" ' -wi 1' i arrcmronn matt; 'prthunii. MrcnFonn, or Knox, Monday, march; 2, 1011. paths Ftvr; That's What You Get for Not Having a College Education By "Bud" Fisher h Mi A 1 C IC-" ... i QftNti. V - - - II I II I I II I III- II I - . I 1 .-l III . I . I I M -,M HOW tD J ) ??! c w warner . TWPMB ". ?JfJWfflJi''il--! 1 ILHJ JBS!J RECORDS IN FORSTOCKRECEIPTS PORTLAND OREGON POIITI.ANI), Or, Miir.li 'J -All ii'i'iinU fur lni'Kt'ick n iiiIh itf Itinlji'ii nl I lie North I'urtlmnl yard tuiU.r, It It lilt ciiiIoihIm, .'iH in iin of (In pri'ioiiN high record iihiiIc. 'Hi IiIiiihmiIx included 270.1 initio. (."illS hog" mill 2171 Miccp, Almot every ulntc we! of llin Ifocky iniiiiiitiiitiH wiw ii'irr.i'iilril. In lln luce uf (In- hi'avv kIiiiiii'IiIm, Img oim'i 10 cent lower. Twenty-nine cur rnun Huntington mid mint from Ontario, Or., wre mimigncil to Mil ler l.ux f H1111 Frmnico. Reported by Jackson County Ab trpct Co,, Sixth ami I'ir Ht. flu nit Court I.. I I'nr-'onH vm. J. l'iittcron mul V.. M. Cnmplirll, order ilifininhliif;. It. J. I-MwiiiiIn, et nl h. II. II. AN leu mul (leorne A. Mover, to lore-I'lo-e iMorlRije on iiortlieiiht iiinrter of noullittcit riimter iieelioiil7!IH 1 Mt. 0. f. Oarrett . Snnili .1. Kul limit, foreeloxe liulld Tor lived on rt Imlf ii T went half of uortltcaol iimiler wctiim H-.'17-l el. Ileal IMnlo Triiiiifrni I. ()'. Imiiu'Miiii, el nx lo W. A. .MivNMier, iliiil oti ft mul II, Muck KB tVntrul I'oiut -CIiiim. I l.twtrr it nx to l II. i:. V. .Smith, Q. ('. I), min ing eliiliim ill tint irorlh Imlf of iioillieii8t iimrler hectiou i-:ni.i we it TlioiiuiK .leffeiMiu Hell et li to Anion l ('iiipi'iilnr, ilced puit of IoIn ft, 0, uml 7 of block K of Titlenl . . . . Flow A. KulMiy et vlr lo Jot-. I'. IIiiuiuii'IhI" deed lot ft, liloi'k .1, Dckum'rt mlilillon lo (liMil Hill 111 ,1110 MARKET REPORT -- I'rlriw I'nlil liy Denser IKKIS l.'e. Ill'TTKIl Crcmneiy, :i(l ; dairy, 2.V. POTATOKS-Tfm per 100 lm. APPLKS-Jijo. ONIONS .fll.OO per 100 lln. llONMY-rJ'j.i a pouiiil. CI)Klt-fi.1c. POIIKlfln lo UV4o. nBKF-12o to .Me. TAIII) H. II AGON 18o to 20o. HIIOUI.UKIIS-1'lo. HAMS- -J!0o. IIUTTKK KAT il'Jo. IlWpNIOCK 1IO0S Dri'HMcd, 1'ioj ulive, 7e. SIIMMP 7e. HTKKItS Alivo, 0Va7o. COWS Alive, (lo. VHAI Dri'Moil. ;" POI'l,TIIY--.ll.xeil ehiekeiiH, 12e; npiiiiKw, irej ilreMNOil, Hie to lHo, liny anil flritln (HuyiiiK I'rlcn.) VIIi:.T IIOo IiiihIicI. OATS irm biiNltel. HAV Velch, W ton; bhiIii, ia ti. .'rll. IIAirriKV Whole, fJfi Ion. COKN-18 I rf I CENTfiAL POINT POINTERS Hurry Tnltlo mid family leH on Wednesday innrnlnil for drum) COURTHOUSENEWS Korku. While horn Mr. mid Mr. 0iii! plnyvil n kiiiiiu with tlio I'liotitiix Tiiulo won ninny rflmnti who wUli Kr, ionlx won th Kaniu. Ihi'in iiiurli mimnn In tlit'lr now Mr. Wlllntns o (IrnnlH I'ma, Iioiiui. wnn lioro a fnw (ln)M limt week vis- Mm. Alberta Jiuiph of Tnltlo ItocJc (t,u. , iluiiKhteir, Mrs A. V. Moon b hIioiiIiik Imro Hatnnluy. ntiit family. Tim HittTWilnnu'iitH Klvt-n lior Mon-. riio Trip Aroiiml the World, ulven dny mill Tin-dny iivhiiIiik by Urn clill-' hy tlm ludlt-H of tint Pn-hbytorlnn Iron of tint orphmi'H homo wir I church, provi.'d to h n gruat lurrvwi Krcatly niiJoi'il hy tlm Inrtto uudlin ovury wny. ctir.i irruit. I chief of I'ollcu lllttBoti of Med- Mr. llnrrliiKton, Main Induitrlil , ford nnd Coiihtnhlo John WlnnlriK workur. v.n a ry tiJoahlii tnlk ham of llutto I'nlU worn tmalncits vh at llin IiIkIi nrliool luillilliu; Katnrday I torn hero Kuiiduy. tnelilliK- )wn to It lielllK Hiillir- i V, J. I'reeman inailo u liimlnenn ilii) I'M'iiliiK there im not u very -1 rl to KciKiie Itlver tho (ant of the larno crowd prcucnt. week. The miiiuherri of the choir of the f MethodUt church, after choir prno- tlm went imir to the parnonago to upend a few bourn for nodal oniiioe meiitv, the affair beliiK In honor of MIm Cither l'aukey'M birthday. Mr. Creeiy on behalf of the choir, pre aenteil MU I'aukey with a lovely box of candy In appreciation for her kind and faithful norvlcex kIvcii to the choir. Dainty refrehuientn wero nerved mid atl n prill a very dcllKht- fill I'viuilnp, Mr. and Mm. Italph llolmen bnvo returned from a moitth'N lilt with relatleVH In Vermont and other east- eru ntate. T. M, Joue left tho lal of ihotuncy Tor tho democratic nomination xvcok to hold a erleii of revival meol- I for ihorltf of Jackuon county at the ItiRM at Willow ,Cnl. 'prlmarle May 15. Mr. W. K, I'rlco tin r returned rmtii mveml vveol;' r:lt to A" land. Our IiIkIi ncbool girl' basket ball team went to Phoenix Friday evening I'ltiu.io s.i,r. notici:. On Wcdncmlay, April 10th, 10H. at one o'clock p. in. at the cast doar of tho Cottage roildonro located on the corner of Went lUth and Kluit street 1 will offer at public nalo lor ctuh. nil thu furnliiiliiKs of thlt flna renldence, nlao all tho palutliiKH and too jnany article to mention; nUo u lot of tool and Implement. After tlm furnUhlnK aro void 1 will offer for nlo to tho highest bidder tho Cot tage residence, barn and grounds, consisting of 113 fi-lO feet front on West 10th strcot, a paved street nnd lbl feet long on King street. There Is an abundance ot rrnlt, flower and lawn. Term of sale, one-third cimli, balance In yearly, or three anil five year payments, Interest at 0 per cent, payable semi-annually, Special no'. Ire, I will sell any or all ot tho abovo property at prlvato snlo or will ex change for country property here, north or south. I also have over 700 acre of ijood land for sale, clone to shipping point. 40 aero can bo Irrigated now, 3iu acre ha plenty of sub-Irrigation at nil Moasona ot tho year nnd ls.flno alfalfa or fruit land; nlso 300 acres of good grain or clover land with plenty of water for pumiung, good soil nnd well located. For tho next 00 day I will soil for $15,000.00 cash one of tho best tracts of laud In Jack sou county, barring none. Wo need money nnu must hnvo It. Don't nits this opportunity for 00 dny only, be ginning Wednesday, Feb, 4th, 1914, and thin offer cIobos Saturday, April 4th, 11M4. I will also soil small tract of land on yearly payment maturing In flvu or ton your to suit purchaser. For further particulars call on mo at C0i West 10th streot, or wrlto mo, thu ownor. 11. M. COSS. Medford, Oro. WANTED Somo good country property to ox changa for ft houso and two lot alt uutod on a paved street, houso flvo rooms modern. Will glvo a good bur gain for tho right kind of country property, If you hnvo a snnp In city or coun try property to sell or oxchnugo, call nnd glvo mo a listing on It us I think Hint 1 can handle It ror you, If you want to runt an ortlco or a residence I run fit yon out with thu host at reasonable rates. Como lip and tell mo your trou bles. Itooin -III) M. F. AS II. lliilldlHK OppoHlto tho Post Office W, T. YOHK Formally Keillor Member of W, T York & Co, Tlie Kouthern I'.ielflc In mnklim Knotl proRresM In uievlni: tho depot uml Mill have mine In place on Alder Imrcot I" a fow daya now. Mm. Martin Mower and daiiRhter of Cold illll Kpent tho lam of thin I'oi.nicAii AN.t)ir.vci:.Mi:.STS. Foil siii:itn r. A. W. Walker of Mcdford, an noiiurc IiIn candidacy for the re- t publican nomination nn nhcrlff at thu ' prlniarle May Id. ' O'nld Adv.) - " J- ''. IIIIhoii nnnounceu bin cam!!- (I'nld Adv.) ron i(i:.T iincsis FOR HKNT Three room furnished modern house, "31 W. Secoud St. 295 FOIt HUNT Seven room house, sleeping porch, 110. luaulra Col. Sargent. 313 FOliTinNT Furnished houso or housekeeping room with good garden apot. I'hono 199-M. 292 FO?r"in:NT 4 room house. 15.00 per .month. Gold Hay Hcalty Co. FOIl HKNT Furnished CO N. Orange St. houso at FOIt HKNT Four room partly fur nished cottage on 215 Apple St. Apply Colonial Flat. t293 FOIl HKNT O HSAI.i: Five room houso mul garden or would sell snuio with or without two ncroi of fruit. 1027 Nnrrognn St., call or phono mornings, 71711. 293 FOIt HUNT Well furnished 5 room bungalow. 422 South Laurel. FOIl HKNT Only hotel In town of 1000. 40 rooms furnished. Ad dres M , earo Mali Trlbuno. SPECIAL TODAY Two bungalows for rent, nicely furnished. Ono six-mom bungalow, uot fur nlshed. $10.50. 29 ncres, 25 of It In alfalfa. Now Ih the time to buy It. My specialty Is looking after non resident property. E. J. STEWART Iloom 204 Fruitgrowers nanlc nidg. Offlco phono 531. He, puotm 828-J. Alfalfa Ranch Pny $2500 ensh, balance enay tonus, nnd wo enn deliver lo you si 21i-ncro ranch, well located, four mile from Medford, deep loa-n soil, running water, 25 acres in al falfa, balance In mixed fruit, 5 years o)d. Price $225 per ncro for quick nit Ion, ARIZONA 100 ncro tract In Southern Arl xonii, all can ho cultivated, silt loam soil, good well with pumping plant, ouo-Jiulf million gallon reser voir for Irrigating. Price $1000: will trade for city or country here. Beniictt Investment Co. week with Mm. Ilowcr'ii iarcnts, !. and Mm. T. J. O'llara In thin city. John K. Hon left Wednesday evenliiK for lilt hmneiitead In llrltls'i In llrltlsh Columbia. roil iti:xx iitf.sr:Ki:i:iiNo ItOO.MK FOIl Hi:.NT I'urnlihcd Iiouro IteepliiK rooniK or will rent tho whole building to responsible party. I'hono inornlurn, "17-U, or call nftornooru, 231 Kant Ninth strerjt. 1'JZ FOIl HUNT FUltMSIIKI) AITS. FOH "HKNT Modern! 3 room' apart', incut, hot water day or night. No children. Iiujulre l'JH N. Molly 234 FOIt HKNT I'lHtMKIIKU HOOMS FOIt HKNT Two front rooms with porch, modern upstairs, 340 South Htvorsldo. 292 FOIl HKNT Largo sleeping rooms, and modern housekeeping apart ments, price very reasonable. I'hono 247-L. 222 South Holly street. FOIt HKNT Furnished rooms, mod ern, comfortable and clean. Tho Cottage residence. CO 4 W. 10th street. 30C KOK HUNT MlSCHI.Ui.NKOUS FOIt HKNT Oil 3ALK Garden and fruit tract. M. A. Hadcr. CO N. Orange St. FOIl ilKNT -Tbreo nnd thrce fourlli acres garden ami berry tract. About one-half ncro In Htrawbcrrlcs and about ono aero In other berries. Gaa engine and pumping plant on the place. Five room house, poultry house nnd ynrd. W. T. York, 419 M. F. & If. llldg. IX) HSAI.i: FA KM LANDS FOIt" SALECheap, 13 C 3 acres tracts terms will tnko tho Swecn eny clearing, grubbing contract and split tho money three wayj. 1 100. 00 per ncro to tho city's lad les' Aid MKlctle, $100.00 per aero to the county fair association, $104.00 to do tho work nnd keep In nljustmeut tho enrbucrater on thu engineer In charge. W. J. Scott, Medford. 290 To loan on Improved ranches. Interest S per cent "Insurance That Insures." II. S. ST1NE Dny your Insurance ot a taxpayer NEW TODAY Tho ad about tho two ranches for ront took them oft in a hurry, and I have n larto number of applicants who -want to rent Improved ranches, either for ensh or shares. List your routing property and you will ro celvo n visit from aomu ot them. SO ncrcu of good alfalfa laud un der tho Twin Fall Irrigation project, closo to town, and adjoining alfalfa In tho finest of condition, TJto own or ha $3000.00 In this place and will oxchnugo for city or country proper ty hero. Tills la a flnu auro money juaker. C. D. HOON ? ll,nn lluuvh, ow'Keady 'Jill Acres Hoiioe, barn, well," fib acred In cultivation, excellent com, wheat mid orchard land, somo alfalfa land, as to range, onu ot tho beat located In Jackson county, railroad land nil nrbtiud It, ueur store, church nnd school, t ijlltlOO.IM), Kasy Terms Till la only oiin-hnlf price nskod for similar luud adjacent. J. C. BARNES Flint N.illoiml I tail k lliilldliitf WHY FOIl HAI.K IIOMF-STKADS FOIt 8AM2 Homestead relinquish rrent, would consider u clear resi lience property here. Address Homestead, care Mall Tribune- 293 FOIt SAM: ACHKAOK FOIl 8AM-: At n sacrifice. Fl.'oj acres of alfalfa ono block from , city limit on King's Highway. J N. Haven, Mcdford. 2971 FOIl SAM: Hy owner. 10 ncro np- one-fourth in city limit Central j Point. I'Tr room hoimv etc., a bargain Addresii box I).. Nj 2. Mcdford. It, u. i- FOIl HAI.K Flvo and 10 acre tracts! cheap and on easy terms. Lo cated ono mile south of Hotel Med ford. W. II. Kverhard, 1013 Weat Ninth St.. phono CC7-J. FOIt SAM-HOl'KRS M.iVm-taMM FOIl SAI.K At a sacrifice. On ac count of leaving city will dlsposo of my real den co consisting of barn, house, hen house nnd 3 acres of ground all set to berries. House Is plastered and modern In every way. Ham has cement floors, electric light and water. 11500 will handle, terms on balance. J. N. Haven, Medford. 297 FbllSAl.K OH TRADE A good ftvo room houso. good lot. well lo cated. 11. C. Glascok, 25C Hcatty St. 292 FOIt SAI.K 5 room houso, lot 50x 300, city water, furniture, horse, harness and wagon. All goes for $1100.00 J. G. May, 311 Asn lnnd Ave.. Medford. 295 FOIt SALi: POULTHV FOIt SAI.K llronso turkey. 2 hens, 1 gobbler. W. P. linker, It. F. D. No. 1, box 30 A. 29C FOIl SAI.K Ilhodo Island Hod hatching, eggs, extra fluo stoci; $1.00 per setting of 15. Frank Isaacs, phono 522-L. 292 FOR SALE Uuff Orphlngton eggs ior uaicmng, irnm --year-oiu nens, $1.00 per setting. II. Luy, Jack sonville, Ore. 310 FOR SALE Crystal W. Orphlng tons eggs $1.00 sotting. Kollar straits strain. Phono 224-M. 297 FOR SAI.K Oakmont Farm, Whlto Wynmlottc and Uronio turkeys, eggs and stocks. J. II. Fuller, Tal ent, Oregon. 310 FOR SALE 2 Cypher broodors. bono cutter, grain hay. A. W. Stone. FOR SALE Ilhodo Island Red hatching eggs. $1.00 for 15, utility stock. John Peterson, II. F. D. No. 3, Or PUOIIO 3iU-YV. 293 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 1 fresh young Jersey cow. W. P. naker, It. F. D. No. 1. box 30 A. 29C FOR SALE 50 hoad Angora weath ers. Ed White, Climax, Ore- gou. 295 FOR SALE G flno Durham holfors coining fresh, ulso 4 beautiful, fresh cows. Walsh's ranch, mllo out North Roosevelt Ave. 305 FOR HALB MIJUmaNKOC8 FOR SALE Fancy 6ood potatoes, Evergreen sweet corn; also good family cow. Robert Duttou, phono 3S0-M. FOR SALE Registered HorkshTros, weaned pigs, either sex, from prize-winning stock, registered and guaranteed to bo breeders, $20.00 each, unrelated trioa, boar ami two sows. $50.00. F. H. Steel. R. H. No. 1, Grants Pass, telephone Three Pine. 302 FOR SALE One-half Interest enfo mid hotel, only purl cash, rest out of business, $900.00 to $2500 monthly Income. Hotel, caro Mall Trlbuno. 3 IS FOR SALE- Holed whout buy $12.00 n ton, Dol Rio Orchards, Gold Hill. 303 FOR SALE ifuderalutig roadster In first clnst condition, Can be seen ut the Medford Garage. 21)0 FOIl S"aT7i: Munuro" Phono OS U 113. 29K RnTftAlii: 6l'rrit Alii: One two cylinder Hon In good meclinulriil condition, I pussuugcr. removable body, good tire. Addles lleo. euro Mali Trlbuuo, WJX3 ill 1. I K4s w r. .. - wmrrW tylr . FOIt HAI.K .MISCKI.I,ANi:OUH FOIt SAI.K Four horse Wltte en gine, with pump and on Bklds. W. II. Kverhard, 1013 W. 9th streot. phono CC7-J. FOIl HAI.K Hnrgnln In rugs, llrio lourn, mattltiFT, etc. Vallo Sec ond Hand Store, 23 N. Fir. FOIt SAI.K Cheap, ono gasoline engine, four horse power In Per fect condition. Apply II. A. Hay, box 131, Gold Hill, Jnckson coun ty, Oregon. 297 I FOIl SAM-: Yaxley miction vacuum cleaner with 5 year guarantee. Phono 243-J, ask for demonstra tion. J. A. Luncop, local agent. 29C I IIKM' WANTKI) MALE FOIl SAI.K Mako your own beer, whiskey, wine, simple, easy gen uine extracts, stamp for Informa tion. Ambrcw Agency, box 117r. Portland, Ore. 293 WAXTKI) SITUATIONS WANTED Position on ranch by man and wife. Phone 634-H. 291 WANTKI) MISCKLIiASEOCS WANTED Clean rasa at tho Mall Trlbuuo office. WANTED Plowing acrcacc or lot. Phono CS4-H3. 297 WANTED To rent small ranch, any good location In Jackson county, near Mcdford preferred. Write wo your best terms. Dox II., care Mall Tribune. WANTED Flvo room house fur nished complete, six months, two In family. Qcnnett Investment Co. WANTED Hoarder at tho Hunga- . low, 52S E. Main. Phono S51-.I. First class board. 297 WANTED Sowing.-20c an hour, or by piece. Phono C50-X. 292 WANTED neat and stock cattle, calves, hogs, etc. Phono 171 or address Guy Lawton, Medford. 293 WANTED Bicycles bought, sold and exchanged; also supplies, O. IC. Illko Ropalr Shop, 106 South Front St. . 303 LOST .OST Whlto Spitz pup, 4 months old. Answer to naiuo If Snook urns. Notify Orln Davis, Cudahy Packing House. Suitable reward. 291 MONEY TO liOAft TO LOAN $2500 on Improved ranch or city pioperty, route 2, box 73, Medford, Oro. TO LOAN $1500.00 on Improved ranch property. R, A, Holmes, tho Insurance Mnn. LOANS Negotiated, vestment Co. Uenuett In- MONEY TO LOAN On city and closo In rauch property. C. A. McArthur. room 3, P. O. block:, phono 3C8. HL'SINESS DIRECTORY Attorney PORTER J. NEFF, WM. IV MEALEY Attomeys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Uank bldg. A. B. REAME8, LAWYER Corey bldg. -Garnett- W. J. CANTON Attorney aud Coun sellor -at Law. 123 East Main streot, Medford, Ore. Wm. M. Colvtg George M. Roberts COLVIG & ROnERTS. LAWYERS Medford Natloual Dank Building. D. P. MULKEY & OEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Hank Building. NEWTQN W. BORDEN Attornoy at law, room 7, Sparta building, Mod ford, Oregon. NoUry liilUo HELEN N. YOOKMY Notary nub. Ho. Bring your work tp me at tut si en of the Mali Tiihtin. Auctioneer WILLIAM UL1UCH Licensed Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford, Oregon Terms reasonable, Hell deuce phona 101-J. Office Junk vou County Uuk bultdlug. Ha r. &U l?4 ty -xs. IIUSINXSS niRFCTOIir Auto 3apirjr, LAI1EH AUTO SPRINO CO. Onr Me secret In making spring Is the tempering. Wo aro operating thu largest, oldest and best equipped plant In the Pacific northwest. Use our springs when othors fall. Hold under guarantee 26 North FIN tnenth fit.. Portland. Or. 1 -- Ctitrojmictur DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD. Chiropractor, nerro specialist. Rooms 203-204-205 Garnett-Corer bldg. Vapor bath and scientific massage given; needle spray, bead and shoulder shower in connect lop; advlco la dletotlcs, medical gymnastics, hydroptnerapy. Lady attendant Phone, offlco 543, residence 511-R. OR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise B. Hedge Mecbano-Theraplsti, Chlro practors.'Spondylotheraplst. The ' systems. Including dietetic, cura tive gymnastic, hydro-therapay, etc.. produce results Ii both acute and chronlu disease. Conialtm. Hon free. Over Deuel 4b Co., cor ncr Main and DartletL Hour a. m. to 5 p. m. Other hoar by appointment. Phoa 170. Deatteto DR. W. M. VAN KCOTOH DR C. O. VAN SCOTOO DentlsU Oarnott-Corey bldg., ealte Sit, Medford. Ore. Pboon 85. INSTRUCTION Mr. FRED ALTON IIAIGHT Teach- er ot plnuo and harmony. The Halght Music Studio. 11C South Laurel St.. phone 176-R. 0rtMg OARDAOE - Get Tour premise cleaned up (or th- winter. Call on the city garbage warona for good sorvlco. Phono 325-L. ". T. Allen Physlclaa aaa Baryeoa DR. F. a. OARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia physicians, 416-417 Garnett-Core) bldg., phone 1030-L. Resldenoe 26 South Laurel St. OR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physlclaa ami aurgoon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practlco limited to disease ot women. Offices 233 B Mala. Phones, residence, 314-J2; office 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear, noso and throat Eyes scien tifically tested and Kinases supplied Offlco 228 East Main St, Hoar 8:30 a. m. to S p. m. Phone. E. D. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Hank bldg. Office phone 43-R; residence phone 68-R, DR. MARTIN O. DAUBER Phygl- alau and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hour 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Pbyaictan and surgeon. Phones, offlco 36, resU denco 724-J, Office hour 10 to 12, 2 to 6. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 303 Garnett - Corey building. Phone 904-M. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Hurgooti, over Hutchison & Luta dou, 216 E. Main St Phone 77. DR. W. II. HICKMAK Homeopath uiuco kosioi uuuuing, uontrai Potnt. All tclcpnono calls answered night or day, rrluter and I'ubHabera MrmHj'piuNTiNacoruV'uui best equipped printing office la southeru Oregon; book binding, looso loaf ledgors, billing system, etc. Portland price. 27 North Kir St. r' Stcnograpum ELLA M. OAUNYAV- Stenographic work and well. -Pain blk Cne gvtekly n' "VUT- TrfUMHMN F.ADH TRANHFKK HTOKAOH CO. Office 41 Karth VthH IK. Pfct 115. PrU rla. eVMriM mm