.W '' K PAGE SIX MEDflOR'D iXATTi TRTimNF,, MBDFOWD. CffiKHON. KA'IVKDAY. MARCH II, 101- V t4V jM ISVav t KtS- 5B5 9? PF All communications should bo tn by Prida). Address society editor, or phono S3 -J. , A very enjnya.nr, surprise party wng Riven In honor ot Mies Kut!i Ne, Friday evening, Hie 6th. nt her homo on East .Main street, by Misses Marin Gates and limine Cow-gill. A pleasant evening wns spent and ro freshments wero served nt the con elusion or the social hour. Those present were Misses Gladys I'cart, Mlnnlo BoIe, Mnric Gates, Mildred Wicks, Hnth Xjc, Laura Gates, Lo rnlne Covrglll, Margaret Waldron. I.oulso Daddysmnn, Messrs. Kugentr McGulrck, ItalpU Plorrc, Gcorgu Gates, Griffith Cowgill, Bernard Huberts, Marvin Mitchell, Robert Pc- Jouro and Stephen Nye Ir a letter received from Mr. Sam uel Hill ho sa)s: "Yesterday, In company with Major Dowlby and others wo went ot cr the Columbia highway. Un fortunately Major Bowlby was bit ten on both legs by a vicious dog. Wo took him to Bridal Veil and his Ills wounds promptly cauterized, and tho major never ceased smiling ho Is a good soldier. However, this will prevent our coming to Med ford be fore tho morning of tho 23rd." Accordingly tho lecture which Mr. Hill was to havo given Monday, March 10. has been postponed until March 23d. Mr, Hill will Iccturo at Ashland on tho evening of tho same date. A picnic wag given Sunday in honor of Miss Gertrudo Hanna ot l.os Angeles. Thoso present were Mr. ond Mrs. Delroy Gctchcll, Mr. and Mrs. Gardl, r. Bullls, Mr. and Mrs. Ilnrry Findlcy, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner, Miss Hanna and Mr. Roger Hitchcock. Tho Alpha Delta class ot tho Christian church Bible class met with Mrs. O. O. AHenderfcr Friday after noon, March G. After tho regular business thero was a social meeting. Misses Kirby, Parker and Mlschlor assisted the hostess in serving. Miss Maud Comstock ' loft this week for Klamath Falls after an ex tended visit with her sister, Mrs. T. F. Itoynolds. Mr. Swick of Seattle was tlto week end gncet of Mr and Mrs. C. M. English. Tito Ladies' Aid of tho Presbyter Ian church will meet at XO o'clock Tuesday morning at tho chapel to work for ho Easter sale, which will bo hold Saturday, March 21. Aprons, caps, ra: rugs and home cooking wl'l bo cold. Mr. and Mrs. George King and children leave this week for Douglas. Wyoming, where they will remain un til fall. Mr. and Mrs. Win. GerU hnvo takon their lioubc on East Main street. Mrs. F. II. Cowles and daughter. Barbara havo returned from Santa Barbara whoro they spent the win ter. Mr Cowles will return In about two weeks. Mrs. Claronco Knight entertained tho Nullo Brldgo club bursday of this wcok. Mr. E. B. Davis and Mrs. Wnrron wore guests of the club. .Mr and Mrs. F, A. Carioy, who havo been tho guests of Mr, and Mrs. W .V. Campbell havo returned to tl'olr homo in North Dakota. Mr, und Mrs. F. W. Carnahan have roturnod from Eugene- whoro t)u spent tho winter. They luavo eooii for tho Bluo Lodgo mine. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ilazolrlgg loft this week for Phoenix, Ariz . whoro they will join tho Boston ideal Opera company. Mrs. Will md Campbell was hostojs at lunchoon Friday to Mcsdames Hafor, has. Brown, Stokes, Duulop and Warreu. Afr, and ACra. Harry Flndloy haver returned from a winter spent In Cal ifornia and aro at Hotel Medford. ACra. J, B, Stovvart and Miss Helon DahJ liavo roturnud from a visit m Douglns county, Mr, und Mrs. II. L. Waltliora havo rturnBd from trip to Yrcka. Mr. F. K. Dotiol lias roturnod from lUt twttittrit lHl. Lust Monthly evening -itipii-e iinrtv wns given Mr. Nun Uiudiiet in honor of lier birthday when number of friende nml neighbor-1 ,n u,01r 0"K "n" Wednesday nigut, ..innn oil..intiiillv tuviuirc.l for nlMnrch ISth. A tiannuot will be gootl lime nml tiMik ixwnomoii or bur home. The evening win peul in music nnd game.", utter winch re freshments were f-orved. A general good time vvn had ! nil. Tlioe proent were: Mn. Surah Clay. Mr. nml Mr. T. I Knhler. Mr. nml Mr. V. M. Konurd.v, .Mr. nml -Mr-. J. W. lhi!. Mr. nml Mr-. C. U. Wuieliind. Ah en ADirgnret Allcjt. IiomimuiuI ICemifily nml Ktlua Knmlnll; Ale-nr-. M. Turner, Chnrli- Skeeters. Clar ence Suitor, M. C. Wright nnd l. Deulioff. Air. nml Miv. Win. Wci-fcr and Mr. nml .Mr. 11. C. Ihmuey entcr tninetl a number of friends Tue-thiy evening nt n luncheon nml card party nt the homo of the former on South On kiln I e. Whist wn ployed nt five tables, Air. ami Mrs, C. I), llnvvuinu winning the prises for highest scores. Tlie guests present were Air. nml Air-. J. T. Summer- villo, Air. nml Airs. Clarence Noe, Air. nml Airs. John Kcter, Air. uud Airs. C. 1). How man. Air. nnd Air-, Thomas Turj'in, Mr. ami Airs. It. I. Ku tag, Air. nml Airs. C. L. Heskett, Air. nml Airs. A. F. Stcnnclt and Clarence Sutter. Aliss Gene Morton wa- ho-tc tins afternoon nt a Tango tea nt her home at I'hocnix. Her guest- were Air. nml Airs. Harry Lintlscy of Cen tral Point, Air. ami Airs. Ira Dodge, Air. ami Airs. Rnlph Itnnlvvcll, Air. nnd Airs. Wheeldon Hiddle, Dr. andl Airs. Snlnile, Air. nml Airs, (icorge Itoberts. Alis-es Hnnmi of Los An geles, Wil-on Salntle, Ida Lee Kent ncr, Emeriek ami Hutchison. AIc.-t, Tumy. Deuel. Itcigcl, Dan Scrvev of Central Point, Ralph AleCurdy. Ver non nwtcr, Lee Hoot. Mist Helen Dalil entertained de lightfully nt luncheon Friday com plimcnliug Airs. Herman PurueLer nnd Ali-s Thaltla ACnrion. Yellow mountnin lillies and violets were ua-d for ilceoration and hnu d pninted phufc eard- carrying out the eolor Kclicme were ti-cil. A very daintily appointed luncheon wns served. The gue-ts were, bc-ide- the honor gue-ts, AIi.cs I.iis Ktcs, lone Flynu, Jui'iicsfC Hutler nnd Kli.n- beth Itichard. The alumni nml the member- of the senior class of the high school were entertained Friday evening by the juniors, the -mull hull of the Kutitoriiiin which wn prettilv dec orated being ued for the occasion. A skit was given by .lame- Vnuee nnd Jny (Jore, where some marvel ous tnek ju magic were HTformed and .several tr.u-ical solo- were sung. The remainder of the evening was ssnt in dancing, after which n sup per was served. Ali-s Helen Keller will lecture at Ashland, .March 'J.'i, at S o'clock in the armory, the subject being "The Heart nnd Hand." Ailmis-ion -' ami ")0c. .Should thero be enough K'opln from Alcdford wi-Iiing to gt, nr- iiiugcmeiits -.sill be made to run u siieeinl Irain. Any infoimation con corning the trip can be secured at the public library from AIU- Rob- inson. Afii Lmtiiidu Cochran hilt Thuri-- day for Kugene, where hho will vi-it her sister, Aliss Ina, nt Univortiity ol Oregon. Tho Colloso Woman's club will I" ontortalnod by Miss Iluth Morrlck this afternoon. Miss Helen Mc.Vully has roturnid to Itosehurg after a month's visit In tho valley. Mrs. A. B. Lincoln of Hogtio Illvor snout several days with friends in Medford, Mrs. Carl Hoots of Hornbrook is tho guest or her sister, Mrs. Kail Kuapji. Mis. Alary Fought has returned from Yrcka whero sho has spent tho winter. Mrs, C. W. Halo of Grants Pass 'a tho guest of Sljrs. Harry Foster. Mrs. Allison V. Jordan has turned from a trip to Portland. ra- Tho Woodmen will hold a social night Wednesday of next week, Mrs. Win, Budgo entei tallied thu Tuesday luncheon this week. Mrs. Howard Hill of Merlin vlHltlim in Mudfurd. ;a Medford Camp No. 90, Woodmen of tho World will entertain Chr.vi.an ni """""' v-ucio. women m vvooaernii i . t ... . ... . . . served prompt I) t T o'clock, fol lowed bj a splendid musical and lit rar program. All members of both order and their wives and husbands are expected to be present to enjoy this delightfully occasion. . The rest room, conducted under thu nusnlcos or tho Pan Hellenic as sociation are still open, on the fourth flqor or tho Medford Furniture & .Hardware, company. They aro well provided with comfortable furniture, reading matter, etc. Tho public is earnestly urged to. make greater use or them. . Mrs. A. J. Hanby will entertain the teachers of tho Jackson school on St Patrick's Day. Mrs. C. It. Bowman will lio host ess on St. Patrick's Day to a uumber of her friends. Mrs. II. C. Kent ner entertains at luncheon Saturday ror Miss Ida Lee Kontncr. WOMEN'S CLUB NOTES The Washington school Parent Teachers' Clrclo held their regular monthly meeting Friday, March 13, in tho school building. The program was opened with a spring time song by pupils of Mrs. Canode's room, fol lowed by a vocal solo by Mls Coffin. The subject "Vocational Training" was then presented by Mrs. James Campbell and Professor Collins in a very thorough manner. .Mrs. Camp bell said la part: "The skilled is becoming moro and more in uemnnii. inis was oeint recognized In tho number of voca tional or trado schools started. Time was when to learn a trade boy was apprenticed until he had mastered that trade, but now tho trained work er Is demanded. Tho causa of much ot the unemployed problem Is this very lack of training In any particu lar trade or vocation. The boy who loaves school early to go to work In factory, etc., will enter the un skllcld class usually as tho work he does Is some simple task which he does monotnously day after day. A. for Instance In the screw factor whero many bojs aro employed, bis task may be, simply to pass a box ot unfinished screws from one table to another. He stays from neccsslt, -t those tasks and has no chauce to spe cialize lu any thing. Where the vo cational schools have been started thu bulldliiKS havo been crowded from tho beginning. Tho first school ot the kind was started In Boston. Professor Collins spoke In part rrom the standpoint of the Medford schools on vocational training. That much may be dono in tho schools as they aro to glvo this training. Such as helping with tho furnaco firing, heating, etc., studlug sanitation, gar dening, In tho care of the lawn, dolm tho necessary printing In tho school. In many ways tho child may be taught so that tho ability In any ono thing may bo brought to notice anc' ho may then bo gUeu specialized training lu that ono thing. An ex ample from the Medford sclioola was cited. Tlmo was when all boys were urged to study hard that somo day Ihciy might bo president! That was a worthy ambition but manual labor and tho trades havo tholr plaro thoso days. Vocational training does not maau to dispense with Intellectua? training but only as an asset, it lias been found that a dull boy will do letter with his books If ho works at manual training part of tho tlmo. Tho subject was open for discus sion in which many took part. A piano solo by Dorothy Stewart closed tho program. Tho women of California aro very enthusiastic over tho stato highway proposition. Tho work of construc tion has Just begun In San Mateo county on tho coast sldo and tho women of Half Moon Bay aro plan ning many highway fetes to mark tho boglnnlng of the road work. There aro to bo a scries or celohratlons dur ing March, April, May and Juno to" leruiluatn in a frand feto Fourth or July to which tho residents of the entire county will ho Invited to ut. tend. These women boosters hold a banquet recently to which tho most prominent speakors and progressive men of tho county were Invited. Tills affair was duo to tho fact that the llrst spado had boon turned on tliu toast side road Thorn Is to ho an entertainment shortly at which tho contest for tho ipienu of litdopeud ouco Day will ho launched arid tho plans to make tho Pacific highway tlunimli Sail Mateo county, for bca.i- of mii-ic ol Hie Hmilci' .Muilloiil i), outrival uiur other county iiijciub o ciiikitoi o siiinulnio mi in- MRS. COLVILLE BARCLAY IN Air-. Ctdvill Pnniav. wife ot the romi-i lbr ot the llntn.li emlmssy ut Wu-bitigtou. wns one of the -turn .it the tableaux given by Washington society for Ihe bencf-t of the tictdv ehildrcn of the Distiict of Colutn bin. In n erio.- of po-e-; entitled, "I'nder the Second Fjupiie," she iiiatlc a bit. California, will bo laid before thou,rlM mii(.nv ,n H. public seb-oU people. Ilnij ,rj,.,.( , ,Mm un, ,.r uii.v me women oi .Mouront are going to do something big too and a good opportunity to L'et an Idea or two will bo to attend thu lecture nt the Page Theater Manila) afternoon. March 23, and hear nliat ttio great est good roads adrocntor In tin world. Mr. Snm Hill, has to say about trco planting, etc. Don't forgot tho date, Monday afternoon, March 23rd, at the Page Theater. Ever) ono Is In vited. It Is tho duty of every club woman to bo present If posslblu. The first Southern Orogon Diiriel Federation will bold il tirst con vention nt (Irani- I'ji .ulxmt tin middle of April, the ouiot linlc t be nuuoiiuceil Inter. The program n outliiicd ut the exectuive boaid im-ct-ing nt Central Point in February al lowed Med fold t mum t'bniriiiHii ot .hree dcpartmcnls oiiies, cuoscna tion nml mu-iound . four mtme were allowed on commitlce work. Airs. Hurt Harmon who In the mil) resident member oi the executive hoard, was asked to rrtuke the ap pointment nml with the us"itiiiif- of .Mrs. Iv. K. Gore the tollowiug nnme were decided upon as i;hnirmuu ot the respective department : Civics, Afrs. C. L. ,Sebietflm, iiouserviit'tm, .Mrs, ,. AI. Rout; intt-ii', Mr-. K. M. Andrews. Each of those rlmiimpo have ten iiiiuutiw mi the program. Airs. V.. K. (lore will give u five min ute talk on what the (irsatur Alcd ford Club i doing. On tell committee- were appeinted: Nonrmitmg, Mi Eliiibelli I'nti.iuii; nsoliilniis, .Mrs. F. W. Streeli-; credoiitials, All-. Win. Iliulge, ami on tbo orfci.iioii of tho coimtitiiUon, Mii. V. K. .Mer rick. The (ireater AU'ilfonI Club will also supply two mtiaiiml limn hers on the program. Wu nn: entit led to ten delegate. i The litoraiy deiuirtmoiit has de cided to combine thu Kmerson uud Hawthorne program in one to lake place April .'lOlli as on iiocoiinl of the Sam Hill ledum us pioviousl) scheduled the F.mcrsou progrum would have bad to be iiostpoiicd, us tho datos eoullictcd. Only six week- noiu icmain in which to pay club dues, Tbo uamin of those (lcJin(iicnt uui-t be dropped from tbo enrollment on April 27th according to tho by law. . The social hjgienc department l tbo (li eater Medford Clnli will meet Tuesday. Maieli 17, at !l p. in. ut llu lioinu of Dr. .Myrtle S. Lookwoud, !." Limlley avenue. An inlciusling pro glum on heicdily ba been picpnicd by .Mrs. E. E. (Joic AM am conlially invited to attend. Word has been icccivcd that tin leeluie bv .fir. Sum Hill on "ood toads and lice planling which wns in have been ileliwieil al Hie I'agc llieaile ui'M Moiubiv nlleilioon un der tbo uiixpict of Ibo (liculer .Med loid Club, i iiuavoidubly potpoiiid nml will tn Lu plaee on the following Mommy, Aluicb 'Jll. ll is the desire ol I he depnilmeiil WASHINGTON SOCIETY TABLEAU :,,i,Bri.i,.. .. ,iir..r.... wi.....i ni i... iir (. ! "" IH't'in ""I asked to eonipcte for prizes in mu sic, the content to take pine cat u Miw festival. This would be a vcrv appropriate manner in which to fin ish the musical sen-oil of tbo club. The imiiir- of Mrs, S. ,M. Herbert ami Airs. Itsrt Audcisuu have been added to Hi enrollment of the (Ireatcr Medford Club. An executive meeting of the Drmna I .ensue wpn held Monday nltnruoim where plan- fur work wcie thscu ttl. The ehnirimiu of the tlill'ercnt cnui luittecn have been appoinlid uud 1 1 1 aic filling (heir eoiuinitict. Alt. I'bil Haiiull is obairinaii ol the mem-bcr-bip committuc, Alr. (Icorge Dag gett of tbo preMt committee, Mrs. P. .1. Nelf of the educational corainit lec and Dr. Frederick Page of the commitlce on plays. The one bun tlittd iuiinc' which arc ucconsaiy to have thw brunch become a meuibci of the national league have been se cured and a- soon n the dues have been paitl tbo .Medford center will begin work. Tho executive board of t'.io Greater .Medford culi wss In sussliu Monday ndcriioou at tlio library auditorium. ComnilltcoN were apiiolutod to repre sent Hio dub al the district federa tion msotlug at Grants Pais In April. A resolution was passed recommend ing thnt the cluli Join tho Medford branch of tho Dramatic league and a plan was outlined for Increasing tlm membership of tho club to two hun dred. A a ono member enthuslastl" ally said, "the momhershlp of this club should bo five hundred! It is primarily a civics club ami any wo man though tumble to bo an active member, can hy the paiment of dues enjoy the musical, literary ami all other advantages or the club and at the same tlmo unllo with the club In Its efforta ror beautifying the city and making It an admirable place In which to live." Plans for extending tho work of the musical department were n'sn dhmsscd and tho board adjourned to meet Monday, Marc't .'10, ut 1:.'!0. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS Dr. and Mrs. .1, W. Robinson nii'l Miss norland Robinson have return "1 rrom Oakland, Cal , after upending tho winter there. Misses Levy, Router and Ilrl'l spent tho day In .Medford Saturday, Mrs, E, Cameron passed through town one day this week on her way ft oni Medford to her ninth. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Armprlcst ot Forest creek spent a few ho urn in town Thursday, Reuben Robinson ami family and Mrs Melissa Taylor have moved Into the Taylor home nml expect to to side hero permanently. Abo Kromllug ami Ralph Jennings were among thoxu rrom Applerate truusactliiK hiisluoHs here this wee'. Miss Annie Broad, who Is nursing nt the Good Hamailtau hospital spent Weilmtsdii) with her mother Mrs. T. T. Hhaw who has been nullo III Is Improving rapidly Hi-no Maui) of Central Point spout iv few hours lu town Tlmimlnv Mr. mid Mrs, Harry l.uy and chil tit on ami Mr. and Mrs. Lewis IMi It ti molored to Applcgulo tlumlay wheio they vvt'to gui'stH at tho liuino of Itnlp .leiiulugii, Mis II. M. Collluii wits u Mciltind culler Wetlnesdaj, Mis. Homer Stevens, widow of llit Into Homer Ktovmis iiccompnuteil lior diiUKhlor to Kiigeiio on her return Word him been iccuIumI ot tlio death of Wllllnm NlcUell at Ouvoii Ctt.v. Mr Nlckoll was fnrmorlly it resident of Jacksonville ami a brother of I'huilvw Nlckoll Tho hod will protmhl) tnoimlit heio for biirlnl. tlieat euthiislasm bun been ituiscl over the proposal of establishing n mlllliuy ticaileui) In tho convent building on California stieet A number of our cltUeiis luunhed wldi the Me.lfor.1 merchants Wednesdav ami fuiind them greatly lu favor i i the proiuMiltlou. Dr Seolo) bus been over fioui Mi'ilfnril several tluum on proles uloiial Inislueas. .Measles are pre valent. ,1ml) Clark and famll) lelunl-d frnm .Nevada recently whore thw spent the winter. Miss Issle McCull) visited frlon Is in Ashland one da) this wcok. The food sale hold last Saturda) by the Christian Endeavor soclmv wan nlilto n aucrcss. Hi bell, t i valiant. The Womans nuxllllnrr ,,. , , ... . wl I hav charge of the nex one. Lawrence Brown Is lecelvlng con- gratulatlons on the arrival of a son at his home tho first of the week ... . 0 .... ,. ., ....,, I'D do Shaw came up from llol I Hill one day this wcok to visit his mm her Mr. am. Mrs Roy Smith recent ar rlvnts from Missouri havo moved '., .MiMtont Airs, ttinuu is u sisier o Mlis Mary Hurst. County Superintendent J. 1' Wells has purchased him a new Ford chine which will be great eouvoi lence in his work. Floyd Jones Is revolted greattv Improved from hi recent IIIiimm. Mrs. II. I). Young has been a Med ford visiter several ilitjs this week The Native l)auhters held a so cial meeting nt Ihelr hall last Wednesday afternoon when a chick en plo supper was served In hen ir or the blrth.ta) of one of theli uitm bcrs. Mm. Johnson. wIiomi tiiisliaml was formerly iiastor of tint M. IC church nt Jacksonville arrived from lloflou Ilrltlnh Columbia and Is visiting he daughter near Kiiglti Point. Iigal blanks toi sln t inn Mali I'rlhnn offtra It While we fire well stork with Colonials ami all pop uliir stylos of pretty pumps lur walking, it iciuires a more' practical shoe. Tht'ivfupr m- i-eniiiiiiieinl Button Oxfords For the Sensible Summer Short vampH, hroad hih tors, Cuban and ineiliiini hi'li heels, in tan, iih metal anil patent leathers C. M. KIDD & CO. Hlack Cat Hosiery for the famliy. J''irht-Clash Repairing I rfr''-asiW1 yw'Bmmm- &-Ws BpE'jtSmmW ' rssLHIBSfcSw - MEDFORD PHARMACY, Your WMTTI lias tlio right face crenm tohnnpyourcomplcsloiint its host in spite of Mnrch winds. Tlio lumm i-i I'onol.ir Ihiltcniiilk Cerate, It H not a vmiisliinp; cni.iiu it ruatorea tlio nuttirnl velvety doflnrsa of tlio skin. Apply it liyhlly, inassnuc ('cnlly, nml wipa off with it eoft dry cloth. You will ho doliulitcd villi I'cntlar Huttcr inilk Cerate. Gel a lanjo 50 cunt jur lura tuduy, mrminmmmmTmrmjm JOIJLD NOT STAND ON FEET Mm. Bnkev So VVcak-Could Not Do Her Work Fount! Relief In Novel Wny. Adrian, Mich. " 1 miiTcriM terribly I wlUifeinnlo weakness and luirkiiclin and irot so weak that I could hardly do my work, when I washed my ilUhcs 1 had to sit ilown and when 1 would sweep tliolloor I would get so weak that 1 would lutvo to get a drink every few minute, and before 1 did my Hf f. Iv I uV, lowi. I got 0 Hwy t,m, ny Mia ,jluUuf,t j wns , .,,, ti consumption. One day 1 . found u piece of paper blowing around the van! and I nicked It un and read it- It said 'Saved from the (irnvv and told what Lyilht E. Plnklmm's Vegeta ble ComiKiund has douo for women. I rliowetl it U my hiubuud in id lie snld, ' Why don't von try It V So I did. and after I had taken two Mtle 1 felt Mtor nnd I snld to my husbniul.M don't ucetl any more,' und he said 'You had belter take It a little longer anyway.' t'o I took It for three months ami got i wH and strong. -Mrs. Ammwi h. . ,,SB; " ?'r.'" V ''t'J I Not Well Ihiimgli to wont, , , hM W(mU , ,,,,, , ,ruKy I 0f liml,y nwim,n, houscktvis-rorwagn earner who support herself nnd is often helping to support a family, on meagre wages. Whether In hoiue, olllce, fsc- " Illl()1( Biri, ,ir Mlc,.n womnn lnmld rememtx-r tlml thro Isotio trbsl nutl tme remedy for the ills to which all ---re ,,.,1 that Isl.yd.a E. rrotl,oU. ,inl v,Kr w,c, miljw Wl)rj, , ny, iiio i.iim i riui.imni .Mitiicini C , Lynn, Aliua. Tower's Fish Brand Reflex Slicker JUST THE COAT FOR DRIVING WIILN IT RAINS Kw4 t itii m It fttvl ymi'H t'tufn lhy iK". f Wtlff rti I ! M 9t iKhmK llv otniHf l'wvf K Ituttont lKt viriMn iwr fivmi 1t4tt IUI iim It mnyt cmhIuiuU. nJ wt4l n U lkl it ? if 4M(4 MrtWf, M HA SATWAfTKVI ipO.Ul CUAHAMllIJi Al rwMf itftf(if mi itriJ tt rwl A. J. TOWER CO. BOSTON tdWE Tol lliin UullM itu.CO Near P. 0., Phone 10 Store . tpigypn ITiafi tJmmmmjQ 9i I . r.i