v Wl ' - PAOK TWO '? 1 MKUJiXMfo MAlti 1'KmUNR MUDFORD. OR MCI ON. Kill DAY, MAlWH (I, 1011. l - 1 ifi'i,1; Mother Polar Bear and Cub Swimming Away From Hunters , J l,..k mweiu'ibm.i'i , ., t, iw.es - imjHMf WDRKBEINGRUSHED IN SISKIYOU COUNIY RESIGNATION DUE S . "H w te w OWPh . You Will iitirWl l'"lt" " r,,w l"'""v M,I,K'" ul111 "Hl JVpflkHs uw Fteiich Ciitmn IiuoIh and locoil- uti Waft '"K l(l" lvt mu"l,,' 'li'i''" "d .in Jmjfa K ' ,Ik' ",,,'t Unit como ftoin -B'VT-tKJfft, Why not .tin bo one of Ilium? IBvef'B'a " 'l0Vo ",,,'" henullful hhoes hi M" VfKVlk Imporlud Fiouch mat hid, I'letieh vlw.lvisi bltvek Mitt In. patent colt with chilli tup ' ;idiirA to I) m pp. ' "wi .Fit" ; 10 to J E PARCELS I WRITTEN IN RHYM (Iy David Swing Itlrkcr In Portland Orcgotttan ) As wo urogrcMod southward through Orogon our enthusiasm con stantly grow, but It got a Jolt from which It has not jet fully recovered when wo paused into California. if 1 woro tlio California chamber of com morco, I'd take down that sign that marks the stale line, move It down to the orange groves, plant Virginia creepers nround it or cover it u!i crepo. Hilt, over tho line, hasn't a painted houso in it, Just rough boarded shacks. Wo concluded not to spend tho night In Hornbrook. Wo proceeded to Monlnguo and there took n motor car to Yroka. And thcro wo found a town that gavo us the occasion wc seldom find, to witness the signs of nn awakening after -10 years of slcopi Yroka, long dead, now beginning its renaissance! Yroka, its banks sheltering gold nuggets overflowing trays; gold valued at $4500 In ono piece of rock; gold Btamped at tho mints stacked high I Yrcka camo back to life, a municipal Hip Van Winkle, whiskered by trees that overhang tin streets; In tho samo old clothes, sun beaten, weather-worn, but nllvo! Jnckt-on'd Ikt Cnllc "When Jackson county in Oregon decided to build a good road to tho California boundary line, as tho story goes hcrp, Siskiyou woko up. They decided to call Jackson's bet. Thoy liava done IU Then thoy passed tho buck to Shasta county, south jf them, the ono broken link and tho last county to agrco to tho stato's project. Shasta awoko and at once voted a bond Issue. On May 1 work will bo begun ou tho first unit of tho Sliklyou section from the boundary lino to Hornbrook Juno 1 work wilt bo started on the second unit, reaching from Horn brook to Yrcka, and after tho road way is completed tho Pacific Highway signs will be moved from that dis graceful stretch of nilro that leads to Montague and set up alongsido the 20-foot wldo, cement-surfaced avenue that will crawl through tho splendid canyon of the Siskiyou and meet tho hard-surfaced road of Jackson county on tho mountain top a mile north of Cole. nut tho work of tho stato highway Is net all that is starting Yrcka'a heart to beating again. ' Noel E. Graves, county road engineer, de scribes with nioro than ordinary en thusiasm tho great road loop that .s being planned by tho stato highway commission. This loop forms a figure 8, with San Francisco as tho center between tho two lobes. One lobe will circle south to Los Angeles, sweep through Santa Barbara, and return to San Francisco by way of Fresno and Merced. Uji'mt -Half Arouses Yrcka Dut it Is tho upper half of tho S that has started Yroka's pulse. It embraces tho California coast high way, which climbs up the coast miles inland, sweeps over the ocean at Eureka, and then follows tho Kcd- wood and Klamath rivers cast to Yroka and tho Pacific highway whicii comes up through tho center of the stato, passes through Sacramento, Weed, Slsion and Dunsmulr, and moots tho coast half of tho circle at Yroka, thUB making this tlme-fclt city tho meetiug place of California's two groat stato-length highways. And tho plan will bo a tremendous boon Jo Lower Oregon, too. It means that all travel over both highways will havo to pass over Jacksoii county's splen did road into Oregon. It Is indeed fortunato that tho state highway commission in Its wlsdorn saw fit to shift tho Pacific Highway from its present course and make It pass through this quaint, historic town, the seat or tho county that has produced moro gold than any other county In the world, and which Is still producing gold to such an extent that tho constant bank deposits i3 Yroka average fl, 000,000. r 3 ; ... i H. 'Y'e'-- HK Hi " ... aar t JHUH H,4' 'TIIIIIH ll aH Tho endorsement by colleger, schools and musoums and the play ing of long engagements in some of tho largest theaters In tho Unite t States of the Alaska-Siberia motion pictures assures a largo nudlenco Saturday and Sunday nt tho Page. The polar bear diving under 10 and 20 feet of Ice, struggling after being roped on laud and in water, is considered the most remarkable film ever taken; at times tho struggling animals fill the screen, the hunters tinvlng managed to get so closo to them. It would seem to bo a dnngcrous undertaking to cet within 10 foot of thousands of walrus, rope and harpoon them when you consider tho walrus weigh from GOO to 4,000 pounds. Ono hide, without head or flippers, weighed 1,02 i pounds. Thoy havo a goblln-liko appearance, with bristled snout, gleaming ivory tusks and small bendy eyes, especially whon rolling and tossing in water, at seen In Cacao pictures. Tho juoosc. mountain sheep, doc team training, tho natho cliff dwell ing, Eskimo rolling In skin boats, and Immense bird and sea linn rook eries glxo n complete story of Alaska and Siberia. W C Clark, n member of the oc ncdlttoniAvIII lecture on tho pictures. i THREATEN MAGISTRATES WHO TRY RIOT CASES NKW YORK, Mar. C Because ho sentenced Joseph Albcrs, nn I. W. "W. to 3 days Imprisonment on n charge of rioting, Magistrate Camp bell received today an anonymous letter threatening his own death and tho destruction of Rivcrsldo Drive residences. Tho writer was so sav ago In his denunciation of tho magis trate that much of tho letter was un printable. The Industrial Workers seemed likely to make good their threat to swamp the prisons and police courts with their numbers If their arrest was undertaken. Judicial machin ery was already badly clogged today by the insistence of all those Im prisoned in connection with the re cent Invasion of St. Alphonsus church, on the separate trial of each Individual case. On discovering that William Green, ono of the men convicted, was a Brooklyn teamster with a Job, the magistrate inquired In surprise why the man had Joined the unemployed lu their raid. "Because I was Just a natural-born fool," replied Green candidly. CANON CANDIDATE R DEMOCRATIC DJLY HINT FROM PARIS. DIGGS TRIAL PUT OFF ANOTHER WEEK SAN FHANTISCO, Cal., March 0. Maury I. Ij:, formerly state ar chitect, Jtnd Walter Gilligan, charged with criminally nttiivkiiip Ida I'wir-ring-, aged 17, hcre'N'ew Year's day, were arraigned today lieforu Super ior Judge C'tiumtfcs. Attorney C"oIi Inn, rcprencnling the defendants, dhked for mid was grunted u contin uance for one 'vfCfic; SENATOR O'GORMAN TO FIGHT TOLLS REPEAL OMMHEEMAN Ex-Mayor W. II. Canon, Friday an nuunccd his candidacy for democra tic untlonal committeeman from Ore gon nud filed declaration of his can didacy with the secretary of state. Judge Canon served two terms as mayor of Medford, Is present rutted States commissioner, and member of the stato central committee from Jackson county, lie has always been prominent in party affairs and was United States marshall lu Wis consin under Cleveland. Jackson county democrats figure that they are entitled to a volco in party afalrs and havo encourged Judgo Canon to make the race. Assurances of support havo come from prominent democrats all over tho state. The pretcnt committeeman is Will X. King, who holds a federal Job with the department of the In terior, lio Is said to bo a candidate for re-election. Another candidate Is reported to bo .Milton A. Miller, who alao has a federal Job collector of customs. C.oorgc O. 'Dad" Tlunthj, tho gonial Jnultor of the Hottthurn 1'u i elite depot, whoso duties cotislstod of carting tho mall to and from the diHtt, keeping tho station and out buildings In noat condition, building and keeping tho furnne fires., look ing ntt.r thu string of llrhts on tho right of way and othr duties too numerous to mention in such a umall newspaper. ,tostordayhnudml lu tho following poetical resignatien: A S. ltofcubaum, Dear Sir: I hate served you long nud 1 have served you well. This parcel post la giving mo hod. Tho only way out of It that t inn see, Is to sever my connect lona with 1 tho Kspee. t lift all day and 1 roll all night. For a man lu my fix. It Htiro Is a fright. OKI). (PAP) O. TIMOTHY. Janitor. Mr. Timothy's most strcuuoua complaint Is the Increased poundage of tho malls since tho parcel post wont Into effect. To Tlmoth's In dustrlousness Is partly due Jim fact that Medford received tho gold medal given tho llnrrlmau sistciu for neatness of tho depot and build ings Mo has accepted a better po sition with the Medford Furniture and Hardware company. Some das ago when Mr Timothy complained of tho "hcay lifting" It was suggested that he get a horse Tlmothv said ho wouldn t havo '.he heart to make nny horse do tho wo-k. IbPK '&iv Uv.- -Hfw ' ' jf Hku 4flr i - It, ftwiMt ll U lUMIta-. Wf0 fiS Mi W U,J4 fiWII UUvk vslvvt )m try iimcli uruJ up l( wis side, with rnlaralug vrlv-ft rufflta O.l lh tit; WASHINGTON, March C Sena tor O'Gorman, who will lead th'i democratic opposition to the repeal In the senate. Issued a statement to day saying that while ho yielded to nono in rospect for the president's motives and patriotism, his duty left no alternative but resistance to tho proposed repeal, "If wo must purchase foreign friendship" tho senator concluded, "the price exacted must not Involvo us jn national dishonor and lepudl atlon of party pledges upon which this admiuittratlou sccuied its of fice." STOCKTON PflLICL CHIEF GETS DORR AWARD BOSTON, March (I The chy council of Lyiir voted today to pay tlin jmOO rt'v.urd otloicd for the nr- U't of William A. porr, I'tunictcd of tho niuidi'i' of Jiiiik'h Miir-h, it wealihy houp iniiiiiifiicliiuw d' Unit idt), to Chief of ('(dice Itiiiue of Ktooktoii, Cnl, Thix uieiiiih that tin1 rewnid of rl(ll)ll offend hy .MnuliV relalivcH for tlui huot of IiIh hlnyor iilno will jo ( llriuie, E DISBARRED DY COURT NKW YOUIC, Mar. C Clifford Hartldgo, au attorney for Harry Thaw at tho letter's first trial ou a charge of murdering Stanford White convicted in the appellato ill vision of tho supreme court or spending $3!), 000 to spirit away a girl witness against ills client, was ordered dis barred today. A HAPPY CHILD IN JUST A FEW HOURS When (Vosh, ('instlialiil nr if Fever Mi d'ito "California Syrup of Fig" Then Don't Worry You will enjoy the white ness and lightness of bread made with Cottolene Although less Cottolene is needed than either butter or lard, yet Cottoleho is so much richer that foods shortened with it are always exception ally tender. It makes all foods more diges ttble; Cottolene is more wholesome, more easily assimilated by the human system. Bake bread as you always do, using a third less Cottolene than other shortenings, nnd add a pinch more of salt. You will be glad of the day you began using Cottolene. EBffJa ITHCNK. f AIRHANKCaftMMVl CHICAOO Mothers can rest easy after giving "California Syrup of Figs," because lu a few hours all thu clogged-up waste, sour bilu and formeutl.ig food gently moves out of tho bowels, and you havo a woll, playful child again. Children simply will not tako tho time from play to empty (heir boweis, and the) becopio tightly packed, Iitt getK sluggish and stomach disordered. When cross, foverUh, restless, see If tongue Is coated, then glvo tills de licious "fruit laxative." Children lovo It, and It cannot canto Injury. No difference what alls your llttlo ono if full of cold, or a or throat, diarrhoea, stomachache, had breath, remember, a gcntlo "Inside cleansing" should always bo tho first treatment given. Full directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups are printed on each bottle Ilowaro of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a CO-rcnt hot tlo of "California Hyrup of Figs," then look carefully and kjo that It is mado by tho "California Fig Syrup Cnnipnny." Wo make no smaller size. Hand back with contempt nu other fig syruji. Don't Plaster S BISHOPRIC Saves Money Gives Bettor Results I'm 4rjf I "BkCibT Beautiful Wails and Ceilings Vetter thin old. fathloned 'litli an.pU.Ir"atfoM cottire lnurt Lvthn uinnf tilth. cprlo Wall Hoard. Fuy to spaly Tbouund of homo liulldrn, carpenters and contractor! aru saving tlmoanj inonrr by ulnL "llUhobric" for Interlora of new hou ei, for bulUlntc ptrtitloaa nd (Uiltbiuif up attlo or uatcment roomi. Tha Wall Hoard comes In ilietla I feet fjuare. ready tu nail to atuddlnif. No toola but aw nnd tiammtr neeriad. Ooe on dry. No roiiH. filara itlff-ton't warp. Makcia araootb, sanitary wall, ready for paint, paper, Wri0.,'o,r,,Fr0eefea'n!pF(,.,, n " '"d.- for Mw Houses or Rcmaataltnc Ue CANT CRACK, BUCKLE. PULL airiiBiin c...ii. DUIiOPrlc Wall llaanl l3pri..ii.iniiUn ilio dried lath and beayy.f ibr board. Lalluarnliii. ueoaed in not Aiiibclt Mattio under enormous I i"'""1" """" wan Linaru iiiircr.cUDy lam ,...H) v i.w u i,tu l,4, ji irvouraiaitf liiiiiui'i,! a ,'J'm,Vm "" 0t. WHIM, HUUHU I'l.AtiH ana iimpl,, AllillKJi. ctntral Door ft Lumber Co. tlciaud HunficLutii -"- 4 H(l ClUan HI. -S"' P0MTLAN0, OREGON AUa IJtUbiKlwUfi cl I lil.Li.tdi- .... .. it. ..' a . ' Hit Mtul Uili tl kail il rmi, op O C5 o o o i o Q i S s S cU u th O Xl o O k; . X w M W "w w s S 9 1 See Our Prices F.aly Sunrlm) Folatoos, 100 lbs for no,, l'utv While Flour, per snik l.l.l I'urn Canu dugnr, ts lbs for Ml, no Dry llraitulnted Sugar, 20 lbs. for l.nu A good Ctiffeo for, per lb . u.V Hotly .Milk, 3 cans for -J.v Creamery llutter, '2 lb, for ft.tr a cans Preferred Stock To bin Fruit for rule a cans Del Monte Table Fruit (or '. ... .., ftlie ('referred Htock Tomutoo, i! can for .. . .-. !!. Itollnuce llrniul Tomntuos, '2 rails for ... Ufte Dut Monto llratid Tomntnos, U eaus for U.lo ."Or Jain Jam and Jelly. 2 Jars for Ifto 0 bars 1'earl White Houp for . 'J.tc 0 bars White l'l)iir Hoap for ..... U.lo Kaporatuil Aprlcos, 'i lbs. for ....... .. -.le Haiorated I'eachos, .1 Urn. for .... '-'"mi Kaporatel Apples, pttr lb Hie ShorlKiilug f'onipoiiiul, No. . .. . Jl.1t Shortening Compound, No. 10 M.3 l.U't) thine (hit tnaiUot ufroiiN In fuli I'l tifln iitiil Vi'luliti, i Fouts Grocery Co. :tu.io S. (Vninil rin.no.. U7I.U7U Groceries at Cost 'I'ltt'y juv y;iiij,' rapidly. MultiM' ' ctuiit; today and td soiiH! of tliuni. I Jil? bai'aiu in (lie Kixturt:.. The way tt prove this is a real aft la is to sec tho stock and gtd our prints. Wc (-any j'Minir, h'niit.s, Vcgct aides, .Meat, ('aimed (loods, ele. SID M. NICHOLS iril N. Front. Phone L'()(I-,I. -r t?vV . w. - i Are Cheapest by the Box pm How you Hinnck yottrllpH (ivoriliudcllcloiH tnnir ofn coition "Siinkmt" orauccl DrcnkfnHt would ho n blank without It, "Sunklat" nro tho flneat nolcctctl oranges grown, Kcvilloni. trcvrlpunod, (liln-aKlimud, (ibrdlviM, Plokud, wrajiped in liat.no jia-ior, aud packed ly gloved liaudn. Clemial vl all (nilH. "Sunkbt" Lemon on Fish and Mcale "HuukUt" lemons a.ro tho (Incut fruit selected from tho liebt lemon grovco( Cnlliornla, Mostly iuuiIIchs. Juicier muru cconomlcid lliuu other Icmuni, ''Sunkigt" Orange Spoon Guarantied Roger A-l Standard Sdver platg. Klcli, heavy. KxcluHlvu".Sunklst,,piitt.rii. 27tliUrcnt iiremluim. ....f,,.r, ,l.1!" ""'UJo oon Bend U trndcinari. cut from hiinklot oriinge orlcinon wrappciH and kIx a-eptit Htnnipii. 'Hud Jlnl " orango and lemon wrupncin couut muuo iiu "bunliUt." bend your namo for mir eoniplcto Jn Uutittlat" proiniuw rcular mid I'rvinluiu Club i'liin, 5 v circuit Reduced pricen at your ilealer'oon "SUNKIST" Oranucs by the box or half.box. AfMn -M fill i.r.Uru t. .. I HlvvrwuiuwiiilulUtiirikiKimlriKuiii CAI.IFOHNIA I'RUIT OHOWURI K-.CUANOB, 13') fUI.il. 81., CUr.,. KjjM ," .N VI h K&..