nrtnnn flhln'lrnl Sofllty "17 Vornl 8tri ' Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER llnPi tonight nml Tuesdajr Max. 4HJ .Mln. 27. Ji !A riirly.tlilrO rmr Onllv IMkIiIIi ypr MIODFOIU), OUEClOX, MOJSMMY, FEBRUARY 2.'5, 191-J. NO. 286 ARMED INTERVENTION IN MEXICO NOW REGARDED BY SENATORS AS INEVITABLE ;1 1 1 M ' A ARMYANDNAVY READY TO FIGHT United Stairs Troops nml Ships. Await Wiiril of Commaml Every-, thlnii Prcpiirctl for Invasion II Nrcossnry. All Available Routes, Country's To potiapliy, Rnllrcail Conillllons anil Maps Prepared Tor Immediate Use WAHHINOTON. IVt. 23 If I'ultfit Hutu t rtiiB ninl ulili muai Intmoiin III Muleo, Il was staled mi MrM authority hero toilny Hint both nrmy mnl navy aro ready WIiIIh (ht mltnlitlntratlon linn iloi.c Mil In It HMr to nulil Intorvoti ttoH, It Im not iioKluotfil, It wns statist, lit prupnrn tor It Tim wnr ilitni tlHoiit wns unlit to Imvo mill utii Information concerning over) Hvallnblo rout.) to .Mexico City, Dim omintr?' topography, llio wntor sup ulr. tlio condition of tlio railroads, ) tho nuinhnr of llmlr rnrs nnd loc motlvoit nml. In short, MTthln dim) lltttdod to fncllllnto a quid coucmitrntlou on tlio capital from uny illriHillnn. ItieliUtntnlI'. It wn learned, ( crtit flmirtU of tuo"Wmihlugtnii Rov orninunt Imvo tnkon thousand of pliotORrfltHi, In many liistrtnrc Includ ing "movies" cmorlng prnctlrnlly llin wliolo of Moxlro nml coplo hmo bwn furnished in both wnr nml navy tuny tlnmrtmi'iil. u Intro I hoy Imvo bovu carefully muillml. Tho nnvy dopnrtuioiit. It wns tnld, U n well ncqunliittnl with thw coasts nml harbor n tlio wnr ile imrlincnt with thu Interior of the ronntry. Propnrntlons being Hindu for any KtiiorKsncy Tlmro ' Mpproinl nctlvlty nt boll' tho wnr nml nnvy departments. Wnr mnw wnro romly. mobilization orders onlv a will toil sUunturo, nml officers worn on tho nlurt for hurry up Innt rur Hoiih looking Inunnl liuiiiodlnto In tcrfcrt mo In Mixlinu affairs. JOSEPH PELS DEAD; GREATEST SINGLE TAX OF l'llll,AI)i:i.l'IIIA, IV!.. 'j:i. .loH'pli I'hIh, inilliiiiiiiiro oii iiuiiiiifiii'lun'r mill mho I'litu o' tlio nint,'li tux, i ilt'inl liern loiluy. Fi'lrt uis pur- llllH lll'Ht ItllOU'll hh tlio rrulost sinlo ln ihImh'mId ot' llm pruHi'iit Ki'iu'iulioii. MURPHY HAPPY niiCiWio, i-vii. a:i. "i hIiouM worry," hiiIiI CIiiiiIi'H Murpli wlu'ii lolil liciu loiluy Unit u HyiulU onto coiupoHcil of .liimi'H I'iikIii Wil -lium Halo Tlioinpsou nml t'luu U'h McCiillocli blootl ivuilv lo liny CIiiih. I'. TiiIVh iuluii'ht In lliu I'IiIciiko Na tional loiiKiio luihi'liull clnli. TIiioiiIi pi-iiHrtiirn by Uovi'inoi" John K. 'IViut of lVllllHilvilllill, picniili'iit of till! Nnlioiiiil li'njjiu', Miuphy wiih foivcil noiuo liinu Hiiliiiiluy (o iliHpimo of liin iuU'ioM lo 'I'm II, who hIiiiIciI him In llin kiui'. "I fitiiiliil with n hIioo HtiiiiK," HiiM Murphy, "uiul loiluy I urn woith nioi'ii Hunt u million ilolliirs. I urn Kind o kii( out of llio k'""" '''h" hlory (hut I wiih Kii'lifil out hv Nn tioutil IciiKim iliiccloiH h not true. I (,-iit my iici, mnl now Unit I mn IIiihiikIi nilh hiibuluill, 1 iiiii u hnpp. Willi." 1 ORDERED TAMOUS COLORADO STATESMAN PASSES AWAY . . ibWjKbbbRpp sBBBEBBBBBBSBmvVfisBBKRBKfcBrVMyVUVVsHBBSBBBBBBfll & " MBEJwKpoBMlKcB'v3fc8?riVoyuBBB PLHBILPLLoLLsHiSouonSoSLivH BLm-iuaaBHBBwBHBHIHBfcWBllEBilBHBB j.w 'm;.-s&ufAfjczfi'' EX-SENATOR TELLER DEAD AT AGE OF 84 AT E DKXVKH, Colo., IVh. 'J.I - rormor I'nitnl SihIhh Smmtor lli'iirv .Moon1 'IVIIrr ilicil liuro toilny ut the homo of hi ilniiKlititr, Mr. I'.. (I. Tylur, from llio itifinnitii'ii of olil iko mnl heart lrouhli. Iln ivm SI i'r of nm mnl hml Iicimi ill for two unr, hi I'limlltion for the lnt two miKh liuv iu Ikiiii 1'iilii'iil. Ilo Iii-i'iimo uiu'oit Keioim nt 10 o'olook lunt n'!it nml llu mil enmu ul I'JiIIO oVIocI;. Toller wmh horn in 0 rnnjc'", Alh' Ijhiiiiy I'ouuty. N'ow York. Muroli VJI, Ih.'ll). Ho IiiiikIiI tsrliool for komtuI yoMix mnl liinu tiuliil law nt An Ki'lii'a. 'IVIIer uowr helil nil offieo until lie iv uh I'lm'lnl lo llu- I'niteil Slnli'N i-i'iinti' from Coloruilo on tho inliuit tuui'o of ihnt .Hlatu into the uu on. Hi' look Iiim neat Hei'tonhir I, IHTll. ami ilrt'w tho term oniliiiK Mm eh .'I, 1877; a ri'-flueliil Duooiuhor 11 for llio full tiMiu mnl Kt'iM'il until pnl 17, lhS'J, wlu'ii ho lonini'il to hoi'oino Pri'niilonl AiIIiiu'h Hoorrtur) of llio inloiinr. Toller wnul in tlii I'lihiuel until Mm oh 1, ISSfi. lie wn ro-olooleil In llio M'nnio ill that year anil nuiiin in 1.SP1 ax u lopiihlieuu, hut willulrow fiom tho national ro liuhlioan oouMutioii ut SI. I.ouis in Iiiiio, 181111, hoeuurio of ilihsalisl'ao titiu with tho finauoial plank of the plalfoim; was lo-elooleil in IH',1" us uu iuilopeuileut nilvor lepuhlieuu. Ho wen iv-olooli'tl us u ileinoornl in llioa. Teller relireil from tho hen ulo ami from puhlic life Mm oh l, lllllll. Teller in Himiu'il hy a daughter, MiH. 'J',ler, two HiiiiH, llarnxoii anil Homy, (wo hiotliors ami a sister, All wore al his heilsiilo when thu em) oumo, The fuuerul ariani'inoiitrt Imvo not yet been oomplolotl. FEDERAL IROOP MKXICO CITY, Feb. ail.-. 7mw lisliiH loduy dynamited 11 federal troop (rain which was piloting 11 passeni;er train of tho Ititeroceauio railroad from hero to tho coast, Those 011 tho passenger I rain woio iiuhuil, but tho I niiu had to return lo Mexico C'ily, tho debus having blocked Ibo Iriiok, Tlio lain of llio soldier 011 llio (roup train was not muioiiiiccd, EN Hi STRAIN ROBBERS MAKE GETAWAY ELUDING POSSES SKATTLK, WiihIi., l'ob. S.I. An HlNiIay ami AlNiiiubt aunt Martini; early Sunday morning, by two uu tomiibilo ponsoH of deputy hhoriffb, rOMilted in tlio oapturo Inst uiclit of three Hiaipeots in eouneotiou with tin. robbery of the Senttlo-Tncoma in torurhmi near South Sido htntion Saturday uiulit whim tho robborrt so on rod nboiit ?.'i00. Mtiny bebexe tho threo bmnlilK woru tho snmo men who held up the dreal Northern train Friday niht nt lli'llinplinm and killed threo men who rosbted them. Tho roli'nt'M nt Hellinj;hnm boourod utile laonoy. iiiuy osonpnl in n Imitrij r.:nl had praotieally n clear eourno down l'ugi't sound, mid up tho Duwaiinsh river to Somh Side htntion, whore tho robbery was com mitted. GOETHALS TO APPEAR BEFORE HOUSE COMMITTEE YVASllINdTOX, Keb. 'JIl.-The hoiiho appropriutioiw committeu to day inwtul t'olonel fleorKo W. floeth nU to nppear before it ami discus (ho amount of money necessary, in his opinion, lo tho Panama omial. He aeeepteil ami will appear before tho committee Inter in the w eek. WAR AUTOMOBILE ssrv sllMV President Hiioilit of Jlcxico has icccivcd a war mitomobilo which will bo shipped In llio north of Mexico will) his tumy jutt ua ttouti uu al) tlio I m'Ti & I H Imm- svVM fc (LLLvXt vd ? " 3lV ? i"Hi BMJHiwSSitBk JHjLBBPB sm'V - x' I Situation Proncurtced Extremely Grave by Chairman Shlvely of Hit Senate Forclgm Affairs Committee Benton's Bo'ly Demanded. j Northern States Said to Be Willing I to Secede ?nd Stop Fighting If , Hutrta Recognizes Independence. ' WASHINGTON. lV-li. L3.- Th Mexican situation wn procoui ' criui' here today bj Aclinj; Cliau imin Shivcly in nildreksin); the uu Hi lars of tlio seiinlc foreign nlations cominittee. Me said, htmewr, that be still hoped for hn amicnblu sola lion oi iiio prouivim It was uudenro-ij that Seniilor Sim ely bad told Crfddonl Wlluoi that the killing ! MVillinm II. Hon- ton had greatly aivAicd the scant jaml that somo of its members, in ex ecutive sesion. una rnuiii ins uentli "wnnton miinler." It aNo wa- un derstood (but bo urged the pros dint , to have the slate department investi gate completely, impartially ami in di'pi-udcutly Ileuton'A death and sec to it that the guiltvpurty or parties i ... wen1 pitnistieii. Auks lleiiton's Itciiuiln Ilrynn did not reply when asked if he had fonuall ordered Consul Kd wards al .luiirez to demnml Kenton's body. The general impression was, however, that this had been done, Sir Cecil insisting on it, since the bodv would show whether or not Villa bent the Kngltshmnn to death mid then propMl hi corpe against n wall for the firing sipind to hide bis deed. Scnnlor Tall of New Mexico was preparing to introduce a resolution in tho upper house demanding that the Hritoti'.s body ho produced. No sign of perturbation was vis ible in official circles over the news that the Herman cruiser Dresden had sent a de'aehment of bluejnekets, with two machine gnus and a liberal supply of ammunition up from Vera Crur. to Mexico City to guard the kaiser's legation. Tho Hritish did the Mimo thing recently, nnd it wn understood it wn by previous ar rangement with the Washington ud niiuihtrntiou. .Secession l'os-llilo uch interest was displayed in re ports that tho states of Chihuahua, Sonora, Couahila, Neuvn I.eon, Ta mnlpais and perhaps Siualoa, moi of which the libels control, mighi secede from the rest of Me.voo, set up a separate federal government and stop fighting Huerta if ho would stop fighting them, Though it would no bo nn iden solution of thu Mexican (Continued on paga 3,1 BEN WIDER BR NGS MEX CAN CRISIS HtAD OF HUERTA, READY FOR CAMPAIGN IN THE NORTH : -M i - .,isor-frr'J,"T,Tiil; iff preparations for a not thorn cam paign nro completed, It is really a fort on nn ntilomohilo truck. A very heavy motnl box boiuuthinjf llko n SENORA VILLA, WIFE OF henorn illn. the renl wif. of Gn, era) PaiicJiu Villa, has In en with In lias l.oen at home. It m possible tint she will become incirsi may 01 .Mexico, lor VMIa F, IS LONG LOST BROTHER MTKINGIIAM, Colo., Feb. 23.-5 Marriage between a brother and sis- ter. Konnmio.1 mnt.v v,n l... - ... -.. j tho death of their parents, was nar rowly nvertcd here today. When identification was certain tho girl collapsed and is under the care of physicians. Years ago the parents of Frank nnd Afnrv Howard died. Tho bo was 11 and tho girl 9 'ears of nee. Hoth were sent to an orpbnnngo. but later each wns ndopted b- n differ ent family. Tho boy took tho name of Frank Cameron and tlio girl wn known as Mii-s Hanly. At the titno of separntlon Frank gave his bister the rim of a ten cent piece. "This will serve for identificntie . if we over meet when we are, grown ups," bo told her. Mnry gnve Frank n gold circle" which belonged to her mother. "Keep this always," the told him, nnd hn did. Recently both settled on home steads nenr hero, and soon beeano engnp.od. When Frank went to th Hardv homo for tho wedding In :" : wore tho gold ring his sister b "ivim him. She recognized it iinm dmtely. "You arc mv brother, Frank How ard," who shouted. "We cannot mnrry." Then sho fainted. tank, which will bold 11 dozen or shnrpsliootom, has been placed on llio rear of tho truck, Tho ill Ivor, too, sits in a box of metal, si(fo from tho bulluU of thu enemy, at .lunrrr for some time. This in tin , months lie has taken more territory first pjutnre ever published of her. I nnd won more Latlle than nil the While Villa has been marching oer other "Sr-surgent commanders. While Mexico spreading devustation. she Cnrrnnm ia tlm ii.i..nb,i.i 1......1 ,.e BRIDE AN FINDING GROOM THE MEXICAN GENERAL now the strongest man there, oxrenl President lluertn. Within thiev the insurgent movement, he has been overshadowed by the man who took 'sjJuarcz, Chihuahua and Ojinnga. T ELUDES DETECTIVES OF SCOM) YARD LONDON, Feb. 23. Mrs. Smme- "no 1ankhurst was tho object of a '"'"" ""i Rn loaay. Tne mill tant sufragetto leader has aucccedei In outgeneraling Scotland Yard com pletely slnco her rccont return from tho continent. Iteccntly a woman tho police toel: for her made an anti-government apeech from tho window- of her Lon don homo to a crowd In tho itrcct. Later a supposed Mrs. PnnkhurU was arrested as sho was leaving the sanio houso At police headquarters I It was found the prisoner was simply made up to resemblo Mrs. Pankhunst Fuller Investigation convinced Jho authorities that It was tho real Mn;, rnnKiiurat, howover, who made tlui speech. j Saturday n letter over her signa ture, attacking tho government, ap peared In tho London newspapers. Last night, surrounded by a crowd of hor supporters, sho salllod suddenly from hor homo. Tho pollco senti nels out8ldo woro taken by surprise, tho bod) guard brushed tho masldo nnd sho escaped. Not a clow to her whereabouts could bo found today. CONFERRING TO ADJUST TELEGRAPHERS TROUBLE POUTLANI), On, Feb. 23. Con ferences aro being held hero todav between G. W. W. Ilnngnr of Wash ington, 1). C, assistant commissioner of niediution and conciliation under tho Ncwland federal mediation law, and representatives of tho O.-W. It. & N. Co. mid its telegrnphors, tu leurii tho causo of tho differences which resulted in tho telegraphers voting to striko last week. Nothing will ho made public until 1111 ngreemetit is reached, Hangar announced. I KliFlrJ IS M'OAPKST, Dec. U3.-Six per sons woro killed nnd twelvo seriously injured today when the residence ot Hibhop Miklossy of thu Greek' Cnth oliu church was dynamited ut He brecziu, Tho bishop escaped. Tho dead include thu bishop's private secretary and tho parish vicar. Ro manian nationalists aro believed to bo rcHpoiibiblu for tlio outrage. .. ., . .. u iiviiniiMV J;4111 til MRS PANKHURS BLIZZARD AGAIN CAUSESD SASTER IN MIDDLE WEST Zero Weather From Rockies te 0hl, Gale Blowing, AccsmpanlMl by Heavy Snows Four Deaths in Chicago Wires Prostrated. Illinois, Missouri, Indiana and lewa Report Worst Storm of Winter Ohio Buried Under Snow Drifts. CHICAGO, Fob. 23. Traffic ot ulr sorts was badly crippled hero to Jav by the stormb. Urban surfaco lines, tho elevated, surburban trains and tho railroads wcro all late. Trucking was done under conditions If great difficulty. Tho streets were slippery with Ico and thero were many accidents. The cold was bit ter. Among the poor there was great suffering. Charitable organi zations wcro swamped. To tho westward there wore two blizzards raging. Ono storm cen tered over Montana; tho other over Arkansas. Zero temperatures were reported In both sections. Z4-ro Weather Rrpurtal The storm was Interfering ser lounlji with-telesrajAU-wmMuntca-tlon and detailed report, of condi tions In tho surrounding torrltory wcro lacking. Chicago, however, was at tho edge and probably wns suffering less than points In the storm's direct path. From Montana camo reports ot forty below zero 'weather, though thero tlio tompora ture becan to rise as tho day ad vanced. Locally four deaths wcro attribute-! to tho sovero weather. Zero weather prevailed through onut tho mlddlo west. Tho blizzard was centorcd over Illinois, Missouri. Indiana and Iowa and was one ot tho worst of tho wlntor. Trains woro stalled at a scoro ot places nnd laborers wero rushed from hero this afternoon to relievo maroonod passengers. lleep Snow in Ohio CLEVELAND, Fob. 23 Railroad traflfc throughout Ohio was demor alized today by ono of tho worst snowstorms of tho winter. Trains wero reported stalled In several sec tions of tho state In somo places tho snowdrifts wero ten feet high. A forty mllo wind prevailed at Cin cinnati and Dayton was almost lso. lated. Tho thermomotor registered 1 wo degrees abovo zero In Cleveland. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Fob. 23. One ot the worst storms of tho win ter gripped Indianapolis today. In bound and outbound trains wero MaUod and street car traffic was paralyzed. A high wind aud drift ing snow caused much suffering. FIGHT THIS AFTERNOON, SAN FRANCISCO, Cu., Feb. 23. Promotor James W. Coffroth'u proverbial luck for sunshine was with him ngain todav nnd tho Leo Houck-Ililly Murray twenty-round nitncli will bo staged this afternoon at Daly City us scheduled. Despite tho prediction of Father Jerome S. llicard, Santa Clara university's "pudro of the ruins," that today would bo stormy, it duwued cloud loss, with every indication that fair weather would provuil throughout tho afternoon. ' " Doth Houok and Murray were pro- -nounced fit for tho contest, jj.1 though lluuuk is n JO to 8 favorite over the Saerumeuio boy. Murray' supporter rallied and sunnm-d uu nil the Houok moneyiH lgkt, G4 Jtidge. of odds prwliBd ttwt A lirive wouiii no evwi WUlMy m MfM-time.