Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 18, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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P. U. Orr went, to Grant Pass Tues
ilny to attend to business matters.
A flnnl decision In the divorce cnie
or the Minders llvlnc tn ttrlffln creek
Is expected this week, Judge Cnlkla
having returned from Portland, and
will speedily clean up all routine mat'
turn heforo the court.
4fic buys two pounds of creamerv
butter. Gtic buys two pounds Mo I
ford creamery butter delivered from
tho creamery to any part of tho city.
1'hone 2S1. V. L. Chappell.
George Parroll of Hutte Kails is
In the city today on business.
P. V. Carnnlinn has returned from
a short visit with friends at Kagl"
Let us give you prices boforo hav
ing cleaning done, Pantorlum.
Henry Callaghan expects to lenve
tho first of the month for the Htue
Iedge mlno to begin his spring and
nummcr operations on his mining
Orders taken for all kinds of vge
tablo plants, any quantity. Kurly
cabbage plants now ready. Port
land nrcnuo Greenhouse. Phono
S7-R. 330
D. K, Johnson of Eureka. Cal.. Is
spending a few days In the valley at
teudlng to business matters. .
Harry Treat was a business visitor
in Grants Pass the first of the week
Why not let people who know how
do your work? Pantorlum.
Alva Walker and 1)11 Coleman made
business trips to Phoenix and Talent
Tuesday afternoon.
Porcst Supervisor M. L. Krlckson
hag returned from a tour of inspec
tion of forest stations In this dis
trict. House cleaning mado easy. Rent
a vacuum cleaner from tho Southern
Oregon Klectrlc company, Jl.r.O per
day. No. G, South Central, phono
Mrs. Vcrn Van Dyke of Talent Is
visiting friends In this city for a few
Charles Ommann of Portland, Is
spending a fow days in tho city at
tending to business matters.
Mrs. E. M. Wilson docs first class
kodak finishing at 210 Laurel S.
Prank Thomas of Derby is In the
city for a few days visiting friends
and attending to business matters.
Earl Ulrlelt and Lee Sutton aro
.down from their stock ranch on
Union creek for a few-days, and are
making preparations for tho spring
Carkln & Taylor, lawyers. (John
II. Carkin, Glenn O. Taylor), Has-klns-noydon
Dldg., Main street.
The children of the Iloosevclt
school have started a money saving
club, and about 30 aro now depositors
in banks. Tho Idea Is one of Prof.
Mrs. Grace Ebhart of Tloscburg Is
spending a few days in the city vis
iting friends and relatives.
Seo Tumy for fire insurance. "
W. C. Dobley was a business visi
tor in Grants Pass Tuesday for a
few hours.
E. n. Long of Redding. Cal., Is
spending a fow days in Medford on
business matters.
Milk and cream at DeVoo's.
H. G. Jones of Salem attended to
business matters in Medford tho first
of the week.
A. L. Gall, superintendent of tho
KIsor orchard near Jacksonville is
transacting business in Medford.
Fresh limo. Medford Lbr. Co.
Robert G. Smith, former mayor '(
Grants Pass, mado a business trip to
Medford Tuesday.
Mel Pearco arrived Tuesday from
Josephine county, whore he U en
gaged in mining. Ho will visit his
parents, who llvo on Poorntan's
Screen doors at Medford Lum
ber Co.
Mrs. H. Griffith of Walla Walla,
who Is a native ,of Antelope. Is vis
iting Mrs, James Stevens, Mrs. Allen
and other rosldonts living in Med
Albert Yocum, who has been vis
iting in tills Hoctlou, has returned to
Douglas county, of which he Is now
n resident.
Tumy writes bettor flro insurance."
Mrs. John V, White Is expected io
arrivo from Uerkoley, Cal., this weok
Mrs. White returned to Medford a
short time ago.
Henry Helms camo down from his
Harrou ranch Tuesday for a short1
fltay in Medford.
Model Itakery goods at Do Voes.
iiuipn Tiiejior and E, Mills of
Lulio creok precinct are transacting
business In Medford.
Arthur Furry, Mac Anderson and
Robert Smith of Phoenix mado a trip
to Medford today.
t' ' , I 1-H.I.H.W.w.m ,
Weeks & McGowan Co.
liif Altniu
Dy PJiob UK7
Nl(cht V. W, U'eekK tttt-JJ
Vlmut A, K. Orr W7N-M
Dr. J. W. Robinson was down from
Jacksonville thU morning.
I.. 11. Caster of lllg Unite spent
several hours In Medford Tuesday.
Kcracmbor Tumy writes flro Insur
ance. E. 11. and M. P. Hnnloy were busi
ness vlslors In Medford yesterday.
Home of Knbo and La Grerquo
Corsets the now spring models are
here. Ahrens.
11. H. S. Donaldson-Selby, a for
mer resident of this section, Is vis
iting In Medford. He Is connected
with the P. S. forest service In Yose
mite valley, Cal.
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives mado any time or
place by appointment. Phono M
S. W. McClendon of Gold Hill and
Mr. Hudson of Itosebttrg spent Tues
day nfteruoon In Medford.
Kodak finishing, glossy or dull fin
ish at J. 0. Gcrking's studio, 22S E.
Main St. Phono 3 20-.
John Peter, formerly of Hotel Me J
Tord bnrber shop, ban purchased a
tonsorlal cMivbllithment from Hay
Hunch, who has removed to Medford
with his family
Not only the largest showing of
millinery but the snappiest and most
reasonably priced. Ahrens.
1), H. Jackson made a business trip
to Ashland Tuesday,
J. O. Gerktng, tho best all around
photographer iu southern Oregon..
Atays reliable Negatives mado any
whore, timo or place. Studio 228
Main St. Phono 320-J.
Mr. and Mrs. Flagg arrived from
Coos Ray Tuesday and may locate In
Roguo river valley.
Seo the new Ualmncoan coats at
C P. Jacoby, postmaster of Tolo.
Is a business visitor In Medford.
Kclster ladles' tailoring college St.
Mark's block. Pull course 40 days
Ing including drafting $25. Forty
sowing Including drafilng'$2S. Forty
Ing course, $15. tt
A. C Hough of Grants Pass wm
hero on professional business Tues
day. Many beautiful new styles In tail
ored suits and coats, arc Just In by
cxpress. Ahrens.
William Mansfield of Tolo tarried
a few hours in Medford Tuesday.
D. R. Reames repairs sewing ma
chines, residence North Oakdalc.
E. Conger of Jacksonville spent
Wednesday In Medford.
It. . llradshaw of llrownsboro Is a
Medford visitor.
John Matney and his family were
over from Applegate Tuesday.
The street car of the Southern
Oregon Traction company was taken
from the flat car and will be put on
the tracks this afternoon, and be In
oporatlon by Saturday. Tho crew
has been selected, tho wires are all
strung and tho running schedule In
course of arrangement. C. G. Hul
lis will leave this afternoon for New
York on a ten day's trip to attend
to important business matters.
. F. Meador, for many years fore
man of tho Suncrest orchards, has
'becomo affiliated with the Page-
'Dressier Real Estnto company, and
will take an active part in tho man
agement of the firm. Mr. Meador
is well known throughout tho valley,
and thoroughly conversant with or
chard and land conditions and values.
W. F. Andrew, logging engineer or
tho forestry service with headquart
ers In Portland Is In tho city for a
few days.
John, former district at
torney of Multnomah county, who
seeks tlu ileiiioeriitic nomination for
"ovenior, hiMint WediHcdav iu Med
ford hluilsiiix humU with voter and
petting iic(iiiiintcl.
"I urn fjuito confident of my nom
ination," slated Mr. Miumiug. "J will
carry Afiiltnoiuuli, Washington, C'lnt-
soj) and several other comities by
largo pluruliiies. Some ,'l."i00 I'ort-
laud women l.ave si'-neil a plcdt'c iim.
porting; me .mil many fuctom are at
woik in my liuliulf. My 'hacl; to tlie
soil' plank lain foiunl much commeii
dntion. I expect the democratic can
didate to he elected and coat ideally
expect to bo the next governor."
Mr. .M limn. ' was introduced to n
cul democrat-, bv .Indue Ciiiiki. ib
leit thin afteinooii tor
SALEM, Ore., Mar. IS. Physical
connection betweou tho lines of the
Home Telephonu company and tho
Kautoin Oregon Co-operntho Tolo
I'lioiio aubodatluu at Elgin, Hummer-
vlllt uud Cove, was ordered loduy b
tho state railroad (.ommlsslou us
the rcHiilt of tomplalnl riled by tho
Home company ugulnst tlio uhkocIu
tloii Tho compuiifes iuo given au
du) III whiih to Install the coiinec
CKOU'X lllMSia.F
T ,"'Mt
ft.1 tmnltl ' '.It M M ' noiO '
wi i hikf-v' .twin " Air" ain"P .S""i
UK i n- viirTo : jw.-ja-v t'Miir A.-mt
lit7 " tX
Prince I.MJ Vns.u. successor to Kuipeivr Meuellk, ptcparlm: to crown
himself Emperor of Abyssinia, but the time or the cetviuuiiktl tins nut ,wt
been made public.
On February 4 I.MJ Ynssu celebrated hl eighteenth hlrtlidiy with n fesst.
Of the feast the Ethiopian Courier, published Hi AOdlx A helm In I'reuch. mild:
"Prince I.MJ Yaxsn. the uo enr of the Umixpror Meneiik, sie reception
on the occaolou of the clchtcctith imn Tr.v of IiIk blrtii ,-it ddls AIh-Im oc
February 4 to the diplomatic nnd eot'siu'ar , i;s a. vnMlte I to ltxlul.i Tbf
ivpriwiitntlveij of EuruiN-.m Puners w re fuvt tr.-i'leil t d thet Hie ehlet
AbysInlnu dlnlt.irli' and iroiiiiticiit Lun pe.ui. Iniliuii nnd A'llu.ui rcildeuiM
The tranquillity of local police
conditions wcro disturbed Tuesday
night by a fight, a profane I. W. W ,
and two theatrical deer, who scared
n month's growth out of Sergeant Pat
The fight was tho result of an ar
gument between two wanderers and
resulted Iu ono being knocked down,
and both being ordered to leave
town. An I. W. W. riding through
on u freight consigned tho govern
'ment, the nation, and Southern Orv
on In particular to Inferno, but "being
on a moving train he was not de
tained. Sorgeant Mego In pussy footing
down the alley back of the Caruett-
Corey building, smnlled nn attempted
suicide In an old woodshed. Noises
peculiar to mystery and death were
coming from tho building, nnd Ser
geant Mego Investigating to find tho
two deer contentedly scratching
themselves, Tho police official an
nounced that Immediately afterwards
he could have been purchased out
right for a nickel.
OF CITY ones
Itoutlno business transacted by tho
city council Tuesday night ombrnred
the following wide range of aubjents:
An ordinance passed prohibiting
smoking In tho council chamber.
Lincoln McCormack appointed to
take tho place of P. J. O'Gara on th
public library board.
Resolution drafted favoring the
construction of a harbor at Crescent
Tho Hart hog experiment station
in tho city limits prohibited.
E. M. Wilson engaged to expert tho
city bookH for approximately J3r,0.
Appropriation to send man to
Washington to lobby for Crettcont
City harbor withdrawn.
Mr. Turpln'a request for a phono
connection with city lluu not grunted.
No action taken regarding mil
mice nt Orango and Eighth streets.
"2."0 Watt" lights provided at
Sacred Heart hospital corner and
Fourth and Central, If successful
inoro will be Installed.
T, W. Miles appointed n commltlco
of ono to Investigate recommenda
tions mado by bourd of underwriters
regarding flro ordinances nnd pro
tection. Repaint to building on North Front
near Fifth allowed provided tho same
are rireproof In construction,
Vote or tbnnkf to Harry Ling for
Hcrvlccti us nsslstnut flro chief.
Ordinance read preventing tho
moving of buildings without a permit
from council. Also bond required
from owner of building being moved
against all damuges. Referred for
further consideration.
Made In Mcdronl.
Kmoku Mt, Pitt uud Governor
Johnson cigars, they ore homo muilo
and flmt cluss.
With Medford iruOou Medford tasfla
Mix. Mollie II. duly (nee Morn
man) was granted u divorce in the
circuit court tlii- morning by Judge
Calkins from Cop Only, nt rc-cut in
Long lleueli, tall.'atul t-iven buck Jier
maiden mime. 'The charge iimii
which the notion wt taken was nl
lejceii ilc-erlum. the iilniutitl wiik
the only witues(.
Three other divorcer of iiiiluipily
mnrncii couplets tour for Ihe dnv
were grautcil, n new record for Jnck
nuii county.
A MiMiii of oratory flowed
last night at the council meeting on
the delectable -liliject : ".Should or
should not a chicken be subjected to
hara-kiri bctore liciny sold to local
coiiPiimer-J Three coiincilintu vol
ci they should nnd three voted they
should not, and Mn or I'urdiu broke
the tic by votiiiL' they should not.
Therefore Medford will have to inarch
nloiii; subject to fifty-seven ailment
Councilman .Midyiiiki said nrn.c from
nn iiudrawii chicken.
Mes-i-. K. K. (lore nnd Wig Ash
pole were on iln ground to defend
the iiudrawii chicken. A number at
tended under tho impression .Mr. Ash
pole wiiH going to make a speech. He
did not. All he did was applaud ev
ery cutting point of his colleague in
the meat biisiau.n, Mr. (lore, who
hog-tied any number of arguments.
The dicu-nn settled every prob
lem hearing on a chicken, except the
old, old one, "Why ioc a hen cm
the street J"'
The signing of the contract be
tween the I'oillainl-Heaver Cement
eoiapany uud the county court for ce
ment to he iixcd on the Central Point
road is being perfoimcd this after-
noon, .Major I'owihy icprcsoulH the
state highway commission, . I.
Vawier and .1. C. Ilurch the cciucut
company, and I ho county couit and
A. K. Keamcs, Jucksou comity. The
contract become effective at once.
The cement plum nl Hold Hill is Hear
ing completion and will be icady lor
operation by April 1.
Notice Is hereby given that tha
Medford llrlck company, composed of
J. V. Prlildy. (Jeorgo T. O'llrlen uud
O. D. Nugle, doing busliiesH us n co
partnership, has been dissolved by
mutual consent. 308
I'Olt IIKNT HousekeopliiK rooim
fliriiUhinl, inoderii, lluhu ami wat
er mi per week I Hi H
J'OJI HAIM I -fun mill orrica" duslt
mid i hair llox n. rate .Mull Trl
liiiliii office ji)i
The bulueK men of Medl'mJ ate
aftei' a cniuicry,' Kibm pivcnl, Indi
cations, one seenis nssuK'd iUu will
prolmbly be twidy to opertto tlniiiiK
this season.
A committee or the' Coiuineielu)
cluli, consisting of licit Anilcrxon,
Hen Jyheldon and .1. A. Pern,
appointed two weel atio to consider
all the proposals 'coming to Ihe nltcn
lion of the club. Tlmt co'mniittee has
been co-operating with n similar one
fiom the .Merchants' association, and
thev have aroused considerable en
thusiasm for the piompt esnliibing
of such nn iuditstr heie.
The Hogueluuilx company, through
the nature of their laud holdiiiK and
the needs of the puichuscr of tmet,
are iiecessarilv dcepU interested iu
the starting of ibis nhtut, and aie be
hind the mow. Such an industry, if
run on a good scale, will menu a tirst
class pay toll, uud that mokes the
move of (.pvcinl iiopeat to the busi
ness men and bunker- of the city.
A move to establish a caiiucty at
Central Point, with It. I. Hoke, nn
experienced processcr and cauner
mauuger, uud the KoguclamU com
pany, behind it has come to the com
mitlce for consideration, with the mi
dcrtutidiiig it should he located here
A move to bring the Unit ley ciimicr.N.
now nt Talent, to this city is rccciv
ing imoruhlp attention. It came to
the knowledge of on o the local
committee thai nn expert sent fiom
California to icmrt on the cniuiing
situation in this alley, couiphmciilul
the Talent concern highly in tnen
partii'iilar save labor supply, and re
potted that the industry should hac
a brivibt future here if that situation
could be sntjsfactorilv bundled.
The new eight-hour day law makes
this feature of eeii more importance
than heretofore. As the cunning sea
son is short, Ihe work must be done
under high pressure if n it output en
abling marketing economically is to be
produced. Ileuce the importance ol
ample labor supply near at hand. In
California the canneries bring fruit
us much ns 'J." 1 1 mill", to a cannery
situated in the large ciliot on nc
count of the importance of labor con
siderutioiis. The local (ommittee, mi its own in
itiative, has taken up with Mr. Dag-
ley the ipiestion of moving his plant
to Mrdtord, nnd bus assurances ot n
proposition looking to that end being
made by the Talent eiunniiiy within
the next few days.
In favor of this proposition, it is
contended the city can secure a plwnt
with u paid-in capital of .ir0,(H) and
with an output of about ''0,IIIMI cans
u day, ami a good-sired payroll, with
the same amount of work and sup
port that would be itivohed in start
ing u .f 700(1 or $811(10 concern if new
ly organized. Furthermore, the mar
keting organization and line reputa
tion of the llugley 'output is n tang
ible asset of considerable value, some
thing u new concern must build up.
On the other hand, members of the
committee feci that there is room for
several canneries iu the valley, ami
that if a new one could be storied
nnd made a success heie the Talent
cannery could continue to In ing a
considerable amount annually to the
valley's balance of trade.
Hal the importance of a good can
nery for this community is great, nnd
to the cotiniunmutioii of that end, the
committee is working hard and urge
the support of the city' business
Look! l-ook!
Smoke Governor JoIiiihoii clgnrs,
they'ro mado In Medford, you'll like
With Medford trade In taatUnrl made
Hjomcl Hives iiiNlaui. Keller
If Hiiffcrlng from n cold or catarr.i
canning dull lioiulnrhoH or an Itclilii-c
and burning sensation In tho uoxtrllH,
surely try Homel. It gives iiuhv,
tifftiutlvo ami permanent relief or
money refunded by CIiuh. Ktrhug. It
goen right to tho spot-you reel but
ter Iu five mluiitoH.
No roundabout method of Htoiuaeli
dOHlug with Hyoiiiol ou breathe It,
TIiIh heallh-glvlug inedlcallou goes
dliectly to tho lurlamed membraiio,
all Irritation and lougimtlou Is ipilck
ly relloved, tho delicate thoutui
heuled and vitalized.
Hyoiuel should bo Iu every Iioiih'j
hold. DrugglHlM overywhoru sell ,t.
Ask ror tho complete outfit .oo
ItllK anil (Jtll'pH, Clwillillg
mid Wph villi,'
Hindi' :,: u
In older Io cticoiinige Hie mowing
lif beans in the Itogue River valley,
tile Houlhciu I'ueiTio has icdueeil Ihe
rule fioiu UK rents per 10(1 pounds on
t'livlnad ipiiuitilies to :i." cent per 100
pumls, 'I'd i will tumble (ha local
giifiver Io place his product In Hie
IVilluml uud eastern murlmt,
The rate is the lestilt of iu nppli
cation umdc ty tin slate niitioad
commission bv (V S. I.eho of the Meil
lord Warehouse company. At a hear
ing held iu Medford it wan sIiuko
that Itogne Itiver alley Iicmum aie
eipml to nay grown, and that theie is
a good market lor them. Ilefore.
however, the commission made a ml
tug on the ma Iter, Heueral Freight
Agent lliiifdiuw made n vdiintnr) te
duelioii to the rctpietei lljittt .
Approximately sixteen ear of
beans weic shipped out of the vnllc)
the past year. It is expected tlmt
this will be ineicii-ed Io fifty ears
tins Mir uud tlmt crii!tmll seetal
liuildted cais will he hiipcd out
With Medford trsite 1 Metlford umde
Time "Pi.nV Illiis'isii1" In I'Ut
.Mlnulis all SMirioss, (in., Heart
lint ll and ljS"psi Is (,'olie
Sour, gassy, upMct stomach, ludi
geNtlou. heartburn. dsteHtla, when
Ihe food you eat fcnnmiU Into gio t
and stubborn lumps, our bend
alios and ou feet nick and miner
able, that's wfmn )ou roollio the
magle Iu Pape's Dlapepslu. It make
all Hlomarh inlnery vhiiIhIi Iu flo
H )oiir Htomnch Is In n routluiuniH
revolt If you can't get ll regulated,
pleaKe, ror your sake, try Pape's
Dlapepsltl. It's so needier to have
a bad stomach- make )oiir licit
meal a favorite rood local, then take
n tittle lliiniisln. There will not
be any dlnlress eat without rear.
It's becnuse Papu's Dlnpetmla "roAllv
doeii" regulato weak, out-of.ordur
HtomurliH that gives It Ita millions of
Miles a ii anally.
Hot a largo firtyceiit case ir
Papo's Dlape)sln from any drug
more. It Is tho tiilekit. suros!
stomach roller nnd euro known. It
arts alnuiHt llko magla It Is a
scientific, harmless and pleammt
stomach preparation which truly he
Ioiik In every home
Automobile Tires
At Factory Prices
K.W'i: I'ltOM ill! TO till PCIt CI'.NT
Tire Tube llellner
2 s x :t .. i 7.:mi it i;r, t.:t:,
nox.'i 7.&o i. or, i io
:nix:ti'j . . l'.so t.iin
.12X.114 n.yo 2 ur, 2 no
:iix:i'4 12.10 :t.on 2 or.
32xi 1 a. to n.ur, 2.10
3xi 1 i.hi) a.r.o 2 f
:iixi ir. so n.fiu I'.no
:nixt ::.!mi
:ir,xivi nun, s.r.
:nixi'.i . i'sr. 1. tin :t no
itxih -i.r.o r.iu :t 70
:i7xri . . . 2 !.!() n.iio 1.20
Al other sizes Iu Htock. .VouSkld
tires l!i ur cent nddltloual, red lubci
ten per cent above gray. All new
clean, fiesli, guaranteed Hies. Dent
standard ami Independent makes
lluy direct from tic ami Have inonc,
Klve per cent discount U payment In
full acompaulcH eacli order. C. O.
D, on 10 per cent deposit,
Tllti: P.CTOItll'.S SAI.HH Cl.
Ilcpl. A llaou, Ohio
A team run pull as big a load with
It iih any other hnrucnH ami cannot
Injure tho trees while plowing,
Call II. (J. DO.N'NHV, PI10110 HIIH-M.
Poland China
Hwlue. Two boar pigs that will
soon ho ready for service, Have
blood fiom tho best Htock In (he
northwest. Call ami ncu thoiii.
Phono Central Point,
Wilhite & Sons
rbiliiN Valley, O10,
Look Mother! If Tongue Is Coated,
Clcanso J, Idle Dowels With "Coll.
foi tila Sjrup of Pigs"
Children love this "fruit liixutlvo,"
and nothing else elonimoH tho tender
stomach, liver and how-clx so ulcol).
A child simply will not stop pln.
Ing to empty the bowels, ami the re
sult Is, the) beeume tlghtl) cIokkoiI
With waste, liver tjels nlllKllnti, om
aeh sours, llieu .votir llltle one be
eon i cm cross. Iialf-slel,, foverlna,
don't eat, sleep or act n.atuialh,
breiith Is bad, hvhciii full or cold, ha
sore thioiM. htoiuaeli. (telle or ill hit
hoea. LUten, mother! Heo If
tonne In coaled, then kIvo ii tOHHioou
rul of 't'allfotnla 8)rtii of f'lK."
and Iu a few hours all the coiintl
pnteit waste, miu r bile ami mull
Mcstod rood pultun nut ot the nystom
ami )(iu have n well, playful child
Millions of iiioihcri. give "Callfor
ula Hjrnp or FIks." Iienaune H I pxi
recti) harinlesM. ehlblreii luvc ll, and
It never rails In act on the moiiiat h,
liver ami bowels
Ask )our dniKKlst ror a Bd-rent
bottle or "('nllloriiln Hyrup of I'Ik.''
which has lull itlrcctlous for bubbs.
ihlblreu or all ages nnd for grown
ups plainly printed on the bottle
tiet (he genuine, made bv 'California
Pig M)iiip Coinpnnv " Itefiue am
other kind with contempt
Expert Corsotioro
;W(! North Hnillott.
Phono ;'(i:t M.
is still nt the old stand next door
to tho l'lmt National Hank, upstaln.
And Prevent Disease
lly scientific vapor baths,
massage, need 1 0 spray or
shower baths. Costs no
more thnti Turkish bath,
but more pleasant nml
Separate npiirliociit for
ladles Willi latly altcinl.
Dr. R. J. Lockwood
i:o:i.UO(l (laruclt.Corey
llldg., Phono n CI
To the Milk Consumers
of Medford
Why not buy your milk nnd cream
from the dairy that hni tho blgheil
scoro of any dairy in Modfoi;dT
Wo soil milk Just as cheap as tho
lowest scored dairies and guarantee
It to be pure, clean mid rich of butter
Wo innko
a specialty of milk for
(llvo un a trial and you will always
bo our customer.
Wo mnko two dollvorlea dally.
J. W. Holder
Phono lid I. JII
Konontly, remudolod alpl uulnrgod,
added new camuriiH uud apparatus
and Iu now strictly up-to-dnto In
every way,
Coiiimcilnil Work of all Klnibt
Including copylim and enlarging of
pictures, legal domnaoiit,H, otc Urn
liildo enlaiitliiK, any iilxu, uud kodiik
fliilshliig of every kind,
Professional mid iimiitiior photo
liruphln HiipplliiM,
1 1, M, IIiiioiom AsMiilalcil Vli Me,
llliop uMir lulu Thculur, I'liimo 117 J