'07 second Strut Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair tonight and Wednes day. FiirljrOilri1 Tr. Dally KIniiIIi Yr MEDFOUD. OWI'XJON, '.VKKIMV, MAicCII 17, HIM. NO. nori FALLING WALLS TRAP GIRLS AND FIREMEN V 23 DIE, BELIEF NEATH WALLS OF (MEL HE Nrw Traijrdy Enacted Missouri Ath letic Cluli Ruins, St. Louis, When Dtlck Mountain Topples on Rescue Flrfinrn. Fifsh Search (or New Vldlms Wrakeneil Seven-Story Side Col lapses Without Warning. ST I.OIMH, Mo., Mar IT IMI uiiitcs at t'10 i. ni. placed the, num. llIT Of tllOSO Still burled UlllIlT the Mlmumrl Athletic club fallen west unit nl f-veiity-lhrrii. ST. l.nl'lH. Mo., Mnr.li 17. The wit wnll tif tlio Iniiiii'il MitMiiiri Athletic cluli building, In collnpitig Huh Hll'iiiii.in i i m i i i it force of nun who were searching the iiiIiin lr mur victim of llin nerni fire, nlo malli'd Upon till1 St. I.OIIIH Seed oouipniiyV Molding adjoining mid pnitly cm-died II, burying h I iher of employes. Those it M'fiiiCil ccitmu were tin - ili'i tin' wieokngc were. .Mihkkh lliicl mill Mabel Coudri mini, iiIi,kIiI' f"r !''' "'"'I '''""" HIII J lli'MIMII I'ollll, n I lllll wtlo.uiuu; Mi'-' M""1 Miillnni'. teuogniphi'i- fur lite i ipuiiv ; II. Slntllimorc, the company' book keeper. ST I.OIIIH. Mo.. Mnr I? Col lapsing toting, itpjiu it force of llr Iiiimi who wro itlll looking lor corpses In the ruins or tlio biirnfrd Missouri Atllitllo club building, the structure's went wnll wiu believed to hnto crushed U'. Four limit)' Injur"! men were re nin, cd Wltlllll 14 tliW IlllllllteS lllIlT III" wall full mill fifteen with missing Arrnrdlug to spectators In Wash ington street. tlu limn wore mussed lltlllllt till W limiting foul Oil till' tlrst Door level trying lo clear the wreckage, with Hut west wnll, 17 Inches thief; mul badly weakened, towering soVeii stories uliovo the in. Prom the first this wnll had beo.i regarded with apprehension mid llulldlug lntcctor MclCulvuy tiail planned to dynamite It nn noon nit tlio swimming pool liml been searched. An tlio workers tiiffftoil at tho iuhii of clinrnM timber, twisted steel work mul crumbling masonry, Just ul l! p. m., tlio wnll suddenly col lapsed, It wan bo unexpected th.'it bill n low of tho men worn nblo lo Jump from under tlio mouutnlii ir brick nml niortur. A stifling cloud of tliiNt nroNO, uml nn tlio pirtntorri rimhml rortvnrd. Kroaim mul crlon coulil bu houril fiom niulur tlio wreektiKo. A flro aliirm v.iin turiu'il In anil inuMMiKoii wi'ro Bi'iit to tlio rlty illnponry for pli)nlcliiiiH, boHpltnl niipplU'B mul mil bulmiroH, A fri'Hli Hoarrh for tlio lutoHt vie limn wiih Iiokuii ut oueu. PARIS EXCITED T I'AIMS, .March 17. Tim cnliincl wnt u'liiKituiycil IIiIk cvi'mIiik'. The llit'iilhi'is tlcciilcil not to icnIhii ill II body, ilfHiiln wiilcspiviut (li'iimmls lor llieir lellicmeiil. Hcim lleiiiiull lieeamo iiiIiiIhIhi' of liiuilii'i', HiicccciliiiK .linepli CailliuiN. I.onis Mnlv.v hiiccccilcil Itcimult n uiiuiHler of Hie iulciior, Kaoiil Pe lel liecnmc inluiMlcr of commerce, I'm in wiih wililly excited toiiilil, Moiilmmlio wiih pacl.eil with crowils hIuhiIIiik: "CiiillniiN '" tlio kciiI'I'oIiI! Death In I he mimlcrcr!'1 Tim peo ple iiei'Nihlcil in Hie view (hat ('nil lit ii v induced hi wil'c to nhNUHhlnule IMllor Caliiicllc or the r'imi. A icioit wiih eiini'iil Unit Mini'. CnllliiiiN (mil iilleinpli'd Hiiieldc, Iml It twin denied uu oimI ittilhoiily, FIGARO N SHIP CABINET FIND SHORTAGE IN BOOKS OF AM OFFICER Deficit $8000 Discovered and Captain Griffiths Ordered Detained for Court Martial In Ptujet Sound Mil itary Scandal. Inspector General Flies Definite Charges Atjalnst Accused Officer Exnct Loss Not Known. I'OIITI.AMI, Mur. 17. Hliorlly nr. Iit III nrrltnl hern today on n tour of lukpi-cilon. Major (Iciicrul Art hi.r .Muriuy, I' H. A , commiinili'r or Urn Mi'Mtnru ilopiirtmitut, ri'fi'lvi-d a ruport rrom nriil) nrilrlnlH nt Ki-nltlo ilmt u iliortnci liml turn dUcoiri'd In tlio ilunrtKimiiKti'r'K ilopiirtmi'iit tin-To Tim Ki'iixrii.t iidmltti-il Unit Cnptnln OrlllltliH. who lind iIiiuki' or tlio fundii had hi'i'ii plnrd In di'lltiim pmulliiK ii mil liiti'illKittlou. It lit mid tlio nlli'Ki'd ttliortnco nmoillilH o npproxlmntidy SHdOil nod wan ilU covered by l.leiiteuntit Colouol (Snl InKber. Hi:ATTI.K. Wmili., Mar. 17. "Cnp Inln (Irliritti. dlnlnimliii: olflccr lit the tfenttln V. H A. iiunrtrriimHter office, la Hboiio nnotinln him been illtu-otcrctl mi Ssiiiki Mliorlui;o w.u tdiieed under nrret lit hlii nuarte-.i todny, mid un impeuiled rrom diit," unld Major Hugh (InllnKbcr. In I'barKo or the imnrtcrmnittor' of Urv. "Ilednlte chqrKeH have bqen plnrcd ni;nlimt him by Colouol John I.. Ctinmberlnlu, liupcutor Htiornt, on which ho In ieliiK held for trial by court martini. "Tim exnct nmoiiiit of the nhortnRc will not be known until further lu teillKntlou In made. "Other officer In tho quarter mater'n offlco hero were enllroly kolved from any part or the nllcKcd ubortaKe. rnptnlu (irlffltlm had full churKc of nil tmymoutn by the lornl office, reportliiK directly to Wash' liiKton," E BURIED ALIVE NEATH RUINS ST. I.Ol'IS, .Mo., .March 17. Pin men ilicKiHK '" the debris of the Mis Miuii Athletic cluli huitdiiiKV we-t wall came about 1 o'clock upon ller man Cobb, alcMuun for the St. I.oiiIn Seed company, lie wiih alive mul twenty men worked to save him. I lis heml uml nnim were iftiickly freed, hut his hotly was pinioned by debris. He said he thought his 1'cct icslcd on u cot )1C. When the wall fell William Koch liiitf, u woikmiiii, was left hnuKiii); hv his finders from u third blory window t-lll. Ho hunt; "" until u lad der truck arrived mul he Was res cued. ' ROBBERS STEAL fllKWflO, Match 17. -At the point of rcvolveiH, ix aimed men today knocked down the proprietor of it not tli Hide hotel mul forced .Mix Miu-gaiet .Miller, npM -I year, to accompany tlieiu. I lie iil wiih iIiiik cil tlirnuuli a i ear c.it into a wail iiiK iiiilomohile. I), r.vauol'f, propri etor of (ho hotel, hiiiil one of the kiiluapei-H recently isitcil the itl. Harlan on Committee WAHIIINOTON, Mnr. 17, Com mlsHloiiur John llurliiii succeeded K. I!. Clark tddny us chulrmmi of tlio liitiir-stntu eoiuiuuiTo commission, llo will servo into yeiir. ('lurk re iiiiiliin n member of tho commission RE VICTIM WOMAN AUTO m'' ' y l- ' )UmmiiJM' r ' jm 4 jfiil niflnf m p i fHfl- s ' " ttKKvtHI I 'H iHHiHf0L9!iEJ9HiiBSIfl PATiDaS AVAJTINff TRATNHT A1 6rBIP!PHBRT VM hlE NEW ANIMAL HOSPITAL. jrWV'iB bl ' JVt9 , In walking alone Lafnyctto street. near Jllceckur ulrw-t, Now ork, you will notice n lartre, rel brick bullillnc with trlmmliiRs of whlto stone. In IU etlliiKorilliiKy lofts nud severely plain, If (ireetlenl, archltcvturo It cannot fall to cutch the eye of tho casual passerby '-.New Vork Women's Jxnguo for Animals" U the IckcbiI In th ctono iilioio tlio rutranco. ,Wslk up the broatl stiiiio steps and enter the sorupu lunily neat offlco on Uio riKht. . ' Outside the office roll. ranRfd alons tho wnll In varied cariiients, iiosch and deens-s of nnxlvtr, nro n number of cullers, each with a doc or n cat or u bird placed uhcro It will causa tho least Uiterfereiice. You nre In tho waiting room of tho new hospltnl for animals, tho gift of thiMo who regard auliuals as nonwthliiB moru thun inrrv crvaturci of cnanco. Down tho stairs to Ujo right you im a largo room with cement floor and doors opening Into tho street. A big Ihjx stall with fresh straw lnrlteii the weary or the suffering borne U nt a bile. Down a sbort Incline and thre are rows of stalls to accotnmodato twenty horses In need of medical atten tion. Tnko the elevator, which carries many a helpless horse to tho third floor, and you will find more stall six In alt. At ono sldo Is a large, sunny room, furubhed with what looks TAKE MORNING TO OAKLAND, Cal., Mnr. 17 A hy pothetical question Unit has so fnr taken flvo hours to ask and prob ably will tnko two minutes to answer took up tho cntlra morning session of the trial of Mrs. Mildred Drown, iircithvd of tho murder or her hus band, Archer C, Drown, Judgo Pilck, for the defcuro, was tho Interrogator mid Dr. II. C. McClennhmi, Sun Fran cisco alienist, tho witness. "If n eel tain woman under given circumstances acted ns Mrs. Drown had, would Hint woman ho Insane?" was tho nature of Frlek's query, which em braces all evidence In tho trial. T TO FEDERAL LEAGUE TOUT WOHTir, Te. March 17. That he hail Mgued u three-year con tract with the Brooklyn cluli of the Federal league wiih the announce ment here today of Outfielder Claude Coopnr of the New Yoik Xalionnl league cnib. Cooper wind bin Hilary was to he ifoflllll per year ami liml he liml received one ycnr'n pay in ml- VIIIHIO. M'REYNOLDS TO WED WASHINGTON', March 17.- lie portH tlml MiH OeneV'ieve Clark, the daughter of Speaker Clink, in engag ed in Attorney (leticral Mrlle.ninhU were liedy cliciihtlcil licte Imlay. They euuld nut lie Uilliol. AK M WN A QUERY HOSPITAL 10 AID PET AND OUTCAST ANIMALS Aft ,IBIHfW 'lLiW,v" 'v-"4rfi M l.w IvlfLJBI ? ft- til 1 iil IB3iVTStLuBKi: '!-' ('' bI rail iLeA 'BmMMBMJf''i' iJar-'-BBBy IV . i1Ibbbbbbhu "'vtVjMMSmar ''y TL 32EsXiiif'::iZt j. .Jfc IR ' . 2XJ Uka r revolving plane. EThU Ls the operating Ublo, oti, which' tbe patle'nrs am atrapped and returned to health through the uld oiadvand. retcrliury surgery. on uio iwconu floor nnnofherwerat- Ing room for small animals. Ixoks quite like the regulatloa hospital irurgerx, all wnito enamel and uitra-eanitntJon. JJr.Bruco lllalr, fcxpert Tfterlnary E F WAITED FOR FOE SAN IIKIINAIIIUNO. Cal.. March 17. Mistiikeit fr another, George A. Mnttcru, III, u-i-tmit car-hier of the (lerinmi-Auieriean Tru-i & Saving bank of l',K Allele.-, was xhot mul instantly killed bv a friend at Amlioy, n desert town near here. According to a tuc-.ngo to Sheriff Ralphs, William Heath, from whom .Mnttcru leeentU purchased an in terest in ii mine, did the shooting. Tho message t-nitl that Mnttcru re lumed late last mglit to the iptaiiers he occupied with Heath ami wa-i mis taken for a inner who, Heath said, had threatened to kill hint. Heath opened tile. Sl,iiri IV l?dli,1i wiiltl,i.t ,I iitul.i Citp i MURDERER RS HOTS IEND ......... ..., ... .... .... jKUapin Amboy, wheiv, 't was htated, Heath! was awaiting lum. SEEK JACK JOHNSON L Ni:W YORK, March 17. Cable advices received hero today from London said the National Sporting club had nude an offer of $l.i,0(H) for a twenty-round contest between lack dohtisou, heavyweight champion of the woild, and Sam l.ttugford, The icpoit was not credited here, us it was pointed out that Johnson would waul at least $:il),00i) tor his cud alone. Transfer Piinct Sound Official POUT TOWNSK.NI, Wash., Mim-li 17. -Colonel r'lcdctick S. St mug, ic' cciitly in commnud of the coast de fence at Siminniih,, flu., it is an iioituccil today, will be put in charge of the Pngcl Sound artillery dixliicl, icplnciug (leucral Chiulcs ,1. Ilatley, who has been transferred to the cml uiuibt, and enthusiastic champion f( animals. Is In charge ofthe medtcal-aul'BSntlcat' departments of tho hospital. lie Lf what might be called the "house" physician, for his apartmeut H In tho building, and he Is ready at any hour of the day or night to hrlug relief to stricken animals. Four trained attend, ants assist Dr. lllatr to car for the patient. GRANDMA JANNEY BE OF CHICAGO, March 17. A Philadel phia detective bearinc- a warrant for the arret ot Mr. Harriet Janney on a charge of kidnaping her grand daughter, Virginia" Ford, arrived hero today. He was accompanied by Wil liam Ford, VirginiaV father. In Judge Walker's court the child refused an invitation to "come pin; with daddy," and went to her grand mother. ".My wife went to l.os Angeles be cause of ill health and not because wo had been divorced," Miid Ford. "Mrs. .Initney cared for Virginia be-ciitti-c my lnisiucss kept mu in New Work nearly all the time. If she will mrrender the child I Will drop the . . . charge." MERCURY REGISTERS 100 LOS ANGELES l.OS ANOKI.F.S, Cal., .March 17. Willi the thermometer registering 71 degtces at 8 o'clock, St, Patrick's 'day promised to he the hottest March day southern Calilornia has known in several decade. Yesterday broke tho record for the last thirty-five years, when the government weather bureau repotted the nuivimuni tem perature to be 1U.I. .Many thermom eters in the streets registered closo to 100. Alaska Banker Held VAI.DKZ. Alaska, .March 17. Chmlc.s II, K.lihy, foimer cashier of the S. Ilium & Co. hank of Coulova, after a ptclimiunry hearing hero be foie Commissioner Adams, was hound over ycslciday In tho grand jury mul his bond was fixed ut jfAOO!) on it chat go of havliiK emhcxxlcd 7"lll of the fund, of the hank. The warrant was sworn out b, (he Ameii cnii Suiety cuinpaiiy. MAY KIDNAPPING 'MINIMUM WAGE ,5000 MEXICAN L SUPREME COURT Validity Measure Attacked by Port land Manufacturer Sustained Ten-Hour Law fcr Men Also Ap proved in Opinion. Bench Holds Act Within Police Pow ers cf State Justice Eak!n Out lines "Moral Dangers" Employes. SAI.K.M, Ore, Mar. 17. The at tack made by Frank C. Stettter, n paper box manufacturer or Port land, upon the Constitutionality ot tho minimum wage law for women and children, failed today when tho supreme court. In an opinion written by Justice Kakln, uphold the validity of tho law. The court. In an opinion written by J nut Ice. Uoan, also upheld the constitutionality of the tqn hour law for men employed in niflls, fac tories or manufacturing plants. Ilased Pollrc Principles Both opinions wre based on th.t same underlying principle that theio las properly come within tbe police powers of tho state and do not vio late tho fourteenth amendment to the federal constitution, whpilt pro vides that "no state shall mako or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or Immunities of tbe citizens of the- United Statu, nor shall any stato deprive any person, of life, liberty oV property without tine process of law, or deny to any person within Its Jurisdiction aa equal protection ot the law." Justice Kakln points out that all the arguments and decisions In favor of a law- fixing maximum hours of labor for men In any employment apply with equal force to Oregon's minimum wage law for women as bringing it within the pollco powci ot the state. Safeguard Morals "The state should be as zealous ot the morals of Its citizens as ot their health," Justice Kakln says. " 'Common belief, and 'common knowledge' are sutlcleut to make It palpable and beyond doubt that tho employment of female labor as it has been conducted is highly detri mental to public morals and has a strong tendency to corrupt them." Frank Stettler attacked tho con stitutionality ot tho law after the In dustrial welfare commission entered au order fixing tho hours ot women employed In Portland manufactur ing establishments at nine hours a day, or 54 hours a week, and a mini mum wngo of IS.64 a week. The circuit court sustained a demurrer to tho suit and dlsmUscd tho case and Stettler appealed. The decision of tho lower court Is affirmed. BY ASHLAND, Or., March 17. Pa pers providing fqr the consolidation of the United States National and the Pirt National lm)ks of this citv arc xomtho way to tho comptroller of tlio ......A !.. !.!...... ...! I-.... euiri'uc.v oi it iinooigioii imiiiv 101 formal indorsement, the stockholders having ratified tlio merger Into yes terday. The new institution will be known ns tho First National bank. Its capital mid surplus will be i-PJO,-000 mul dcMsits will nggregate $1100,000. K. V. Caiter will ho presi dent and J. W. McCoy cashier. Divorced Woman Kills Self SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., March 17. .Mrs. Nina l.iudrot ,wifo of n Los Angeles business man, committed suicide here today by Hwcilowlug cyanide of potassium, The police say she had sepaiated fiom hur husband, Mrs, Liudrot iiiisiiecesslully at Icmnlcd suicide In Siieimuriitu sev eral weeks ugo, W UPHELD Y MERGER ASHLAND BANKS APPROVED DIRECTORS SOLDIERS FREE OU ORDERS Federal Judge Grants Habeas Cor pus Writ to Huerta Fighters Held at Fort Bliss Under Refugee Clause Firing at Torreon. Constitutionalist Force Ordered te Hermosillo to Help Unseat Gover nor Charged With $500,000 Theft. FOIIT WOItTH, Texas, Mar. 17 United States Judge K. R. Meek to day granted an application for a hearing In a habeas corpus proceed ing to release the five thousand Mexican federal soldlorn held priso ners at Fort Itllss. The rasa will be argued at I'ecos March 23. Heavy Firing nt Torreon KI. PASO, Texas. Mar. 17. Heavy fighting between Chihuahua City and Torreon was reported today. Fen details reached here, tho censorship was so strict. Itobcl Anny to Front DOUOLAS, Ariz., Mar. 17. Two hundred troops or the constitutional ist garrison at Agua Prleta, oppo site Douglas, started today to Her mosillo iiK)i orders from the capital. They will bo Joined en route by a portion of tho Cananea garrison, According to apparently authentic Information, bo soldiers arj wanted at Hermosillo To old", a movement to unseat Governor Jojo MayforetnV, who Is In prison there, charged with appropriating $500,0.00 of the rebel funds. It Is expected that May tor ena will be tried by a court martial, and that General Alvaro Obregon will bo niado military governor. Huerta lllanics Itobbers MEXICO CITY, Mar. 17 That ordinary robbers were responsible for Frank Johnston's murder and the damage dono by Mexicans who attacked the United States post of fice and custom house at Tectato Sunday night, President Huerta told Charge d'Afalres O'Shaughnessy, ho felt suro. KELLY'S ARMY OF UNEMPLOYED GIVES UP SIEGE SACUAMENTO, Cal., Mar. 17. Giving up their "siege" upou Sacra mento and contiguous counties as a vain task, the unemployed army reached Its first agreement with local authorities at noon today and this afternoon Is moving toward San Francisco. Tho marching army consists of 300 men aud declined to como tlirougn Sacramento city or county, saylm; they would prefer to tako their chances In somo other community rather than meet the pollco, sheriffs aud officers In this section. AT ROYAL MATINS LONDON, .March 17. King Oeorgo mid Queen Alary attended u matinee nt the Palladium this afternoon. Dur ing its progress several militant Suf fragettes arose mid attempted to ad dress tho gathering. They were ejected. , Litter nnother Hiiffriigettu ores near I ho. royal box mid tried to HHwk, King George was roundly uppluuttal when Ids budyituards nud Httwitkittt ejected the woman, A diuwt otltrs whu tiled o speak nlo were purrlml somimiiiK from tltu buildlnjr. SUFF FN