y'el y This Was 1'-"TT7T7 A- is. jr p: zz I '"Tino PAt'uK av3 UV 'irt " -"" "" he5 atmi .1 V . O Jf flL- 'f' 55 ear Km mmebdv h"7 t'r tAOf MVUOUCAUO r ,-J iIvajmimj i rsriirM I iimohai.--;. I .' T C i w MipTivaLil ' - r-V? DOUGAU.ME NM43 lilt' MfivlHTAIH ruMHP&lV -WHEN I CATCn ' ' ' I J I v MAVEWT I Wtl JOU I I utDUBD.O.OCniJ t ia awiMMGHCRrf : y up JftJff. Srr-) V' J I I ' ' KTSlJ haWe a mZtch HiAT Mur.v r Mil' I Vf 7 I1.L 57AUL AuQUT- X f 0 I I J . r V" " HA Tfc. MATtH , IW "4 Y") M" w'lWI ? r " " PsJ E ltnportid by Jackson County Ab trnrt Co., Hlxtli nnd Fir Rl. t'lrrtilt Court llnfii .1. Coif v. II. M. Cuoh mnl Jennie V. t'omi, et nl, to forrc'loxc inorlgiigi'. I.illie II. Hny vh. Hum l I'uril.v, to ilerluro a il"i'il mill homl for iln'il it tinnluiig)' '""I Ioiii'Iiiki' niiiiiii, I'rulmio In I lie miiller or (In r-lnlr of Hii fiix ('li', December irmineript of prollllll ltlM'M'llill(C I'l'MII Snklynti county, Cnliforiilii. MnrrlnKO I.lrciinm Sli'M'ii Frmiee nnil Komi Miller, .M. It. Fmlrllliuiv Mill I.ihiiii W SiUer. Real l-Mate Transfers II. I). Tinner cl uv to Mn i tilt Mi'lliilMillutl, (''I " lot 1-. Murk i::i. Meillonl (Icoige I'. I.iinlley i't II. x to I'M, Felice, deed to northeast of imrlliwiM mnl northwest of iiortlimfC'.'OTXM niht II. P. IIiii.iiii o .Milliuni, Kniipp, ilci'il, lot in lituck -I, HciUHill'n Mililltlon to .Mi'il- for.l JiiIiii A. (Iiiiiimill t u to V. .1. Kmi-rick, ili't-il to Mititli liulf Ktnit h iHtt ii t -;tr-ii went Violn C. AIIiUt it lr to F. '. Clnyvilli', 1 1 to lot H, Monk '.', Summit inMllioii to .Mnl fonl .. .. V. T. Sinltli it n to Atlrt J. Smitli, ili-nl to lot 'J, hWk II," TuIimiI . A. I). .IoIiiih it nl to ll.'l). Tur ii.t. ilcril, lot I 'J, lilook ti:t, .Mnlforil riiitcil Slntcx In X. II. IJiti iiicr, piitnnl, to iioiIii0j.( of MMitlnvi'hl of nnrtliiuNl -I-II7-'I ih( IV A. Miuirot', Hr. it iu to Wnllcr llurliniii".cr, ilecil, to loii. 1 mnl '.', Iilni'l. "A". Fnirvii'w nilililimi to Ali IiiihI .Millnirn Ivmipp i' I u l l. M AiiiIikum, . I', I)., lot -I, block I, Hi'H'.oii'h uilililion o .r..ir.u.i lli'iiry Conner rl nl to .1, I'. CiiiiKnr, iIi-imI, !1M ihu'im .Mr-. C. H. I,. Pmvi'rt t vlr to Fnui I; Kiiliy, .lord, lot 10 mnl ninth 'JO rod of lo( t, liliiok "A," Tiili-iil IVIrr V, Yiinii),' In .InckHon I'oiiiily, iliTil, roiiilwiiy in 0 .'KM vih 10 :ioo tcj.- to 10 10 10 10 With Medford tiuftmls Medford made. --.. -Trr- - T-a x pomtioai, an.noun(m:mi:nth. FOII HIIKItlFF. A. W. Walker of Medford, an iiouuros his cundldnoy for thu re publican nomination us sheriff at tho primaries May 15, (Paid Adv.) J. F, HltUou, chief of pollco of Mudfonl, uuiiotinroH his candidacy for tho ilomorrntlu iomluntlon for iihurlff of JuckHou county at thu prl liinrleH May 15. (Paid Adv.) COURT HOUS NEWS In itiTcptliiK tlio appointment min ciHidliiK my brother for IiIh iinoxplnid t r 1 1 1 iih Hhurlff, I did so for the huuo fll of his wlilow mid family, Tho of fice Iiiih had an honoHt and efficient itilmlulHtrallou, With tlio uauio nbjoctri anil pur posuH In view I huruby nnnouneu my liulf iih a niudlilalo for tlu roMblcmi iiomliiiitlon at tlio primaries May 15, III 1 1, W, l, HINDI. Hit. (I'uld Adv ) Really One on Mr. Jack MARKET REPORT rrlc ValU tjr nraicr IH'TTKH-Cri-ninrry, 'JO.-; ilniiy, ii'. I'OTATOKH -7fn- p.-r 100 Hi. AI'I'I.CK l,t.r. ONIONS Will pir 100 Hit. IIONKV l'J'(i' a piiniiil. CIIIKII ..1... I'OKK 10c o IIUo. IIBKF I'Jf to 1 lv' I.AIII-lli'. IIACON'IH.' to l0i.. SIIOn.lUIIIK -1 If. HAM -"JOit. itrrrr.u fat ari I.lTrUK'k M()0S-l)r.'HMil l'.V,; nlif, n. ! STKKIIS Aliw, lliC(o'7i'. FOWS- Ali'. .. VF.AI. Dnnnl, l'.V. FOFl.TIIV-.Mixr.l fhifkfiih. I'-V; kprincs 1'V; ilri'KHnl, Ilic to ISf. Hay anil (Irnla (Ilinint; lricH.) WIIKAT -iii. l.uiilicl. OATS -I.V IhihIuI. HAY Wtoli, ll Ion; Krnin, $Vi lo III. IIAIII.KV Wlioli-, f'Jfl ton. FOItN-flH NOTICH. Notlru It lioroby Klrrn thnt tlio tin itrmlKtifil will npply to thu city coun rll at Um iiH'otliiK to bo hold Mnrcb 1 T t It. It) 14, (or n llcvimu to null mail, uplrltuuiu nml vlnoiu )iiior In (piaiw tltlt'M lomt than n cntlutt at Itn placo of lumliicm. 13 ti. Front mrcut, city ot Mudfonl for n period of elx mtintln. C. L. ItKIU). Dated Murch 4, 1914. Hmoko Mt. Pitt. Cliiars and help build up n pay roll for your awn town, Pl'IIMO HAI.K NOTICE. On Wednesday, April 15th, 1914, at one o clock p. in. at tho east dour of the Cottage residence located on tkn corner ot West 10th mid King streets I will offer at public sale for chnIi, all tho furnishings ot this fln resldcnco, also all tho paintings and too many articles to mention; nlso a lot of tools nnd Implements. Aftor thu furnishings aro sold I will offer for sulo to thu highest bidder the Cot tage residence barn and graunds, consisting ot 113 C-10 feet front on West 10th street, a paved street and 181 fcot long on King street. Thuro Is nn abundance ot trull, flowers and lawn. Tornis of sale, ono-thlrd cash, balanco In yenrly, nr thrcu and ftvo year payments, Interest at 0 por cont, pnyablo semi-annually. Special not ice, I will sell any or all of tho nboo property at prlvato snlo or will ex change, for country property horo, north or soath. I also have over 700 acres of good laud for salo, cloao to shipping point, 40 acres can bo Irrigated now, 310 acres lias plenty ot sub-Irrigation at all seasons of tho year and Is fluo alfalfa or fruit laitd; also 360 acres ot good grain or clovor land with plenty ot water for pumping, good soil and well located. For tho next CO days I will sell for f 15,500.00 cash one of tho bust tracts ot laud In Jack son county, barring none. Wo ueod money nnd must liavo It. Don't iuUh WANTED 8omo good country proporty to ox chaugo for a houso and two lota alt uated'on a pnvod streot, house flvo rooms modern. Will glvo a good bar gain for tho right kind ot country property. If you have a snap In city or coun try proporty to soil or exchange, call and ulvo mo a listing on It as I think that I cau huuillo It for you. It you want to rout an office or a resldunco I cau fit you out with thu bust at reasonable rates, Como up and toll mo your trou bles. llouui -110 M, V. M II. I!ulldln Opposite tho Post Offlco W. T. YOHK Formally Senior Member ot W. T York H. Co, MTCDFOTtT) MATT) TRTBUNTO, MIODFORT), OKKCIOtf, 'rVKKDAY. MARnr 10, 101 1. "f , thU opportunity fur CO dnyit only, bo- ginning Wednesday, Fob. 4 tit. 1914. mid thin offer closes Saturday, April 4th, 1914. I will alto sell imatl trncU of land on yonrly pnymutiti maturing In lira or ton ycrrn to milt pnrchuiora. For further particulars call on inn at C04 Wont loth struct, or wrlto uio, thu owner. II. M. COS3. Mcdford. Oro. I'Olt ItlZNT IIOAItll AMI ItOO.MS WATKnn'rst'rtniiH YiollnTM'rs? Fny's. lUfi Koiith tlrapu Ht. 320 FIHHT C'l.AHH IIUAUO At Mrs. C. I,. Ilrmit's. fi2 I.'. Main. 300 foii itK.vr iimMr;uKi:i'ixo ItOO.MS FoTT HKNT-Coniploteiy f iirnlihrd lioiinvkcuplnR rooms; nlso slcoplni; rooms nt 103 Fast 11th street, St Clnlr rooms. FOII ItlC.NT FUltMHIIKII HOO.MH FOU HI:NT bno flnn furnished room. 310 .V. Ilartlvtt. tf FOIt KENT I.arK" sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart ments, prices very reasonable. Phono 247-L. 323 South Holly treot. FOII KENT Furnished rooms, mod ern, comfortable and clean. Tho Cottage residence C04 W. 10th street. 300 FOIt ItKNT HOUSi:. FOH KENT Modern flvo room bun gnlow, garden, fruit. SIC West Uth. A. Pottluger, phono 138-K. 301 FOII ItKNT- Cheap, small house, largo yard and garden, berries, water mid electric lights. Phono KCC-J. 302 FOU KENT Four room house and 1 i ncro ot ground, all kinds of berries. Apply 512 W. Jackson street. 300 FOII KENT Doslrablo apartment. 5 rooms, range, sleeping porch, 112, Inquire Colonel Sarguut, 321 FOIt KENT Seven room houso. sleeping porch, f 10. Inquire Col. Sargent. 313 FOK KENT Furnished CO N. Orango St. houso at SOU KENT Cheap, 2 or 4 room rottago, close In, 322 So. Central. Plionu 103-Hi. 299 FOK KENT 3 room modern houso. completely furnlshod, gas, cloctrlc lights, rich garden spot. Apply 722 W. 14th St. 303 FOK KENT Modern furnished bun gnlow, close In, flro plnrc, piano, sleeping porch, call 005. 303 FOK KENT Modern 3 room apart ment, hot water day and ntgnt, nn children. 125 X, Holly, 301 I'Olt KENT- 5 room bungalow, mod ern, located at HIS West 4th St. Call at 3t South Fir St. 300 FOK KENT 517 South Newtown, C rooms, modern bungalow, 2 sleep lug rooms, hnrd wood floors, gas, hnsoment, furnnco and garage. Apply 723 West 13th St. 304 ' i . .. - - - -'- $tt$S$$ii To loan on Improved ranches. Interest 8 por cont "Inuuranco That Insures." II. 8. STINK nuy your Insurance ot a taxpayer NEW TODAY .Jitht a Few Sooil lluys SO acres four miles out, of which U5 ucres Ih fluo farm luud, balanco sloping hill luud,' covered with val uable timber. $125,00 an acre. .100 acres, of which 90 acres Is In plow land, and 200 acres moru luval and good, and covered with valuable oak, and fir lyul pine. A stockman' pnradUu. $9200.00 buys It, well tm proved, 29 acres four miles out of Mod ford, In alfalfa, and a small young orchard, living water, fluo for hog ranch. $225. 00 an acui. C. D. HOON FOII ItlC.NT MIMCKI.liA.NKOUH FoImVbNT" Oil HAI.i: Oardcn and fruit tract. M. A. Jtader, GO N. OranKo St. Ft)n 8ALK ixrrs FOIt HAI.K 1C choice lots $2000.00. Ti'rms, call J. U. Demuiur, owiur, COti West Jackson. 301 FOIt HAMI ACItKAOn FOIt 8ALK Hy owner. 3 acre chick en and berry ranch with modern hunKalow, burn arid other build Ihks os) Kood teruiH. Address box (iCl, Med ford. 303 FOR SAI.r! A 5 and 10 ncro trar, rloKe In, liiromi- property, easy terms. Phono 3D2-M, owner. 325 FOII 8A5.K Flvo and 10acro tracts cheap mid on easy terms. Lo cated ono mile south of Hotel Mod ford. V. II. Kvcrhard. 1013 West Ninth St., phono CC7-.I FO 11SAI.K FAK.M LANDS FOK SALE 100 acres 110 In cuUI vntlon, C5 alfalfa, fully equipped with stock, tools, hay, chickens and household gouds. Chan. Ullchrlst, Sams Valley. Oro. 300 FOIt SALE IIOISKS FOIt SALE Modern six room bun galow, cost $3500,, with 11500 fur ulturo on Onkdale, near Washing ton school at bargain. Answer M 11., caru Mnll Trlbuno. ' FOK SALE Cheap. If taken at once, house nml lot at 412 So. Laurel St.. nrlco It 100; houto and lot nt 411 So. Newtown St., prlco $1500; on lot adjoining south, three room house and lot, prlco $750. All lots 55x110. ror sate separato or all together by owner. Sam llauer, Neskowlu, Oregon. SOS FOK SALE Equity In attractive 5 room furnished bungalow, mod ern, good location. Terms reason able. Ilalauco like rent. No agents' commission. Apply 203 Fruitgrowers Dank Illdr: 301 FOU SALE POULTKY I'OKALEAviiUo Orphlngton eggs for hatching, 15 for $1.00, 10C E. 12th St. 305 FOK SALE Huff Orphlngton eggs for hatching, from 2-yeur-old hens, $1,00 per setting. II. Luy, Jack sonville, Oro, 310 FOK SALE Ilarred Kock eggs at 50c per setting. Phono 14-F2. 301 FOK SALE Oakmont Farm. Whlto Wyandottes and Ilronzo turkeys, eggs and stocks. J. II. Fuller, Tal ent, Oregon. 310 WHY? For ExchaiiKO 25 acres Improved dairy ranch, running water, good spring, nil land cau bo Irrigated, soma In alfalfa, good slindu and some orchard. Worth Investigation. $l20u'.00. Will tako $2000.000 In Mcdford property iu ex change. $3000,00 to loan on good country acreage. J. C. BARNES First National Dank Mux. Hog and Fruit i Ranch 120 acres, SO ncre in cultivation, located IS miles from Medford, two mlloti from storo and post offlco, huyiui miles from good railroad town, school adjoins property, 20 ucres al falfa, 1 1 acres pears and applua six years old, balanco ot cleared land lit wheat, ull well fenced,, fulr buildings, Prlco $12,000, one-halt cash, balance easy tonus, Sou my now exchatigu Hat. Money to loan on closo In ranches, C. A. McARTHUR Our Foot OffUv, PluiuuIIOH I'Olt HAM' MVFSTOaf. VOlCsALK C flno liurhani i hclfcrs comlriK fresh, also 4 twautlful, frosh cowu. Walsh's ranch, mile, out North Itoosovolt Ave. 305 FOIt SAM: fows. My entire dairy stock. II. V. IlaruohurR, Mcd ford. 302 FOIt HAI.K- Home, bufxy and har ness. This outfit Is the one that the telephono company has been ualnK and Is In cood condition. J. N. Haven, Mcdford, phone &99. 300 FOIt SAI.K (iood work tenm 7 and 8 ears old. weight 2800; aldo a wnron arl harness. Telcphom; 110. CHAM FION OF AMKItlCvV "Duke's Lady Value 10th," champion Junior sow of America UorKshlre Is now breeding In our herd. Hoar pigs from her 125. 00 n piece. F. It. tiled. II. It. 1, Crnnts I'sks. Tclo phono Three Fines. 302 FOK SALE OK EXCHANOE Team of bay mnres, weighing about 900 pounds, harness and new hack, will take work horsr of 1200 pounds ns part. O. E. Walling, Central Point, phone. 300 fou sale 3iisu:mankols FOR SALE Coal stove, good heater. Call at Mcdford Conservatory. 300 FOR SALE One windmill. Foot hill Orchards. Phone 113-J. FOR SALE Cream separator, good condition; good McCormlck mower nnd rake. Louis Dennett, phone 91S-M. 301 FOIf SALE nearly new llullloa clod crusher for $40, cost $S5. Welborn Hereon, Talent, Oro. 299 FOR SALE drain hay and corn at llennuda ranch. Phono 591-R4. FOR SALE Motorcycle at a bar gain, almost now, 1913, two cylin der, speedy, fully equipped Indian. Can bo seen at F. E. Martin's 11 North Fir St. 279 FOR SALE iYw and cedar fence posts, dry body fir cord wood. Write Neuuer Hros., Glendale, Oregon. S20 FOR SALE Cheap, n good varloty of fine potatoes at Producers' warehouse. Robert Dutton, phono 38C-.M. FOR SALE Fouf horso Wltto en glue, with pump and on skids. W. 11. Everhard, 1013 W. 9th streot. phono CC7-J. FOR SALE Fancy seed potatoes, Evergreen sweet corn; also good family cow, Robert Dutton. phono 3SC-M. FOR SALE Ono-half Interest enfo and hotel, only part cash, rest out of business, $900.00 to $2500 monthly Income. Hotel, caro Mnll Tribune. . 3 IS FOR SALE Haled wheat hay $12.00 a ton. Del Rio Orchards, Ciold Hill. 303 FOR SALE OR TRADE Ono two cylludor Rao iu good mechanical condition, 4 passanger. removable body, good tiros. Address Rco. caro Mall Tribune. FOR SALE Ton- tons carrotts at $5 per ton at ranch. It. E. Nealou, Central Point, routo No. 2, phono llxxl. 300 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Bookkeeper who can do sohio stenography or would tak) desk room whore can slinro serv ices of bookkeeper. Olvo full par ticulars. Address "Orchardlst." caro Mall Trlbuno. 302 WANTED Jnpaneso, must be good cook, good wages to right party. P, O. box 6S2. Medford. WANTED Agents to soil our oil. reference required. Y.tlloy Oil Co.. Cleveland. Ohlo 300 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Work by month by ox perleuced orchnrdlst. Call Apart ment 17, Colonial Apts. 302 WANTED Mau and wlfo wants po ultlou on ranch. Address box C, Central Point or phono 2t4, 300 WANTED Position on ranch by man, wife and grown sou. Box 15, caru Mali Trlbuno. 301 WANTED Position on ranch by man and wife with leiiuiiiit house furuUltuil. Phono C7-U0. 2Ui By J. IIKI4 WAXTKII FRMAI.E WANTKI) (Jooil ranch cook, pre fer woman and daughter. Give full particulars stating wages wanted. Address Orchardlst, car? Mall Tribune. 302 WANTIJD-rWonian to do eiwlnK. Address box 582, Mcdford, Oro. I U'ANTKI) MIHCF.!.UMKO!7S I WANTED Urood sows, 2 to 3 years I old. Lock box 5, Talent, or phone Ashland, 7-F-t. 300 !. i WANTED To buy 17 tooth sprlns J tooth harrow. 299 WANTED Clean racs at tho Mall Tribune office. WANTED lllcyclcs bought, sold and exchanged: nlso supplies. O. K. Dllto Ilepalr Shop,' 10C South Front St. 303 WANTED Mnn with some rash to leaso on shares, a young orchard having 40 acres in bearing. Chance to raise stock and put in grain on shares also. Seo Dally, In Jackson County Hank Hldg , room 32. 3U1 WANTED A good fresh cow for Foothills Orchard, phono 113-J. WANTED Horse for light rJg. must be gentle J. M. Frulk, Hotel Mcd ford. 299 WANTED To buy second hand au tomobile. Ford preforred. Ad, dress P. O. box 47C. Mcdford. 301 MONEY TO liOA.1 TO LOAN $2500 on Improved ranch or city property, routo 2, box 73, Medford, Ore'. LOANS Negotiated, vestment Co. Dennett In- MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo in ranch proporty. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 3C8. TO LOAN $2000 to loan. R. Holmes, tho Insurance Mnn. A. LOST LOST A ring wltn turquoise ana pearl setting. Reward. Return to Mnll Tribune. 299 LOST A camera, finder please re turn to Medford Hook Storo. 301 LOST $5 reward; breast pin. Mosaic set In mottled green stone witii gold band. Finder plcaeo return to room No. 1, Sparta Bldg. LOST A tan kid glovo. leave at Mall Tribune. Finder 299 I1USINKSS DIRECTORY Attorney PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALET - Attorneys-at-Luw, Rooms 8 and 9. Medford National Dank bldg. A. E. RBAMES, LAWYER Uarnett Coroy bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Ore. Wm. M. Colvlg George M. Roberts COLVIQ & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Hank Building. B. F. MULKEY &. OEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Bank Building. NEWTON W. BOHDEN Attorney at law, room 7, Sparta building, Med-, ford, Oregon. Notary Public HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Bring your work to me at tb sign of thn.MHtl Tilbunft. Auctioneers WILLIAM OLRIOH Llcmeed Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford, Oregon. Terms reasonable. Resi dence phone 1C1-J. Office Jack son County Bank bulldluK. Auto Bnppiit. LAHERAUTO SPKINO CO. Our big secret lu making springs Is the tempering, Wo are operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pacific northwest. Use our sprlugs when othors fall. Hold under guarantee. 20 North Fif teenth St., Portland, Or u I null net Ion Mr. FRED ALTON WAK1HT Toach or of plnuo and harmony, The Ilalght Musiu Studio, UU South Laurel lit,, puouu 17U-U. pXttfl VVffl Swinnerton IIUHINXSH lllHKCTOItY - ChJropr actors OR. n. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist, Rooms 203-204-205 Oarnett-Corcy bids;. Vapor baths and scientific massage given; oeedle spray, head and shoulder shower la connection; advico la dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydroptherapy. Lady attendant. Phone, offlco 543, residence 511-R. OR, A. R. HEDGES, Dr. Lonlse B. Hedges Mcctuno-Thoraplsta, Chiro practors, Spondylothcraplsts. These systems. Including dlototlcs, cura tive gymnastics, bydro-therapby, etc.. produce results In both acuta and chronlu diseases. Consults' tlon free. Over Deuel k. Co., cor ner Main and Bartlett. Hoars f s. m. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Pboac 179. DeatteM DR. W. M. VAN 8COYOt? DR a a VAN SCOYOO Dentists Qsrnett-Corey btdg.. nits III. Uedford. Ore. Phnn ".6ft. Employment Agvnejr Wo aro hero to help people get re liable, competent help. Wo fur nish help In almost all lines of business. Wo make a specialty ot competent men and wives for ranches. Wo solicit your patron ago. Manor's Real Estate and Employment Uurcau, Rooms C and 7 Palm Huildlni;. Mcdford. Phono 85S. Mrs. Dyrd Caster, Manager, successor. Gsurtwfte GARBAGE Oet Tour premises cleaned up for th- winter. Call on the city garbage wagons for good sorvlco. Phono 325-L. F. Y. Allen. Physicians ana Barifeoas DR. F. O. OARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopath! physicians, 41C-417 Qarsett-Corey bldg., phono 103C-L. Resldeae 3G South Laurel St. OR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlclaa and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 E Main. Phones, residence 814-J2; office 814. DR. J. J, EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited ta eye, ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied Offlco 22S East Main St.. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. E. D. PICKEL, M. D Office Jack son County Dank bldg. Office phone 43-R; residence phone 58-R. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physl clau and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, otflco 36, resi dence 724-J. Office hours 10 to 12, 3 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 303 Oarnott- Corey building. Phone 904-M. R. J, CONROY, M. D. Physician and Burgeon. Over Hutchison ft Lums den, 215 E. Main St Phone 77. DR. W. II. HICKMAN Homeopath Office Hostel building, Central Point. All toluphono calls answered night or day. DR. MC M, M, DOW Physician and surgeon, Dr, Lydla 8. Dov; Os teopathic physician, offices 3-4 St. Mark's block, Phono 1C0. Resi dence thu Dow Hospital, Central Point. 383 -rr,-rTt- ,, ,', : ..' :,,; ;; Printers mi ruultsttcra MBli:oTuT?mNTlNa,,coTsTUHi best equlppod printing office In southoru Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systssas, eto. Portland prices. 17 North Fir St. Btenogi-Mpbere ELLA M. OAUNYAW Stenographic- work snd woll. -Pslu bleek. C-jhs sjHiekl". MADH TRANSFER & TOKAOJO CO, Oftlee 41 North rival fi, PtwM all. PrU rlM. bVmvIs cm