Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 02, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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nvniiKollst A. !i. Crlm, who la now
with llulgln, will deliver his fnmous
locturc, "Tlio I.cgnllstcd Outlnw," nt
tlio Ashland Christian church tomor
row evening nt 7:30. Crlm la nlmoit
n good on tlio platform ns Is Oliver
W. Stnwnrt, ao ho will be worth
Come to tho Fathers' meeting an I
hear about the playgrounds.
Lost, package containing material
for throe cmbrolilerleil waists. Leave
nt Trlhuno, Howard. 202
A Fathers' meeting will bo held t
tho Presbyterian church Tuesday,
March .1, nt 7:30 P. m.
Dr. Uortha Stuart dt tho Univer
sity of Oregon, will address tho
Fathers' meeting nt tho l'resbytor
Inn church Tuesday, March 3, nt
7:30 v. m.
llouso cleaning mndo easy. Kent
n vacuum cleaner from tho Southern
Oregon Electric company, $1.50 per
day. No. 6, South Central, phono
Apabel Kutter of Montague, Cat .
Is spending a few days In the city
attending to business matters.
Tho polico and cltlxcns have had
several arguments lately regarding
tho leaving of teams standing, un
hitched from tho wagons on tho
streets. Team owners labor under
tho Impression that they dodgo tho
city ordinance covering this act. If
tho horses aro unhitched. Tho chief
objection Is to tho Uttering up nf
tho pavement.
Mrs. K. M. WUson docs first class
kodak finishing at 210 Laurel St.
Miss Marion Gagnon of Ashland
visited with friends and relatives in
Mcdford Sunday afternoon.
Harry Cooper of O. A. C. has re
turned to Corvallls after spending
tho week In this city.
Carkln & Taylor, lawyers. (John
J I. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), Has-kins-Boyden
Bldg., Main street.
Gcno Hoke nnd Clydo Barnum
wore among tho visitors from Cen
tral Point in thts city this morning.
Miss Flora Thompson of Jackson
ville visited with friends in Mcdford
Sco Tumy for fire Insurance. "
Tho regular spring affliction of
vagrant cripples beating their way
north from n winter spent in Cali
fornia, hit Mcdford Saturday, a dozen
or so begging on tho streets and in
tho stores'. Officer Clngcade Jailed
a couple whom ho discovered in an
alloy drinking beer and alcohol, a
snlxturo capable of killing a mule,
and forty times as strong as chain
lightning. All woro ordered out of
town Sunday morning, being locked.
in a box car bound north.
Corbln Edgell of Eaglo Point trans
acted business matters in Mcdford
Saturday afternoon.
Kodak finishing, glossy or dnll fin
ish at J. O. Qorking's studio, 228 E.
Main St. Phono 3 20-.
Stanton Grlffis is in from his
ranch for a fow hours this morning.
According to a telegram receive!
by C. G. Dullls this morning, tho
street enr for the Southern Oregon
traction company should reach Med
ford tho middle of next week, and
tho steel poles shipped from Pitts
hurg about n month ago, tho end tt
this week.
n. Sims of this city attended to
business matters in Grants Pass Fri-
.. .1 Ciiiiilitu lout n'nrp
uuy iiiiu ouimuaj ui iusi ". I
Tumy writes bettor flro insurance.
Mrs. James Burns of this city '
visiting for a fow days with her par
ents at Grants Pass.
Tho Hasco Musical Comedy com
pany, which has been appearing In
this city for tho last weok at tho
Page opens a three nights engage
ment at Grants Pass "Wednesday.
Itomeinbcr Tumy wrltCB fire insur
ance. W. W. ITsshor of Ashland, mana
ger of tho tolephouo company in that
city aud candidate for coroner nt the
May primaries Is in tho city today
attending to business matters aud
skirmishing for votes.
F. J. Dustan of Alpena, Mich., is
registered nt tho Medford Hotel.
Keieter ladles' tailoring college St,
Mark's block. Full course 40 sew
ing Including drafting $25. Forty
days sewing course $1G day; draft
ing courso, $15. tf
II. M. Johnson and wlfo of Tnloat
spent Sunday Ju Medford visiting
q. J. Uocltlns of Canton, O,, )b
spending a fow days In tho volley at
tending to business mutters.
Sugar Pine shakes. Medford Lbr.
Hoy Harrison of tho Steamboat
district transacted business In thts
city nnd Jacksonville Saturday, re
turning to his homo this morning.
Weeks McGowan Co.
I mmi'D'PiirPPH
JAj AsUant
pif yUome 227
Night V. W. Wk 1M-J2
lfctti A. K. Orr W78-M
' i,.,
V. II, Peck of tho Applegate coun
try Is In tho city today attending to
business matters.
I-.dwnnl Hostler of Grants Pass
spent Sunday In Mcdford visiting
friends nnd relatives.
J. O. Gerklng, the best nil around
photographer Jn southern Oregon. .
Mays reliable. Negatives niado any
where, tlmo or placo. Studio 22S
Main St. Phono S20-J.
Frank Fnrrell made a business
trip to Jacksonville this morning.
Don Under, who belongs to the
Chicago White Sox nnd played with
Lincoln, Neb., In the Western League
last year, has received no word nr
yet regarding his berth for this year.
He expects to learn something defi
nite upon the return of Manager Cal
lahan from the world tour this week.
Thoro Is just tho possibility that he
may catch on with one of tho Coast
Lengue teams, some of which are in
need of fast youngsters.
Harvey Thomas of Ashland was a
business visitor In this city Friday
By a now regulation In tho polico
department, each man does night
work for n month In turn, which
places Sergeant Pat Mcgo on the
night shift, and Officer Harry Clng
endo on tho day shift.
March came In ns much like n Hon
ns tt ever does In the Hoguo river
valley with a shower of rain nnd
threatening skies. Today tho clouds
ewre blown away, and bright, spring
Itko sunshine followed. Being the
first of thu month bill collectors
Were active, and farmers began their
real preparations for tills year's
crops, plowing nnd spraying.
Tho new shades In messalinc, crepe
meteor and Jersey silk petticoats nrs
now on display at the F. K. Deuel ft
Mrs. It. Arwln of Klamath Falls
Is spending a few days In Medford
attending to business matters and
visiting friends.
Tho Hlght Hcv. Chnrles Scaddlng
of Portland spent Sunday In Medford
occupying tho pulpit at St. Mark'
Episcopal church.
C. A. Do Voo, Mcdford agent for
tho Portland Orcgonlan, -IIS W.
Main. Phono 122-R.
J. E. Lowls and Frank Day of La
Junlta, Colo., aro business visitors
in the city this week, and may locate
in the valley.
Malcolm Hoot of Tablo Hock was a
business visitor in tho city Saturday
Milk and cream at DoVoo's.
W. S. Eakins and wlfo of Atlanta,
Ga., aro registered at tho Medford
E. W. Farmer-of Boulder, Colo.,
Is spending MgVlays In, tho city at
tending to business matters.
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives made any time or
place by appointment Phone M
David Rosenberg of Central Point
spent a fow hours la Mcdford Satur
day afternoon.
Tho big shoo salo Is still on, $1.35,
$1.75 and $1.9S. Will H. Wilson,
cheapest store in the west.
Fresh lime. Mcdford Lbr. Co.
Tho big shoo nalo Is still on $1.35,
$1.75 nnd $198. Will H. Wilson,
cheapest store In tho west.
Well yes! We aro soiling shoes,
rubber bqots, 2.35; baby shoes, 5c.
Will H. Wilson, cheapest store in tho
$1500.00 to loan on Improved
ranch property. H. A. Holmes, thu
Insuranco Man.
Well yes! Wo nro selling shoes.
rubber boots, $2.35; baby shoes, 5c.
Will H. Wilson, cheapest Btoro In the
W. M. Clarke of Grants Pass Is 11
business visitor in tho city today.
Modol Bakery goods at Do Vocs.
J. G. Miller of Ashland visited
friends in this city Sunday afternoon.
P. D. Blackden of Climax Is a busi
ness visitor in tho city this weak.
John Volpo, Elmer Smith and A.
Sheppard of Ashland wcro in tho
city for a fow hours Sunday.
E. M. Ward of Hoseburg is tran
sacting business in Medford tliU
J. T. Galllgan of Gold Hill was a
business visitor in the city Saturday.
J. M, Foster of Eagle Point spent
Saturday in Mcdford attending to
business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ulrlch of Jack
sonville visited with Mcdford friend
for a fow hours Sunday afternoon
and evening.
J. C. Pendleton of Tablo Hock was
a business visitor In tho city Satur
day. Al Pankoy of Central Point spent
Sunday In Medford visiting friends.
W. E. Thompson of Gold Hill. is in
tho city today visiting friends aud
attending to business matters.
II. Hess of Eaglo Point is in tho
city today attcndlr to bu-.Incss mat
ters. Tho regular monthly meeting of
thu city council will bo hold tomor
row night. Tho principal uiulneis
to bo considered with the regular
month'y bills, will bo the retirement
of Chief Amanii of thu flro depart
ment, and tho resignation of eighteen
volunteer fire flghtors who object '
have their telephones tho city his
beon puylug for, dispensed with,
nt.ll nt llj.ll.... Illtlun.. (itilMn.t tl
Ashland this ufturuooti on polico
HsEiBBt v
vw USA ft y
In -.pile ii f the talk that the popu
larity of the tnngo U declining, u
new variation of tlii- ilnnee is being
taken mi Hint of tnngo -.kilting.
County Commissioner Con Leever
Is In tho city this afternoon at
tending to official business nnd vis
iting friends.
II. Chandler Kgan of this city, for
mer amateur golf champion, nnd
Harry Davis of Portland, played a
match camo of golf at tho Country
club links Sunday afternoon, each
scorlni! 7C holes. A largo crowd saw
the game, and the play was fast de
spite tho unfavorable weather con
ditions. Faster and stronger thnn ever,
tho Hnrrlman Club baseball team,
which won IS out of 25 games played
last season, against nil of tho faster
teams of Oregon nnd Washington,
wishes to play tho local boys. We
play cood fast baseball, and don't
have tlmo to "crab." For games
wrlto to M. H. Bottler, manager, 704
Wells Fargo Bldg.
Dr. Preston W. Search, traveler,
lecturer and educator, and father of
Frederick Preston Search tho cellist,
spent Saturday and Sunday In Mcd
ford. Many years ego ho tramped
over this country, visiting Crater
Lake and walking to Crescent City,
so that ho Is. familiar with this .sec
tion ' and Its development. Dr.
Search delivers over 100 lectures.
Uio result of annual travel pllgrnni
ages, besides thoso on educational
and historical subjects.
Orchardlsts attentien: Employers'
liability insuranco for your proto
tlon. Also accident nnd flro. Holmes
tho Insuranco Man.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Slnnott roturncd
Saturday from a month's visit ;n
W. II. Meredith, district attorney
for Curry county and democratic
candlduto for concress from tho Third
district Is In tho city today In tho in
terests of his candidacy. Ho Is will
known throughout the district ns u
lawyer and business man. Ho was
appointed district attorney oi uurry
bounty by Governor West.
(Continued from PK !)
hiKt nislit, nnd the nmo conditions
will iirevnil tonight. This condition
resulted from feed wire breaking
mnler tlio weight of hied iiml hiiow
Hu-ine-i on thu floor of the New
York toek exchange wnn nt a htninL
still for hours because communica
tion with out-ilo poinlH wn inter
The force of the htorm wns mont
Hevero in New Jen-ov. Suffering in
Trenton, Newark, Jery City ami
Hobokeu wan partieiihtrlv intense.
Lumber laden from Fernnndiuu for
Providence, the four-mnsted cliooiier
Jacob S. Winslow went nwlioro on
Ulock island. Life-siivern picked up
the nine members of her crow mid
brought them ashore, fine man re
turned to tho ship later nnd wis
Shipping Endangered
An unidentified schooner wns re
ported to ho pounding to pieces on
Thimble island, near New London. It
was fenu-d her crew had been lost.
The street cleaning department unable to cope with tho situa
tion. Ten inches of hiiow had fallen
up to U o'clock. It will ho days
before the streets can ho rentored lo
normal condition.
A special htorm wiiriiiti" to nil
vessels to remain in port was issued
early today by tho government
weather bureau. This was taken ns
indicating Hint thu worst storm of
the year was expected on thu Allan
tie between Maine and the Half of
Mexico. Advices from New Jersey
and casern Pennsylvania pobits said
thesu diktiicls were ciipphd by a
sleet and wiudslorin.
(hilo I'oiy Miles mi I lour
A gale which reaclicd a U'locily of
Tho npoit is -hying tun tie jpooinl
ecut in knliiiL' oartiivnN. The nbic
photograph is that of tlio prixc-win-
uors in the recent Shrow-liurv river
fortv miles an hour hero piled up
iiinuutniiiDii snowdrift- Mind the
city'- busiest htreet- were nearly de-.-ertcd.
liailrond trnffio uiw paralyzed.
More than 100 train were reported
stalled in tho vicinity of New York.
Many outgoing trains were enu
oelled. Those that left their term
iunls were lost track of quickly, the
storm crippling both telegraph and
telephone wires. Wires were dnwu
for miles in many places, and it was
imMisihle to obtain details of con
ditions in outlying districts.
Stnten Island. Pout'hkoepsie, New
ark and half a dozen other cities
were in darkues Inst night, the
storm putting isiwer !nnts out of
commission. Owing to the danger of
fulling wires, thu electric power in
the stations which escaped serious
injury wns shut off.
Hunger from fires was great.
.More than 500 firemen were detail
ed to patrol the streets hero ami
watch for fires.
All Traffic StopjKNl
The storm started yesterday with
n wet snow. This 'was followed by
a gold rain- iiih1THiI lush froze.
Then followed ruin)' bail ami mkiw in
the order named, the entire mass
freezing ami Mopping all traffic.
Street Commissioner Fcatliemtoao
expected to give thousands of idle
men work olcnning the streets, hut
it was impossible for them to work
outside today because of the intense
The coal Mid milk situation wns
acute. Coal dealers were unable tu
fill orders, and no milk was deliv
Ships due nt this port today were
held outside Sandy Hook mid the
barometer warned of worsu condi
tions to follow. Government fore
casters believed this was about the
last savage attack this winter, and
nsserted that nay further disturb
ances must be short-lived. How
ever, it will bo nenrly a week before
normal conditions can be restored in
New York aud niaiby points.
Killed In Subway
Lawrence Gregory, npe.l 4.r yenrs,
nnd llcnmin Wcukclscth, aged 58,
blinded by snow, were killed by n
Long Island train. '
The subway was jammed, as the
surface cars wcro stalled on the
trucks because of snowdrifts. The
elevated railroad service was irreg
ular, nnd many lioiisauds of persons
were delayed in getting down to
ISrooklyn was snowbound. In
innny instances sleeC was driven into
keyholes nnd then froze, barring
storekeepers from their places of
NOGALES, Sonora, Moxlco, Mar. 2.
General Vestunla Carrauza mot hla
advisors hero today. United Statos
Consul Slmplch remained in No
gules, Arizona during tho morning,
but It was reported that ho would
meet Carrauza boforu night, presum
ably to renew discussion of tho Ban
ton matter.
Slmplch and memhors of tho Car
rauza cabinet wcro silent regarding
Carrunzn'u action In preventing tli'i
Benton commlsslo from moving from
Juarez to Chlhiiuhim City. Neither
would Slmplch udmlt that ho had ro
col veil fresh Instructions from Secre
tary Bryan,
Although Currutuu and his bluff
had expected to i.tuil today for Chi
huahua City, thoro woro no signs of
uctlvlty uinong tils purty.
Forging the iiaino of H. W. Slov
ens, as utniiugoi'.of tlio Phoenix Or
ehaid eoiupaiiyi nu adept and elever
cheek man clenued up on MVdford
mcrehuuts Satutdav ufleiunon, the
tills of tho saloons sufl'eiing the
most, !-', (I. Ilrowu, Joe Adams, I).
S. Uadolitfo and W. F. Nanos t."T.g
gery Hill") cashed worthless checks
varying from $10 to f'-'o. The di.
covery was mndo this morning when
Hie chocks were taken to tho bank,
hut in the lueiiutiuie the penman had
flown for parts unknown, nnd uu ef
fort has been made to cntch liiin li
telegraphing to points north and
Huuglosouie work common to forg
ers is missing from the checks,
"Tho Phoenix Orcluird Coiupnu," Is
made with n rubber stump, nnd II.
. Slovens written m a baud that
would indicate tho w liter Iiiih had
much experience with the pen. Where
the forger got the rubber stamp is n
mystery. The profits of the forgei
were uboiit $200 for nu aflernoon's
criminal ncthity.
This is the first time Medford met
chants have been "slung" by worth
less checks Kinee last Jnl., and more
of the bad paper is expected to hIiow
up through tho hanks today.
An iucorrecf icpoit Hint fiw men
bad c-caped from the San Qaontni
penitentiary and been captured out
side the walls was published here to
day. Investigation de eloped that
last Thursday five men did get from
their cells into Hie corridor, but no
farther, define they were stopped b
the guards ami again locked up.
lvhlil.l-,1 J. I-.. Kerley, a pioneer
or the Itogue Itiver vallev and a resi
dent of (Irants Pass for many years,
died at Orants Pass Friday after
long illness. Mr. ICerley was 7.S
years of ago, having been horn in
18:ii; in Smithvillc, Teiiu. Ho leaves
a wife and five daughters, Mrs. Wil
liam Johnson of Portland, Mrs. P.ttn
Itoadmnu of California, Mrs. A. T.
lodil of Woodland. Wash,, and (lert
riabj mid Marion Kerley of (Irants
STKVKNS At Ins home in Jack
sonville, Sunday afternoon at AM
o'clock, limner Stevens, njjed 7"
years, n veteran of the civil war and
for three years a resident of Jack
son county. He leaves a wife and
one child, Lola, of Eugene, Or. The
funeral service will be held Tuesday
at 10 o'clopk. lliiriul in Jackson
ville cemetery. He enlUted in Com
pany A, First New York infantry, at
the opening of the rebellion, nnd serv
ed with honor. He was well known
in Hie comity scat ami among (I, A.
It. members.
With Medford tinOi li Medford mndn,
WImiii Well. Know n MtMlfonl People
Tell It so Pliilnly
When public endorsement Is mndo
by n representative citizen of Mod
ford tho proof Is positive, You must
bollovo It. Bend this testimony.
Every sufferer of kidney hnrkncli-i,
every man, woman or child with kid
noy trouble will do well to read tlm
Mrs. William Charley, 30n N.
Grnpo St., Mcdford, Ore., saH; "I
had much pain In tho small of my
back nml sometimes I could hardly
bend or stralKbton. At night tho
trouble bothered mo, too and often I
couldn't sleep. I tried planters and
llnlmonts but nothing but helped me.
When almost dlBcourugod, I heard
of Doan's Kidney Pills. In less than
two weeks after I began taking
thorn, I felt better. I used In nil
four boxos of Doan's Kldnoy Pills
nnd thoy made mo well. Doan's
Kldnoy Pills so completely cured mo
of kldnoy trouble that I havo had no
sign of it for over threo years."
Prlco CO cents, at all dealors.
Don't simply ask for u klilnoy remedy
got Doiiu'fl Kldnoy Pills tho sumo
that Mrs. Charley had. Foster-MII-burn
Co,, Props,, Buffulo, N. Y,
A team can pull as big a loud with
It us uuy other burnous ami caiinnt
Injur.) tho Iicoh whllu plowing,
Cull II. ('. IIO.V.NHY, I'lionu HOK-M.
A Miicrellgious horse thiol' Mole n
inn re and buggy belonging to V, C.
ClayUllo from Hid hitching inek near
the llaptist church late Saturday,
and made a complete getaway, not u
liouf or hair of llio bnrcs being scon
since. The animal was loll in tho
shadow of n hoiio of woixhip while
the owner to bisiuisH mut
ters uptown. When lie li'ttiiiud the
horse was gone. Itollt Hih police and
sberilCs nl fie nro ,worKing on tho
case and uut!ioiitic to the iimth and
snulli have been notified. Tlio linro
is described as follows; Dark blown,
or could bo culled black, weight 1 1 00
pounds, II vcais old, with medium
shot toil, a. id top huuio, with black
loll shall btokcii and mapped with
wire. The owner ollcis a suitable
rew a id.
WASIIIXUTON. MniclrJ. K'lin.
tor 'llioiutou ol Louisiana, lonvt "
belief in the light of American coast
vessels to i Nciiiptioii float Panama
canal tolls, swuuir Into lino (inlay in
support of President WiNou' sup
port of bis riht to ioMral the c
cmplioii clause of the ciiuiil act.
Tin niton issued a statement do
rending his new Hition, II ileclar
cil be thuiiligt when the cxemphoii
was mado (but it was not , Molatnni
if I real v oliliratious, but no..' niteiuU
In wolk for the repeal of the elull-e
vtTlth Medford trndo in Mcdford mndo
Eat less meat and take Salts for Back
ache or Bladder trouble
Meatrnliici acids.
tJrla acid In meat rxcltrs the khlnry,
they Ixvcomn ovrrworknli pit slugtfUli,
Belie, and feci like lump of Irnd. Ttis
uriiio becomrs cloudy i the blmPlcr Js Irrl
tntrd, and you msy bo oldlgnl to vk re
lief two or tlitro tunes during the night.
When tho klilnry clog you imut botp
thcni lltudt olf the bwdv's urlDotm wsitu
or you'll bo a rcil lck rWi shortly.
Ai tint rou teel a dull mlwjry In tl.e kl.l
ney region, ymi stilTer from bicknehe,
kick lieailncbe, dlulnens, stam.ieh gets
sour, tongua coated nnt you feel ilieil
tnntle twiiign when the went her Is Ud.
YM Iran meat, drink lots of water i
alio get from any pharmacist four ounces
of Jad Salt i take a taMcjpoondil
In a gists of water before Lreakfaul
for a Uvr d.iy nnd your kldne)s will
then net nnr. This famous snlts Is mada
from tho aeld of grnpet and lemon julcw,
rombhird with lltlils, nnd has twen uie.1
for gencrittlims to clean cloggvd kidneys
nnd ntlmuUto them to normal activity,
nlso to neutrnllra the ndds In uhn, so
It no longer U a sourrn of Irritation,
tlau ending blndder wenknem.
Jad Salt I inejin-nalve, ramiot la
lure makes a deliehtful etTerveKcnt
llthla-water drink which everyone should
take now nnd then to keen the kidneys
chati nnd active. Druuglut hero my
thev ftell lots of Jul Knits to folk who
believe In overcoming kidney troublo
while It I only troublo.
Special Sale
Hair Goods
To liiako room for tlio
new tfood.s on tlio way
from Now York, I will
soil tlio out ire hIoHc now
on hand
Switchos from $1.00 to
Hair Ornaments from
10c up.
Thin in your opportu
nity to got jiihI. what
you want and need
New York Hair
Dressing Parlors
Next to PoKtoffico.
mc no
lUkuiivniiunu vn; .
Tlmo III "Papo'r. IHiipcp,u" Makes
Your I fot, IIIomIimI Stomach Peel
Hue In llio Mliiuten
"llenlly does" put bud nIoiuiicIih In
order "really dims" oxorcotuo lit.ll
gentian, d), gas. heartburn
and souriioioi In five minutes--that
Just tluit--miilios Pap.i'n Dlnpupslu
tho Iiiih out moIIIuc Hloiuneh roKUlalor
In tlio world If "hut joil eat for
uielitH Into Hlubborn liiinpM, oii bnli'h
gas mid oruclato sour, uudlitoritull
food aiid in Id; bsml I dlxzy and
liehos; breath roul; totlRiio coutod;
our Insldos filled with Idle and In
rlKostlblii uicto, roiuoiubor tho mo
m.'iit "Paps's )iiwpiln" lomim In
contact with tlio stomach all kitoh
dlstroBri vanishes. It's truly niton
IsIiIuk almost marvelous, and tho
joy In Its hiirmloMMioiw.
A Inrgo fifty-rent can of Pnpo's
Dlnnolinlu wilt ulvc vou n huu.lrud
dollar' worth of Rtitlaf action or your
drUMKlst hands ou your inoiioy barK.
It's worth Km .velrlit In koI.I to
men and women who esnt get their
stomnehs rogulatod. It bolOtiKs "i
jour boino- should nlwny bo ko,n
bandy In cano of n sick, iMiur. ut"t
Htoiniuh dtirliiK the day or nt night.
II'h the iiili'koi.t, mi i est and imut
hnniilcs hIoiiiiuIi doctor In (no
licit located and met popular
hotel m t'c I on ttioilitiog Ice
t-ter In tverv r-iii.
KipccLl nttentlon to Isdle
trsvetllni itlone.
ricclleni, truo.jhly pied Kilu
Mttt ) ur (ficn! at the Mini.
rurinl'lnltsU l SO up,
Mwuemnf, Chitter IV. KtUty
And Prevent Disease
Ity scientific vni'or tinlu.
tnnssugo, uciillo pny or
Hhoivcr bntlm. Costa on
moro than Turkish hath,
but morn idoawiut and
Hciniato apartment for
In. His, ultii Iniljr intend
Dr. R. J. Lockwood
i:o:i:ii(i (.uriictt.c.n.y
ni.ig., riiouo net rou nam:
Ono Bimri of miuoi, ago fi and
7 years, weight 21.00. Ono Bmu,
of argo innrcB, weight 2(100. Ono
good nl nroiiud homo, 8 years old
l.nrgo team, wolclit 3000. Ono woll
broko Biiddlo homo. Ono gcutlo lad
les' driving mnro. Ono good rnnch,
team, htiirgy ami bnrnoBB, Can no'
Bcun at
0. S. Mils, Phono I no, ,U Union Hani
To the Milk Consumers
of Medford
Why not buy your milk and cream
from tho dnlry that hus tho hlghoit
Bcoro of any dairy In ModfordT
Wo Bull mlllt Juiit aa cheap oh tho
JowoBt Hcorod dalrloH nnd gunrnntoo
It to bo puro, cloiin nnd rich of buttor
Wo innko a njioclulty of milk for
Otvo tin n trial and you will nlwayu
bo out ctiBtomur,
Wo mako two dollvorlcu dolly.
tf , Wt Hnlilcr riiouo U01-J:
B a
5T. J-iJ---'OTAfRCU-l