( 8 r OTiOFOTW MATL TRTBONfi, MF,PFOUD, OWWO.V. TliniKDAV, FKM!MTA1?V in, 1J)M. PAnE FIVE That's Whatcher Get for Humoring a Friend By "Bud" Fisher jHPMBPBKrn HHttW 1 -ttt- WSKKSKf1 T :iiBMHHn i T??mBNHnnH7: .3rK1 -...- iK-?l ta en l -; 'Z&1 ,-4Tw " " TTTTi e L.nL..-iJ...y ".rtGasT . iC3SF jSjji gj .- LpJ mar hrruv "y ZLHz,z j iiiiMij, o ij'jf- cy arAfl COMPAQ y I'7tr COURTHOUSENEWS l(iiiiirluil l' JacVuou County Alt tract Co, Hlxtli nuil Kir KtH. K J H.luiU M I' (I MiHIiIhoii el ul To font Ion. moitgiiKe .Im I Fredenhurg F Math Iton. nt nl. To foreoloe morningo. I'ni'.'itio Ifeliiln of John II. Itjorly. ul property. Parson- suoo Ileal inli 'I'm tm fern duo. II. Dnjtnn lo John C. Hunter. S-a Interest In "Now York (Jimrlx Mining Claim" "I.MMlToniltir diilm" Vi In ttuot Im "Now Yorl; No. 2" Foot creek ilUiilii.q. C . Akiilhn J. Kylor to Arthur It. rllook. Kit 2. block "II" mil romt Ailil to Ashland, I). Onl N)i:nin o I). V. linn loltt t ux. rlitlit of way In Nit of Ni: of 2I-3C-1 Vwl It. Of W. lfM I'. It. Morrlek, trustee lo Itllin liotli Slow art it nl 8 V, of w I nnd HK see. 17-37-1 -Wl. II. or II -10,000 Central Point Hlnto Hank lo lo Hour) Riley, lot I, block IT, Central Point. W. I) llotitrlro Porter lo Jon. Home III lil tit iik 10 aero In I). I.. C. ill-Srt-X Woit V. I). . . C. It. .MrWIIIInma to llim .1. I'roivbrhlHo at iik IoU 7. S of DoMitftiiM (Irelmnl Trurln V. II. Iluiii) V. (Vok lo lion J. Trow brlilio, lot ft, DnnitKnn Orrlinnl TriulH . I) V. T. York to lion .1. Trow lirlilsc lot I, Domicilii Or rlinnl TrnrtN V. I) II. II. HilMiinlH lo Itmi .1. Trow lirlilRo Lot in, Donimmi Or clinril TrnrtH V. I) It. I.. Wall to lieu J. Trow lirlilcu I.oIm .1 iiiul i, Dniu). Kim Orrlisinl Trnrj '. ). . Ilmiry lllli to MiN P. P. Jof fm nt lr lot I, block 17, iVutrnl Point V I). ft iiii Hidi'i-ntti'M, Cnl., Tuiwilny. lii'i' iit n viittiiK lii'r imiii mill Inuiilv, li.v tin' illii(Mt or lir noil, Clnri'iicc, ulio Iih lii'cn miriVrliiic with toiixilitii for tint mt w'k. Mihh l Hlii' I'lHi'ii of Vt I'lioi'iiix I nliiiiii'il Iioiiii' llii' lirkt of iln wi'ck t ftom llriniil PorkH, N. l., wImti' lif j nut! Iirr mlrr, .Mn. II, II. Corlm, linxi Imi'ii hh'UiIiiik lint winter. Mix. t'vrli lU'roinpniiimi lnr n fur n I'ortlnml, where nlio rvinnincil to Mt h low iIii.Vn liolotti li) r limi ts I to I'horniA. II. I'. I.u U, iiriMiilunt of the l,n rul Hill UtrliHnl imiiiihiii, Mrrit'l limn tliU wvi'k from Honolulu, I In -wail, in llif ii'lcif-U of t ltt ioinpnny. .Mr. nml Mi. Y. .1. 1'iwit will enter tinn him iluriiiiHii vixiU notici:. Notlro Ih hereliy given Unit thu tin ili'rclniiec! will apply to tlio city conn ell nt ItH tiitvtliiR to bo liuhl Mnruli 3nl, 191 I, for u llniimo to nell limit, NiilrltitoiiH mid lnomi llquorn In ipian tltlou Imh limn a knIIoii at Im placu if liiinliii'in. .No, Sti, North I'ronl utreot, city of Meilfonl for a period of nix months. II. B. UAl')CUrFK, Dalwl Kohrniiry 10, 1UH. NOTICK. Notlro Id hereby r.lwn that the un ilerlKiiwl wli; apply to thu city coun cil at ItH meetlNK to bo hold Mnrrh Jnl, 11' II, for a llcoimo to oll malt HplrltuouK nuil lnoiin IPpiorii In ipmti- tltlon lon than n kIIoii ut Its placo of ,Mit .Mnrv iiml Mi Klciuior Daily tiiiKlniHw on lot 11, block 20, city of :oo 10 lftOO uoo 1K00 ir.oo ir.oo soo OF HANTA UAUUAUX. Cal Tub. IK. - Mm. Itohort I.oiiIh SIuvuuhou, wlilow of tho finuoUH author, illeil .it lulilnlKlit ut her houin at Monturlto, niMir horn. Kho wiih Htrlckiin by apo plexy early )ehtinlay ami illeil with out ii'KiilnlnK loUHcloiiHueHH, Her hoii, l.loyil Uubourno, novolUt ami Nhort Htory wrltor, Ih on tho way to Haiila llnrbiira front Now York, I PHOENIX PHACTLETS ; S. (I, Van Dyko hit k hecu hliylitly liulliir for tho piiht two iluyi, hut Ih .yet very uiitk, Ituv. I). Ituaiiii'H, puhlor of the 'I'iiIiiuI M. K. I'liurt'h, w'iin in (own .Moinlny. Dr. (). T. .Moikiiii, panlof of tlm Kirnt I'roiiliyturian rlitirult at Myrtlo Point, ami foiuuiily of this plaee, U hMiiiiliue; u faw iIii.vh lime iwitiu Ins 1 iumkIk nml atleiiilinj,' to Inmi-iii-xh 1'ouui'nleil with Iuh ruuuli in Wi'1.1 I'hoi'iiiv. Mr. T. J. KIhIi has heim ipiile sicl, for the iiiihI week, hut n luucli'liet Im ul pifxt'iit. Mim. .1. II. UYhxter ami MIkh Mnry Daily of Yoil riioenK wnio vicilorn in town TuoMliiy. .1, Y, I'eail, hupiMiuli'mleut of tho Liiutvl Hill oreliimlx, iillcmlint,' eoui'l llii week in iImcI.kiiiiv ille, Mr. I Villi I Hi'iMnif iih out' of lite juroi-. II-. (I. . Ai'H'i" wiih ciiIIhI luuiio of (Jmml ForlM, N. I)., lime purcli i4nil five aeii'p. of tho (.'oleinan ilo iiHtiini I'laiui ami will mnlertake the liimiHoi-M of mtn'liiiiK for u I inn'. The xnuitK IhiIIch Imto miineil their rainili "Killntuoy." Tho tlvic i-liili will hni' h ltHii-np ilny. I'elniiHry 'J8 in i'Ihhii, n it ooiikki on SMiitilny, nml the celiiiol ehlhlrt'ii will ho invited to ait. Mr. C ('. Scott wiih elioneu i'inreMiml in eerelnrv nt the lnt meetitiic. Tim I'lvoliytorinii lilie' Aiil will ylvi' ii MRrtlw 'Mhiiwtou t.iiier I'mliiy oveinuit in tho Kiiglo IniiM-Ihk- A Hiio dinner will lie nened Mild n xooil muKionl prMirnin will ho tfivwi after the ilnnier. One of the allrnt'lioii on tho proftrMin i the "Yankee, Doodle l.ilrhmi." Tho In die, mo noted for tltfir fine dinner- nml pnnjramn. ('nine nml enjoy the eeiinif. KANES CREEK KANELETS j Mr. and Mr. Kcrnell ot Medloid WHte the Kliet o ICmie-. Creek I flu - tiMM mid frioiiili forM'Xotiil iln. iv-ouitly. Kholeii S, lloiihi'liolder hae lea-ed I hi Alieo mine, on Kline'-, ereel;, owned hv loi lloeiiinu ol Hold mil. .Mr. I,tnis wiix n Hull t'll.s lniim)N- visitor hut ween tiaiim Moinlav. (,'uite a few tioui KnneH Creek nt tmided tlio St. Yali'iitiUK's ilnmii' in (Juld Hilt Saturday me, nml report it nii'-t delightful tluio nml luijif OlOWll. Kwirhody is liusy lliee fine day piepuriu to innko early Kiiideu. .Mr. r'euuell Inn alnuit fully le- eoeied fiom hix reeenl neenlenl. (leor'e 1 1 iiiilmt liiim made a lmi liens trip lo Cent i al l'mut on Mon day. Kane's Cieek liusiness isitms to Hold Hill thin week were: Mrs. live Icy, .Mr. Lewis, Hill Yiiutr, doliii Brown, John Matden, Mrs, lliyiu- liolliain, .Mike I'u ley, .Mix. Mois nml danliler, Al Hhoten, Mr, Househol der nml Wwtthe-r 1'iopliet roster. Mrs, Henderson and daughter, Yirn. were miiiU ut (lohl Hill on Tue-diiy. Weather Prophet Foster' foieeust --Win in weatlier with mi oeensiouul shower. Wo ure sorry lo snv Unit John Murdoii is luyed up with an ullaek of ilieuinatisin. Mrdfonl for n period of hIx month. M. KKNNKDY. Dntisl Knhrunry 1 1, 19H. 181 foot Iouk on Klni; Rtrent. Thoro In an libiiudnnro of fruit, flowers and Inwn. Tcriim of ale, one. third cbhIi, balance In yearly, or three and flvo ! year payment!. Inturem at C tier cent, payable iioiul-nnniiatly, Special no'. Ire, 1 will kcII any or all of tho aboto property at prhnto tale or will ox chaneo for country property here, north or eoath 1 alia linvo over 700 acres of good Inmi for talc, clove to RhlppInK point, 40 acres can bo Irrigated now, 310 acres lias plenty of Hub-Irrigation nt all seasons of the yoar and Is fine nlfnlfa or fruit land; also 3G0 acres of Reed eraln or clover land with , plenty of water for pumpssR, good oil and well located Cor tho next GO days I will sell for 115. GOO. 00 cash Olio of tho Imst tracts of land In Jack son money this sin and this offer closes Saturday, April Itli, l'JH. ; I will also sell small tracts of land on yearly payments maturlnc in flvo , or ten years to suit purchasers. For l-'OK SALK further particulars call on mo at G0J West 10th streot, or write mo, th'j owner. ' ' 11. M. COS3, Medford, Ore. roit iii:.vj uol-hc- IOU ItliNT .MIKOi:i.lAHOi;.S VOli HUNT 12 ncros. 20 yoar oM apples and poors adjoining city limits. See Dr. Coble, 333 Kast Hlxth Kt. 28 1 IOU SAI.F-IAKJl Ia.M5 VO It S A l.ii Hog and nl f nl f a rancn. 317 nrroa also undivided half In terest In damslte of ISO otre, near Ashland 125 aero cultivated. 42 acres In alfalfa, 12 acres In 2 enr old pears, fine springs, plpod KOI! SAI.IJ MISChliliANKOUH POK SAI.K Manure. V. Y. Allen. Phono 3 2 -!-. 2SG KOIt 8AMC Fancy seed potatoes. KvorRrcon awect corn; also Reed family cow. Iloburl Dutton. phono 3SG-M. POIt SAI.K Small second hand safe, chenp. Answer at once. Address box A., enro Mall Tribune. 2S2 111X1" WANTKIJ FltflAtii: to home and barn, new Iior pons. I WANTKI Girl for poneral houso outsldo ranee. 9 horses, G7 hoRS, j work. Apply Mrs. II. L. Wnlther. fr- . machinery, etc. A dandy I Siskiyou Holghts, 2S plaee only $21,000. Write or seo sr.j.-is sam. -- W. I). Hodgson, Ashland, Ore. 28-1 ..... .... v .... -. .. mnn to learn business. I'nnulro CbappclU 281 county, bnrrlnc nono. Wo need FOIt 8AI.B. KXCUANGB OK I.KASK , tV TPD vonnc ... r. . ..,.. , ... .i er. ..... . w.w. nr. ..... no creumeri opporillllll lur UU OilfS Olliy, UU-' nun, u wi unuuu, - unci .i .munun U I nlni: Wednesday. Fob. 4th. 1914. i plowed, bulldlucs. Chaa. Gilchrist. Saras Valley. Ore. 20U riM.ITICAIi ANNOCXCIOII'.NTS. iuTSllUMFF. A. W. Walker of Mwlford, nil uouures his candidacy for the re publican nomination as sheriff at thu primaries May 16. (Paid Adv.) Itl.QCHKT I'Oll tuns. In the district court of the United Hint on for tho district of OroRon. In the mutter of K. C. Ireland CI- . w "'i. "V, .'...i ,... .... POIt HKNT-I.rBo sloeplUK rooms. nil r.v7 D1IMI1II Iftisn IUI IMC followluR property, altmited nt Med i ford. OroRon. In thu store room for merly orcupieu ny mo nuoe tmiuixi i bankrupt, up to and until 12 o'clock! roit s.i,i5 ACitiuni: Flvo and 10 aero tracts cheap and on easy terms. lo cated ono mllo south of Hotel Mod ford. W. II. Kvorhnrd, 1013 Went Ninth St., phono GG7-J POIt ItKNT Wall furnished room butiRnlow. 4S2 South Laurel. " FOIt KKNT Seuirol Reed fuT nlshed houses. Dennett luvost nient Co. IOU KAUvr IIOUSII-S FOIt SAI.K Splendid modern 4 room house on largo lot, one block from pnitiK.nt n snap. Ilox X. Y., caro Mall Tribune. 2S1 FOIt ltllNT--I'UltNISIIi:i ItOOMH; nud modern housekeeping apart ments, prices very rensonnblo. Phono 217-h. 222 South Holly street. CnttnKe roslilume, streot. CO I W. The 10th 30C noon on the 2 llli of IVbrtiary, 191 1. ' K(m ,:KNT Kumtshed rooms, mod Stock of Reed, wares nnd ine.--! irn. r0mfortnblo and cloan. Tin uiit.iiiiii'u, iitinnin.iiiK u. uiKuruiiuii, HiuoklUR tobacco, cigars, chewing to bacco, plpos. etc., of thu Inventory value of $1812.02. Fixture pnrtnluliiR thereto of tho Inventoried value of JTUI.Ofi. Certified cheek for 10 per cent of i tno amount offered must accompany each bid. Halo subject to the npprovnl of tho court. Inventory of tho property may bo seen nt my oflfce ami tho properly will ho hIiow n to nuy prospective pur chaser. Dated this Ilth tiny of February, 1911. i:. A. WKI.CII. 2 S3 Trusteo. r WANTED Home Reed country proporty to ox oIiuiiko for n houso mid two lots sit uated on u paved stroot, houso flvo rooms modern. Will Rlvo a good bar Kiilu for tho rlclit kind of country proporty. If you Imvo n snap In city or coun try property to sell or oxchnuco, call and lvo mo a llutinR on It n I think that I can handle It for you. If you want to rout an nfflco or n roBldonro I can fit you out with tho best nt rensonnblo niton. Coino up u ml tell mo your trou bles, Itooin till M. V. At II, UuildliiK Opposite tho Pout Offlco W, T, YOllK Formnlly Senior Mombor of W, T Yoi'lt Up, I'lHll.lO S.VMi NOTICK. On Wednesday. Anrll 15th. 1914. at ono o'clock p. m. nt tho east doar of tho Cottnpo residence located on tho comer of West 10th nud KltiR streets 1 will offer nt public sale for rash, all the furnishings of this fin) residence, uluo nil tho palntltiRs nnd too many nrtlcles to mention; nlso u lot of tools and Implements. After thu furnishings nro sold I will offer for snlo to the highest bidder tho Cot tage residence, barn nud grounds, consisting of 113 0-10 feet front on West 10th street, n paved street and rou m:T-ltoAiip and iioomk WANTKD Four or moro gontlcmon may secure excellent board and ex clusive use of nicely furnished bunKnluw, closo In. Itoasonnblo terms. Ilox 5S5, caro Mall Trl liuiie. 2S3 FOIt iiK.vr MiMCi:i.taNi:ou.s FOUmScT"oil' SAhi: Garden and fruit tract. M. A. Itader. CO N. OrniiRo St. FOIt l.UASH Full equipped plncor mine. Gold Hay llealty Co. Foil SAI.K -POriI'llY FOIt SAI.K Pen of G thoroughbred Ancona ho iik and cockerel. F. T. Carpontor. Phono 201-114. 2S4 FOIt SAL.K Hutching crrs from my hardy, heavy laying W. I., lions, $1 00 setting. J5. 00 per 100. Ilaby chicks. F. S. Carpenter, phono 201-114. 290 WANTED Miners at Dradon mine. Gold Hill, Oregon, for contract work. Gold Kay Ilenlty Co. WANTKD MIHCiTMiAA F.OL'R WAnki Hecirand" stock "cattl cahes, hogs. etc. Phono 171 or address Guy I.awton, Medford. 293 WANTKD To buy six broody hens. Phono 342. WANTKD To buy cheap, ono good billiard tablo. Glvo cash price. Address O. S. II., caro Mall Tri bune 284 WANTKD To rent plnno. W. O. Collins, It. F. D. No. 1, box 2G. 2S.r. IIU8INXKS DIKKCTOHY V,hlrnrMCinn blCn. f. LOCKWOOO, Chiropractor, ncrvo specialist. Ilooms 2 03-2 04 205 Gtrnett-Corer hldg. Vapor baths and scientific musinga given, ncedlo sprny, head and shoulder shower In connection; advlco Id dietetics, medical gymnastics, hrdroplhernpy. Lady attendant. Phone, offlco 5 13, rcsldcnco Cll-R. OH. A. R. HKDOES, Dr. Loulso B. Hodges Mcchano-Thcr-iulsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothcraplsts. Then systems. Including dietetics, cura tlvo gymnastics, hydro-thoraphy, etc.. produce result la both acuta and chronic diseases. Consulta tion frco. Oror Deuel & Co., cor ner Main and UartlotL Hours 9 a. m. to G p. m. Other hour by appointment. Phono 170. Pentuu DU. W. M. VAN SCOYOO Dtt C. C. VAN SCO TOO Dentist G&rnett-Coroy bldg., salt 810, Uedford. Ore. Phnnn SGH. Auctioneers WILLIAM OLIUCH Licensed Auc tioneer for the City of Medford. Oregon. Terms reasonable. Resi dence phono 161-J. Offlc Jack son County Dank, butldlnc FOIt SALK Pntrldgo Wyandotte cockerels and pullets. Also eggs. Harris & Crnudnll. Kaglo Point, phono 5-F3. 290 FOIt SALK Pen of White Orpins tons, extra flue stock; also half doon Duff Orpington pullets. Dr. Webster. Talent, It ,F. D. box 73, phono 3-F2. 2S5 FOR SALK 2 Cyphers brooders, bono cutter. White Leghorn cock erels, grain hay. A. W. Stono. $ To loan on Improved ranches. Interest 8 por cont "Insuranco That Insures." II. S. ST1NE liny your Insuranco of n tnxpayor SPECIAL TODAY Six room bungalow for rent, Four business lots on Mnrkot street San Francisco, to trndo for nutomo bile business or bakery, , Sovorul small houses for rout. My specialty Is looking after non resident proporty. E. J. STEWART Room 204 Fruitgrower Dank Flldg, Offlco phono r.3t. Una. phnna 822-J, NEW TODAY Twenty acre of pears In their fifth year, deeded water right. In n good locality, splendid soil, mid Just tho thing to tnko at this tlmo mid bring Into bearing. Pine crops between the rows. For uala nt $2 2,'. 00 per ncre. Three lots In southwest Medford nro offered for s 180.00 Just for for n few daji. Thu owner Is a noii resldeut, and wants to close out. Lot'a help him. $180.00 takes tho three. Registered title, C. D. Hoon FOR SALK Rhodo Island Red hatching eggs, $1.00 for 15, utility stock. John Peterson, It. F, D. No. 3, or phono 370-W. 293 FOR SALK I.IVKSTOCK FOR SALK AffuoyounR"iiHiIo7 Ap ply Foothills Orchard, phono 113-J. FOR SALK Two bny mares, 4 nmj 0 years old. weight 2500 lbs.; ono bny gelding. 4 years old, weight 1050 lbs. Phono 397-J. 2$3 WANTKD nicycles bought, sold and rtVnltn n t ait nlart utiitrillno f XT ' Illko Repair Shop, 10G South Front St. 303 fiotary rabHc HELEN N. YOCKBY Notary pub lic. Bring your work to me at tht l'.in nt th Mnll Trlhlllln. WANTHI) Dress making, 307 K. Sixth St. 281 ixsTnucTio.v WANTKD House for rent; wo have tenant waiting. Rennet: Investment Co. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTKD Position as foreman on ranch, can glvo best of references. Ilox 80, enro Mall Tribune. 28G WANTKD First class dress making. Your business solicited. Mrs, Myrtlo Wolfe. 222 South Holly St. Phono 217-L. 285" FOR EAUIlAaWE FOR TRADK A good 5 room houso nnd lot 106x200, to exchange for heroes or mules. Address K. N., care Mall Tribune. 284 FOR TRADE A clarinet for a. typo writer. Phono 104-J. 283 FOR SALK Young Jack. It. No. 2, box 57-S, J. J. Uoosey. F. FOR SALK Fresh young Jersey cow nml calf. JSO.0O it tnkon at onco. Robert Dutton, phono 38C-M. Mr. FRED ALTON HAIOIIT Teach cr of piano and harmony. Tba Halght Music Studio. 116 South Laurel St., phono 17G-R. GarTxigt OARDAGE Get Tour premise cleaned up for th winter. Call on tho city garbage 'PSKon for good service. Phone 325-L. F. Y. Allen Physician ana Burgeoas DR. F. G. OAULOW, DR. EVA MAINS CAR LOW Osteopathia physicians, 410-417 Garnett-Corey bldg., phono 103G-L. Residence 2C South Laurel St. DR. S. A. LOCICWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE 8. LOCICWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to dlseaaoH of women. Offlcea 232 E Main. Phonos, rcsldenco, 814-J2; offlco S14. TO TRADK 7 room rosldenco strlrt ly modern, pantry, sleeping porch, lot G5xl20. clear of nil Incum brances, eost 93200. Will tradul for clobo In rosldoncc. Will as sume. Address box C01, care Mnll Tribune. 290 FOR SALK Horso. buggy, $40.00. W. 1013 W. 9th St. harness and II. Kvcrhnril. MONK TO liU.lfl TO LOAN Wo have $5000 lo loan! Rounett investment Company. FORTY ACRES To exchnngo for Medford rosldonro property. Located about 4i inllea from Modfurd, about 30 acres cloured nml In cultivation, balanro land In oak wood, 20 acres aultablo for nl fnlfa, frco sol), ou main road, l'rlco $150 per acre, llrlng In what you hno to trade, lloiihos for laud. Lniiil for houses. Money to loan on goud ranch no curlty. Bennett Investment Co. TniltH of till Miiili. WHY Get Located XowS Alfalfa, dairy ranch homo. 45 acres Rear creek bottom located nenr Talent, JtiBt off Pacific-highway, neveu nilles from Medford, Deou free loam, 20 ncros In good Btnnd al falfa. Flue shade trees, good spring, largo barn, sevon cows, four heifers, flvo calves, 25 tons nlfnlfa In bnru, hogs, chickens, machinery all go with tho place $7000.00. Terms. None letter than this! J. C. BARNES I'hM National liunk ilnlldlug FOR SALK Registered Ilorkshlros, woaned pigs, either sex, from prlio-wlnnlng stock, registered nnd guaranteed to bo breoders, $20.00 each, unrelated trios, boar nnd two sows. $50.00. F. It. Steel. K. R. No. 1, Grants Pass, telophouo Threo Pines. 302 FOR SALK 0 tluo Durham holfora coming fiesh, ulso 4 beautiful, fresh cows. Walsh's rnnch, mllo out North Roosevelt Ave. U05 MONEY TO LOAN Oa city and close In ranch property. O. A. McArthur, room 3, P. O. block, phono 2G8. llL'Sl.VKSS DIRECTORY Attorney PORTER J, NEFF. WM. P. MBALEY -Attornoys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Dank bldg. A, B. REAMES, LAWYER Garuott Corey bldg. DR. J. J. EMM ENS Physician and surgeon. Practlco limited to eye, ear, noeo nud throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and (Maine supplied Offlco 228 East Main St.. Hour 8:30 a. in. to 8 p. ni. Phono. E. D. PICKEL. M. D. Offlco Jack Bon C-junty Rank bldg. Offlco pbon6 43-R; resldenco phono C8-IL DR. MARTIN C. DARRBR Phyl olan and surgeon. Offlco Palm block, opposite Nasb Hotel. Hour 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. It. W. CLANCY Physician and surgoon. Phonos, oftlce 30, resi dence 724-J. Offlco hour 10 to 12. 2 to 5. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopath! physlcjau, 303 Garnett-Corey building. Phone 904-M. FOR SALK Fine young driving horse, kind and true, flno driver; also cart and sluglo harness, very reasonable. Jaa. Campbell, Klng'a Highway. 234 FOR SALE Ono good Jersoy milch cow. Louis Dennett, phono 918 FOR HAMS nhCI7I..NKOU8 Foil's I A LK iTFox" hoiiniis" 2 broad hitches, A-l stuff, Chaa, ailchrUt, Sams Valley, Ore. 290 FOR SALE OR TRADK Ono plnuo, two organs. Valley Second Hand Sloro, 23 N. Fir St, W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Ore. Wm. M. Colvtg George M. Roberts COLVIG & ROHERTS. LAWYERS Medford Natloual Dank Rutldlng. D. F. MULKEY & GEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Rank Building. NEWTON W. DORDEN Attorney at law, room 7, Spuria building, Med ford, Orogon. FOR SALK lliirgnliiH In rugs and children's lion beilH. Valley Sec ond Hand Store, 2tl North Fir etrevt. Auto hnpplte. LAHElt AUTO SPRING CO. Oui big secret In making springs Is the temperlug. Wo uro operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Paclflo northwest. Use our 8prlug3 when others fall, (laid under guarantee 2u North Fif teenth st.r Portland, Or. R. J. CONROY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Luma don, 215 E. Main St Phone 77, DR. W. II. HICKMAN Homeopath Office Hostel building, Central Point. All telephoue calls ausworetl night or day. Printer nu4 I'ubllncr MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. ha th beBt oqulppod printing office la southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledger, billing system, etc. Portland prises. 27 Norti Fir St. ,- t' i - -1 ' ; " HteuogrMiaier ELLA M. GAUNYA Palm bloalu Stenographlo work Cine qulekly and well. ifrmtw Oftlce 42 Nor4i VrMt M. Phmm 81&, PriM rlgUL H4itb)tf if - ... .n. - - Z2s