V lV 7v PXGE tfOUB MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORO, OUKOON. AVIODNpoSDAY MARCH" 18, 1911. H, MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDKl'KNOKNT NEWtfl'AI'KU PUUUSUKD HVKIIT AtTUHNOON KXCKl'T 8UNDAT UV TUB MnDl'XMlD PHIKTIKO CO. Tho Democratic Time. Th Medford Mull, Tho Mciiroril Trlbuns, Tim South ern OrcRonlnn. Tho Ashland Tribune. Omen Mall Trltmno llulldlng, lS27-: North I'lr Rtrcct; telephone 76. Official I'nper of tho City of Mntrord. OfflclAl Taper of Jnckson County. RntoreJ as second-dnss matter t Meilfnrd, Oivcon, under the act of March 3, 18;?. SOHSCRXTTION RATE1 One jrnr, by mall.. 18.00 One month, by mall. .-. .SO Tor month, delivered by carrier In Mertfonl, Jnrksonvlllo nnd Cen- trnl lolnt .. .80 Rnturdny only, by mall, per vc.ir. S.00 Weekly, per yenr ...... . . . 1.50 IWOBlt CIRCOI.ATXOK. Dully hvptokp for six months cndlnc December 31, lJ. :s0. ALL BACK TAXES Immediate steps will be taken by the city couneil by virtue of o decis ion reached at the Tuesday night ineetinjr, to bring Mtit ngniut nil property holders delinquent in their city ns.esments', nnd who have man ifefrted a cnlru indifference toward paying- their just debts, lending the money thus needed out Tor n petty profit of 2 per cent interet, while funds, of the city drnwiug heavy in terest near the date of payment. City Attorney McCabe is drawing up the nece.-;nry papers for the bringing of Mtit which will be filed the first of nest week. CouncUmcn Ilurgravo nnd Porter descried the drastic step, but their colleagues maintained that the time for dilatory dallying hnd passed, nnd time to use the iron hand or go into bankruptcy. The first two favored the council nnd city treasurer calling on the delinquent, most of whom are ubte (o pay, and try to urge them into the iden of paying without legal action. This was abandoned as im practical ami ineffective. BANK RAID NETS BANDITS $5000 LOOT SAN ItAIWKL. aCI., Mar. IS. Several armed baudltu this afternoon held up Cashier II. F. Foot, of the First National Hank of St. Ansclmo, near hero and escaped with $5000. Tho robbers, as they went out of thn hank, exchanged several shots with Foot but no ono jvns wounded. Sheriff Keating and two automo bile loads of deiiutlus loft here this afternoon in pursuit of the bandits. Armed with rifle, n lone masked bandit entered the Fir.it National bank here this ufleruoon and forced Assistant Cashier Thomas lltitler to hand over nil the mouev in sight, lie escaped with ubout WUUO. An the bandit mounted n horso he had left hlandiug ut the curb, lltitler seized a ritlo nnd fired four shots. All miss ed, but the shunting uroucd the town nnd I lie ilfciug horseman iodu south ward amid a rain of hullete. Citizens in 111110111011110 and on htrxcbnck pursued the outlaw until Ihev lot sight of him and then re turned. DEATH KNELL CABARET NEW RULE SEATTLE SKATTLK, WubIi, Mar. Is -All cabaret features In Seattle- ralct wll. go out of business tonight 11 u the ro sult of tho general ordor Ibsued IhH afternoon by the new thief of pollco, Austin K. Griffiths. Solo singing and orchestra music only will bo al lowed, Tho order also la aimed at the so called clubs whoro tho chlof Industry in tho solo of liquor without a city llcenno. The lid will bo put on uucli clubs without further ceremony. Tho police aro instructed mo upprchend anyone giving or selling liquor or cisarettw to minor. BrtWM-y Explasion Falal ( I.KVlXA.m ).. March 18 n n explosion in ilia Cleveland llrcw his HiiHy,H plant, Chiaf Engineer J U. Jtouiiiini iva killed, Fireman (horuv Kilbiini was faintly litut mid Aitiit Iji'-inccr Allrnl (VIsimmmkI With Mcdfonl StojnOver iNclIiF ON SUIIS FOR (MfrKny Ki-ievviiiui injuti'l.j Should Doctors End Days of Hopeless Case Patients? From time to time inngnzinrs nnd newspapers narrate the ease of some unfortunate letim of disease or in jury who-e recovery is apparently out of the iptostion and who is doom ed to weeks or month of suffering while awaiting tho slow progress of the disease and the seemingly inev itable outcome. Kithcr the sufferer or some sympathetic friend, affected beyond endurance by the spectacle ot prolonged and useless agony, appeals to the medical profession ami to public opinion for a speedy nnd pain less death. The.-e cacs are often dieuved editorially in the newspa pers nnd the pictiou raised whether physicians should not be given the right and power to terminate an ap parently hopeless illness and thus spare the victim n long period of pain, nnd the tnends and relatives needless angui-h through the wit nessing of unavoidable suffering. The eirvumsMnecs attending some of these incidents would at time- al most seem to justify extreme meas ures to terminate a scene of helpless mi-cry, yet the medical profession has never desired and will never ac cept the rvsHinsibility of nctiug in Mich pumn as judge, jury and execu tioner. Kntirely aside from the moral nnd sentimental objection which could be raised, physician, better than anv other cla-s, know .Oregon Industrial Review SALKH, March lS.-Oeo. Oies sendorfcr, an cxjHTienccd box manu facturer has started a large box fac tory at ltandou. Lane county manufacturers adopt ed resolutions favoring the u-c ol Oregon building stone and Oregon made steel on public structures. Steel for the .fSOO.OOO Southern Pacific bridge ncro-- Coos Hay is being ru-hed to the .-ceuc of con struction. Drewsey in Harney connty is to be the scene of an electrical develop ment nnd an electric railroad. Smithfield, Lane county, farmers nro agitating n ennncry. A large snnd and gravel plant i being iu-tnlled at Shady l'oint, near Sutherliu, with 11 spur from the Southern Pacific. Albany City council has adopted resolutions looking to acfpiiring a municipal light nnd nower plant for that city. J. jr. Eddy and associates have or ganized n company to operate a bas alt rock iuarry on Kentuck Inlet, North llend. The Oregon Power company will spend 10,000 on a new fuel plant at Eugene. All industries will be relieved in Oregon by the decision of Judge .Mc Ginn allowing semi-annual payments of tuxes. Tvvohy IJros., of Portland, will em ploy -100 men building the Echo-Coyote cutoff of tewnty miles on tho O. V. K. & X., to cost .800,00(). O-car E. Ileiutz has contracted to build a five-story block for the Hlnke MrKnll Paper company of Portland lOOxliUO feet. Tho five largo shingle nnd lumber plants at itaymoiid have decided that the 1.100 men employed by them shall work under open shop rules. rinckainns county will build a steel bridge ut Harton over the Clack amas river and install 11 lock cni-her at Sandy. (Juthrie, MeDougul & Co. of Port land haw the contract for construct ing a large section of the P'iget Sound and Willipu Harbor railwav T. J. Hcaminoii of Ooldcndalo i GRANDMA JANNEY AND IMI1ELL TO BE CALLED HARRIET NOW MISSING' WITNESSCALUMETPROBE CIIICAtSO, Mar. IS - Mrs liar- riot Januoy, a vvcalvny Phiiadclphln widow, nnd hor grauddaushtfr, Vir ginia Ford, have disappeared. liis was mado certain today who 1 jn. j tho habeas corpus procendlngH atitutcd by the girl's father, Wil liam Ford vvera called up before ludgo Fooll. iuvostigatlon showed that Mrs. Janney and her grand daughter loft the Hotel Sherman yesterday and wero believed to bo well on their way to Los Angeles this afternoon. FAKE VINCENT ASTOR DECLARES FATHER ALIVE HAN I'HASVJSCO, C11I., March 1H, -Churged nitli dufraiiding a taxi driver, a young iiuiit who said lie wim Vincent Aslor was bcloin policn Jiidgn Crmt hem todav. llepoiU Unit JiU Inllier, I olimil John Jniob Alor, went dmvii with (lie Tiinnu, ho (iihl that nppaiently hopeless cn-es some times terminate in lecoverv and that the predictions of tho 1110-t skilled nnd competent physicians nro some times not fulfilled. The responsibility of deciding whether n given case is one which ju-tifio- the use of extreme measures to shorten the period of suf feting would be too great for any one per son to ns-tnue; neither would it be safe for society to peuuit such re sponsibility to be lodged in the hands of any profo-sion or cla-s. A re cent newspaper di-pateh strikingly illustrates the dangers of -uch u plan. According to a teport, several years ngo a clergyman's wife, suf fering from a -eveiv and apparently hopelos.- initially, begged in a letter puldi-hcd'throughout the country for "scientific kindnoi-" on the part of her nttending physician", which would terminate her -uffeiing- and give her a painless death. She re ceived many replies indorsing her ar gument that physicians should be permitted to put her and other simi larly unfortunate patients out of their misery. Apparently, however, tho'lady is today very glad that her pleas dil not prevail, as The Journal of the American Medical A ociation states that she is reported to have been completely restored to health li a surgical ocration, and to be per fectly well. starting a large private fi-h hatch cry in the Ten Mile region near Coo Hay. A new cannery to cost f 10,000 and a new high school are planned for this spring at Springfield. Proosed laws menacing to indii trial development in Oregon me the rl.)00 tax exemption nnd the taxa tion of properties of over i0,000 of decedents for n fund for the unem ployed. The Eugene flouriii" mill- have run steadily since 1805 without a -hutdown and turned out 160,000 of product in 10K1, Construction of the Gold Hill ce ment plant has gone 011 steadily since work was begun .limitary 1, and U ready for the machinery. A suit to te-t the Oregon blue sky law is being pushed up to the su preme courf for an early deci-iou. The linker Packing company i putting in n 1000 iiutomutio refrig erating plant. r.tigcuc Chri-tian ricieiiti-ts ate idaimuig the erection of 11 new church. The Corvallis & Eastern will re model if- station ut Toledo nnd ex pend a targe sum on Improving yard facilities. Tho Dallas planing mill- have add ed a furniture manufacturing depart ment. Uiirkcc, Maker county, is to l the site of a million dollar cement plant. It. A. Harris informed the Salem ministerial union that minimum wages and eight Ikmiix aro to be followed by state employment of the unemployed. Tie People' bank at Silvcrton will bo remodeled. Caples & Co. will build u fine brick bl.qck at r'ont Urove. The Eugene sower system is to be rebuilt in the next four years. Tho Hoicburg Drewing & co Co. have a contract for icing cars that 11erenMtnt.es doubling the capacity oi their plant. Plans are completed for a Carne gie library at Hillsboro. Construction of u railroad from Prijieville to ,Mutj)Iius - to begin this mouth. WASHINGTON', .March 18. The cougicssioual comuiitteu which inves tigated thu Miohigau copper strike de cided today to cult John Mitchell to testify concerning his invvstigation of conditions in the Michigan mining re giou. Tho committee's accountant, it also wan announced, will leave next week lor Jlostoii to examine the book), of the Calumet & I (tela Mining com puny. llcpresentative Casey of Pennsyl vania, a member of tho committee, declined the operators wcin attempt ing to befog tho issue by stating they uern lighting socialism when the; were ically opposing unionism. cil, were ciroiieoiis. "lie swum iislioie," (ho prisoner exjdaiued, "and is doing buniucsti in New Vuili; send the bill to him." I'licerluin wlii'ther the iiinii vva. iiubalauccd or consid ered himself liiuny, Judge iis set (ho cake onir until loiuoiimv. Jimmy Clubby uud Hilly Murray Imvn Instil iniilclieil in box in Hun Fruiicluo on Aj'rll 't, M ...... WIDCNCH PAID $4,000,000 r(... a. T GROUP 7 r.wtu wmiuKK. ocr-tet svr Frame will soon lo-e one ol Hie mott viiliublc collections of .mlntlng over crniipcil In that country, tuvor I lug to a rcsrt to the effeel lint Mr IV A. II WMener. of I'lilkiilclptila. acgutlallug for itic raniiut- Wall ice col Ici'lUin. Aci'ordlag to tin riitm the anwuiut sttpulatcvl lu tlio ugtecmeut will closely npproach $l.t0O.UH. Tlic.ie i.ilnllt'gs ar. art of the col iivtion left to lMy Saekvilli-We-t l.v Sir John Murray Scott, whoso will led In 1 lie unusual legal contest la London when Lady Sackvlllc-West gained tho entatc. Ily winning the contest Lady SacUvllle-Wc'it received an art collec tion valued nt more than $tO.tOi),(W0, which l now at Knole Park. Seven, oaks, Kent, F.iigluud, the home of Ilaron Sackvllle TENNIS TITLE PHILADELPHIA, March 18. Outplaying his professional oponent at every nnglo of the game. Jay Gould, the American amateur cham pion, here todny won the world's court tenuis championship from G. F. Covey of England. Exports who witnes-ed the cuiite-t say Gould's piny has never been ciiualled. Gould won four straight sets from the Knglishmnu .Monday. Manx thought Coe hndVomclhing up hi sleeve" for lotlaj's serie-, hut if he did, it failed to materialize ami wa-lo-t siuht of by the brilliant play of his American opponent. Gould only needed to take three sets today to win the chumpiou-hip. He swept the Euglishuillll off his feet in the first two, xv'iimiug handily. Covey won ihtt third net, hut Gould came right buck and took the scrie iiimI the champion-hip by winning the fourth set, (1-1. DAFFY ON AUTOS SAYS RAILROAD MAN (Portland Telegram.) "Jim" Cascv of Milwaukee has ju-t returned' from 11 trip of a week through southern Oregon, "They're all crazy down there," growled Jim, as he showed up at the office to mako up his expense ac count. "Evcr.v other man vou meet cither owns uu automobile or in on his way to town to buy one. "Ono nice ultoruooii at Mcdford I had to climb up 011 tho fence uud wmt till dark to cro (Ifo xtrcct for fear of getting Wulloped in tun shins liy some si ray joy wagon. "won't Know where nil tncsc gas pernmbulutois conio from, but if it keeps up much longer you'll have to pay JO cents to vc 11 horse in south ern Oregon. ' ' ' "I went into 11 hnrbjir shon to gel a shave The nun wanted to cut my hair and givo me n s'liampoo and a massage and said that -ho needed just 80 cents nloiy to Imy himself u run about. "He only goi l.'i co'nls out of me, but thu next dav he tried lo run over mo learning to Nlrlvo his car, wo I suppose he 'got tho 80 cents out ol somebody else. "The hnlmvs down Uieic even have got tlio crue. I bought some pop corn for 11 'Utile vnifngstcr, the kid of it friend of mine, and the baby said 'honk, honk' instead of 'da, da.' I sunposo that via- benzine talk' for 'much obliged.' "The whole valley smells like 11 gasoline tank, and the people meet in tho sticct and talk about friction drive mid thhgilcu sloel valves in stead of ci ops and nnlilitts." Casey says j he was going to train for a prizefight or 11 major league bull team ha would go (n Mcdl'oid 01 Ashland mid stand out in the middle of tho si 1 eel for a couple of hours ovory iilloinooti. Ho says llml would he nil Hie exi'Mi-e iu.Shi'dy would need The aolomoluh iwmlij do tin Mill n Of GOULD WINNER WORLD COURT DEATH AND PRISON SEATTLE, Wnsli., Mai eh IS.-The decision of the I 'ill ted Slates wtt piemc couit su-tuiuing the conviction of W. II. (linlaud. (17, of fraud in connection with mining stock sales, would mean that if Im loeovcis suf ficiently in health ho will bo taken to llie Wiilln Wiilht penitentiary to servo three ,enrs, lie is ut pie-ent in u dving condition at Providence bos pi In I. St'lT IN IWITV, SIMMONS Ftllt I'l'ltLtCATIO.V. lu the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Jackson county. A. K. J. Senilis, plalutltf, vs. F. O MnthUon and Nellie Pearl Mullilnou, IiIh wife. Herbert N. t'arncnter uud Jennnettc A. TIiouuih, dcfcndnutH. To F O. Mnthlson niiil Nellie Pearl Mathlson. his wife, llerncrt N. Cniv peiitcr and Jcaanctlo A 'i'homns, the above named defendant!". lu the name of the state of Ore gon, you nro hereby required to ap pear and answer the complnlut filed ngnlnut .vou In tho ntiovo entitled court and rauso, on or before six weeks from the date uf tho first pub lication of this summons, being on tho llth day or March. 1'Jll, tho time prescribed In the order of publi cation thereof. And you are hereby notified that If you fall to appear nnd answer said complaint, for want thereof the plain tiff will apply to the court for tho relief demanded in the complnlut. to-wlt: For a decree of tho above entitled court foreclosing that certain mort gage given by defendants F (1. Mnthl son nnd wife to the plaintiff named above, recorded In book 33, page 10-17, record of mortgages, Jncksou county, Oregon, covering the follow ing described real property situated In Jackson county. Orerou, to-wit: Tho Si: i of tho SW U of sec- Hon 20. nnd tho K '4 ot the NW U and the NW, of tho NWVi, and tho SW H of tho NW H, nud tho NW t of SW '.4 uf section 3S, nil lu town, ship No 31 south of range No 2 West of tho Willamette Meridian. Said mortgage securing n unto for Itl'.OO.OO. .luted Mcdford. Oregon. January '.'7th, 1913, executed by sab! F (I. Mnlhlsoa and wlfo and pa) able to tho plaintiff herein, drawing In terest at the rate of six per cent per annum from dnto until paid. For a decree nnd judgment for said sum of IHSOOOO, with Inlcreit thereon from Jnnunry 27th, 19t3, un til paid nt said rate. Including at torneys for the sum of $200.00, auJ costs of suit, Thnt tho usual decree bu made for thn sale ot snld promises by thu sher iff ot Jackson county, Oregon, ac cording to law, nnd tho proceed of said sale may ho applied lu payment of tho amount duo the plaintiff. In cluding principal and Interest, costs ami attorneys fees, and that said de fendants and each of them, ami all persons clnlmlug under llioiu, stibsc ipient to thu execution of snld murt gago upon said promises, cither ns purchasers, iueiiuibrnnrcrH, or other wise, may bo barred nnd forcrloted if all rights, claims or equity or re demption (oxcept such ns allowed liy Inw) In snbl prnmlnos, nud that tho plaintiff may hnvc Judgment nnd exe cution against tho snld dofondnnts for any deficiency which muy remain after applying nil tho proceed of tho salo of said premises properly appli cable to tho satisfaction or sata tin crco That tho plaintiff or any other parly to tho suit may beenmo n pur chaser nt said salo; that tlio sheriff execute a cortlflcato of salo to tho purchaser, that said purchaser bo let into tho possession of snld prom lsis upon production of (ho sher iff's ecrllflcnlo of salo therefor, that plnlntltf have such other nud fur ther relief In thu promises as to this court may scorn meet and eaultablo This summons Is published under ami by virtue of an order mado liy Honorable F. I,, Ton Voile, county Judge of Jackson county, Oregon, lu tho absence) of tho Judge of said cir cuit court from said county, on tho 12th day of March, 1!HI, thn first publication to bo 011 thu 1 lilt day of March, 1011. and thu last publica tion will bu on tho 25th day of April, It) It. Dated March llth, I OIL MFLKKV & CIIKIlltV. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Kl'IT IX KOI'ITV, SI.'.MMOXS I'Olt ITIILKWiiOX. In tho circuit court of tho Male or Oregon, for Jackson county, James I Frodenbiirg, plaintiff, vs. F. (2. Muthlsou. nnd Nellie Pearl Mathlson, his wife, Herbert N. Car pouter uud Jnauuutto A, Thomas, do- fondants. To F, (I. Mathlson. and Nelllo Ponrl .Mathlson, his wife, Herbert N, Carpenter, and Jcauiiolto A Thomas, tho above uaiuod dofouduuts. In thu unuio of thu statu of O10 gou, you nro huioby required to ap pear and answer tlio complnlut filed against you In thn above entitled court and cause, on or buforo six weeks from thu (Into of tho first pub lication of this summons, being 011 tho Nth day of March, IHM, tho tliiio prescribed In thu ordor of pub lication thereof. And you aro hereby notified that If you fall to appear ami answer said complaint, fur want thereof tho plain tiff will apply to tho court for tho ro ller dumauiled lu tho complaint, to wlt: For a decree of tho nhovo outltlod court foreclosing thut curtain mort gage glvou by defendants F. (I, Mntlil sou and wlfo to tho plaintiff named ubovo, recorded In book 33 at pages 1 1-1.1 record of mortgages, Juclunu county, Oregon, coyiirliig thn follow ing described real property situated John A. Perl UNDERTAKER Lady Assistant ItH H, JIAItTLKTT I'Iioho H, 47 h4 471.4 AhiIihImmv Kerrlco Dupuly Corunw lu Jackson county. Oregon, to-wr Tho southwest tpiitrtor of thn HW -i of section 2, thn NW Vi of tho NW Vi of section 32, and tho NK U of tlio NM Vi of suction 31. nil In township 3 4 south uf raiigu 2 West of tho w llamottu .Meridian. Said moitvugn securing a unto for thu Hiun of 1200. nil dated Medford, Oregon, January 27th. I HI 3, oo cutcd by said F. O .MiiIIiIhou and wife and payablo to tho plaintiff herein, drawing Interest nt the rata of eight per cent per milium from date until Paid. For iv decree and judgment for tho sum of $1211(1.111). with Interest thoto on from January 27th, l!M3, until paid at snld rate, Including ntlnrno) tees far tho sum ot lino. 110, ami costs of suit. That tho usual deereo be mudo for tho salo of said promises by tin sheriff of Jackson cniitttv, Oregon, according to law, and the proceeds or said salo may he applied 111 pn mriit of tho amount duo the plain tiff, Including piliiclpnl and Interest, costs and nttorue,vs fees, and that snld defendants uud curb or them. and all persons claiming under them, subseipioiit to tho execution or snld inorU'iigo upon said promises, either as purchasers. Incumbrancers, or otherwise, may be barred and tore closed of all lights, claim or eipitly or redemption (except such as al lowed bv law) lu said promises, and that the plnlntltf nmv have Judgment and execution against tho said de fendants for anv deficiency which nmv remain after appblng all the proceeds of the sale or snld prelll Isrs properly applicable to thu satis (action of said decree That tlio plaintiff or any other pnrty to the suit may become n pur chaser at said ne; that tho sheriff execute a certificate of sale to tlw purchaser; thnt snld purchaser bo let Into tho pocslnu of snld prem ises upon the prnduuilnu 01 tho sher iff's certificate or sale Hmrofor; and that plaintiff have such other and further relief in thu premises ns to this court tuny seem meet nud ciiilt utile. This summons Is published undor nnd by virtue or an order mndo ny tho Honorable r I,. Ton Velio, coun ty Judge ot Jackson county. Oregon, In tho absence from the snld county of tho circuit court or the Judge of the circuit court or Jackson count). Oregon, on the 12th day or March, I VI t, thu first publication 011 tho llth day of March. I'.'H. uud the last publication will bo mado 011 the 2Mb da) or April. It'll Dated March llth, IUM. Ml'I.KKV Ai CIIKKItY. Attnruo) for Plaintiff. AI.MlVl.sTlt.TOirS I'rXAI. XOTinj In tho count) murt of tho statu of Oregon for the count) of Jackson. lu the matter or the estate of Lulu IC Parkhurst, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that thn un dersigned, administrator or the es tate of Lulu K Parkhurst, deceased, has filed his final account ns such administrator, and that tho sumo tins been settled and allowed at filed by an ordor duly mndo by tho Hon. Frank L. Ton Volte, Juago ot tho nbovu mentioned court on tho 21st day of April. 1013, in which ol der the question or thu discharge of tho snld administrator was reserved for further hearing, and upon said administrator's application said court has fixed Monday, April 13th. r.MI, nt 10 00 o'clock lu thu fore noon of thnt da) In 'the court room of the raid county court In tho county court hoiisa nt Jacksonville. Oregon, ns tho tlmu uud place for thu hoar Iiik on said application for discharge All persons having any objections to tho dlschnrgo of snld administra tor are hereby notified to present tho same lo said court on or before snld last mentioned date. Dated March I. 1th, 101 1 HAItltY I) MILLS, Administrator Cfl lUaJ tbuulJ tkom lia ARROW (COLLAR S Im 23 oalt a, rM, A r... !-. U.W.i SPECIAL TO WOMEN Tho most economical, cleansing nnd Uormlcldal ot all antiseptics la A soluble Antiseptic Powder lo be dissolved in water at needed. Au a medicinal nntlsonllc for douches lu (routing catarrh, Inflammation or ulcorntlon ol noso, throat, nnd that caused by femlnlno llhilthaa nooqual. For ten yoara tho Lydla IJ. I'liiltlium Modlclnu Co, baa rocoiumendod l'uxtlao in tholr prlvato corrcopoudonco with women, which proven Ita superiority. women who have boon cured nay It Ih "worth Jts weight In gold." At druggists, r.0c. lurgu box, or by mull, Tlio Paxton TollOt Co., loiiton, Mass. NEAREST TO EVERYTHING AT TAnncLiJ licit located und mint noptilir hotel In the City 1 illtuljllng Ice water in evtiy room. EipscUl Iteiitlon lo IsdUi Iravolllni alous. I'.cclleiit, irmoiMbly prlrtd kiIII, Meet your flcndi st the Muni, Ksivitin ro KIm ll,WUi, MaiuiW""') Clitiltr W, iitlhy BHHp'cmAjjHHj jJK M 4.T. WtttisS0 THEATRE Photoplays '1'uei.ilny uud WcilucMlny Treasures on Earth Liibtu Two Heel Featuin 1'ATIIK WFIvKI.V NO. tl News Till: l,ITK Nl.iH'FMIIXT VltiiKiaph I'uiiiody fouling ibuixday Only Tin: MAsorimAmut Two Parts xeti: Filday Xlgbl, Mai ill , Will I to Mnohe M'llil Those wishing to see No. 3 of Ad evntiinvs of Kathtvu, aie lequestu.l to bo III tho theater before 7 30. S 1 Alv THEATER titlav "FITZaERALD" lu wonderful fouls, lu hurnil Junipln,: Ono day only "THE FALSE BRIDE" Three part feature pholopla) Florence l.sw fence III tho title rolu with IX II I It VISA It 'Jul I Puree coiHwly WOOLWOIITH .V Wtttil.WOItTII Music Coming Tomorrow IM'I.OIllt'S COATS A guaranteed nllnitlleii Slitit Parade Dully fouling I'Yliliiyt Daniel Fniluiiuii presents MRS. FI8KE In 'TESS OF DE URHETWILLES" Ailiiilstioit 10 Cents. Get in the MARCH of Progress Let tin- R. K. V. TAILORS, Pnlm Block, tin vour work in .Meilfonl nud nii will lie NUlisrieil. I'lmnc 71 KLKIN & FKAZRLL J'lini'ltlKTOKS iioitscs ion kali: Ono span of largo marcs, vvolght 2000 ono good all around horse, K years old. Team 2400 lbs. Ono span black, 7 and K years old, weight Solid lbs, Another team C and 8 yeurit old, weight SIUO. Ono good ranch team. One iipau II your old mules, weight '.'000, Can bo soon at I). H. Lilts, Pliono mil, At t'lilon Hani WMemore's wi Shoo Polishes NNMT QUALITY LANOKST VARIKTV I.IIT IhOt, 'Or, lin Ui v hum tlliliu III """'" OH. limiKi fl.il rull,l,aAi!r kiuii.iiiiiiiii'aiui.ii mill tli 11 , tbuitf MlUiulruk ."I, ri.ll.11 bl.u-,-,, II, iiCWV"""1'1""1"" ,'" l"ll "'"I (wU'fcloi ..n......... ,i...w, 1.11,11 ,n. ? H- IIIH PUV. II'C. au coiuMiiMiiiii fuf uvOilUuuii who lik rllttf 111. r allll.a limk A I. 0.fn... .,..!.. irl rlilalnlit inl luilis in ll lUi k tliiM a. Voli.li vt Id, s liru.b iircliiiu, sarenia. -nisy IUU'u, urnli. - si tmii r)ii.nr irsiNiH rssir.," s tulu li4ala lillall fur allLluila 11 lilai L aliiuts l... IHIVlf CiiiiiuJiii till mil Hiiri u pvlMi sin tirrwrtt ''' laaliirr i.Ml.p,"u " ,M "y, lu "WANUV HllMtT ISIS JL If ikur4ral.r Jwa lu.l kil.iilli4 r anl m4u Ilia tflilMlaiii nr Igllrlaa l.iaa iKIatalaU. WMITrMOH tMOI. CO., ' SOif Albsoy (iraal, OatiiWlat, Ms. riaviK 111 i',ii,