Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 20, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Cloudy, probably ruin
Mux. A7 Miti. 117 1 Pre. .01.
M131)K0m OKK(IONr, I'M?! DAY, KIWIvl',UY 110, 1M.
NO. 284
roriy-thtrd rssr.
Onllr Kluhtli Yr
Jl I
W. H. Bcntcn. Rancher, Killed by
Rebel Leader When Ho Goes to
Upbraid (or Vandalism Upon Ranch
Complications With Britain.
WASHINGTON, I). C, ll. 'JO. -Strums
oomplioittinui nro feared ns
tin result of tlic shooting of William
II. I teuton, nn F.nglislmmn, liy fir
ing sipmd nl Junrer. Wednesday
night. Uoiiton loft HI I'iimh to "give
Villa n piece of bin mind" for depre
dations oonuuittoil on Ibo lli'iiloit
much anil wim seized, tried by n
court innrtiiil ami found guilly of
complicity in ii plot to kill (louernl
Villa. Tho luttoi, who hnd provlnus
l denied knowing whore llonton was,
lift for ('biliuiiliitn City totlay.
lUtciioNttl liy Cabinet
llryiin gave mil the news of Hen
Inn's ill-alb on hl- wny to n cabinet
meeting. Later hi' owned that tbo
president unit cabinet members bail
discussed tbo mntlcr, but would not
toll what wan said. Neither did bo
rovonl w bother an of fort would bo
made to niioaso Knglish anger nt
tbo killing of a ItritMi subject by tbo
Mo.xionn rehoN.
Tbo text of the telegram nnnonue
ing Denton's ilonth was nlsu kept se
cret. Oao cabinet inomhor iutimntcd
that the mei-sage indicated Villa
himself bail shot tbo Knglishmnn.
It was just before lilt departure
that Villa bail nskod Consul F.dwnrds
to inform "Mm. Denton of her Iiuh
binul'ii iloatb. Kdwnrds himself bad
previously boon ignorant of it. Quo,
tinned hv newspaper reporters, ho
p-fuscd to give details of the Kng
HsIimnnV ilontli, saying bo bad prom-i-ed
Villa lint to publish them, nl
though ho hnd tclegrnphcd nil bo
know to Washington.
Shut by Villa lllunelf?
Tim mtl inni tin) which condemn
od Denton to ilontli wuu nnid to Imvo
boon bold Tuiisdav night, with Fred
orioo Oonznla Unrzu prei.idlng, mid
olio iioonunt wnh the execution fol
low od iL imtncdiutolv, Tnohdnr iiIrIiI
iii-ti'iul of ViIiicm!iiv.
If Hnghtud or tho United Stnti
demands oxphiulitions, it wn? behov
id Villa would- miv Honton entered
hit olflro and threutonod him with
n revolver, enniH'llini him to shoot
in self-defense. William Denton, tbo
vietm' cousin, assorted, however,
that although hiti rolativii wont to re
inuii'h tho rebel oommandor for dop
r tint ions by rebels on tbo llonton
jiroKrty in Cblbimhiia, bo wiih iiii
itrmod. Denton wan hint soon nlivo ii
Juarez Tuesday, hoadod for Villa's
'ANDERSON 1010 6
8A IN'GISfO. Cnl., fob. 20,
Dud Anderson ot Medford ami Jtod
Watson' of Los Angeles, woltor
wnlKlitM nro gchcilulml toclaih hero
tonlKht In a 'JO round bout at I'nvl
lion Itlnk. Tour other bouts will
Iirecodo tbo main ovont.
Andeniori ruled a HtronK 10 to C
favorlto over Watson, dcspltu roportn
that bo Is having troulilo In miiklnK
tbo rcqulrod 138 pounds. Tralnor
MoubO Taussig assorted that Andor
hon took off two pounds yiistiirday,
nnd will niako tho wolKht hut ad
mlttod It mlKbt bo nurosHary for
him to ko Into Ibo Kymua.sliim to
day, The wot woiithur has boon
auulnst Anderson, preventing tniich
road work,
Charllo .Miller, tho Riant motor
iiiiiii and J I in Cameron, noKro, will
moiit In u ten round speclul heavy
wolKht event. If Miller wins deci
sively liu will bo spnt to Hydiiey to
iii;uko In a series of flKhls fur
' .Mother'' llpwu, tho Atistralliiii pio.
luoter. "'
Kid ICxposlto of Cortland uud
Henry Dickey of Oukluml urn tardud
to K ton rounds, nml two short
louiiil bonis lOliiplelu the prouruiu.
Tho Uiilviirslly inb will bold II
flisl miiiuul bull Ibis eveiiliiK mi I
llu uffilr, (liu first nl ll kind, w
bo oii'i of lint sol Inly uveitis nf Ibu
pin liuluii suusuil The illlilliK
iouui or I lit IIoIIhihI Iihs binm
lllll'il Mil J M folio of Morlo'l' a'f
jiiuMUM m mm nnuvumnn hi
Cnanl Guiltier Would Have Every
Vessel, American or Forrltjn, Pay
Canal Tolls at Panama Open
Canal liy July I.
WASHINGTON, I'Vb. 'JO. -I'n-hi-dout
W'iInoii's plan to ropoal tho ox
I'uiption olaiiso of the I'anama onnal
tollrt not tint with llio upptoviil hcio
today of t'ohmol (looruo W. tlootb-
iiN, buildor of tbo j:roat watorwnv.
(loi'tbiiln nrriM'd in aitliinnton to
dav from Now York.
"I iilwayi hno favorod a plan to
imiLit ni'urv vrhl'l. wbo.hor Ainol'ii'llU
or foroik'". pay oauiil tolln," (looth-
n N said. "I am Kind tbo proNidoul
fools tbo xmiim' way about it.
No HitliKOr of Slides
"U.. IlllVlt I'VITV YllOl'llltioll of Oil
eiiiiij: tho oauiil July 1. Thoro is no
ilimpor of -lidoji i'Iiiso to tho water
way, UiihikIi Kioloi;istrt nny minor
slidi's limy bo oxpootod wlion mo wa
ter rios to itrt full level in tho out.
"Tho dofoiiHos of the onnal liuw
bcon oompli'tod, ami Htatomouts that
the nrojoot in inndoipiatoly proteot
oil i'iiii bo doniod."
I'lilimi'l floclliiils milil bo extiocti'd
to roinniu in the 1'nitod States sev
eral inoutliH, xpondiui; most of his
time MUni: his hoii.
It wnn tiudorstood Colonel (loclh
nks will ask an npnroprintiou of
.U:i,ril)0,000 to oomploto the I'linnl
$7,500,01)0 more than tbo appropria
tion ns fixed nt urehont though ho
expeota to save nliout .f.l.OIIO.OtUI by
n reduction in tho eoiistruetioii
In Not In Politic
Colonel (loi'thals admitted that he
wiis irim- hi work out n nrobleiil
of dixpexiui: of tbo eniiiil miiebiuery.
He is nppood to tho plan to trans
fer it to Aliickn for use in the eon
hlrili'tb'm nf the uoveriilbeut rnilt'ond
thcr6. nssertiuu' that new eipiipmeut
could be pua'luixed elienpor iiiaii ine
eosl of tranportiiiK the ennui ma
ehiuery to Abifikn.
"The equipment lined by the Pan
nnm railroad," added (loclluiN, "is
miieh wider than tho standard cmice
promsed for the AhiNkan railroad."
Colonel noetlinlH deelared be was
ikiI in imlilii'M uhen nsknl libollt the
effortH of oortiiiii demoernts to in-
duen him to run lor the pneniorslilp
of New York.
W. II. Ilunton, tbo Ilrltlsh mlno own
er and ranebmon who recently
croHted from VA I'aso to Junres to
denounro (lenerul Villa to his face,
undoubtedly wus dead wns admltteil
tndnv liv Keenitnrv of Htato Ilryun.
Whether Villa hnd him executed or
not, however, the secretary did not
know, If ho did, It wuh coufessul
t lint serious complications were pos
sible. llonton, nnKnred by dumoKo to his
Mexican properties, innde no con
cealment ot bis Intention, when he
loft !-:i I'aso, to toll Villa what ho
thought of lilm. Ho iiuvor ro
turned, Kl l'aso despatches said Mrs
llonton remained thoro, prostrated
by unxlety.
CIIICACIO, leb. 10. -Twelve ier
Slum wore injured by flvintf Kb,MH
lieiu today us ii result of linen build
iuxs belmi partly wreeked by u Iminb
explosion, The bomb wiih net off In
the donnvuy of l.eonurdo Molnue, u
irroeer, who three mouth hk re
eelvnl it lllnek llnild letter ilemiiiul
Iiir if'JDHO. liisleud ot eouiplyluKi
Melouit turned Ibo teller over In Hie
IH'N'O, Kev., I'i'li, 'JO. Time llitlil
'ii 1 1 Ii'ii mi l,ii sboiks twin leeiiided
belli emlv lodny by Mie si'lsiuouiupll
jlll lilt' I'llUl'IsllV nl' Vet win, tin
Three Dantllls Hold Up Mall Car ot
Queen & Crescent's Pnsscnncr
Train at Irondalc, Ala., Gcttlnu
Front $40,000 to $103,000.
With booty in their posesslon to the
estimated value of $ 111.000 to flOO,
000, Ihiee liunilits who held up the
tit it i I ear on tho (jueeii Criweonl's
New York-New Orlenns pasm'iii;er
train at Iromlale IhkI llitlil, were lie
iiiK hunted toihiy bv men uud do);s
in the lounlrv northeast of here.
In lootiut; the eat tho outlaws me'
with resistance I'loiu Chief Mall
Clerk A. II. .Merville and one of the
tiio struck bun down with a knife,
wouudiuK him painfully, though not
linupi rottsly, li the Nhouhlers,
Members of the train erew were of
the opinion that the moil got aboard
at Alalia and made their wav for
waul throueh the conches, douulUK
mnsks when they were ready for
business. At nil events, they swarm
ed suddenly oxer the lender into the
engine cub as Iromlale was reached,
foreini; the engineer and lireiunu nt
their pi-tols' points to cut the train
nt the rear of the mail ear and then
pulled abend uud left the rol of tho
train stalled ami the eumneer and
fireman with It.
At u safe distance from the train
they foiceil their wny Into the mull
car, surmised the clerks who, busy
ul their work, bad not realied that
anything was wrong, turned their in
tention at once lo the registered
mail, brushed .Merville's resistance
nside, gathered tip four hacks of
mail, overlooking, howeter, the most
Miluable one in Ibo ear, jumped off
mid disappeared in Ibo darkness.
Railroad officials were of Ihe
(minion that Ihe baudilM knew Ihe
night' iiinll would be especially .well
worth looting. I'onlofl'ice officials,
though active in pushing pursuit,
were very reticent.
To tho robbers' identities there
was not Ibo slightest clue.
RAYMOND, Wush., IVb. 'JO.- In
nu open letter to tho public today the
mill operators of N'illiipn Harbor
threw down tbo gauntlet lo labor
unions mid declared their intention of
standing unitedly ngnlnst tbo eight
hour iluy nml the closed shop. The
Idler rend:
"'o will opornlo our mills nnd
camps in tho future iim in (be past,
leu bourn per day, or as niiiiiy hours
as wo consider it iidvisnble, accord
ing to conditions that limy arise
from time lo time. "e will operate
in the future, oh the majority have
ill Ihe past, strictly upon Ihe open
shop policy."
I.KWI8TO.V, Idaho, Tob. 20.
Following her arrival hero, by parcel
post from (IraiiKevlllo, Idaho, little
four-year-old May I'lerslorff Is on
Joying a visit with bur grandmother,
Mrs. O. tl. Vonnlgerholx, today,
When her visit Is over she will bu ro
turned to nor parents In tho sum')
iniiniior. Tbo llttlo tlrl, who wolghs
but 48 pounds rodu In Ibo mall car
with 3'.' cents In parcel post stumps
attached (o bur coal,
I'OUTI.ANI), Oil),, I'iiii. SO. -Oleil
llalloy, a professional wrestler, '!!
years old and Maruurut I'liuiuherlaln,
uxeil 12, worn taken from u Hoiitheni
I'mlflu train hero curly loduy by
IMlllund pollen win hud been sum
iiiomul by Ibo (mill new,
Tim loiiplo bourded tbo t ruin nt
Coililuir. Tobuiiiu loiinly. Vu.
AnulMiied III polli (i (out I or li
liilory idisruns, llulley MTiiied a
tOUllHUSIH'V If fliv !"-
Kst ' ?w. -hiiiiiiiiiw i
Ileiii7 .sy Hull
I'rofuuor Wlnlliiop M, llsulcls
Henry Cbix.ljjtll fled I'nifesnor
Wluthiop ,M. Illinois Iim i- been uom
Inn I oil bv tb provident for members
nf tho lulor-tnte eommeree eoniiuis
sion. Iloih men hate high reputa
tioim which bus lid the President to
hcliotc Ibev will add to tbo knowl
edge mid ability !' the rulliliM- ton
HANCOCK, Mich.. IVb. 'JO.--Practical
peonage in tho Michigan cop
per mining country was charged to
day before the eouuntitoo of eon
grcHHmon investigating strike condi
lions by (labriel Mahtsou, leader of
a gang of Armeuiuu stiikehieakerr.
brought into the district in No em
ber. He nnd his men, he suid, were luk
eu to (he mines i guarded ears mid
on (be journey none wns pciiiiiltcd
to leave Ihe train, lie usseited that
on their nrrivnl they were just iim
strictly guarded in their huiikhouses
nnd iiccompaiiied bv nilui'il escorts
on lieir wny In uud from work.
Filially, lie testified, Ihe gang de
cided to ipnt December I, embodied
this decision in u formal resolution
mid delegated him lo submit it to
the inmmgeiueul. When ho did ho,
bo charged Hint two men thietv him
Into it buggy, beat uud choked him,
drove with him to the Son ritllroad
Nlutloii mid put him on a train. Ilu
jumped off, however, wheieupou, be
hiiid, the same two men urrested
him, took him before a justice of the
pcaco uud licensed him of clouting
it disturbance and cursing the Ameri
can flag. The justice sentenced him
to twenty days' impiisoninenl.
NF.W YORK', IVb. 'JO. Kmly
lending In stocks loduy moved slug
Kisbly, uud thero wns no positive
(rend lo, Ibo iiiiirkel, Kpi'clnltieh
were iibout Ibo only slocks traded
Into nnv exlcut. Aliieiieiiii leo rose
I, Opening IVt under lusl nlubiV
eliihe, (lenerul Molors udvniiecd liulf
ii point nter thai pi ice. Ciiiiiidlnil
hicll'in los peiiily u polul, leu nnd
Moloui liiereused lliolr unllls lis Hie
Imdlinf roBici.oi. Riliuley drop
ped :il;j.
HoinU win eiisy.
Tliv wuikvt dund dull.
Administration on Record ns Apirov-
Inn Conservation Garrison Re
verses Himself In Connection With
Roancke River Dam Project.
WABIIINOTON, Feb. 20. -Tim
Wilson administration wont on rec
ord here today In approval of tlio
Clifford I'luehot school or conserva
tion, Thli stniul wns Inken when Hecre
tary ot War Harrison reversed him
self fn connection with the lUmno'ui
rlvi.r dam project, (larrlsoti origi
nally approved the bill, which tram
furred valttablo wntorpownr rights to
private corporations, Today lu
wrote n letter to congress disapprov
ing the measure.
Kocretnry Harrison, wltli Presi
dent Wilson's approval, will a!
for aiithorlfiitlou to lu permits
for tbn construction of water power
projects, with tbo stipulation thai
they bo lusued only to concord In
corporated iu public utilities under
statu lawn nml so restricted that con
trol by iuonoHillstlc corporations
will bo Impossible. To protect the
rights of stales, retenue nrcrulm;
lll go to states, nnd not to tho fed
eral government This suggestion Is
exported to henl tbo bresch existing
bet con ndvocatcs of states' rights
and nations! control of tho natural
resources of (tin country.
Tbo plan propose Hist tho secre
tary nt war shall be the court of Inst
resort In granting permission for tbo
limitation of wnterpower on navi
gable streams,
K'ghlccn members of Ihe Medford
volunteer fire department luive gone
on it strike in protoot against Ihe
eilv council's decree to deprive them
of telephones ut tiie city's expense.
They have mude out their resigna
tions nml will present them March 1.
Tho eighteen members comprise the
entire membership.
The phonos cost the city $i:i.f0 u
mouth, and (heir ubolisbuieitt part of
the economy poliev of the new ud
mlnist ration. The council will prob
ably lake no steps lo induce them to
change their minds.
The nu'iuliors who will resign ares
II. A. lluller, II. Ii. Wilson, Jack
Frcdciihurg, Frank I.iudley, Alex,
Wright, 1). I'. F.nds, P. C. Higbiim,
Claud Mctr, II. I. HasWell, llusil
(Iregory, Jack Dent, F. II. Ilurulton.
(loorgo Kads, Clnrenco lloyd mid
Ruukiii I Mrs.
Two wife murdereni were electrocut
ed today iu the Htato penitentiary
here. They were John Cherekii, aged
10, nnd Hurry Rasieo, :i,ri yenrn old.
ChereknV throe ehiblrcii will be hoiii
Id relatives In Austria.
HI, PASO. Fob. '0. - Maximo Cuh
tillo, the Mexican bnnilit itectiMcd of
responsibility tor the Cumbro tunnel
Iragcdy, nrrived here Ihln iifternoon
under it heavy guard of United
Ktates soldiers uud was locked mi Iu
Ihe guardhouse ut F it Hllss In u
cell adjoining (lenerul Kiilariir'x. He
eonlliiiicd In protest bis Innocence of
Ibo Cumbro tunnel horror, Haying bu
could prove mi alibi, though some of
his men may Imvo been guilty.
Ilu did lint try to bide Ills opinion
that nil would bo over wi him If he
wnin Miii,n",ieM lo (Ifiieiiil Vlllit,
but said bo did im believe Anil
run would be so unjust ns to linn
him over o I'i'iiiilii di'iilb wllboiil
lieuilng bis ilelViise.
J. II. Freed Mild wife nf Yruku uru
spuudlnif h fww duy In (bv city
Boosters Return From Development
Loagtio Mcctlnq at Eugene Enthus
iastic Over Propess Made (or
Proposed Display Building.
Ashland forty strong returiui'l
from the Oregon Development
League mooting this morning en
thusiastic over tbo success of tho
gathering and certuln that tbo ex
hibit will be 'stabllsbod Iu that city
III l!li:.
When the train stopped at Med
ford tho Ashland boosters lined up
at tho depot and lo the following
ipiestlons ) oiled In chorus "abso
lutely "
Hid wo put Itogiio liver on tbo
limp nt KugenoT
Did we get what we went after?
Do you love ICugeuo?
Are you glad to lie back In the
Itogiiii river valley?
Is Medford all right?
Tbo members of tho delegation
were unanimous In their pralso of tbo
hospitality and cordial treatment
received at tbo bands of KiiKenu and
all believed that thero Is no further
question regarding tho building ot
tho ehlhlt building at Ashland and
tho hearty co-operation by every ills
trlct In tho state. Tho mooting In
8alum In March will probably be tho
last ouo before actual construction
work Is started.
Tho naming of representatives of
the Cemmlarrlal clubs lo attend the
Halom meting will bo lft lo tbo var
ious commercial bodies. K. V, Car
ter will probably bo sent from Ash-
II was votud (o bold a meeting ot
members of the ttato legislature.
members of Ibo state commission on
the Panama Pacific exposition and a
committee of men from tbu several
delegations at )evterday's meeting
In Portland March 2, to talk over
the question of maintaining nn ex
hibit nt Ashland during tho expoil
WABIIINOTON, Feb. 20. Bono-
tor Chamberlain today roportod fav-
orably from tho committee on public
lands a till to create tho "Crater
I.iiko, National Park Kovontio Fund."
Tho bill provides that proceuds from
all leases fraucblso, permits and
every other source In tho park shall
bo deposited with tbo treasurer or
tho Pnltod .States nnd all expendi
tures shall bo on requisitions ap
proved by tho secretary of tho In
terior. Tho only two national parka
Iu tho country where this system
iIoch not already prevail nro tbo
Crater I.ako, Ore., and Mesa Verda,
Colo., and Hecrutnry of tho Interior
I.auo, In n letter to Senator Cham
berlain, says thero Is no reason it
should not apply there.
PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 'JO.
County School BiiDerintendent Arm
strong uud bin brother, Koburt H.
Armstrong, were placed on trial be
fore Circuit Judgo Kiivn'iiiiugh today
charged wiih having furnished secret
uud special information retarding an
examination for "ollce captain while
A. V, Arinstiong wtw a member of
the city civil Hcrvieo commission.
Hubert Armstrong is charged with us
histliig his brother to gel Ibu ipios
lions In Ibu certain members of (be
polieo force,
Tbo Holooiloii of Ibu lury occupied
Ibo morning mid will iirobubly not he
completed until loiuorinvv,
Tim Jolly Kiilorliiluorx, bu W
appear nl Hie I'age Ibeiiler, Kulnr
day mid Kiiudiiy, lUniiiry IM'M,
have innde u Itreiit bit In Halom, Al
bany, CoiviiIIU nml other towns In
Ilu Wllli'iiii'llo valley. Tbo Albany
dvmovrul !)' ul tlitiui
Reccmmend Multnomah Grand Jury
Indict and Prosecute Road Con
tractor for Libel of County Judge
Tou Velle Vandals Reproved.
Iteeommeiidiiig llcall k Co,, rond
iiiacbinery coutnielorH, to the Mult
iioiuuh county grand jury for indict
ment for allempled slander of boun
ty Judge F. I. Ton Velle, censuring
A. V. A. families, for alleged ncu or
vuiiilnliMii, commending tho orchard
clean-up campaign, recommending
the abolition of Ihe county pathol
ogist's office uud praising the coun
ty poor farm nnd county officials
generally, the grand jury finished its
labors Thursday evening and was
discharged. The report rends ns fol
lows; "WV respectfully report that wo
bavu Investigated' all criminal mat
ters brought to our attention and
have returned true bills In flvo canon
not true bills In four others. Many
other matters Imvo boon submitted to
this Jury which In our opinion wore
not tbo subject for tbo Intervention
of tho criminal courts.
The llenll Krsndnl
"Home scandal attaching to Ibo lot
ting of tbo contract for tho Pacific
highway sometime ago was Investi
gated by this Jury and witnesses wore
brought from Portland. After fully
Investigating said matter wo find
that tbo county court has been out
rageously libeled by tho firm ot
llcall & Co. of Portland either for
tbo purposo of blackmailing the
county court Into buying machinery
nnd material from that concern or
for tho rcMon that being untblo to
moot tho prices demanded by thn
county court thoy becamo dlsijruntleVl
and attempted to Imptito dishonesty
to tho county JudRo, The, uvldenct
shows that ono llcall then the presi
dent of this company caused to bo
Inierted In tbo books of tho com
pany a charge against tho Hon. F.
h. Tou Voile for automobile tires
nnd thereafter caused the said ontr.v
which purported to show that thoy
had been furnishing tiros to Tou
Velio to bo exhibited with tbo In
tent to libel and blacken the char
acter of Judge Tou Velle. Hy tho
the admission nf this concern, no or
der hnd over been placed for such
tires nnd said entry was wholly fatiq
nnd mndo knowingly nnd for tho pur
poso of either blackmail or llbol.
Tho publication of this libel having
occurred In Multnomah county wo
are without Jurisdiction to return
an Indictment but wo respectfully
recommend that tho portion of this
report dealing with this subject oo
transmitted to tho district attorney
of that county with tho recommen
dation that tho matter bo submitted
(Continued on Psqo 3)
l.OS AXGFXKS, Cnl., Feb. 20.
Two deaths due to tho unusual rain
storms Hwccpiug southern California
were reported today. Miss Suo Ne
ville, n wcnlthy omngo grower of
Covinu, nnd Hurold SeiU, '27, her
nephew, were drowned nt her ranch,
The ilrovvnliiff of it newsboy nt Snntn
Hnrbnrn earlier in tbo Htonn linH
brought its death total to three lives.
HesidcnlH who Imvo lived in Po
nionn valley for twenty-two yearn ro
call no rniustor num severe as tbo
one that has prevailed hero for tbo
last three days, Trnffio was entire
ly suspended on tho three trans
eouliueiititl railroads through Po
mona, and Ibo Pnelfio Kloetrio bus
no hopi'H of operating " inlerurbun
ours for several days. Three South
ern Pnelfio Ovorltind trains nro slnll
ed nt Pomona station with washouts
on both Hides.
Damage to Ibo orange croves will
run into IhnuHiiild of dollars.
Al Kan Dliuas tho rood overseer
stilled Hull every bridge wiih out nnd
Hint bis entire force wns busy uld
lug distressed families.
A iieiir-ebuidbiirst lit Ibo nioun
lulus last night shortly after mid
night soul ii veritable wall uf water
down over (be valley, washing badly
Ihe faiuuiiM I. a Vcrnu orange orch
ard, Hooding it section nf Lords
burg mid MMiiliig like livers ihroujjlt
Hie slieuis ut J'owoim.