Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 09, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Pci " -,,,TV$K'-T" " "" .'
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V J-i
'Dr. J. T. Itofltty spent Sundny -vt
homo returning to Omuls Pnsn Mon
day. Jndgo W. 11. Canon loft for Port
land Sumlny on a business nnd poll
tlrnl trip.
Iko Uurnott hns been ordered to
Arizona by physlrlnns, on nccount of
falling health. Ho hopes to obtain
relief In a dryer and warmer ollmnte.
Houbo clcnulng nindo easy. Kent
n vacuum cleaner from tho Southern
Oregon Kloctrlo company, $1.60 per
day. No. C, South Central, phono
V. K. Mcrrltik and O. A. King ha.-e
returned from a trip of Inspection to
thn now oil flolda In Wyoming. Mr
King will return shortly with hi
family for the summer, his retldenro
being occupied during his absonco
by Win. Oorlg and family.
Samuo) Hill, the Reed roads ndvo-
cnte, will address thn Indies of the
greater Medford club on tree plant
ing along tho Pacific highway on
Mnrcli tl. ,
Special sale of children's dresses
mado-up ready 'to embroider at tho
Handicraft Shop. 29C
M. L. Iteeson and wife and C. !,
Decson and wlfo of Ureckinridge,
Minn., brothers of Mrs. 1 J. New
man or this city, arc visiting with
Attorney Newman and wife. They
nro highly pleased with the valley
and themselves and father and
mother expect to soon move here for
a permanent homo.
Horn To the wlfo of County Com
missioner Joe N. Smith, at Roguo
ltlver March G, a ten pound boy.
Iloth mother and child are doing
Mrs. E. M. Wilson docs first class
kodak finishing at 210 Laurel St.
Jack Stewart and Dill Coleman
havo purchased tho Quiz cigar store
from llurgeBS, Qulscnberry nnd Hur
gcs8, and assumed control Sunday
morning. Owney Patton has been
Installed as chief clerk.
Saturday was one of tho busiest
days this year as far as tho mer
chants of the city were concerned,
many peoplo from the county being
In tho city to pay their taxes. Gen
erally when taxes are paid the citi
zens have no disposition to buy goods,
but an excoptlou to tho rule was
Don't beat your llfo away on a
rug, let us dd.tU iPantorlum.
II. P. Owens of Weed, Cal., tran
sacted business matters In Medford
Miss Pearl Ross of Central Point
spent Saturday afternoon In Medford
visiting friends and shopping.
Carkln & Taylor, lawyers. (John
H. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), Has-klns-Boydon
Dldg., Main street.
Clydo Darnurn of Phoenix spent
Sunday In Medford visiting friends.
Panamas, both ladles and gouts,
cleaned and blocked. Pantorlum.
Steps will bo taken this week by
local fans to organizo a baseball
team for this year.
Sco Tumy for flro insurance "
Pug Isaacs and Carl Hansen wero
in Saturday from tho Vilas ranch,
whero they uro pruning and spraying
and attending to spring .orchard
Milk and cream at DoVoe's.
Fred Hopkins and family of the
Snowy Ilulto orchard near Central
Point wero among tho visitors from
that soctlon Saturday afternoon.
Glvo Ward a trial at his now place,
4 South Central for your cleaning and
pressing and repairing.
Tom Peterson of Watklns is In thn
city for a few days attending ti
business matters,
Dost meals 26t, Home cooking.
Coleinap, 1005 W, Main St. 29
A delegation of Chinamen from
Yrolta arrived Sunday afternoon to
visit tbolr countrymen in this city
for a few days. This Is a monthly
affair, and rigidly adhered too.
Lost. Package containing mate'
a for three embrolderlod waists,
l.cavo at Trlbuno office. Reward.
Miss Helon Dahl and Mrs, J. B.
Stewart havo returned from a visit
with friends and relatives In Doug
las coupty.
Fresh lime. Medford Lbr. Co.
Spraguo Rolgol of Gold Hill wiu
a visitor In tho city Saturday and
Sugar Pine shakes. Medford Lbr,
There will bo an eclipse of tho
moon, vlslblo In this Koctlon next
Wednesday botween tho hours of nlno
and ten o'clock. A change In tho
woathor is predicted after this heav
only event, probably tho lust winter
storm of tho year.
Tumy writes hotter fire InBuranco.
Weeks k McGowan Co.
"fjMljr AmUUut
1V Phono IT
V, W. Wks HKWa
A. K. Orr t7H-M
i , iimin t ll'H '
Attorneys A. 13. Renmes nnd P. .1
Neff left fpr Salem Sunday to argue
tho dnmngo case of McClnugherty
vs. Rogue River Klectrlc company
before, the supremo court tho first of
tho week. Neff represent the ln
siirnneo company and Kennies tho de
fendant. It, P. Cowglll Is at work in tho
Kaglo Point district with a crew of
ten men repairing flumes nnd build
lug In preparation to serve Irrigation
water for 19 14 for tho Rogue River
Valley Canal company. They cpect
to hnu water In the canals by April
Good work nnd reasonable prices
at Ward's on all cleaning, pressing
and repairing. No. 4 South Central.
William Huston of Grants nl's
wns a business visitor In Medford
Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Charles Strang who has been
111 Is reported to be improving rapid
ly, '
Remember Tumy writes flro Insur
ance. Tho snow Is melting rapidly In thn
mountnlus. nud only smnll patches
are uoticeahle In tho nearby foot
hills. In the Slsklyous the snow
In still deep nnd plentiful.
Anson RIcq of Holland was In tho
city last week attending to buslnoM
Just opened, tho Cozy Shining Par
lar. Glvo us a trial, white help. 14
South Central. 301
Chester Davidson of Roguo River
spent Saturday In Medford attend
ing to business matters nnd paying
his taxes at Jacksonville.
Henry Caswell of Olympla. Wash.,
Is attending tq business matters I'l
the city for a fow days and left this
morning for Kaglo Point and adja
cent territory.
The regular meeting of Reamcs
Chapter No. CC Wednesday evening
nt 7;30.
Howard Linn of Bugcno spent
Sunday visiting friends and rolatlves
In this city.
Tho first straw hat of tho season
appeared Sunday afternoon when
Professor Dovurldgo of the Roosevelt
school promenaded up Main street
In a Panama. Any doubt that nuy
havo existed as to tho arrival of
gentlo spring wns wiped away there
by. Sunday was an Ideal spring day
and many Medford peoplo motored
to nearby towns or took long walk3
Into tho country.
Model Bakery goods at Do Voes.
AI Pankoy of Central Point spent
Sunday In Medford visiting frlonds.
Danny O'Drlen, a lightweight
boxer, who was for months Dud An
derson's strongest rival for the.
northwest championship, and who
battled tho "Pride" In this city, will
meet Gilbert Gallant at Salt Lake
City this week.
George Older or Montague, Cal.,
spont Saturday and Sunday In Mod
ford visiting friends and relatives.
Miss Flora Thompson or Jackson
ville was a visitor In Medford Satur
day afternoon and evening.
. Wo clean carpets and rugs. Pan
torlum. Roy Talor of Dutto Falls is
spending a few days In Medford af
ter a six months sojourn on his
homestead In that district.
Ralph Johnson of Ashland was a
business visitor In Meaford over
B. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives made any time or
place by appointment Fbona M
1471. '
Miss May Hoke was visiting
friends In this city Saturday nftor-
T. R. Evans of Glendale was In
tho city Saturday attending to legal
matters at Jacksonville.
Street dresses, party cownu,
denned. Pantorlum.
Northbound Southern Pacific
passengers wero delayed from tlms
to five hours Sunday evening by a
freight derailment In California.
Arthur Justin of Redding, Cal., !s
spending a few days In tho city at
tending to business matters.
Kodak finishing, glossy or dull fin
ish at J. O, Gorklng'a studio, 228 B.
Main St. Phono 320-.
Mrs. A. D. Lincoln of Roguo River
Is visiting friends and rolatlves In
this city for a few days.
Charlie Young wns n visitor In
Ashland for a few hours Sunday af
ternoon. Glovoa, laces, plumes cleaned.
Arthur Moyers. George, Marin
and Roy Seaman of Rogue River won
In tho city Saturday taking tho mil
servlco examination for rural mall
carrier, to fill tho vacancy caused by
tho resignation of the regular car
A. It. Oarretsou hag wc'l under
way tho construction of a QC000 res
idence opposite lie Country club
grounds for V 11. W.iisgn. and re
ports that worl. will begin shortly
on residences on Holly and Orange
streets to cost about tho same amount
'for residents whoso names ho Ih not
t liberty In disclose. Mr, (iarrtl
run to iprtx that It Is Ills belief that
the spring ana summer will see i
building boom In this city.
J, O, Corking, tho best ull around
photographer In southern Oregon.,
Mays reliable. Negatives niado any
whore, llmo or place. Htudlo 228
Main St. Phono 320-J,
Mis Maggie Tolsleln of Ashlnndi
Visited friends nud relatives In th's
city Sundny.
Lewis I'lrlch nnd wlfo wore. Jack
somllle visitors lu Medford Sunday
"afternoon and evening.
K. W. Carloton nnd M.
were among tho Medford
Sunday from Tnlila Rock.
C. S. limbeck of Talent
M. Root
was n
visitor Sunday In this city.
J. S. Pardee of Prosed spent Sat
urday and Sunday In this city in
tending to business matters.
David II. Rosenberg of Tolo was
a business visitor In Medford Satur
day. Hill Puncher wns n business vis
itor In Grants Pass Saturday attend
ing to matters In connection with
the Hen llur lodge.
K. U. Flits of tho Oregon Agricul
tural college nt Corvnllls Is In tho
city studying stock conditions, nr
riving Sunday from Klnma'tlt county.
A steer, bald to bo the largest In tno
tato. raised there, has been picked)
for a place In tho stock exhibit
building nt tho ItU.I exposition.
Kolster ladles' tnllorlng college St
Mark's block. Full courso 40 sow
ing Including drafting $2.. Forty
days sowing course $15 day; draft
ing course. $15. tf
W. W. Harmon, chler engineer of
tho California and Oregon railroad
'from Grants Pass to Crescent City,
spont Sundny In Medford visiting
ffrlends nud relatives.
Col. R. C. Washburn of Table Rock
was a business visitor In Medford
this morning.
J. R. Luper Of Salem Is In the city
this week attending to business In
connection with a water right case
Coming before State Water Commis
sioner Chtunock.
Leo 11. Wakefield and wife of Pasa-
donn, Cal., aro In tho city and valley
tor a fow das visiting friends.
Dcrt R. Greer, editor of the Ash
land Tidings Is In tho city today nt-
tcndlng Jo business matters ami
looking after his legislative candl-
Roy Tuttlo of Grants Pass is
spending n few days In tho city at
tending to business Interests.
Joe II. Wilson Is spending the elay
in Medford from his ranch near Tal
A hlnek Minorca lien owned liy Dr.
lle-tul Iiih c-tnhlMied n new reeonl
for the spritir, nnd not xntixfivil with
mivIi common ierfonnnueen ui. so
uinnv e'r'S in n mnny days, nnd oth
er stuiiti of the jiotiltry y$rll. h-
produerd nil eg) l'1"1 i- :'"'velly in
more wnys-tlum one. Fin-t it i- un
epr of mnmmotli iroortions, weih
iiiK ." 3-1 ounces, nnd havitij,' n eir
cumferenee of 7Vj iiudies Hut in
side tlii- monster i-i evidently miotliur
cw, eomplete with shell for, it enn lm
ditiiieily felt ns it moves from one
side to the other of the outer vj: ns
iN Msitioii is changed,-(Iriints I'n-s
(Continued from Page 1)
ene hud been tnken up with the
Huertn Kovernmciit, hut there hud
never ben n thought of nniitd in
vasion. f.'eriiuui Story I'nlnio
After sending fpr .Secretary Rrynu
the first tiling in the merniiu: nnd
demiiudiuir u finck nud tlnirinij;li in
vesication of the iiieiileut, the ores
ident instructed Seeretury of War
fliirrison to cull for n report from
(iencrnl ltlins of tho border patrol,
eoiisiderinj,' the occurrence from n
military standpoint.
The chief executive wns much ex
ercised hy reports Hint (Jermnny
had notified the administration it
would act independently in Mexi-n
unless the United Stntes fiirnislit'h
effective iiroleetioit for fionnan siih-
jeetK there. 1'he story, he said, was.
maliciously untrue.
Wilson let it he known that he
does not look for the pnssn-;e of tins
1'oindoxter nnd Jones resolutions,
nsking him to explain to (ho senmo
the mcmiinj.' of all veiled allusions n
his I'uiimiiH canal tolls ini'sHiige.
Even if Ihey should hu pilopteil, it
was intimated, he prohahly wouM
ignore them.
Consul Oniret, in a telegraphic r-1-port
to the slate department, snid
Vorpirn'h hoily had been lurnvd over
In an undertaker ami would he bur
ied today. Garret was reporting
more fully hy mail.
(Contlnuod trnn par 1.1
William Hunker, piesitleut of the
lleoker-.Mooro paint to,: 'Ihomas
Wright, auditor of the hemp Itiow
intr Co,; William Kiel, real etu(o
dnaleri Allen Damoek. piomineiit
i . ;
WANTHI) Two experlencod primers
for u tun day Job. Apply It. R.
Krult Association at I) o'clock on
Tuesday morning. 2!
I'Oll HK.NT U room buugulow, mod
eru located ut OIK Wist -Itli l
Cull at Ul Hontli HrHl SOU
umnteur lwebnll mul foulhnll lay
or; Joint Unix, til" the UyTl'IcKuU
IMumliiiiK Co.: .lulin Kinder, iucm
dent of Ihe Kinder Coutiuetiou Co.,
William Shield, pi evident of llie
ShioliK Uve Co.! ticorgo Kuur, prex
Meit of the UuMcin fotumixxlou
Co. 5 l Pniff, Inner of I lie Simmu
llniihwuo t'o.s HenJ. Wenhterl.v,
snloiiunnt Allen Down. MiitcMiinu;
Hert t'loueli, MileMimn; Joint Clnm
uol'f, tmldlrily iiBciiti John Ouy, iu
sttveitce ngcnt: thi'tnits Sltvite, J. T.
Uneleii, Kil WcN; lo ultemlunt
iil-o were umu'cnuiileil for.
The known tlemt: Joint M. Kiekey,
10, St, I'ltttl, HUilitor of die
Foul Motor Co., J. Keler, -in; Jn,
Kiley. jr..
Several littiMins- adjoining the
I'liililiniwo vere duimigfd hy flro.
Amoiic the teittNint of tlie.e, the
lienvie..t Iomi" vv tlto St. I.tiuth
I'onltiy v" Feed eeinimiiv, vhlelt liml
ii Inifie utuuhnr of ili.ekeim ill owned
when it store vji- flooded by the
lire depititmeiil.
U VUltI5 tiblilicti
iiiivrinM - r t f
Over SOO voters registered during
the Inst week, one hundred uud fifty
of them women. Tho progressives
still hold third place but nro gaining
all the Hum over the minority parties
while the republicans Increase their
lend steadily. The pat vxeek linn
been quiet ns far as flllug of ennd'
dates is concerned by llort It. Greer
ror stnto senntor, Win. Menloy ror
state ropresontatlve, John Carkln for
state representative, nil on tho ropti'i
llcan ticket tiro1 expectdd to nit
nounre themsehes during tho coming
Tho registration to date Is as fol fel fol
eows: Men Women Total
Republican.- 991 2S2 127rt
Democratic 002 IS 7S.
Progreslvo 1 03 !tO 138
Prohibition ....V... . 19 II PS
Independent 7S 21 99
Socialists ii" 22 X9
Refused 7 3 10
Total ".'1900 r.Sfi 2IS5
SIMil.KU nilt SIIIMtllT.
lu accepting. thq appointment sue
coodlug my brotlier for his unexpired
term as sheriff,' I did so for tho bene
fit of his widow and family. The of
fice has had an honest and efficient
With tho same objects and pur
poses In vlow I hereby nuuounce my
self ns a candidate for thu republican
nomination at tho primaries Mn
15; 10H.
(Paid Adv.)
As un e.vcrimout, the supervisor
of the llunvcrhcnd national forest
i stripping the hark from the hnses
of a number of lodepole pine Ire
at various periods befoie they lire
to lie cut for telephone pedes. Thi-
cirilliiii; cao-es tho tree-, t-i exude
rein, uud it is ele-ireil to tii.d what
effect this u.av have as a preirwi
live trenliiinit for the pole.
Ahl what relief. No moro tlrrd ftj
no mora burning fet, hwoIIcii, bad smell'
inc. sweaty Int. .No nmru pain lu rurns
callouses or bunions, o mutter vwiat
alU jour ftit
or wlmt unucr
(lie sun
n you'vo
irrtting ri'lluf.
iut uw "TIZ."
"TIZ" elrawi
out all tli kjI-
konoui cxmla-
tlons vrhicli putt
up tho Inaj
"TIZ" U mag.
ical: "TIZ" Is
grit nd; "TIZ"
will euro your
foot troiibli-4 so
jou'll never limp or draw up your facx
in pain. Vour sliooi won't wjciii IikIiI
nd your fwt will nevtr, never hurt oi
get sore, swollen or tired.
Oct a 23 cent box at any dni;,' or
department utorc, and gt relief
A team enn pull as big n load with
It as any other harness and cauunt
Injiiro (ho trees while plowing.
Cull II. V. IIOXNIIV, Phono HU8.M.
Wo muuufaetiiro sprny nud supply
taulCH of all Muds, Wo huvo built
theso tanks In Medford for 15 yeurs
and hqiiio of tho firm ones aro ifllll
lu use, If you wunt u gooel tank cm
ouo mudu by , t .
till K, lllvciKhle, .Vleelfoid Phono iil
till A NTS PASS. .Mnieh . Nub
nets of all dimension, t'toiu llukes of
Ivvenly-live eunN value to a iiiiish of
virgin ni,IJ weighing $IN", foiiued a
eolleetiou shown to uiinliiif men of
this city hy S. It. KdwitltU the rlrt
of the week. Tlieir value ittitreinled
? 100 merely n portion of the pro
ceeds from three umtkV oH'itilinii of
the 0ettr eveek placer mine, ou Ihe
stream ol' that name uear Muiphy in
Jn-rpliiue eouitty. The properly ha
been almosl eont'iiliiiiialy opentled
-tuee IS70, and is at piostmt ounitl
hy .Mchhi-m, Jevvwll, llutkhalter and
tluuiiell of (iiitnls Phhn. That il has
hy no itieatw MmMl lU hulyeon days
as a dispenser of the preelous peb
bles and ilusl in alte-ted hv the !
tuarkahle ueeew of the ouimllnii
Ihe pre-eut sviisnn. 'fhe gold i e.
eeptionallv pun and finely eoloreil,
luiinir on an averauo above tlS o
the ounce. Some of (lie Inryer uug
ets are inlpruiiuglrd w Itli parent
iuaitx, hut by fur the larger porlioit
is practically simon-pure. .Mr. 1M-vnrd-,
who is a well-known mining
engineer of Portland, obtained the
eolleetiou upon a recent visit to the
property, with which he may he
identified in un cm;iiicciiii;( cnpiuily
in the uear future.
With Medford ttnfln is Medford niacin.
1 1 tal III U Worth HmIuk, ami Some
.Meclfni-il People Kiiom lloit in
Savo It
Man) Medford people take their
IIvoh lu their ImiitlK b iieKleetttiK
tho kliliifjH when they know these
organs need help. Weak kldueVM
are responsible for a vast amount of
suffering and III health, hut there .s
no need to suffer nor to remain In
danger. I'm.' Dona's Kidney Pills
ii remedy that bus helped thousands
of kidney sufferers.
The following statement leaves no
ground fur doubt.
l.'ira Arnold, Applegute Rond
Jacksonville, Orngou, siir ' My
back bothered mo for five or sis
mouths. I had u dull pnln through
my kidneys nud tho kldiioy action
becniuo Irregular. I bad to get up"
at night ou Hint nccount. I was told
to try Dunn's. Kidney P)ht nud did
so with fine rusults. Thuy soon rid
mo of all tho ailment. My kidneys
have bothered mo very llttlo luce."
Prleo Rile, at ull dealers. Don't
simply ask for n kidney remedy
get Doau'H Kidney Pills -tho same
that Mr. Arnold bnd. Poster-Mil-bum
Co , Props , Iluffnlo, .' Y
Ouo span of mulos, ngo 0 nnd
7 years, weight Z.'iOO. Ono spnn,
of argo marcs, weight "C00. Ono
good ul around horse, 8 yearn old.
l.argo team, weight 3000. Ono woll
broke snddlu homo. Ono gentlo Ind
ies' driving mnro. One Reed ranch
team, buggy and burnous. Can ne
soon at
II. S. Mils, Phono I ,-.(), At Union llarn
Is KellliiK foe Cash This Wc.h
20 lbs. grnnulatod Sugar VI .00
KugllHh Wuluutu, pound IKc
Regular BOu Ten, pound., Wic
3 cans Salmon t!"c
3 cans Peas "V:
:i cans Corn -"
'i cunu Saiierkniut .,....., '-Mi;
I xh pounds Macaroni "1e
Quart Jar Uhow C'how tide
l.lbby'a Catsup IHc
:i cans Royal Club Swoot Pututoeu Hllc
10 burs Laundry Soap itfc
10c enn Pork und llonns 7e
Corn I'lnld'H, puckago 7c
Two pounds I'uiuiy Uroamory
Ilutter r ne
Cuhhuiio, pur pound !ht
I'l mi r, iciiurniin-nd, uuvk Vhl"
When "PnpoN IMnpcpslu" Reaches
Stomach all Indigestion, (las and
Kouiucss Disappears
You don't want u slow remedy
when jour wloinaelt Jb bail or mi un
certain one or a hnrmful one--.vour
stomach Is loo vnlunblel iMi
mustn't Injure It with drastic droit.
Pnpo's Dlapupslu Is noted for Its
speed In kIvMih rellel. Its batmless
ness, Itti certain uufallliiK aiUlou In
reuulnfliiK 1 c It , sour, Kit)- icloui
nehs. Its mllllomi of cures lu hull
HutAlnn. dyspupsln. Haiti Ills and other
atomneh trouble bus nmde It fam
ous the world over
Keep this perfect stomach doctor
In nur liome-kcii It hnrtdy--iictl
n InrKo Hflv cunt rnso from anv tlrug
store and then If nimmo slioulil eat
soiuethliiK which doewn'l unrts with
them: whnl thoy ent lavs llko lead,
ferments and soura and forms gni;
cnusoit headache, illnlness uud uuu
mH; eructations of ueld ami audi
gosted food --leiuember as soon .is
Pape's Dlnpepttlu comes lu eoutart
with the stomneh all such ellst rmm
vanishes. Mm promptness, cortuln'y
and onio lu overcoming the worst
stomneh disorders Is u revolution to
those why try It.
Export Gorsotioro
:J2() Xot-tli Marl lei 1.
Phono fi:i M.
Uuk siiiil Cai'pt t Cltnniiitf
mid Wt'tiviiitj
I'lioiic ::t:t K'
The New
Tho now bi'ii'lc burn on
hotltll KlVCI'.SKlc IS llOWIjotir s)tom for the
open for hiiHtiiojsH.
Kvorylliin now and up lo
dutc Livery nnd unibu
Innee .scrviee. Will bo glnd
to welcome nil former cus
tomers and many new ones.
Phono lfiO
Car Load
r?ji i nr' x.'. wF
Tho Oar That Soils by tho Trainload
Talk to a Buick Owner
.Stop any Hnielc driver anywhere ami ask liim how
his ciir runs.
AkIc him about Hujelc power.
Ask him about Muick service, and how his ear Ih
standing up.
Ask him how much mileage he gels to the gallon of
He'll havo yon beaten. you drive a Uiiiek,
The lflM--'ll-,J5 i a car we're proud of. It is Delco
Hiurtcd, has all kinds of "epp," is good to look at,
rides easy and ih wouderlully economical in oper
ation and mainteiiaiice.
center control.
Valley Motor &
Tractor Co.
18 North Holly,
llavei tint laud 1 hnvo the trees.
Itlxht now Is un Ideal time to plant,
Will mmi buy tho cheapest goods yon
can find or slock that linn been pio.
pnrly fined for during tho winter
I Mill hnvo a good imsortmniit of
nursery foods, moid nay thing for
which oit in o lllioly lo call. Tho
giidils nro gunrnnteed tn Pl.KAMN
uud tho price mmnuiteed to lie light.
Plrst clasti one j ear stork on 1
your Japan routs nt M M'I Wl pur
too for 3-1 nud til trees mul tho
Rootls uro lu inline eoiidllluu.
A few bundled Kllfer pears a
year on Jupau mid I yunr on Uollfer.
7 tn III Cents
Tuseau CIIuk. OraiiHo CIIiik. Knrly
nud I. ale Ciawford, Mulr, Klbertn,
Cluimploii, Aloxutider, Hales Hurly,
Triumph nnd .Hitlwny,
Apricot, Cherry, Plum, Ned nr lun,
Almond, Apple nud I'enr lu general
ussortmeut. (lootl stock nud thu
price Is right.
A few hundred 1 G KplUcubiirg up
;de at Sii.uu per 1UI) while they Inst.
I have u flno Hue of shndu treci
nt tJc nud up. If you do not plant
shade) trees this spring It will be - J
fun It of mine. Get busy. Oregon
Maple, Amurlrnii lilmi, llhirk Locust,
Soft Maple, I'nrMllua Poplar, Norway
Maple. Kiigtlsh Klin. Cntnlpn, Monti
tnlti At. i. t u.
Over sUty varieties of overblooiii
In : r mmi. You ran got wbnt yoj
Htifjh DickQon
A few cholre IlilHh Dickson left.
You can have thorn lu buuehus of
ten 11 Tin per bunch at the delivery
vnrd Will you gut tlitno or your
I OnmmonUila
I Yes I have tho guods. hiiinlreils of
nice bushes and vines that will help
to inntto your home moro benutlful.
Home peoplo lliluk I sell fruit trot's
only Gel thnt tietlou clear out of
Eden Valley Nursery
carries the largest nud host assort
ment of nruniUfiitnt goods as woll ns
(rati trees nud berry bushm to bo
found lu Southern Oregon- Call i.t
my delivery yard, fiOUvi I'nst Main
street, nml let the Koud do the tnlk-
Phono lO'J
to Arrive
It is left side drive and
Hioiic IK