797 Second &', o Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER 1'alr (onlulit mill W'llnei-itiy- Mut. 7 j Mill. rw. forty. tlilnt rmr, OhIIk-KIkIiIIi Yr. MEDFORD. OKI'XJON, TlTKKIMY, MARCH .10, 191 J. &!4 -V NO. 290 ALASKA BILL READY FOR WILSON TO SIGN R ,p ?. , r lv 2 V SENATE PASSES ALASKAN BILL VOTE 42 TO 11 Srnato Passes Alaskan Railroad Measure as Amended hy Confer rnrc Coiimiiltrr Dill Is Savaurly Denounced liy Cummins o( Iowa. Claims Bill a Fine Thlnji for Private Lines Ownlnn Terminals Plltmnn Says Point Not Well Taken. WASHINGTON, .NOir.li HI The ht'iut t passed IhU itfli'tiniuu (In Alnku niilioud liill iim nmeiiilcil by tlit confluence committee. Tho lull in turn ttwil.v JTtr I'luHhtuiit WiImhi'h NlailllllltK. Tim vote mi (In' lull nIimhI I'J I tir in 17 HKiiiiml. Hitter denunciation of Hie AlanKii ruiltond dill n Hiiii'inliil liv III' xi'ii hIi mill Iiiiiiki' conferees was voiced fioin I tit Hour of tin' somite this it r tciuoou liy Senator ('llllllllllIM nf Imvn. "Ah (Ih lilll now MnwW said Cummins, "lln government t'oiilil mily Imilil liilmiil from present terminals of privately owned lines, unit iih ii n-iilt I lit- jm eminent lines lire tit lain to Iih nt tin1 iiiiti'v of private linoM for lidcwnlor terminals. Tlir liill Is a totality linn Ilium for the private linos, because they would in sist on mi enormous profit if tin Movornmciit over desired to tnko tliriu nut. "I urn oppoxi'il to I ho governiiiont'H entry into the Alaskan railroad itu iilioii iiiittvsH it owns ii riiilroml from tin m'u to interior points." Souutor Ki'V I'iltiiinii Mini Senator Cummin' point wiih not well taken. "Tln eonfciciieo report," In Mini, "proiiili'il 1 1 tn t tin government inii-t Imilil or iii'iiuiri ii continuous mil rnml I'miii tin1 const to tile intriior "I witii t to hiiy lluit I btlicvo wo i'iiii tniNt the ordinary business jmlk' mi'iil of (he president without Imilil Ollflillg linn." , billsTaind L WAKIIIKOTO.V, I). C, Mnich 10. The finihliiin; timclicH weie imt to the timlo eouiiiiihoii hilt tmln.x h.v tho Iioiimi) eoniiiieii'it eoiiiinittee, Cliniililiin AilniiiMiii wan e.xpeeteil o pvo out (he text of lint hill Inter in the iifleuioo;i. Hi'iiriiiK' on the mil i nail Mvniily i ciilal ion hill piohnlily will I'oiietinlo this nfleinoon. The timlo eotiiniibNion hill in ex pt'c Icil to priiviiln tin re eommi'Oiiiii ers nt NiiliuieN of .f 10,0110 annimllv, itli juiihilietiim over Iiiiku coipoiH' tioiiH nml ilihcrelioimry mithoiil.v over Nintiller cnrporiitiniw. Hk in ipiinitorlnl powern, liowever, will he liuiiteil. Tli ii Iioiihu jnilicinry eointnitloe was liusy tnilny reilrnftiii" three tentative hillx nini'iiilliiK (hn Sherinaii law. Thu hill ilefiuiii iiionopolicH nml trmle ii'hlniintx may he ilmppcil, iih 1'ich! ileal YVilHon favorn a inoilificnlion of the rigorous piohiliition of interlock iiiK ilircctorntcH, Thu hiihliiiK com piiuifH' hill will ho ilestancil to affect only thoHii which, hy a "commiinit.v of iiitcrcHlH," ii'Milt in mi aetiinl or piileiilial icHtraiut of trmlc, I'rOHiileiit WilHou Iiiih nppioveil the IrailcH lelatioim hill piohihillii price fixing nml c.xcliiHiwi hiiIch prncticcH, SENATE TO ACT TODAY ON ALASKAN BILL WAHIIINUTON, Mnr. 10. Final uctlnii on llio i'iiiirori)iicn AIiihIiu mil mail hill wiih nxiui'tnil when tho MHiiitn ciinvonttil thin afternoon, Tliu hniiHii iilrcnily Iiiih I'linriiinml dm run feieiit'e report Tim Huiiiito (iilinot iiinmn! tho hill hut muut ullhci' np provu ur reject It u It iluuilii, MAN BEING RE-DRAFTED CLEMENTE VEnOAnA, WHOSE BODY WAS STOLEN FROM ITS GRAV E AND TAKEN ACROSS BORDER ftrF " 'mIssssm' JlL& E! 91 IHIrh1 Ajflkt ' JBmL rr IlllllMMiiSVT Tin . VT - AlrV Im 1 ( Icmi'iilr iTKflni, n Trxm ruiu'lirr mill 1'iittlo r.iiiT, wii4 flt.it to ilcalli liy fi'ilnnil troops In Mexico roin- iniiiiilcil liy ( 'apt n in Kinlriticr, n well known offui'r of the nriiiy of Dii'tntor lliirrtn, opcrntin in tlii'lul nml i-nrru-il off to Mexico. Lite" noilli, ItnilriK ier. hail inten iliiuuri Im hii hlmt. FUGITIVE BANKER SURRENDERS AFTER MONTJSJF HIDING NAN I'KANl'lSCO, Till.. Mnreli in. "My coiiM-ii'iice, urnntint; me no pence, piomptcil me to ive m.elf up. Tho fear of p'H'i'K ilt'' never once enleicil my ininil." TIiIm wa the ileelarnliou lu'io to ilny of A. C. IVtl, piesiileut of the NVIiiiiNkn slate haxehall IciiKiie, nml foimei' eiihhicr of the 1'iiht National hank of Superior. Xili., who walked into I'lillcit SlutcH Marshal Houli han' office heie itcnlay and ttave himself up on n hank w reeking ehaip'. "I wiik nllcuiiiiii; n laeclin in Oiiinha of the NeliuiHkn hlutn lniHe hall league," Mild Felt today, "when I iccciw'il wind of the failuio of my hunk, I eiime went nt once. Seven weeks 110,0 1 arrived In San r'ran cinco ami here I have lieen liiur without the HliKhlest ntteuipt a(. cou cenliaeiit. WVui it not for tho puns: of my coiiKoIenco, I woiihl still he free. Hut I have done a wtoiij; nml now wih to I'aeo jiiHtico nml mich iiiiiiishmciit iih may he mv l"l. "Lack of currency flexibility was a fiiclor in the hmik'ri failure. Hut I don't think llio new eurreuey t-yn-tern would have hecu a preventative. It works too hlowly." I.ONHON, Mnreli 10. In retalia tion for Mrs. timmcliuo PiiiiklmrHlV arrest, Miss Mary Itiehanlsou, a prominent militant huITi'iikcIIc, took six chops wiih u meal nv today at Vclasipicx' .VJOO.OOO pn inline; of Venus in tho iiiitioiml gallery, Miss Kichaiilhou wiih arrested, the Kallery wiih promptly rlcareil ami closed and exnuils went railed in to see If the ilauiago could hit icpaircil. TIiiiiiuIi lliey said tho picluiu never would he the snnie uuiiiu,a thev Imped In patch It up al I ci huiuii milt of fiuliloii, MUTANT RUINS 'MM E uilli Inin one imiiidv nml I mil iiHkfil linn to ki to nu itlnml in tint Hio (inimli' t iliirtms tlic tlifft of lur wliicli Iroop, luul tnkfii from Vcr trnrn'ii rmji-li. No kooiut lunl lie rriii'liiil tin xpot t li ii ii !u nns nttiirk HIRED 10 BEAT UP STRIKERS TO FORCE REIGNJLTERROR CUH'AflO, Mnreli 10. -Sworn ileelnrntion tluii the Ahnr Detoetivo Agency of New York sent him to I'alumel to "pi anions tlio ntrikers ami eucouriiKO violence so. the mil ilia mid deputies would havo cause to uc their hayouets nml rluhs," was offered here today hy Henry Hatlor, testifying licfoie Hie eoiiKrcs. hioiiul committee whieli is invcstipit iiiK the MichiKiiii copper stiikc. He also alleged that fjunmon wero cm ployed hy the miiio operators to heat up tho slukciK and then "to use their kiiUs if icsistmico was of fered." Koheit Akin, n ileloctive, wiih an other witncsH. Ho testified that lie heat up three union men after they had lieiiu arrested, with tho deliher nlo intention of "Martin; trouble." Ilu iilso nwoiv Hint other dotoellvcH mill Kutimcn, in the . employ oD .the operators, interrupted parades'- ot strikers, hoping thcrebv to incite rioiinj." Charles II. Moyer, president .of tho Western lVilcratiou of MinorHr avas siunmoneil this nflernooii to the bed side, of Vice-President Alnhouey, Who suhiiitllcd recently to an nppcudivitis operation. .Maliouey's comlititin wiih 'snld to lie iiritieil. :t "1 hieil," said Miss llicliimison, "to destroy a picture of the most beautiful woman in mythology as a protest against (he pivciaaieut's tie slruetion of Mrs. Paiikhuist, the most beautiful cliuraeler in moilern history." Miss Itiehanlsou iitlmitted thill she had been anesled leu times undei tlio "cut mill mouse" act. Seeielury Dawes Turner nf the uulioiiul gullery testififil ul her pie llmliiury healing Hint the ilumage iliiue to the painting hint uiutllateil luul reduced Hn Milne hy u Iras! rl'J3,UU0, ore VERGARA SHOT A H DIG FROM HALLOWS American Hanged In Mexico hy Fed erals, Not Tortured Cabinet Meeting Considers Situation Moore Recalled as Legal Advisor. Senator Stone to Reply tc Fall's At tack Officialdom Hopes That Complications Will 0c Averted. WASIIINOTON', Xforch 10. Mex ico was tint topic of j;rine discussion ul a cabinet uicutiiii; toduv. .lolin Hassett Moor i! lesigued ns counsellor to tho state iliportmuit, had been re called, it was hinted, on account of Hit! ilmiKcr of serious complications. It was explained Hint bis services lis mi expert on international law were much needed. He, eoiiM'iiteil to out line the general pi need lire in tin cases which nre. w'nrring the admin istration, but-declined to resume all bis old duties. No pretense wn turtile of denying' that the lulmiuistrntton was anxious concerning nMrts Hint (lenniiny i Kruwing restive nt the prolonged Mexican disorders. lUiiKert. Not Iinpllratrsl Concerning the Verpirn incident, near Nuevo l.nredo, Oeneral Hliss tclegraplied to Secretary of War Harrison that the dead -American i wily was taken from its grave in . texieo mid brought to the border b Mexicans, who were hiied. liowever, by S. T. Hill, WrgaruV brother-in-law. They received, Illiss stated, .? 100. It was nddnl I hat revorts that Vergnrn's body indiented tho mnn was tortured before his execution were baseless. There were no bums on the corpse, as was stated. It was evident, the report said, that the mnn was handed and then shot, presumably as be dangled. Four bul lets struck him. Captain II. P. Howard conducted Hie investigation. iKUornurc of Kxpcdlllou From other sources, too, it was learned Hie American border offic ials, both federal and state, knew nothing of tho expedition into Mex ico nfter Vergnra's body until after it bad occurred. Consul Oarrett, at Nuevo Laredo, alo had given sntis fnetory Assurances that ho was not involved in the affair. So far ns the Vergara cafe was concerned, these thiutis weie regard ed in administration circles as hav ing improved Hie situation, and of ficialdom hcf-an to hope that compli cations would be averted. The cabinet discussed nt length the pros nud eons of answering Senator Full's attnek on President Wilson's. Mexican policy in the upper house yesterday. It was mil denied Hint Fall bad the best of argument with with Senators Sliively and Shepard, and Hryan came in for some criti cism for having failed to inform himself ooiiecrniuj- tho extent of the New Mexican lawmakers' familiarity with conditions and for having no elected to provide Hie udiniuistru t ion's spokesman with ammunition for n better defease. Stono to lleply to Full It was the impression when the cabinet meeting bioko up Hint Sen ator Stone, who is slated for the chairmanship of the senate foieign relations committee, succeeding the Into Senator ltacou, would shortly nnswer the New Mexienu, busing his speech on facts with whieli Hryan would supply him. E ON STOCK MARKET N1CW YOU1C, Mar. 10. A tuoiler aloly strong undertone, prevailed when tho stork markot opened today, (lulus In limdlnu Issues were tho rule. Chttsupealio unit Ohio inso one nud I'anndtuii Puciflo 1, ItuuiU were uiisy. Tlio tuarkvt cloivd firm, YOUNG WOMAN WHO IS AGAINST WEALTHY ,HIK W.Sr llW illm Ueuerlerc Iluii.in, who recently cauxed Hie arrest at Fan Francisco. Cnl., of J. I'arlivr Wliltucy. a wealthy clubman, on a ctrarce of violating the Jliiun V1ilte Slave act and whoe marital cxierlencc have been the subject of wide comment. Is on her way to New York to gather evidence, nbe says, to sub ktnuilatc her tuan-'cs ukjIiiiI Mr. Whitney. Aunouueciiient hul Just been miulo that J. Tarker Whitney had Inherited m osiiti,. vuliicd nt lnoo.Ut) ulicn MUn Ilnimn fortrnt all nlxint her in:rlasc to Mr Hnrrls nml hml Mr. Whitney arrestnl. She aatd she had met him early In tfll.t at the I'laai Hotel, In New York city, and that after hi- offer to marry her Liter she trn cited about with him n- Ids wife. They finally took up their rcIdeiice In San FrancUro, she said, when tic Induced her to make a visit to New York When -.he reiulied S'an Francisco ngalu Mr. Whltuey bad truus ferred his affetlloa- nnd would not recosntie her. Mr, Whltuey wa r.-tenscd on a $'.M,HU0 tsmd. Members of tho Ilanan family In New York repudiate the slrl's claim to relntluoidilp. DEATH ROLL OF ST. I 30 TO 40 ST. I.OUIS, Mo., March 10. Ten bodies recovered and eleven more corpses were in silit today in the ruins of tlio burned Missouri Ath letic Club building. Firemen were unable to roneit them, owing to dan ger from a tottering wnll ngainst which they were heaped. The wall Was to be pulled down tmlay nnd the bodies taken out. In the meantime the seven victims reluoved yesterday nnd the three this morning were the only ones in tlio morgue. Hetwcen tliiity mid forty was still the searchers' best twos ns to the number who polished. Some uncer tainty still continued owing to Hie loss of the club register, which would have indicated just who was in the house. The search of the ruins was kept up until midnight ami rcsumetl at dawn today. E ASI EXCLUSION THIS YEAR WASHINGTON, Mar. 10. Post- Vonomeat of consideration ot pro posed Asiatic exclusion legislation until April G, was announced today by tho houso Immigration commit tee, Pacific coast representatives admitted this afternoon that thoy practically abandoned hopo of getting exclusion legislation through at this legislation. 0 L AS M IB OF MY LOOT POST OFFICE I.OOMIS, Cub, Mureh 10. At '-' o'clock this morning thirty or more desperate men, believed to bo mem bers of the scnttered uipiy of the unemployed, raided this place, ami, breaking down the doors of the post office, blew the snfo with nltro-gly-ceriuo unit Uitiiiucd JpiUlOO in coin and stamps, Tlio postmaster, S. V. Turner, aroused by Hut sound of the explos ion, hastily dressed, armed himself mnj huhlcncil In tho scene, He cu eiuiuleied scvcial men nud ciigti;i'il ill u fljjlit with them. Two weie tei-u SEEKING EVIDENCE CALIFORNIA CLUBMAN HUERTA CAMPAIGN AGAI MEXICAN REBELS MKXICO CITV. Mureh 10. An offensive campaign ngainst the reb els was ordered by President Huerta totluy. The president was said to have considered Hint his forces have stood on the defensive too long. His generals everywhere have been warn ed that ho will visit his wrath on them unless they take aggressive stands immediately. Two bundled federal refugees who, nfter defeat in northern Mexico, fled into the I'nited States, have arrived with the story that they were held prisoners for a time nt Fort Illiss, Imt that the American troops finally let them escape for small bribes. Word was received that the rebels in Ton eon's vicinity bad dynamited two federal troop trains on their way to strengthen the garrison there, but without nuy en-unities. United States Charge tl'Affaires O'Shaushuossv was still heavily guardeil. CHRONIC STOMACH TROUBLE FROM POSTUM HOCHKSTKIt, Minn., Mar. 10. Charles W. Post, uilllolnalro cereal food manufacturer, was successfully operated on hore today for appendi citis, Tho oporatlon disclosed chro nic stomach trouble but surgeons expressed tho belief that bo would bo permanently cured and would ro cover quickly. Post mado tho trip from Sauta Hnrbnra to Rochester on a special train. to fall, but wero taken uwuy l their companions, Tho town was aroused nml dozens of men ami wo men, scantily attired, hut till armed, flocked to the scene and u ehaso ami running una fight ensued, Tho ma rauders stole horses nnd buggies anil escaped. A posse win formed to nu them down, The coiistdbles nil along the linn of lliu Lincoln highway tour are warning tho automobile caravan members to beware nf mi attack f i om umhiikli mill urging I'uiii In keep clone tiother. ORDERS NST ARMY F PENNEDBETWEEN 1 Overflow of Sacramento River Pre vents Invasion of Yolo County While Armed Men Guard River Bridges Into City. Army Fed on Scant Rations Contrib uted by Private "Individuals De mand Transportation East. i SACHA.MF.NTO, Cnl., March 10. Penned up between nu ocenn of overflow Hood water on one siile, which prevented n further invasion of the unemployed nnny into Yolo county or nny other section to the north, .south or west, and nn nnny of Hon civilian officers with clubs, :11ns nud fire engines guarding the bridges leading into Sacramento, the several hundred members of the hobo "nnny" were being held ut tiny this afternoon. Troop Itefuned Governor Johnson refused the aid of troops becniise there was no ap parent attempt on the port of the "nnny" to destroy property. Hesidents of Yolo county nnd tho authorities across tho river from Sacramento were indignant because of the embargo maintained ngainst the. rvinvnsiou of the unemployed Into this city. They.dfclared.lhat.-.SaojrH meuto bud no right to maintain the armed gtinrd nt tho bridges. Sacra mento authorities declared that the nnny will not be nennitted to enter the city again under nny circum stances. In the meantime, (lie citizens nf Sacramento nre feeding the men on scant rations, most of which nre be ing contributed by private individ uals. Leader Held in Jail Although the fonner lenders of the unemployed army are held in jail, there seems to be no lack of lender ship in the ranks of Hie hikers. They nre milking plans of concerted action nml refuse positively to be sent back to Snn Francisco or nny other town about the bay region. They demand food and insist that they be given , funds with which to procure their passage eastward in their attempted march to Wnshiuutoji. Tho situation Iiiih not as yet reach ed a critical slime because the au thorities have not decided what to do witli the men. E TALIAN CABINET OUT OF OFFICE nOMB, Mar. 10. That Premier Giollttl and his cabinet wero driven out ot office by socialist opposition to a votu approving tho oxpousos ot the war In Tripoli was asserted on high political authority hero today. Signer Otollttl professed to havo rotlrcd because, having completed all plnns for Tripoli's colonial develop ment, ha Considered his great work accomplished and wanted rest Ills opponents nssort that ho knew tho chamber ot deputies was about to dlsnpprovo tho government'n war ex penses, which would have compelled him to resign In any event, and ro ttrod to savo himself humiliation. CHARGES DISMISSED WASHINGTON', March lO.fw peaelnnent chargCH recently filed ngainst Justice Daniel Thow Wright of thu District of Columbia muMW couit were diiHinl thin nfUMWw by thu him judiciary tioimiiltiwt. a T)i) t'oimtilHtm hold (M Hh ,utinM vmu luwiffkUH nmI tinwujmiirtwfc POLI ANROOD SOCIALISTS DIV -rM . :- . l o 1