tf fe sti9"1 tv Medford Mail Tribune mi. SECOND EDITION WEATHER Vnr ttixlit ami Huturfay Max. 0.1 j Mln. JW. rorlyllilril Tr. ll.llvICIirlilli Year. MEDFORD, OIMWON, BATl'MMY, MAKCH 7, 1011. NO. 297 if ..:,".". ...i - BOURNE DECLINES 10 BE FORMER SENATOR FOR FEDERAL 1 TO HIGHWAYS INSTEAD OF SEEKING NOMINATION AT PRIMARIES WnshingHui, l. '., Mm i'li ". (Icoigc I'liliiuiii, Mcilfin il, On.; Willi ili'fi tcgict I feci obliged to mi ini'i' Hint I "hull n,,t ln a enmlidiilo in tlm ii'iiililli'iin iriiiiiny Tor Hut I'nilcd Stale scunlniial noiiiiiiiilinii. Iir u .vi'nr I Imvn vnliiuliirily mid glndly sci veil without pcnsullnu ns clmliiimn of two joint emigres hi. nut umittccs, hud mi federal nlil to good "ls '""I "'" """'r mi niilwnv until pay uml t nd-dnss postage. II wiih linn-t! that tin- worli or these committees would Im completed h tin' :M of Hum mouth. Tin' magnitude, iniortiiii md Icchulcnlily of tin- sub jects Imvn necessitated rut- iiinni thiiiilhe ami elaborate study tliaii originally nullclpiitcd. Cnugies liin J"-' extended tin- lift', personnel iiiul iMiwri'nl thee committees until tin' t ir I) m lior, Having already ili'voli'il n .vein' time, to IliU work-, I fed it my ilut uml pleasure In iltimit uml devote an tmii'li limn of my lime nud t'JTorlH in helping to solve these problems iih may In.' necessary. This decision picvents my returning homo to Otcgnn before 1.1. In the Im-t ft'W weeks I linvi' received iimity letters tirtnK mt' o become a t'umlliliili', Iml nmtl writer indicated llntt Hicy llmught i necessary for nm to ri'liiui to Oregon liy Mari'li 10 ami main an active speaking campaign over llu' Mult' to insure tint iimiiiiiiition. In Justice to these friend ami supporters, ami I"' cause of tln impossibility of my complying with their inlvlff, because of my duties here, I desire to oxprcs my iipiircciatlon or tlmlr eout'idruco in inv integrity nml ability. My regret is that I cannot go into tlm iriniiiry contest, ami my Iuk Is that hy remaining hero I may contribute, even if only to a small degiee, in tin- solution of problems ami tin fiiitfliiit'iit of legislation which will ho of benefit In our mttiomil ami slnlo general welfare. JONATHAN IIOl'UNi:. JH. "I. ! JT E S.U'IUMI'NTO, Cat, Mitr 7. -Walking Into tlm Onk I'nrk tiritncli ot Ilin Sacramento Itnuk, n loau ban till, Itt'itvll)' ariiH'il nml uiimnitki'il, ht'lil up Cnshlur Oordon Culver to ility nml eneiipod with ntiuut f'JOOO In cash. Tlio robbery, otio of tlm bold iht In itm history of Onk I'nrk. wns pulli'il off iturliiK Hut noon hour. Culver wns busily engaged on ItU hnokH when hn wiih startled hy tlm eontioiiiid of tho desperado, "Ilnuds upl" Ho lookeil lip am foil nil him nelf confronted hy an UunuiMked m:tn hnldlui: it liUttil of largo rnUher within it few Inclien of IiIh honil, Culver wits forceil Into a tollot room iiinl relieved of IiIh keys. Thn rohher then rushed hnrk Into tho hunk, Ht'0(tifi up nil tint money ho roiihl Iny IiIh IuiiuIh on ami illi iilipeitreil. Tho mini, evhleutly nwnro or tho fnrt Hint tho tity win unprotectml hy pollro horoiino of tho nrrlvnl of the uutimplo)eil nriiiy, look inlviint iiko of thU fitt-l nml ilitl IiIh Joh with iietttueHM nml ilciputdi. All of tho rlty mm rotinty pein'o offlcera were In conforonro at tho county court Iiouho iIUciihhIuk thi prohlem or ilenllnu with tho IiiviihIoii. Hherlff Alturit nml tlotoctlvcH wort) hurried to tho Krone. NOT GUILTY, PLEA OF PARKER WHITNEY SAN FIIANCIKCO, Cnl., Mnrcli 7. "Not guilty," wiih the plea entered heforo Unlluil Slatrri Juilh'e Doolliih' hero toility hy J. Parker Whitney, millionaire elulunaii ami rancher, no eiiHcil of viiilnliiiK the Mann while hIiivo noli iih u result of i'Iiiii;on preferrcil hy Alrn. flemivievo llau-liini-lliiriTs. A motion hv ilefcUNo attorueyH for iliiuulxHiil on the Krouiiil thai the imlieliueut wiih un derlain veKitriliii),' tlm inetlioil of IriiuHporlnliou iim'tl wiih overruled hy tlm court. The eumi wiih put over lor two weeks when a trial ilalo will lie set. Mih. llauiiiiii-llurrlH was not in eourt loiluy, hut United Hlutcs Dis 1 1 id Alloruey I'reslou promised In have Iter (m liiiiul when Hie tiiul fcdil'U'il, ION BANDIT ROBS SACRAMENTO BANK OF 2000 AT NOON CONTINUES WORK T UP TO PLAY XKW YOltIC, March 7. Time more lug leiiKiie lnf.ehull players weie Mciicil up Iioro today hy the IVderal league. The de-erters from oiviinir.ed hasehiill wcte Mike Dool n u, shortstop for the Philadelphia NotionuU Inst sciison; Sieve Kvnm of the St. I.011U Cai'nals nml Vin cent Cuuiphell cf the Hoslon llrnves, all National league platfcrs. Kl'forts of the outlaw orpiiilrultou to sIkii up Tiis Speaker and Sam Crawfotd, two Amerieiiu len;ue slats, failed, llau II. Johnson, pres ident of the Atiiei it'ini lenmie, ndinit led this at'tetnoou Hint the IVderals would have a chance to live had the signed Speaker uml t'ntwford. PicMilfiit (lilnmro of Ihe Federal league this tuorniuj; moved his or Kiiui.atiou'H hemlipuiitcrH to the Waldorf- Aslorln, the headouaiterH of Ihe Aineiiciiu uml National leagues. Marly announccuicut of tint sale of Ihe ChieiiKO Cnlw was expected. Il was said Unit Chailcs P. Tall, wjth John K. Tener, president of the Nit tiiiual league, Ims the disposition of tho eluh. It is said Tuft wants .t(i(ll),mm for the Cnlis. LOCAL FIRE PATROLS IN STATE ORGANIZATION I'OHTIiANI), Ore, Mnr. 7. Mom horB of locnl flro imtrola woro todny nilmlttiHl Into tho moinherBlilii of tho OrcKon Forest Flro nBiioelntlon, which huKnn Kb meotltiK this morning in tho Imiiorhtl Hotel. Tho nilinUHlon wiih nceomiillHheil hy moniiH of nn muonilinoiit to tho hy-htwH which wiih mloitoil unnnlmouHly, Preshtent O, C llrlBL'H niiilouncod thut tho chniiKo wna niitilo to aocuro wider co-oporntlon hetweeu tint local HHBoclutloitH and tho Htnto an. Hoclutlon. Tho jinyiitonl of a bIiikIo fuo will keep luoiuhurB lit kooiI stuml litK In hoth, Mr. HrlKKS roportod thnt feellim hutwooit tlmhermeu and tho foreBlr)' ileiutrtmont Is much wanner hecnuxo of tho flro prevention 'lnoumiroH put Into force hy tho Kiivernnient. A humpiet IouIhIiI will clone tho nioot-llitf, HREE BIG LEAGUERS SIGN WTH OUTLAWS A CANDIDATE Joiiuilian .W.W.L HELD FOR TRIAL ON CHARGE OF RIOTING Ni:V YOHK, March 7. Frank Taiini'iihnum, leader of Ihe throne of unemployed who invaded St. Alplmu siis church Wednesday evening, was held to (he grand jury loday in f'oOO hail, cliiirp't! wiih riotiti(.'. Two of his followers were sentenced to a month's imprisonment each, and the trials of more of them were still in progress In .lofferson Market police court. The defendants were dninj: all they could to prolong the proceed inj;s in order to hamper the court its much as possihle. Ah a pfolest ii;niiitt the imprison ment of the iiuemplo'cd, 11 monster meeting of Industrial Workers of Ihe Wot Id was planned for this after noon in I'liion Square. The police lust nihl took it stcun graphic ti'cord of Ihe speeches made tit 11 pitheriuK in ItutcerM sijiiaie. Tho following was a mi funic. "Mu.Mir Mllehel is a hellhop. lie has not enough hrains o cover it pin point. Morgan and the test tell him wlutt to do ami he jumps to do It when Ihe hell tings," Tint meeting wits oidetly, however, ami no arresU weie made, l.jiioolu Sleffeus, Carlo Tresea, KlixnlicHi FI.Miit nml Alexander llerkuinu were iiiuoug- the speakers. WHOLE MARKET NKW YOIMC, March 7. -t'ontiu-tied weakness was tdmwn in St. Putil Imlnv nn 'u resnlt of thn inmroitcr tunnipuhttioii nlleged hy the inter state ennunereo eoinmission. After the stock hud declined P.'i Il-Ti. how ever, it rdllied I. l.nler it made 11 full recovery. Tho whole market was under heavy pressure uiitl mos of the uetive is sues were off from 1 to '2 points, Heforo Hut close other shares mount ed ftoin n fracliou to 11, ahovo yes terday's close. Ponds were irregular. The market closed weak. DENY ENGAGEMENT OF MISS ELEANOR WJLSON WASIIl'NdTON, 1). CiMurch ?. Through her hoeinl secretory, Miss Hello Hanger, Mrs, W'ondrow Wilson, wife of the president, denied today n icpott that MIsh Klenuor Wilson wits engaged lo Seerelnry of Ihe TrcuMiry William 0, McAdoo, EADER FOR SENATE! SHOT, lUMiriio, Jr. CHOICE OF REFEREE FOR RITCHIE FIGHT ClUCAdO, M.irrh ".- The s(tiah hie over 11 referee tor the Willie Ititchie-Ad Wolga-t ten-rniiud limit to ho staged in Milwaukee next Thursday evening, wits slill on today. The champion ftl nuuomieed Hint there would he no ltslit if Promoter Tom S. Andrews ui-MimI that Harry Stout, the chili's official lefcree, acted. Kitchic's stand is caused hy criticism heaped iimii Stout follow ing the Wliite-WVilk'nst affair and the Wolgiist-Itivers clu-li. Ititehie aud his miinager kiiv Stout is "too friend ly to Wolgast." "I do not know of any other li censed referee in Wisconsin," said Andrews, "who i- cnKihlo of hand ling such a hiir ci-nt e.sceot Sloul. The law provide- that a Wisconsin mini must oflicmte. The hosing com missioners have informed me that there is no chance for the "ranting of n special license for this match. Ititehie will have 10 choose between Sloul, (leorge Ihiiiv and Dan Hyde. Wolgtlsl does not care who referees." Kilehie was the leipiired Kl.'t liouuds todav and apnenred to he in splendid condition. His weight wits nhoiit ' KI7 pounds and he still had five days in which to tuke off Hie e.'ces.s poundage. E, DELAYED BY APPEAL I.OS ANi:i.i:3, Cnl., Mnr. 7. No ilnto hits heeit sot for tho notion of tho appellate court upon tho nu pent of tho cnno of Hnlph Farlsj, tho Southern Purine bandtt-intir-doror, nccordlttt; to announcement, hero today. Fnrlss' execution wn not for Mnrcli 0, hut It was delayed automntlcnlly when his attorneys ap pealed iminedlutely after tho pass ing of sentence. Farias, who Is In tho San Quoutiu penitentiary, shot nud killed Horace K. Montague on a train which ho hold up near Kl Monto. BLOODHOUNDS TRAILING WEED MURDERER WF.F.D, Cnl., Mnrcli 7. Hlood hounds today were truilini' Thomas Sklivas, who yestetday shot and killed Dennis Trousosa hero lifter woiiudiug Hie hitter's luother, doliu Trousoss, Sklivas nud tho dead itiitti were cuiibiiiK. SQUABBLE WIIMUUI IKIAL BY BODY GUARD Constitutionalist Officer Asserts Englishman Was Shot While En gnned in Argument With Villa and Body Destroyed to Hide Crime. Carranza Knows Facts and When Report Is Made Will Inflict Sum mary Punishment Upon Scapegoats nOCOLAS, Arl., Mnr. 7. Wll llnm Ileiitou was shot to death In (lonera! Villa's office hy ono of hU hoit)giiarl, without tho forntntlty of nu nrreit or trlnl heforo a court mar tial, according to tho statement nt Agun Prlctn todny of a constltu tlouallst officer who was at Juarez when tho Denton affair occurred The officer further stated that transcript! of all testimony of de fendants before Mexican court mar tinis must bo signed and scaled by the witness. Ho asserted that testi mony purporting to have been given before a court martial by Denton docs not bear his signature and was writ ten by a conktlttttlonallst officer af ter Denton was killed. According to the story the offi cer told, Denton was shot while en gaged In n heated argument with the rebol Wader. The guard who fire the shot believed his act would win him promotion. The body was then destroyed, ho said, to hide the crime. It Is reported there that the tran script of testimony In question Is now In the hands of Carranza's com mission at Juarez. Carranza, It is said, knows the facts in the case and when bis commission reports will In flict summary punishment,- upon persons to be selected as scapegoats" for thovo responsible for the killing of Denton. DROWN TRIAL GOES OAKLAND, Ceil., March 7. With the resumption Tuesday of the trial of Mr. Millie Drown, neeused of murdering her lnisbnnd, Archer Drown, it wns understood today that more evidence would he offered it support of the defense's plea Hint the prisoner was nientiilly irresponsible at the time the shooting occurred. The witnesses on the stand late yesterday all told of her eeeontriei Iies and, despite the prosecution's ef forts on oros-examituitions, Mrs. Drown's counsel expressed confi dence (hat no jury would convict n woman whom so many agreed wiih unbalanced. At the session's conclusion 11 three days' recess was taken. COMPLETE PROBE OF COLORADO COAL STRIKE DENVER, Colo., March 7. The congressional investigators of Col orado's mine- strike completed todny their preparations to leave for the east in the morning. As a supple ment to their inquiry tit the eonl fields, the committeemen had Adju taut General Cltnso before them to day, got some ndditional infonna tio'u from ex-Sheriff Cnpp of llotil der e-oiiiity, and henrd 11 few wit nesses relative to strike conditions in the north. RENO PLANS GREETING OF 11KNO, NEV., Murt'li 7. Authori ties of Heuo nud Sparks met here this afternoon to consider ways of liundliitir tho unemployed army now ut Sacramento, reported headed this way, en roulo to bhingtou. It was believed the officials would givo the men it meal or two hero and then send them on to Otjdeti, Utah, in box cur. ENJOIN COLLECTION OF TAX PENALTIES UNDER NEW LAW PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. 7. Following Shorlff Word's " refusal to accept a tender of 1278.10, representing stnto S and school taxes for 1013 and - city taxes for 1011, Itogcr Blnnott filed suit to enjoin 4 County Treasurer Lewis from proceeding lo collect taxes under tho 1313 act and par- tlculnrly to restrain him from collecting a penalty on second half payments that are -t not made before March .11. 4- Judge McOInn, after consult- Ing tho history of the tax law, Issued a temporary Injuiic- tlon. He found that whllo the legislature had pasted 4 law It had not been ratified by the people ns the constltu- tlon directs. t 4 E: SAYS DETECTIVE SACHAMENTO, Cnf., March 7.- Sncromcuto police and Sacramento county sntervisors are at odds to dav ns to whether the city or the county shall provide for the 'JoOO members of the unemployed nrmy which landed here from San Fran cisco last night and curly today. William Thorn's faction, fiOO strong, the first: to .nrrive, had. n scanty stiptcr Inst night of "left overs," the city offteiuU stoutly re Ytising to' render aid a?id 'the 'county officials offering nothing but dep uty sheriffs to keep order. City Commisioner E. J. Cnrrag lier declared that he did not see why Sacramento should be mndc the dumping ground, and believes it tut fair for the city to ship the men to some other point. Carragltcr has suggested that if shipped at nil, the men be sent back to San Krueniseo. The unity is camped in n five-acre lot adjoining the Southern Pacific depot. SCost of them slept on the sand last utght with scant covering. ns their carload of bnggnge, consist ing of blankets, tents, etc., failed to nrnve. There is good order nt the camp so fnr today. TO SAN DIEGO. Cnl., Mnr. 7. Scott Palmer, theatrical manager, shot yesterday whllo in his apartment! with Clulro Dowd, probably will re cover, bis physicians said today. Miss Dowd, who has been detained by tli3 police was still In tho city prison to day, but Chief Wilson said she would bo released ns soon as Pal mer's recovery was certain. Palmer 'declares the shooting was nn acci dent. Tho affair hag been tho means of bringing togethor Palmor and hts wife, from whom ho got an Interlo ctttory decree of divorce thrco weeks ago on a desertion charge TEN THOUSAND GREET PHILADELPHIA, Mureh 7. Two thousand persons greeted President Wilson when ho arrived here nt 1:05 o'clock this afternoon. Ho went from the station to tho oculist who examined his eyes oneo overy year. JACK'S TENDERLOIN RESTAURANT CLOSED NEW YOHK, Mureh 7. Jack's, the tenderloin's most famous restitu rant, was closed from 1 until ." a. m. today for tho first tune in twenty-five years. Mayor Mitcliel ro voked its all-night license its a re sult of 11 fight incidental to the ex pulsion of three college e-tudciits Thursday night by tho establish meat's widely known "flying wediju" of waiter. HBO AND ROOKS COMPRISE ARMIES 540.000 THEFTS FROMPOW DRY GOODS Fll Fleishrrer, Mayer L Co. Have Em ployes Arrested for Series of Stock Losses Extending Through Two Years Others Implicated. Sheets, Towels, Furnishings and Dry Goods of Every Kind In Lwt Several Employes Confess. I'OItTLAND, Or., March 7. Wholesale thefts nmountiii'j tp near ly .f 10,000 from Fleishncr, Mayer & Co., covering n period of two years, utienrtlied here by Constable Wein berger, led to the arrest early today of A. Howard, for thirty years chief stockman for the company, and Harry Estcs, nn employe of ten year' standing, on charges of lar ceny. With tliMii were nrrested half n dozen second-hand dealers nnd the proprietor of n lodging house, charg ed with receiving stolen property. Howard is in jnit today tit default of 5000 bonds, but Estcs secured bail and is nt liberty. Some of the others have also given bail. E. L. Settle of Oakland, Or., is to be nr rested today on charges of receiving stolen goods, nn officer having stnrted after him with a search war rant. It is nlleged that sheets, towels, general house furnishings and goods of almost every kind nre included in the loot, much of which has been identified. " It !is alleged that Several of those concerned mvo confessed, though Howard maintain? his; jnnocenec.,,, f The management of the storo would not believe until the arrests actually were made Hint' their trusted em ployes were guilty of the thefts, al though they hud asked the authori ties to detect Hie looters. HUERTA PLANS 10 MAKE MONEY TO SUPPLY SHORTAGE MEXICO CITY, March 7. Money being scarce, President Hticrta was planning today to miiuufuettiro somu of his own. His idea was to do it through the creation of n government bunk, which wns to issue immediate ly 400,000,000 pesos, or about fJOO, 000,000 of fiat currency. The de cree creating tho bank was ready and twaited only formal publication. MEXICO CITY, March T.Presi dent Hucrtn'd resignation was re ported imminent today, It was said ho would start immediately after ward for Torreou to assume the fed eral field command. His plan was understood to be to let the United States and England ngreo on his suc cessor. Then, if Iltterta crushed tho rebels,, the uev, president would ask recognition of his government. FEAR 18 PERISH IN STEAMER WRECK NEW YORK, Mar. 7. With the loss of the freight steamship Charle .magno ower Junior, off Darnegat early today It was feared eighteen members of tho vessel's crew lest their lives. Four woro saved, "Wheu they got a shoro," said M. L, Gilbert, ageut tor the SoutltWB Steamship company, who saw the rescue by a llfo saving crew, "they said tho other eighteen frak tk frolghtor were In a lifeboat off share but could not run In oa amuit ( (ho surf, "After that nothing was )iMr4 from them. I hope they are sitH i tltolr boat off shore but If they Mrt4 to land the boat may Stay ttMHi, swamped aud the ttt drewM,'1 .