Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 04, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Tlio Demecrnllo Times, The Medford
Mull, The Medford Trllmn. Tii South,
rn OrcRonlnn. The Ashland Trlbunn.
Office Mnll Tribune nulldlmt, 2B-X7-3
North Kir streets telephone T.
Official Paper of the City of Medfonl.
Offlclnl t'apor of Jackson County.
Kntrrcd ns socoiuI-cIrss matter at
Mfdfnrd, Oregon, under tho act of
March J, 18.
One year, by mnll . - 15.00
Ono month, ty mall .80
Per monih, delivered by currier In
Medford, Jacksonville nnd Cen
tral Point .80
("atunlny only, by mall, per year S 00
Weekly. Tmr year.. . . . 110
Willi MctUonl Stop-Over
i I i
SBATTLK, Wnsh., March J. With
five oul of L'81 precincts t-ttll m
injr, tlio unofficial returns nl noun
totlny tdiowcd (lint Hirom C. Gill de
feated J. 1). Trcnliolme for ninyor by
jn,!42 mnjority. Gill received 3fl,.",14
votes nnd Treiiliolme 22,572.
llnth tlio total vote received by
Gill nnd bis majority arc the largest
ever received by nay nrevioiw candi
date for mayor of Seattle. The pre
vious record was held by George W.
Dilling, Mho defenlcd Gill in the re
call election of 1011 by more than
0000 majority.
Gill carried every ward in the city
with tho exception of the tenth.
Tho election was featured also by
the Hwcepinjj majorities received by
Councilmcn llobert B. IIcAketh and
Oliver T. Krickon (re-elected),
lending champions of municipal own
ership, nnd the defeat of Councilman
Hurry Hniskevith, ngniti'it whom the
Public Ownership league made a
btrcuuous cnmpaipi.
Itcttirns from 2."9 precincts show
tho election of Kohcrt 1). Heskcth,
Oliver C. Ericlxon, C. Alan Dale,
for the three-year term for council
lean, and C. I). Filrgcrnld for the
two-year term. The. remaining can
didates for two-yen r terms arc Nor
man IS. Abrams and Ira I). I.uudy.
Thev nro only twenty votes apart.
J. K. Bradford, Harry Carroll nnd
Kd L. Terry were re-elected coqw)
ration counsel, comptroller nnd
treitMircr, respective! v.
SKATTLK, Wash., jrareh -l.-Thc
jicojiIu of Seattle indicated by n ub
Htantial majority at yescrday' elec
tion that they were in fnvr of com
mission form of j;ovuruiiieut. They
wero nsked to vote on this miostieu:
"Aro von iu favor of having the
charter revised i an to provide
commission form of government"
Official returns from 81 out of
281 precincts show that I'JL'Jl voted
in tho nffirmntivu and 11310 voted
upiiusl commission -;o eminent.
Theio woro ulso elected fifteen
freeholders who will meet in ten daj
to n draft the city charter.
Eaglo Point W. C. T. U.
Saturday, IVbrunry 28, wur the day
npp nntcd for our send-monthly meet
it fg. ,hich was well uttcudi-d. There
was : kooiI deal of interest shown iu
our union. Belioviut; iu the efficacy
of our watchword, "I'ducntc, Aiiitiitc
nnd Orpmizi," wo nro plauniiif; a
piod deal of work for our union, and
c.pcct to execute us well ns jiliui. Tlk'
en iiho is n glorious one, mid there
ou'ht not to bo any Inuin bch'nd.
Ilut work wo must, ciilhusias'tically
for our convictions.
Alter iittondiiiK to the business
Dart of our mui'tiii". theru wns some
lively discussions on various topics
pertaining (o tho temperance cause,
mid soini) excellent leadings by dif
Jcrent nicinburs which wcro very in
tcicstiii),'. Wo then ndjoiinied our
lucutiuj; eiulier tliini usual iu honor
of oiiu of our most loved members,
Mrs. William Knighton, ns wo wished
to BiirprihO her by sorviiif; lunch and
trcntiii),' her to n haudkcrcliief shower
on her (18th birthday. After a few
hour of inorry conversation nnd
congratulations on her lon and well
Hpcnt life anil wishiuj; her many re
turns of tho Impjiy event and pray
in that (lod'rf choicest blessJii),' lalKhl
nlways bo JictV, w lliuu adjourned'
until niir nxt meeting.
THE Orcj-oiKsuimmio oourt appeared this week for tho
first time in gowns,
Gowns nro a survival front medieval customs, a voliot
of tho dark ajjos. Tluy wore probably adopted wben
British courts were first instituted in tho days of tho early
Courts woro first households of a royal monarch, and
the king tho chief justice. As late as I'M ward IV the
monarch sal on tho circuit. Not until tho barons forced
lung John to sign the Magna Charta was the court really
divorced from royalty, and not until dames 11 fled his
throne were courts free from royal caprice.
"When .John day first took his scat as chief justice of
the federal supreme court in "February, 1700, he wore a
robe of black silk, with salmon-colored facings on front
and sleeves, the robe of a doctor of laws at Dublin univer
sity. The associate judges woro plain black roborf, which
have since boon worn by till members of the court.
hi the early days it was adjudged necessary to impress
the people with the dignity of office. Hence gorgeous
panoply wsis the order of the day. Tho courtiers were
gaudy, the soldiery ornamental and the serious and sol
emn dispensing of justice demanded a becoming simplicity
and solemnity in apparel. IJeuce the judge, like the exe
cutioner, was robed in black.
The robes may servo psychologically to impress the
attorneys with the dignity of the court. AYhat other ef
iect thev can have is doubtful. "Whv thev wore donned
at this late day, unless to gratify the vanity of the wear-
ore, is a puzzle. They surely
or the learning of the court
of the law. Gowns are a step
an outgrown era.
Our courts are musty enough without, making them
outwardly, as inwardly, blind followers of tradition, pois
oned by the prejudice of precedent.
WJIAT is the use of all the of torts made to plant shade
trees and make Modioli! a city beautiful when tho
wholesale mutilation of shade trees is permitted by the
removal of an old barn-like shack not worth half of one
branch it destroyed'?
Such a shack was moved Sunday from liiversidc ave
nue over the Bear crook bridge and out East Main street.
Hundreds of branches, large
the shade trees that line this
trees were split, in some instances, and irreparable dam
age done. The growth ot years was undone in an hour.
The damage to the trees
across the street was cut. Power was shut off from tho
entire east side on account of it. All. the cross wires just
strung for the new trolley line had to be cut or taken down.
The shack completely filled the street and forced travel
to side streets. Half of Medford was inconvenienced.
The eitv council has no right to permit the wholesale
destruction of property to accommodate some bargain-
hunter who wants to stive the price of building it decent
structure. The using of public thoroughfares for the re
moval of shacks, with the accompanying destruction of
property, should cease. Even when set on si new founda
tion, the structures are seldom safe for human habitation,
and could not be utilized under a strict building law.
Uncle Sam Importing ForeignPlants
to Aid the Farmer
It Is tho object of tho of flea of i tlio old goodling ulockn, ami there
forclRii iced and plant Introduction fore can bo grown fattier north,
of tho department of agrlculturo to x,0 r00t of this peach is tho lm-
oxncrlment with lecda, plants and
fruits from foreign countries for tho
purpose of discovering such as might
bo economically vatuablo to tho fruit
growers, gardeners, and oluor agri
culturists of this country. During
tho 1G years that this office has been
In existence over 34,000 Introduc
tions have been scattered over the
United States. Many ot these, of
course, have been failures owing to
somo unforeseen condition of soil or
climate which hindered tha proper
development of tho new plant.
Others, howover, havo been great
Among tho fruits and vegetab'cs
that promlso much, although they
liaxo only been recently Introduced
here, aro tho mango, tho date palm,
the Oriental pcrklmmon, tho avocado
(commonly known ns the alllgntor
pear), tho papaya, tho Cliluew) Ju
jube, and tho dashecn.
Tho mango Industry has already
attained some degrco of development
In Florida. Last year 300 dozen of
niio variety woro sold ut $3 per
There nro over 100 varletlcfi of
dates now growing In tho govern
ment gardens In California and Ari
zona, from which tho suckcro are bo
Ihk distributed to prospective plant
era. When tho dato plantations of
the fur west romo into full bearing,
as they should In ubout 10 years, n
superior date, now unknown on our
marketn, wilt probably find Its way
to tho tables of the poor as well is
of tho rich.
Only recently tho experts of this
office havo discovered that in Japan
an artificial method Is employed of
removing tho objectlonablo pucker
which our native varieties of per
simmons postess. Now, the offlco is
working out methods of Improving
tho Oriental persimmon. It has alti'j
Introduced n seedless and puckurleju
persimmon from China.
A now Chlnosu peach stock hag ro
ccutly been Introduced by this of
ficii which hns proven hardier thun
do not increase the wisdom
or aid in the interpretation
backward into the realm of
and small, wero torn from
tine residence street. The
was not all. Everv wire
portant part, as the fruit Is not edi
ble, but varieties of our own peache
aro being successfully worked upon
tho hardier Chlucso root. This Is
now being tried out in Iowa. Tho
office Is preparing to dlsti Unite this
jears about 20.000 roots to nursery
men and fruit growers who will work
otho varieties of peaches on thes.)
roots and set them In their orchards.
Tho Introductions of this offlco aro
not confined to fruits and vegetables
New poplars, willows, and other
sdiado trees, which 20 years ago
were unknown In this country, now
beautify our avouues as a result of
Its work. After hovural unsuccess
ful, attempts tlio timber bamboo of
tho Orient Is being Inrtoduced In tho
southern states. Already there aro
sniaSI groves In Louisiana, Califor
nia, Texas and Georgia. Thuro Is no
plant In tho world that can bo put
to to many uses as tho bamboo.
This offlco sends out agricultural
explorers to various parts of the
world as occasion requires for now
fruits and plants. It kcops In touch
with botanists, scientific Institutions,
and commercial firms all over tho
world. It Is now Iu a position to so
euro quickly from any part of tho
globe any plant on which It may de
sire to experiment.
Whllo considerable outlay Is some
times necessary to make now Intro
ductions, practical results to tho fruit
grower, gardener ami farmer more
than Justify expenses. Ono of tho
most striking Introductions of fruit
over made by our department of
agrlculturo was that of tho seedless
orange. Tho value of this crop Iu
California Is now over 110.000,000
every year. .Villous of California
tiavel orange trees aro the descend
nuts of tho few that wero Introduced
by tho department In the seventies.
This was beforo tho establishment of
tho special office, which has now
systematized tho work und developed
It Into ono of tho Important feature
of the department,
Si Thinks Sunday
To the Kdit-.r;
I lime iiover heard Billy Sunday,
m nm not upholding his work fiom
pof-oiml IVcllitff. Yet front till re
xrls tend and from individual in
Mnnecs Hint wurw wiittcu In me of
Reed that he hits done, of the num
ber of families Unit hud been sepa
rated, principally by drink, nnd that
his M'linons were liMitiiuctituI in
iiitttiuir, it appears to mo credit i
due him.
You must admit Hint in a city the
sine of I'itWuin there niv many in
telligent people, and he bus- nut only
converted many lowly, but nl many
of intelligence. You also mtil ad
mit, if on would be liointM, Unit
when people attend church instead
of picture shows, on Sunday, it wii
better for them, also has n better in
fluence in the community.
As to his coinnn-'rcialixiuir salva
tion, no one could approve. The sire
of the check presented him nl the
cloe of the meetings did not appear found any, Wc gft what we no af
tu me to be the tight thinir. hut was'ter, 1 have been told, but believe
told by sivcrnl who li.ive heard him there uc few niies that would nol
elsewhere, that his wiiikitn; force is he benetited bv ti .Miod revival,
large nnd he is under heaw expense MBS. V (1. 1. 1 ST.
WASHINGTON, Mrch -I. - John
Bas-ctt Moore rorignvd today as
counsellor for tho .state iloimrtiiicut.
It was stated that lie did so to tin
dcrtuke I'arucgic pence foundation
work. That the Mexican siiunlion
hud anything to do with his resigna
tion was denied. ,
When named for the post lust sum
mer Moore would not promise to
serve more lliuu a 'ear.
Miss Bcshic Warden, from hi.
Louis, Mo., is training about sixlv ot
our best uud brightest children Irom
:i to I) years old to lake part In a
"Tom Thumb Wedding" Friday eve
ning ut S o'clock iu the Presbyterian
church. This is u home taleut 'ii
lettaimuent under the niispico of the
Ladies' Aid of the church.
Weather Forecast
Oregon Touiwht and Thursdav,
fair east, cloudy west portion; prob-
ably rain; vnriablo winds, mostly
i- m. .. .... i....
i-crtiiiiY i-AiH-ri omii.g.
D. I', (,111am, ono ot the specialist
In tho fertllUor depnrtmimt of tho
Union Moat company. North Portland,
Ore., will bo In Medford this wee.'c
for n few ilnys. In tho business In
terests of his company. Mr. Clllani
has mndo n special study of fertiliz
ers applied to the fruit Industry. All
fruit mon In Medford and vlclnl'y
aro Invited to consult with Mr Oil
lam during his Ills Ideas an I
ftiggcfltlong will be practical nnd use
ful. While in Medford, Mr. ailla:u
will make his headquarters at tho of
Ico of the Itoguo Blvcr Fruit fc
Produce Association.
2 for 2S ecatt
CSuvlt Flo-ff A Co.. Inc. Mali-or
A team ran pull ns big a load with
It us any other harness and cannot
Itijuro the trees whllo plowing.
Cull II. ('. I ION XI :V, I'lioiii) HDH-M.
Tho most economical, cleansing and
germicidal of all anUseptlcu In
7) . ''mm
A soluble AnlUeptic Powder to
be dissolved in water as needed.
As a medicinal antiseptic for douches
In treutlng catanh, Inilammatlon or
ulceration of poso, throat, and that
caused by feminine IllBlthaanotxiual,
For ton years tho Lydla IC. PInkhani
Modlclno Co. has recommended Paxtlno
In their private corrspondenco with
women, which provoo It4 stieiloiity,
Women who havo been cured suy
It U "worth Its volght 111 Kold," At
drugglHlM. DU(. Iji'pi box, or by mall,
'iho I'uztuu Tclk't Cu., lioutou, Muss,
7ykjaBasr, i fcMs-sfcCTM.ty
RUb, ft
MSI CssswH
JIBW t-.
'2P$syfN'a --
Does Much Good
We do 'Hot complain when u cir
cus comes (o town, and leaves the
town several thousands of dollars
pooier, for just Mm satisfaction of
mm yeuiiin's eiilertuiniiieiil. While
the eoiuinif of Billy Sitiidav is sure
to do sonic liistiti); good to a ureal
number of his com cits, though per
haps mil all, even though he docs
take so much motiev with him, et I
was told today by a minister that
his conversions a hi InMing.
Wo might follow the advice ot
eoineoiic I cannot recall whojiisl ut
present who has miM, ''l)o a .ay,
not ns I do." If tnHiister is ac
complishing tu, xiiod, whv not just
tuke the good. Nothing is guiucd by
picking the pteachor to nieces; bet
tor try to find something pood in his
Minium mm nm Mpiuy n.
Undoubtedly the tnouev received
was hirgclv given by (huso who could
well afford to give. I huve no fault
to find with this city. 1 have never
looucii tor i lie imil, Hence never
XOTBK IIAMK. hid., Mutch I.
United Stnts Senator Walsh of
Montuiiii presented to Notre I lame
university todny the sword worn by
(leucral .Mewnlier, eoiumnndur of the
"Irish Briicnde" ditric the Civil War.
It will be laid beside the body of
Father Corliv. who Hilmhiisteicd ab
xolulinu to lli brigade just hcfolc
the bnttlc of (Icttv -lnnv- W. Boitrke
rocl.mii made a speech
Eat leu neat if Kidneys feel like lead
or Bladder bothers you Meat
forms uric acid.
Most folia forgot that the kldnfyn,
Ilka tlio towcli, get sluggish nnd cloggrd
and ntvd a, ilushlng occasionally, clsu w
luvo luckncho and dull inlry In tho
kidney region, savcro lir&daciir, rnu-
,.tia twhi. tortdd llvfr. ncld stomach,
I ilfepiessness and all sorts of bladder dls
i orders.
You simply must kvp your kidneys
active and clean, and the monunt you
tttl ttn ncJl0 0; paln , tll0 kl(lnty
rcalon, get about four ouncca of Jud
SnlU from any good drur storo btto.
Uko a tablrsnooiiful In a glass of water
before btrakfast for a few days and '
your kidneys will then act tin. This j
famous salts Is made from the acid of
trupni ami lemon Juice, combliird with ,
lUna, nnd is lurmh-mi to ttuth cloggid
kidntvs nnd stimulate them to normal
activity. It alto ncutraliies tlio acids
in tho urino so It no longer irritate,
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Halts is hnrmless) Inexpensive)
makes a dclhthliul effervescent lilhla
water drink which everybody should toko
now and Uien to keep Uielr klJneys clean,
thus nvoMIng scrions complications.
A well-known local druggist sajs ho
sells lota of Jad Salts to folks who believe
In overcoming kidney trouble while It is
only trouble.
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant
Miotics M. 47 nnd 17-JJ
Anilnilanrfi Kcnim Orptity Coroner
Poisoned Blood
Quickly Cleansed
In Any Form of Blood
Trouble the Cure is Rapid.
Ad ailonlsblnK rstonl of serious blood
poisoning Is dull brwuxtit to niir sttrntlnii.
And nii'Ht If nut all tliiw" startltin;
ralttinllli'S could Im (ivirti-i Merit lliu uIimhI
irlnui), tuiini uml iiiirlllrd In advuiiru by
that tfuuilcrfnl ri'iui'd luuun cti-ryviliera
as H. H. H. IVw p'tdplu rrallzu Iiumt ipilckly
tlio syslt'm lii-rumcs liirrctcd wllli tbii aclilu
and (c-riiiciils from niKjIk-cnlnl fuod, ton
dilution inutllvo kiuuuys.
'I'lio sytiiptums uro fever, thirst, eiclt
uMllt)', dry skin fulliovi'd l,y rasli, and
many ludliptlon wruOKly llairmjed us
I'lomnlnu polnnliiif. This i-iimlltliiii Is nl
most In nil ellmatrs ami Is
Illicitly overcome liy lliti aclluu of H. H. H,
The int-ilk'lnal iriiii-rlli'S of H. H. K. am
rilstlvely Jiiit as rsi'titlal In well liulaiu-cil
luallli as urn IIki nutrlllv iirojivrtles of
tlit, meals, craina, fuls nnd suiturs of our
dally fond, And If yon will dear Hits fait
In uilinl nnd get yuur blond umli'r tlio
itouiliiallnx lnlliienc of H. H. H. yrni will
nut only drhn nut lho liiipurltli's that
csiKO lllii'iunatltiii, Calarrll, IVsmia, I 'I til
pies, Polls nnd thin snemld lilooil, but you
will feel anew Hie thrill of health Hint
is ii roini" only from n imrlfli-d blood slrrain.
Ilo not serept nnjlldnu el In iilnce of
H. H H. : pny no nlKnllon to lli "Just ns
(looil" (Inlrui of IbotH who would saerlflcu
your health to innks sn rilra proflt. H.
H. H. ronlslns no inlnt-rsli, no rruil druifs,
nolhlnu but llm most brni-flrlsl bolanlrsl
inslerlsls. Ho U surx and vt H, H H.
nnd avoid ill.stipolnlinenl. IM a bollln
I ml iv and write fur free ailvlra In 'Mil
Kwlfl Hoetlne CV, -i'iZ Mwlft Illdtf., M
luuU, (Jo. . '
Don't stay gray I Heic's n simple
recipe that anybody cntt apply
with a tiatr brush.
Tim lino, of Shim ntul Sulphur fur re
storing faded, gray Imlr to It liAlurnl
i,lnr illll,H lbllJ til I
c. to niii'iiiiiiinr wic,
Slie inwl It to krep Tier Imlr Nviiitlfully
tlfttk, ulisuiv nnd iluiilint. Wliis'vr
tirr Imlr foil out or took im that dull,
Mot or utmikod rtpiHiirHiuv, thin lin
pl( mtxtiuo vvu nplkd with vwmteiful
Hut browing nl lusno l iiiiiy and
oul-of slate. Nowiiduyn, by wkliig t
any drug idoro for a M ivnt Uilllo of
"Wvcth's Hugo- nnd Sulphur Blr lb;m
cdv'," yrni will j't llil fiiiiH'in old
reclpo which civil ll ilwlid'd Uhii In
rtw unttirM color nd Uwuly to Um
Imlr mul In nplcndld for dumlriilf, dry,
fevortuh. Itchy id und ddllni: hair,
A well-known downtown drugjtUt y
It dmkriM Hi" hlr n.ittirully und
evenly Unit nolody can tell It hs ln
applied. You almply (lumpen igi
or ooft brimti with It nnd dr.iw thh
through your Imlr, tAlhig one atniml nl
n tltnix Hy morning the gray lialr dla
opsir, mid idler uuollur application or
two, it Nwnie tamUfiilty ilnrk, Kiy,
toft and ubiindnut.
Bcccutly remodnlpil and uiilnrgud,
ndded new cameras and apparatus
nnd. Is now strictly updo-ditto Iu
overy vvny.
Coiiiiiierliul Wi'ik of all Kinds
IncludlUK copying nnd ciil.irgln, of
pIctiiriM, legal docuuiolits, etc llro
mldo uiilargliiK, any slut, and kmhtU
finishing of every kind.
I'rofeiwlounl mid nmntuur photo
graphic supplies.
L. M. Ilaimou AssorlnliNl Willi Mc
Shop over IsIs Thcntiir, I'liotio 117-J
Special to Farmers
and Ranchers
Denver Brand Animnl
Made by the I'lilnn Meat Com
AT A 8AVISO IN KltlllllllT
Wo offer jon tho opportun
ity of Jiuylng thin famous ferll
ller nt n snvlug In freight, na wo
have Just received n Inrjc ship
ment for linmedliitu disposal to
fnrmcra and rniuiicrs of Med
ford nud vicinity itit.wii
ani.maij ii.itTii,ii:its
"A I'Viilller for Ihery C'nip"
nro to oiir soils what nour
ishment Is to Invalids. It re
vives strength --five now llfo
- -enable tho next crop to feed
upon the necessary suhMtcnance
for a good healthy harvest.
ContnliiH tho proper proportion
of animnl nmmonln, ultrogon,
phosphoric ncld and potash.
Avoid danger of wearing out
your Inud by plnrlng your or
der now. Wo mako Immediate
Wo hnvn nppolnted Mr. II. H.
Allen to handlu tho t'nlou Meat
Compnuy'H famous "Itoselawn"
brand fertilizer for us. This
fertilizer Is especially adapted
for roses, sweet peas, lawns and
nil kinds of flowers. Cut up
In sacks or In u special air
tight 10 pound pall.
Medfonl, Ore.
x 1C E. Uortlt'ii, Lessee and Manager
Preston Search
Kmincnt ('oneorl PiuniBl.
First 14 Rows $1.50
Last 4 Rows $1,00
First 4 Rows , $1,00
Box Soato $1.60
Last 9 Rows 50c
Soat Salo at Thoator Box Offlco Tuosday 10 A. M.
Tol. 418
limt"Pht)fc Tiiesdity liud WcdnNdny
Officer John Donovan
Two Pari
r.Nvuu.i.Mi tin; immuiim
Hero ThuiMhty Only
Two Iteel foinedy
Hero I'lidny
Havo the laud I havo tho treen.
ItlKhl now Is an Ideal time to plant.
Will ou buy tho cheapest goods you
can find or Mock that has been pro
perly eared for during tho winter
I still hnvo n good assortment of
nursery roods, most any thing for
which sou aio likely to call, Tho
minds aro guaranteed to 1'I.I'AHK
and the price guaranteed to ho right,
I'lrst class ono year stock on 3
ii'iir Japan roots nl $10 and $12 pnr
IDil for H-l and ( trees and tho
goods aro III prime condition,
A few hundred Kl'-ffer pear 3
year on Japan ami 1 )ear on Kolffor.
7 to II) (Vols
Tuscan Cling, Orange (Ming, Knrly
and l.ato Crawford. Mulr. lllburta,
Champion, Alexander, Unit's Karly,
Triumph and Kalwny,
Apricot. Cherry, Plum, Ncctsrlnn,
Almond, Applo ami Tear In
assortment ttood stock nud tho
price Is right.
A few hundred I R Hpltzenbiirg n;i.
plo nt $i'..U0 pur 100 while they last.
I have a flue linn of shade lro.
at I Tic and up. If you do not plant
shniln trees this spring It will bo -J
fault of initio. Oct busy. Oregon
Maple, American Kims, Ulack Locust,
Soft Mn pie, Carolina I'oplar, Norway
Mnplo. Kngllsh l"m, Cntnlpa, Moun
tain Ash, etc.
"Over sixty vnrli'tli'M of nverliloom
lug rosc-s. You ran get what yoa
Hugh Dickson
A few choice Hugh Dickson loft.
You can have thsm In bunches of
ten ILAO per bunch at tho delivery
urd. Will you got these or your
Yea I Imvo (ho goods, hundreds of
nice hushes and vinea thai will help
in mako your homo morn beautiful.
Home people think I sell fruit trees
oul) (let that notion clear out of
your system for tho
Eden Valley Nursery
carries tho largest uud best assort
ment of oriiniutiiitnl goods as well as
fruit trees nud berry hushes to Im
found In Southern Oregon. Call U
my delivery yard, 009 4 Hast Main
street, and lot tho goods do tho tnlk
liiono 1K!