' 16 v v. V 'v MEDFORD MAIL TRTBTINE, MEDFORD, OltKCION, TriWDAY, AfAT70TT 10, 1.01-1. F2LTJI3 THR1CTJ ,,, SUMMER N PUBLICITY WORK OF IAL Tint Coiiiiih'I t'lul rlnli (liifilm.. held a hM'clitl titi'iding ,M'hcnlny to ilihi'iiHH mill Mi'l mi Hi'Vnnil iiiiilli'iii H'lllillll til lll VVI'H'lltll nl' lln Mil l'.V. Mm. I'M AihIiuvvh, ii'iui'xi'iiliiitf Ilii' iiimhIi'mI hi'i'llnn nl' llm Oii'mIit M'i flllll I'llllll M lll'H('ll, ls, till' ('iiiiiiih'icImI i'IiiIi In en-tipi'mli' inn) (4 1 mi llii'lr hiiiioil In n iiiuullily mil' hli'iil iluy fur Htdiunl ililldii'ii In in I'linln nil Hi" hi'IhmiU nl' lint vulli.Vi llin olijrcl liciiiK' ( inti'ivst mill ell- lrllllll III lllt'KI' lllri'lillKK Willi II Mil- ur!nr eliim nf intislriil cnli'iliilii iiH'iil. 'Din chili ii"inii'il Mih. An tlnr.VH llii'lr htippuit, k l(lllll'll lllt Mr. Williiuii llinli;i', rrinfi'iiliii III!' (Ili'lltiT Mi'ilrillil t'lllli, lIHknl (In1 rlnli In Mtiiiinrt mill iuImtIIho tin li'i'turi' mum In In ftiM'ii by Siiiimii'I Mill. Ili Milijn't will In' mi plans tu hi'iiutify ilii- I'licil'ic highway in tit" phititiiii; nf Ih'cm. Tlu club K"v'' Its iiKHiiniiii'ii nf a lii'iuly Mipputl. A li'tttT VVIHt ll'llll I mill t'uhilli'l Waller It. Knhr nf Mexim, Mil., sitv ill' hi' liml iirtvptnl tin' I'lllliV ilti- tutinii In visit tin) l((iui' llivir Milli'V mnl would i'iiiiii about Mnri'li l-r. fnr I lio purpose nf Mi'lt't'tini; it loriitltiii fnr n Ihim' liicli-Kriulit inililury hi'linnl. Hit Htnti'ij ill flirt letter tlutt In' Iiiii untv tillv-HU iiiiplli'itUon for I'lltlllilKIU" f llIX MisMIIIII hi'linnl finin territory which utiii'tly hi'lnni In .Mi'ilfnnl. Cnlniii'l Knlir will In I'll- tcrtaiiii'il liv tlm i'IiiIi on hut iirrivul Milk Coiircrn !) IhiiIo John M. Hi'ntt, p-nonil uiHni'ii!i'r iiKi'iit nf tin' Sniitlu'ru I'lii'lflc, writi' tlm uliili Unit tint llnnli'ii roiideiiKiiij: I'ni'tnry In limiting for Ihrcu hilcn fnr tlii-ir fiti'toiii'H. Tlii'v luivi' In ln mk Mtri'il nf tint l'n 1 1 1 It It tin- tirnillli't nf 1 fillll imiw'n mill lli to .'lllllll. Tin' M'l'ri'lnrv wit iiislrueted to title up tin' nutter with tin Itcinlrn Ceil iliiiM'il Milk- rninpnny mnl invite n n pri'Miilntivi' to visit tint vnllev mnl iiivi'ftii'iitu the pinxpt'i'tx mnl issi liilitii". Several ciimiint; mnl evaporating iMiuerriH desiring In Ini'llti' hero writ' ri'fi'rri'il to a rnnnitilti'ti of thri'i', who will meet with a emiiiiiil In' of three of tin Mi'Ii'IiiiiiIh' iis.hu elation Mn t fit 10 ami tisoerliiiu what U lnvt to ilo. Print Itlikrr .Wllilc Tltn rlnli nnli'rril tin printing nf tin- David Swing Hii'ki'r'nrlii'li'H re I'rnlly published in tlio Orogoiiiiiu on tlm llogue Ittvi'r vnllev, to ho pub lished lit the shape nf a small liiiok-li-t ami to I to m-ril fnr nl i I iinp iiinltt'i' hy tin' ('niiiuii'ri'ial elub. I It'll Slii'lilnit w'iim iiixtrtii'liil to fnriiitilittit Mime plan to M'fiire th hlguitltiio mnl iiililriwn nf every resi lient nf tint valley ami their fnrtnei niMiesK before I'liiiiuii' here, these mlilreiiieH ami liifnrtiinttoii to lie kept in n enril imli'x file at tint Ivvliiliit ImililiiiK for the heiiefit of visitors. Tint enlillllittei' nil pllhllejly reenlil- itii'inli'il lint rollnwlutri wlneh wit" ailnpletl liy a ri'Milutniii: (liilllno I'lilillltlty ''Voiir I'oiuiniltee on pulilieity lei' niiiiiieml the fnllnwiiiir pmrmit: "I. That lint Cniiiinereinl elnh nl' fer priiren for the hent two hiimlieil wot'il ilehi'tiptinii of Meill'ni'il ami the np,ne Itiver valley mnnni; Helmnl ihililien nf llm enmity. That the winning i-HHiiyK he u"'il iik innilelh in tlm varioim rniles for a serif of lellitrn to hit written hy every m-IhiuI fhihl in .IneltMiiii foiintv lo Mitiif fhihl in the Mtiitit rmle in Mime eiiHti'iii statu to lie inaileil at the ex peiiKn of the ('nniiiiereinl fhih. That thn filv Hiiperiiili'iiilenl " of selimlM ami Ihi' enmity Mipuiinteii lent he reipifslfil tn eifnperiitit with llm enimnittcit in inmi);imititi the pulilieity iiaiiipaimi t Inuiih the scliiiiil I'hililii'ii, eiiiphiisiM liein' laiil nil the htiip'uver mi tint vwirltl'H fair (rip. "2. That tlm Heeri)larv of the Huh he iiiMlriietfil to roipifst every ri'Miileiit nf tlm valley to write a In'k'f letlor In tlm iiaw'Hpaper nf lilt 1'nniier liuimi ileseripllvn of tint valley mnl iiotll'yinj,' fik'iulrt o huy tlekels in llUfi with Mi'ilfnnl Hlnpovnr, the seerelary of the chili In furnish a hi mi form of hiicIi letter. "II. "That all envelopes ami uta tiniiery iihciI hy iiiciiiIicim of tlm Huh pei'Hiiiinlly or in IniniiicHH cuncHpnii ilent'tt I'liiiliiiu tlm IckcimI, "(Intmvnv tn Crater Lake' ami 'Ituy Your Tick i'Ih Willi Meilforil Klopover.' Mk S. V, Cn-npciut Inn "I." That tlm ('uiiiiiiorHnl fluh or ilfr from fifty In a hiimlieil Iiiiiih ami piislfanlK Nhowiii); a series of ciulit views of orHiaril ami scenery wit It hilef ilesfiiplivit iiintlfr, These ciinU i'iiii lie scciiicil at $'J per Hum sum! fur .10,111111 hits-, nr ijl".') per tlmiixmiil in 100,000 lots, These fill tin In he furnished Hciih free for niuilliiKi I'lifh Mfhuol chilli In he lis,ii o mall il t.ct mnl llm Hniith COMMERC CLUB DAILY MINT FROM PARIS. -: . ;j 1.r " J "J1 SV j. k 'v .H f'll JB - tm ltfM, ltl tm M UM llltlk vrhct lint oltli a Mlritll of rarlpl Mljtflt fronJi -MnUoti Uu 4iiii Mr l- lurrniill era I'ueilif he li'ipli'Hteil tn plnce sclw upon iliiiiui; cars. 'Ti: That the co npcintiun nf life Southern I'ufilic he nniiexti'il in priuliiiK Iiiij:i' wtiulnw canU lmv. Iiik viewti nf Ciati-r l.nke with Hie new exeitrsiuii rules ami place in every ilfpnl, ticket office ami luilel aloni; tlm system. "ll, Thnl Hie miloiunhile uuiilc for tmiriMtH priutei) Inxt vear he hioiiitht Up to ilnle mnl leiiulilislii'il, copiet lii'illK sent evi'iv auloinohile ilealer, fvnry auto Huh am nveiy hotel alone the I'uclfic hiliway. "7. That Hie .lucksnii cniinlv court he leipiesli'il to niile that portion of niftil hetweou Kaylc I'nitil ami the Keemt Creek sellout, llm worst purtinu of any of llm roiulx leiuliun tu CrHter Lake. Thai Hip court he teipiestftl to make turnout aloiiK Cniter Lake ro.nl at iMiints of scenic ml villi tn v mnl place Ihp.t siux l-alllllK alli'lltioii u tliCM- views ami that a new ami easy (mil he lumle to Mill Creek rails from the main ruml. "8. That the en. operation of Hi" Fruit associations ami fruit ilistrih iilnrs of thn valley he secuteil ami thai fiieh Im.v of fruit shippcil nut nf Mcilfuril eontitlns ,iti hititalinii m visit the llnxtie Hiver vnlloy in IH1.1, ami ileseriptive iimtlor of the valley. "Thnl Hie Coimiieii'jnl Huh at omv scinl to I'le-iilcnt YViUoa ami to :K iiieiuhers of the ciilihict wopitrnle iu vilatioii!! asking theiii to visit Crater Lake this summer as kiip" nl llm Huh. "That the pulilieitj coitunitli'e pie prre a brief ilesciiptimt of Crnler Lake ami the Koveruuieiit 10ml wmk in progress, ami with two or titles phutoraphs of the lake sufficient In make a luilfpap layout, semi to lifty of the laiK'est papers in the luunlry, with a fniiiiuuu icIomc ilule, fur siimillaueuiN pithliealloti. Hy thw means much ihiriihlc pahluitv eau he secureil at small cost, iniicly thu priulintr nf photos. "Vuitis truly, ".I. C. IIIIOWN. "!. I'in'.VAM. "A. II. Mll.l.l'lt. The piiviileut appuiuteil A. S. Ilo seuhamn, V. I Isaues ami lieu Shehlnii to ilsMt the fniiuiultee mi itieiiiliership to secuie niiin.v itew iiieinhers to llic Huh. During the past year, by thou sands of smokers, all inclination for any tobacco but STAG. A significant fact Is Stag's in stant appeal to old smokars mon who had long settled down to something else. These wise old critics are per haps the most enthusiastic of all. Convenient Packages: Tho Handy Half- Sizo 5-Cont Tin, tho Full-Sizo 10-Cont Tin, tho Pound and Hnlf-Pound Tin Mumjdots and tho Pound Glati Humidor. W .IIIIIIIIIMIIIimillMIUHl ivniMi! 111. AJBB'MMNH OrKr,!i-ssaB''-'",??lsssssi BjMSBCBHaBaHHBaaaLv '1 NEWS FROM COUNTRY CORRESPONDENTS nUCH RUMBLES Miss Nellie CulliiiK spent Huliir.lii.v ami Kuiuhty in ilaelisuuville. The iiiceliut! of the 1'iiicnl-Tciiili-els' nsHociatloii, which was hehl l''ii ilnv I'M'tiiii, wns eujuycil hy all who nltcmli'il. ( Mr. mnl Mih. Ilnrucc Turpiu ol Talent Hpcnt the past week will Mm. 'I'm pin's ihiiciiIh, Mr. mnl Mr' limit's MeMoiiuiih. A lln.Vs' ami (litis' Imlusiiial clul. was oiuaiilml here last Thuisiliiy 1 1 it r ! llmuiltoii wiiH ilecti'il presi ih'iil; Mmli-tou Itici'i vice-presiilent . I'rnnk limine, secictnry; Miiithn lluunii ,tieasurer. Mr. ami Mrs, Miles Cautrall nf this vicinity spent Kiimlay with Cluiilcs llmiiilllni ami i'mnily. Mr. ami Mrs. Willi tint Cupnle nf lliuienui spent Sumhtv evriiiuc at the luunit nf Mn. Cupple's sister, Mrs. Cliiirlcs llmnilloii. Mr.iiml' Mis. A. L. Huone wen Hie um'slH nf Mr. mnl Mrs. .1. 1. Ilaiiliiu Saturday eveuiui;. Miss Maltha limine eutertaiiicil several of her friemU I'riilay evcn ini;. After injoyini; themselves un til H o'clock ptuviiiK caiiies unit I'ritt'kiiiK Juki's, a ilaliity uiiicr .wns seiveil which was enjoyed hy all. Mr. ami Mr-. .1. II. itien were the nleiisiinl callers of Mr. ami Mrs. A. L. Iluoiie F'iilav aflernooii. Charles Hamilton of Hitch wiik a luislncHS caller at I'urest errek Sun day. Clyde Smith Vvas a caller on Mai thu limine Sunday evening. riovd MeKee was the miest of Ilit r t-l Hamilton Sunday evening. Tohe Stone of Forest eret'k wns a laisiiiesH fuller in .lueksonvillf. PHOENIX PHACTLETS Mvruu .1. Nut lis ami diuiylitci. Helen, were cullers in lawn Mumlity. (Icotjje Alford and (loorKf Wfri iinlh huvf new Ford nutoiuohiles. The I'reshvteriaii Ladies' Aid will meet nl tin I'uHi' htiildint; Wedues day afternoon. Mrs. Kmily Carpenter, who has been an invalid fur tlm past two years, has linn quite f'ivi ftir over a week. 'MIhsJiiiu' ICoIeth returned from Foot's ereck the first of llm week. Mrs. Ilhtkely of (lohl Hill spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Henry Shnfrr. David Walt ami familv, neeompau. ltd hy Mr. Watt's father ami mother, lelnraeil here the first of the week after spending thu winter in I'otr laud. F. K. Furry and (I. ". Kin sent severnl days the past week fishing alouc Itoguo river. Louis Culver has hcen suffering from sciiitica for the past three weeks, hut is now utile to walk down low it. New .Jersey has n timbered area of about 2,0110,0110 acres, on which the tituhur is wroth ahoat .$H,.00, 000 mi tlm stump. It is mainly val uiilile fnr fordwood. Lost! 5TA For Pipe and Cigarette "tiCDj ACTiKir-ivrMr. P. Lorlllard Co, Est, 1760 fi XTam',m-mm'mmmwm1K91mm&mm 'fcitlWiir,rlsslJasS5i I "WV.7mWmK) I -. .VsaLUiif Li v-v M wa ,Li araaPi i I ' JLj!' iulSiirTift1r'r''"T-aywiTf ' 11 fr:- MMt 'arJsg-MSBy I . rsi.. "'iwwww, mtmE mmmXmmmmmWHMBBSK3SmWmwmr . .tfK. I ivH ,. mwml'S9wlflKmmmmmm2!3mWfwfif0' llll . . EAGLE POINT EAGLETS Hy A. C. Howlctt. Charley Thoituis has returned to Klmmith county, hut left his family here fur thu picnt. Mlviii Ailauis of Siskiyou county, California, passed tluuiili hum las Mntiirilay on lu way frut llittte I'alls vvlmri! lie had been visiting his s'slir. Mrs. Aaron Heck. Mr. Math ews, Sr., of 'Unite Falls passed through here on his way In Midfoid mi Hie same train. Mrs. A. II. Ilnrtoii nf llrownMioro fame tint from Medfonl Saturday on the train ami went on up to her hoiim on tlmyl'iiglf I'oiut ami Lnkt Creek slage. . (leorgc II. W'ai iter of Central I'oint was out Inst Sataiilav talking to the house wives about the iiiietiiiuitie sweeper that he is handling. John lligeubo'haui nf I hit to rails came out last Thursday, remaining until Saturday. There was a man and woman here Saturday from Kugeiie. They looked all over our town hut were very re lieenl with ngard to their business. I did not Irani their names but learn ed that they were not looking for a locution. Miss Louise Henry, who is en gaged teaching in the Lent Charley school district, called for dinner last Friday on her way to Medford. Fred It. Heath hns sold his farm just above Hrowiisboro to Hoy Tuft. I understand that he has several tennis at work palling up Hip fntit trees ami leveling off the ground to sow it in alfalfa. Mr. Holbrouk. who lives at the (lilehrist orchard, was doing busi ness with our merchants Saturday. A. J. McDonald, who has been Hearing a tract of land northeast of our town for J. II. Cooley, fin ished up the job lust week mid has gone to the McDonald fa nil near the mouth of Kile creek. Mr.rind Mrs. Todd have gone on the ranch In as sist in iis inamigeimat. Mr. Susan Hart was in town on business Saturday. Mrs. It. McDonald of Like Creek came out last Saturday to bring her son to Dr. Holt to have his foot dressed. He hail cat his instep open witli mi ax that was the cause of the visit. They were accompanied by her brother, J. I). MeCraig. David Ciugeade's daughter, llattic, who lives in San Francisco, I have forgotten her sir iiattie, writes to her uiojier that she hears from Kngie I'oint every week for she gets the Kagle Point Kaglets regular in the Daily Mail Tribune ami that it is like a letter from home. F. M. Corlies, who has moved onto the Alevesta orchard to take charge of it, nud his daughter, Miss Maud, were callers on business Saturday ami after introducing himself re marked that he had been reading my Kaglets for tlm past eight years hack in Iowa. They were here to meet his daughter. Miss Vetieta, who is attending school in Medford. Although I seldom write hospital news I will break over this time ami say that the little Mcssal bov who I ".Vo lllte, 1 ' So Stln, A I "No nag, n Ml 1 "iVo String." IV f n jmtiiMimJr'sa sF V'9'' jBassfilPsBsssF "mi? MaVti?1! Storo l'liono 87- ml vLIJBstHt,,mlM'lt?JJ li 1 1 XuyjW wJlitMnSK, fJiisssCsssffi I ii, BVrasm.sW MssssssssTssl J.gsm"AJsss.lsssssssssWVMSVTV .. I UBBh-jbJU M III! WJWtMaviyn ! Ill I VWfSl!mmmmmmWS & I - lO'JKSIHBVHBSKSinRniV ilDSm n JViH III v IHsKvVsw BDt-taH'H II 'A v flr!ssssssfr .jjiii1 JiiwSj?MnHotTirjitii III I Hki &h - mmmmL k d IV1 T sssssBksssvaisssssasssssssssskssssssssKst, .. Ill i..k.4.A. ,-,tri!wri.t'ai igss m T.t" HMWIciPlT llll was operated on u week ago Satur day is gradually improving. Miss Flora Firming, ilift iniisn who was with him at the time of the opera - tlfin. Iiliil fitlifir mif.fieefticiitii ko thnl ..'.'. n-is ' -..I... I....I ... ...a. a .... I.. ....... ...... ... suit i in ii ir Kilt: "I ll' r nrsiiwn it. go to nnother case and Mis (loorgin Miers bus taken her place. There was a small loud of lumber went out to llm AnlHne orchard Saliinlay to he used in fixing up things, getting ready for the spring work'. .Mrs. Kef of Hitt.e Falls is here visiting her daughter, Mr, ami Mrs. W. I. Itaehanan. Ilenj. C. Sheldon, secretary of the Mi'dfurd commercial Huh, etc., and a general Medford booster, was out Saturday night to vis t J. . Meln tyre, the cashier of 'he Kagle I'oint Stale Hank, and family, ami called on us Siindny morning for breakfast. I le pays our business men a very 'nigh compliment for he claims that we have the most progressive set of business men hero that there is in any of Hie small towns in Jackson futility. Cljile MeMiirtry of Mi-dfiird, a (piarl. miner, came in Sunday night from Derby nml n bis why picked up (iiitc. a Hit of slimes of the agate variety. He is engaged in mining on the Applegnle. I have some more notes in my scratch hook but will have to wait until the next time to write them. KANES CREEK KANELETS Cass Higinhothntii left on Sattir day's train for his home near Salem, Ore. Mrs. John Manloii was n recent Medford shopper. Mines, lioggis ami Iliginbotbam spent Thursday on (lulls ereek, the guest of friends. Will Higinbotham left on Saturday for Medford to spend some time the guest of his sister, Mrs. Jack Wri.s ley, ami other relatives. Mr. Higin- botliam has been siok fur some time ami we Iiom the change wilt be u benefit to hi-, health. Mr. Thompson of near Jackson ville stietit Sunday at this- place, the guet of her son, John, and family. John Mardon and wife attended the show and dance in (lohl Hill on Saturday night. Mr. Foster is all right when it cniiics to weather prediction, nui not as an orehnnlist. Hy mistake he planted sonic twenty young thorn trees which he found growing near his homestead, thinking they were seeillintr unities. The iiroiihet says he don't regret the time or mistake, as he will had them to cars ami ap ples when the proer time comes. Mello Hyrley intends to leave in n week for Canada, where nu uncle resides. Katie's Creek business vUiton- to Cold Hill this week: Mr. Vatttz, Mr. ami Mr. Householder, Fred Hrovvn, Mr. and Mrs. Mardon, Mr. Kuotts, Mr. and Mrs. Feuuell, Mr. Lewis, (leopge lliginhotham and wife, Mrs. Hoggs, Mrs. Del a ire, Slump. Coff mati, Chandler nml l'rophet Foster. Look! Look! Snioko Governor Johnson cigars, they're mado in Medford, you'll ltko them. ii.flMK.stvSsswtanBiBsnni i WOMEN CAN HARDLY BELIEVE How Mrs. Hurley Wai Re stored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham't Vegetable Compound. Eklon, Mo. " I wm troubled with displacement, inflftrnmntlon nnd femnla wenknesK. For two yaara 1 could not stand on my foot long at a time and I could not walk two block without en during cutting and drawing palrut down my right ido which Incroased every month. I have been at that time purplo in the f nee nnd would walk the floor. I could not lio down or nit till aomctlmcg for a day nnd a night at a time. I won nervous, and had very llttlo appetite, no ambition, melancholy. nnd often felt a though I had not a friend in the world. After I had tried most every female remedy without iuc ccni, my mother-in-law advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I did so and gained in strength every day. I have now no trou ble in any way and highly praise your medicine. It advertises Itself." Mrs. S. T. Hurley, Eldon, Missouri. Remember, the remedy which did this was Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For sale everywhere. It has helped thousands of women who have been troubled with displace mcnt,!nflammation,ulccraUon, tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing down feeling, indigestion, and nervous prostration, after all other means have failed, ' Why don't you try it? Lydia E. Pinkham Mediciao Co,, Lynn, Mass. The New Telephone Directory Is Out ; Yyu can find our Number 252 Without trouble. Everything new and fresh in Groceries, Fruits and Vege tables. MARSH 6 BENNETT Second door east of First National Bank Where is the msg Buy Seeds? Why llnmdlej'fi of Connie, tho only pliteo In Southern Oregon whoro you can set Iitirpcos Seeds and Mutford's Nltrogcrm. Ho has had nearly 30 years experience In handling and growing seeds and customers all havo tho benotit ot his experience. It In only a fovv steps from Main street and It wilt certainly pay you to tako tho tow extra steps to Hroadloy's' whoro you can get everything for tho garden. Use Mulford's Notroeornt lu your lo gttnto crops, lltirpecs Spencer Sweet I'cas havo no equal and yuu ltavu about 40 ot tho very best varieties to choose from. If you don't boo vvha.t you vvaut ask for it.. BROADLEY THE FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN Is tu tho M. l- & H. IIulldluK Think of the Comptiny behind tho car and you'll realize why lrds and Oovernnicnt l)oiuls tiro bought with equal assurance, strongest financially world wide in scope largest In volunio of output. AVo build our reputa tion into the car. Uettor buy a Ford. 59S Ig tho prlco ot tho Ford runabout; tho touring car Is C45 f. o. b, Medford, complete with equipment. Out catalog aud particulars from C. E. GATES HI'AHTA I1UJLMNO. Buckwheat Cakes RUtl without YMt When they are lust rlfihl, the old fash ioned ycat ralitd buckwheat cakM arc lust fine. Hut It takes a skillful hand to tfet them "just ridht" and many housewives do not want to be bothered with A bewl e( batter standing around all the time. Mado after this recipe, buckwheat cakes Are as good as any you ever ato and much super lor to thoic made with telf-ralslng (lour. Mado with K C double raise bikln powder, the last of the baiter will make just at light cakes as the first. K C Buckwheat Cakes Jlv Mrs. Tsnsi MeKemie Hill, Editor of the llotton Cooking School Migailne. 1 cup buckichral flour', I table' jnnful BUgnr; 3 levrl Uatpoon ful K C Uahng Powder', 1 cupa cold water: tea- $poonful salt. Sift lojrcther, three times, the flour, sugar, sail and baking pomleri stir the water in all at once and bale on s hot. Hell oiled grid dle. Buckwheat flour calls for a generous measure ol baking powder, vtn milk may bc.uicd to mix the cakes but water gives quite ai good results. A delicious 'Spread" for griddle cakes Is maa br creamine together about twice at much honey (cither comb or strained) as butter. Work it up nith, a fork to about the coni'itcncy of hard sauce. Readett of this paper may obtain "The Cook's Book" containing this and 19 other delicious recipts.rr by sending the colored certificate packed in erery 25-cent can of K. C Baking Powder tothe Jaques Mfg. Co., Chicago. Sendfor'TheCook'sBook'oday, FOUTS Make the Prices I'otntoex, 100 lb. . tiOo I'tiro White Flour, Kiick. fl.'S Pure Cnno Sugar, 18 !b ,91.00 Dry Granulated Sugar, 20 lb.$ 1.00 A good Coffee, per lb Jioc Holly Milk, 3 cntm for '2oa Crcntncry Htttter, 2 lbs- J.' a cntiR Table Fruit , 50c Preferred Stock Tomatoes, 2 can for , '.Vic '10c Jam nnd Jelly, 2 jars. I! bnrs Penrl While- Soap-. ...'lto va 0 bnrs White Flyer Soap.., Ms Shortening Compound, No. 5 ....(jou Shortening Compound, No. 10-rl.U.i Kvcrytltinj; tlio market affordx in Fresh Fruits nnd Vegetables. Sat isfaction guaranteed; Try us on pbotie orders. FOUTS GROCERY CO. 36.40 S. Central. Pftenes 271-272. Best Place to Greenhouse- WJK-J MKUfOKU, OKU. ' t gffE jssrwWsBWssMpls- iliHi 1; - wnmns'-sy f tt v yimmyi 4