1 T"J - j.,.-,, irfrrrriiinnriMiiwpiwiiu .1iljIiiZ VnHilwltfj -y f :, s f Ci't Ot yr S'rtef ?N ,J? Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Haiti tonight nml TuemUv Mav. .-Oj Mill. !M( IVc. .1 1. For I jr. I MM rut l)llv CImIiIIi Ymr MKDFOItn. OIU'XION, MONDAY, AIAIK'II 2, IflM. NO. 202 WORST BLIZZARD IN TWENTY-FIVE YEARS SWEEPS EASTERN HALF OF CONTINENT ? wMMt, m m Mtfimwmt.hiHlmwPm w V STURM RAGNG F: TO ATLANTIC Cntlre East. Middle West nml South Paralyzed hy Severest Blizzard Since lUQ!) Many Deaths Report- cd All Traffic Halted. Staiincilnu Piontrty Losses Heavy Snow Falling nml Icy Gale Dlowlnn Slilpilii Endangered. NI'.W VOHK, March 2. The t-titirt int, pail of tin' Hoiitlii-rii states nml inuxl of llii middle vih was uni I.muhI tnilit li tin whikI Hlunn in twenty-five i'iirs. Seven deaths with icpnrliil in New York il.v ilium', tun mi Long Mimd, Inn in Si'iiiiilnii, I'm., mill one in Trenton, N. J. All 1 ruins running imiI of New York Were I'HIiecllctl llllt llfleriluilll. Itnllroiuls with hcudipiitrleiH hero U'nirl'il staggering hscs, while the diinuigtt In New York state alone was iH'rlfi in iiui into tin millions. All I In tciritorx ik fur smith u Charlotte, N. C, nml iih fur wi-l ns Chti'HKo hum buttered by wind mid xlril mnl buried in iuiw. l't In II o'clock this itflcrnoon n fnnt nf niiiiw Innl (alien in Nmv York City. liuMnci Ml SlnniMIII Unfiling mi Miuilinttnii island nml In llmnklyn was nl a standstill. All I'listcill t'ltilW were in danger nf di slriiesinn hy fire iih (lie alarm wires nf firo department in ni'iirly every linpnitnnt oily wi'ic nut nf rninniis inil. Till' tt'ti to, weio clogged with snowdrift, ami it wax pruetii' uli iiiiinKr,ilili for firofighliug nppu nitiiH In nvpnud to alatniN. (Internment fureenster prrdiolcd t lit xlnrni would wear itself nut In night, lint Hint it would Im nt least n ttock hcfiiw imriiial conditions wen1 icslurcd. .Mint tlinii l.'O trains wen1 icpoitnl stalled in New Ymk Mate nlnne. Of tliitly-fivn ships dun lien' In ila.Vi nut nm Innl reported up In noun. Tour vessels due yi'Hteiilay weio ntill missing at t lut t Imtir. Traffic Pntul)7Cit Tolrphoiin ami Iclcgiupli wiles weie down In 11 M'orc nf mitlylnc imiiilH, ami Ituiiilieilf. of puli" rn down. Simpejidi d I ruin M'nii'o luiro and In Now JelM'V (liieiili'iii'd (lu'iiler New Ymk with a milk ami food fam ine. Tim New Yh Htiliwny was xwatup. 'd Willi linnilieiU of llnniMiinU who were nnnlilii to iikii tliu Mil I'll ee nml I'lcMili'd lincH. Kuifai'ii i-iiih wvw htnlliil mi lint tiai'kn, iimdilii to iiniKe any liendway nnniiwl uimintiiinuiiri KiiowdiitlK piled up hy it leu it ii lioillieiiht unle., Wild cnmimiuli'iilioii In up-dnlo polntn wan down mid it wiih iinpoi nihlu In iiHccitiiln conilitioiiH In that M'ctlnu. Seori'K of lotvim won In darkim (Continued on pmk ) SENATE REJECTS MOTION TO TABLE EQUAL SUFFRAGE WAKIIINUTO.V, March 8. Hy a vnlti nf -17 lo 17 llm ht'iiatn it'Jt'iitt'd IIiIh iifli'i'iioou Keimtor Hccd'H imitimi In lalilti Sciiulnr Ahliuhd'H motion to lako up the piopost'd t'lptal HiiffuiKO ami'iidmcul. Sfiiiiloiri Heed and Jami'H then uracil mi iimncdialii vole on tlio miiciiiliiicnl, "no llm hciiiiIo can adjourn Home limn thin Humiuur." .Scniilnr A!hiihI ohji'i'lcd In an lui iiiidialii Mile, KM,inj,' tluU many ineni hi'lri of llm Mi'inili' wihhed to Hpeiil; Oil lllO llll'JIHUIVi ROM CHICAGO V ON M E OF PEACE POLICY Regardless of JIiiijo Pressure, Presi dent Will Avoid Plunnlnn Nation Into War With Mexico If Possible Can Secure Same Results. Camilla's Altitude Does Not Involve a Sciicus Situation Britain Re fuses to Act on Stiyicsllon. WASIIINdTO.V, Mnnli 'J. Hi KiirdliiMM of pieMHiuo from within or witlinut, the WiimIiIiikIimi iidmiiii-lrn lioiiV "tiuli'hful wtiltlnjj'' poliry In wnril .Mexico will he conliniiril, Pre ideiit WiNon Hindi' clear to ciiIIith today, He rcnlicH, lie Miid, what inter trillion would cot in liven and noipy, and explained Unit ho con iilcred tin I'liitcil Slatex too hl In hae llm hmitl foiceil for any hcli'i H'Iini ii M nl people who am do. iimiiiliiii; that hiuiietliinK he done, lie told tihitorn, don't nppreemte t'.in' "lhe ttdl Inne lo contrilmle hrotli. eth, miiih mnl hweellienrlH in the eniit of immediati) action, whilo if we viil tin- Mitim reultH will ha oh tun. ill without the Micrifiec of life." (iiiieral Carrauia'ii atlitude, the pretidcul hiiiiI, does not invohe an MTinim it Mimuioii an it may tip. pear, ('iiiraiia he eoiimdern mere. ly denircH that regard he paid to the dignity nf las position an renlution my leader ami htaniU on the letter of iuleriialioiinl procedure. The Itenloii expedition, (he execu tive Mated, hud not heeii iiliamloueil, hul wan held up hy (leneral YillnV order until he iecoicd Cnirmuu'ii npproMil of it. The lliitio'i oeinmeut, he added, uei'iiiicH to net on rarraurn s xk eestion that iustcinl of leiuinj; the Itenloii iuftit;ntiou In tho Cuitcd Stalei, it appeal lo him d'ueetly for an ititpiny, He has heeu told, the prchiduiit waiil. Hint the I'liited StateH, acting' in uoiiiplimieo with DiiKlniid'rt Ii'iiiiohI, was prepared to o furwanl with llie iuvi'Htiatiou mid the cxeeutive was lioiieful thai the ichel chieftain would aice. I'uchiml, it was stated )ocitielv, would not coininiinicate with Car ninra, as In do ho wonlil iimonul In ii'i'OKiiilioii nf the ulu'ln' hellit;i'r euey. The pifsiili'iil deelarcd that re. polls of u coalition of foreign piw cih naiiiHt tho United Stales' Mexi can polioy who unfounded, No at tempt, he added, had heen made In Hunt a lluerta loan ahroml. Seerelary of Stale llryau reeeied an aNHiiiaueo fioin (leneral Car mum that the hitler was luvestigatiii; Hie easo of OtiHtav llaueli, tho (lernimi Aeiniican missiii; in Noitlieru Me ieo. Hoautor Slioppnul of Texns told the pruHhleat thin aflurnoou (lint flovor nor Colipiltt of hla stnto does not represent tho prcdomlunnro of pub lic, opinion In Toxuh, which Is nHlmt InlorMiutlou In Mexico. The Iioiikc eommitleo on foreign relations put the lid on (ho Mexicun ipiestlou this afternoon, a nessiou at which Seenitni" Hryan was lo hae spoken heiu cancelled. LUST OF SALOONS SIKMPHI8, Tonn., Mar. 2. Flvo hundred and Bovouly.ulx local saloon keepers surrendered their Hcoiibos today to tho county attorney general, tho "iuiIhiuico law" which ended (he day of open saloons In Tennessee, having gouo Into effect tho first of. Iho month, Tho pluroH oven of thoso who did not tutu In tholr licenses wvro closed, NONNUAN !aW TmbS HbbbbbbJK' LPBbbbW I Tint Inrrmt miliiunrltin In tho J Amerlraii nnvj (i 1'. U now nncliond at the llrookhu Nny Ynnl. Tho toitt In 1 00 dot lour, which make MONTREAL TAKEN 8AX rilANCIBCO, Cnl , Mar. 2. When tin? liner MaUonln ro.ictieK Honolulu WVdnemlny, Cnptnlu C. V. Hntindor. nrcordlni; to wlruleu nn nnK0H received hero, wilt turn ovor to tho local authorities two men (aid to ho J. C. and J. S. riuldiiiR, broth er, at Montreal, accmu'd of defrnud Ihk tho Continental and C'ommcrchl National Hank of Chlcano out of IIS00. ArcordlnK to tho utory In thu hands of tho police hero. J. C. 1'lehllnK ws auditor of tho ltonl Ilank In the Montreal mihurb of Lambert, and his biother worked In n Montreal Inmir nnco oflro. Two weeks nso, It was Minted, they left Montreal and soon afterward It wan ciscovored that several of tho ltoal Hank's blank drattH wcro mlssltiK. WarnltiK woa sent out broadcast hut two bourn boforo It received one, tho Chicago bnnk had cashed a f JS0Q draft on tho bank to n man styling himself J. V.. Johnston, but whoso desvlptlou fitted ono of tho Flcld Iiikh. An hour before tho Mntsonla sailed Inst Wednesday, a man ap peared at n bank here, whoso descrip tion was also said to match ono of tho brothers, mid nought to rash a $'000 draft but apparently Hitspectod MonielhliiK nml disappeared without itettliiK any money, Later It was learned that two mcu, believed to bo tho brothem, had sailed on tho Mntsonla T-rm ns Chief Two Guns White Calf's liiho on the Hlaekfool ichcnnlion in Mon tana moved rump llm oilier day. Tho photograph tdiows the chief person al household en mule. Tho two ponies in llm rear of the lliiu uru cleaned In luuiliiiK tlio "tra- SWINDLERS M HAWAIIAN HIP J fj " vltsHHllisssssssssssssssssssHI sKsssssPHp sssssssWltrVtksUlJlABfBtliiiUlHMii if (jBBBLfSBBBBBBBBBBBBBViitBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHvitBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVI v .Ttte JSHI t IRsssssssssssIH JljssssssHsJltsssssssssssssslr ii?vvlnri !BtlHrlBslB3E'V?dBt: Itsssssssssssll Xs BloiWXJitVKSiasssssssssssssssW.v VT T IBItssssssssssssHltsssiVUIViiissVafcVylssssssssssssssikV jRjLltsssssssssssW issStfWHinKrjiissiVHrA . Z9iiPwKi9iissssssssDMriissssssssssK9n ItsssssssKissssssst JHsisssBlisssk Khlsssssss? v HF flsssBlissssssssslissB tissssssT "tvii V ii lisHBlissVlillisssstlissssh 'Ek jAsssssssssssssssssssVlisssssMniV 3r ItsssssssssssssssssssssssssssBlissssr M ItssssKJisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssT MtBiBBsys3jilyi!y UNCLE SAM'S LARGEST SUBMARINE I'll JHKuff F her much lonKnr than any other vc - ne of tho nnuiu kind in tho u.nv) She rnrrli'K a crow of twenty men, nml ran travel under water nt R T TO DEATH DURING L AT ST. ST. LOl'18. Mo., March 2. Wes ley, or. an liu was ucttitr known "Hod" Simon placed on trial this morning charged with tho murder of Kmmctt Carrol was shot to death nt noon at ho was on ills wn to lunch with two deputy sheilfis guarding him. Henry '.ftiiK, who did tho shooting, coolly handed his pistol to a pollco sergeant, who ruslwd up at th? sound of tho shot remarking: "I Juit had a little trouble with Simon, and I had to shoot him. I ilon'i know whether I killed him or not." Carrol's death, for which Simon was on trial, was attributed by tho local authorities to n gang feud and trouble had been feared when tho rase rnmo up In rotirt. Neverthe less, tho deputies who had been do tailed to guard tho prlsonor had fallen about a block behind htm it tho tlmo ho met Zang. Tbls was perhaps Immaterial so far ns an es-1 capo wag concerned, slnco Simon had been nt liberty for moro than two mouths on 3000 ball, but It cost their charge his life. "Simon started toward me when ho r-nw me," ald Zang In his utato ment to the police and exclaimed, 'You'll never testify against inc. I construed this as a threat and fired." Zang Is a bartender known ns tho "Lndyhlllor." Three girls recently took poison on account of Jealousy ovor htm, and twlro Jealous women have thrown acid In hla face. GANGSTER A CHIEF TWO GUNS WHITE CALF ON THE MOVE vols" tho oldest form of transpor tation on the Ninth Ameileau conti nent, ho canoe mid (he human leg bciiij,' excepted, As woou ns tho In dian not Iho potiv ho began lo haul his ei'l'ecls just iu Iho lllackfect in tlio picture were when it was taken. i depth of 250 foct Tho veatot I io j well planned that tho tnny remain below with her crew for fort).eli;ht - liourn. INSANITY PLEA E BY ELLIS CHICAGO, March 2. William Ki ll,, on trial hero for tUirtHUirder-oC his wife, and who eunfY.eil umlnv thai he was "damaged pooiN"' when he led her to the nlliir, was recalled to the wilnOHH stand today. He Kecks to secure hU ncipiitt.il through nu iiiMiuity pirn. ".My grandfather wax n religion fanatie," he testified. "My father was stricken blind when he was hut jn youiiR man because of a constitu tional detect. I had fainting spcll aiid fits when a hov." Hubert M. llosca, T'J-year.ohl civil war eteran mid father of Klennor Hoen Kllis, the murdered woman, listened intently lo his son-iu-lnw's testimony. He was watehcil closely hy court deputies. Attaches feared another outburst similar lo that of Saturday when Kllis admitted that he I f filer lliiillfflliK illhiitflwiit tillitn llA 111111' ried Miss Hosea. "Damn him I I'll kill lira!" shout ed Hosea, as he sprang- toward Klli. I He was restrained by bailiffs. I The murder was committed, it 1ms i been testified, after Kills mnl Ids wife had returned from ntlenduur a per fiirmnuco oi the plav "Oamuged floods." GRANTS PASS BUTChFr FILES BANKRUPTCY PETITION PORTLAND, Or.. lurcli 2. Otis lav Karuer of Grants Puss, n butch er, filed a petition in bankruptcy to day in the federal court, lie lists his liabililit" of .lt).8S0. at 20,731. with assets It was hundreds of years Inter hefuro Iho Hereakiuir Fled Hiver enrt became a lival of (he Iravois, Hut il was brought lo the lllackfoot country by Iho while men, The liavois is ho Indian's own invention. On tho day this photograph wiiu M F W MURDER CALIFORNIA 10 fill WORK N PACIFICHIMA Siskiyou County Has Already Acted in Co-opcrrticn With State Com mission, ard Shasta and Tehama Act This Month. Eighty Miles nf Highway Financed hy Siskljou County and Ready for Contractors' Bid. SACltAMKNTO, Mar. 2. Plant for completing the through link In the state hlrhway between San Fran cisco and tho Oregon state line and a connection with the Oregon highway through tho Itoguo rlrer vallcry an practically assured, so far as tho Cal ifornia highway Is concerned, ac cording to reports received by the California highway commission. Tho three California counties In which official action has not been taken toward financing necessary construction through sales of state highway bonds will have tho matter i before their boards of supervisors early In Mnrch. Two of these counties. Shasta and Tehama, make the most Important gap In the highway, and civic bodlt and citizens arc urging their super visors to co-oprrato with the hlgo way commission in closing this gap. SUM) on County Itcady Siskiyou county has notified the highway commission of Its readlncu to co-operato in arranging for t he sale of sufficient bonds to build the eighty miles o! ttato highway in that county and to provide tho necessarv bridges and rights of way. Tho most northerly section of tho stato high way, from the Oregon Mine south to Yreka, Is nearly ready for tho con tractors' bills. Another important section la Northern California which hat been termed the barrier to touring from and to the north, in Shasta county north of lleddlng, has been con quered by Division Knglneer lied. ford, who Is In charge of that dlvlsiln of tho stato hlrhway work. It re duces grades in excess of 25 per cent to a maximum of C or 7 per cent. Shasta and Tehama, county super visors will tako up tho question of absorbing tho depreciation on suffi cient amounts of stato highway bonds to cocr construction In thoso coun ties, at their first meetings In Marca. If their decisions nro favorable tho disposal of highway bonds sufficient to provide for tho route from Orcgo.i to San Francisco will havo been ar ranged, with tho oxcoptlon of Yolo county. A decision by tho super visors of that county Is probable in March. taken it was announced that men would try lo Hy acros Hie pea, A trip by win around the world was propoi-ed. A crew of KuglUh sea men died in their submarine. Prog ress Iuimi'i touched Hie Jlluckl'out, Ho piefcrti hi truol, JACKSON COUNTY WARRANTS Nl AT PAR VALUE Medford Banks Announce That All County Securities issued Hereafter Will Be Cashed at Face Value Tcu Vellc Back From East. Campaign Pledge of County Cawi Made Good Storms and Zeri Weather Disgust Judge With East. Jackson county warrants nro now at par. Hanks of Medford Monday nwecd with County Judge Toil Velio to honor nl! county warrants lssue:l hereafter at par valuo. Hanks of Ashland and ottier valley cities are epectcd to tako simitar action. Tho matter of restoring tho county crodlt has been striven for by tho county court since Its members took offlco a year ago last January. Coun ty warrants were then at 90, but Itt tho first fow months went up to 95. Slnco then they havo hovered be tween 9S and par. The agreement of tho banks fol lowed a series ot conference with tho county court relative to deposit ing tho 1500.000 received for the highway bonds. The coitrlt- agreed to divide this money between tho county banks, whicft would furnish Indemnity bonds and co-operate In placing warrants at par. County Judgo Tou Velio returned from tho east Monday with the money and th agrcoment with tho banks with the first matter considered. "I found zero weather prevailing oast," said Judgo Ton Velio "sno storms, blizzards and freezing. It's my last trip cast nover again for me. Tho Hogiie river valley has It all beat a thousand ways. "The bonds havo all been sold by tho purchasers and brought good prices. I.lfo insurance concerns took a largo portion. They kept me biuy signing all kinds of statements o satisfy tho purchasers. "Uuslness condition aro Improving rapidly east. Kveryono is optimistic and certain an ora ot great prosper ity Is at hand. "Medford and tho Rogue rlvor val ley are well known In financial cir cles oast and stand well, and as long as wu protect our credit, there will bo no difficulty In disposing of local, securities. "I am glad to announce that tho banks are co-oporatlnc with us, and that county warrants are henceforth at par. They ought to bo with B )ier cent bonds at a premium, surely a C per cent security Is worth a much, especially when wo will ma terially reduce the Indebtedness this year. 'County warrants at par' waa ono of my campaign pledges and I am glad to nnnounro that It has be come an actuality." STEEL COMBINE ASSERTS LAMAR WASHINGTON, March 2. That tho liii t ciI Htatert Steel corKirntion and its subsidiaries get rebates in the form of dividends from eight differ ent railroads and bteniuship com panies were asserted today lv David f.innnr, the "wolf of Wall Hlreel," tho first witness nt the steel trust hearing- before Ftiterotata Commerce Coinmissiouor Iliulati today, The corporation's luaulzHtiwi, Ltunar continued, included control of these companies, mid ho deeliirttl lluil this orguui.rtllou was pvrfeel4 with a lew to pliU'liiK men at I(m4t heads whom the, td wtrfumtHwi could dupwid on to Hl Hu4er lU,w- BATE PAD J r