fc-&.,. -.. Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER I'nir tonight nmt rhttNittojr Mux, fl.lj Mill. 1H. rurly.lhlfil mr. Dully KIkIiIIi Ymr MEDKOItD. OKIMON, FUIDAY, MARCH (J, 10M. NO. 290 ' 'r fl'GARfl RESIGNS AS COUNTY PATHOLOGIST TOIACCEPT I DISEASE DUE TO Loral Scientist Placrtl In Chnruc of Experimental, Laboratory mid Flclil Work lor American Smclttr & Roflnlnu Company. Rcsllinatlon In Effect March Headqiini Irrs Will Deal Salt Lake First Work at Garfield Smeller. I'rufoiitiir I' J. O'dnrn, who six jeur m;n lull Hid itiiiir(ni)iit of iiKrlcultiiro In become pathologist fur .Inckson enmity nl a lutlnry of ir.titio n ynnr lin resigned to become chief In rlutrmi of tiKrlculturnl luvcitlg.i Hun for tho American Smelling mid Iti-flnliiK eonipmiy at n nn'nry of lift. HOD ii enr. Ill headquarter,! Mill lio nt Halt I, tike City hut In will have rhnrfto of nil xpiirlmouliil. Inhrntory ntul Mold work connected lth plant Mini iiiilmnl dlsomm iimiIIuhI to smelter nidi muoko In jury iiml conduct exhaustive Into, t lent tiiiiN nt nrlotm smellers opei united by Uih compniiy. I'mfemor O'dnrn In rcrognUcd nil the IiniiIIiik initliorlty In Hie north wtit on urn nrd ntul plnnt dlscnsiw mul In the nutlior of numerous bonks m IiIIkIiI. front ireentl(iii, hortl riilturnl mul nxrlciiltiirnl subjects, nml wim endorsed for the position hy the McKuit Idtt of the dopnrtmo'it of ni?rlculluri nn the best iiuiilllleil ninii hi America for the work In view. DiimtiKe from smelter smoke, Imi produced nn enormous nmoiint of lltlgnllnn nml resulted In closing nov um! smellers. .Much of the tinning) Is ilile to plmit diseases caused by nnrllKKiire mul not iliin to Mineltur fiimos. An oxhnustlvo study of the subject In to he 'ninilv hy Professor O'dnrn, who will hnve chnrgo of the oxperluieut fnruiN nml Inhrntory fn illUlim nml hnve uniler 1 1 1 tit u lnru Muff, Including nn exert pntholoKls'. nn economic ontomuloKtst, n mill export, mi mporloiuod iikHciiIiii. Int. n vetentrlnti mul tnxlcologlsl. o chumlst mul mliiuruloglst. Tim first work wilt he ilonu nt the Murray mul (inrflehl Hineltors nour Salt Lake City, wheru I'rofen Hiir mul Mm. O'Onru will reside, hut purl of the (line will he Npeut nt the Colorado, California mul oilier Mueltem. The rcslKiintlon In ilnteil March I to lake ofict nt once nml Professor O'dnrn will leave In n few diiys. lie In scheduled to report nt Knit Lake (CiintluuiMl on I'iiko 8) NKW YOIHC, Mnr (1. The liner I.UHltmiln. brliiKliiK lionie the Klidm ulrdllut; Now VorU (HmitM mid Chi eni;o White Sox, docked at llu pier hero lit 10 a, ui, today. ThounnndH of perHiuiH welcomed tho tourlHU. The (Ilaula and White Sox re. turned In uploudld condition, All tho plnyern ntilit they wero ready lo Htnrt tho iiennou liuuiedlnlely. Mc draw hiiIiI tho trip had been hiiccch fill flumiclnlly mul Hint thu tcamn were Kroutud everywhere with en tlniHliiHin, Hu unlet Hint "dennniiy" Hcliafer mul Mlko Dunlin wero tho real 111 t h of tho tour, "Tho trip wn wonderful," Bnld MmuiKor .llmmy Callalmn of the Whlto Sox. "TreinuudoiiH erowiU turned out everywhere to hco iib, ntul outliUHlaiini wan Kient. Wo enter tallied tho hlKKont crowd In London. The JapancBe turned out like n reg I lar Ainerlcnu crowd. After (ho Kclo km mo tho ItoyH followed iih (o our Itolol mul the fmiH ronnted nml prnUud iih Juut like homo rolku, "Thu London crowd wan mout eih tliiiHlaiitlc. Aflor tho ncroiul luu Iiik Kliik' deorito Hcemod lo get tho haiiK of I ho tsmuo. Ho wuh J nut iih ileinocratlo iih aiiyoiiu eluo, After ho (old iih Hint ho enjoyed It more Hum any other hpoiIIiik event wince IiIh failier, thu Into Kln Kdwnril. won I lie Dcihy. 0 STUDY LAN SMELTER OWES GLOBEGIRDLINGiBASEBALL PLAYERS WELCOME HOME STOR " HECEIVES M DM AM" HIS WAY FROM" IE SIMG TO TOMBSFOB SECOilUlL Hi BBKr i Bbin7pyyMJBBBpwCWgBPv'r' JMP iatBt tStHw? Ht&Bm BrJNBKKKSBv PkPPPnlDMkHflE?iK. .K WEnHiHMtsiiHliijB dw r -, ,, il ,- . V?J2.:I HOUSE CAUCUS crowds uoLuowiNo il VIMiliiiHKvTHv -Yj " ' " j AS it uAlLlU RAiLraonD station TbT MMMBBfTBftfMH - mT" r-l ' SAYS NATIONAL . MkJlBtiiL Bl ufiMfii) imuldi! cn ' Tmmsam &mmmmi Willi ! I MT. HHHHHMHHaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIHKA: ? RaHHBVrBHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHB Mil BY CANAL LAW(! HfllBiH WASIIINOTuN, Mnr.li (I. (on. uieutiiiu; nn lolloHM, C'oiiri"iiiiii AiIhIIIMIH llHlllttfl o tin Iiimim t In - nflfniiMMi tho eoiHmeri'e commit tc'i iimjorily repoit fitvuriiiK Cimnii'- Siiiik reMolulloti to hIiiiIikIi Aiiitrieuii ftliipiiiny e.xcuintioii I'mmiiiH enunl telU: "We lmo ifeojtuir.cil lhnt lrinl ' tiHilMtiim riHiuireil iiiiiferiu I'uu mini en mi I IoIIh. We are not liw lurlicil hy die inunt (lint rciirnl of Hie Auicncftii exiimnlioii elnuc w ouM ho n InicKliuK mirremlcr to fureimi ileiuumN. Tliere luu .vol lii'i'ii no friction or ulrnlncil ii'lnliiiii vWlli nny rirnlftii xoeriiimiit, hut we Mninl ulniin in Hip whole lmuil of liiitiniis in coiilrmlinic (lint llu-lliiy-l'iiiilicefnite Ireuly ermili ilu etiiniiiutieiiN ill Aliieiieuii nliippiiiK intcrenl' fnvof. "I'ur linlter hIioIMi iell' limn ill low Hie itMltMinl lienor to rmiiuiu ipieMuHieil." Ailniniton pin Inly inlemlvil to do evei.v tiling in hi powiM', lioucvcr, in the iuteiekU of upocil. Ho nn tioiinecil Unit he would attempt bluntly lo net n Mpceinl rule e.M. ililiiitf Uih HM-n leMoluliou. It wui iuteiiikil In make Hi's H Cut hy nlmiit Tuioilnv. HENnY HALL FAVORABLY r REPORTED COMMISSIONER WASHINGTON, Mnr. C, - The koiw nle Inter ntnto coinnierce committee CIiiih Couilskey, (Iimicc of While So, llcceiitly III, now llecoieivil "At Home wo hiiw l'opo IMub anil Cunlliiiil Merry llti Vnl. Tho lul lor knew all about IuihvImiII, thu QHpMH - k. MW4tt. W" W k H Jnsa'BB w iji4..r Nn nFMnr.RATin from I PMBJHBJiBaBHBJiHBJiHBJBBJiHVJBBaMBVBWHBM"" JOHN.LYNCH IKNDI.I:T0N. Oro , Mnr. C Hvery unin'n eye Ik on IiIh brother to day following tho formation nf , law mul order IcaRiio or vlKtlnnco commltleo. Nohmly known who Is i. Hiy mul thone inon whoso btulnesiiQi were attacked l KvnnKClUt Hiilgm Miupeot every, man who pnuttos. FoN lowlnp n number of fervid prohibi tion uieetliiKH, n woman, ald by po lice HiirKcous to bo tompornrlly In mine, i;athored In nn armload of IioKh from tho railroad yard nn.l Htnrtod to aiiinnh clar store win down. Sho wna headed off boforo any damage was done. decided today to fnvornbly report the nomination of Henry Hall of Colo rado to bo mi Intor-Htuto commerio coininUtiloiier. naniCH of the niaiuiKora mid niOBt of thu prominent playem. It nil club owners allowed tho xnnio spirit aa jComlnkcy mul McC.raw In promoting tro cnuiu thoro would bo no Federal Leiiitue. "In places like Hone Kontr and Co lombo tho uatcH were thrown open mul no iidinirtHtou charged. Wo chnrBOd no entrance fco whoro In torcrit In thu Kamo was flat." Mcdrnw Biild Hint ho had b Ik nod Mlko Doullii for a year us a pinch hitter. "Tho first I hoard of tho promin ence buliiK ttlvuu thu Federal League wan when wo recolved a buncli of Ainurlcnn uuwHiniors nt Vnlro," Mc drnw said. "Then Tinker cnblctl Trls Speaker wlillu wo woro in Paris. "Tho JnpB are wild about baseball mul call It their national gaino. Tho Australians aro tcaclilni; thu gamo to their hcIiooIb, anil 1 went out twice mul acted as luwtructor. ' Wo probably will mako a trip lo South America In 1UI5, Thu avur line iiKuiulmicu per gunio on tho trip wiii ten thoumuul. When wo left Manila, Americana who had heuu In tbe 'hIiiiuIh for yearn Htood on I he pier aju wept iih the hunt left. They me wild about the umno In Mmilln, too." MPS. CHftniLES QECKHRl WILSON SET1 GREAT EXAMPLE ASSERTS PRESS LONDON, Mnr. 0. FollowliiK nro tho opinions of throo lending lCnKllsh dnlllua on tho JiieasnKo President Wilson rend to the United States congress yeatordny, "Il Is n groat exnniplc," sntd tho Wostmlnlstor (iniotto, referring to tho president' conro. "If tho poo plo of tho I'nltod Status respond to It. na wo fool confident thoy will they will have done much tiioro than nl Just thu difference between them and tin with regard to tho Hny-lMunco-foto treaty. They will hnvo kot n recodent of profound linportnnco to' tho wholo world." "Whllo ncccptnuco of tho Invita tion to participate In tho Panama Pnclflo exposition wood bo Incoui piirnhlu In ningnltudu with thu high minded net of President Wilson," was thu Pnll Mall Garotte's commont, "tho HrltlBh governmont hnij In Its IiiuuIb to give a tuken of reciprocal good will." Kven tho bitterly nntl-Aincrlrmi Olobo Bpoko In terms or warmest ad miration of thu president's attitude" HEAVY SELLINS OF NKW YORK, March (I. -Heavy selling of Chesapeake & Ohio again marked early dealings in stocks to day, four hundred shares sold nt fiuTi down to .Mt, a maximum loss of l:h. Hock Island also was weak, tho preferred reaching: n new low record at 7:,i. Ihiltimoro ci Ohio dropped 1. Changes elsewhere u re mixed, but slight. Bonds were steady. Tho mill hot closed weak. COUNTY JUDGE MOSES POSTMASTER, CORVALLIS WASHINGTON. .Man-It il. -The iioiuiiiulioiis of Thomas GUI (o he postmaster at Miles (,'ily, Mout., mid of Victor MokDk, to be piislniiisler it I CiirvalliH, dr., wero Hunt to the scii atu tod ay, $15,000 A YEAR FROM SMELTER TRUST CHATaLE.5 e.ECKE.RL By ST. LOt'lS, .March (J. Hmulit robbed .John I.ucax, paymnIcr of the Hamilton llrown Shoe company, of 10,000 in cash nt the comer of Kiglitecnth mul Washington btrocte here today. I.ucns ami It. I). t'or lctt, tiuothcr cmployo, htul just rcaehcil tho factory from n bank with thu payroll. A.s they left the company's mitomobito two mucked men pointed revolvers at them and demanded the money. Lucas turned it over without a word. Thou the bandit leaped into the company' automobile, nml, covering Chauffeur Zngcllior.-t with a kuii, ordered him to drive them nway. O'GARA SAYS FAREWELL TO FRIENDS IN VALLEY To My Friends of the Itogiic ltiver Valley: It is with sincere regret that I (ever my connection with the, inter ests of Jackson county. For some months 1 have been urged to accept a position which gives me greater scope and nt tho same tiniu pro vides mo with ample funds to euro on important work along technical agricultural lines. Therefore, 1 am not leaving precipitately; 1 have had tho matter 11111101' consideration long enough to take into account not only tho advantages of leaving tho Rogue River .valley, but the regrets I )inll always fed in leaving tho best com munity with which 1 have had tho pleasure to work. 1 have boon identified with the in terests of (he Roguo River valley for nearly six and ono-half yenrs, u part of Ibis period being in tho ser vice of the U. S. department of ag riculture. I camo here at a time when, from our present point of view, there wore 110 cities in the valley, and agricultural development was by no means what il is today. I hnvo seen the fruit industry increase in output fully 1.000 per cent, uiiil, at the same time, I have seen tho balance of trade turned in our favor because of tho doelopmciit of intelligent general fanning. Wo are now growing uuiro of all products outsidu oj' our emu- niorcial finiu than we need for homo roiiMiiiiplloii. Hut thu crow Hi of the WASHINGTON. March 0. There continued to be rumors of a demo cratic house caucus on tho repeal proposition, but Conjrrewmnn Durc- 'tnus denied that one was planned. ''Know land assorted that the Sims resolution is incomplete, in thut it fails to eliminate all reference to the exemption of American shipping from canal toll-. The re.-olution re peals the cauiiI law's elauc. which rrads: "No vuols Minll be charged canal tolls while engaged in United States coastwise traffic." The rlim-e Knowland pii.vh wan overlooked provides tolls of 'fl.'io per ton and adds: "For others than I vessels of thu United States and its citizens." Adamson was ureoariuvr the te.tt of tho commerce committee's favor- tnble rvjKirt this afternoon. It wns M-lioiltileU to be n lengthy exposition of tho nnti-freo tolls fight. Know laud said ho would soon have the minority report drafted. Senator I'oindcxtcr of Washing ton introduced a resolution in the upicr house today n-kin;: the presi dent to explain what he meant by his reference, in his canal tolls mes sage, to matters "of even greater delicacies and nearer consequence." E OF WASHINGTON, March (i.-Gco. W. Vaudorhilt, millionaire of New York mid North Carolina, died here this afternoon. He was a son of the Into William Henry Vaudorbilt and brother of Frederick W. and William K. Vanderbilt. Vrof. l. J. O'Gnra Roguo River valley is only at iln bo ginning, and I regret very much that I am not lo lomaiii to sou what time will do, I 11111 leaving the Roguo River val ley, not richer in the world's goods thuii when 1 cume, but far richer in tho uolahlo experiences I have met with and in the ncquuiutmiccship of the most iip-to.ilau community (o Ik found the wot Id over. No mnltor whero I have been I have hoard Med, foul, (he Itoji'iiu ltiver valley, mid Ml REPEAL AVOW REPORTED M House Committee Recommends Pass age, But Measure Will Be Feuffct by Underwood and Other Denw crats Lafferty Adverse. Real Fight to Come In Senate, Where Republican Votes Necessary O'Gorman Leads Insurgents. WASHINGTON, March C In prompt response to President Wil son's request for repeal of American shipping's exemption from I'nunmu canal tolls, the house commerce com mittee favorably reported today Con gressman Sims' resolution granting just what the president asked. Only four of the committee's mem bers Congressmen Dorcmus and Hamilton of .Michigan, Knowlnnd of California nml Lafferty of Oregon voted ngainit the report. Three Democrats Oppone Besides the committeemen who fn vored the repeal resolution, there were three democrats, known to op pose it, who were absent. Tour re publicans voted for the favorable re Mrt. They were Stevens, Escht Willis and Hamilton. The democrats who voted favor ably wero Adamson, Sims, Taleott, Stephens of Nebraska, Ilarkley, Itey buni. Montague mid Decker. Congressman lafferty wns not present .iapcrsorjJjut had asked Ip be recorded 'n7r'opp0sfnr"tiro resolu tion. Congress-tuna Adamson of Georgia will press the resolution's adoption by, thu house, but it rests with Con gressman Underwood of Alabama, who opposes it, to decide, as demo cratic floor leader, when it shall come up. There were indications that obtrtietive tactics would bo re sorted to and it seemed unlikely that consideration of die measure would be possible after the administration's anti-trust urogram has been put through. This meant a delay until Juno or July. Fight Is in Senate Senator O'Gorman of New York, leader of the democratic insurgents against the repeal proposition in tho upper house, said, too, as chairman of the senate inter-occuniu canals committee, that his body, which will consider tho resolution, would not rush mutters. (Continued on rage 8) particularly the people, spoken of in tonus of highest praise. Wo havu had the 1no.1t noted people of Eur ope ns our guests, and they and theirs will not forget tho brighUet spot in all America. The fact that I nm leaving docs not mean that I do not lovo or be lieve in the Itoguo River valley. Wherever I go, and my travels will bo extensive, I shall never forget lo help along a community 'which I deem tho most deserving of praise for tho magnificent showing it lias made in building a real paradise of para dises. Kvcry obstacle has been met with a determination to win, and thu victory in every citso has been com plete. " No tnnn is indispensable, therefore, I do not feel that my departure will at all change your conditions, nor do 1 winh it to. The notable work along horticultural lines must be kept up, and I know that you will bo able to find a man who will help you to continued success. In closing, I wish to fhuiik one ami till of you for tho support you have given uje. Friends I have; nml, after ull, what is greater than true frieud)ilp. Both Mrs. O'Onru ami I most certainly have appreciated the many courtes ies that havu been extended In m over thu past six years, and In leav ing wu will miss you all. Ai'O IllqilO vnlf, MR. AND NUM. V, J, O'GAKA.