tj V " 11 I Mr. Jack Wasn't Even the tKSoPwi) &S)U&2mKM hxafi '(Steaks Dftl,AO?ll IPLW 4SjKT -W S I vd tnEAu? -Rjcm s r :- SfflWhriti 'rdHrv - ' Tt,t- couoR. op J'?v' -r""SrJrl. fTs BUSc Sw' l 'Vv&P, L I im sixth Feuxr who new nwc motohj una. I Reported by Jnektion County Ah tract Co., Blxlh unit Kir Hts. Circuit '011 it II. (i. Ilalrom vh. Ciillfornlu Hex Hpruy company, contractor's Hon Y. II. Allen vm. Sterling Mining (Oh)pnii), milium lli'li on Sterling Hillii'. (). It t'liiiffco vh. A. J Lilptnn, order merriillug demurrer. K. I . Howard, vl 11I . German American Inniinini'ii company, .er illi'l iiinl JmlKiiii'iit. H. r. Howard, el ill h, I lurtfortl Klro limiiiiuice -oinpuiiy, erdlcl iiml Judgment. H. T. Howard vn. llorllciillurnl Kirn Holler u( Oregon, tnrdlcl iiml JiidKiiiuni. Tli'io. II. T. Kugle yd Andreas Wudinr, oritur overruling demur rur. George I'. Hall v. Win. A. AH KiMi, oritur o( rniiltrmultiiii. Home Telephone mnl Telegraph nunimii) h. City of Ashlniul, order illmiilMlMit. IMHIi Mitudo Ja.iimn . I'rmlcr Irk JtifiiiHii. dcerco of ilhorco. Iti'iil Hotiito TrmiHfrr II. W. Allen el ux to J. (.'. llnuiMh, deed, lot I, block 4, Wiwt Wiilutit addition to Medford .... II It. Ilrnwii et u to II. J. Hutiford. deed, northeast of linrtlKNiat or itorthweHt see Hull 17-Sk.X went Umiiia It. llhilNt el vlr to 0. II. NIrIioU aitit Dolln Noff sliiKer, dtfod, 2 lots In Ash land .... Jennie Wrlnlit In Orn II. Mor ris, deed, IiiIh I mid 2, block i. Hullo Knlls I. ('. Hobliett et IIV to (leorKU W. Vmiilurpool, deed, lot t, block f.. Oak I'arl; addition to Central l'olnt 10 in 27f. K. C. Cln)vlll et u to J. K. HobertH et ux, deed, 10. 1 1 .lores In I). I.. ('. Ci-37L' wust 1 ItoKer Woleolt llllohrork to C. A. Ilarth, deed, east half of Houthwost and northwest of tfouthwoM section 12-UiI-I west 'J'l.lHH) I'Ultl.K; HAI.K NOTICK. On Wodnesday, April tClh, 1914, nt oiio o'clock p, in, nt tho east door of tho CottnKu resldeiico located on tho corner or West 10th and Kln streets I will offer nt public sale for cash, nil tho furulsulni;s or this flna residuum, nlso nil tho pnlutlUKs nud too ninny urtlclcs to mention; also u lot of tools mid Implements. After tho furiilshlues are sold I will offer for Halo to tho highest bidder thu Cot tiiKo residence, bnrn nml Krnuuds, roiiHlalliiK or It. 'I 010 feet front on West lOlh street, n paved street and 1K1 fout Ioiik on King struot. Tioru is mi uinimimico or milt, flowora nml lawn, Terms or t.nlo. oiio-thlrd cash, linlnuro In yearly, or threo mid flvo year payments, Interest at G per cent, payable soml-unuually. Special not ice, 1 will soil any or nil of tho nboo property nt private sulo or will ox chnuKo rur country property here, north or south, I also have over 700 acres of good laud for Hale, cIohii to shlppliiK point, 40 ncroH can bo Irrluatod now, 310 iutoh has plenty ot aub-lrrluutlon at all siiiisnnu or tho year und Is flno alfalfa or fruit laud: also 300 acres or kooiI Krnlu or clovor land with plenty or water for pumpmu, Kood soil and Well located. Kor tho next 00 days I will soil for 11(1,500,00 cash oiio or tho best tracts or laud In Jack sou county, burring noun. Wo nped money, and nniHt havo It. Don't mlu this opportuully for 00 days only, bo kIiiiiIiik Wednesday, Koh. 4th, IBM, und this offer closes Saturday, April 4th, 101-1. . . I will nlso soli imnll tntctH f )n'l on yearly payments uiuturliiK In flvo or ton years lo stilt purchasers. Kor further particulars call on inn at (104 West 10th stietit, or wrltu mu, tho ownur. i HOUSE NEWS II M COHH, Mmlfuid, Uro, MEDFORD political announckmknth. I'Olt HIIKItll'l'. A. W. Walker of Medford. nn iiuiinrim hit cnmllilncy for tho ro liulillcnu noiiilniillon nil sheriff at lliu prlmurluji Muy IS. (Paid Adv.) J. P. Hltl.ou, chief of police or Medford, niiiiotinrim his rntiitlilnry for Hi" dniiiorratlc nomination for sheriff of Jiirkson louuty nt tint pri maries Mny 15. (I'alil Adv.) I'Olt ICCNT IIOAItll AMI ItOO.MK WANTKI) rimt rliimi liimnl nt MM. ih. ion Mouth Ornpo hi. n:'u I'lTt'HT CI.AHH nTlmA, Mr. F , 'N- '""". M"'"0"'- ' I.. llrnut'H. Ti'JH K. Mnln. 300,'KOIt HAI.K lly owner. 10 ncro np- KOIt ItKNT l-'UIIMHIIiai ItOOMH I'Olt UKNT One fine, room, not S. Ilartlctt. fiiriilnhml tf! KOIt ItKNT Largo ilex-pin rooms. nml moilorn hoiiHekcopIni: npnrt - incuts, prlres very rensounbld. rhonu street. 2471.. 223 South Holly1 . i . KOIt ItKNT- KiirnUhod rooms, mod ern, romfortablii nud clean. Thn Cottncti resldeiico, CO 4 W. 10th street. 30C roit m:.M not;si j KOIt ItKNT Modern flvo room bun Kntow, Karden, fruit. Slii West lllh. A. I'ottliiRer, phono 13S-H .101 KOH ItKNT 10 room houso rear or Kiiruiers & KrullKrowers bank, suitable for business, real estate, boardliiK or roomltiK hnuso. Cold Hay Healty Co., Cth nml Kir. KOH ItKNT-Cheap, small house, larco yard and Karden, berries, water mid electric lights. I'houu SCi;-J. 302 KOH ItKNT Knur room house nml 1 xi acre of mound, nil kinds or berries. Apply 512 W. Jackson Street. 300 KOIt ItKNT Deslrublo apnrtmont, fi rooms. rmiKD, sleeping porch, $12. Imiulre Colonel Sargent, 321 KOIt ItKNT Seven room houso, sleeping porch, $10. Inquire Col. Sargent, 313 I'Olt ItKNT per mouth. I room houso, $5 00 Gold ltny Healty Co. KOH ItKNT Furnished GO N. Oraiign St. houso nt KOH ItKNT Well furnished R room bungalow, 422 South Laurel. KOIt HKNT--Only hotol In town of 1000, 40 rooms furnished. Ad dress M., caro Malt Tribune. FOlt ItKNT MlHCKI.IiANKOUt Rill H KNT Oil 8ALK Giirdcn nd fruit tract. M. A. Hader, 00 N. Ornugu St. KOU ItKNT Hunches, largo mid small, alfalfa mid garden lands, Gold Hay Realty Co., Oth nud Kir. KOU LKASK Kull equipped plncor mine. Gold Hay Realty Co, To loan on Improved ranchos. interest 8 por cont "Iusuranco That Inauros." II. 8. STINK lluy your Iusuranco ot a taxpayer Hog and Fruit Ranch 120 acres, SO acres In cultivation, located 18 Dillon from Medford, two miles from storo mid post office, Noveu miles from good rullroud town, school adjoins property, 20 ncius al falfa, 1 1 Heron pears mid npplcH six J'eiiru old, liulaiifo of cleared laud III wheat, nil well fenced, fair buildings, Prlco $12,000, mufhalf cash, bulmico ousy terms, Hen my now exrhmiKo list Money to loan on close In ranches, C. A. McARTHUR OUT IVtOlfhv, I'lioiio l(IH MATT; WllTTWNE, MIWirORD, First i-OK i.knt iioiinr:iu;i:i'iN ItOO.MH KOIl lti:.NT -Coiiipli.Kiiy f iiriilHlu'ii ImiiBdkii'pliiK lootn; alno ntuopliiK rootiiN nl lOIl Knot I lth Ktri-ct, Ht. Clair rooiiiH. FOK HAl.r-ACUKAai: I'Olt HAI.K i:lnuii acrR or rlcn, il''!', fn'o noil, only four jiiIIoh ui'it or MlmKotiI. I'lnnlrd to roni Iiik rivi-ycnr-olil fruit tri-oi, niont ly pcnrii In flnu coiKlltloim. Total prlcu only $:i300. Thin In thv hint onliurd larKiiln on tliu market. Only J 1000 mall re iliilrnt. I,'. H Tinny, U10 fltir-nvtt-('ony IIIiIk. 'i'JT KOIt HAM: -At ii micrlflco. Klvo nrrcn of alfalfa outt block from city llmlu on KIiik'h llli;hwny. J pio ami pear orchard in UcariiiK. ono-fotirth In city limit Central l'olnt. I'our room liouiv. etc., a ImrKaln. Aililrons box 77, It, 1". I)., No. 1'. Medfonl. I KOIt SAUK Klvo and 10 ncro trad ' cheap nml on cngy term. Ix cated one mile south of Hotel Mod ford. W. II. Kverhard. 1013 Wcet Ninth St., phono CC7-.I -n I'Olt SAM-IIOUSKS KOIt HAI.K 5 room house, fur nished, 1 block off pavement, price $800. Boo owner, 72S Welch street. 29S KOIt HAI.K At n sacririce. On nc count or IcnvluK city will dispose or my residence consisting or bnrn, house, hen houso and 3 acres o( Rrouiid all set to berries. Houso Is plastered and modern In every wny. Hani lias cement floors, electric Hunts and water. $1500 will handle, terms on balance. J. N. Haven, Medford. 297 KOIt HAI.K Modern six room bun Kntow, cost $3500, with $1500 fur niture on Oakdnle, near WnsAliiR .ton school at bargain. Answer M 11., caro Mall Tribune. KOIt SALK Cheap. If taken at once, linusu and lot at 412 So. Laurel St., price $1100; house and lot nt 4 1 1 So. Newtown St., prlco $)500; on lot adjoining, south, throo room house nud lot, prlco $750. Alt lots 55x110, ror sale separate or all togvthor hy owner. Sam llauer, Neskowln, Oregon. 30S KOH SALK-Kiiilty In Attractive 5 room furnished bungalow, mod ern, good location. Terms reason able Halnnco like rent. No agents' commission. Apply 203 Krultgrowers Hank Utdi:. 30 1 Alfalfa Ranch Pay $2500 cash, , bnlanco , easy tonus, and wo can deliver to you i 29-ncro ranch, well located, four miles from Medford, deep loam soil, runulnc water. 5 acres In al falfa, balance In mixed fruit, 5 years old. Prlcu $225 per acru fur quick action. ARIZONA 1G0 ncro tract In Southern Ari zona, all can bo cultivated, silt loam soil, good well with pumping plant, ono-hnir million gallon reser voir ror Irrigating. Prlco $4Q00; will trado for city or country here, Bennett Investment Co. WANTED Somo good country proporty to ox chuiige tor luhoiibo uud. two lots sit uated on a paved streot, bouse live rooms modern. Will gtvo a good bar gain for tho right kind ot cotiutry proporty. It you havo n snap In city or coun try property to eoll or exchaugo, call and gtvo mo n listing on It us I think that I can hiiudlo t ror you, It you want to rout an otflco or n resldeiico I cat) fit yqn out with tho beat ntt reasonable rates, Como up and tell inn your trou bles, Itoom 4IO M. 1 If. Ilulldliig Opposlto tho Post Office V. T, YOIIIC I'ormally Senior Member of W, T. York ft Co, oiwdotf. KA'rrnnAY, makon 7, 101 1 11 - - ' ' lOK HAM' IIOL'KIS I'Olt HAI.K An uxtru Inrco w.U Im provcil lot. .1 room Iiouko; IiiIh of fruit, food outbiillilliiRd. walks, itr. 1'rlci) rvatonnblc, no traded, C'ull at 1011 Knat Kluvcnth itrcct or phono 417-X, KOIt HALF: i room hotiso and lot $700, 1 100 catih ami 115.00 per month, (loltl Hay Healty 8o. ro hsam: imhm iaxns VOlCtiMK 100 acrcil Tb In ciiitl vntlon, C.'i alfalfa, fully equipped with htock, toohi buy, clilckem and Imtixeholt! kooiIh. ChaK, (lllehrlst, HnuiH Vulli-y. Ore, 30u KOIt HAI.K Handles, ncro tract, town property, irmii J5 per acrv. upwards on C nud 10 years tlm. Gold ltny Healty Co., Sixth and Kir. roit ham: i'oui.tuv KO 1 r H A : M3-ll ill r " Orph I ng ton "oBgs for hatching, from 2-year-old hens, $1.00 per setting. II., Jack sonvlllo, pro. 310 KOIt HAI.K Harred Hock eggs .U 50c per setting, l'houe 1 1-K2. 301 KOIt BALK Oakmont Karm. Whlto Wyandotto.1 and llrnuze turkeyi, eggs nud stacks, J. II. Fuller. Tal ent, Oregon, 310 KOIt HAI.K Crystal W. Orphlnp tons eggs $1.00, setting, Kellar struua. strain. A'jiouu 224-M. 297 I'Olt BALK LIVESTOCK KoirHALK G flno Durham holfers coming fresh, also 4 beautiful, fresh cows. Walsh's ranch, mile out North Itootcvolt Ave. 305 I'Olt SALi: MISCKLLANKOUH KOH SALK- $.-!.'. Columbia grapho phono good as ucw, ulckled horn, sapphire point. 40 records, quick sale, $15; will runt or buy electric player piano. Paitner with small capital to take ono-hnlf Interest In 5c motion picture show on Mnln street fully equipped v:t:i dally change. Am ready to start St. Patrick's Day. now mnchlno or dered, llox 501, Medford, (Mont gomcry Hoimc, opposite depot). 2 9 7 KOIt SALK 1912 Kord touring nil to, $300, electric lights; 1911 Max well 4 passenger auto $3.10; both fine condition, nud new tries, for week only, before bending xo paint shop; ulho 5 lamp electric lluht outfit complete, $7.50. Phono 915-J. 297 KOR SALK Dahlia bulbs. lings. Hod Hot Pokers and Shasta Patsy plants; also chicken brooders and garlic. Win. llalii, phono C27-X. 298 NEW TODAY An extra good quarter section In tho bcM part ot Oklahoma, real alfal fa laud, house, barn nnd wheat and cotton at present. Tho place Is n flno producer, sub-Irrigated, uovor falling spring mid has It. F. D. and lays close to a good little town. Tho owner has retired, nud will tnko n $3000.00 Medford houso as part pay ment. Unlnuco may run on the plnco It desired. Prlco $50.00 per ncro. Tills, plnco will boar closest Inspec tion. Flno six room bungalow on ou-jt sldu to oxchuuga for property In Southern California. Prlco $2500.00. C. D. HOON WHY? I'm- Kxchaiiuo 25 ncros Improved dairy ranch, running water, good spring, all land can bo Inigutcd, somo hi alfalfa, qod shade mid somo orchard, Worti Investigation. $1200,00. Will tuka $2000.000 In Medford property In ex change, $3000.00 to loan on good country acreage. J. C. BARNES Hut Nalloiiul Hunk llliltf. 4 - -..-,-... t hdtTI FOlt HALK MlfiCCi.ttAXKOUS KOIt HAM-: Mo tore) do nt n bar gain, almost up-, 101."., two cylin der, pecdy, fully e'lulpped Indian. Can bo Keen at K. K. Martin's 1 1 North Kir Ht. 273 KOU 9AI.I! Oi:n rnml rnllnr. pnn. lino, for ono-thlnl nrlco. nearly ncv. Gold liny Healty Co. 1 KOIt HAI.K Want to sell my flvo! patscnger Kord auto. Krlco right I for cash. Address J. H., care Mall ' 1IIIHII1U, zv i i.'nn on i." v..... ... .!-. ,..... posts, dry body fir cord wood.! Write Nnimer Ilros. Oiemlale ' Crcgt.n 320 KOH HAI.K Two cylinder I loo cost! $130.00 to overhaul, guaranteed 1 ear, $250.00. A bargain. Ad-f otcks lit, caro Mall Tribune. 29S KOH BALK Grain hay at Uurmud.t ranch. Phono G91-H4. KOIt HAI.K 20 horsepower roadster In first class condition. Just over hauled. This Is a good buy. Ad dress box II., caro Mall Tribune. KOH HAI.K Cheap, a good variety ol flno potatoes at Producers' warehouse. Hubert Dutton, phone 380-M. KOIt BALK Kour horse Wltto en gine, with pump and on skids. W. II. Kverhnrd, 1013 W. 9th Btrcct. phono 0G7-J. KOH SALK Fancy seed potatoes, Kvergrecn sweet cern: also good family cow. Hobcrt Dutton, phono 3SG-M. KOIt SALE Itcglstered Uerkshlres. weaned pigs, either box, from prlxe-wlnnlng stock, registered and guaranteed to bo breeders, $20.00 each, unrelated trios, boar and two sows. $50.00. K. It. Steel. It. It. No. 1, Grants Pasa, telcphono Threo Pines. 302 KOH SALK Oiio-half Interest cafo and hotol, only part cash, rest out or business, $900.00 to $2500 monthly Income. Hotol, caro Mall Tribune. 318 KOH SALE llnlod wheat hay $12.00 a ton. Del Illo Orchards, Gold Hill. 303 KOIt SALK 113. -Manure. Phono GS4 29S KOU SALK Oil THADK Ono two cyllndor Ro In good mechanical condition, 4 passanger, removable body, good Ures. Address Hco, caro Mall Trlbuno. r FOR SALE Ten tons carrotts at $5 per ton at ranrii. It. K. Nealon, Central Point, routo No. 2, phone Uxxl. 300 FOlt SALK Uargaln In rugs, lino leum, matting, etc. Valley Sec ond Hand Storo, 23 N. Fir. FOR SALK Cheap, ono gasollno engine, four horse power In per fect condition. Apply H. A. Hay, box 131, Gold Hill, Jackson coun ty, Oregon. 297 n '' WAXTKt -MAI.K WANTKD Haokkeopor who can do some stenography or would taX) desk room where can share serv ices of bookkeeper. Give full par ticulars. Address "Prchnrdlst," caro Matl Tribune. 302 WANTKD Minors at Uraden mine, Gold Hill, Oregon, for contract work. .Gold Hay Healty Co. II KliP W.XtlCt FI-M.VLH. WANTKD Good raiich cook," pre fer woman nud daughter, (ilvo full particulars statins wngpa wanted. Address Orchnrdlst, caro Mall Trlbuno. 302 WANTED SITUATIONS WACTKn VVori; by "month by "o"x perleneod orchnrdlst. Call Apart iiiont 17, Colonial Apts. 302 WANTKD Hy uxperlonced stockman mid farmer position of manager or foreman on stock ranch or would tako rurnlshed stork or dutry ranch on satires. Address box 231, Medford, Ore. 29N WANTKD Man nud wife wants po sition i)ii ranch. Address box C, Central Point or phono 3D I. 300 WANTKD Position on ranch by man, wife und grown sou, llox 15, enro Mall Trlbuno. ' 301 WANTED - Position on r'cii I'X man nml wife with lumimit liousu furnlshud. I'lioiio 07 110. 'JDJ 1. By J. WANTKIJ MlHCKMiArOU8 wTntKO Hrood iiowi, 2 to 3 years old. Lock box 5, Talent, or phono Ashland, 7-K4. 300 WANTED To buy 17 tooth spring tooth harrow. 2!)9 I WANTKD To do hemstltchlni;.' French hemming, scalloping, darn- Ing or mending. Address X., caro Mall Tribune. 294 '....-.,., Z, : WA.SThD To buy or 5 passenger car In good condition, cheap. Lock box C12, Medford, Ore. 297 WANTKD Automobllo In exchange 'r unimproved acreage adjoin- Ing (I rants I'ass. Address GG North Second, Orants I'ass, Ore gon. 297 WANTKD Clean raes at tho Mall Trlbuuo office. WANTKD Plowing acrcago or lots. Phone GS4-H3. 297 WANTKD Hoarders at tho Bunga low, 528 K. Main. Phono 851-.T. Kirst class board. 297 WANTKD HIcyclea bought, sold and exchanged; also supplies. O. K. Dlko Hopalr Shop, 10G South Front St. 303 FOlt K.C11AUK WANTKD TO THADE A 240 acre stock ranch. What havo you to trade? Address K. T., caro Mail Trlbuno. 293 KOIt EXCHANGE Gli acres all un der woven wire rence. adjoining good town, good buildings, spring water piped to house and barns, electric lights, finest of soil, 3'' acres under cultivation nnd Irri gated, cood outside range close by. Will consider one-third or pur chase price In unincumbered ranch or Medford property, one-third cash, balance terms. Price $50, 000. Klggs Lucas Land Company. Grants Pass. Ore. MONEY TO 1AM.1 TO LOAN $2500 on Improved rancrn or city property, routo 2, box 73, Medford, Ore. TO LOAN $1500.00 on Improved ranch property. R. A. Holmes, tho Iusuranco Mau. LOANS Negotiated, vestment Co. Uennett lu- MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo in ranch proporty. C. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phone 368. LOST LOST A ring with turquolso nnn coral sotting. Reward. Return to Mall Tribune. 299 LOST A camera, finder please re turn to Medford Store. 299 nustxrss diukctoiiv Attorney PORTEU J. NEFF, WM. P. MEALEY Attornoys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Dank bldg. A. K, RBAMEB, LAyYER Garnett. Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Malq street, Medford. Ofo. Wm, M. Colvlg George M. Roberts CQLVIG & ROUBRTS. LAWYKHS Medford Natloual Dank Rulldlng, H. F. MULKEY & GEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Count ty Dank Hulldtng. NEWTON W. BORDEN Attorney at law, room 7, Sparta building, Med ford, Oregou. Rotary I'uhiiu P-W-'N----M HELEN N. YOOKEY Notary pub lic. Bring your work to me at tht slan ot th Mull Tilbunf). Auctloueera -. WILLIAM ULR1CH Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Meutord, Oregon. Terms reusonnblo. Resi dence phone 101-J. Office Jack son County Rank bulldlne. ' - -r-r -kj: Auto Rni(inea. LAHBR AUTO SPRING CO. Our tlg secret In making springs Is the tempering. We nro operating the largest, oldest mid best equipped pluut In thu Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Hold under guariintuo. tti North Klf Uuutu Ht., Portland, Ore. PAGE JTVW S winner ton UUHINK.SS DHtECTOHV Chlrtircturt DH. It, J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor, nerve specialist, llooras 203-204-205 Garntt-Coror bldg. Vapor baths and sclontlflc raussaga given; ncedlo spray, head and shoulder shower la connection; advice la dietetics, medical gymnastics, hydropthcrapy. Lady attondnnt. Thono, otrico 043, residence 511-It. OR, A. It. HEDGES, Dr. Louisa B. Hodges Mcchano-Tberapl.ts, Chiro practors, Spondylothoraplsta. Theta systems. Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-theraphy, etc.. produce resalU la both acute and chronlu disease. Consulta tion free. Over Deuel k. Co., cor nor Main and DartletL Hours 9 a. m. to C p. m. Other hoars by appointment. Phone 170. Deatlew, DK. W. M. VAN BCOTOo DR C. C. VAN BCOTOO DeatleU Garnett-Corey fcldg., aalt lt, Medford. Ore. PhonA tB. ' KniploymeHt AjjeiKy, Wo nro hero to help peoplo Ret re llablo, competent help. We fur nish help In almost all lines o( business. We make a specialty ot competent men and wives for ranches. Wo solicit your patron age. Dinner's Hcnl Kstato and Employment Ilureau, Rooms G and 7 Palm Uulldlng, Medford. Phomt 858. Mrs. Uyrd Caster, Manager, succosscr. instruction Mr. FHED ALTON HA! GUT Teach er of piano and harmony. The might Music Studio, 110 South Laurel St,, phone 17G-U. GrTMge uahuagb Gat Your premise cleaned up for thi winter. Call on the city garbage waxoas for good sorvlco. Phono 325-L. P. Y. Alien. FbyvtrlAiM aaC Bmrgecaa DR. P. Q. CARLOW. DR. EVA i'-W-ej MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 41G-417 Garnett-Corey bldg., phone 1036-L. ResIdtBM 3G South Laurel St. OR. a A. LOCKWOOD Phystclaa and surgeon. MYRTLE 8. LOCKWOOD. If. D. Practice limited to diseases ot women. Offices 232 E Main. Phonos, residence, 814-J3; office 81-4, DR. J. J. EMMENS Physldaa and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tosted and jrtasses supplied Office 2'ii Kast Mala St., Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Bank bldg. Office phone 43-R; residence phone 6S-R, DR. MARTIN C. BARDER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Palas block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 15, 1 to -?, phouu 110-J, DR. R. W. OLANOY Physician ta surgeon. Phones, offlco 36, resi dence 724-J. Office hours 10 to 12. 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 303 Garnett -Corel' building. Phone 904-M. R. J. CONHOY, M. D. Physician an Burgoon. Over Hutchison $ Luius den, 216 E. Main St Phone 77. DR. W. H. HICKMAN Homoopath Offlco Hostel building, Centra! Point. All telephone calls answered night or day. '' Printers aa lMlabere MB7:oTtDPR9iToThartBe best equipped printing office la southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing aisteini, etc. Portland prices. 37 North Fir 8t. T " '. ..." in. TTTt-S-.-TZ , ' i ?W,1 KteaoirraHivfS ELLA M. GAUNYAW PI bleak. Btenogruphlo work vjue uMil7 and well. ...,M, i . r '. .T7iT77S.t. Tri HADH THAN8KISH k aTOHAfTi CO, orrwe i worta rrvai at, rtHMia i. t'rieee rHeae. v" - 'yrt'pt.