Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 07, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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J) I
Medford Mail tribune
i'UiJi,iKin:i) nvtiiir aktkhnoon
Tho Dcinncrntlo Tlmoa, Tho Medford
Mull. Tlio Hertford Tribune, The. Houlh
em OrcRonlan, Tim Aalilnml Tribune.
Office Mull Tribune Ilulldlnc. 2S.J7-2
North Tlr atret tctcpliona 76.
Official I'nir of the Cllr of Medford.
orflclnl IMper of Jucknon County.
Kntercd n e-fcoml-eln.. matter M
Medford, Oregon, under the act of
Unrch 3, 1S79.
Ont yenr. by mnll. -, ....... f Of-
Onn month, by mnll .... .to
Per month, delivered by cnrrler In
Medford, Jnckxonvlllo mid Cen-
trnl Tolnt . .SO
Snturdivy only, by mnll, per yenr S.00
Weekly, per yenr - -.,.,- 1 SO
With Medford Stop-Over
SHORT Sip, ;
MARSIIFIEl.D, Ore, Mar. 7.
With a heavy drain tile tied to hi
neck, K. S. Dow, a Coos county com
mission merchant and ORent for a
steamer line, was drngRcd from the
hay last yesterday after ten men had
dragged the bottom for hour. A
shortage of something like 112,000
in his accounts with the Rnlfotir
Outhrlo company of Portland was dis
covered. He left a noto saying he could be
found, If wanted, at the bottom of
the sea.
Friends of Dow today expressed
the greatest surprise at his act, because-
ho had appeared so cheerful.
A friend had talked with him tec
minutes before ho Jumped off tin
Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, nco Jcnnlo
Kltto, of Medford were Sunday vis
itors at the home of W. C. Kltto.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Schmidt spent
tlio week end with their daughter,
Mrs. llcrt llnncy of .Medford.'
A. Lundgrcn has returned from
the niuc l.cdgo where he hag been
spending the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Aeroga Harrison ar
rived from Lakovlew one day during
tlio week with the prospect of locat
ing in this valley.
Itnnklu Kstcs, constablo of Med
ford, was a business caller during
the week.
Gcorgo Hoffman of Applcgato is
employed at tho court house as de
puty treasurer.
Mrs. It. 11, Dow of Medford spent
several days In town this week.
Harry Helms nnd wife came over
from Medford Sunday to spend the
day with relatives living here.
Mrs. Hlchard Illand and Will Illand
wcro recent visitors from Grants
Miss Jewell Dalley was hostcsi
Wednesday evening to tho "San
Snuco" girls, a sewing club recently
organized by the younger set. Mm.
J. 1 Wells nlo entertained n fow
frtouds Wednesday nftcrnoon with a
thimble party while Mrs. I). M. Col
lins hnd as her cuests this week "The
Friday Afternoon club."
ttov. Shields of Medford sent a
fow hours In Jacksonville this week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. Luy and Mr. and
Mrs. Aeroga Harrison sent Wednes
day with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jen
nings at their Applcgato ranch.
Mush Nelllo CoIllnB of Ruch spent
Saturday and Sunday at tho homo
of her unclo Den M. Collins.
A number of young peoplo from
hero nro taking lessons of tho tango
teachers at Medford.
Doputy U, 8, Marshal Jackson wbb
down from Portland this week on
bt'sliicss connected with that office.
Mrs. W. H. Johnson entertained a
few friends at her home on Monday
evening. Those resent were: Itev
and Mrs, Handy, Mr. and Mrs. Jame
('roiienilller, Mr. and Mr, I). M
Collins and Miss Couch.
Mr. nnd Mrrf. Ulntuo Klii'm nnd
dnughtor of Medford woro tho gnosis
of Mrs. Harry Luy over Sunday.
lCx Mayor Canon, with n party of
frlonds from MetUord made JaeUsou
vll'o n visit Wednesday.
Mib. Leu Port In vlhltiug'Iu Ablt
laud, her former homo.
Mrs. Fred Flck linn returned from
Ashland after a week's visit with
her sister, Mrs, Clyde Maloiic,
Mrs. R. B. Golden eutertalued tlio
COO club at her homo last Saturday
night, The following guests were
Mr. and Mrs V C. Smith, Mr. nnd
Mrs. I). Kliiin, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lewis
Ulrlch, Mrs, Hurry Luy, and Mrs. I).
M. Collins. !!
Mrt. D. M. Rngshaw was hostoss
to the Royal Neighbors last Tuesday
Look! Look!
.Brooke Governor Johnson cigars,
Ihpy'ro miidn In Modrord, you'll llko
PW .... '
WUlhV Oregon is unfortunate in Hint .Jonathan
.Bourne, Ti, is not representing the state in the
senate, both Oregon and the nation are fortunate- in settur
ing his untiring services at the head of two of the most
important committees in the nation the .joint senate and
house committees on railway mail pay and parcels post,
and on federal aid to gootl wads.
Ex-Senator Bourne is the father of the parcels post,
probably the most benefit ial legislation for the people on
acted in recent .veal's, He is also the author of the most
practical plan yet suggested for federal aid to states in
road construction. His defeat was a blow to progressive,
principles, to the prestige of the btate in national affairs
and a direct loss to Oregon in adequate representation at
the nation's eapitol.
At "Washington, though out of office, "Mv. Uourno has
for the past year been an indefatigable worker for Oregon
and has been the means of securing favorable action for
state appropriations. Every community has looked as
much to him as to the Oregon-delegation for results, and
his enviable reputation for
Jus services m constant demapd.
As long as Mr. Bourne remains at Washington, Oregon
has really three senators instead of two, as his position
and repute gives mm prestige, while his .knowledge, ac
quaintance and industriousness secure the desired results.
Let us hope that four years hence Mr. Uournc will see
his way clear to again become a candidate for the senate,
and unless all signs fail, ho will have the honor thrust
upon him. . ( .
Community Help From Mail Order
(Hood River F.utvrirfce.)
We met n entlcinnn eominjr from
the express office1 n few dn.vs np
with u Shears-Saw buck catalogue
iiuiler his nnu, which he had jut
rccceivd ly e.xpre.'.'i, beenuse it wim
too Inrp lo o by pareeld l)ot. Aft
er lookimr nt the catalogue we
could imagine what n great city
Hood River would he in fifty years,
if nit the people here were made from
the same kind of clny n this noble i composed of.
vvc htopped nnd chatted for n few
moments. lie immediately com
plained of the conditions of somo nf
tlio hired in different parts of tlio
cifv', nnd Ihe liphU were .something
awful, nnd he thought that it wm
tunc that the city administration
should do oinctliiu for the "resi
dents, instead of playing polities,
nnd many other things that were not
being done ns lie would do it.
We rcucted hitn to open hi ent
nlogiie nnd look over the contents
nnd see if Shcnr-Suwliuck had nny
heller street lij:lilf. nnd fur less
money, nnd if so, Ihe city might or
der by mail. We nofceil him how
much the publishers of the catalogue
Tho police department fed and
cared .for IS1 unemployed durlug
the month of February and the on
tiro to the taxpayers was $12.30.
Tho spring weather will permit var
ious dormant enterprises to start up
on tho coast and Chief of Pollen Por
ter expects a let up as when the mi
gratory laborer can go from Job to
Job on his way he does not need
much assistance. Several thrifty
housewives under tho influence o(
this beautiful spring weather havo
been expressing tho opinion that tlio
city's system of handling tho undm
ployed bo discontinued1 as they would
llko to havo them show up. In the
course of a Week at this season a
forehanded lady of the houso could
make her meals and handouts brln
handsome returns on tho luvcsthiont.
Tho enterprise of mobilizing tha
mineral springs In the park and' at
the railroad depot Is now In the
hands of the chemists and ciiKlneur.1
and as soon as the plans are defi
nitely arranged for and reports madn
the committee In-charge w(l call for
a special election fpr tho purpose of
voting oil a bond issue to cover 'tho
coutftructloit. Superintendent J' W.
Met calf of Shasta division atid two
prominent railroad unglnoorK exam
ined the situation last Saturday and
Ihe'ftrsf throo dayri of this week.' A.
7,,' Ilmory .of tho firm of Smith,
Kiuery & Co., chemical engineers and
chemist's of Sail Francisco spent
tlireu days on the' Job and has tho
contract to furnlHh tho plans and
submit a report. The flow of water
from these various springs runs
milch larror than had genorally ''con
believed from a casual vslf. Mr.
Smith says It. U'H1' have to be a pump
ing proposition In order that tho
gas come through with the water so
that the mineral waters will havo
practically the same taste at the vent
as at the springs. Once the Ingred
ients of the waters are established
the klmf of jjpu rclnnlreflf-wlii bejjpb.
John A.
Lady Assistant ,
Phones Af. 47 Mild 47.JJI
AhiIihUhc KwIcp Deputy CoroW
"delivering the goods" makes
contributed toward keeping Ihe
streets' in good condition, nnd how
much lliey tlonnUM for Ihe lighting
nf streets; hor much tuxes they
paid toward our schools in which
lii children nre being educiitcd.
A citiceu is certainly loyal tu his
(own when ho will scud to one of
Hie-so mull-order houses, or even to
Portland for n rntnloguc, so Unit
he mny select some small urticlo nt
an imngiiinry snying of u few cents.
He could have gone to nny home
merchant and selected just what he
wanted, better good1.', nnd hundred
chances to one, ;tl lc money.
Does Slienrs-Sawliuek or nny
I'oitluuil finn extend you credit
when you ure out of funds nnd the
wolf yelping" ut every door; hs due"
yotif home merchant t And when
sickness comes into your home, does
Hie mail-order house hnMeri t the
bedside lo offer their help, nnd when
the cold hand of death erilU from
your homo stinie of your loved ones,
is the mail-order house there to see
tho remains placed it) their Inst rest-
ing place, and over them sculler
flowers, hhowing that ultjuuigli they
nre gone, they nre not. Jot-gotten f
talnablc as ncaryevcry kind of pipe
is manufactured In this country.
Squlro Parker and wlfo have re
turned from a visit with relatives In
tho Imperial Valley, San Diego and
other California points.
G. M. Gralner is In charge of a
crew at work excavating for the
foundation and basement for Robert
U. Vlnlng's new modem theater op
posite the Klks' building. Tho work
of constructing this new show houso
will be pushed right along.
A Suggestion
To tho IMIter: As n rcudor and
well-wisher of your paper, I feol
qualified In offering you a sugges
tion which I believe would make an
Improvcmsnt In It. I would suggeht
that you stnrt a special department
entitled, "Opinions of Others," and
sort out tho undent epigrams and
other comments hnvlng nothing to
do with tho news of your Willow
I Springs and Ilcaglu correspondents
and place them under this head. And
if thoy should fall to furnish copy
you could easily plnce the amusing,
newsy letter of your Eagle Point
correspondent In this space.
I find it very oxasperating, to say
tho least, when reading your paor
to dlscovor that I havo been duped
by these crafty newsgatherora Into
reading not uaws, but their private
opinions of nown published oIko-
whore or tho opinions' of some long
dead wit.
lie assured that I have no desire
to dictate the policy of your paper
us I am only a poor uninspired lay
man und it may bo, I cannot appre
ciate tho lofty Ideas tlieko gentlemen
give birth to. Rcspectrully submit
ted, K. H. WALDKN.
Central Point, 1arch &.
Is ntlll at tlio old stand noxt door
to tho First National Rank, upstair,
j At the Churches j
'Ion l.iithcinii
At Zlou Lutheran filS W. Fourth
street, (hero will bo no inornliiK
service. lllhlo school at 10 a, m,
lUhlu school nt . It) i. in. Kyouluu
service (KuK.llsti) l '" .'
Lenten iwrvlcn on Thuwlny even
ing at T 30 p. nit' Coniu and worship.
Onkdalo Atetiui MethotlUt
Sun ilny school at 10 n. m.
Crcnchlng at 11 a. m. and
p. m.
Illhln study niid prayer nervlro
hurmlny evening at 7::m.
Come to these services and help
us. Strangers nre welcome. II, M,
tlranhnui, pastor.
lrY Met hod M
Corner Tenth and Ivy.
Sunday school nt 10 u, m.
Preaching at -11 n. m. and 7;30
V. m. Special ruTlvnl services every
night of the week except Saturday
night. You are Invited to join with
use In this services. All are wel
come. J. B, Urondley, pastor.
Eleventh mid Oakdale.
MasscH S nnd .10:30.
Christian doctrine :H.
Itapttsm 3 p. m,
Kvcnlng devotions 7:30 p. m.
Lecture. "Tho Onllnnry Authority of
the Popo."
Devotions on Wednesday and Fri
day at 7:30 during Lent.
HI. MnrkN Kplcjwl
Services In St. Mark's Guild hnll.
Celebration of holy communion K .
hi. Sunday school 10 a. m. Holy
encharlst and sermon 1 1 a. in. Kven
song Wednesday nt ,N p. tu. and
Thursday and Friday at t p. in. Con
flrmatlon Instructions Wednesday
atod Friday following evensong.
Holy communion Friday 9:30 n, in.
ReV. W. II. Hamilton, vicar.
Fln.t Church of (lirlit, KdcutM
Sunday serviro at 11 a. m sub
ject. "Man."
Wednesday evening Icstlmunlut
meeting at 7:30.
All are cordially Invited.
Sunday school nt 10 o'clock. All
under the age nf 20 are welcomn.
Reading room In church edifice, 213
North Oakdale, open from 1-30 to
4:30 dally ccept Sunday nnd holidays.
Jurkkoiix llln Pi-ctbytcrlnn
Morning -worship with sermon t.t
1 1 o'clock. Subect. "Tho Privileges
of tho Justified." Mrs. Hanna and
Mr. Mnhony wilt sing a soprano and
tenor duct with Chorus.
Evening worship with Lenten sor
mou at 730 p. tn. Subject, "Th
First Temptation of Christ' in the
Wilderness." Mr. Hal Harrington
1 ' i i
-.-.-. I....K i
Git a ' i mall packnge of Hamburg
Rrratt Tea, or ai tlio German fulkf
call It. "Hamburg llnut Thto." at ny
pharmacy. Take a tablmpoonlul of the
tr, put a cup of boiling watr upon
It, pour through a sieve nnd drink a
teacup full at anv time during tlio
day or bcforii rrtirlng. It In the most
tffectivo way to break a roll and euro
crip, as it opens tho pirn of tha skin,
relMIng rongestlon. Ala looiens tlio
bowrh, thus driving a cold from tlio
Trr it the next time vou auffrr from
a cold or the grip. It In Incxptmdvo
and rat I rely vegetable, theriioro salo
and haruilff's.
Sob Pain and StiffiiMt away with
a small bottle of old honest
8t. Jacob Oil
When your lack is sore and lame
or lumbago, sciatica or rhrumalliin has
you ntllleniM up, don't suffer I Get a
25 CL-nt bottle of old, honest "fit,
Jacobs Oil" at any drug afore, tour a
liitlo in your tiaud and rub it right
into the pain or ache, and by thn time
you count fifty, tho soreness and lmc
tiew Is gone.
I)on't stay crippled! This soothing,
penetrating oil needs to be inswl only
once. U takes thn acho and rmin right
out of your buk and ends the misery.
It Is magical, yet absolutely hsrmlea
and doeg't, burp the skin.
Noihiug tlwj Uipi lifmbago, nelutlca
and Ime back misery o promptly I
You're really dry
run nrana t,it
Reflex -,r
Notadrtuy "ni"
vrirr pfool, bu
loccny, comlort'Kivin
crvi( coi iiiw win
pintccl you lliruuli lhlk
tad thin la U KKkiikiuijtf,
13.00 y..y??i f
W put ifluiit unitit UUi V
thiw4 Will
iilim A.J.TwtrCo.
Jks '
i ' l
will nlng n tinim solo, with t-horun,
Special Lenten servlin Siiturdiiy nf
teruoon ut 'J'ittl o'clock, Hperlnl at
tetitlou Ih culled lo nil who vvorHhlp
with us, to these l.enteu Menken
Paul S. lluuily, II, I)., inlnhtur.
Sunday school ut Hi IS n. in.
MoiuluK Kervlcn at It n. in. Ad
dress by U, F. .Httlkny, Kvlbjuct, "The
Jewish Talmud."
Christian Hndenvor at tuno.
Kveuing service 7.110. Address h
Mr. Mulkey, subject. "The Scattered
Tlio new pastor will bo heru next
Preaehlng at 11 n. m. Subject,
'The Great Demiviids," Preaching
nt 7t3 p. in. Subject, "The Return
of Oiieslmiis."
Anthem, both morning nnd even
ing. Tim Men's club meets Tuesday ftt
fit.1. Subject, "The Pnnnnm Canal."
the address wilt be mndo by G, M.
The Ladles' Aid will meet Tuesday
ht 1 p. m.
Prnyermeetlng at 7:30,
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Y. P. H. C. K. meets nt 0.30 p. in.
Subject, "How to Prevent Poverty,"
Ps. 73:1-10, lender, Carroll Cnrpon
ter. J. S. C. H. meets nt 3 p. in., leader,
Vivian Anderson.
A kindergarten will bo slatted
Sunday, March 15, for children to bo
profitably en red for while tho par
ents are attending tho church serv
ices. This kindergarten will bn tin
dcr the care of it competent director.
All parents attendtnc church nro In
vited tn bring thn children to this
child's department of the church.
Medford Methodist Kptsropal
church, corner nt Uurtlott and Fourth
streets, K. Olln Fldrldge pal6r.
Services Sunday us follows", Preach
ing 11 a. in. nnd 7:30 p. m. Sub
jects, morning, "Christian Man
hood." Hvenlng, "Contentment."
Sunday school. Including adult
iiouhrs for ham:
One span of mulos, ago C and
7 years, wolght 3500. One span,
of argo marcs, weight 2 GOO. One
good ul nround horso, 8 years old.
Largo team, weight 3000, Ono well
broke saddlo horso. Ono gentle lad
les' driving mnro. Ono good ranch
team, bucgy and harness.4 Can do
soon at
l. H. Litis. Phone 1.1(1, At t'nlon llarn
Rocontly remodeled and oulnrgoi),
added now cameras and apparatus
nnd Is now utrlctly up-to-dato In
every way.
Cniiinicrlrnl Work of nil Kinds
Including copying and enlarging of
pictures, legal documents, etc. Urn
mldo enlarging, any size, and kodak
finishing of every kind.
Professional and amntuer photo,
graphic supplies.
I. M. Harmon AhMorlutwl Willi Me,
Shop over Isla Theater, Phono 147-J
-. -
' The Newr
The now brick burn on
South ItivcrHido is now
ODon l'or business,
Everything new nnd uj) io
Mine. iJivtuy aim uiuiin
jjuico service. AVill lie gliul
to wolcoiiie all iornier iih
toiners and many new ones,
Phono 100
I A Js
lllhlo elnsses for men, women mid
ouug Indies titin n, tn, Subject fur
nien's dnsH "Instructions for Luy
men nt Work."
Junior League ,'l ji, m,
Kpworth Lenguu :ir. p. m. This
will be mi eiithusliistlu mid profit
ublo hervices, nlwajs largely at
tended. Prniir meeting Thuradny
evening 7t30 p. in, Tluiiue, "Thu
City nnd tlio Kingdom."
Kxrellelit tulislu by Well trained
choir, iindoi the direction of F, C
'ihliueads. Special features for Hun
day. Vou nre cordially Invited to all
.these services.
The following miistral number will
be given at the First Methodist Ilphl
ropal chinch tomorrow. Tim choir
will sing Shelley's nltlhem "There Is
a Holy City," nnd "When Power Di
vine." by Fnure. Mrs, Melvlu Rank
er wl slug "Not a Sparrow Knlloth,"
by Abti mid a iiuarut will sing
"Nearer My God tu Thuo," by Schll
Smoke Mt, Pitt.
Cigars and help build up n pay
roll for your own town,
: in i j ii i i ' f
t y N't), a '
The nplendld envlroumeut of the throne of Allnhn, rich in nil the
Oriciitul eniiiriHon of Indin, f urtilwIifM Hunetli opportunities pielor
tally. "THU TWtl OlIDKAI.S," with eopnrd nnd lioiin, innke nil
iinlmnl pleture on a heroic Kcnle herelol'orn iiuiiltempled. A thriller
beyond compare.
Carnegie, Alaska-Siberia
Expedition Pictures
Thrilling Hunting Keemw uiutur tlio MIiIh'ikIiI .Sun.
I'olur Ileur anil Wulruh Hoping within leu feel.
i-KIUKH IO, 1.1c, 'J0e.
Kpceiul llniKniii Mntiuei) Hiindiiy, I tic, nny sent
Mnllneo 'J:H0 V. M. Keiiiiif, 7::iU.
K. II. -Dou'l full (o sen thu dNpliiy In tho I'nge lobby. It'n woilh
"A Message from
jroiir-pari IValuro ro(liic.tioii, Mined in Kiil-IiiikI iiii
dor direction of tlio "liinioim Pliiycr" ('onipany.
A vory clover Hinuing and dancing net.
' Educational
New niimie nnd effectH
I t 'i - '
Mm WiImm
Milk.r'i Frii
A Duly thai Rvtry Man Owm lo Thi
Who I'irpeuialo the ft ace.
II UJiiit ns liiiMirlnut tlmt mm nimnl
knuw ut nreireatlvu imillKnl In nihnuno i)
inoiiii'tiiixiii, 'i lie suit
ferine ' InrliUiit t "
chllcbbrarlni' can Im '
enslly ntoluVdbf hnv
tug nt bund a lxutln
of iliithor's Frkilil.
This Is a p'uetrnt
Itijr. eiterunl pillcft
(Inn tlmt rvllfTmi nil
ti'iiilon UHin tho niiii
I'lrH nnd rliilblxs tlinil
to ciniid without imltiful strh uihih thn
llininriit. T'uis IIipiv Is avoided nervinw
"pells: the leiidcnry tn !ifliicn or iniiriiliic
sliknrna la eeuuUrActfd, nnd n lirlgnl. Imp
pj dl)otliti Is itreaerved thnl collects
wondcrfi'.lly iiikui Rio charchT nnd trtn
iH'rniueiit f the Utile ono seen to coiur.
You enu ohtiilu it ImiIIIh of ".Mntlwr'-i
rrlrnd" nt nny dru nlM nt f I 00. It
prmervm llifl uiollirr'n lionllh, rnnblra bT
lo tnakl u iimiplot rffov-irr, nnd Jlui w lib
rvnrwrtl sirriistli shfl will ennvrly devoln
hertelf lo m cn nnd ntteollmi which
menu so iiinrli In the wi'lfnre of Ihe child.
Wrltn to tha llrnillleld RoKtilntor ' --'"
Iimnr lllils. Allnntn, On., for thrlr vnju
able nnd limtruiilre book of EUlil.tiice for
riprctnut tuothcts.
r -m mtm 4rw