Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 18, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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- K"
I'AIIIH, .Mureli 1H. Tin. "uiiwrll
Iimi law" will In .Mine. Ileiiili'ltit CmiI
Iiiiix'm pirn when i1iiiimI nil lilnl I'nr
tin' iniiidur nf Kditur (limluit Oil
iiii'lln nf I'lyinn, Miillii' l.nlmii, her
JitwyiT, Miinniiiii'i'il Indny.
Ily tint "iiiivtiitli'ii Inw" llin nltiir
noy diil mil ini'iui iiilln w lint Ik tin
ilrrwtnml li.v tin xprnKimi in Atiier
Icii. In I'miiim It Im incilly under
htnnil Ilinl piivuto ii( lull h inut nut
Im diiiggeil Inln pulillfiil I'linlriiM-r
dli'M. It win this "Inw" In which 1 .11.
lion referred.
I.tthori In piThimiillv ii friend nf
i'K-Kiiiiuii'i MIiiInIit t'uilluux, Imt lit'
tuilil Im tool; tint lullii' wife' i-iiNf
fur tin' "miU nl' liiiiiiiiiiil." Hi' c
plnllli'il (lint i piiipimnl n hlniu
Ciilmt'lti' luiil nut nnlv pnhllxlii'il nut'
teller written hv Ciiillmiv tn his
present u i fit lii'fiui' llii'y liml been
illvnri'i'il fiinn piijiniH purtuerM, Imt
Hint Im lunl iiIIhtn ulilrli In' itili'inh'il
In ihiIiIInIi, iimi ilnit .Mum. t'uilluiu
wn jiixtillril in killing him tn pn.
vent lliU it ii '1 tn pinteel her ii'piitn
liiin. Tito I'ijjmn ilnili'il Indny, huwewr,
Hint tin1 IiIIit published wan n per
annul inn'. It iioNfitiil Hint Urn emu-
lllllllll'lltlllll WIIN plllitil'lll ill ilH lllllllll'
mill trinli'il In tipHit ehurge of
dishuuestv which t'nlmitti' liml mncli'
iiitlnst Ciiillnnx. The piiprr denied
iiIhh Hint Cnlini'lti Imd other letter
fruin Cnillniix tn his wife or I'hhii her
n linn, written iii'inri tln'ir itinrt wiu
Why tin- killinc nf Cnlmtili- should
lmvi' lii'cii innili' llio oernsinu for lov-
iiIihI ili'iinnihtrnliinii wiim not eleitr,
lint it wni. Ilii'v rotitiniifil nl intir
miIn nil night, were si ill ginni; on to
iliiy itml were I'xprclnl to n-ni'li their
I'lininx I ri.lny, wlicu tin' cdilor will he
buried. Tlio gtneru it Mill held
troops in ri'iiiliiirsN In lirlp tin' poliro
in vav tlir disorder should gi-t In',
yonil Hit' InttcrV control.
riigitrnli lloni'iinl sold .Mine,
fiiillmix' liml lii'iirini; would Im miiiii
Hum next week. It uiih llio uciiiTiil
opinion Hint the I mil would involve
llle wushing nf huge illilitltli'i of
ilirty noliiicnl linen, nml might prove
n n hi' nt I he Drcfus nun?.
assawsaspssa i HMHnaHMMMBina
Sk'igT!!l imtL THLlLLLLLLLrLaLsLLsflalH
Tin' iiImki- iilitnre l of I lie n-lei 1.1I11I lniirlr1 ( I rent II me Kmlntttienrl
utilcli Im nnlteil In tills ion 11 1 ry from l.eriimiiy lie In Im'.i(i;ii etery Crcnl
liiine he tins Im'cii stintii nctliisi In lierninny mil l re m'm nl nf Hie clmin
ilim Orenl liiine In l.n.oe He ins lnixirleil liy John ISulirer. of Nctv Yurh
1 Ity
Cllll'AUO, .Mnnli 1H, l.iKluiiKl,i
Chiiinpion Willie Hitihie wns nut snr
prlseil hen Imlny out Fieililie
Wi'UIi'h riif.v vielory ill l.os Angeles
'i'li'iiiiy iiut Joe Kivers.
"Tim Me.xicnn Iiiih hecn on Hie
ilownprnile out sinee I ktmekeil him
ml in Sun I'Ymiritini," lie wiiil.
"Welsh ilfKt'ni'N no pnrlleiilnr oreilil.
1 inn willing, however, to meet Freil
ilie nfter I ilispuse f Mullein Tommy
Murphy next month, ptnviilint; nny nf
Hie prnmoliTH miike, n Mitisfneinry
offer. I inn willing to tiuhl WeNh
WASIIINdTON', Mi.ivl, IH. I'ut,
lili'lit Wilsnii mnl Seereliiiy nf the
Tri'iisiirv Mi'Ailon ilisensseii Hie new
I'lirreney Inw toiliiu Ainoiii; ntlier
tiling they o.xelimiui'il views ciineein.
inj; llin proper iininliei- of irnioiml
liiuiliN to itnlilish, mnl it wns miller
Hlniiil.lui'lvu were tenlnliu-ly nj-teeil
MeAiloo hiiIiI nl'ler the eonl'ereiire
Hint. ilelnilK of Ihe orcmiixiition mi.
iler.tlio new Inw wonhl not Im fully
wnrkt'il nut until Hm eurly pnrt ol
Tim prehlilenl mnl M'erelury iiImi
HUkeil over Hm iiptinilinu of tint in
I'oiiin tux law. U wan hiiiil its rovi'iiim
ItM'I'fllH OXpvillioilH.
Mr. Jones' motlier from Miilfunl
hits hi en usitiu Inm for the pnsl
few ilnn.
Mr. Moor is trniisiieiinu Inisiuess
in Alpiriini nl pieseiil.
(he iiliiiuer hns hreii rniniiiiL' for
Hie piist week plninillK liiiuher lot
Home dew iwelill,'s,
To piiiitliers wi'le killeil Inst week
ill tint lull. nlme hen1.
Most of the people in low 11 lire
pliiiiliiiK shrnlis mnl flowers mnl nink.
iu Kiirileii.
Mr. Murphy, timlier i'inier, hie
pureliiiseil Hie Ketheilmiil properly
here in (own. Ili fnm ily lire expeet.
eil in 11 I'vw ilnyn.
MisH Miller, who teneliiM in the
Ml. I'itt ilistriet, eiiiiie ilowu Sntur
iluy. She is Inking musie lesMius
from Afiss V.. Slew art.
The Iowa iimlior eompiiiiy lias sohl
mil. This looks like liiisiinvss for
Hutlo Fulls nml incoiiiits fur the
iiimiy forest iniifeis ami timliur cmU
serx in this infinity,
Mr. (Hem-on anil fntlier nre spend
1 lie n few ilnys in Hie hills aliove
here fishing mnl enjoying cnuip life
in p'lii'rnl.
Mrn. Marker is home nniii nl'ler
mi extended visit with her mo'.her in
The Lailies Aid met last Weilue.
In v iiflerimoii with Mis. Ilniinurd.
One Morris mnl ('. II. I'eelor are
spending this week on Mr. I'eelolV
iiineli nliove here, Ketliuj; ready lor
the spring woik.
Hr. Hull was up fnnu Hurtle Point
last week triiiisneting some hu-iness
lor mi iiisiirmiee eomnauy.
Il is reported thai Mr. Train has
liouglit llio place where he now livest
.Mrs. ixee xisiieil reeeutly with her
ilunuhter, Mrs. W. K. Iliielimimi, of
hagh' I'oiul,
Mrs. (lnh mnl little ihiiigliter, Hel
en spent Sunday with friends line.
Mr. Wlieelr is up on Mr. Howard's
iniieli liuildum him 11 hmie.
IMTTKIll'lin, l..., Mnnli 18. The
will uf Hm lain (leiirgu Witstiiigliuusu,
iiivenlur uf Hm alilirake, wiih filed lor
prohntti hern Imlny. II leaven III pm
eent uf Hut onlire estate In llm widow,
Hm ii'iiiiiiiiiler going in a son. Tim
esliiln is wnilli nhoiit 15,11110,001),
Missouri Mob Lynches Neuro
J'AVKTTK, Mi.., Mmeli IH, -)llii"
KIiIcIiIm, ni'gi'u, wns lynihed 111 the
roiiilhniiKii yard ur shmilinu I nn
Mnhle Joseph Oniiifrt u dnilli uhlli'
li'lsIHK Mlli'Ml,
4. 4
Dr. and Mrs. Neddy went guests of
Colonel Minis Inst Sunday.
Mr. . W. Klilen mid Mis. King
dined with Mrs. mnl Miss Tuylor
Mr. ami Mrs. Householder of Knues
Creek werit in this ilistriet this week.
Merrit Hoaglmid and pint y of
Central Point young peopln motored
In Tiililw I too I; Siiiulny mid report a
jolly day.
Mr. mnl Mrs. P. M. Puhuer mnl
sou dined with Mrs. I), M. MeN'nsser
lust Siiiulny.
Mih. Clnreiiee l.ovein, Mih. Kiln
Heatou nml Miss May pavidson of
Ceiitrnl Point worn uniting Mi.
Hoiiglaiul thin week.
Mr. mid Mrs. Perkins mnl Mr. mid
Mrs. StoriiK eulled on friends in this
ilistriet Sunday.
Mrs. It. P. Dean mid family had
us llieir guests Hiiuduy afternoon
Mr. and Mr. Julius lliirkholc, Mr.
Heelin mid fuuiily, Mr. and Mis. Car
Ion uf Wons I, line and Miss Slanloy
uf Medl'ord.
J. W. Kiehai'ilsoii of Siinlu Piinlii.
( iilitoruia, hns heeu Hm guest of K.
T, N'eal mid family.
Mrs. J, II. King uf Itoekfoid, III.,
who has been visiting her daughter,
Mrs, It, Y. Klilen, for Hm past iVw
nmiitlis, left fur her Imam via Hm
nurlliiirii mute.
Miss Diirraii, who luu heeu uui's
ing Mis, II, M, Pmler through ty
phoid fever, let 111 ned to her home it.
Cent ml Point last Tuesday.
Mr. mnl Mrs, Hivutik, Mr, nml Mis
Hmllh and Mls. I'Imt HiiiIHi wort
liiudit meiiiheis uf Hie Willows KpriliK
gliiligi' Ins) Kiiliililny I'M'lilnu. Id'.
Iieshiiieiils wi'in sened mnl 11 sorlnl
it i'
Mr, Welch of AsIh".o was in
town 011 liiisiness Tuesday.
The poor old eowliell hns taken the
Iniek seat again mid wedding hells
and wedding cake. Oh, my!
Perry Cliapmau mid Ola Itodgeis
were Usitnrs in Medford Salurilay.
Cheer up, I'uele Kli, Hie worst i
et In eome.
Mr. Koherlsou, putehaser of the
(liiejither rmieli, has taken (Hisses,
sion and is getting ready for htisi.
hi lis rapidly as possible. W'el
eome, Mr. mid Mrs. Hill Cottrell of Hie
Meadows took 11 ilruvo of enlllo. to
Afrdfonl r ntly.
Miss llelle Jones uf Medford is
sliiying for a time with her brother
Will who resides 011 the Jasper Itod-
gors rmieli.
Tim Ituwleifji medieine mnii mado
his regular triii through this seeliou
the latter part uf last week.
Mr, nud Mrs. Tom Jours and fuui
ily were Medford visitor Saturday.
It doesn't reipiire much speed to
run in debt but it lakes endurance
lo gel out.
C. O. Itodgers made n trip to Med-
toiil iiiesilay.
The lleagle baseball team is got
Hug into action again mid will have
grounds near the Heugle pii-tofficc
this season. Praeiiee next Suiuliiv.
Sexerul ulteiuled Hie dauee ut
MoonvilJe Sutiiiiliiy niglit.
The Aiiliocli selmol is praelieiug
for 1111 entertainment to he gien the
lust duy of school, Friday, April :i.
Alter a mull lieeius to follow bis
own mhiee for a while he begins to
reuii!o why penult do not pay nny
al trillion to what be says.
A ernwd of Meadows people enine
over to leglsler Sntiirilny.
luile a ernwd gntliercd at Hie An
lioeb sebool lioiiM' Suiuliiv ami or-
gatiued a Siimlav seltool.
ttorn 011 iiie loiiron roml is pro-
ressuig jiuel. ami llu right of wav
nearly eleareil. This will miike ontt
of the tinest inounlaiii roads in the
enmity ami will be gieatly appreciat
ed hv the Meadows ami F.vaiis Creek
people. Yes, mid hv Ihe host of
fiiends of the Cottrells mid others
who hnu' shown true progressixeness
wen against all the ill-treatment
handed them by our county eiuitr,
Wilhile V Sou have one of tlio fin-
esi siuiwings o altalta wo vo seen in
many a ilay. .Wenil pieees of bol-
loin laud will he sown by others Ibis
season, somit Inning done so ulieadv.
llio litvo nf money is Hm founda
tion ol lu deul.
A craft uewsgatherer mid lover of
the long deal wit recently handed us
this bit of rhyme mid reason as an
antidote for hiildlicud-,: "Thoro'
frilly thousand single hniis on ev-ry
norinul bead, aeeordiiig to souut
seieuee nute Hint I soinowhore huvo
road. Hut I'm not suro that all 1
read is solemn gospel truth; in fact,
I think that statement is 11 gol-darn
lie, forsooth. If ex'ry iiormnl bond
enntuius oui'.half that hueh of hair,
Pin ruing to 1 also a ruction now, for
Itomu chuiii'i has my slinrc."
night nl Kiitiri'lhurst hcIiooI Ikhimc,
Kev. HimuioiiH in 11 notary public and
on WVdiii'jdhiy bo registered most of
the voters of this' neighborhood.
Nearly everyone in tho community
was watching tho eclipse of tho moon
Wednesday night,
Mrs. Louise Dm is visited TuoHihi)
and Wednesday at Mrs, Vaughn's.
Itoy K. Vaughn returned from
Medford Weiliii-sibi.v.
Frank' Ditswiirlh went lo Hie sta
tion at )cihy Tuesday, Inking Miss
Itoxc with him. She left on the train
for Ashland mnl Prank's sister, Mrs.
Carl Itiehardsoii and small sou, re
turned with him,
Kev, I.. .Simmons, Mjss ''"id
Peelor mid Mr. mid Mrs. II. D.
Illmichard took supper with Mr. mid
Mrs. Kincald Tuenlny night.
Mrs, James llcrrou was ipiiti! ill
for several days of last week. Kiiioaid is spending some
time with lior sister, Mis. Temple
Hrowu, and studying under Mr.
Drown for teacher's examination.
Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Iligginbotham
Jure uniting (bis week with their sou,
r.ihlic, nml vaiiiily.
J. F. Dilsworib is working nl the
MiwVr plant this week using his team,
lie got one of bis horses ipiitc brtdly
hurt in some way.
Frank Manning and familyy nud
Miss Colby sM-iit Fridav night at
Dert lligginbotbeam's.
S. S. Aiken of Prospect wont lo
Derby Saturday after supplies. Me
returned Sunday. His daughter
spent Hm timo of his absence, with
Miss Walker.
Mrs. Wnlkor and daughter, Miss
Winnie, nro spending several days in
tho vn I Ivy.
Mrs. A. J. Floroy of Kaglc Point is
visiting relatives at Flounce. Itoek.
Mrs. Curl Iticluirdsun mnl sou are
isitiug several' days at Cascade
Jack Vaughn icnt Sunday with
his brother, Nick, of Trail.
The W. C T. l met Saturday with
Mvsilames Peelor and lllaiiehard.
NKW YOltK, .March 18. Itepro
sentiug Hans Schmidt, sentenced to
die fur the murder of Anna Aumnl
ler, Attoniey C. J. McMiiuus filed no
tice today of an appenl in the New
Vork circuit court of appeals. This
action uutnmnticnlly acts as a stay
of execution. j not believed tho
court will bo able to reaeli the case
tor mouths. .Schmidts execution
was set for next week.
Many Men at Juneau
.U'NKAC, Alaska. Mnreb 18.-
Hart llano, general manager of the
Alaska (lastinoaii Mining company,
today issued a statement to tho ef
fect that the city should make it
known outside that it is oversupplicd
with labor. Thero nro from .100 to
800 men out of work in Juneau now,
bo said, and more arc coming in by
every steamer.
ST. LOt'IS, M.. Mwrch 18. Suf
fering fiom h iHsIochIoiJ joint in her
right fool, Aniia Pitvhifra, the Hns
slau dancer,' was corupitllcd today to
cancel her engagement luiru for this
Mine. Pavlowu was just finishing
her final number ut the Odeon last
night when one of Ihe smaller hone
of her foot slippul nut of ploe with
11 simp whieli the audience could
plainly near. 1 anting ihio, inc.
dancer sank into her rliirtncr'n firms
and was helped from the stage. Don
tors said tho joint would ho wenk lo
some lime,
Mnic, I 'a Iowa' foot arc iiiiircil
for . I OIl.DIJII.
WASIIINnTON, .Mnreb 18.-Dom-oeratie
leaders prodiclod this nftor
noon (bat the hoiio would not begin
consideration of the administration
trust bills before the middle of next
mouth. Tho trade commission bill is
the only measure on tho house cal
endar. Severn) other bills under con
sideration by house committees! will
not bo roiortod out for several weeks.
Mrs. Goclet Given Divorce
NKWTOUT, It. I., Mareh 18. .Mrs.
KUie Ooelet was granted n duorce
from Itobert Ooelet, millionaire, on
grounds of cruelty mid misconduct.
ImMnlly Clean Air I'niinccil You
Ureatho Freely, Nutty Ditcliares
Slops, Head Coldi and Dull Head,
ache, Vanlih.
Oct n Hiuntl Ixttttc nny way. Just to
try It Apply n lltiM In tho nostrils
nisi Instnully your clisgfl insi nud ulr pussnges of tho bend
will erstn: you will bronihe freely;
dullii'iiH ami luntilntlic illsnt'iionr. Ily
morning 1 tlio cntnrrli, oiiil-lii-liortii
or ntlsrrhsl snre tlinsit tvlll Is?gnaf.
Ivt ih'j mliH'ry now! Oct tho
'Iua'J IkiIH" of 'TVs Crcsm Itnl-u"
at nny ilt";r 'o-. T' ' .
of the noilrIN; ponrlrntos and bonis
the lulliiiueil, awullru laotahrnui)
wlileli lines tho nose, bend nml
throat ; clours tho nlr imsmiirrs; stops
iimity illschnrges nml 11 feeling of
cleaiwlng, soothing relief comcu list
iuillnlcly Don't lay nwnko tonight trus
gllng for hrcatli, Willi henil Muffed:
1 ostrlls c'isitil, linwklng nml blowing.
Catarrh ir n cold, with Its runuliw
nose, foul iniirous ilroitii!g. Into tho
throat, ntul raw ilrynecs In Ulstrwa
Itg hut trti'y necdlei'ii.
Put your faith Just once In
"!''' (nam I'.nlii" anil vimr colli
froKr.1'11 ltilii di lcs 1 H10 lioni 1 tr ciitnrr'i will surely itlfnHK?nr.
200 Hugh Dickson, large, fine, 2
years old, will bloom this summer,
and a nit.'c lot of other varieties,
such as Caroline Tcstout, Dean
Hole, William Shcanc, Fran Karl
Druschki, Ulrieh Bruner, J. 13.
Clark, J. L. oek.
Will Sell All of the Above at 15c Each
While They Last
Some fine Climbing Hoses at the
same price.
H. B. Patterson
Quaker Nurseryman
Nursery, 101 S. JFir Street.
Phone 752-.T
Ontario, Cat., Fire Over
ONTAUIO. tal.. Aln rob IS. For
est files in tho mtumttiiiis north if
hero mo under control today mid
scores of tiielightors are retiming
In their homes. Hangers still me pa
trolling Hie canyons.
Lima, Peru, Mob Ridden
LIMA. Peru, March 18. A mub at
tacked the residence of Vice-President
l.egiiie, who wants to succeed
ox-President llillingburst, mid tho
police firing wounded nianv person
I'llllg HUH l'IIJUCl l) pii'fi'iil,
Zat Im meat and take Salt for Back
ache or Bladder trouble
Neutralise acid.
I. H. lliggioholhnm received tho
sad news Kriibiy of the death uf his
brother, William, whieli occurred Hint
morning at Medl'oid. Mr, lliggiu
bulluiiu's mother also died very re
cenlly. lie again has our sympathy.
.Mr. Paulii caimt up on the stage
.Monday In resume his wmk nl Hie
' owor plant.
Mr. mid .Mia. T. M. IVelnr look u
ili'iiiirit dip mor Pluiiiico Itoek IV).
duy mnl called on Mr. mnl Mis.
I.enU in iiuilo.
Kev Ii. ,, riimuiuiih uf Pagle Puint
t'linm up- Tiii'diiy mtd uri'iiclifil Hint
Urla acid In meat cxcltci tho kblnrys,
they bcconiA overworked ; gt aluggiih,
ache, anil fivl like lumps of lead. Tho
urine becomes cloud yj tho bladder is Irri
tated, and you may bo obligvd to tetk re
lief two or three times during tho night.
When tlio khlacya clog you must help
them flush on tho body's urinous waste
or you'll bo a real sick person shortly.
At first you feel a dull misery In tho kid
ney region, you sulTcr from backache,
sick headache, dizziness, stomach gets
sour, tongue coated and you feel rheu
matic twinges when tho weather is bad,
Kat less meat, drink lots of water)
also get from any pharmacist four ouncea
of Jad Salts) take a tablespuonful
in a glass of water before breakfast
for a few days and your kidneys will
then act flue. This famous sails is made
from the sold of grupes and lemon juice,
combined with llthia, uiul has been used
for generations to clean clogged kidneys
and stimulate them to normal activity,
also to neutrallro the acids In uriiss so
It no longer Is a source of Irritation,
thus ending bladder weakness,
Jad Halls Is Inexpensive, cannot In
lure) makes a delightful effervescent
lltld'Vtcr drink wbirh ever) one should
take now and thru to keen the kidneys
rlraii anJ active. Druggists here say
Hot tell lots of Jad Nails lo folks who
tillers In overcoming kidney trouble
while It I only WuubU, I
Five of America's foremost
cooking authorities have writ
ten a practical and money
saving book of recipes, in
which the shortening or cook
ing fat recommended is
You know all of these women by
reputatien: Marion Harland, Mrs.
Sarah Tyson Rorer, Mrs. Helen
Armstrong, Mrs. Mary J. Lincoln,
and Lida Ames Willis.
All five of these famous women en
dorse and recommend Cottolenc.
Their recipes are practical for every
day use and insure economical,
wholesome and appetizing food.
Cottolene goes a third farther than
any other short
ening or cooking
fat, while tho re
sults are always
uniform and
Send for the Free
Recipe Book of
tho five famous
women today.
Hupmobile History
fl ycSXTnSk v
The Return of
Blood Eruptions
No Reason Why Anyone Should Suffer
Such Disheartening Experience.
(Continued from yesterday)
Tho lonK-stroke "32" model In
troduced two years ago was tho re
sult of three seasons of success with
the smaller "20." which had brought
forth a distinct demand for a bettor
and stronger car, et one that would
hold its place In tho low-priced class.
It was a type so radical that It at
tracted tho attention of engineers
the world over.
Nevertheless, Its advanced and dis
tinctly different Ideals of engineer
ing have stood tho test of scientific
and popular approval for two sea
sons without a basic change In principle.
In this connection It Is Interest
ing to quote from tho July Srd Issue
of tho "Automobile." ono of tho
motor authorities In tho Industry.
In this number n forecast of the
Paris Show shows that a number of
llupmobllo practices bavo become
standard for the majority of new l.'u-
ropeau models.
Wo can only clto hero briefly tho
mention of mechanical features that
predominate so that you can see
how closely llupmobllo features
havo been paralleled:
"The long stroko movement Is on
the Incrcaso," writes the Paris cor
respondent. "Two years ago a motor
of SO by 1SS0 millimeters (3.1 by
7. OS Inches) was looked upon as a
racing type. For 1914 there will bo
a considerable number of motors of
170, 175 and ISO millimeter stroke.
"Tho typical motor Is an I.-typo
In a single casting for very largo
sizes, and with integral Intake mani
fold, the carburetor being bolted
closo up to tho cylinders. Integral
ohaust manifolds aro commonly met
with, for general deslro Is to got n
clean-cut an appcaranco as possible
Two-bearing crank shafts aro going
out of use except for very small
(To bo continued,)
Our ivjKilr simp Is second to none. K. X. Itiince, Into foreman of tlio
Ini-geM repair shop on the coast. Is our master mechanic.
Wo hell tlre, tiilies, oils anil gasoline.
Agents fur tlio lluiutmbllo nml Caililluc cars.
Curs vwtslietl uiul polished ility or night.
1'ivo nlr compressor In front.
Crater Lake Motor Car Co,
P Ba flH ''.aVBBBBBE
Vo rase of polioned blood Is ever eureil
until ths last il.-tlruotlti evnu has frovn
eliminated from tho sjtli'ui, Ami tho only
riimily that U asaliullatitl In the tUiut'S
and ntlmulatra cellular illlty to mer
ttiuie liarmful eeruia Is the famous bluotl
iiipIH.. u it
Tlio tkln Is Imt a fluo network nf tiny I
moon tivM'it, sun iu im'ine action or
H. K. H. Is iltclartl ly eminent autliorltlra
to be a prnnuunrril stlmulatlou of tbv activ
ity n( tltrati cvll.
Tho rraon for this Is In the peculiar
artlou of H. H. M, wlileli rualili-a tlio cfll
In the skin to srleci from I lie tilmi.t Uiu
nutriment It risUlrr for n-Kriwratloii,
Net uulv Hits, hut If from tlio prearnro
of some illilurliliik' poltou Ihrre Is a local
or inuvral.luterferi'iu'ti uf nutrition to caimi
bolls, earbuuclrs, atrrti'S ami klduy
trouble, H. H, H. so illrfii tin livcal rrll
Ibst tlir hioii Is rrjcitcil soil stluilualeil
from lln'lr presrnre.
TbU fact bss Ueii oVinonilrstril year In
anil jresr nut In a Mnuilrrful mimtwr uf
ism's uf wvrro tkln crupiluu that bail
itiiiiiI tu iii lururahli'.
Vi.ti ism utilslu H. H. H st stiy well
il'irtnl ilriiK store. If run liulil uiou It,
ihii iw ur jiiip sr uui tsiteu iuio soui
lllliiS Jl tfiuill
H, H H. Is iitri.arr.l by llm Hwllt HpnlAe
Co air, Kwiri iliiu, Alisiui, lis '
., Wells' Ut thvlr lllusliaud Ittvli vu sklu
ssaayssBBjiasssBSBSBSBssaa?' "' " ' ' ' ' t V nm
. rf - j M TT "T tW
' Ban
. 1
K v.&sj I US. 0M
. , :,C' ' iiv was.
LVeit AS all &
" - i 1-1 - M n " ' i i. "' . A
great giftis
:eav tp
KJ 4 .
ma f&Mtstikat
W. J. Vn Sclniyver & Co., Gvntrtl AMlt
rortmnu, Ottgou