JyU.W-.SI 10 WO SOLDIERS OP NEW YORK STATE HEADY TO RESPOND TO PRESIDENT WILSON'S CALL IN GASE OF IFJTERVEHTIQ?i IG1LLWANTS SAME ht I DELINQUENT TAXES LA-ilUL' I'lU. SUE ENJOIN PENALTY PAYMENT TMC NEW YORK CAWLRV 13 " FIT". ' SALARY ON STAGE AS DIVINE SARAH I'OIITI.ANI). dr., Aliurli (I. Itoir nr II. Sliinoll luilnv In iii'imiIiik In lilt in t In MmIIiidiiiiiIi eiii'iiit i'oiiiI ii liluiiilly Hiiil In miiolii llic I'liutit.s ollinluU 1 1 mil liiiiimin ikuiiiII S li IHIIIIIIIIIIM ilf tllM'H ll'lillllll'llt III li'i Ainl I. 'I IiIm Ii'i Ih liclnif liil hi in Mr. HIiiiiiiM'm imiiimi4ii I" i'i'iui' a "ili'lmiiil i ivniiul" pi.-! i nl ' li'l'llllg nil llIM. lt . l'Mlllll Will htllll', Till' XII I IukI Ii l lll'i'll flll'll lulu Inilny, Hiiiniilt ifi'iiilK unlit il iiinii mlj. nullity, xiilmul ilixhli'l, tnit mill lllll I, Illlllll.lllilH fill' IlirilltllMlioil wlii'llinr nr nut t lt iiilirr miinitnl nl inning itH'cliKl (miii toxoliiiii i net will v iH'iilfil itt niii'i1 vr iim mum iih llm lap prmiiloit fur jkijuh'IiI. All Hum "Hlrlul ntitil llm I I'll lliU Muni', i mil inwli'i) Iui iiiiiiiiiliuli ii'i mill Him ll Wmilif iimkn tin l f Ion mi. u I In-ill If III' llllltl wen ciillii'liil nt mIiiIiiI inlciMiU iluni'i; tliii M'lir, ,SiiiilL ihi'h lux -nil In Iiii ii n Tilt ii'iiiiMntr dlml, im I'liiiiitiifi lliiniililiiiiil tlu Mluti', In hii". iih' in i'll'lll III II'llI'MIIK till" lux lllll'll'll. DAILY HINT FROM PARIS. mtf i nWa i w V ';H 1 58 ! ffn k utfBH 11 ,oam Hrnmy r MKiH "WMMP"" rrnr.i7ivxTimy.-iii' a-tnwEpirvm- i ivwiHrc'TSBTic" ' ki ' -v ' POW " VLTHICUES WILL NOT SUPPLANT I ILvSjL I 'K Wl mule wagons Laffi:'.!...:--!!. - 5sso23t---2 i i2h-aaeji3Eca ?ihi . ii, i ii 1 1 NEW ARTILLERV OM THE MARCH. Ill III!" I'Vl'lll Ilf lllllTM'Mll'lll ly till I'lWtfil HtliliM III Mel ii inori- llimi i.imi m.u. I., ii... u...i.. ..r H..u t,fL ' lA'iw llllll III 1IU" ritiir "I ..... ulll mi iiiiiIit miuh tllliln imiI. f.iiir Iihuix ci r I t tin' rii'i'lpi uf mii uiili'i f i .mi 'Ill W Hf III IHirllllKllt lit IIMllilllxi' III-)! i llll'llllll lll'HlN will iHt (Hlrtll)llllHHl (It (III tin nnui'tli. hihI ultli i'rf ill I. fa k.iIiIIit mi ilut In riHHin n iJ.c rn l Nl'ti t.tk Mill MIVIIIIIi' 111.' Ili'l I'f a urnit pirrlimii of IOiHiU liii'ii. .Niiin1 of (In iiniftiliili IiIi4i Mlitiwr lirlwtl (In nw.iiaitil; uf Hit' iIUmm lriHiM In sus w 111 liiMiimnnl. U41 Ii mill rvi'ry IIimii Im Iihwi iirmntxnl for; lij- tlu rtnt'titl) urjwiito ilinl liluhl) lllllpll'l.! IHWllttll .if llH' HIUlllHIHl ll.-iiiiii!irli m -tiff Wlwu iln mil ' ulvn IIHT. U III Im tin vf f I' III I llll.llll OiT(mnlliiK n iiMtmniMtt'iiiMit Ttn ii 11 him' ull I h aw 1.1 in. ill hi mi Iiim.i, 1 iiiiiniiU'a am ImiIIimIim Hlil (nut tlifiniM li tii'iiiic i'(iiIih il .mil im ilf 1 fin I) fur liiiitiiillti' .i-n Ii 1 Im f" t, l.lllRhll' M 'lllll I- ll !!' Ill III fint 1NFANTRV PASSJMO FIRST BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS? LIKE BCATINGS. OUT DREW LINE UN BEING BURNED l'Oim.ANI), dr., Mnrili II. -"Tin- iiiikii' I lii'iil In-r, tin ImIIit him hl,i mi'," i'iiiiiiii lliilirrt l.cim n Mii Iliililll .lilllfjii ,Si U'llnil Inilll). Ili Ml'l', .MllllllC, llllWI'MT, llllll lll'llll'll I til till' ll)tllf, Ml., illl,' llllll lllfll In. Iii'iitnitfi iwnci'ilfil hiir iili'ii if Im l.iit mill hIik iiiiili'il, Ik liml lliri'iiti'iii'il to tu In rl 11 lnlt ilinl limn Iter nliw. Tin jmlup imt !.' 1 in iiuiIit $iliil ii'ni'i IiiiihU mnl In witH ki'iit n jtr.il in il.'lantl. I)rmnl rmli k at Thu hat l u ikrl. OrC(Olt PiOCCfr QDnil ton m ml irtiii 1 1 o'i I'd ni r in 1 ... , .... ,,, , ., tiny rn f t At (..utfttJ K.ilt.t 1 m.l.HN.sMMUl, Wiiih., Miir fi - tha crown ir- (oiiln I). CnrutlmrH, !0, il 1 1. NIM IbMCAfW M ( MftU K 1 .. 11 ll (Wf hum tmlay. Situ tlkil ut Canli). Oivkiiii In I1!. Ilir liiulmiul m u ntorati uf llm civil anil .Muxlcflu nr5. VILLA TO SEND TERRAZAS TO FRONT AS A TARGET ('III 1 1 1'A I II' A CITV, Mi.. Mnnli It. (ii'iii'inl Villa wih eiO('li'il In miihI I.iiIh Torrajinx, Jr., fnrwnril ln wnnl Tiiiuhiii mi a tnm) tram In infill. Tin tiino limit for tin $.VHI, 1100 rmixiiiii ili'iunuili'il nr Ti'rrmuu' Pntln'r iplroiI this innnunif, tin rnii mui Iiiimiis i'uiiii', mill it whu xniil Villa mim ili'lrriiiiiii'il to fulfill In Ilui'iit to .iii the iiri-inii'i' at tin I rnnl 111 tin Tnrrrnn nil k PRESIDENT WILSON TO SEC PHILADELPHIA OCULIST WASHINGTON, jriinh (!. -I'nM-ilcnt W'llixtli ililtimtil (oIa, to lr:iu for l'liiliuli'lilim tonio'riiw to have In- ji I'Miiimiul, . 1 1 PLAN TO REORGANIZE SANTA ROSA RAILROAD 8N ritAN'CISCU Cl., Mnr. C Itn-orKanlzutinn uf tlit rutiilunin ami Santa Itona rail w a) company with a ill met Mrvteo iHttwwu San Fmndnco nnd HcnliUliurK In linolvwl In a flu 000, 000 olvctrii rallruiiil dual a I1I1I1 linn ruMi'lii'i! .1 iiolnt wlure the ruimnup Is nnilv 1 1 fllo lurtiurn- FOR DITCHING PARCELS Hon paper. The company, It wars'poST CARRIER ARRESTED nl.l In. In. I. 1...I.... .!..... I t.. I t, 1 B.iiu luudji ia uuiiir iiiiuuiuu u; L.. II. Kolllms anU Company, bond brokers who wore the original backers of the Petnltiiiia nnd Santa Ilos.1 railroad. A committee uf oitiienn of Drain In Northern Don plan county has In rttuted thn'KUKenu emmory ana nill proceed to act at Drain. P. M. Hotelier rn boon on Coob lln) proicetlni; for the location of a Ilixnor ConijH) Hoard plant a lino of building material. IeKal blanks toi tale at the Mll Trlbunn ntflm tf OItTLA.ND, Ore, ilar. C Ilc- caue the roads were muddy and hU load of magazines and parcels poit mutters hcavj, Claude Stceprow, star route carrier out of Aleea, throw tome of the mall under a manger In n farmer's barn. Ho is out on ball in the sum of $1000 today. Deputy I'nlted States Marshal Debocat hav ing arrested him at AUca on a grand Jury Indictment. Dobocst sa)s Steep ruw admitted discarding hi excess mall. AH VTTI.rJ, Vns1i., Mar f, tfllifam (' dill, major elect, thin nuirofn n fitaed the rhnnro to break Into .aiiilevllli on "big tlmo " The of fer wan made by Joxupli Miitlur, manager of the Spokane house, who offered dill $6oo for a five mlniitn inonolopun at canh purfurmanco of next week. !Tho offer was received yesterday and read. "Arcopt my warnioM congratulations on your wouderf il victory Will pay on $Ti00 a Wnhk to appear on the Orpheum ntagu for five minutes In a monoloruo at enrrt performance." Gill refused the offer in the lollow Ing letter' "Thanks for your offn. I am Informed that the Orphoum paid Sarah llernhardt $7000 a weclt with many accommodations, furbe lows, presidential sullen in addition. Holug jouiiKcr than tlto JJlrlno Sarah, uotild not consider less than $10,000 per week " OLD GAME WARDENS GET RE-APPOINTED SAI.RM, Ore, Mar. 0. Oamo Warden S. II. Kvans stated today that he had apolutcd doputy war dens, practically all of whom ncrc ka tho sorvPo before the recent shako up. Ho said he expected to appoint .11 lu all. Tho fish and gnme com mission will hold Its regular meeting here next Wednesday. GRAY HAIR BECOMES DARK, THICK, GLOSSY Look years younger! Try Grandma's recipe of Sage and Sulphur and nobody will know. Tho $000,000 public auditorium for Portland has at last been located on Mnrkct block. AlmoAt everyone knows that Saga Tea and Sulphur, properly corujioiuvJcd, brings lack the natural color and luLro to the hair when faded, streaked or (pays alio eeds d&ndrulf, itching seolp aad stops falling hair. Years ago tho only way to gtt this mixture was to make it at home, which is mussy and troubt aefce. Kowadays we simply ak at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sagu and Sulphur Hair Itemody.1' You will rt a Knr tattle for about 60 err' .tiwryb'dy uses this old, famous r"cip itt-u no one can possibly tell that . t dirWural your hair, as it docs it to nituiliy oad evenly. You dampen a n or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at ft time; by morning the gray hair difcip )wars, and after another application or two, your hair booomrn beautifully dark, thick and glowy and you look yean younger. 1 M'OALL PATTERNS M. M. Department Store M'CALL PATTERNS RELIABLE MERCHANDISE RELIABLE METHODS DOUBLE TRADING STAMPS TOMORROW (Saturday) WITH CASH PURCHASES IN ALL DEPTS. New Arrivals in Suits at $15, $259 $30 and $35. Spring Coats $7.50 to $25 i! ,,.., M W&i MM Ht.9 m'tJn r-.- Nt'W blues, hlnclc AT $22.50 and while .hocks wisteria, "IniiL'o" mid liianv other wanted colocs. Coats in latest short cutaway effects. Also a miinhcr of htylori, with niedinin lent'th coats. 'IJailoretl or dressy Suits, appropriate for wear on all occasions. m '. i i .. 1 1 . i i i . i . dku'ih in innic, nor aim nei'io inoueis. iiaieriais include servos, poplins, I sod lerd: yranilo crepes, etc. All sixes ".$22.50 AT $30.00 An especially Hiiarl model we show at this price is made of im hlue sore, willi white liaiitlino strijn. Styled .ilonj? simple, plain-tailored linos. iMediuin-leJij,rlh mtaway coat, trinuned with hut tons and haiuK of self-materials. SI irt in deep tiinie effect. Al.so shown in cheiots and other popular materials in latent priu l?5 A A A shades. Ask to so these at 4J)e3'll" AT $35.00 We have never shown a more attractive line of Suits at the price. The assortment comprises every new and wanted style, from the very high bolero effects to the fashionable poplmns. Plain and fancy collars in "hood" and shawl styles, long and three-quarter length sleeve. Skirts in pegtop, tier and tunic models. Juill line of (R 5 C A A leading materials. All sizes i!J)t3J.JJ wpSh 1'Juil SILK SALE 39c This sale comprises our entire stock of 18-inch fancy and plain Mossalino Silks, regular prices (r to 75e yard. Double S. & 11. Stamps. Exclusive Agents for Munsing Un dorwoar; popular prices, 5i)d to McUall rnlloini 2717, Wslit 3701, CUItt l'llfc, is cents each LADIES' BABY DOLL PUMPS $2.50 AVe have all the newest Tan and J Ugh Shoes for spring. Special prices: Satin Pumps $3.50 Velvet J'umps $S.50 Patent Pumps JIJ-OO .Double S, & II. Stamps. LATE NOVELTIES SEPARATE SKIRTS Double Stamps in All Depart monts tomorrow You'll be greatls pleased with the splendid line of separate skirts we are now showing. New plaids, checks, stripes, etc., attractive colorings. Priced, from !jvi.50 to $5. MC CARHARTT'S M BOYS' HOSIERY SALE Special Sattiulay, Bos' Arrow Urand 'Joe Hose, speeial 12 ONYX HOSE FOR LADIES AVe have the Fiber Silks and Pure Silks . .. ..25 to ?1.00 Double S. iV. U. Stamps. $4 00 LINGERIE WAISTS $2.75 Double Stamps With Cash Purchases AVe have the reputation of having the best in Waists, the immense vol ume of our business keeps us con st auth on the move. Something new and fresh here every day. J'or to morrow we offer a special line of dainty Lingerie Waists at a very low price.' Attractive styles in .high or low necks and lungorshoj't sleeves. MUSLIN UNDER WEAR SALE 75c Gowns ....59 $1.25 Clowns. ..98 $1.50 Gowns $1.19 All llin liiuvosf styles, crept andlty canihric. Double s. & rr. Stamps. I W IPS l T yxtff?$Wrifmm WMNBrir lmfttS&ti 4 SmPt.mli Mmfw $1.25 FRENCH KID GLOVES 98c. Double S. & II. Stamps. BOYS' SEPARATE PANTS All sizes, snoeial .50, 75 $1.00 Double S. & II. Stamps, ?w 1 1 -;-n y H