-v MTJDFOTtD MA Hi TJUBUNTJ, MEDTTORD, OIWOON, FUIIMY, MAUOII V,, 19M. PAGR TnitKW , I 4 t FI - ZER e on OF, OWLS PLEADS tY LAPSE KMf .1, K. W'ihhIm, organutir if dm I -proved Oritur of Owltt, nrroslud Hid (Intl ur tin) weak fur alleged fraud In worlhlewt rhnckit, tt rut other Hi it t -turn, ('tiilum now Unit tin Huffnrcd from ii menial Inpmt din liml two iiiniithri, mimI lm no clear ami con duo recollection or wltnl liu hat lutvn lining, itrcorinn " In a kl'lU'ini'iit iiimlit to Iih wife,, who U hliolnu wllli Iriuudit III till ell). Tim fraternal iirgiiiiluir, lniMtiir( In fully cog nliniit of llni iiiilnfiil (net, Unit liu Ih Inrnrccrntcd In the. comity Jull lit Jnrkoitvlc, unnhlo to ret hull Wood' dcfi'img nitty liu IjummI upiin tint mi'iilnl luim ulltil, Nl'W Hltlll lilt till! Illctlllldll of Wooiln developed )'iuily, In Mi miring iiu'iiiliunt for dm Owls, Out of 2uO inoinliiiH, with mi liilndnn Ion of ,5 enrh, l';i iiitl. About "f. cltlnenn eru litkvn Into tlm order to lend dignity, Muyur Mulilou l'urilln ninl Ainon Wnlknr, rcpitlillcan rnndl dn tn fur aherlff ami odium IioIiik oh IIiIn llt. Tim dlitrlrt urgnnUcr or tlm Owls It ripiTttnl to arrlvn on lint moin; imxt week, nml attempt to ntrnlgliten put dm tangle, No further word linn heou lii'ttnl from dm grand lodge liraititinrtiirn. Il JAPANESE NAVAL BUDGET EDUCED 10 $45,000,000 VLA DOTED WILLIAM iKt COMMITS SUICIDE . OltmnX (MTV, Or., Match IX ''Ifciitli liy drowning wild Mtilolul in ti'llt" !h the verdict here loilny III tile death of Willlnui Nickel of Milwmi Me, ultima Imil.v wit fuuiiil diluting in ICclloggV tak yeil onlay. Nickel, .wlitnm health luirt lii'i'ii ilUcnurnging, left thi' hnrhcr hl)iti wjient In; wiim employed, nliniit It) o'clock ituil np peiim to have walked direct to I he Juki'. , .1. T. lwtuiioliU nnw him in tint n (it nml i'iiIIi'iI S. II. Iliirliiiul, tin' two finally dtnggiug Nickel In the Imiik. Dr. W. II. Taylor winked over him nciuly two hour, Itut oulil lot revive him. Nickel formerly re filled at .Medfortl, licit' hit brother, Churlc Nieki'l, fnrinerlv edited a iiiAVNpatti'r. Thi' doily tvn lakcii to the morgue nl Oregon City, where il U lichl un til tho local mitlmrilii'rt ciiu receive wopl i'ritut relative. bou BLE TRAGEDY TRIAL SAN FKANCISCO, Mjin-li Kl. -lauii'H lluku, a Inilor, llii utter noon hlml ninl pi nimbly falully wounded MjHM Maillia IMIc, 'JU yeai-H nli), ami then tinned Hie ie volvi't on hiiiiNiir. Ilolh un in a critical I'oiiiliiiun nl Dm central riuitrKHiiy IjoHpital, I'arlicr in Hut ilay MiiLiih nml Mihh I lull re ciKM:cil in a ilixpulu over a trial man inn I hey hail enutrai'leil hcveinl moiitliM UK". A umiilh later him Inl't town, mnl when Mm it-liirueil refused In livn with him UKuiu. iniKiiH iiKaiu eancii at lint House shortly al'ler noon mnl Marlnl kIkiuU inu' whi'ii Mih llulirit icI'iim'iI to lis Inn to IiIm piopimal Unit llicy lm le. nally umrrieil. CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP IN THE CAFATER1A Mm. Anna lloxln hint piirrliinunl tlio Intercut of Imr imitimr, Mm. U. Af,,HlmiliiinlHon, lit tlm Cufnturht on Houth Contrnl anil Ih now uolu pro prlotor, Mrq. Jloxlo Iiuh Imon with dm uutulillHhiiKiitt hIiicu It wutt oponoil a fow mondiH uko, uuilumtmulM dm IiuhIuuhn thoroiiKlily, U iminilar with tlm pooplu mnl will add to dm al ready popularity of dm Cafntorla. NOTION. Nutlci? Ik horoby jjtvpn thai tlio u ilerHlKned will apply to dm city coun ell nt It is nmudiiK to bo hold March 17th, 101 1, for n llcoiiHn to soil malt, nplrltuouH nml vtuoiiH llquorn In quail tltloH Icnh thun ii iiulloit nt Its phtco of hiiHlnoiiH on Wont Mnln ntront, city of Mudford for n purlod o( nix auontliH, 1IOTI3U MIJDKOUI). Dated March 'J ml, 1UH. Atlentlon ,. I .V A, M. Work In dm I'ollnw Craft doKiuu at 7; Ito Hliurp. Mailn lit MiMlfonl, Hiuoltu Mt, 11 tt mid (lovarnnr JoIiiihoii cliiiir. thuy it ro Imiim nmdo mid Mini rlumi, TDK II), March I.I. To Urn hum of vehement in ii'mh Iiiiiii I'miiiIci Vaiiiaiuoln, Hid upper homm of Hie liipiiiie-.il p.iilinmeiit ludiiy ndiiccil tint naval eiliiimlcK I'iihii KII,IH)II, IIIMI In $iri,llllll,llllll, Tlm "iKciinnciit iniiiiimlly wmileil .tHri.lllliUHHI, hut piitviuiiM nitllin; liml Iriuuiieil itn lipireK hy ir'IA,!)!!!), Ollll. Tlm inut hliip will lm the eli Uiatep' NiihiiiiKxIoii lo n I'MiiI'dciicc finm icpiencnlint' Imlh upper ami Inwrr Imuihiw. hiilieatiuim wetn llmt duty wuiild H" lliri'imh in tlielr lalcNt limn. .Slionlil IliU huppeii, il wn ciiii-iil- eivil cerlniii thai Premier Viiiuatnoln would iiftiun. In IiIh iiiciuiieui ln. uiailit ii'peuli'il veiled reli'i'i'iiei'M to hin romplii'iitioim with it fnreicii puwer, mid j wiim Ijcllcuil he hail in iiliiiil lint I'liilcil HIiiIcm, xluee the new Culil'iiriiia iiiili-.liipiiMei.it laud law wrnt into effect. if . i rr rfT E $30,000 A YEAR MAIM.IN, Tex., .Mnieli la. lolm .1, McOruw, unilinear of the New York (limit, made nut liU Income lax Maleineut hare today, lie hwore that In- minual income i $:U),()lli), I.iut enr hli income wax j.'i:i,rillll, the luercase liem due lo hix xliare of the world's trries lietween tin' Athletic ami (limit-' SALTS IF KIDNEYS WITH SILENCER UPON HIS RIFLE I'llllll'AIII'A iTI'V.Mc., .Miiii-Ii l.'l. (leiietnl Villa kept '-(III liili HUny nl'fieeiK wiiilin Inday whiln he cleaned hU rifle, Thu lifht wiih Ijiven In him leeently. It is eipiip ped with a .Maxim Mileiieer. Villa never miw it nileneei' hefon' and wa iih pleased a m a child with u new toy. It wiin Hiiid Villa I'xpcflM to littlil like u common mildicr at Torrcoii. lie did mil uy Just when he would leitM', hul In- wnriis the neHpapei coirepoiiilcni iiiithtly that they ma he eulli'd licl'ore innruitiK lo aceoin puny liim In the front. Wlien hi- lenum hure fur Tort con, the Keneral will leave licliild him, to (,'MlliMOII MIIUMIH toVMH in Cliilninlutn Htiite dUIHI nun. DROWNSPENDTHRIFT DECLARES LAWYER MANAGING ESTATE than llio woi'iln of the (pieiliun, and calmly miiil: "I refuxo In aiiswcr.'' II was not until .luilc O'dcn had in Icrvciied and tin; (pKmtion wiim re frained tlml Icnipornry jiciwu wiw it'hlorcd. It was e-lalitilieil lifter niticli wrantjliii (hat Archer Drown left two life insurance, policies in favor of Ills wife, liy which, if acipiircd, -he would eiinu' into .l'',llllll licniili the iiicnmc of .fllll) ii month left her under Hid will of .Imlc Drown, liu nihwil of Hie Areliciv. If cnnvielcd i this tain would revert lo the Drown cilnlc, giiim; to Willanl Drown audi In two nisler. Leicester nid that .IO." a uuuilli wiim tint mnoiuil of Drown's income, aliiml half of this lieine imnlii.il to odd dehtH. He niluiitlcil llmt Drown wax nlwny i Miriinjr to liiwi for money j nun uini ue woiiiii n a ve unit no in-1 had heen luccdcd to. Ho main (aincd ttiitt the dead mini aud him xelf had ahvayM hccii the host of fncitilM, ulthntiuli lm had hern thc Irimtcu from Ilia death of Hie older Drown. Leicester repented many of tlm 'xtnricH told him liy Mr. Drown eon-' ccriiliijc Mane Millar, who liKarcd o lnrKi'lv In the IraaMv. I Ii liv:Tr--Au li OAKLAND, .Mar, , .. .lolm I'. I.ciecxlcr, ri'l'iiHiutt lo answer n uuc- Hon put lieforu Di-lnet Allorruiy V. II. Ily new ami dcchiriiu; Hint the present Irial of ,Mi. Mildred Drown, tlm Hlcr-iii-law of U law purliicr, wiim improperly conducted, enlivened I lit twelfth dny of ih; Drown mur der triul here. Hiien had nuked whether Leicester thought Mrs. Drown it raving maniac the eaily pan of tlm rvi'iiiii;' cf liu- Irani dy I.eicc'Hlrr iiftnlcd Hie tone taoici ei.me at all if till of hi- . rriiucft" i 8SNrOD OftCIIAtlll IIAIlNICSH A team can pull n IiIr n land with It mi any other liartm.ta nnd cannot Injure, tho trroit whllo plowlnR. lull II. !. ll().VNi:V, I'hoim HDH-M. Ick Silver Collars bfT ItttU Wort. Irtr. K T. ."!." i iiut 1: 3ta 2 lor 28c Bannleu to fltuh Kidnejn ud nntnU is irritating cid-Bplendid for yitem. nry from urlo acid, uy a noted autliorlty. 'Ilin klilnri filter till ntld fnxil tlm hliMvl mid pn It on to tlm hUdilor, wlicro it ultra rrnulns to Irrltatfl and Inllume, rmulnj; a burning, mraldlng ciu.xtIon, or rrttlnij mi an Irritation nt tint neck of Ilia hudilrr, oIiIIkIiir ynu tn icfk relief two or tlimt tlmri during tlio nlglit. Tlin (UuVrrr I In cintnnt dreail, tlio wntcr miic4 Minrtlinri with ix mmIiIIiij; n-iuitloii nml is very triifnvi nRnln, llirrn U illinctilty In nvaidlni; It. Hl.iijilrr wr.iknrM, mnit fulls call It, Isvmim thry can't control urlti.-tf ton. Wh It l extrrntcly annoying nnd mnne. tlinrs vrry lulnfnl, tlili U renlly onn of tlip inot aimplo nltincnti to overtmi" f!rt nlsnit four on men of .Iml Salt from votir lmrniarUt nnd take a (aide sss'iiul In n lna of water lwforr hrrakfiut, ronllmiu tliU for two or ttiri'c il.iya. 'IliU will ti'iitrnllro tlm ncldt In the urine n it no longer Ii n (ton i re of irritation to the lihtldcr nnd urlniry or ;nn which tlien Hft normnliy kkhIii. Jnd tfnlt.t U iiii'Xprnilvi;, haiatlrar ml l mailit ftotn tlio Held of L'rniM nm eon j tilec, rtiuiMited with lltlim. nor i ii" I It) I'oiiaiuls nf foil 9 wlio in ''vet t" ni'iii.V doler chiimkI l . -Id Irrilnt ...: . .!rt, Salfj Ii upleti il ir Iiii.t. nnd i'uiin m Imi. - v. ! . i. , i . 'i ' ' ! il-ft.Mint. elh'rveper ... i :. i ..., w!.,.!i oi.lckly rolieve, nvn.p4 tt lk Ais ailmfnt t tu Tito Home ltiBurnnco Co. -I Nrtr Vi.iW. In ilir lily nt Nrw Yil, " llr UI .! uf Hx-riiilwr. lull, uxitr In ll' lnuiiiiif i.miiiWlir Die Hie t Oi .hi, iiir.iianl , I or , CATITAL. AniiMiul cf riilui. ii.Hk iial.l up r; ,, ....I ii.iiio.oo.iA) iNcour. hft rrfinluina rrivlinl ilmlnic . I1" !'.. H.IVO.I.H.M IliUrnl. ill,lilrnil, ami rrnla rrrHfr.1 ilmlm lli )rr I, III, 0)1,73 lnfw fomi Kihrr a.iuirfa r- ilmlim Ilia rar ft.lM.vnitU Talal liiciiiii. . I lll.lKHnta.Ilt DtauuHsrur.NTB. Sri !.... .ali iiurliiK id ;-art 7,r.sfl,OU.I IHililrmU elil illtilm the jrr oil rahllal link 0l,(Vl.lil f.iiil,ttl.iiia ani aalarlra iutt.1 ililtlmt lhi )rr a.H.Vt,ll.(VV Taxea, llrritiea, au. trra all iliitinil Die tear ... jra.vvfli 111 11 inurr rnii. IF YOU ARE A DRINKING NAN You hnd hotter utop nt on en or jou'M Ioki) yniir Job. IJvory llnu of liuiiliii'kK U cloaliiK Its doom lo "DrluliliiK' men. It may lm your turn next. Ily dm aid of OltltlNi: dioiiMindii of men have lioen rcHturcd to Uvea of aobrluty and ladimtry. Wo nru no (tiro tlml OltltlNi': will benefit you dint wo any to you that If after a trial you fall to Ret nuy benefit front it tisu, otir money will bo nifuiiilcd. When you atop "Drinking." think of tho inoimy you'll nnvc; bcalilen, Holier mini are worth more to tholr oinplo)cm and cut IiIrIrt wagci. Coata only 11.00 n box. Wo hnvo nn liiturcatltiK booklet nhottt Olt ltlNi. that wo nro kIvIiik nwny free on renucHt. Call at our atoro nml tnlk It over, 1.. II. Iloaklni, drug-Rlt. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK t Sure limicaliuns o! Lunrj Trouble Aui'. Hit ln.tlcoll.nn ut tlirtalelteil .HX troulil nn- a ruiitlnii-l rougu, frtrr ami nlclil anratf A clirniKe of ell male nfleti li.lp". tint It arrow tint a.nni Itiluj: inme l nrrIH lo tn Itie onian atiit ihi mill arrml Hie iroiirrnf ilt-ra- Crkinsh's Altrmtltre after nianr xrara nf H la Kmiwn l Is- innat leiie firlitl III lirlneliig iiIh.uI rrller. In Inaiir vnnt iol)iilele rtsiveile" litTesllcati' tlila rn.r rVlirll I Ily, i "llriitlrineir I hail IrrrlMe isiugli, liUtil snesla uli.l (.leiitlay In my lun. A limit ulio llrsnil He -oiiiclitii( nililaol me lo take jour Allrrnllve. I 'kl lm nllrtillnii to lilm llien. I cot i lia.l I lie ttiK-tur aal.l I alioilM In V jomitilT I illil. n nl beii I cut there I r-teoilllr crew wurae. Ttien 1 renirnilH'rel hut bml Ihtii lulil tno bIhhiI ),nir tnrllelne. I Ih'k.iii Inkluc It. "Oh le i fallli lial erer. lull Ih f.ne I hail taken llirre iHiltlea. I mill. I i-al nii I lilne I'eur mnl nlclil aneau aop.e.l ami lor our a Jrenr I lime Urn well ami In lirllrr licalt.1 than I eter wan."' lAttMavlll W l IIDMAIt. lAUite aliliretlatel: more on reiiet ) : kiiian' AllerstHelina Ix-en urim-n hjr inanr ji-sih' leal to l lito't iffli'm li'lM t.r koii' Tlmult lint l.mic ArTivlkuia, llr-'iiiliMla llrotteliUI Aaihtna. Stnl.lH.ru I'ulila mid In luilntllillus the atiu. t'ontnlna nn narenltrii. hiuiii or Iirtl.lt forinlnir ilruir. AV fur Isxiklrt trlllns if teoitrrlea. ninl nrltu tn pktnan Idtiiratnrr. I'liilndelaliln. IM.. fr '" ili-nte. Cor ale hx all IraOlrnt itrtiKKlma Ani'Uiil nf inri-a I.IHI,TM.M t tT,iti.vo:.rai linai ril'ri.nilllir ....., oaaiiiD. Valu nf real walala pienwl 4 (market raln.'V -'! 0 Vrlne nf atmka ami l.nlt oHiiiil (markrl taluet .... :.n0,,VUi( la'aua mi uiurtuatfra ami ih. Uicral, ne nt.umi 0.x I'aati In lianka ami nn liaml... ,HI(I,IKA.:H ri nilmiia In n.iire nf 1-nllerttiHi tlllril aline rieiilrnilirr :', .. . J0I1 S.I0S.II-M.H li'trrnt tint rrnla iliie ami ae. ..... eriie.1 SU.TIfl.tM inlal aiurta a.linlllr.l In tire- .,..,,., on ,., .o.iaa.Bis.st t-aa aiieelal In anr lte (If aur ilirie del ,..i,.. ,0 Kl" ."". 'l"""f,,.i,.,.O.r.tM.0l.8t LIAUIUTItS. 1M nmaa rUtm rnr I niahl. I.ISI.MO.OO Auiomii ( iineariiril reiuluiua ....... nn all iiiilataiiillini ll. . . n.in.Otd.OO line for ruiiiiiill..ii ant lirnkrr. ace . All i.llirr llllilllllea ... A3l,(kJ.'tJ llraerna at i'oiiMiTallui anr- pin. , l,KOH,(X'.0O Total llaMllllea etelnalie if .. ..,., eapltal aliuk III.tHM huikl'j IT.IsIH.SUD.U Tulal frriuliima in fone lie .... ,.., euiiLer III, IIICI t 'JX.RvMIVt.IXI uuaiNcas in oaudON tmt tim: ycau V'lal rlaka urlllrii ilurliii III- riar KMltiVUtfLlsl (lima nieinliiina leeelie.l ilur ......... Inv llie rar i IXI.I.VS.IJ I'n mliiuia reliirne.l ilnilug I'te . . ... . rar Sft.ai ! liitaea iialii ilnrliif IIik )ar f.il.Mls.li'l lvni-a fii.iM rr.l OiiiIok Hi ri'r iH.oio. 1 1 Tula) kliuiilnt nf rl'ki wut- laiMlliia hi llii'foii m-ieiulvr , ,, hi. ivia ... i i8.sti.Tnsti.ro Tlio Home Innuranco Co. 11 K, II, HNIIW. I'mMriil. "'J,?,'P "Tl. "JviU'K iWuT It, A. Holmes, Audit, Medfoiil, Oic, Mill iiff"ln II t T t ? f t t r y f 5 y t t y f r y r r j j r y V atflU ilMJiS.LL On the Bargain Counter C'liildien's and .Misses' .Shoes, all sizes and loaMusrs, at fully -JO mv cent discount. You can't beat the workmanship and leather of these shoes. MElSrS $3.00 SHOES One special lot of Men's Shoes, in button and blucher, gun metal stock, values to $1.00, now, per pair, $3.00. . a The Wardrobe 2 West Main Street. i Y 7 y y X t y y .y y y y y y y V t t y t y y i noitsKs roit sam-: Ono span of largo innrca, wnlf.ht 2000. Ono good alt nround homo, 8 years old. Team 2400 lbs. Ono woll broken unddlo drlvliiR mnro. Ono scntlo ladlea' drlrlnn rnaro., Ono good ranch team. Ono span C year old mules, weight 2000. Can bo soon at O. S. I.lttx, ritqno J."0, At Union Ilarn a. 1 0 "- .s. .. .y. a-. .y. j& j& j& .. sA .aA AaA ft. aA AaA aA AaA . ..a),. . O. Aa . .aA .A A. .ax. .y.. .a). .. .. .a. .a. .a. .a. .. a .afc. rwrwjpvWjpwp'wjpWjXFwrwwwjgrwprvjrpwrMnupMFFjtrv? saTa-aiMeajyeajesiveajyeajvf ajuaj Vayva-SMpaKwajp Crtat .CRUISE r 1915 'iKEas" "CLEVELAND' Frea Saa Fraackco, Fek. 22, 1915 Viaitine famoua cttlea and countries on palatial ateamahip vrhlch acrvea aa your KoteL Every luxury and co'mfortaaaufed. 135 days $900 and up Inclu Art j Shora Trip and aB oaccawary oipttkata. AIm Cruta to Wnt !. T'aw jca Caaal, auad MatiitatTuvaua tri. StnJ ft UikUt, iUet tnlM HAMBURG-AMERICAN SaaFraaariaM Or Itat a IMP aseStoclttaaStnat JmJ REAISONABLE REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD Kover AH Aprons Spoclnlly priced ,,niie Aiiotlmr shlpnidut of tuogn'. big vulucs In Kovorall aprons lit dark unj light color, .Ti doiuu to c.liooso from jpuclul nilu Aproim for dm clilldron of dark por calo tlllo A piotty pallet n In a big apron edged with rick pick braid nt . lli)c gg ? y y y y y y y y y t y j y y y y y y ? y y y y y y y y y y y .y aWtV MAKE THIS YOUR STORE M. M. Department Store Exclusive- Dry Goods Store giving tho S. & H. Green Trading Stamps. Double S. & H. Stamps with Suits and Shoes Friday and Saturday. BLACK AND WHITE FABRICS Dress Goods and Silks In at tempt in to go into details regard ing (he new spring showing of Silks and Dress (ioods, no word too much or no adjective too strong could be applied. With our usual forethought we hnvo gathered a more than ordinary assort ment of colors, weaves anil patterns. The following details will interest yeu: NEW CREPE DE CHINES A beautiful, closely woven, sheer fabric of rich finish, comes full 121 inches wide and shown in all the best shades for street and evening wear, including creanl, ivory nnd black, primrose, pink nnd blue, per yard ....$1.00- Another lot Orepe de Chines, yd (j5 NEW PRINTED POPLINS A special purchase of the new Printed tj Poplips, they come full -( inches wide It. "ml 'ii'i shown in charming coloring? in near", small Jmlterns, per yard 9S NEW WOOL DRESS GOODS Intensive and varied lines of Woolen Dress Hoods in spring and summer, weight fabrics, all popular shades, nt, per yard...?...' 50t to $2.00 WOMENS' SPRING SUITS Charming spring models in serges, crepes, spongo cloths, in now popular shades. In the now Wom en's and Misses' Suits, spring heralds hoi' coming with many charming concept ions here, each of which assorts its style correctness in no uncertain way. Thero is a "smartness" about the lines and new ideas that are most effective and becoming. You are sure to find a model that will meet, your own desire. AVbv lint, i.rnfii. liv nn nnrlv Kolfiiimrl .'.- ..-v --"- !-,y--- '' ---A -"-, ' Zj'is ''.: i .! t y y y t y y t y t y y y y x t t y y y y t ' r.rA-5vi f McCall rattcrns 5717,' Waist 5701, Skirt l Tike, t j cents each .. LJ vn'. ... v.. 'rices .:... :..,..:.... ...i&.uu to iia.ui) CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' SHOES' Gun Metal Button, si.es S to 8 $1.25 (Inn Metal Hut ton, sizes 8L. to .11 $1.50 Gun Metal Button, sizes UU to 12 $1.75 Double S. it II. Green Ktamns Friday and Sat'y. Jufaiits' Soft' Sole Shoes and Sanduls, pair....Q0t , ' Double S. & V. Green Stamps, A wonderfully complete showing of the extremely fashionable Ijlack aud White Fabrics, all size checks and stripes, in cluded nro shepherd checks, waffle, checks and a great many novelties; all are of reliable quality and good widths; values that cannot be equaled else where; prices 50t to $2.00 SILK MESSALINE PETTICOATS A special underpricing of several of the best new styles in order to induce you to visit our Suit section. They are made of tho finest soft-finished messaline silks and are shown with the new stylo flounce; they come in most any color; price $2.49 and up Popular Now Models in R. & G. CORSETS $1.00 to $3.00 PAIR You nro requested to come in any timo find inspect our showing of the popular now models in K. & G. Corsets. Those who have their new spring garments fitted over an 11. & G. Corset will not meet with disappointments they in sure grace and ease to the wearer and there's a model suitable to every figure Beautiful New EMBROIDERIES The 'assortment is surprisingly large. The designs are fascinating and must be seen to bo appreci ated. Lot lValues 12-.C, sale 5$ Lot 2 Values 25c, "sale 10 Lot n Values 39e, sale ....15 Lot 4 Values oOc, sale ; . .23 LADIES' SPIRNG SHOES Special for This Salo $11.00 Gun M.etal Jiutton Oxfords, high and low heels $1.98 frl.no Tan Button Oxfords $1,08 Ihiby Doll one-strap Pumps ..$2.50 Velvet one-strap Pumps $2.50 Satin Plain Pinups $3,36 Patent Plain Pumps ., ..,..., .. . $3,50 --. am M'i tt m w sa ni , at , a 1l i , Double h. .v. u, ureeu wauqw irrjday una ott'y.,r 4MfcfcM.4WL4