' PAHE BTX MDFOTJD MATTi TTUTUTNK MEDFOnn. OttF.flOtf, TUESDAY, MATWTT 17, IflM N 1 1 ut I OLD LOVE LETTERS BIG VENGEANCE FIGARO EDITOR PAWS, Mnr. 17. Mine. Henrietta Calllnux, who shot Kdttor liaston Cnlnicttp of the "FlRuro" yestorda) bccmiEC lio publlRhcit a tovo letter written to her by Fiiinnca Minister Joseph Calllnux before her divorce from a previous husband nnd his from iv previous wife, went In her cell at tho St. l.nznro women's prison when told that her lctlm had died early today. Sho repented that she had Intended to wound but not to kill htnivctfm! sho wanted to tench hi in n lesson hut not to end his life. Public opinion was Intensely hos tile not only to Mme. Cnlllnu.v, but to her husband as well. Tho news papers denounced them in unmeas ured terms. Only strong police pro tection tnved the finance minister from mobbing as he emerged from thn St. l.ainro prison after an inter view with his wife last ntRht. Until midnight crowds marched through tho streets, sheuting: "Down with tho assassin! Down with Calllnux!" Tho minister spent a sleepless night nt a friend's house. Ho was so unpopular, In fact, that his more presence In the cabinet threatened to result in tho admini stration's overthrow. The moment lie received nows of his wife's act he of fered his resignation to the premier by telephone. Having maintained an appearance of supporting him by once refusing to accept his resignation, it was tho general bollef that the administra tion would bo glad to yield to his In slatenco and that ho would be out ot offlco by tonight. Calllaux has been considered ono of France' most brilliant public men. Mmo. Calllaux, with whom ho had not been living for somo time before sho shot Caltnetto, was his third wife. When ho met her he was married to a former Mmo. Dupre, the second of his partners, and she :o Leo Claretle, tho "Figaro's" literary critic. They fell In love and It was one of tho letters written by Calllaux to tho then Mme. Clarctlo which Ca'. inettu published In tho "Figuro." I-ater Calllaux divorced his second wife and Mme. Claretle her husband and they were married. MEMORIAL BRIDGE TD CELEBRATE PEACE WITH ENGLAND AAAB t'IhAAAAAAAc v n lm tu i 'ffikksw'flAAAH HAilibkiiL'' s$j" AAAh WIND ONTARO E BKID6E HT KtMARA fAOS ID CtlEDRATE ONE HUNDRED YEARS PEACE.. CXrxJ X. N. T KENNAKD TIOMSOH The cause of International peace was extolled from tunny viewpoints recently nt n luncheon In the llcpublt ran Club. In New York city, the subject for discussion being "A Century of Fence llctwecn tho United States nnd Great Hrltnln nnd the Present World Condition of International Unrest." At the luncheon drawings were exhibited at the memorial bridge which will span the Nlngnrn Hirer as n laMliiK iDomorl.il to the celebration of the pence anniversary. The drawings are from tho bridge dc.ilgn by T. ICcnunrd Thoinon, which, It was nuuouucvd, In nit probability will be accepted as the model for the pcrmnueut memorial. AGED L OTHARIO ED P BROKEN HEAR T, ETC., ETC. DIGGS ' PAL TO PLEAD THURSDAY RAX FHAXCfSCO, C'nl.. Mnn-li 17. I'nul A. Spott, im Oakland plum ber, nccuKcil jointly with Maury I. DijiK nl Waller Gillipin of n stnt utory offense agniniit Iiln I'enrrin.', was arraigned here toilny before Su perior Jmlgxs I.nwlor. A motion by his attorney that he be allowed to plead Thurbdny was granted by tho court. MURPHY WILL NOT BAHLE WITH LORE RAX FRANCISCO, Cnl., Murch 17. With the Willio JUtchie-Iiarlem Tommy Murphy bout nolieiluleii to he htugetl a month from today, San r'nincNeo fans were tuning up to the affair and predicted the winner will be watched with Ad Wolgnht for n mutch hero in June. A telegram from Malinger Jim Iiuekley said the report thai .Murphy hud been mulch ed to box Joinny Lore in New York Friday evening was fnlbo. "Murphy will not fight Lore or anyone, tins until he get (he cham pion in tho ring," wired Huckley. "Ho Iiuk licked everyone there from Mornn to Woljjitht. ill now heat Kitehie. Mutpliy will arrive in Ran Francisco several weeks before tho fOlltfbt." LOS ANOKLKS. Cnl.. Mnr. 17.--Miss Martha t:. Handle. V. millinery bujer for tho Xrwmnri-l.ovlnon company of Snn Francisco, Is plain tiff today In n breach of proinlre ac tion directed nt John'F. Humphries. 75, of Venice In which the seeks dam ages amounting to $138,085. Hum phries recently was married to Mr. Kate Fields of Venice. When aho learned of these nuptials. Miss Handle filed suit suggesting the following Itemized compensatien: Neglect and rvfuial to marry. $100,000. Value of furniture' sho gave nwny. $000. Position In Pittsburg sho rejected $5000. Position In San Krancl'ro she gavo up at Humphries' alleged request $10,000. Trousseau $2000. Linen purchased for new home. $435. Freight on rugs from Chicago, $50. WESLEY GIRLS FLEE FIRE IN THEIR NIGHT DRESSES THO AND WKLLKSLKY. Mass, Mnr 17, Few of them clad In anjthliiK inure thnu their nightdresses, four hun dred girl students wcro driven by fire from the main dormitory In the adinlnlstrntton building of Wcltcslcy College nt 5:30 a. m. today. The structure was completely de sttned with $1,000,000 estimated losi. i ho fire wns butlevod to linve started In the chemlr.il laboratory on tho fourth floor. The college fire brigade, composed of girls, aroused the students, directed the rescues and saved what little proper ty they could. TIE BIND GIRL, THEN E NEV DESERTS ONTAItIO, Cnl., Mnr 17 After eight, hundred men had buttled all night ngnlnst forest flren that hno swept tho rnuoiiK north of Uutailo, n change. ofwlnd came tit their aid nt daylight today nnd Indications wero that tho flro would be under control before noon. Tho flro wits centered nt tlti lironlc In llrowit's Kbits, northeast of Sun I Ulmns ean on. It had been con trolled partially by backfiring, nnd with tho change of wind, which drove It buck over Its own path, little further damage was feared. No lives, It wus helloed, were lost Tho flro started before noon m terday, when a power company s thigh linn went down before n heaw wind. More thnu eight minimi miles were burned. Forest supervisors ill reeteil Jhe fight ngnlust the fire their rangers being reinforced oj s'ovYral hundred cltlteus ami school bo)s from nearby cities to WfFTTT J FOREST jpSKiwt scmbi P 1 RATTLERS WW Jusl Rub- Ltl A i !w L Clean f looro -WJrfSiff mm i il I GOLD DUST J'p-ij AClonnH ovorythinp;. It ciiIh (ho tlirt nndvXft J llm (trutiuo nnd ma Icon work easy. mW I, $y .7. Go nnd InriJer pncItiiL't-n. Mul lWUi CMICAOO vIPOOS IfttofejSM "Let tho OOIO DUST TWINS jWnWl VreydytyJW o your work" WW J iMBlSfflllifcWin. llrtjB 1 Ifc I SAN FltANCISCO, Cnl . Mnr. 17.-- jNo clew had been found today to the Identity of tho two men, who overpowering 17-yenr-old Kntherlne Spagna on the street Inst night, I tojjed her Into n tnvlcnb. asked her where her father, a I'nlted Itnllrond eiuploe, kept his patters nnd monev I nnd then, fulling to get a satisfac tory answer, tied her bauds nnd feet, gagged her nnd left her In ir doorway, where she was found an hour later. The police Inclined to think the men really planned n robbery or perhaps nn abduction nnd lost their nerve nt tho Inst minute. When Glasses Fit the Eye They restoro nervous energy not only to thn eye hut to the whole body an well. How often do we seo ex tremu nervousness cured by wenrluw I properly fitted glnsses? How often iiiit pi'H'ir iit'iitiuciirn iiiit-u ii; nun same remedy? These cures are of almost dally nniirp,ttii-.,M In Ink fiffli... tta ulnim.ii J euro because I fit them right, i know how. Keusonnhle charges for quality of kertlrt1 rendered. ' Hit. KK'KI.UT Suite l-U )er Oeuel's H & II. llreeu Trading Htutups (liven SUNRISE LAUNDRY AND CLEANING WORKS The .rnpiiiitw ('loaning and I'rt'Hsinjj I'arloi's will ho I'tuu hint'd with tho Siinriso Idiiindiw March lf, and wt will ho pi'i'paivd lo do ovtM'ythiiiK in these lines and imrayteu satisfaetion. Latlies' and Men's Suits Dry Cleaned, $l.'J."i; Snils pressed fide. All Icimls ol'dyeinj,'. Cluh rates, $l..ri0 niuiilli. We eall for and deliver jowls. 215 S. Riverside. Phono 873 VAVAVttAVAfAAtAtAAtAAti iPjPPjPjPjPP4PPJ&PaPaPPPPa 7ilttattatTi7T4ttatTttatatttvttatv wt tat T. Tr T r r TT Tr r T TtT Tar Tr WV b-w a --- - yrir ' '' T' '' '' '' '' ' ' ' '' '' r ' V '' v ir V v ' ' '' CMS DECLINES TO (I'ortlnnd Journal) "Circuit Judge Calkins does not believe In Increasing the poor man's "burden of taes by drawing expense money, for he would accept no ex penses from the state during tho past week. Judge Calkins spent two weeks prior presiding over tin. courts of Judge Cleeton nnd Morrow hud, although they offered to pay lilj expenes, he declined to ncco'il. When It camo to expenses from tho state for tho past week to which ho was entitled he said that Inasmuch as ho had declined to accept expense! from tho other tidges he did not feel Justified in accepting them from the state. As a rule the cxpenrc ac count of a visiting Judgo averages $5 a dsy." OVER LINE EENCE IlOKNKR'S FKIIItY, Idaho, Jtnrcli 37. Cliurguil with Imving Mint anil killed A. Waterman, a farmer, in a (linpiilo oyer land Ijounduricx, An drew Alilrldgtf, a neighbor, in under uncut today. Following the, Miool jug, ulileh ucriirrc'il ycnterduv. AM riilgo Mirrcnilercil ami, according to thu police, iioiifubiicil. Waterman Im Halt (o Imvu been moving u l'cnce over what in clnlmcd was tliu proper IiichIIoii, wlien AMriilgo opened lire vvllli h rl I1v Walvnnait wan llll Jim (rfil ,., . Si ill THOUGHT SHE COULD NOT LIVE Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Unlonvllle, Mo.' I suffered from a female trouble and I got so weak that I could hardly walk across the floor with out holding on to something. I hod nervous spells and my fingers would cramp and my fnco would draw, and I could not speak, nor sleep to do any good, had no apputite.and everyono thought I would not live. Some one advised mo to take Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I had taken so much medicine und my doctor Bald ho could do mo no good so I told my husband he might get mo a bottlo and I would try it. Ily the time I had taken it I felt better. I continued iU use, und now I am well and strong. "I havo always recommended your medicine ever since l was so wonder fully benefitted by it and I hoiM this letter will be the means of saving some other poor woman from suffering. " Mrs. Martha Seavey, liox 1144, Unlonvllle, Missouri. Tho makers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetables Compound havo thousand of such letters as that above they tell the truth, elso they could not have been obtained for lovo or money. This med icine Is no stranger it bus stood tho tvst for years. If there are any complications you do not understand nrlte to Lydia K. riuHiam Medicine Co, fronHdintll) Lynu,Mis, Your letter will be opened, rrsd ami aimm-rcd by a nutuau ami kcla lu strict touildeucv, I ! ? ? r r r r r r r ? ? ? at, if t r r ? ? ? ? r r Oregon Cashmere Suits $12.50 i "Wo nrc .showing a heantifnl line of Men's Spring Suits at ."r 1 2.f0 ami 15.00 per suit. These are all wool suits in the famous Oregon Cashmere and Capp's One-Unndrcd Proof wool makes. "High Art" Clothing $20.00 Suit Aside from our Oregon Cashmere ami Capps' lines of elothing, we hnve added a very heantifnl assortment in the "J Iigh Art" Clothing, made by Stronse & Brothers, Baltimore. The high-grade tailoring put in this line shows for itself. The workmanship and fabrics are 'ho best. We want yon to seo them. The Wardrobe "WEST MAIN STRKET. V y t ? t ? ? ? y y y y y y y y y y y y y y T y y y y y mm Patronize Home Industries THESE GOODS ARE MADE IN TH E ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. KEEP THE MONEY AT HOME We have changed our name, hereafter the Mission Furniture "Works will be known as The Pacific Furniture and Fixture Factory Home of the "Pacific" Cedar Chest. E, O. TROWBRIDGE, JR. Proprietor 113 South Holly Medford, Oregon, Medford Iron Works E. 0. Trowbridge, Prop. General Foundry and Machine Works Pacific 401; TJonic 298L. Res. Pac. 5031; Home 227L. For GALVANIZED TANKS OIL AND WATER and IRRrOATJNa PIPE Clo to J. A. SMITH 128 N. Grape St. Telephone 890 For tho best of EVERYTHING MADE OF WOOD Seo ub. Wo make a specialty of OFFICE FURNITURE and FIXTURES, MANTLES, SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS, Etc. Factory Cornor South Fir and 11th Sts. Both Phone MEDFORD SASH AND DOOR GO. Hupmobile History t'llAI'Tim V (Ciiiilltnti'tl from )ftn!it ) All of llU'Mi Kuplit culllit ciinII)' nf foril mill timxt ot tlit'iu tin uffonl InrKcr mill iorIIiit mm. A roiiiili llm of tin' minion of iiroinltiuiit 1 1 u; niolilU' (iwiiith moiiIiI flit n Mini Ixiok an InrKo n tlm cntntoKiii'. An n typlrnl limtnnrii of lliU i'oii- itltloli, wn cltn liflow it tint of liuim.4 tnkrii from thn rMr of our New York ilinlrr. Mmiy of llinn iir nl mont niitloiutllr known. You wilt riTOKiiltn Hint qunlKy mint linvn loii tin' flmt iMiiinlili'riilloii nuil hrlco i'f- ouilur) lu tlii'lr tiiiri'liumt of n Hup- IIKllllll'. Any lliipiiiolillo ilntr lu n tiU town mo dhow )oti u llm of niinii' ttiut am Hluiltnrly prniiilnmit m tlii'lr n-upp'tlvo tornllttN. I'liimlnriil NVm' Voik Ounrrn W. K Vnmlrrlilll. Jr., N. Y. t:. H. II. It It It., innKiintf. I.ropolit llnrlx1, Imnlii'r. lluKtilc IIiikIioh, profi'Nlonu ilrli- IT. V. U. Tiffany, Jewrinr, il II I'.'ll Imiikor II K Lmliiw. i-npltnllit Mm W K Vnuilt-rlillt, .Ir l.niilit Mxnii, ulilptniliilnr. OKiIni .MIIU. rnpllullM. Cuiiut I. Him'Iiiu)I, Aiulrlnu uolilo , until, nmrrli'.l to h Vnuili'rlillt, I Om-iir HtniiiM. foriuirly iiii'iulinr ot I'rmlttimt ltoo(ilt' ralilin't. Jntui'N lliitlcr, w liolcmttn r.rocor. John Altkcii, ilrKHnl uicrclinnl. Mim. KkkIiiiiIiI Vnuilrrlillt. Ili'iiry P.i'wn, Imiiknr nuil lirokur. I.llllnu ltumn'11, ui'lri'nu. I. I Tlffmi), of lint Tiffany ulllil Ion. TliuiunN DlrkHiiu lum ownml flro Hup, i tiny VtiiiKlinu. niitouiolillii ilu l)',inr unit uiiiniifnrtnri'r. , Cntlicrlnx llmnirmi'), riiiltiillHt. I'tnniim lloilfiiou liurniitt, nutlior. Nntlinn Htrniiim. of It. II. Mnr) K , V.. ', Wnlitn .IoIiiikIoii. riipllnllm. Jiimi'H Ki'IIkuiiiii. rnpltitlliil. I .Mr H. J. Colfonl, Jr. 1 (To Im I'oulluui'il.) Our irwilr kliop In (ceo nil lu nin'. I!. N. Iliinrr, lull furi'iiinii uf llm liirK"t ri'pulr liop on C It innni, l our umtrr uitlinuli. W Kt'tl lire, IiiIn", niU nuil unxillui'. Aui'iit for tlio lliipiiiolillo nuil ('nilllliir rant. Cun. unlii'il nuil Mitul ilny or nlulit. 1'rii) nlr toinpri or in front. Crater Lake Motor Car Co. BeaverBrand Animallertilizers i I Hi Tr4 hiasi Best f( Fruit Growers asrST7a. or v i y (1.'CM r-t This is an Era of Special Crops Fruit is a Necessity Ami tliu lidltnr tho iimllty of your fruit tho mora moiiuy II will hrliiK you. Kxpurlimcn lum hIiowu thnt inoBt hoIIh rontnlu too" lit tin uvnlluolu plant foml for inaxliiiii reHiiltii imperially lu fruit itrowliiK. Iu UHiiiurli n m ourllmiHu iiinl uillh)llty lu fruit Ih vrry I tit -portant, Il U iilalu to liu hcdii why crowurn urn iihIiik uioni and morn of Beaver Brand Animal Fertilizers "A IVitllUi'r for llvrry Crop" Mnilo hy UNION MIJAT COMPANY North Portlmnl, Oro, Thin fortlllzor contaliiH HiifflHnut nnlinal plant fuoil In incut tho Hull Iohhoh from I'ach your'H I'rop, lly IU iihii, mi lurrfiimi lu iiuullty ami iiuautlty In ponhIIiIii, ut wnll iih pultliiK unprofltahlo Inml on u puyliiK IhihIh. IIKAVKIt IIIIANI) ANIMAI I'HIlTII.IKltH tiro rich lu IiIkIi Krailo orKiinlc nltriiKiui ami iiiiiIiuh your lainl rich lu thu loiiHtHiiinit iiluniimtH that proilinn profllnhlo crupH, Plain your unlur now for thin fain oiih fnrtlllor. It Im on miln liy itooi'i;itivi:it iititiTANo I'HOIMKrC AHHOCIATION Mi'ilforil, ()ri'Kii, V