Medford. Ore. 308 FOR HALE About 20 tons of baled hay. wild hay mixed with a little . nlfnlfn mid timothy. $0.00 per ton ut ranch. A, S. Warren on Noyes rnucii nt roio, mono 107, con trnt Point. SOS To loan on Improved ranches. Interest 8 per cent "Insurnnco That Insures." H. 8. ST1N1C Iluy your Insurnnco of a taxpayer NEW TODAY Just n few good buys. 120 acres, stock and fruit ranch near a town, fruit coming Into bear ing, 23 acres of Irrigated nlfulfa, 30 acres of farm laud besides, well Im proved, and fully equipped with horses, cattle, hogs and Implements. A fluo buy nt $173.00 nn acre. Terms. Call for particulars. 30 nrrcs, all good farm land, watered by a small stream, good al falfa land, now In wheat, mita and barley. Improvements, $0500.00, lib eral terms, 133 acres, with 30 acres In good nlfnlfn, well Improved, electricity for power. Fine buy at $100.00 an aero. C. D. HOON FOR SALE HoincMcnd rolluqtiUhinont for sale or trade for city Iota or for sec ond hand Ford, his place la woll located, close to railroad and IM clfle highway. Also have elty lot or equity in house and lot to trade for now or second hand auto, Flvo room house on paved ctroet, modern, to sell on Installments, small payment down, balance $13 to $23 per month. Houses and office rooms lo rent cheap, Como up and lull mo your troubles. Room III) M. I'. A' II. Ilulldliig Opposite Hie post Offlco v. :i Ymu. ForuiulU- Hniiliir Mnnilinr nf V I' VotL & Co, OniOTOX. on Style FOIt 8AI.B 30 horno power, r. pnji- oiiKir car. now tires unit una juil hi.'on ovcrhuuli'd. Will trailn for llvo nteck: nIiikIo footer nnd die horse, will wprk any plnce, Kontlo for women or children: nmtched tnntu of ronna veli;h 20&0, will drive, work or ride It. II, Toft, room 33, Jnckaon County Hank llldK. FOIt SAI.K llluo Victor seed potn toi'H, ulfnlfa mid grain tiny. W. J. Ilnrtzell, phone 1CS-JI. 310 'Olt 8AI.K Karl) Sunrlno iiotatocs, ?r.f. ln.r 100 II. K I'hlltli. .120.11. . i 1111 FOIt KAI.C Queen beet. Kalian (jiii'i'iiH, bred from my tuat hone htrnlu, untcntod $1 00 each, r, for jr.. 00. Ready after April loth. 324 l'lutu St., Jauiea Stewart. 330 FOIt SAI.C Fancy iced potatoes. Evergreen sweet corn; also good family cow. Robert Uutton. phono 3SG-M. FOR SAI.C Cheap, a good variety of fine potatoes at Producer' warehouse. Robert Uutton. phono 38CM. FOR SAI.C Cheap, lumber wagon. worK Harness, rauuie. n. ..i Ivy. SOS i FOR SAI.C One-half Interest cafol and hotel, only part cash, rest out or bURlners. $000.00 to 12300 monthly Income. Hotel, caro Mall Tribune. 31S WANTED MISCi:i.liA COL'S WANTED- Good bungalow, well lo-, rated and worth tho money to value $2300 to $3000; will gt.e team, hnrm and hack for part and cash for difference, llunnett Inwaimeiit Co WANTED -3 doien pure bred While Leghorn pullets and 2 cockereU. Address P O box 377. WANTED- Stock to pasture, llotiar. Phono 339-JG. R. J. 30C WANTED To rent sovon or eight room furnished house, west side preforred, from Mny 13th to Oct. 15th. Willing to pay good rent, deslrnblo tennatit. Phono R. H McCurdy, 123 WANTED- First clnss single buggy cheap for cash. Phone SGS-X. WANTED -A good fresh cow. Foothills Orchard, phono 113-J. HELP W.XTE1 MALE WANTED produre bnsis I' Oregon. Solicitor, ono that will results on commlsslou . O box 801, Medford, WHY? .1 Sale or Trade, Homestead for City Property 100 ncres on Pacific highway, 3 room neat cottage, porches, shade. good barn, SO acres fenced. 20 acres cultivated, good spring, creek runs till year. Very best hog proposition In rounty. good out range, 1 h miles from town school, storo mul shipping point. Horse, buggy, fur- nlturo, machinery all goes. St 000,00 Rest w hae evor offorod. J. C. BARNES Kli-M National Hank Exchange $3000 Seattle rosldeuco, wants Medford or vicinity. $8000 10 acreti near Spokane, wants small place here. $9100 2 proportlea at San Diego. wants equal value hero, $12,500 l.qs Angeles residence wants orchard Medford district. $21,000 Wheat or stock ranch, Sherman county, Oregon. Wants ranch, Jackson county. Keo my oxiiiaugo list. Money to loan on close In ranches C. A. McArthur Over I'oxt Ofllco liione ;t(is AVKDNKRDAY, MAttCif IB, WNTKD nirl (o aUt In hoiiso Cll-113, or ndilrcr worK. rnouc hox tiH-A. It. F. D. No. J. WAXTKD SITUATIONS WANTKO -Situation by a capable, rcllahlo ortliardlt. Addrens box v.. rare .Man irntunc. .'ui FOIt KAUIIAMiR TO KXCHANCK I'ortland property for Medford, or acreage in jacgon county. (1. K. WallltiK, Cuntral I'olut, or plioiio lixx.:. 30; TO Ti:H lfio aero fine timber. 12 in!. soutli of Ashland for for modern bungalow In Medford on paved street, or what have you? llox J, N., caro Mall Tribune. 30j TO EXCIIANOC 123 diamond for a couple of young cows or for good motoroclc. llox J. N., caro Mall Tribune. 30S IX)ST LOST Ladles' sweater on road be tween reservoir and public mar ket. Howard if returned to Mall Tribune offlco. MONEY TO liOA.1 I LOANS Negotiated. Ilcnnott In- vestment Co. TO LOAN J 1000 to loan. R. Holmes, tho lusurauce Mali. A 1IUSIXKSS DIRECTORY Attorney PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALET -Attorncys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and 9. Medford National Ilauk bldg. A. B. REAMES. LAWYER Corey bldg. -Garnott- W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main stroct, Medford. Ore. Wm, M. Colvlg George M. Roberts COLVIO &. RODERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Rank nulldlnjc n. F. MULKEY & GEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Ilank Uulldlns. NEWTON W. BORDEN Attorney at law, room 7, Sparta building, Med ford, Oregon. Notary I'uhnc HELEN N. YOOKEY Notary pub He. Urlng your work to mo at tbt sign of the Mnll Titbun Auctioneers WILLIAM ULRICII Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford, Oregon. Torma reasonable Resi dence phone 1G1-J. Office Jack son County Rank building. . CtitroprMCTort DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor ncrvo specialist. Rooms 203-204 203 Gnrnott-Corey bldg. Vapoi baths and scloutlflc mussage given, needle spray, head and sbouldei ahowor iu connection; advtco In dlototlca. medical gymnastics, hydropthorapy. Lady attendant. Phone, offlco 543, rosldeuco 511-R. OR. A. R. IlEDOES. Dr. Louise E Hedges Mochauo-ThcraplsU, Chlro praetors, SpondylothernpUts. Thest systems, Including dletotlcs, curs tlvo gymnusttcs, hydro-theraphy oto., produce roaulta In both actio ajud chronlu diseases. Consultu tion free. 0-or Deuel & Co., cor ner Main and llartlett. Houra 9 a. m. to 3 P. uu Other hours by appointment. Phono 170. Employ nient Agency Wo uro hero to help people got ro llnblo. compotont help. Wo fur nish help In almost all Hues of business. Wo iiiuku a specialty of competent men and wives for ranches. Wo solicit your patron age, lllttuor's Heal Estate and Employment llurcnu, Rooms (l and 7 Palm llulldliic, Medford. Phono S58. Mrs. Hyrd Caster, Manager, successor. Auto rtpi'pn. LAHER AUTO SPRING CO. Oui big secret In tanking springs Is the tempering, Wo nro operutlng the largcit, oldest mid best equipped plant Iu tho Puclflo northwest. U our sprluga whim others fall. Hold under Kun.ruuteu. 20 Norlli Flf ttitiutb Ht., Poiilaud, Or. 101-1. CarruiKt OAltUAOB Oct Your promise cleaned up for tb- winter. Call on tho city garbage varona foi good service Phono Z2Z-L. F. Y. Allen. :l Instruction Mr. FRED ALTON IIAIGHTTcach- !DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and er of piano and harmony. The ' aurgeon. Phones, offlco 3, resl Halght Music Studio, 116 South, dence 724-J. Offlco houra 10 te Ijiurel St.. phone 17R-R. . 12, 2 to C. -. i DeotiM DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DR C. C. VAN SCOTOO Dontlsts Garnctt-Corey bldg., salt 110 Medford. Ore. Phnnn DBA. Physicians ana Bunceoas DIL F. 6. CARLO W, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW OsteopathU physicians, 41C-417 Qarnett-Core) bldg., phone 103G-L. Residence 2G South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD OUcopathti physician, 303 Qarnott - Core) building. Phono 904-M. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and aurgeon. Practlco limited to eye ear, noso and throat- Eyes sclen tlflcally tested nnd siasscs supplied Offlco 22S East Main St.. Houn 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. DR. MC M. M. DOW Physician and surgeon. Dr Lydla S. Dow- Os teopathic physician, offices 3-4 St. Mark's block, Phono 100. Resi- dence ttio uow Hospital, Central' Sib. Prices rltfu. 8Miie guar Polnt. 333 , -- CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A Quick, Handy, reference for Itusy Peoplo Art Portraiture Scott's Studio, all grades of portraiture, kodak finishing, enlarging, tinting. Itrlug tho babies, wo understand them. Over Hnskius drug store, Phono 692-R Art Storo R. I.. Dennett. Paint, olts. glass, wall paper, enlarging, picture framing. 27 North Grnpo Phono 3CG-.T Auto Rodlcs and Spray Tanks J. W. Mitchell, blacksmlthlng. horseshoeing, wagon work, rub- i tior Mrn work. 22 South River- I aide street Phouo 2G HnrucMS Suit Cnsca, Gloves Herman Rrothcrs, 317 Cast Main, repairing of all kinds. Phono 4SI-J llnltsl Hay, Flour, Feed, Grain I.. 11. Drown. Rttsa Mill, also poultry supplies. 139 South Riverside 1 Phono 529 Itnkory Royal Rakery. bread, pies, cakes. Coruor Main mid Grape. Phono 37 lleauty Shop The lleauty Shop. Mndamo Roodo, room 25, Jackson Coun ty Hank llldg Phono 741 Cigar Factory Oregon Central Cigar Factory, Johnson, Pitt. Mnxapan cigars. 219 West Main Phono 321 Civil Engineers Osgood & Drown. T. W. Os good. Asso. M, Am. Sue. C. E. A. Then Drown, deputy county surveyor. Medford National Hank llldg Phouo 202 Electric Wiring, Fixtures, Supplied Southern Oregon Electric Co.. Mazda Lamps. U South 'Central Avenue Phone 215-Y Furniture New mul Second lliiuil Scott Woolf, successor to Mor doff & Woolf, comploto Tiouso furnishers. Special low prlcui on AxmluUter rugs mid furni ture. 22 South Fir Phuiiu 9 Fanner Implement Hubbard Druthers. Full lino cf John Deoru makes. For spo clal prices on buggies. 335 Bust Mulu . Phouo 231 I'loli ami CiiunI McuIn Hlur Meat Market M W. Wag ner. Prop 314 East Main .- .. ..... ir."4v i"" UUHil hIw PAC1TC FTVT! By "Bud" Fisher ! l'liynlrluiDi E. U. PICKF.L, M. D. Offlco Jack ion County Ilank bldg. Office phone 43-R; residence phone G8-R. DR. MARTIN C. nARDER Phyal- cian ana Burgeon. OfHce I'aln block, opposite Nash Hotel. Houra 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD PhyalclaJi and aurgeon. MYRTLE 8. LOCKWOOD. M. D. . Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 233 E Mala. Phones, residence, 8H-J2; office 814. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Burgeon. Over Hutchison A Lubh den, 216 E. Main St Phone 77. rrlBtera a1' labttsen MEDFORD PRINTING CO. baa "the best equipped printing office la southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland price. 27 North FlrSt. Stcsogr raters 'ELLA M. OAUNYAr Palm block. , Stenographic work tne quickly . and well. EADS TRANSFER ft STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front SL PhoM Groceries Drownlco & Llndloy. Monopolo canned goods. Upper Crust flour. 327 East Maln..Phone 927-L Guik, Ammunition, Sporting Goods Ewlngs Gun Storo, fishing tncklo. sporting goods. 112 West Main Phono 345 Insurance Any Kind R. H. McCurdy. writes fire, llfo. accident. liability, auto, plate glass, burglary, fidelity and suroty bonds, Sparta Dulldlng. Phone 123 Modern Photography Tho Macey Studio, latest and most up-to-dato methods. Por traits of children. Main and Central, back of Daulots for Duds. Nursery Tho Quaker Nursery, commer cial varieties of pears, apples and ornamental shade trees, 11. R. Patterson, manager. Special prices for next thirty days. 104 South Fir. Phones, offlco 752-J, Rosldeuco 249-X Practical Horsexhocr and HIiukMiilth G. F. Morrlman, Medford ino chanlc. 20 South Rlvorsldo Avonuo Phono 279 Plumbing ami Heating Van It. Polison. 28 North Grape Phone 92G Real Ehtnto, I.ouua iiuil IuvoNtiueiits Page Drossier Compuny, farm lauds, sub-divisions. 320 East Main Phono 283 Restmiraut Johnson's Cafe, all homo cook lug. 28 South Central Avonuo. Phouo 901-J Shoo Repairing Modol Hoot Shop, whllo you wait, 10 South Coutrttl Avo nuo Phouo 875-U Sheet .Metal W'orku Medford Shoot Metal Works H. O. Worthlugtou, Prop. Cor nlco and skylights, roofing of all kinds, tin and shout Iron plpo gutters, tanks, 19 Fir street, Phone 477 Staple mul Fancy Groceries C. P. Krlba & Co. 33 orth drape Phone 109 Stenographer ""Mr T. Edwards, s4HgrHW. Typewriter, v pwlf1wlw,L' muulfwWlHg. Palm UUxk, i4ijeseMMlV f4MI I W