Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 11, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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11 HAN
(I'lllllllllll .lullllllll,)
II. ('mum ol' .Mnlluiil, Mhi'
llligllllll WIInOII lllllll Itl' .llll'ltMIII
'"inily," In mm vi I tin (Iciniirnil ulm
llllH Ull'll IllM I('III0I lM I'lllllllllllll'
for tin' minoii ol' iiiillniiiil coiiimit
li'iniuii. .Mr. Ciiiiuii Ik ii kui-I nl Hit'
I'orlliuiil lioli'l loilny Mini in iiKiiir
iii(C In lliln putty honor lm ibi'liinm
ItH I'lllirilll'lll'H III III!' milHI ol'
hoiillii'tn Orison.
Mr. Cniion Ihih ni'ii ii iimiIcii1 of
Ort'itoit for Iho MiHt ni'M'ii ynir Mini
Ihih Ihtii iirotnltii'iil In iIiiiiih'imIii'
ioliiii't4 lioin lln iniiiiili' hi' hlrui'k
lint nIiiI. At lln iiri'M'iit tittle In In
I'nlli'il StiitcH I'oiiiniiHMioiii'r nt Miil
lonl. Ili vviiH niiiMir or Hint rih
for four yi'iir. mnl it wiih iluriue; hi
iiiliiiiiilMriitlnii tlmt tin mniili'iiiility
iinili'iui'iit Iih (.'lenient pr-i oil ii
xrottth mill tiiliiiiMinK
lln Iiiih iiIhh lii'i'n ii ini'inW of tin'
lllllll' I'llllllllllk'lt hilll'l' III) hl'I'IHIUI II
voice in Orison mnl U rliiilriiiiin of
llin ili'iiiocriilin I'liiinly I'oinniltti'o of
Ini'kMUi i'liiinly.
Hnok In WNi'oiinln pri'vloiiH to
ruining o (ltf'ton In i l.'nllcil
Stiitis iiiiiimIiiiI I'or tin wi'lcrn dif
llil't Ol' llllll Mllltl lllllll'l' Jill' I'll'M'-
IiiiiiI mliiiinihtrntiiiii niul In-ud of tin'
Wlhciiiixiii Miilr hind oflii'K under
tint nilininiktrntion of (lowriuir IVefc.
Ilo ii mi nttuniry liy priiYi"iioii.
Allliough Mr. ('iinuii Ih lln mil)
ili'iiioi'mt who lut m filnl hit M'lition
I'or iiMtiomil I'oniiiiiltrvinmi) Hugh
.Mrl.iiiu of .Mni-hlii'lil, Iimh nuuouiu'ud
hi- intention of running for the po
xillmi. while Will It. Kin, chief
i'imiiiki'I for tin I'liilcd Stnti'H rri'
liiinnii'iii M'nirr, tln pri'Ni'iit iiii'iim
hint Mill UlliliMlbti'dU m'i'li to hill'-
ri'i'il liiimo'lf. Milton ,. Miller, I'ol
Irnlor of inicruiil H'riiin', hit lui'ii
iiii'iitionril ni a poMhh ioilinnt for
tin' liotior.
MAUSlini'.I.U. Or., M.ti.h U.
V. II., Ht nun Inn) not i't explained
loilny why lit win. ob-cut from hit
own uoilillnc, llioiiph tlmt fiiiiftion
took phu'c any" n v. MIm. Artie
Hollo fliitk.'.n yomn; woniiiu of l'urr,
comity, liinV ai'i't'ptcil his proft'rrnl
hmiil, hut lm iliil not appi'iir al the
I'oromoiiy, tluniKli n jimtii'i of the
pt'itt't' hiitl ilrivcii twi'iily iinlt'H to of
Ho Minn Clink rHkt nhoiit iiiittitiK'
tlni wi'thliuj; IhroiiK for u Milihlitnji',
m Iht kui'nIn woiilil mil hi' ilixiip
piilnlfil. ty Mime ii'i'iprornl prociH.
him Hi'lri'tcil William Strum, hoii ol
tint hriilt'Kroom-ph'ot, who in now hi'i
hiihlmittl. Kntlior Strain has not yrt
111. I'ASO, Ti'N., Maiili 11. Com
meiitiut; on a lepoit emMcd to No
Kiili'N that '.TilMI reheU hud heeu kill
ed ut Mimilhui, it wiih not hinted
how, Itiifuel Muripiir, rebel eoiixului
iiKent heie, hiiid loilny tlmt if mich u
IhiiiK huil Inippi'iied he was Mite It.
would have heeu notified nil minify.
luuMiiueh iin lm hud not heeu noti
fieil, hit did not liflmvo the lepoit.
LONDON, Muivh II. Si'Miinl
pulilie InilldiiiH in the town of llul
eole, near Nottiiinhain, were huriieil
loilny hy militnul Kuffrnuotlen. The
ilaiiiiiKo wiih (iHtiuialeil at $1(111,(11)11.
SuiTouniliiiK huihliucH were plneniil
i'il with Hiiffriinolto lilinnluie. e
Tim Moiiho linlKU luilil a BiiccoKHftil
uiniitiiiK liiHt iiIkIU In iiropurathm for
the hilt Moiiho cnloorutlou to lm hold
la tlio city March UO, In whlnh nil thu
IoiImoh of Houtherii Oiokoii will lio
ropriiHontoil. DoleKatloiiH from Ku
Kunu, HiiIoiii niul roitlmiil will also
lm pruHuiit.
WASHINGTON, March ll.-The
somite foicign relulious coiiiiinllee to
day approved Ihu noiuiiiuliuii of Wil
liam liillliM In he lliinl assistant
hocti'iury of hIiiIi.
rr -i
; 4
l.ovtt Ihv ni'inlihor iih Ihynt'lf.
Mix. I). V, Kloint wim tin gui'M
of Mi'ilfonl fili'iiilM .Sntiiiiliiy.
Tim pvHMliniht woriii'M for IVm
thi'H' won't lm enough liouhhi to gi
MImm .Mi'N'iiHhi'r wiih lioHti'hH to 'n
Hiintll piuly of iiiiihIijiiI fiiiinli Turn
ihi. I'M'iiinj,',
Till! hllllllll Ht'lt, Ih lllwilVM I'llMtillf.'
Mr. I'ihh niul I'ninily of l'lnii'iii
iiiotoriil to Willow Hpiing mnl
hpi'iit Hiiiuhi.y with ". A. Tlioinpnoii.
"HiirIiiiiiiU of i cut wuniru nil re
iniml iik
Tim I tlic iiiii'li'iil un- Mihliini',
When ini'ii pill Ihi'ir wive hchini'
In ih pin li'il for nil linn'."
Hpril)illg IllKi'n itn pliire ill till'
mtitini' of work thin witd;.
No pri'lliiT irw in iIiIh urrnt
cntltilrv tliiin in fouml on Si't'liic nt -tiiim
nt tin' Miiiiinit of (lm hill, .lut
ntop your t'tir mnl tit Id- n om look
nt two t'ilifh in the valley hrlow, the
woiulerful Mount I'itt, eappcil with
hiiow, to lint i'UmI, ami Dm hriuht
Itiet'ii Hi'IiIh riwpli inli-iit with wealth
lying on either xiile of the mini, llV
enough to make one sny, "the worhl
oi'H on, hut I Htuy laie foieer."
li-.tlllH'f llllf'.ll'l Ictlll Cllt'lllllltllll'lll
if you are riiliui; in a titvi.
A. ('. Whitney, who Ihih Iiitii
I'nieiiltlll of (he lliiKUl'tt onhlinl, lei
a few iIii.vh iiii for North Yakima.
WuhIi., where he epeelH to loeate.
Mr. Whituey'M fathrr ami intitlici
have li'iiM'il the oh Colili Law oreh
an I on the Hill mini.
A roiihiii); tiini'tini; of the ()rniK
Satiirilay, Mmeh II. (loml tliinn o'.
all kiinls are in More for all mem
lie W.
Mr. Klla Andrew of Medfonl vIh.
iti'il Mrn. Sam Aiulerou for hcvera'
iIiivh the firt of the week.
II. A. Kiixiuu vi-iteil hit. main
friemlh hi this iiiililiiirli(ii)d thi't
The I'areut-Teaeherh' eluli wiih en
lerlaiiieil at Mrn. Italpli KhleiiV
home Satiinlay, ami Mm. I'arkei
favore.J the lndien with a paper oi
"(luinu the (.'hihl the Most ()pmrtu
iiitivi." The eluli pureluixeil a vol.
lev hull for tin! pupil of the Wll
low SpruiKH hehool. Theie urn
twenty lailien pre-ent ami all enjoyeil
a ileliealely prepureil Itmeheon. Tin
next ineetini; will he nt the home ol
Mr. Sam Amlerhoii mi the -1 th ol
T M. I'eelor nml II. I). Illnnrlmnl
mnilii n trip to McCloiul Tuendiiy nf
tor 80UIO rootliiK mper with which
limy nxpect to lino their flume
School KuporvUar rrlemon wnu
vUltltiR Die ichoolb In IIiIh iiclKhlior
hood Inm week.
Tim Lnurvlhumt lilvh nchool cloved
linit Frlilny. The limchur, Mln Hone,
will vImIi frleiiiU for nwtille, liefore
lenvliiK for AHhlniul. '
l.urlm K I inn Id of rroupcct, 's
itpendlilK n few itu nl thu homo of
IiIh father, (1. W Klurnld.
Mm. J. II, Dltftwnrth visited from
frlilny till Kuiiilny with frleiidH inn:
rotative! nt I'njton,
Mr, nml Mm. II. I), lllnnrhanl mut
MIkh K, i:. I'eelor wuro alKht-ncoliiK
on top of I'lo ii lire Hock Hunilny,
l.'nrl nml Itnljili IV) ton liuido n
trip lo Derby Mtnllon 8turdny,
.MiotHm, l.liidley nml I'lrlcli of .Med.
ford wcro lookliiR over tho 1 E Itl nml
Stewart ranch Hundny.
John Urnbtrco roturned .Suiidiiy
from n two weuk'a trip en'bt of tho
mouutnliiH. Ho purchnned novo rut
henil of homeii whllo nwny.
trunk DlUworth niul ulsters Orn
ami llnrol niul MIkh llnttlo Itoao wore
hIkIUhocIiik nt tho power plant Sun.
Hoy VniiKhu nml Nltor MIhh Violet,
Htnrted lo Medford, via Hanu Vnlloy.
Sunday, MIhs Vlolul will help her
ulster, .Mm. Hid .N'lchola nml fumlly,
who will shortly inovo from Medford
to n rniuii uenr KrkIo Point.
Mr, nml Mm. C. T. Urowit spout
Snturdny mnl Siuutny with Mr. nml
Mm. Klurnld.
Nick Vniitflin of Trull, spent Sun
day vltdtliiK IiIh brother Jiui; ami
lleit HlKlnbothniu nml family
Npont Hundny vIhUIiik Krunk Mini.
iiIiik'h family.
M.ostor Gordon Ih suffering from a
dovoro cold thU week niul It unnlilo
to uttond nchool,
Tho pupils of l.uurelliurst nchool
oiKiinlzod mi liidustrlut chili Inst
wook whllo Mr. I'olomon wna pros
but. Thoy will compoto for tho
prUoa offored by tho statu mid emui
KT, LOUIS, Mo., Mmeh ll. An
oilier of the Ion corpses recovered
thus far from Iho ruins of (he burn
ed .Missouri Alltlotlti ' club huililliiH
was idt'iitllit'd ut Hit' uioiKiie loilay
iim Hint of Mli'hiii'l Tliiinm,
('. V., Wtlliite wiih in Central I'oint
WcilncMiliiy ami Ih'ihikI'I Iioiiiu a fine
Hhoillioru Diiiham calf lm icecntly
puri'hiihWl from CicHwell par.luH.
Mi'H, M. II, (lonloii Ihih recoyeicil
from her recent lllueHt..
Cluri'iii'ii Ciiho hml the mlHfoiliim
lo huvu one of IiIh coIIh lunllv cut on
haihi'il wire recently. The coll h
a vnluuhle one mid it in hlucciely
Imiii'd it can he huvciI,'
Aii ciror occurreil In hint weekV
IIciiih lu hpeakiii),' of tho Dinkiim
StiirKPHH mixup. The Mm. xhoiih'
have heeu Mr.
Mm. Caf.ii Ihih heeu Miffcricj;
from iipp(i of lute, hill is reportci'
miicli better at pru-eut.
NotieeH ore postid iiMklnir for hill"
for riirryintr a dully mail I nun (lob'
Hill to llrnt,'le, ami aUn for carry inr
mnl! , threo .tiiiich per week from
Ilennle lo Ahhehtoi. All pcmoitH ile
.Irirji; jtifonualion eiin he accouiuio
dnl id at fill) lleliule Hihtoff('C.
Illiiiikh may alno he obtained at tin
Hiiine place.
The hpraylnj; heiiHon Ihih opened in
earliest, ami in cnxr you oecui.on
any near Mronj; iniiKiiiie, pieaHe
push it hy.
It Ih repotted that thu Ireland
ranch on upper Meadow k road, neat
the litie church, Iiiik been Mild and
will Iin occupicil houii.
Tim McCrcinht'M motored lo Med
ford Saturday and ilihpoxi'il of ti
Koodly uiiiouiil or wampum.
Uum W.vlnnd nml fumily pif.MMl
thrmiuh here Suiuhiv en route from
A pile tn their MeudowK ranch.
Mm. M. Sweet ami tliuiKhtcr
Louie, ilrmii to Central Point Kriilnj
ami returned Statu day.
W. W. Morrihon nml diuiKhtcr,
Vada, drove to Medford I'riday am!
returiicil Salurdav, brinj;iiis' with
them Mihs (Icrtrmle SIioHh, who be
Kii n the hprinu' term of hcIiooI in
Mountain dMriet Monday. Wi
winh her irnbouudeil hiiecchH ami
triiht all will tender their hearty
HiipjMirl ami iood will.
We hear Mr. (Iiuither linn -old hi
inoiiutniu home ami that tho pur
fhiiMiic partii'H will tako po-M'Hhioi'
in the uenr future.
Ilrre'ti a hit of simple leie: I
woubl like to jivo to von. ItV not'
no very htiirtlin', it Ih not mi ver
new; it i not mi verv wondniUH, hut
it I ho very true. If you m ii
io0r liliiu Ptrnjjliutr, HtniKKlini; ban'
npiinnl hix fate, do not hliitid liki
Krnven statueh ive a linnd e'er it'
too late. Ik a brother in his Mru
Kin; do not for another wait. If yei:
M'o home wvnker vchhel pullinj: hard
ti'.'iiinM the tide, hwitie; a life line ill
its palhwav iih you o'er the billow
ride; it may help to mivo ii nlti
wrecK anu neeii never hurt youi
We hinrerely .regret that Pmfchhor
( (larn has become tired of the eon.
Htunt and liover-ecuhinjr eritiolhin
hat' has bent mi unjustly nml iiii
fairly heaHil upon him, throiif:h
which he has never for a moment
Itihl his poihc and true K'eiitlciiiiinl
liriiriiif!, hut Ihih at every turn prov
en hliufelf .f the very highest typr
of iiianliuchh, culture ami deep intel
leeluality, all of which will constant
ly strew his future pathway with
unbounded niul well-de-erveil mic
eons. While wo bid him (lod-speeil,
there still liner In our breast u
faint Kh'nimui; of hope that it may
piiie for his best ami also tlmt out
own pood fellow-countrymen may
leap a lesson from it. Tim day ol
Hteru retribution comes mh surely us
the nIimiIi'k of iiilit, and unless we
trend carefully we me facing some
tiling wome than the deadly hlhi
Ile, tho one who mudo it possible foi
eneh of Us to red lien horticulture to
a science, will in the uenr years reap
Uie reward ol his works in actuali
ties rather than words.
Tim present system of taxation,
which levies a tilhulo upon thrift mid
energy, is indeed a damnable one
mnl no tuition can Ion;; endure tlmt
makes it possible for the red wine
glutton to speculate upon the brawn,
muscle ami endurance of his follow,
man. That Iho orchard law is a ne
farious one we believe cannot ho de
mon, msoinr as ussesHint; ih
, lljomol (Hves liistMit Heller
i K Hufforlur; from u cold or cn
tnrrh rnualng dull headaches or an
Itching nnd burning huiibaIIoh lu tho
nostrils, Kuroly try llyomol. It
gives quick, offuctlvo and porniunout
relief or inonoy rofunded by Clias.
Strang. It goes right rights to tho
spot you fool hotter In flvo min
No rouudnbout method of Htomuch
dosing with llyomol you broiitho It.
This hualth-glvlng medication goes
directly to tho Influmod momhrnuo,
nil Irritation mitt congestion h
quickly relieved, thu dellcnto tissues
hunlud mid vltnlUod.
llyomol should bo lu every lioiuo
hold, DriiKKUtH every where soil It.
Ask for tho comp'oto outfit--- I 00
cerni'd, ami oiiht lo he repealed, not
delicti. When: will tho orcliiirdisl
soon find himself drifting, with in
creased luxation ami likewise expen
ditures f The iIicmIiou is a Hcrioii
onii nml needs culm, not hysterical,
I leave it with you for miImtiichh
of thought, justice In action nml
honesty of purpoMo, for I ilirover I
must scurry mid to bed. I muxt
hurry, for there's a flurry in the
army, there is iitti-ic in Hie u r, there
are rival cuiiips in nc ion; Hide's ex
citemciit everywhere. Ves, the wo
men wunt Iho ballot, ami will sail
through bloody sens to obtain tin
boon they ak for, which they might
obtain with case. Hut they want to
show their valor ami their willing
ness to fighl, ko they're "hiiHsiug"
one another with their armor girded
tight. They will neither grant nor
ask for any Uiirter in the fray, hut
will fight it out all winter, mid each
one must have lur say. Thole's one
brunch they call the union mid mi
other's just the club, hut they can
not work together; db, there, hwect
beitrl, that's the rub. If they'd on'
get together, own while limy bare
their anus, we would grant what-
e'er tliuy asked for, for we can't re
sisl their clumiis. Lc (hem cast the
mighty ballot, leave them bare arms
if they please, for to woman, lovely
woman, mini is always on h.s knees.
Miss Nettie Lewis has returned
from San Francisco where he has
been working for several months.
MisH Helen I'rieo is visiting ut
Ashland this week.
At our city election held here
Moniluv W. A. Cowley wiih elected
Mayor. D. C. (Irim ami II. F. IVart
eiiiiiiciliiicii; J. O. Isiiacson, treas
urer. Mm. Lunge and Mm. C. II. Hostel
snout Monday afternoon wi h
friends in Minlfon!.
Mm. lleatou of foriiiiu. Cnlifor
iiln, is liore visiting her narents, T.
M. .loues nnd family.
Mm. Do vim has returned from n
several weeks' visit with friends and
relntivoH at Cuiiyonville.
Mr. Toomey, who has been nt the
old soldiers' home for a few mouths
is home again.
Miss Poor of Portland arrived Sat
urdiiy to trim hats for Mm. Hawks.
Mr. nml Mrs. Fred Terry of
llrowusboro were here visiting rela
tives ami friends thu last of the
Herman Sintpkiu- nml wife left
for Chico, California, the fimt of the
week lo visit relatives and friends.
.Mr. ami Mm. W. K. Knliler made u
business trip to Jacksonville Monday.
Mm. A. W. Moon nml little daugh
ter hnvo boon sjs?nding n few dnys
with relatives at Omuls Pass,
Miss Lydia Do ford has returned
from a with home folks nt
Sams Valley.
Mrs. Milliv of Lake Crock is hero
visiting her two daughters.
Mill font (illrons .Should Hcml nml
llissl This Ailvlro
Kidney trouble Is dangerous nnd
often fatal.
Don't experiment with something
now and untried,
Use n tested kidney remedy.
Hegln with Dunn's Kidney I'HIk.
Used In "kidney troubles GO onrs.
Hecoiumeiidcd hero nnd every
A Medford citizen's statement
forms convincing proof.
It's local testimony It enn bo In
vestlgntod. A. K. J. rcrolvnl, Slu llniullton
Ave., Medford, Ore., says: "1 had
suffored for two years from all tho
pain and distress that go with blad
der nnd kidney trouble. Finally, I
decided to soo whnt Doan's Kidney
tills would do for thu trouble. After
taking two boxes, tho kidney nu.l
bladder complaint left."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
Blmply ubI; for n kidney remedy got
Dunn's Idnoy l'llls tho same that
Mr. l'erclval had. Poster-Mllburu
Co., Props., Huffnlo, N. Y.
11 Shoe Polishes
"CUTIBtllUj nilK- lullrt' iliuu iIwmIiil. Iht
KMUltrl cuiitlii oil. llaikt mnl lvillifUilln'
kiid chtl Jicn' Immii mnl ln. Uilutt nIUmuI rak-
ta,ue. Tinea UOSS.-IK-.
"t4IMirruiubiniliiu lm clrtclrg and pUdilii
Sll klniltndutMtor Uu tuv, ,, "STJllCvlw, Inc.
llinr oioiblmtliiii (or ccutloiiifii who ulr
prIJt In bSTlujt their lwi look A I. Kntoin color
tii) lutlr to all bUrk lio.'. VolUli III, a lirutb
M cloth, M rentt. 1IIV lUTfiUe, lOrriiU.
wras rmNTUAma rASTr.-iin.roof
ll kIUh (or lU kli.iU u( tlatk (liwa. CniiUlni
Ut aud Millt to MUk and krtwrvc Ilia Inllirr.
lloita oin win key, 10c. IHNBt BlSflT
uma plica,
tvurd ! diM nil ifit K kind yaa anl,Mal at
lb irllN iUiiii fur fulll M,rhv. rluat w!4.
WHirriMONi Msi. i no.. '
'" .'. . eamfcrtalte. Mass.
jiVlJfilnj lawn flaliUnn I
lloycrsfonl, I'a,, .Man Tells Mow.
At this KcnKon of yonr with mich
midden cIiiiikck, It Ih ho easy to tako
cold, nml nlmoHt before ono Ih nwnrn
thorn Ih Itiflnmmntlou In tho bron
clal lubes--a linn! cough nut unleM
chocked In time chronic pulmonary
troubles tuny rcntilt.
Towtismid VotiriK of Hoycmford,
I'n., unys: "A nevoro bronchlnl troti-
tile t.ontractoil caused mo much dif
ficulty about brcnlhliig. My client
felt cloKKed up nntl thero wni connld
erablo ioreiiOH. I tried different
reiut'illoM without icl'; but I nm pla,i
to say that Vlnol cured my bronrhlnl
troiiblo which had ICHtod for thrco
inontliR, My brcnthlng Ih nil rlgh
ami iho HoreiKiFs entirely gono from
my client."
Vlnol contain tho curative, lienl
ItiK iirlnclpliH of fresh codn' lircrn
f without oil) and tonic Iron, Wo
gunrnutci) It to bo delicious lu tasto
nnd to satisfy you with Its meillclnul
effects. Medford I'liannacy, Med
ford. Ore
I', 8. If you hnve any kln troii
blo try Knxo Halve. We guarantee
Situation Wanted
13y Hollander and wife, in
telligent, speaks good Eng
lish, is good rustler, 37 years
old; wife will cook for extra
men. See
Medford Hook Store.
Ono Bpan of largo marcs, weight
COO. Ono good nil around homo, 8
years old. Team 2400 lbs. Ono well
broken saddle, driving mare. One
gentle ladles driving marc. One
Reed ranch team. Ono span C year
old mules, weight 2000. Can be seen
II. S. Litis, liiono 150, At Union lUrn
Recently remodeled and enlarged,
added now cameras and apparatus
and is now strictly un-to-dato In
every way.
Commorient Work of all Kinds
Including copying and cnlurglng of
pictures. legal documents, etc. Ilro
initio enlarging, any size, and kodak
finishing of every kind.
Professional and aniatucr photo
grnphlc supplies.
U yi. llnrmoii As.soilate! Willi Me.
Shop over Isis Theater, Phono It 7-J
Hooray! Blood
Free of Impurities
Eczema Gone! Acne, Tetter,
Rash, Pimples, Carbuncles,
Boils Banished !
II la rerlalnlc
rrmnrkiiMo how
tin- aillon of S.
S. K., llio fiitiHiti bluu
luirlflrr. aho llnolf In tli akin
TliiTf la ono liiKritlU'iit In H. K. . which
lirrullarly atlmulatca cellular or glandular
actltlty to Bi'loct (roni the Mom!, or (roni
tho lino network of blood vcatola In the
akin, those element which It reijuliva (or
Tlmt plinplca, acne, ecxenia, lupin, or
BID' i( her lilood coudltlou that attack the
aklu or aeeka an outlet through the akin la
met with the antidotal effect of a, 8. H.
Till la why aklu trouble tanlili au
rradlly and why they do not return. Uu.
der the Intlueuce of 8. K. 8. tbla Hnn net'
work of blood vraela lu the akin la con.
atatKly aelecllui; (mm I lie blood tb uulrl
tlou roiulrcd for beallhy (Imup. and the
raiuc of dleao la Jiut aa ronatautly 1-
Ins reinoied,
You will be mrnrUed and dellchted ot
the nulik ehaiiKO If you will lite 8. H. H..
the fuinotia IiIikhI purifier Ita action In
the akin la unite aeniatloiicl, Thew) (acta
aro iuimI fully riilalurd In a hook on
kin triiublra aent by the 8wlfl Hneelfli)
(V, 'Jl.'l Hwlft IIMc. Atlanta, lla, Von
will llml H. H, 8, mi aale al all ilruu atorea.
Ilet a luitllrt loiliiv mnl limilah mII kklrt
ituvn..ii. ' ........
When rim nk for 8. K 8 bwik mil fop
the iimuiiioii Irlik nf In I lilt In el you
nomelUlug ri, tiou't bo wlilvJ,
K yi Mtfc
Where is the Best Place to
Buy Seeds?
Why llroiKlleyV of Cottrnc, tho only place In Bouthorn Oregon whore
you con get Harpers Scods and Mulfnrd's Nitrogorm, Ho has had nearly
30 years experience In handling nnd growing seeds and cuntomors nlllmvo
tho benefit of bin oxpcrlcucc. It Is only n fow steps from Main street nnd It
will certainly pay you to take the tow extra steps to llrondloy V whoro you
can get everything for tho garden, Uso Mulford's N'otrogerm In your le
gume crops, Hurpees Bpencor Sweet Peas hnvo no equnl and you havo
about 40 of tho Tory best varieties to choose from. If you don't sco
what you want nsk for It..
Is Iti tho M. K. & IL Handing
Sloro I'tionn HTJt Orecnboiido HllM-J
Why Send to Rears, Sawbuck
& Co. for Vehicle Wheels?
Whin you ran buy n boiler grade of wheels nt about tho same price a.i.i
sea what you are buying as well as spending your money at home,
I recently mado a big purchase of wheels for buggies and hacks, got thoQi
at carload freight rates and the pcoplo get tho benefit, Call and see me
before buying.
Mitchell's Wagon Shop
."Ml South Itivcmlde
Tear Postoft'icc.
Phono LT
If rough
strong whiskey
burns your mouth,
gags youthen you
swallow it
what will it do to
the delicate lining
of your stomach
Cyrus Noble mild
W. J. Van Schuyvcr &
Hupmobile History
(Continued from yesterday) "Short turning rudltis. Ilupa
This chapter was written by llup,turn easily In nu ordinary .slfcot, 40
niobllo owners. It consists mainly , feet wldo." (120-luch whcolbuso ro
of extracts from letters written to us
by men who drive Uupmobiles.
vriio reasons that they give tor ilk
Ing thor llupmobllcs nr nil or them !
enslly suscoptlblo to demoiibtratlou. i
Whether you nro technically In
clined or not, you will suroly appre
ciate thesu advantages, You will
uppreclato them tho moro It you
do not merely tako tho word of theso
outhuslastlc owners, but find out by
actual demonstration how well theso
things are accomplished In a Hup.
Hero Art a Fow of Tlieiu
"Comfortable Blunt o( seats."
"Kntrauco to front conipartmont
from cither sldo by reason ot center
control lovers."
"Yibratlouless steering wheel ow
H to solid dash support ot stoorluK
"Quick aud easy response of rottd
wheols to stvorliiK wheel."
Our repair shop Is hceotul to none. K, X, llunce, late foreuum of tU
litrtcvst repair shop on the ioomI, 1 our numtor uieiiiwHlc,
We hell llit'a, ttilN'M, oils uiid KMollne,
Agent for tho lltipuuihllo mill Cutlillac crs.
t'lirs wiinIii'O unit jmiIUIunI iluy or uiglit.
FriHi ulr coiupri'MMir In front.
Crater Lake Motor Car Co,
riion ad
Phoue 10
Your "Wnnts.
and pure
Co., General AgenU
! quires 42 feet.)
" 'Liveliness' of motor and quick
responso to throttle."
"Great flexibility ot motor on tho
high speed gear, which pormlts
throttling to u spocd ns low as four
anlles an hour."
"Absence ot much ot tho custo
mary motor vibration, duo to tho
long stroke."
"Dash control ot hot aud cold ulr
to carburetor."
"Immunity ot carburetor from tho
tricks of delicate or faulty adjust
ments; bocauso It has no adjust
ments, or moving parts asldo from
throttla and float."
"Certainty of clutch action In ad
verse road conditions, deep sand or
"Simplicity of oiling system, wbjch
requires no attention beyond re
plenishing ot oil supply."
(Til bo continued.)
. n ,
1 I