MEDiTORD MAHJ TRmtTNE, MEDFORD, OttKOOX, MONDAY, MA1.0TT 2, l&M. V WW i fcv If Medford Mail tribune AN INpiCl'JKNOIWr NISWKPArKR KXCniT RUNIAT BY THE MIIDFOItl) I'lUNTINO CO. Thd Democratic Times, Tito Medford Mull. Tlie Medfnrd Tribune, Tim South em Oregonlan, The Ashland Trlbmtn, Officii Mnll Trlbuno llullillnc, 2C-27-S9 North Fir street! telephone "i, Official Paper of llto City of MciUord. Official 1 'n per of JnckHon County. Kntsred nn second-claM matter M MeiUord, Oregon, under the set of Mfctcli 8, il SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, ty mall .. ..$S.OO Ono month, by mnll ...- .SO Per month, delivered hy carrier In Medford, Jacksonville nnd Cen tral I'oint ... -. .DO Hnturitny only, by mnll, per year.. 8.00 Weekly, per year -. ..... 1 SO SWORN CIRCULATION. DnIIr a crape, for nix month incline December 31. 1913. :rP0. With Mctlfonl Sinp-Oicr T REVIVALISTS HEARING SCIUXTON, Pa., Mnr. 2. At- tempting to struggle tlirough the storm to their homes front the taber nacle where they' had listened last evening to a sermon by Hilly Sunday, the ox-hall player-evangelist, two men perished early today and sev eral wcro badly froxen. Wheii dawn broko 2000 oncn, wo men nnd children wcro still storm bound in tho tabernacle. Thoso who died wcro C. D. Wheele rcck and Martin llaslas, both mlddlo aged men. Whccloreck was over come but a short' distanco from tho tabernacle, collapsed lu a drllt and sank Into his last sleep, llaslas had covered ten blocks before he fell dying. Tho tabcrnaclo Is In a somewhat Isolated placo In tho outskirts of town. Thrco thousand people had assembled In It to hear Sunday last night. Tho blizzard broke suddenly and with almost Incrodlblo violence. At the services' conclusion they found tho streetcars already out of commission. For those who choso to lcnvo tho building there1 was noth ing to do but walk. Two thirds of tho congregation preferred to remain In tho bis building over night. Of the thous and or so who left, even of those who reached their homes safely, nono escaped a terrible struggle. To thoso who remained, food and coffee wcro served at midnight and again this morning. Warm clothing was taken to them and men were working to open u path for them to lcnvo by In tho course of the day. Tho drifts were mountainous, the air was filled with stinging snow, tho wind was blowing a hurrlcano and tho cold was intense. C0MMUNICATI0N. f- -f .Miont Soluble Sulphur CttmjKtnml, University of Missouri. Department of Horticulture Columbia, Feb, ID, 1011. Tho Niagara Sprayer Co., Mlddloport, X. Y. Mr, Thco. Dosch, My dear Sir: I want to acknowledge with thanks tho receipt of your little circular ou Soluble Sulphur Compound nud tho letter accompanying It. Last year wo tried this Soluble Sulphur Compound In comparison with hoiuumudo llino sulphur and with other commercial liquid llmo sti phur brands which wo have here tofore been using during recent year.), A comparison shows that your sulphur compound applied dur ing tho summer for fungous diseases was entirely as efficacious last year ns wore tho homomado brands or the brands which are shipped In liquid form to us. In fact the results of all thico types of llmo sulphur wee cmiitlully the samo and equally sat isfactory in tho control of tipple scab and other fuufous diseases In the ex periment station orchard. Wo havo received a few inquiries thlssprlug from Missouri orchardlscs us for our Judgment of this soluble llmo sulphur and stating that if it waa as efficacious as llmo sulphur shipped lu liquid form, they wanted to use It to save freight. In each case wo havo anado reply lu words osfcentlnlly tho samo as I havo given you In this letter. Very truly yours, J. C, WniTTKX. SUPREME COURT ADJOURNS WITHOUT MAKING DECISIONS WASHINGTON, March 2,-Tlic UiiiU-tl rMnto Miprviiif 'oml 1 jounifil Hii nfU'riiiM"! without uVeld, BUZZARD A BILLY SUNDAY TALK DON'T WANT IT HERE IN hfplying to the Mail county's proposed road Tril bor .Journal resorts to falsehood launches into an ill-natured and uncalled-tor attack upon .Jackson county and its credit in tho follewing: The Medford paner has a hahlt of ndvoeatlnii even thing to which . bond issuo Is nttnehed. The results of this polio, concurred lu bv tho people, Ik that Jackson county Is head over IicoIh In debt, and hit exper ienced during tho pan two enrs tho worst finnnclal sluing of any section of Oregon. And talking about experimenting with road building! Jack son county not over thrco or four jctirs ago, macadamized tho Medford Ccntral 1'olut road, awarding the contract to Twohy Urns., nt $12,000 n mile. The Mali Tithuue was tho principal champion of this improvement, probably because It meant a continuation of that temporary prosperity that comes from the spending of bond money. At the present tlmo the blanket bond Issue of $."00,000 voted by Jack son county contemplates the rebuilding of the .Moitford-i'ontral Point road 'at n greater cost, the $12,000 a mile macadam confirm tlon lmvlit lasted but throe years. Kvldently n little more of tho hard business sense of the WlUninet'o valley mofsbnek would be a good thing It transplanted In the Itogiio river valley. Down there nt the present time tho principal Industry Is that ot selling bonds to eastern purchasers nnd spending the money tor Imhilc Improvements of moro or less doubtful vnltie. This might be construed as argument by the niossbaek mind, if true but it isn't. The .Mail Tribune has no apol ogies to offer for its advocacies. Tt fearlessly speaks for what it deems the best interests of the community. It has advocated but two bond issues county highway and mun icipal gravity water, both business enterprises. Lond is sues have not put Jackson county "head over heels" in debt nor did they cause a financial slump during the past two yeais. Jackson county's indebtedness is due solely to 'pursu ing the policy the enterprising Capital Journal is advocat ing building experimental highways piecemeal by direct taxation under the supervisoral system. Had the same money been available through a bond issue for expenditure under skilled state supervision, which niossbaek legisla tion hitherto prevented, we would have had more to show for the money expended. lOven as it is. Jackson county roads are as much better than those of the Willamette valley as its climate is superior. The Mail Tribune never championed the macadamiz ing of the Central Point road. It did champion the hard surface paving of the thoroughfare, contract for which was let and forfeited. Nor did this stretch of macadam cost $12,000 per mile, though it did cost $8000 nearly as much as cement pavement costs. It is as good as any mac adam road in the country, but, like all such highways, in volves a large maintenance expense, but is good indef initely. It is the experience acquired by Jackson county that proves the wisdom of abandoning the old methods and adopting the new possible only b bond issues. For the benefit of the Salem paper, it can be truthfully stated that Jackson county is in better shape financially than for three years, that its credit is nrst class, that its highway bonds brought the highest premium offered for such securities in three veal's, and that in spite of its in debtedness its warrants are at par. The "business sense of the Willamette valley moss back," which is typified in raising hops and forbidding the sale of hop products, which is satisfied with the capital city's drinking sewerage, the penny-wise-and-pound-fool-ish policy that contentedly wallows through seas of mire called roads, is not needed in the Uogue Iliver valley thank von. T ----- , , , . . - - Vigorous Fighting Against' Potato Pests Needed WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 2. II are general and concerted efforts on the part ot potato growers are heeded to combat certain diseases which threaten to Impair the vlgnr of tho seed stock and to cause the do torloatlon of varieties, according to the U. S. department of agriculture' Investigator. To open the way for more efficient measures ot coutrol for potato diseases that have not always been definitely understood it new bulletin Is now issued entitled "Potato Wilt, Lear-Roll, and Ilelalcd Discuses." .It can bo had freo ou ap plication to tho V. S. department ot agriculture Washington. I). C. Tho group of potato diseases treated in tho now bulletin now raises n problem of Increasing Im portance to practical agrlculturo '.u different countries throughout tho Wold. Environment has a most Im portant Influeuco on crops,. In th covbral states and in forolgn coun tries. Thcroforo, great tare N needed to dotormlno exactly which method of control is best In catn ' Specific instance whoro disease ! present. The bulletin wishes pa. , tlcularly to emphasize tho fact tht , tho. same system of teed selection and crop rotation that wllll free the potato fields of wilt, leaf-roll and curly dwarf, will not only bring un der control blackleg and homo other diseases, but will insure the main tenance of the strains cultivated in their most vigorous condition and free from objectionable mixtures with other varlotles. Tho dopartnieut'H new bulletin contains numerous Illustration of new dUeuses that are to be feared by potato crowers. If growers will reallzo more clearly tho danger of tho Insidious losses suffced becauto of seldom-recognized diseases, and from diseases transmitted through tho seed, they will bo moro eager to Join a general cumpalgn against those troubles. Tho final result will be to placo tho potato Industry ou a higher piano than It occupies today. Tho types of tllseaso dlHtliigulsheJ as of somo Importance lu tho United States and especially treated lu tho 'new bulletin are tho following. Pnttarluni Wilt A diseino riinr ncterlH'O by Hip wIWiij: of Ihj? plow, nine's remarks on Marion ml issue, the Salem Capital instead of argument and Widespread in America, but not yet Identified from Europe. Vertlcllllum Wilt A wilt resemb ling the foregoing, often more rapid. Present In both America and Europe. Leaf Itoll An Inheritable disease marked by rolling of tho leaves, re duced yield, nnd other symptoms. Probably not due to a parasite. Com mon In Europe and lately appearing In America. Curly Dwarf An Inheritable, non parasitic troublo In which dwarfing Js a promlnont characteristic. Found In Europe and America. Iloxettc A stunted or dwnrfed condition of tho potato associated with injuries of tho underground stems and roots caused by a fungus, most conspicuous in the western United States. Mosaic A condition marked by a mottling and distortion of tho fol iage. Not previously described, hut present In Euro;o as well ns Ameri ca. LOUISIANA TRIES TO BAR FREE SOGAR WASHINGTON', Jliireh 'J. For mer United Sliite-i Senator Joseph W. ISniley of Tcxiik uimouiiccil here to day that permission would lie nuked of tho United Stnlt'h mijimiie couri to file in the jininu oil the Htuto of LoiiNimm nn origiuul hiiit to rostrum the fcderul novcrnmcut from admit ting- ('ul)iiii hti'iir frou of duty under the new tariff law. The Miit will tent the validity of the act, -which ic moves tho 20 iter cent duty on Migur, imposed by the Cuban iccijirocily tri'uly. With Medford trade Is Medford made. John A. Perl UNDERTAKER Lady Assistant OH H. HAHTLUTT PhoneM M. 17 una 47-T2 Aiiibuluiico Kvi'Vltt' I't'J'iity Coroner THREE ATHLETIC Illllllllllie, LOUIS GOJlDOW The three Cordmi brothers William, Louli and Fred nro among the best middle distance runner now itcllvo lu athletics, l'hey have been performing In the Kail nil winter under tho watchful rye of thole condi, "Jimmy" formerly trainer lu Uivtton, and they h.ive captured f)rlzcti lu sccrul Important tournaments. L WASHINGTON, .March 2. The interstate eoiniiiureo wnnmtion to- tlitv umuted 15 oouts per 100 poMinl repartition ou nil enrhwd tdiiMU'Ht of lemons from ( aliforuiit to the wut between November 'R, 1U0U, nut! Fcbnmrv II. 1012. Thi wtw in oihi- formity with the (oimntitmV ruling that t he .fl.lf rule wan unlawful in that it eveocded $1 ht 100 ptiuutU. I lie reparation will total tens ot thousjiud of dollar. i ii SAYS SIR LIONEL NKW Oltl.l'ANS, Lu., .Mimli 2 "lirtuen effrontery," whd Sir Ijtinel Canlfit's ehunteteruuition liere today of (ienentl ('tirntnatV denial of the United States' riht to intt'KMtt' the Ilentou eae, roiinh'd with hi tle umml thut Kuidund eomirfuuiente di rectly with him ((.'rninn) if ii wanted an iuiuir' into the eiruiii stances of iu uationalV death. President Huertu, said the ltritil minister to Mexico, hur "mutle nmie rial nnd sulituntnil ttrosre-"." I.iMiL! Look! Sruoko Govornor Johnson cigars, thoy'ro mndo In Medford, you'll like them. GOIVIB SAGE TEA IN HlTHAIEmT Grandma kept her locks dark, c'ossy, thick with a mixture of Sacc Tea and Sulphur. TIio old tlmo mlxliiro of Sage Tr.i and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair U graiKimotlicr's treat ment, and folks aru again iwlng it to keep their hair a good, even color, which la milt' M'ludblr, us wo are living in an oge tfhea a youthful opvearaaco is of the gTratcst advantage. Nowadays, tlijgli, wo don't havo tho trouMcsouift twk of gathering the sago and the musy mixing at home. All drug stores sell tlio tciuly-tn-uso product called "Wyeth's Sagu and Sulphur Hair Itcmody" for about 50 cents a little. It Is very popular Ixxauw noboly can dntcovrr it has Urn npnlled, Biraply moisten your otimb or a soft hruuli with ft and draw this through your hair, taking ono small struud at n tinioi by uiornlni; tlie gray hair dijanrari, but what de light the ladles with Wyeth's Rugo and Sulphur is that, Ut.llo lautifully darkening tlio hair after a few appllat. tlonn, it also prodtiies that soft liiitro nnd appearance of nliiindancn which Ifl so attractive; U-sldct, prevents dandrutf, itcbinix calp and falling lutlr. SituationlWanted My Ilollniulci' nnd wife, in telligent, Kpeak.s good ICug lisli, is good l'listlor, .17 years old; wife will cook for exini men. Roc A. H. MILLER 3juU'(wl iJoolc ftUm, BROTHERS, UNO PlIl'mnTnTlllllllllllllllltlllllllllN' t(t- CURTIS .MAY YOKK, Mtu-ch 2 The gie.n ItlivKMrd wnwtiily eurtniletl basilic, hi the ntMk exewnHtt t.tdny Mini th murket v merely nominal. Trad er ww lw, and tuinMs wan nl mtl at a ntnudstill fur Itoun. 'Hie ye tic ml undertone ii temlv, I load vtt'f rttv. The iiutrkrl . lii-rd steady. E AT J WASIIINCTON, M..r:, 2 One ! Iliniiiri'd iboit'.iiiiil doliiir-' north ot tlitiiinge was dour hy the hlixrurd here. The loss nt lbiltiniore ttmt e. lpetetl to i-r'd tU. tinre. The storm etttrnded as lur Month n I'loridii. 'lite iiKTritiN dropped (n III ilegree .ilme zero .it Allm lu ami 2 above nt Anu In, (in T E, TID FEET J "TIZ" make wire, burning, tired feet fairly tin nee with delight. Away go tho arliitt and palrm, the cortut, eulliiiuci, LlUtcrs und bunions. "TV." draw out Hie tirldit and xilin that putf up jr ir fett. No mutter Ihw hard von work, bow long j on ditnri, h o w fur you walk, or how lung j on remain on jour f.ct, "TI7." brings restful 'foot onmferr, "TIZ" is won derful for tirl. urhlng, swollen, slnartlng fit. Voiir ftet jiut tingle for joyj shottt never hurt or vcm tight. I Get a 85 cent hoic of "TIZ" now from any dniggUt or drpartimiit store. End foot torture forever wear smaller (dice. kexp your feet frejli, swict and Imppy. The New UNION LIVERY tv flio new brick barn on South Kiver.sido is now open for business. Everything new and up to date. Livery and ambu lance service. "Will bo glad to welcome all former cus tomer) and many now ones. RAY GAUNYAW Proprietor. Piiono 100 GLADDENS SO i EACH II STAR. VtiLti Gokfcuir JOHNSON ON TRIAL A. A Johnson nge 72 ears. n 0. A. It. uttortin and pioneer tit the IttMtuu river willry, will he piaceii on t trlul In tho elreult court this after hhu, chargml with living lu mid nboHt a home or prostitution. Court will rontuiio at two o clock, Judge Morrow of I'ort.'and tnkliir. Judge Calblmt' ilaee. Tho prliuipal wUnaum for and ninnlust .lohwson aro hbt own klu. Dolly Jnnusoii. u nclto Is the princi pal wilutMM for tho stale, nud owIiik to her bitty memory and direct con tradiction nMixttlinoiiy given at Hi preliminary hearing, Charles Turner, it ileum ro dofeinlaiit wits ariiiltted. .lolniHon Is nllt'tieil to have tried lo force Dolly Into a life of shame, nud to hint) harbored a number of Im moral characters nt his homo tut th outskirts. The Johnson trial Is tho Inst ou ths criminal docket. .Made In Smoke Mt. Pitt and Governor Johnson rUars they are home made , and first class PAGE THEATER If. E. Clorden, Lessee ami Manager LAST TWO NIGHTS OF A. B. BASCO And His Mig MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY TONIGHT: THE IRISH POET Tuesday night, "M'MANUS' TROUBLES" Prices, 10c, J0c, :50c. COMING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 Frederick Preston Search AMERICA'S GREATEST VIOLINCELLIST ROBERT RAYMOND LIPPITT Eminent Concert Pianist PRICES LOWER FLOOR First 14 Rows $1.B0 Last 4 Rows $1.00 . BALCONY First 4 Rows $1.00 Box Seats $1.50 Last 9 Rows fiOc Soat Salo at Theater Box Office Tuesday 10 A. M. Tol, 418 wn m i p swnw i n n bihi wins i mmmmfmmmimammmtmrmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmfmmmmmammw CARRANZA'S n I ADMITTED BY VILLA fllllMAIH A CITY, Mnii'li 2. rm n NtiMii-r, uoi n tliilomiit," niiuI (Itueral Yil'n li'-rc Indn.v, "and hi'iealler It iueslioim IiimiMhk foieign lelutioiiN inii-l In' lefeiii'tl In (leiieial, who is iiiiieim." VillaV MlalHinenl w inln'ii n nn iifl.iionlitlnii'iit l' Cimnnwi'n tihl lo tlietiile in the Hfiilmi iimller, nud a mi nt'iniiOKi'i'iict' in the Intlui'H ullllutle that the i:iijli-liiiiim, "' fiillou in u Kithieel to he tllPtituwiid by tho ruliel eliloltnin with the Uiit isli Kovtunmcnl and mil with lh Wailtiimtoii ndiniiilHlntlloii. Initsinueli iim Villa hint ireloiisly htiNvn no disinclination to no into Hie ease witlt Aincriean iepreciila. lite-, he was imttltmllv ndmiltliiK llutt hi Miiperlnr Iniil nvrrtuleil him. It wn. the niettv Kt'iii'ial tmnitiMiiiui, howexer, that CamuiXH's pulley hail kin en liitu a new Itli'tt, and that the point wits one oil whieli ho wint tlU tilit'tly xliul to he overruled. Coll sidniiihle doulil wiw o.instd ulietluti' he would have Mtihuiitted ho ouiftlv if he hint linen ealh'tl on to how to a decision he tlid not lihe. Viltrt ileinrd, iiieltlenlHlly, Hint papoili. lind lieen lel'iined to tho nieinhern of tin' lleiiloii eonuiliuu. For tlml nitiller, he wild, no tawi port), wwe lieetltMl. lie lV' It n Ids opinion that the WtiHliiimtoii mi minifttrittiou had deeldeil not lo send Hie t'liiiimlwion lo Clnhualiiia City, linTcrriittf lo wltle the llenlon eon ttoversy throiiKh diploilinlit' eliaii- iel. . , SinoUe .Ml. I'lll. ('Unr and help build up n pay roll for oiir own town. ISIS THEATRE I'lintoplit) Totlny The Hour and the Man Two Iteel S .t A. I'enturo THIS ( V.i, Till: NKW Helix Drama lltriWKUN DANCIW CoiuHily A Ctll.MKill CUPID CtimtHly Coining Ttoiinmitt ori'K'CIt J(IIS IMtN.W.lN Two Keels HHICHESTER S PILLS sniopvmirtOiMlVWirSH ODICTATETOrl A? ls fill. 14 11.4 -t Iil4 P.'.,V I .Is ss kr. Ur '&.- liivil'iin tinM rii.i.- v) 5J I F5 A. if '-. t JiV