Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 23, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MEPFOKD MAII'j TinnUNM. MlODirQRl). OKKOONr. AIONPAV. r-M'iimi'AUV Hit, 11)11.
T. K. Clnrk nntl wife of Yoncnlln,
Oregon nro vIMtlng friends In this
city thl week.
Mm. !'. H. Whitney nml tlmiRhtor
snent Sunday in thin city visiting
Honr Novlna' "Captlvo Memories"
nt tho Mcthoilfct church, Friday,
Kob. 27.
Uarrr n. Mills of Iltitto Fall l in
tho city today attending to busiuess
A. C. Hough of Rrnnts Pbm was a
IiubIiipub visitor in tho city Saturday.
K. . Carlton of Tablo Hock trnn
packed business matters In this city
Houso cleaning made ea?y. Rent
a vacuum cleaner from tho Southern
Oregon Electric company, $1.50 per
day. No. C, South Central, phone
2 ICY.
Mose Ilarkdull returned Saturday
night from n two weeks trip to San
Francisco, wearing a now hat with a
new stylo bow behind. Ho went out
to see Hud Anderson tho day before
tho Watson match, and Hud told
him he weighed li2 pounds, and
looked it. Moso did not even stay
to seo tho finish of tho one time
championship contender.
norn. to Mr. and Mrs. Krncst Mill
Ing of North Ivy street, Sunday
morning, a daughter.
Orchard and farm tractor with
plows, harrows and tender wagon.
Host bargain In tho county at Valley
Garage. 290
It. W. Uostwlck of I'ittaburp, l'a.,
is registered at tho Mcdford Hotel.
Sprague Rolgcl of Gold Hill was a
business visitor in tho city Saturday.
B. W. Carlcton and M. M. Hoot
worn business visitors in tho city
Saturday from Tabic Hock.
Orchard and farm tractor with
plows, harrows and tender wagon.
Ue3t bargain is tho county at Valley
GarRgo. 290
J. Kitxglbbon of Hoguo River spent
Saturday in Mcdford attending to
business matters.
David Rosenberg of Tolo spent
Sunday in Mcdford visiting friends.
It. Minicr of Klamath Falls :s
transacting business in this city and
valley this week.
Wanted boarders at tho nungalow
G28 East Main. Phono 331-J. First
class board. 2S5
Dick Donald, former manager of
Dud Anderson, and Mrs. Donald, flco
Franklo Jackson, aro expected to
pay Mcdford friends a visit aboJt
tho mlddlo of March.
Deputy Fruit Inspector Myers of
Central Point was in tho city this
morning on county business.
Carkln &. Taylor, lawyers. (John
II. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor), Has
k Ins-Boy deu Dldg., Main street.
It. J. Young of Halstead, Nov., is
spending a fow days in tho city at
tending to business matters.
Miss Flora Thompson of Jackson
ville visited with friends In this city
for a fow hours Saturday evening.
Mrs. Hannah Davis of Gold Hill
spent Sunday in Medford vTsitlng
friends and relatives.
Your insuranco Is right If Holmes
writes It, let him write it right, right
Registration for the May primaries
to date show an Increase in republi
cans, and a decided falling off In tho
woman registration.
Slnco tho announcement of tho in
tention of the pollco to strictly en
force, tho law against speeding ther
has been a doclded falling off In
record nnd reckless driving of auto
and motorcyclists.
Seo Tumy for firo Insurance
Homer Dooilttlo of Happy Camp.
Cal., is sponding a few days In tho
city attending to tuslnebs matters.
"Davy" Davidson, Sr., of the Mod
ford cigar store had the misfortune
to Jab a nail Into tho heola of his
hand Friday, inflicting a painful, but
not serious wound.
Attorney A. E. Rcames, who has
been attending to legal matters i'i
Salem and Portland, returned Sun
day oven I tig.
Orchard and farm tractor with
plows, barrows and tender wagon.
Uest bargain In tho county nt Valley
Garage, do
A, 8. Rich of Ashland transacted
business In Medford this morning.
Miss Gladys Thomas of Grants
Pass visited with friends and rela
tives in this city Saturday and Sun
day. Stato Corporation Commissioner
Ralph Watson of Salem arrived In
tho city today on annttors in connec
tion with presenting evidence re
garding alleged violations of tho
Blue Sky law In this section before
tho gratid Jury,
Remember Tumy writes Jlro Insur
i ,
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Id AuuUtAat
I)jr'lJioa0 att7
(Night V. W. Weeks Jo.l-Jil
MtuUM A, K. Orr 97M-M f
Scores of people took advantage 6f
tho Tnlr weather Sunday for Jaunts
and unto rides Into the country.
D. H, Tuttlo of Phoeuis Is transact
ing uttnlnoM In this city today.
Kodak finishing, glossy or dull fin
ish at J. O. Gerklng's studio, 22S B
Main St. Phono 320-.
The spring delegation of drum
mers Dctllng fall and winter goods
nro beginning to arrive, calling upon
tho alloy trade.
Applications for shelter In the city
Jail, picked up Saturday night after a
dull week, seven seeking n Jail bed.
J. O. Gerking, the best all around
photographer in southern Oregon.,
Alnys reliable. Negatives mado any
where, tlmo or place. Studio 22S
Main St, Phono 320-J.
Mrs. Maude Miller, who was oper
ated tipon n week ago for appendici
tis nt Sacred Heart hospital Is get
ting along nicely nnd expects to ls
able to return to her homo about
The opening session of the new
grand Jury will bo held In Jackson
ville tomorrow morning, when nn in
vestigation will bo made Into alleged
violations of the Ulue Sky law, scan
dal monglng contractors, and a road
row in the Applcgate. The trial of
criminal cases will begin Wednesday
or Thursday.
Sugar Pine shake. Mcdford Lbr.
The first of a scries of four games
between tho Medford and Ashland
high school basketball teams will bo
played nt the Nat tomorrow night. A
largo delegation of Ashland rooters
will make the trip to cheer for their
Miss Evelyn Taylor who was oper
atcd upon for appendicitis nt Sacred
cart hospital is able to be around
C. A. Do Voe, Mcdford agent for
the Portlnnd Orcgontan, 4 IS W
Main. Phono 122-H.
Hanks, city and county offices, and
the postofflco aro closod today in
honor of Washington's birthday. The
schools did not closo.
The A. U. llasco Musical Comedy
company arrived In town this morn
ing and will open thlr engagement nt
tho Page Theater tonight. There nro
several new faces in the cast.
Try our flour, Johnson's Best.
I1.1C; Dlue Stem, 11.35; None Bet
ter. L. B. Drown, Russ Mill, Flour
nnd Feed.
Trains on the Southern Pacific
from the south resumed somewhero
near normal servlco Sunday nftor
heavy delays Friday and Saturday
Chief of Pollco Hlttson was going
trrerto Jacksonville this mornlnjt '.a
file his cnndldncy for sheriff on the
democratic ticket, and discovered it
was a legal holiday with the clerk's
bffico closed.
Milk and cream at DoVoo'a.
Madam Uonlta Abcruathlo will
demonstrate the "Goodwin" corset at
Mann's Tuesday nnd Wednesday,
Feb. 24 and 23. If you want tho
"Right'' corset seo her.
Madam Uonlta Abernathlo will
demonstrate tho "Goodwin" corset nt
Mann's Tuesday nnd Wednesday,
Feb. 24 and 25. If you want tho
"Right" corset see her.
B. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives mado any time or
place by appointment Phone M
Madam Bonlta Abernathlo will
demonstrate tho "Goodwin" corset at
Mann's Tuesday and Wednesday,
Feb. 24 and 25. If you want tin
"Right" corset seo her.
Al Pnnkoy of Central Point vis
ited with friends in this city Saturday.
Fresh Hmo. Medford I,br. Co.
A. 1). Williams, for several years
employed by local nowspapcrs an a
printer, leave today for Reno, Nov,
where ho has a position with tho Ne
vada Stato Journal. Mr. Williams
will retain his property Interests In
this valley, and his family will re
main hero for tho tlmo being.
D. C. Goddard of Talent tran
sacted business In this city Saturduy
A. I.. Johnson of Ashland spent
Sunday In this city visiting friends
and attending to business matters.
Try our flour, Johnson's Best.
$1.15; Blue Stem, $1.35; Nono Hot
ter. L. D. Brown, Russ Mill, Flour
and Feed.
J. I). Samuels of tho Modoc or
chards was a visitor In tho city Sun
day. Col. George P. Mima of Seven
Oaks was a business visitor in tho
city Saturday,
Model Bakory goods at Do Vocs.
W. A. Hutton, n prominent min
ing man and capitalist of Spokane i
in the city attending to business matters.
Frod C. A) or of Eugene. Ore,
Mrs. Mnblo H. Parsons of Etigouo.
n member of tho I'litx orally of Ore
gon faculty will address tho M renter
Medford club this ufteruoou, nnd
speak in Ashland this evening. The
lectures nro r.lven under I'nlvorslty
extension nusplcos. Mrs. I'nnuii's
was formerly president of tho Great
er Medford club nnd most nrtlvo In
civic work.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Purl up
turned Saturday front Eugene where
they attended tho Development
l.cnguo meeting.
Louis W. Hill, of the Gront North
cm passed through Medford Monday
morning In his apodal car, on iouco
to Southern California with hta
family to spend n mouth.
Tim blight commlttou met In the
public library Saturday afternoon
and discussed tlie fruit situation. U
Is urged upon all orehardlsts to ex
amine tho roots of apple, ns well ns
pear trees, in their fight to exter
minate blight.
Breakfast parties nro In order for
Shrove Tuesday nt St. Mark's hall.
Hot waffles nnd mnplo syrup at
Gt. Mark's hall, Tuesday, February
2 4th.
Don't forgot the Shrove Tuesday
breakfast at St. Mark's hall, 2ii
I Jinvo purchased the Interest of
tn partners In the Medford cleaning
nnd pressing company and am now
solo proprietor. Will bo pleased o
hnvo your patronngo and will guaran
tee satisfaction. L. R. Wolgamott.
Judgo Clccton of Portlnnd Is pre
siding In tho circuit court, having
changed places with Judge Calkins
for this week.
A delightful nftcruoon was spent
at the home of Mrs. W. S. Hamilton
today, when she entertained n fow of
tho Intimate friends of her sister.
Miss Bessie Kidder. During tho nf
temoon Miss Kidder's engagement to
B. II. McDnnlets, of .Moil ford, was
announced In a very unhiuo man
ner. Hoseburg Review.
Dr. B. Klrchgcssncr Is now located
In Garnett-Corey building, room 213,
hours to to 3. Phono S2S.
A number of men In threo nuto
will go to Central Point tonight to
attend a farewell to Harry
Tuttle. who leaves shortly for
Grand Forks, N. D., where ho ns
sumes chargo of tho Y.- M. C. A.
Tito suicidal tendencies of W
Thompson again iroKo out early Sun
day morning in tho bum of F. S, Car
penter on tho Jacksonville ro.ul, and
now ho Is In the Sacred ilonrt hos
pital suffering from a doso of strych
nine and facing prosecution under
tho slnto law which provide u pri
son term for attempted self de
struction. The Sabbath day attempt
was tho second lit two months tho
flrM being made In tho homo nt his
ltaronts on Fourth street, when ho
drank his father's rheumatism medi
cine. Thomnsen purchased an eighth of
nn ounce of ntrchntno from tho
Jacksonville, drug store Sunday ho
snys nnd then made his way to tho
barn of F. S. Carpenter near Perry
date, lie made enough nolto to at
tract Mr. Carpenter, who went to
the bam to Investigate. When
about ten feet away, Thouiuson nit'
uounrod that ho wn through with
life, and put the vial to his mouth.
Ho swallowed enough to rausc con
vulsions. Thotnaseu In his suicidal escapades
maungss to havo human aid ami a
telephone hntidy. Carpenter rushed
tu a telephone, nm called Dr. Por
ter, who applied nn emetic nnd tho
stomach pump. It Is tho opinion of
both that Thomaicn was milking n
"grandstand play."
Thomason Is said to bo a victim
of tho drink habit, and his desire li
ipilt this world comes when the sup
ply Ik short.
Sam (I. Van l)Kc, u native sou of
.Iiu-koit oountv, mill one of (lie lie-l
known men in -oullioni Oregon, tiled
nt his riiueli home, five mile mutli
of I'liiieiiix, Snlunltiv, ttpctl ,j voiir.
Month whs I'uuxi'il bv nn uttuek ol'
ipihuy mill n compliotitiou of ili.
onos following.
Tin runeml Mtixioc will lie liolil
from the futility lioiuo TmomIuv iiioiii-
iti nt 11 o'clock, iimler llie niipli'CH
of the I Ilk. lodge, who will ntteml in
it hotly. Tho Rev. .1. IC. Itnillii ul
l'hoeniv will offielnte, mi olil ftioiul.
Mi. Yhii tlxko wiii horn in t'lioo
ni, Or., December ID, ISIIll. Ho
lonviK n fntuilv of ?1 oliililteii -three
hoy-, Vet no, Kvoiott nml l.e-lor,
iitnl three ilutmhtor, .Murvnrct, Flor
ence nnd t'utol, nml his wife, Cntluir.
inc. Three lirolliera nml tliteo MitoVh
nro ."till living.
PocciimM wus woll nml widely
known. For many onrs lie liolil the.
position of oountv road super. ior.
It wii mi id of him that lie wiih the
most lirelew-i worker ill Jitrkmni
county, Imtli for himelf nml the
county. Ho lived nil tils life in this
wtllcv unit was ndmired nml lilortl
liv M-oros
Notice, In hereby given (lint tho tin
iIoimIhiioiI will apply to tho city conn
oil nt its meet lug to bo held March
3rd, 1114, for u llcoiisu to sell malt,
spirillum nml villous liitiom In iiimu.
titles less than n gallon ul Us place of
business on lot it, block 20, city of
Noitford for n period of six months.
Dated February 1 1, 1U14
Notlio In heiehy given that Mm im
deisliinod wilt apply to the city eoiiii.
ell nt It h meeting to ho hold Mnrcli
Hid, IIHI, for a lIceiiHo to soil limit,
splrltmuiH mid villous llipiora In iiimi.
titles loss than a gallon nt Its place if
business, No, 3D, North Front street,
city of Modfot'd for a poilml of six
II. H. HADCLll'I'i:,
Dated February HI, Mil,
The Jackson Oountv Fire Patrol
iissocintion will hold its niuimil meet
ing in the forestry service office thin
nt'tornoon nt '-' o'clock. The principal
l)iisiiieK to come before the body will
he the election of officers uiiii iti-
nw'or. rending of reports of the
nr i-liowin the progress nml finnn
eml condition of the iisMieiation, ami
u I'iccuhMon of pluna for the eomiiiK
Mimmer and tall.
Timber intoroMs of southern Ore
gon will he rcpresentcil. W. P. Mcr
ccrei.ii of the Wheeler syndicate, II.
P. Mills of the Powin;.' interuf.t, IM
snr S. llnfer of the Hurt intcroti,
. I. Vnwter of the Ilia Uend .Mill,
itijr compmiy, Pill flrieve, represent.
wu timber in the northern portion of
the county; K. A. HiMreth, secre
tury unit treaMtrer; Ktuto Foruster
Klliot nnd Forest Supervisor Kriek
W. J. Scott, who owns the Scott
much, iiioluiiin u mile on tho north
Mile of Ho;:ue river from Currv
riffle enht, N uilvertisint: the prop
erty for Mile. Concern in;: it lie
siivn :
"ThU true! of nhoiit l Kit) nores
front on tho Hoguo river for neurlv
u mile no hotter fishing ground on
tin river embraces, lome of tho
very best iuwe!l ns tin poorest of
laud. The poor Muff is uei that
the average fanner couldn't raise u
disturbance on or a lady rnisu her
hobble .skirt on it. That sort wo
intend to mortpiu for about n hun
dred, then trndo our cipiity for
Ntmidin roDin in. I.os Auyclos or
Situ Picpi. Tho piod hind will he
out up mill ,Mitd in triii'tH to suit
buyers. We give no trading Mumps,
hut to the purchaser of u (en-nere
tract will he hliowu where the allele
worm rovvs the fnttost mid the per
riwiukle builds liis nest. To the
buyer of u twenty-uero tract, nix
Ic.shoiik in the art of eithtiiiK the fly
nnd liindiu tho denizens of the
Pontic, from the oue-poiiud rainbow
to the tiii-piliiud silversidc, by the
iMink Wnltou of .Mcdford (To'ery
of i-ourso), mid to tho purclniner of
n lorty-ncre tract, iinv brick cor
ner (not to exceed twenty-five foot
front) on .Mum Mrcet, Mcdford, will
he given, or ii pioluni thereof."
The city council has boon ndvlsod
by City Attorney Mct'nbo nnd by For
mer City Attorney Nolf, and by ad
vice from Portland, rotative to col
lection of dclliuiuont assessments nnd
Interest, nil agreeing that forced
collection of those dcllmpiout as
sessments mid Interest can bo made
or tho property affected sold. The
lists of delinquents are now being
prupared, and thu council Intends to
begin proceedings within n short
tlmo to enforce) tho collection of tho
various amounts duo thu city. Per
ilous who nro behind with their pay
moats wilt do well to attend to ttio
payment of Interest duo at least,
without delay, ns tho council are
determined to hnvo this paid, so
that the city can meet Its obliga
tions for interest.
upending a tew dcya In tho city at
tending to utulnci i.iatte.'s.
Tumy wrlteb butter f Iro insurance.
T. A. Klliot of Saloai Is transact
ing business In tho city today.
M. L. Prlckson, supervisor of tho
local forest scrvlco leaves tomorrow
on u tour or inspection of forest
rancor stations In this district.
Tho funeral of tho Infant on of
R. St. James wus hold at Perl's
chnpol Sunday ufteruoou nt S o'clock.
Mesdames Wosteriuud and Jack
sou havo sot n good oxampln to real
donts of Kast Main street by plant
ing roses uloug tho curb.
E. M. Wilson, tho export account
ant recently named doputy assessor,
advocates tho appointment of a com
mission of 12 or moro property own
ers in Mcdford to act In an advisory
capacity in making up tho assessed
valuation of tho city.
"No ono man" said Mr. Wilson inn
night, "can havo tho Information and
experlenco to secure an cmiltublo
and fair estlrnato of ,.roporty values.
In many other districts they havo
tried a non-partisan commission of
this sort and it has meet with con
spicuous success. I nm in favor of
tho samo plan In Medford. I will
havo my offico established in Mod
ford In n fow da8 and hopo to start
In on tho work at onco."
.Mr. Wilson has been selected to
audit tho county records In regard
to delinquent taxes duo tho city af
Mcdford and will also do tho work
for Ashland, school district No. I
nnd school district No. 4 'J. Ho will
charge 10 pur cent of tho amount
collected for his services. It Is esti
mated that tho city will secure hc-
;B tweon 000 and $800 when tho past
six years receipts aro checked up.
In M10 tho Southern Pacific sys
tem bandied nboiit six nnd u half
million pieces of bagagn, In Mil It
handled six anil a quarter million, In
1012 It handled almost seven nnd n
quarter million. For tho thrco
years tho total was 10,831.1' IS. Out
of this numbor, only 1K0 pieces
wont astray- an average of CO pIccob
a year. And In many casea bagago
would not hnvo gone nstray had
passougers tliointiolvuH chocked their
belongings, had thorn rnchuckud,
when necessary, or changed tho
checking when tlioy changed thulr
own destination on routo
Word has been received by W. II.
(lore of the Medford National Hank,
that tho Stato Hunkers' association
will meet In this city in Juno, tho
week folowlug tho Roso Carnival In
Portland. Tho hanks of tho city
and thu Commercial club will en.
opernto In providing entertainment,
and a meeting will bo ended soon it)
urrnngo details. Iletween 1 50 and
200 visitors will bu In attendance.
0. A.
(Continued from Page 1)
problem, Home mlministrutiou offic
ials hiiid it probably would menu nt
least temporary peucn nml might
work out MitisfiiHorilv in tin cud.
Only Company "Exclusively Oregon"
Best for Oregonians
( Home Office, Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrhon, Portland
A, h. Mills, I,. Kaiiiuol, A. II. Cornell,
I'lcildcnt. (knoiul MuiiuKcr. UltUiict Muimtjor.
Professor F C Relinor of tho Ex
periment .Station nt Talent hue Just
returned from mi extended trip to
the lending fruit sections of Califor
nia, where he mudo a thorough study
of the fruit industry, mid especially
the pear Industry, of that state, Tho
leading sections visited were Chlco,
Marysvillo, Orovlllo, Bacrnmouto,
Vacuvllle, Santa Rosa, Hantu Clara,
Han Jose, nnd vvatsouvillo.
An extended visit wns mado to tho
Plant Introduction (iiirdeii nt Chlco,
whore tho government tests plunta
collected from ull parts of tho world,
Material was obtained hero of certain
species of fruit which tho station did
not possess.
At Santa Rosa Professor Itelmor
had nu Important Interview with
Luther Hiirhunk, thu famous plant
breeder. They dhciixscd mmiy phases
or tho pear breeding work which has
been undertaken at the Kxpurlment
At Vacavillo, Professor Relmor
visited Mr. R. E. Iiurtou who has
lono a limited amount of pour breed
ing work, and sonic very valuable
work in breeding now varieties of
Two dayH woro Hpont In tho fa
mous llartlett pour orcharda ulonz
the Bacramonto rlvor around Walnut
Orovu, Hood, Islcton, and Courtlaiid.
One day wus spent ut Hantu Clara
In tho ruinous. Illock orchurdH whoro
thu fluent California orchards of late
varieties of pearH nro found. Tho
methods of growing those pears dif
fer radically In hoiiio respectn from
those fallowed In tho Regno River
Considerable time was spent In tho
extensive Yellow Newtown apple
orcliurdu uroiiud Wutuonvlllu.
I. !!. (lOhloii, l'SNi't and .MnimpM1
A Short Season MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23
Ivi'lum til' (he Kn oiilt'M
Ami 1 1 in 1
120 C'loviM !'hV -20 tiiitt I.oIk of Mirk
Biggor, Bottor, Grnndor Than Evor
Monthly I'lvt-iiiii
Oijt' .Show Nightly.
Doors nt 7:l.", Curtain 8:00.
Prices, II), 'JO. ,'10..
'A IVw elioiet SVnts, IiVscrwd, HOc. Phono I IS
Wo hnvo just received, by oxprca3, a
largo ahipmont of tho soancr.'a newest
Silks for Spring and Summer woar.
This I'xci'ptioiinl showing rompi-laos
such ni'W and poimlai' fabrics as Chiffon
TiiIVIiks, Cnsmdi'iise Crepes, Moiius,
Hrocndi'd Satins, Printed Crepes, Char
nieiisc, FoitlardH, Tuli Silks, and Pon
tes in a most pleasing varielv of now
Wo havo heen particularly fortunato
in Huonriiig a with ranjo of e.ttiisitu
Silks for Irininiinpt, including the beau
tiful Oriental Urorhes. Ottoman Cropes,
rieh oordetl nilks in brocaded patterns
and many adapt ions front the Chinese
and .Japanese art.
It would bo advisable lit shop oarlv
and make your selections from tbls
beautiful line, while tho sdeotion is
complete. We should bo pleased to havo
you come in and look them over at vour
uarliosl convenience.
1ST Ki.ocm
F. K. Deuel Co.
Wo huvu IIii-iii liulh in tho HIJPMOBILE nml CADILLAC.
Wo nro in n position to look nftor llienii i-iiim nftor we Nill you
one Our mceliiinieiil ilujmitiuunt is of thu wnl nml uo nro in bun
iuoKH to Hlny.
Whuro lieuvy piilliii U riiilnil, the rear coukI ruction kivoh
moro trouble thnii uny other jmit. Tho IIUI'MOIIIM-: nml CAD
lUUAO both hnvo full floitlinj,' iixIoh nml will nlniiil llm nlrniu on
nil hoiIh of roiiilH nml oomlitioim, Our little vnlley in ho j-cii.
Knipliicully fiituuteil nml hiirnuiiiilcil by iiioiinliiinn thnf uuy illicit
tiou you k it rcijuircH lieuvy imllinj,'. Aiitomohiliu U new u biiH
incHs pi-ojioHltion nn woll nn pleiiHuro.
Ool your order in quid: nnd he rumly for both.
Our IIUJ'l ilomoiiHlrnloi- Iiuh niiiviil. Wo will bo' pIciiHcil to
Kive you n ilcmoustrutioii, It will cost you iiolhiiif; ami you nro
under no ohli'iilion to buy.
Crater Lake Motor Car Co.
18 South Fir Street.
Phono 348