Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 25, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Kor tho mlddlvj of tho weok
Wondosdny was one of the. busiest
days In sovornl w colts, with many
farmers in (own. and llvolj crowds on
llio etrcnlR early In Iho wornlncr
Quito n number of laborer, ar
rived from the north, anticipating
employment on tho raclffc hlphwny.
A number of local cttlxens nro plan
ning to work tenum on tho project.
Owen Marsh of tho Applegate Is
transacting business In this city to
Houso cleaning mndo easy. Kent
n vacuum cleaner from tho Southern
Oregon Hloctrlc company, $1,50 per
lny. No. C, South Central, phone
County Commissioner J. C Smith
of ltogtie ltlvor was n Medford vis
Itor Tuesday.
Adrian Hose of the Griffin crcokj
Slnto Highway Knglneor II. L.
Ilowlby returned to Salem Tuesday
evening. Arrival of cement Is
awaited to begin actual paving opec
ntlons on tho Central Point road.
Tho Commercial club held a meet
ing Tuesday nfternoou and adopted
resolutions approving of tho Mud
ford Center of tho Drama League
and ordering n years dues for the
club bo paid, and listened to a can-
nory project presented by K. !'. llon
mer, of Portland. A committee com
posed of Hon Sheldon, llcrt Ander
son and J. A. Perry were npolnted to
Investigate the proposition.
Kelster ladles' tailoring college St.
Mark's block. Full course 40 sow
ing Including drafting $25. Forty
days sewing course $13 day; draft
ing course, $15. tf
Chief of Police Hlttson has an
nounced his candidacy for tho office
of sheriff on tho democratic ticket,
subject to tho May primaries. Chief
Hlttson has had considerable exper
ience In this lino of work In Texas
and In this state, and has been chief
of police of this city for the last three
district was In tho city Tuesday nf-if'"?' nnd. ,ms "dc f pooa wcord'
lie lias a i.irfcl' iuiiunins.
.ugono Annum, chief m' the liio
department, may be ou-leil from hi-
po-dtiou ut the M'.! iiicctini; of the
oily eouueil. n nnotlior Mop in Iho
economy policy of the city minimi
trnlion, upon Hie ground- Hint hw
service- are u luxury, nml Hint the
work of the department doe-, not jus
tify the eotitmimuoo of n chief's -nl-ury.
Nothing ilefiuite bus been lo.
oldcd upon h the council, but they
have talked over the matter among quartettes to make noise.
A spoolnl, train bearing n delega
tion of Ashland rooter will arrive
In .Medford') t)ilv eveulng to attend
tho bnsket ball game at tho Nat be
tween the Medford and Aohlnml
high schno basket ball teams, to de
cide the chnniplom-hlp of Southern
Oregon. The schools of thy city hnvo
pledged tlioniseht to attend in '
body, and today xtudcuts are making
a house to bouse cam as with tick
ets, nnd the attendance promises to
bo tho larcost of the season. Tho
Ashhuul delegation will bring n'
white the locals have A couple of
as the support ncoided high scluml
tcrnoon on business.
Orchard nnd farm tractor with
plows, harrows and tender wagon.
Dost bargain In tho county at Valley
Oarage. 290
Joo nccmnn of Gold Hill was n
business visitor for a few hours
Tuesday In Medford.
II. I.. Whiting has left on a sur
veying trip through tho Upper ArN
plogato country.
Orchard and farm tractor with
plows, harrows and tender wagon,
llcst bargain Is the county at Valley
Garngo. 290
Charllo Get of Yreka. Cal., a pio
neer Chinaman of this section, and
who mined on Talmcr creek 25 years
ago is spending a few days In the
city visiting hi Mongallan coun
trymen. Get Is well known among
tho older residents of Jacksonville.
Crescent City has named Dr. J. F.
Ttcddy as Its choice for a member of
tho army board to consider the fea
sibility of tho government makln?
Improvements In their harbor.
Carkin & Taylor, lawyers. (John
H. Carkin, Glenn O. Taylor), Has-kins-Hoyden
BIdg., Main street.
Tho family of Gcorgo King aro
contemplating moving to Caspar.
yomlng, where Mr. King Is at
present located, belnj; Interested In
oil land development.
Emerson Merrick has returned to
tho University of Oregon, wliero ho
will resume, his studies. For a time
It was feared they would have to te
dropped becauso of eyo trouble.
Sco Tumy for flro Insurance '
Candidates tor offico aro beginning
to liven up, and tho handshaking
season vrlil soon bo open. Several
aspirants filled with a dcslro to
servo their country aro now secur
ing names to nominating petition.
Tho campaign is not expected to
warm up much beforo the first of
Ilalph Cowglll made & short trip
to Central Point Tuesday afternoon.
Your insurance is right tf Uolmct
writes it, let him write It right, right
Mrs. Mablo . Parsons returned to
Eugene Wednesday after two days
spent in tho valley.
A. H. Johnson of Stockton, Cal., is
spending a few days In tho city on
Tumy writes better flro insurance.'
n. L. Mittrell of Yreka, Cal., Is
transacting business in tho city for a
low days. ,
C. W. Jackson of Eaglo Point U
transacting business In this city to
day. Why buy California butter when
you can set better butter from tho
Medford creamery? W, h. Chap-
poll, proprietor.
Gamo Warden A. S. Hubbard of
Ashland spent Wedneodny in tho city
on business.
It. J. Colu of Hilt, Cal.. Is tran
sacting business in this city today.
Itomombcr Tumy writes fire Insur
ance Dr. M. E. Smith and wife or Ash
land vvero visitors in Medfotd
U. A. Hnrtli of The Dalles Is a
business visitor In Medford this
Many Medford friends and ac
oulnutuncoa and lodgo brothers of
Snm 0. Van Dyke attended tho fun
oral services held ut his homo this
morning. ,,
MUs Gladys Thomas of Grants
Pass has returned to her homo after
upending a fow duys visiting with
friends in this city.
Fred Colvlg, county recorder, was
a business visitor in Medford Tues
day evonlng,
Kodak finishing, glossy or dull fin
ish at J. O. Gerklng's studio, 228 E.
Main St. Phono 3 20-.
D, F. George of Albany is spend
ing u fow days In Medford attending
to business matters.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Jjwljr Akshttant
&y l'buue 227
V, W. Weeks IBS-JH
A. K. Orr B7H-M
Attorney A. It. Smith or Grants
Pass was a visitor In this city Tues
day, in jibe Interest of Frederick
Holllstcr of Coos Day, democratic
candidate .for congress.
If tho merchants will not supply
you with Medford creamery butter
phono 251, W. U. Chappcll, proprie
tor. It. It. Mlntcr or Haglo Point re
turned to his homo Tuesday after
spending a couple of days In till
city on business. -
S. S. Dullls is expected to return
next week from a business trip o
New York.
J. O. Gerklng, the best all around
photographer In southern Oregon..
Alays reliable Negatives mado any
where, tlmo or place. Studio 22S
Main St. Phono 320-J.
Herman Purnckcr left Saturday
for Pendleton, Ore., whero ho will
bo married this week to Miss 1,1 Ha
Grigsby. Miss Grlgsby Is a daugh
ter of tho Rev. J. S. Grlgsby for
merly a resident or this city. Miss
Grlgsby was a member or the high
school faculty last year, and Is well
known among the younger set.
, George Hermans or Keddlng, Cat..
Is spending a few days In the city on
Sugar Pine shakes. Medford Lbr.
Such talent as Mr. and Mrs. Carl
ton Janes, Dr. W. J. Marlon, Miss
Leola Trucblood, Mrs. W. M. Van
Scoyoc and William Vawter. give
their services to aid tho causi
of better church music ought
to make all that want to roster
splendid church music In Medford
seo it their duty to aid by attending
tho Methodist church concert Friday,
Fobruary 27th. 2SS
Carl Wcndt of Jacksonville was l
business visitor lu Medford Tuesday
C. A. Do Voe, Medford agent for
tho Portland Oregonian, 4 IS W.
Main. Phono 122-R.
Mrs. F. II. Durkhart, wlfo of the
Bar Theater and little son returned
this morning from Sutherlln, Ore.,
whero they woro called by the death
or Mrs. Hurkhart'a brother.
Milk and cream at DeVoo's.
J.' A. Hollwcll or tho upper Rogue
Is In tho city today visiting his G. A.
It. frieuds tor a rew days.
William Ulrlch and Luko Ryan
havo purchased tho entire stock, fur
niture and fixtures rrom K. C. Welch
trustee In bankruptcy, of tho U. C
Ireland Cigar company. Thoy are
offering tho samo for salo at greatly
reduced prices for a few days at tlio
same location for cash. 2SS
Slnco tho resumption or traffic In
Southern California freight travel on
the S. P. has been heavy with three
to five, extra freights dally from the
south. Tuesday night one freight
with 77 cars passed through.
Kolster ladles' tailoring college,
-10 days sewing with drafting $25;
40 days sowing course, $15 day;
drafting course, $15.
E, W. I.IIJcgran has Just rotiirncd
from a trip to Southern Callfornlo.
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives mado any time or
place by appointment Phone M
147X. -
Fresh lime. Medfqrd Lbr. Co.
Model IJakery goods at Do Voes.
1 have purchased tho Interest of
my partners In tho Medford cleaning
and pressing company and am now
1.0I0 proprietor. Will be pleased 'u
havo your patronage and will guaran
tee satisfaction. I., R. Wolgamott.
Just received a car ol tankage
beer scrap, ground bone and oyster
shell, wholesale ai 1 lotrll. Rusk
Orchard and farm trr.ctor with
plows, harrows and tender wagon.
Rest bargain lu tho county at Valley
Garago. 290'
Hyrou's Troubadours, seven vocal
and Instrumental artists. Twenty
Instruments, Pugo TJicutor, Friday,
Feb. 27.
Attend (ho .Methodist church con
cert Friday evening. Hnjoy your
self, enrouragu homo talent and aid
n choir that Mauds for tho best. 2S&
it wn uiiilerMooil iimoiitr Mtu
Hie council that Chief Annum intend
ed to rciu nml move to California.
hut the matter vvni brought to n homl
thi week when the chief uiinuiiureil
(lint he did not intend to ipiit unless
the council otited him from In-"
berth, nml Hint ho would mnke n
fight for retention.
Chief Amnnn draws n salary ol
$P0 n month nml lins been licml ot
the department for about four yours,
with i men under him. One ohjec-
lion filed ncniiist him i Hint lie i
unnhle to stay nt the fire -tntion nt
niclit, nnd therefore speedily rc-pond
to nn nlnnn, should pue he s,.nt in.
Colonel Sargent of the second wind
is lendinjj the notion npu'n-t Annum.
The fire department lins had its
share of differences- with the new
eounoil. About n week ngo eighteen
member of the volunteer brunch re
signed, to take effect March 1, be
oaue tho council cut out their free
telephones. This mutter will Io be
presented tit the next meeting of the
council Tiie-dny night.
i ,' ' ,
u of athletic events so f.r this year has
boon slight It Is tilled that a good
crowd attend the mIuioI attraction.
CINCINNATI. Ohio. Feb. 2.-..
Tho 1780 flno Imposed hero estt'r
day upon Col. llrctit Arnold, gen
oral freight agent for the l.oulsvlllo
nnd Nnshvllo railroad, who pleaded
guilty to contributing to the dell.i
iliieucy of Mildred Crane, aged 10,
wns reduced today to $500. Mrs.
Kllzabeth I.owon. In whoso manicure
parlors tho girl worked, pleaded
guilty today to, contributing to Mil
dred's delinquency, but sentence In
her caw was suspended. Theodom
Roberts pleaded nillty to a klmllar
charge and was fined $100.
No Indictments vvero returned ly
the grand Jury today, hut further In
vestigation mh madii Into tho alleged
violations or the ltltui Sky law, thn
was begun yesterday afternoon,
when It una discovered that oim of
tho grand Jury men hnd boon n pur
chaser of slock In outsldo develop
ment projects under uucstlon. Tim
grand Jury Is expected to finish 1U
Investigations thU nfternoou nnd
bring Its report and all Indictments,
If any, at the same time.
This nfternoou the circuit courl
with Judge Cleototi of Portlnud on
the bench began tho trial of Nick
Autoiie, nu Italian chniged with an
unnatural crime.
'('iilironiln Sirup of Figs" lleM for
Tender Sit. much, I.Ivor, llonelit
Tiules Delicious
CIIARt.KSTON, S. C, Fob, 25.
Tho running race moot scheduled to
begin hero tndny was postponed on
account of snow.
Look back at .vour childhood dnvs.
Iteimiiiibiir tho "ilosn" niothor In
Nlhtod on castor oil, calomel, cath
artics. How .von bated 'thoiu, bow
i ou fought iiKnliiNt taking thorn.
With our chldlrou It's different.
Mothoriv who cling to tho old form of
pliVHlo simply don't ronllro what thoy
do. Tho chlldrcu'it revolt Is well
founded. Their louder little "In
side" nro Injured by them
.Miulo SIioiik mill Well by Vlnol.
When wo loll von Hmt Vlnol In IIi'o
best romody In our Wholo stock for
niilkliig weak, puny, nlllut; chlldroii
stiotig, robust and roxy wo mo only
lolling i mi what Iiiih boon piovod by
lutudiodii of mothers.
.1. I. I'lcKlliiii, .Macon On., nuvs:
".My iiiih) nit Nob (hill and dollcnto, -no
appetite, nervous, and did n'U
sleep well lliietors did not help her,
x in ill was rmommnndod and llur
chniu'o nftor a fair trial was wonder
ful. She sleeps suuiidly at lilulil, ban
it Hpleiollil uppetlto and has giiltiod
lu weight I wish every mother
know what Vlnol wilt do for detleato
What Vlnol did for this little girl
If olir child's stomach, liver and '
bowels need demising, give only doll-1 It "HI do for every weak mid allium
cloils 'California Hj run of l-'lcs." tt .'I'lld because sickly children need
NKW Oltl.CA.NS. I.a , Feb, 25 -Snow
fell today throughout Louis
iana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia
and South Carolina tor tho Hrst
tlmo In many years Tho fall it
St, .Martinsville, l.n., amounted to
six Inches. Tliuimauds or children
saw snow for the first tlmo lu their
CHICAGO. Feb. 25. Seven Chi
cago women, complete returns showed
today, were nominated for aldermnu
at yesterday's primary election, the
first opportunity tho women had had
to excrctso tho right of suffrage.
Primaries were held In many other
cities and towns or the state, but
everywhere tho woman voto ws
Im Chicago only about 30 per rent
or tho 15S,52t women who had,
qualified voted. Galesburg reported
tho heaviest women's vote. It was
the sccno of a wet and dry contest.
The women cast nearly hair the total
Three or tho women nominated In
Chicago were progressives and four
were socialists.
Stormy weather and tho absonce
of Important Issues wcro respon
sible for the light vote.
A weak hearted hold-up man at
tempted to hold up Ira J. Dodge of
tho Korlnck Remedy company Mon
day nlpht on tho .Jacksonville) rond,
and was thwarted in his criminal pur
pose by Mr. Dodge shoving his auto
Into the high and speeding straight
at tho man, who stood In tho mlddln
ot tho road waving a signal to stop.
Tho looks ot the mnu and his atti
tude did not appeal, though ho
showed no weapon. Mrs. Dodg
was riding with her husband at tho
time. The pollco and sheriff's of
fico havo not been advised or tho at
tempt. According to residents alone that
road thoro has been suspicious moves
on tho part of strangers lately to
wards autolsts, and a now rule lu
that section Is to stop for no one at
sl?ht for fear or hold-ups.
Ihirglnrri entered Hie public library
Inst Saturdii.v night by breaking a
Imsi-mcnt window ami springing the
In teh, mid after thoroughly run-nek-iug
the building mid turning drawers
topsy turv.v, found n purse coiitniu
ill" f.'i, belonging to Miss Klizahcth
Itobiusoii, Hut' librarian. The rob
bery wns dioovervd Sunday morning.
The iHilicc nro working nimii tlio the
ory that i. wjw tlio. work of n boy;
who had soli)!) Jjnow ledge of where
Miss lluliiii-on hid lior purse
I.KI.ANI), .Mis-., Fib. 'J.'. Failing
in nn attempt to burn him, n mob
shot Sum Putty, u negro licensed of
murder, to death here last night. Il
was tied to mi iron post, hut the
flume burned nvvnv the ropes nnd
he tried lo t int. Scores of bullets
were fired into his body. Deputy
Sheriff C. . Kirklmid was the man
ho vviiR eliured vvilli killing.
Hamlets to Huh Kidneys and neatrml
iz irritating acids-Splendid
for system.
WASHINGTON', Feb. 23. Hy a
vote of .'12 to 23, the -eiiuto this nft
ernoou table! the Norri lenolution,
asking the dcimitmciit of justice to
inform tlio senate uf tho exuel nego
tiations curried on with the New
York, Xpvv Huvi'ii & Hartford mil
rond regarding iU reoigmiiutiou,
l With Medford trudo'ln Medford made.
WASHINGTON', l-Vli. 23. -Jnmes
I. Hill wits a culler nt Hid While
liiuiso toilny. It wns reunited Hint
Hill wns being cnuniiloicd by Presi
dent WiImmi for memberaliip on tho
legioiuil lescno lionrd. Hill iodised
lo (iCIh l l) llipoll, ,
Kidney and Illaddrr wrakness result
from uric acid, says a noted authority.
'Hie kidneys filter this acid from tlio
Mood and pass it on to the bladder, where
it often remains to irritate and inliamc,
earning a burning, scalding sensation, or
setting up nn Irritation at tlio neck of
the bladder, obliging you to seek relief
two or three times during tho night
The sufferer It In constant dread, the
water pause Mmctimes with a icaldliig
scniation and is very profuv; again,
there Is diflinilty In Avoiding It.
llladdcr weakness, mot folks call It,
nocniiJMj inpy cant control urination.
While it Is extremely annoying and some
times very painful; dbli is really one of
the most sfmple nllnieni to overcome.
Get nlioiit foyr ouncea of Jad fiolts
from vour pharmacUt and tako a (uhlo
spoonliil In u glasn of water bofore
hrcakfatt, coii'imio this for two or three
duys. Ihls will nfiitralie tlm ucldn In
tho urine so It no longer Is a source ol
Irritation to ll.i bladder nnd urinary or
gans which t'mn act noniinlly oguln.
Jad fc'a Itn M liictpenaivp, harmless
and in mado from tl(e aoid of vnipca put
lemon julc, .,mhiiird with lithia. unr"
is iisftl by tli unhd nf foils yW o an
viibje.t to ur wiry d-oilvrx. cntircd b
irlc il. Int.ti.n. Jad Haiti is eplca
'id i .r 1 in. i nml rauten no biu
''n it -1 .lltf -,
II i vn-i ., . c a plfnmit. friirvecfn
Iih rtiHfi il .r.l;, which quickly rellcvei
.Riif,' and Carpet Olenning
and Weaving
WASHINGTON. Fob. 23. The
proposed H-hcries trcuty between
the I'nited Stni- mid Cniindu was
Invornldy reported to tho somite hv
Hie foreign relntioiis eommiltco.
Tlmo "I'iiiw'm lliiM-Kiu!" In j.'Uo
.Minnies nil Siiirne-( (,'at, Heart
burn nml ll)sH-psbt N Cone,
Hour, gnssy, upset Htomnch, Indi
gestion, heartburn, dspcpsln; when
the food you oat ferments Into nines
and stubborn lumps; jour head aches
and you feel sick' and miserable,
that's when you reallto tho magic u
I'apo's Dlnufiuilu. It, makes nil
'sjbmacli misery vnnlsh lu five min
utes. If your stomach Is In a continuous
rovolt if you can't got It regulated,
pleaso, ror your sake, try I'npe's l)la
pcpsln. It's so needless to havo a
bad stomach mnke vour not meal i.
fuvorlto rood meal, then tako a little
Dlapepsln. There will not bo any
distress eat without Tear. It's be
causo I'spo's Dlnpopsln "really does"
regulate weak, out-of-order stomachs
Hint gives It Its millions of sales an
nually, (lot a Inrro flfty-ceut en so of
I'npu's Dlapepsln from any drii
store. It Is tho ipilckest, surest
stomach relief and euro known. It
acta almost llko jungle It is a
scientific, harmless and pleasant
stomach preparation which truly be
longs lu every home.
A smart Hcini
dims boot. Just
tlio kind to ivpjlio
jiropor Xjjjal U)iah
ti ,a..;jaunt.j1( street
costumo. Tlio boat
liatont oolt, oloth
. to),, button, new rf,
ocdii;g , too wjth
Krcnc'li-Cubaii liool.
.. 11'H.Ml.V
Widths AA lo D
i "flo0a mi"
m0 S goc 8tor
action Is positive, but gentle. .Mil
lions of mot hers keep thin hnrmtoiii
' ti'ult huatlvo" bnudy; they know
elilidrcii lovo to take it, that It never
falls lo clean tho liver and bowels
and sweeten tho stomnrb, mid that a
toaspoouful given todny saves a sit k
child tomorrow.
Ask vour drunglst for a titi-ccnt
boltle of "California Sjrup of I'Irs'
which has full dliocltoiis for Imhlei,
children of till ages and for urowu-ups
plainly prlilted on each bottle, lie
ware of coilutorfoltH sold here Heo
that It Is mndo by "(.'allfurnlu 1'lg
Sriii Coluiauv " Kofuso any other
Mud with contempt
tho slroiigihoiiliiK cod liver elements
mid the tonic Iron that Vlnol coti
tnltis -that Is wh) Vlnol builds them
up quickly uud Rives tliem n flue,
hoalthy color. It Is pleasant to
take and we uunrniilcn that tho re
sults will satisfy von--money hack If
thoy do not- .Medford I'liiirnmey,
Medford, Oro.
I' H If tut have l.'cieuni try our
Kaxo Halve. We guarmitro It.
. '. 1
BMHffvTi no tvi ZlWtUtji
lvvoests ur tiu: an.i ,u
u Till!
r l., in iin ui- r r(, n
'Ur alal ill. ill iwlnbr lull nli n III
iMiumni r..mmlnl..ntr vf ti S (
(IKIVII, iuiknl lu l
Sn irwluini ir,l iluilm ili
' U,ll
lllurMl it.M,.U fj IMlIt
flx.l ilulltli III rf
T Ul lnuni . .
.s,i !. .a.i ituiim is r VD.siaei
I'ltllliltiHtH IA.I taUrUl 'M
ilurln. IN. t'' 4ITI.II
Tn. hfi H.I ( pM iiur-
n lh t4f
Am uiu uf all Str riMllliHa
Kotch COLLAR. ! ,v
Tout irM artt
I ml Ml' wst Imtt-
3 Ur 33 cnii
Clattr. rlw.,lr A ( In.
laf I4lul
"f (Iwlat as. I InHi.ta yaM.
matkr. alul
hkka and mm a.kj
Aaaia.m it n ttMrn m( rati
u in
Hl.r,l ml fault .lua asil rrwi
1(50 aiMvs, 1 10 in cultiva
tion, (!" alfaira; I'lilly ctuii
ped with stock, tools and
hay, chickens and household
Chas. Gilchrist
Sam's Valley, Oro.
T..ii tfflT
T"il tii.l, .liulll4 Is MfiH iU.:Hlt
Ii-'.aa rlalml (r !... mhimIiI t,
A'...,.., H, uamiiwn pf.miuitia wn
".il an ma imt P3.JII l
All lk.r tUMHIIaa
T.UI HaMlllUa .1 UI.(.SJ
Tui iiitmUmi In rr KWn.f,
II. UIU llm.KU.ll
lliitlnra. In llrf inn far Hi Vrar,
Tut a I tl.Wt willlMi ilurlN III
r ivois.
l)f"i prunlann inli ilutlni
lh r Ut,rj j
I'lrtHl'iaxi rlurtir ilvrlna Ih.
. ! aUM
lix.a htM Juflaa lh rar roJ.IIIHI
l.-Haaa la. if f jj ilarlag Ilia ,.4r Oa.lall (
Tlal amount ul fiaka auiaiaiulini
In 0;nn iHahltxr SI. IHU MSAMDI
oitiu.o.s 1 ne: Ni!i.i;r avmmi trios.
Let Us Deliver Your Drugs
Our storo atords many convenience not found eluewhern, and
tho finality ot our foods Is seldom enualed. Ah to our service, we
urKO oii to try It soon.
i'iti:i: ni:i.i'i:itv systc.m
Tliero'a a wire from our store to your homo. Stop to jour phono
any time. utatliiK wbnt drui: storo foods you want, it will bo only n
short tlmo before tho i;ooils nro at your door. This free delivery
service Is for )ou and. wo wunt you to use It.
I'Aimw.i cost i:i,ivi:itv
Parlies living too far nway from our storo to benefit b our free
delivery system can lot "011010 Ham" deliver isoods for llioin. .Mall
Orders receive prompt nttuiitlou nnd uoods run usually bo delivered
by return mnll. If you hnvo arraiiKod for n vhnrKu aciount, Just
phono your ordur.
Why not try our .Mall Otilcr Serilio?
Medford Pharmacy
riimin II) .War I'iui Office
Wo (live H. fi. II (Ireon Trndlim Stamps
Shasta Route Trainls
aU i Kr mm
'J'ho J3.v)o.sition Lino 1910
And now is the tinio to sco California; to live out
doors and onjoy tho sunshine, flowers and suninior
sports. .It is a trip you cannot afford to miss.
including Shasta Limited, the train of modern sorv-
!' vltli nll-Htocl lin-to-tno-minuto nriuininotit.
The California and San Francisco Bxpreas Tea inn
with Standard, Tourist and Chair Cars and dining
sorvico that will please.
Call on nearest S, P. Agent and let him outline a
trip, quote farea and furnish Outing literature on
California's famous rosorts,
John M, Scott, General Passonger Agent,
Portland, Ore.
J'HOUO .Tjy-It J
r ' Sl'