fev Medford Mail Tribune WEATHER Fait Mnt.'.ll; Mln. 13. iW SECOND ED1TJ ON MEDFORD. OUKCION, TliriiKDAV, AlAJiCII 0, 11)11. NO. 205 rortylhln! Tr. Onllf ICtNtltll Tour. '... -i - - ' i RESIDENT APPEALS FOR REPEAL CANAL TOLL EXEMPTION D REGULATIONS J 'Ww' . REQ UES T IS BA SED ON MORAL GROUNDS SUPPORT ASKED TRAIN'S FOREIGN POLICY Mr isnne Is Shortest But One on Rec ord Galleries Jammed and Presi dent Followed With Closest Atten tion and Glvrn Applause. Umlriwcoil Declines to Comment, and Thinks Party Caucus Unlikely Adamson Enthusiastic. WASHINGTON, March .". Ill" iliu I" eongti. Tor repeal of li" Pmiitmit canal logulutinu freeing Ainorjean shipping fnim the ll Hi" v ossein (if oilier nations will have lo pay fur pasMigo thiniigh lUr big ditch wiih icud liy Piesldenl Wilson ill person liidnv t ii joint M""iiiii of Imlli houses. It wiii tlii shottc! message lh' picsidcut Iiiih i' addressed to tin lawmakers. It consisted of jut II" words. wns tlm shortest in tin' history "f presidential messages, with tin' single exception nf tli' tariff llllIIU' M'llt III till) IllWIIIIlklTH ll.V cx-Proidcnl Tuft. Cutlt'lli'k Juliiiiirtl The galleries were jimmied. Among llm diplomats wuh Secretary of Stall' Itiynii. Il nut next to German Am luiMtnilor Count on HvritHtorff. Oc casionally ho leaned forum d to wins per mnilintsly to French Ambassador ,luscritud. Knglih AinliiHinl"r Sir (Vi-il Spring-ltiec, however, na- iih sent. In tint president' unlli'ry were MJNrt Mnigarct WiNiiii, Mr. Mull, a white house guiM, ami Corporation Coiuuiissiniier Dnvios urnl his uif'. Tin' senators arri'il lull'. 1 1 wan l'JillO before lliry were nmioiiiii'i'il. Meanwhile President Wilfim had been wailing i tin' speaker's loom, IIU audience listened willi tin' closest atti'titinii while lie was trail ill);. Am ho finished, jiiht at l'JiIIII, theio wiih mi outburst of appliuiM' ami then a hnhldo of discussion. ShiiI,i'I' Clark icfenod I lit message to llic oouuucioo commission. I'lllll'l MHIll OpHIM'S CollglOHNIUIIII I'lllll'nVOUll, till) lll'lll- oornlio llnor lender, ilri'lini'il to com incut on tho address. I In hh id lie thought a pails' caucus concerning IIid ptONiili'iit'x request unlikely, niul plainly imlli'itli'il I lint ho disagreed with tin) chief executive. Cliairiuan AlllllllSOIt, I'llllMCII IIS till' president's spokesman in tho house to ili'lialo on tho canal loll proposition, wns em phatio In his approval of tho admin-i-ti iiIIoii'm altitude. "I wns ph'MMfil with tho message," ho Hllill. "bci'llllHC It's tho sqUIIIC thlii); at hiuiiii niul iihmnd. Tho charge that worn suiTcndciing to England is a damned lio. We'll now loponl that ploco of insoality." Tho inldrosN' IiihI sentence wiih Kfiifrally finiHliloifil hit,'iiil'irunl. II wiih taken iih a vfiletl ii'lVronco to tho 'I'i'sI(1oiiI'k iu'kuiivlcili;fil tlrxiri! to nci.'i'do to I'luKlnml'ri wlxhi'H rrln tivo to fiinul toll iih a uifiuiH of In- (Contlnuod on rnco 0) ADMNIS LONDON, Mitri'h fi. -Their i-imih'h thai tho lliitihh iivoniiiiciit rei'oii-f-iilcr Iih ili'dhlou not to ho officially ii'pi'fHi'iitfd ul tho San Krancihoo ox poHllion wiih hniiileil lo I'remiur Ah ipiilh today liy n I'oiumillfo ehoHeii from iiinoiiK llni :I"i(I-im1iI memlioi'H of (ho hoiiHii of fOimuoiiH who hIkiioiI tho petit Ion IiihI evi'iiliiK'. Nearly all llio IiIhIi nml hihor iiii'iiiIii'ih, half of tho I'oiiHerviillvi'H mill nioro than nun I lit i (1 of tint lllii'inla Huhni'tihi'd lo tlm H'llUl'lll, "LANGUAGE OF TREATY CAPABLE OF BUT ONE INTERPRETATION, ANO THAT INCLUDES EXEMPTION OF CANAL TOLLS" CoiitloiiiDii n( C'oiiKreM: I Imvo ioiiii) lo you on nn orrmul wlilrh rna lm wry lirlofly irformml. Inil t Iiok von will mil iiicniiirc Dm Importune, lit tlm niunlior of ifiilcnruji la whlfh I litlf It. No cotiiiiiiiiilriitloa Hint I hnvi iiililromunl lo coiiKriMi linn inrrlfil with It a morn rhiw or fnr-n-nililaK linpllratloii to tlm lnUTCti of tho fouiitr)', win! I roiiin now lo npi-nk uuiii a iimtlor with nwnnl to which I ma clitirKnil lo a pofullnr iIokm-o, 1 tho coiiilltiitlou Itucir. willi piTHonnt ri'i()iiKllilllty. I foniii to ml: llii! ri'imnl of that provlHlon of llio I'niiamu rannl nrt nf AiikuiI 21, III2. which fxniiiiln i'hhi'U i'iiKtt:'il In coiwtwltio trniln of Aiuorlni from tho pay n( of toll ami to urKo mciii ou tho JimtlfH nml wIk.1oiii ami luri'o Uvy or mii'h a n'pfiil with tho utmost pnnii'Htnoiiii of whlrh I am inpuhlo In my own JuiIkuii'IH, inatiinly formril nftor cnrcful coimlilcrntloii, I lmlltio that oxomptlon ronntllutin a iiiUtnkiiu fcotioiiilc polli-y from iiwry point or low nml In, tmin-ovnr, In plnla fontrnvfiithm of tho irimiy with (Jnmt llrltnln romoriiliiK tho tnnnl, iiiiirluiluil Nouiabnr is, 1001. Hut I hnvi? not roiim hoforo you lo urco my pirnonnl vlw. I romo to Rtnli to you n fait niul a iltuntlon. Wlmtcwir limy ho our own differ ntiri'H of opinion coiiri'ruliiK thin inucli-deliated miniiiro. It mcnuliiR U not ilolmtcil iiiiuIiIh of tlm Utillfil Htnto. KvirywhtTi' cIrh tho lanKuaga of tho treaty Ir Klvt-n hut oim latorpretntloii, and Hint Interpretation Includes tho pneiiiptlou I nui urUIiik you to repent. We ronieiitod to tho treaty; lt latiKiinRn wo accepted, It we did not orlsinato It, nnd wo nro too big, too powerful mid too Relf-reRpectliiR n nation to Interpret with too Rtralnod or refined nmdliiK the wohIr of our own promUoH Jut becatuo t"o fiaw power oiioiikIi to rIv iir leavo to rend them nn wo pleaio. The larRii thliiK to do Ir tlm only thliiK wo enn nfford to do, and that U a voluntary wlthdrnwiil from a poRltlon oserywhero cpicRtloned nnd mlundertood. WiMiiiKht to mwrn our iictlon without rnUliiK tho queRtlon of whether wi nrn rluht or wroiiK, nnd mi once mom deserve our reputntlon for KeiicroRlty nnd redomptlou of every ohllxnlloti without iiiilhhlu or heRltntlou. t .l 11. 1. nl ..ii lii aiiininrl nf lln. fiiri.lL'n millrv of Illv nillilllilMtntluil. I tilmll nut know how to deal with other mattery of even Rrcntcr delcacl.' . - I .. .1.... ii.mil It Irv til.. In mm iitnilliplri9 nun iiinrvr ci'uviiiuiuu n jum uuu inonsiiro. REVOLTING TALE TOLD RESCUERS BY WHITE SLAVE I'OltTI.AND, Ore., Mar. 6 Toll Iiik a "lory of tho moat rovoltlm; and hldeoiiR character over lUtoiied lo liy tho federnl iiuthorltleH. Ileryl 1'n tlenco Trait, who told Deputy Culled Hlutim Attorimy llockman her Brand father wim a hli;li official of Iho Mor mon church, wim cared for hero today whllo Nick l'loiiuiaH, n (Ireok, wa lockea up on whllo iilnvery charKe Tho clrl until her homo Ih In 1'rovo, tltnh, and hecniiRO of Jier mother'R poverty vim hnd koiio to work In a reRtniirant at Halt l.nko City. Chime Iiir to meet I'loiimus there, vim vayit hho wiih led to marry hlni, tlm rero hiony holiiR performed at ORden. Im modlntoly. Mm until, her llfo ot Mhnmn li.'Kiin. Kim decliirt'd that l'loiimnB iitartml with her for rortlnnd, Btop pliiki nt every vtiitlon wlmro thore wuro (Ireok Inbororv and ronipelllni: hur to Miibmll to loatlmomo ntrocltlea. At l.a (Irnndo, OreRon, alio wna ros filed by Jim locnl nuthnrltloH from n Kroup ot rnllrond track laborers. neckmun declare ho has imvor heard or vuch depravity iih tlm girl's story, told nlniont hysterically, Indi cated, SENATE TO DEFEAT WASHINGTON, Mar. 5. That, tho woman's vuffniRO resolution probably would bo defeated In tlm Honato was admitted by Sonntor TlmmuH, ono of Its Biipportors, this afternoon. POST'S TRAIN FIVE HOURS AHEAD OF SCHEDULE TIME KIMIHIitiY. Kim., Murdi 5. Five lioui'ri ahead of Hh M'heduU'd time, Iho Bpceial Irniii eiirryliie; CliarleH Y. Pont to HoeheHler, Minn., nrilvi'd 1 1 n re at 'J o'olook IIiIh afleriioon. The mow wiih ordered here lo make ev ery effort In Rdt tlm Hpoeinl into KiiiiHiiij Cily liy 8 o'clock thin even-iU' i hini iv iu u mmd..wo" ARMY OF HOBOES FORCED TO MOVE BY ARMED POLICE OAKLAND. Cal Mar. C Tho unemployed "army," numbering 600 men, which Mnrted from San Fran-cIki-o Tuesday afternoon on n march to WiiRhliiKtou and camped at Kmery- llio. nu Oakland suburb, was started on tho move to lllclimond In cars of tlm street rallwny company this mornliiK at 3 o'clock. When tlm men awoko today they found thorn selves surrounded by a cordon ot po llco, deputy Bherlffs, and rlflomon iiumberlUR more thau 200, nnd hnd no choice but to obey tho order to leave, "Oenernl" Kelley, deinnndlul: that lm bo arrested, was left behind with his camp material nml tho ImgKaKO ot tlm nrmy, tlm police not Riving Iho unemployed inou tlnm to pack up. Lathnpi, a lieutenant of pulley, went In search of an attorney to start Ifiinl proceedings to rolustalo the army In Oakland. Chief of I'ollco Petersen In nn Interview with Kelley, told the lat ter that lm must Ret out or lie would bo "thrown out." It Is said that about 250 nt the nrmy Jumped from tlm iiiovIiik cars after they left Kmoryvlllo and es caped. tho'nrnileH nro camped at Kast Hlclimoiul HolKbts. about four miles from tho conter of the city, thU af ternoon, Thoy nro surrounded by nriuod pollcenion and deputies. Tho armlos probably will bo ordered to continue on their way tomorrow. T MEMPHIS, Tenn., Mareli 5. -riuudo AnileiHou, eahhier of the Mercantile hank, wiih urreslcd today on five KTiind jury indietinenlH, fhni'KiiiK eiuheziilemeut, Rtund lar oiuiy, fraudulent hreaeh of tnint, mnkiii!,' 1'iiIho reporlH and leeeiviiiK deposilH when he knew Iho hank wiih liiHolveut. llu will be admitted to bull, MEMHBANKER ADM I HAL DI'AVKY IS U:FMt. 'ijWrJrrrrrrrrrI P "VHlimlRRRRRRRRRRRH rrrrWI ''sSP'rBrrrrrrrrrrrrHrI Hi 'i 'XV RRRRRRRRRBRH rrrHAI WLrrrrrrH W n'-lVHRRRRRH K't 'MsWrBrrrrrrHrrrrHrrrrB ' WK' IBIllRmRRRRRRRRRRRRBRBRRRRRRRRRRR . y diU 't.v1'. urlknHRBaRBaRBaRBaB r . j. HHli. ia i3uwrBvbrsrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbH ' '"'bvbrh.'JIrrirhrbKIbIrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrH rV'VrbHrbrbhbkIsr&VrHQrpbkW 'arbrbV i. 4vti", 5RR3Sy aX vLbrbrbw i V WV- i'-TaRHM"BBfel N J. aRBVRBVRF - w-!'r7J.i.t..RRlMRBBMBK X qV iHrb rbbbbSJrbrb1rbrbrbrbVbrbrb!rbrHrbbrbV C VRkR JBlBlr. -i4BBr E 'j&A. rbrbrH BBBBBBbVbWBBhV H BBBhHHbV m llSPBBBB y , BBRBBBBBBBHValBBNflBVBBBBBV RWB a BBBBBBBBHlBBBBBflBBfeRBBBIl IJ "l ' IN. V RbHQ ArMiAu ; 1 IVJI -' Xbbbbbbb'Br' GtOQZU PCWEV Count Print i ltoeic w, the Herman naal wri'er, recently made a per Minal uttntl; u l -i. IK we,, ta.l ns Inn a LniKgart and a teller of halt iruilm, ami .m lit r fcjiu RcniT.ii y citeenuil In his own country. The ultii' k it Vdiinnu I eiy iu In res ml to the vtutenientv uiado by him In liN mitnliliv iwiu.ir.iuii, the Ucr.iun fleet at Manilla lu the SianUh Americiii War i IMJS. WOMAN CUT INTO Tl .STOCKTON. Ok, Mnreh '. Cul into thirteen pieces und cowed in RUiinyiiiekx, the body of K-ther Crotrer, a white womnn of the demi monde, who went to Holt Million i week iiro mid was lnM m'iui mini: Jinjj with Iho ChineM) of the delta section, was itoiiud hixt ewuiiiK Minkeii in TuippeiV hlouji, about a mile and n half from tho liou-e of Wall l'oii;, while he i believed to huve been intirdoied. Yen Zee, a Cliinoe luitlier, who-)' hliop was loeitted in front of PdiirV limine, U in jail mi' diinpieiou. Wall Pong, the used Celitiul who, indue ed the Crotxer woman to come to Holt, has been ui.v8teiioiir.ly micsiii: since tho duy she was hist neon alive. Hloodhtnin-i wire found on the wall and flour in one corner of Zee's simp. The fiotzci' woman had a mother, brother and sNIer lilu in flniss Valley. SEATTLE WILL TRY SKATTI.K, Wash., March ."i. - Se attlo iippent'n likely ithiii a year to lm the next citv, and the liii'Kf-d, to adopt the city inaniiRor form of rov ernnient. KxpressioiiH ohtuined to day from tho fifteen freilmldeit. elect ed Tuesday t friinio n new chiiltei' for the city indicates a de cided majority in favor of the cily muuiiRvr plan. William lliekiimu Moore, fiumer mayor, who received tlm largest vole minim; the fifteen, mid who is likely to lm eliiilimiiu of the lioiiul, Ih nil nilvociilu of tlili, syn tun of muuivlpul yovvrumuiit. fTEEN PEES SUNK S LOUGH CAIJJCD "BRAGGART' RAIN BUSINESS F T WASHINGTON, March 5. The oMslenee of n bi' iiiterloekinj; or ganization of Minuesotn j;rnin ele vator owners, conuiiWsioii inereluints hud millers was charged today by Attorney lleujiiiniii Drake of the Kipiity Co-uperalivo e.eliane, Min-nc!ioi-i, a witness hefovo the house niles cominittcc. Tho elevator propiietors, he as serted, own more than half the coin niission hoiisiw which supjmsedly represent the formers. Ho told the committee that the orKiiniintloii con trols the situation so effectively that there is no competition in the. j;rniii linyiiiK hus'uess in the territory trib uturv to Minneapolis. MISS WILSON FALLS AND INJURES SELF WASHINGTON, March Ji.OwiiiR to the effects of the slight Injury she suffered from a fall on one of the white house polished iloors, Mrs. Wilson is unable to ho In Iho presi dential nailery in the Jmiise, or rep resentatives today when her husband read his message to congress. The ligaments of ouo foot were strained. It was slated, however, that the pa tient would ho out in a few days. ALL ALASKA SHAKEN BUT DAMAGE SLIGHT FA1IM1ANKS, Alaska, March fi.- Itcpoits from interior points today Indicated that Tuesday night's earth ipiiiko wiih felt throughout neatly the whole of Alaska. So far ns could bo learned there was no damage UNDER CONTROL 0 ELEVATOR HLIERTA WANTS TOS E TOM i Mexican Government Hastens to Ac. i cept Invitation Sent Out liy Oueen Wilhclmlna for Conference Next Year. Untied States Merely Initiated Move ment and Mexico Happened to Be Included in Invitations. MEXICO CITY. March .V-With-ont nu nccoiiipmiying word of com ment or explanation the foreign of fice today issued the following- state meiit : "The Mexican government has nc centctl the invitation of the nresi- dent of the Tailed States lo reach nn agreement in rcrnrd to the prc- litniiniries for a pence conference i next year at The Hague." Iloth Ini.ed State- Chart'c ilAI- fnires O'Sliaiu-hacssy mid Mexican officials refused to dUctiM the an nouncement. Sent by Wilhclmlna WARMIN'OTON. March .V Presi dent Ilucrtn's invitation to partici pate in a pence conterence came from the Queen of Holland, it was discovered this nfternoon. AH thti Pnitoil States lniil to do with it Wllr) to initiate the movement "for another conference. In giving out her invi tations Wilhelmiuii included Mexico. WASHINGTON, .March 5. Presi dential. Private Secretary Tumulty said frankly today that ho h:d no idea what tho Mexican government meant by U announcement that it had accepted an invitation from Washington to take mrt in peace conference. It was tho first he had heard of it, he declared. Soft l'eilul Still On The administration wns still firmly soft-K'daliiig Mexican debate in cou- gress, but how long it could continue to do so was doubtful. Senator Fall of New Mexico and other lawmnkers who favor intervention were known to he preparing for nn attack on the president's policy and it was not easy to sec how they could lm kept much looser in cheek. In fact, Senator Fall announced that he would speak Saturday on n resolution demanding information from the president concerning the steps taken to protect Americans in Mexico. At the state department it was in timated that tho administration in tended to ignore the fiery utterances of Governor Colquitt of leans. topolSmttle PROVES TO BE FIASCO MCXICO CITY, Mar. C Yestor dny'8 naval battle at Topolobampo between tho gunboats Taniplco, with a rebol crew ana Morelos uud Guer rero, manned by Federals, proved a fiasco. Tho shooting was dqno ut tremendously long range, with Tani plco Inside and tho Mqrelo aud Quor roro outside the harbor, not n bull's oyo wag scorod and after 30 mfnutos firing tho two Fedoral craft steered oft Into tho (hilt ot California. OF DF.NVF.lt, Colo., March 5.Their investigation in the strike iu tlm Col orado coal fields, completed, the members of the congressional com mittee of inquiry arrived hero today from Walsenburg. They would not givu out any conclusions pending the preparation of their foiinal repoit, The paily expected to leave for tho cast Sunday nlaM r Monday muni-ik'. MCA m XEW rORTIlATT OF MRS. J01LY WARD F 'Hbbbbb 'i t bVbVbVbbA ' brrW? JbmTc 'bhb A w y -jbrbrrrb.' I I 'M. JbkV BtBBBK1. . ' .PSbbbH'.'I bbbbbbbbWI ' BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRHr I I JbUHPbrK' ' ' T bbbV bKt h9-IJbbvbbV ' BBBBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBBL -, r ..I.I.IH..I.I.H:-'4 BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaJBaaaJBaL " BBBBBBBK' 1 BBBBBBBB'.' ' bIbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrb.bE.'' ILeJian. Mca.JDHM.WABP- ThM striking portrait of the Hon. Mm. John Ward Is ono of tho drypolnt etchings of tho well known French nrtlat, Mr. Adrlcn Ktlenne. Mrs. Ward, formerly Miss Jean T. Itcld. Is tho only daughter of the Into AmbaRador to Great Britain and Mrs. Whltelavv Held. Her husband Li n brother of the Earl of Dudley. Hbo was married In Loudon on Juno 23, 1003. TO E CASE AT ONCE EIj PASO, Tex-., March .".- Geuer nl Cnrriuizn'ft Ilcntou case investiga tion committee wns arranging the preliminaries of itn work at Juarei'. today. Tlierti seemed likely to he considerable tune lost, however, most of the members of the court martini which tried the Englishman, ns well us most of tlm other witnesses being scattered at various nrmy outposts, so that it will be difficult to get them together. The Miinu comiiiislvn was sched uled to look into the case of Uustnv Hntich, the Gerinati-Americmi, ulm, following his arresf nt Juarez, charg ed wiih being a federal spy, disap peared and has siueo been repealed Iv rumored lo have died facing a rebel firing squad, desplto Genoral Villa's ussei lions that ho had been released. It was not known whether the llenton or the lkiuch case would bo taken up first. Seventy minor officer, of the civil branch of Cnrrnnzu's government ar rived at Juiivez last night with it car load of records nnd established head quarters nt, the y.iwt out house. The cabinet, iu;liipaniedby mi escort of 'JOOO soldiers-, "wan due to leave 'og ak's for Jipuez to(hy - ; ' FROM INCOME TAXES RANA BENTON WASHINGTON, Mar. 6. iHtamat revenuo collectors reported by 'tele graph today to the treasury depart inent. Their report) Indleated that tho rovenuo derived frOHi hmxV taxes for ten months, lu 19)3, hstli z or with tlm rorprtk)H 1, mmhh4 total u little Iw tbH fl9ft,9),. ' a