Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 18, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    1Z!on NMttfhti
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Medford Mail Tribune
J'nlr (onlKtit nml Tlnc4y.
rorljr-lhlril Ttr.
Dnllr KlKhlll rr
1 . i i I'
NO. nor.
Eliminate Discrimination In Favor of
Portland Snn Francisco Rate to
Do Sum of San Francisco-Portland
nml Portlnntl-Medfool Rate.
Exlitlnu Rate Is Six Cents Per Hun
dreilwrliiht More than the Sum of
(lie Two Rates Aid Local Jobbers.
freight ruin discrimination In
fimir or Portland, ngnlnul Knit I'rnit
ilmit. U to abolished, m-cordlng let
word received from llio lutcrstnio
Cnmincren Coiiiinlimloii. K will liu
no longer ueceimnry to ship jiiorrhnn
dlmt fniiii Hnn l-'rniirlsrn through
.Medford lo Portland nnd bnck ngnlu
to .Mcdmrd, In order lo secure n
lower rnte, n In nceeiisiiry nt III-"
pricut tlmt'.
Tin Southern IMrWIe, follow III);
limtrni IIimii from Hut I. C. C linvo In
ptoicmi of Itmiiit tnrlff l!2 II provld
lug n rnlo from Han I'rnnrluro 1 i
.lnilfonl to lt Hut sum of tint rati
from Kim I'riim Imn to Portland nml
the rnio from Portland to Medford
Tint result of Hut new tariff will
tn to cnnliltt lint local .werchnnts to
urclmso In Hun I'rnucluro wllli It
larger nmrkeln nml cheaper prli''
nml itclro Hut existing dlKcrlmnn
Hon In fuvor of Hut Portland Jobber.
Tim new tariff In Hut result of
ri'iirt'iu'iitntloiiK iinutc to tho I, C. ('
li) II. C. Harnett, resident of lli"
.Meitinrd Truffle lliironu, In tho fol
lowing commiiini'iiilen:
I VI.. IX, t!H I.
Intcrutnio Commerce Commission,
Washington, I). C,
It became ni'ccimnry for in)' min
ium)' to Ini)' n nir of Iron pipe from
Hut linker A Hamilton Co., Han I'rnu
elmo, futforuln, boiiuo the Port
litinl, Oregon, wns
points higher, lull. when wt begun
to liiWHllgnto Mtt round the rnr lond
rati' from Snn 1'rnnrlnro to Mrdford
was f ' per en I Hut rntt from Snn
1' to I'orHiiml, Oregon, I"
iolnt :i2'.i mile fiirtlmr north on Hut
snmtt nnd onl)' tnllrond between I lie
uIiono poltttH) ) wiih only l.'.'O itr
cwt. nnd Hin rnlo from I'urtlniid, Ore
Kim. to Medford, Oregon, Is $.40 per
cwt, or f.iiu Minn or ttiu two.
Tint May Hut mutter stand now
roiild hne Hin i-nr shipped from
Snn Kriuit'lnro, California, to Port
land, Oregon, nnd buck to Medford
for l.rtO per cwt. and tbore by snvti
.w5 per rut. U It possible Hint
condition hnvti to remain thin wnyT
Can't jour body xltn uh ii rnto ti
Medford from Hnn Francisco Hint
will (in miiiul to (lit) two rules niimoly
I.Cti, fifth clnss, nnd can't ott mnko
iirt a rnto on I,. C. L. business ciiiiil
to lint rnto Snn Francisco lo Port
Innd and back to Medford?
Wo nr Hlmply wrltliiK thin letter
to luivo )onr body explain to iih, If
you can, why Medford, Orr-Kun, Ih
compelled to liny In 1'ortlnnd, Ore
koii, or eiiMt vln I'ortluud. Sun Fran
cIhco Ih a better market and wo know
Hut S, 1'. It. It. Co. do not think It
profitable to carry freight through
Miuiroid, :t2U iiiIIvh to I'oitlnnd and
11211 mlleH back, at a lemt rale than
Ihoy aro allowed to Htop Haunt at
Medford. Wo will export to hear
fropi you In the near future.
Very truly joiirn,
(Inruelt'Corey nrdwaro Co.,
Pur II. 0. (IAHNHTT,
KUATTliK, WiihIi., Mim-h IH.
Caplnln ,1. II. (liil'lilliH, ilUhuiNini:
nl'licer of I ho I'liileil Stales iiimy
iiiuil( ihIi'i'h ilt'iuiilmi'iil, in mi
Interview today ileulcil lie luiil muile
n coiilVHhion nl' iaiiiK lie
I ween HHIIII nml 110111) nl' tin pi
I'luiuenl'H iiiniiey I'nr hin own ii"e. lie
in miller iii'ichI hein on oriler ol' Mu
Jur HiikIi (lalliiHlier, nller mi Ium'n
liitiiliini. lie ni-ii ileulcil nn nlli'i'il
ilmcoci-y lluil he luiil hi'i'ii IohIii
llliilli'V In II llllllier ili'lll luiil iillllllllt
In tin Hllll ilpilnilliillllK nW'iiiiieil
money iih rlminril. IIh Imml nl
ij-JOHHt iinri liiy I'liluu lioinut',
MIkk tllndy llluikley, llb a llkliu
for the eccentric mid uiiintunl, Ik kIvIiik
WukIiIiiuIoii (m lcl unothor thrill. Tu
)i'ur nun bi; Ktnrtled her friend by
nppeiirliik' tiuioiiK thu fiiNtiluuablo
proiiieiinilcrt on Coiiiu'tik-ut nvniiie
weiirhiK nlxiut her neck a renlUtlo
pildrit KimLe. ,uv kllu U t earl uc
liny Jewelled Inn:
It hniiK from Mlm lllriekley'n rlctit
rnr by nil iilmoit lutUlble rlmln. Hrr
frlrmiii cnll II excilliiKly "cute."
.SAI.CM, Or., 4lrll IK. DeclnniiK
Hint In ciiiniol conceive of an tiling
liiippeiuui; that will hriiiK nliout M'l
tled I'oinlilioiiM in Mexico, (lovrrnor
Otwutil Wit, who leturued loiiiiy
from Wnxliinxlon, I). I'., Iiv way of Kl
I'mmi, Tev., nml .liinrrr. Mex., hinted
(hut he lu'lievcil (ho I'uiteil Slntiw in
luuiiiluuiinK (lie .Mnuioe iluelnue, will
)ic ioiuiellcil to M'lnl ih nrmv into
Mexico to ieloie pence in Hie not
ilixluut future.
(Iiivernor WV-I xiiiil he fell xo Mire
(hut liu I'uiteil Slate-, will have to
K to war willi Mexico that he in
tended lo nilvi-e ihe oflircrr. of the
Dicui'U Niilionul (liiiml o iiiimeiliiite
l, ;cl n'tiily for it.
"I tliuik the niluiiuiotratioti i uh
kolntelv r ik lit in iluiui; eertliuin
nilile in keeping out of Mexico,"
naiil the tjoveruor. ''l'iipilulitM went
into Mexico kiutwilit; the coinlitiolls
of the eoiuilrv nml capitalieil the
uuxcltlcil eomlitioiix, uiiij lliere is no
reiiHon now for the I'lntcil Sinter to
M'lid IIh a my there In mll their
eliextuulN mil of the fire, with u proli.
able lare Ions of life. Hut we me
muiiiluiuiiiK the Mnuioe iloeliuie, am!
I heliee K'lch prcMire will he
brought o hear from other nations
thul we will have to go to war."
Ooveinor 'el spent two iIiijk on
the Mexican bonier.
OAKLAND, Cnl., Mnrch 18. -The
prosecution m'oiciI a Iiik point today
in the eiibo of Mrs. Mildred Drown,
accused of the murder of her bus.
band, Aicher ('. Drown, when District
Attorney lytic uxkril nml received u
favorable icply to a lone; hypothetical
question whjch materially weakened
Hid ilefeuse'ri eouteiitiou Hint Men.
Drown was insane at the time the
deed wus committed.
The question iih lo whether a wom
an who, under ceituiu sticsscs, would
shunt her husband, uftcr beiiiK K'ideil
by jealousy and incited by iicIh of
cruelly on llie pait of her hiisbaiul,
would he, in liieir opinion, sane, was
asked of Dr. II. ('. McClciuihun nnd
Dr. Olio (I, Kryei ninth, two noted
alienists culled by the defense.
YVANIIINdTON, Mnicli 18. Chair
man William l McCouihs of the dcin
oeriilio niilionul commitlcc was u
culler on I'ichideul WHmui lodny. It
was umleisliioil (hey discussed plans
for cn-npcintinn hohM'cn lint iiiiliuiuil
nml coiijicssoiial cniiiliiitlces nl tlu
next t'lecliiui, Mct'oinliH was said
nlsn to liuut cxpliillicil some of the
icccnl slnlii iiitoliiliiiriilri iniiiln b
dm ci hoc lllnn nf Niuv Voik.
ON TWO BILES Politics Torn by Difference of
Opinion on Naval Appropriations
and Concessions to the Home Rule
Churchill Sees Crisis of World Peace
In 1021 Chancellor George Threat
ens to Oppose Warship Plan.
LONDON, Mar, 18. Iletwcon dlf
fercnien of opinion ronrunilriR Kirs'.
Lord of thu Admiralty Wltmtan
Chiiri'hlU'H nnvnl exiinimlon pror.rmn
and the IrUli homo rule deadlock,
pollllrlunn of all pnrttrs believed to
il ny Hint tho irment Drltliih Liberal
adtuliilntrullon wan wry near thu
In urKliiK Hut hoiuo of roinnioni
Init nlKht lo kIvd him $257,7&0,a00
for wnmhlp bulldltiK during tlm
roiiiln )enr, Churchill broadly Inti
mated Hint before 1!)21, when Hid
AiiKlo-JnpnncM' alllnnco will oxplre,
Kimlnnd nnd Jnpnn will need thu
otroiiKeiit nnlea they ran powlbly
provide. "Tho tnune which iiiIkIU
lead to n Keiieral war havu not been
reinoxi'il," ho wild. "Tho world la
armlUK ni never before. All attempt."'
to nrri'Hl It havu been Ineffectual."
Chancellor of tho Kxchequer David
Ltoyd-Hcorpe. dlmonts no strongly
from Chuchllt'a view that It wan alU
ho wna with difficulty dbi.nuadcd
from nttncklni: It In the open bonne.
Hit linn nlven it an till opinion Hint
nrmuiuent expeiino tin reached n
point wlieru It cauunt bo borno much
longer, nnd expreod his belief that
If nan) crowth contlnuea It will of
Itnelf precipitate war, because II
will bo cheaper to fight and put a
atop to the rnro than to go on bullj
lug war craft at the preaont rate.
Ho nnd hin follower differ no
widely from Churchill and hin up
porter that It was generally believed
a cnbluet nnd n pnrty split could not
bo much longer postponed.
DENVKII, Colo., March 18.
"Mother" Jones, the famous woman
strike lender, announced today her
determination to return to Trinidnd
before the end of the week. She was
released Monday with the understanding-,
ureordinj; to Adjutant (ten
eral Joini Chase of the state militia,
that sho would keep away from tho
Colorado coal strike rone. She ex
pected to be rearrested, but said she
intended to "show (leneral Cliaso and
Ins troops that they could not intimi
date her."
''(leneral" Jacob S. Co.xey, who
plans to iiinieli to Washington this
summer from Ohio with thousands of
unemployed men from nil sections of
the country, wiled "Mother Jones"
today offering Iter a commission as a
colonel In his army.
PARIS, March 18.- -Several riots
occurred this evening in the Latin
ipiarler here us an iifteimalh of the
assassination of Kditor Cnl met to- by
tint wife of tw-Miuister of Mini nee
Caillaux. Gendarmes quelled repeat
ed outbursts and made numerous dr
iest s,
Tho most serious disliiiliance was'
versily if Paris. A number of lights
ut u nieeting of students of lint Uni
versity of I'.iris. A iiiiinbei of fights
occuircd, resulting in many broken
heads mid minor injuries, Kinullx
quiet wiih restoied when the admirers
of Ciiillnuv weie throvwi nut,
. Near Panic at Dance
COLl'MIIIA, S. D., Mnicli IH.-An
ii icsult of a yasolino lamp explosion
in a diinrchiill line caily tmlny, u
piuihi wax iiiinnnlv ineili'd nnd u
Dm wiih stinted which ilolinyed (he
niiw veclluil Hllll lUU.UOO Ii.,
Tolls Repeal Messafj: Carries Threat
of Political Punishment to Demo
crats, Declares Washington Sena
tjr "Too Much Schoolmaster."
Means England Collect Confederate
Bonds, He Says Sees Nothing In
Hays Treaty to Fellow Wording.
WA8IIINC.TON, Mar. 18 Hitler
denunciation of Prealdetit Wilson'
attitude, on tho Panama canal lolls
qucNtlon wna voiced on thu floor of
the aenate todny by Senator Wealey
Joiira of Wuohlngton.
Jones ald the repeal niejuage of
ftho irvldcnt wan "not 'only remark-
nblu for Ita Inck of facta, dearth of
ri'Hkona and tlm sublimit assurance of
a schoolmaster that a boy, will do
tvhnt ho wants, but was still more ro
inarkabln for Its conclusions " Ho
"What does ho mean by asking
this repeal 'in support of tho foreign
policy of his administration?' It ih
an appeal directed especially at the
democrat. Can ihey resist the Im
plied command or be enforced, if
need be, by rewards, penalties and
federal patronage, "
Jones declared that another re
ported concession to Kngland, wait
that Kngland could seek reparation
for losses sustnlnmi through con
federate bond Issues during the
civil war,
"Wo nro expected," Jones said,
"lo do just as WA, are lold.Kscliool
Uoy fashion, nud.noi ask 'any ques
tion." Tho Washington senator flatly de
nied that there was anything In the
llay-Paunccfote treaty which ro
quired tho repuul of the exemption
clause of .tho canal net to carry' out
national honor lie quoted from
tho Loudon Law Ilevlow, of (Novem
ber, 19 IS, ns showing the United
States could "support its notion on
the precise words of tho treaty.'
PORTLAND. Ore, .Mar. IS. On
account of unusually open winter and
consequent lack of snow In the moun
tains, the forest service. Is already
taking Htepa to prevent forest fires,
and the auncrvWors aro lining up
their extra men for patrol service
which will bo started soon, according
to Assistant District Forester C. II.
Klory today. Klory has just re
turned from a trip through tho
Washington reserves, and reports
snow almost cone and timber dry.
This condition existed before tho
disastrous fires of 1910,
SACKAMKNTO, Cal., Mnr. 18.
Tho unemployed army put over ono
huge Joko on Ulg UuhIucbs hero to
day. Sacramento Is giggling and District
Attorney Wachhorsta offlco la work
in over tlnio, while ISO unemployed
men aro hanging out tholr shirts and
socks on tho limbs of trees In niv
aero nnd half of ground nl tholr
own In thu exclusive Oak Itldgo sec
tion, just outslda tho -city limits,
where all Hut millionaires live.
housu foreign uffulrs committee met
In secret session toduy to discuss the
Alney resolution, culling upon Presi
dent Wilson for all uvnllublo Infor
mation regarding thu Mexican situa
tion. Tho (oiiiiiillli'o was expected
lu (iiukn a fiiviirnlle icport mi Ilia
A resolution calllns upon Waiter H. Page. Culled Stnlci Ambaswdor to
Oreut Itrltnln, fur nn explanation of n Panama Cutul ieech whli-Jt ho U re
purled to have delivered recently before the Ao.IaUsJ Chambers of Cummerve
III Iiudou, win ndoptisl by the Semite.
The renoiutlon was Introduced by Senator Chamtterlaln. democrat, of Ore
gon, nn opMiicnt of tho repeal of the free tolln provision.
The resolution then riilis on the Secret jry of Stale to "furnish to Hie Senate
without dcl.iy n copy of the ipeech made by the American AmUissiidur nnd
particularly Hint nirt thereof giving liU definition of the Monroe Dis-'trlne
.mil Hint portion thereof In which he Is nllcgcd to have stated that the llrltUh
would profit most by the use of tho Panama Canal.
The definition attributed to thu Ambassador was Hint the Monroe Doctrine
"Imply meant thU
"That the I'nltcd Stnie.t would prefer that no Kuropean gorerauient should
gntu more laud in the new world." . .
MKXICO C1TV, March 18. One
hundred nnd forty-nine mutineers
were shot to death by the 'federals at
dojiitla burrneks today.
The executioners worked rapidly.
Les, than thirty minutes wns requir
ed to finish the entire batch. Corpses
were piled hili ngaiiist the adobe
wall against which the firing squads
directed their fire, ns the last man
was brought out to die. Tho work
finished, the bodies were tnmjdcd un
ceremoniously into n single treuc'i
and covered up.
President lluertn wns in high 3001?
humor over the news of federal suc
cesses at Hscalon. He had not, how
ever, ubiindoned the idea of tukins;
the field in person nsainst the rebels.
Foreign Minister Ilojiw had nn en
gagement to meet John Lind, Presi
dent Wilson's personal repres'sntn
tive, at Vera Crim t onion ow. The
nature of their business was not
made public.
ST. LOUIS. Mo., Mnr.lS. A city
wldo search, was In progress hqru to
dny for an unidentified uejro who
repeatedly risked Ills llfo yesterday
afternoon as a rescue-worker in tho
ruins of tho burned Missouri ath
letic clnh building.
Ho was among tho spectators in
Washington street when the struc
"tare's west wall foil upon the wreck
age, and through tho roof of tho ad
joining St. Louis Seed company's
building. Hushing forward at once,
ho plunged Into tho debris, crawling
recklessly under lingo masses of slid
ing masonry, and lu a short time
had saved 0110 man and three womon,
employes of tho seed company.
Then ho disappeared without giving
his name.
If found ho will bo nominated fur
a Carueglu hero nioilul.
Falls III Lime; Blind
HAN FHANCIHtO. Cii., Mutch IH.
Thmiius Iteidy, 11 hod 'rati lei'. lot
liU eyesight hem liuluy hy iulllnv
lulu it uwilur vnl, lilk'il with hut luue.
I. i ii
at. sje;
Tho unomployod army In Yolo county
Is no more. Tho Inst few stragglers
of tho "General" elly faction pulled
stakes at 10 a. 111., coming through
Sacramento by twos and threes, de
Bplto an appeal from tho county Jail
Yrom their ealder to "stick under all
Tho last few to go wero treated to
a good meal today, tho first they
have enjoyed, using tho remaining
funds In the treasury to satisfy their
appetites for n long hike.
' Tho army is now scattered in all
directions, probably tho largest body,
tho William Thome faction, com
posed of about 100 men, making Its
way toward San Kranclsco.
OAKLAND, Cnl., March 18. Kd
gnr llaeli, representing himself as u
stock and bond salesman of Salt
Lake City, was nrre.sted here today
on a eliurge of forgerv preferred by
a local merchant utter being chased
up eight Higlits of stairs in the fnsli
iouablo Hotel Oakland by three po
licemen. Nonfiling the roof, llaeh engaged in
u desperate liaud-to-lmiul fight with
the officers 011 the edge of Hie roof
ing, where n misstep would have
meant death for officers as well us
prisoner, lie was finully overcome
and handcuffed.
CHICAGO, Mnich 18. A flute,
incut from Charles P. Tall regarding
Hut Chicago Cubs was expected here
lulu till nt'lciiiooii. It wns believed
lie will 1 eject all bid for the eliih
nml npi'.ii-i Hivretury l'hiiie
Thi'iiia in siirri'i'd Chiille U'chh
Muiph) 11 picmdint,
Shipping Trust Head Tells Senate
Committee Deknlgtit Wrote Regard
Inn Repeal Clause Affectffff Rail
road Ships Exemption.
Knew Knowlands af CaHfernia "tttHe
Well' Tried to Amurf Hmhc Vt(c
Witness Is ReskjMtf Admiral.
WASIIINOTON', Mar. 18. Admit
slon that ho paid Clarcnco Doknlglit
$1000 as a retainer and promised a
contingent feo of $4000 if he suc
ceeded In eliminating tho provision
In the Panama canal bill forbidding
railroad-owned ships from using the
canal, was made today before Hu
senato lobby Investigating commlttra
by P. T. Bowles, president of tho
Core Rivers Shipbuilding company at
Qulncy, Mass. Deknlght, Howies,
said, wroto him tho foltowln letter,
March 18, 1912:
"If you are Interested, I would be
glad to assist In attempting to bare
this provision kopt out of the bill.
Of course. I would want a retainer,
say $1000, and a contingent fee of
$4000 In the event of the provision
being kept out of the law."
Bowles said he accepted Oeknlght't
proposition and produced a letter to
Deknlght advising him to this ef
fect. Later, Dowles testified, De
knlght advised him by letter that he
had gotten In touch with Representa
tive Knowland of California, whom
he "knew qutto well" and who would
lead the fight against the provision.
Still later, according to Rowles,
Deknlght advised him that he prob
ably would bo unablo to prevent the
house from passing the clause, but
that he might keep the majority t
a minimum, so that If the senato
took a decided stand against tlm
measuro. tho house might recedo
from its position In conference.
Rowles also sworo that Deknlght
later wroto that ho knew of "certain
tactics" which might prevent the
measuro from ever reaching a vote
in the senate
Rowles also admitted that he had
employed Deknlght even before the
pendency of the canal bill. De
knight's duty, ho said, was to keep
him posted on the tolls question.
Explaining tho $4000 contingent
fee, Rowles said. "It was only a
gamble. I would not have, proposed
such a plan."
Rowles, who Is a former admiral
In the United States navy, denied
that ho had resigned from the navy
becauso of charges lodged against
him. Ho admitted that he waa em
ployed by tho "shiu-bullding trust"
to make various appraisals of ship
yards before he left the navy I sor
vice, but said ho "got permission to
do so," Tho witness admitted that
tho Foro River company was a sub
sidiary of the Rcthlehem Steel com
pany. 4
Deputy United States Marshal
Fitzgerald left for thu east today
with A. C. Felt, cashier of a defunct
national bank at Superior, Neb.,
wanted on charges of violating Ihe
federal bunking laws.
Felt surrendered hero, saying his
only offense cotibUtcd in being 11
poor hanker and lacking the courage
to refuse loans to his friends. lie
deelared he did nut profit hy uny of
the offenses charged against h!u,
mid would do nlt lie could to Mraiglit
eu out the bank's affair". ,
Abandefl City of Syrimy
HALIFAX, K. H March 18.Th
steamer City of Kydney, whlek wirly
yesterday run oh the Hambra HU
dining it fox, mmm hUr4uu4 4y,
Her botlmi whs khsliermj ilni4Hf tfctf
ii 11 1 m mm