Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, February 18, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    U '
A. K. Knrhnrt of Uoruo Hlvcr has
returned home nftor a several day's
visit with his mother, Mrs. Steven
A. h. Simmons and family hnvo
moved to Central Point,
Miss Hose Hayes of Sam's Valley
1 vlsltlnc friends and relatives In
this city for a fow days.
The ladles of the Presbyterian
church give n chicken pie dinner Fri
day, Fob. 20, from to S p. m., In
the church farlors, prlco GOe, 2S2
Miss l.oret Snyder of Olendnlo is
IsItTng her sister, Mrs. Jacobson.
who Is convnlosclne from a rccont
operation for appendicitis.
Cnrkin & Taylor, lawyers. (John
H. Carkin. Glenn O. Taylor), Iias-klns-lloydcn
IIMr., Main street. '
Walter Merrick assumed control
this morning of the Central Point
Hotel, which he will operate.
Karl Hansen of Big Outto is at
tending to business matters in this
city this week.
Highland mend flour $1.25 at
Hutchison & Lumsden's. 2S3
James Fleming and wife of this
city visited with friends and rela
tives In Grants Pass Sunday and Mon
day. Tho police havo received warning
from tho Solls-Floto circus against a
man giving the namo of McDonald
who is traveling nbont tho country
posing as tin advance agent for the
show, and fleecing the people.
M. Purdln, lawyer, rooms 4 and 5
Rlalto building, opposite First Na
tional Dank. a
Arthur Fraser of Montague. Cal.,
Is In tho city this week attending to
business matters.
Earl Ulrlch left the first of tho
week for his stock ranch on Union
creek by auto.
Tour Insurance Is right if Holmes
writes it, let him write it right, right
a way.
R. X. Foster returned this morn
ing from a business trip to nSn
Francisco. He says the big town ts
not as lively as It used to be. He
also reports that Dud Anderson, ac
cording to street talk is getting fat
and flabby, and that there is no in
terest In his fight with Red Watson
tomorrow night.
J. F. Spencer of Salt LaKo City Is
registered at the Nash.
See Turay for Hro insurance.
J. A. Robinson of Merced, Cal., ts
spending a few days In the city at
tending to business matters.
H. X. Wlilard of San Diego, 'Cal.,
Is In tho city attending to business
J, O. Corking, the best all around
photographer In southern Oregon..
Alsys reliable. Negatives made any
where, time or place. Studio 228
Main St Phono 320-J.
Attorney George Cherry made o
trip to Jacksonville this morning on
legal business.
D. P. Young of ningham, Utah, is
spending a few days In tho city on
business. ,
Kodak finishing, glossy or dull fin
ish at J. 0. Oerklng's studio, 228 E
Main St. Phono 320-.
A brisk wind sprang up late Tues
day night and blew with some force
throughout tho night. Rain is pre
dicted to follow in Its wake.
Frank Farrell Is in from his ranch
for a few hours this morning at
tending to business matters.
Sugar Pine shakes. Medford Lbr.
Moso Rarkdull who has been
spending the last ten days in San
Francisco Is expected home tomor
row. A force of men under Ralph Cow
gill aro putting In culverts on tho
Central Point road, preparatory to
the beginning or work on that high
way. 0. A. De Voo, Medford agent for
tho Portland Oregoulan, 418 W.
Main. Phono 122-R.
Mrs. George Xueber of Jackson
ville and daughter, Laura, visited
friends in Medford Tuesday after
noon and evening.
1)111 Coloman made n business trip
to Central Point Tuesday afternoon.
Try our flour, Johnson's Bet.
$1.15; Dluo Stem, 11.35; None D ot
ter. L. I). Drown, Rubs Mill, Flour
and Feed.
Jack Kingston of Hilt, Cal., Is
spending a few days In tho city tran
sacting business and visiting friends.
Seven wanderers wore quartered
In the city jail last night. When
told that they could In all probability
secure work In a short time on tho
Pacific highway, they candidly an
nounced tboy woro not looking for
work, but wero en routo to San Fran
cisco to Join "Kelly's Army" which
plans to march on Washington, D. C
this spring.
! !.....,
--- A
Weeks k McGowan Co.
Lady Assistant
Dy Phone 227
NiftH F. W. Weeks 103-J2I
itauta A. E. Orr 070-M
X j !. .-
Tho last word received from Frnn
klo Kdwards the wandering Jew, snyn
that ho ts In New Orleans to attend
tho Mndrl Grns, and sell n line 'if
J. Coss of Untie Falls spent Mon
day In tho city on business.
' Milk and cream at DoVoo'a.
Tho Rohcecn lodge hold a social
session at their hall last night in
which was largely attended. A ban
quel was served and n musical pro
gram given.
Don Rnder hna received no word
from tho Whito Sox to report for
spring training, and he may play In
dependent ball this year.
Remombcr Tumy writes fire insur
nnce. '
E. II. Rice of tho Little Applognte
district Is In the city today on bust
"Pug Isaacs who has been under
the weather for somo tlmo owing to
an affliction of tit bolts, ana after tho
other, Is contemplating n trip to
northern California springs for n
cure. Ho thinks tho troublo Is
caused from Infection from handling
spraying material Inst spring.
Fresh Ilmo. Medford Lbr. Co.
An unknown motorcllst crashed
Into the railing of tho Boar crook
bridge Tuesday night, while running
at n high rata of speed without lights
and smashed his machine.
Harry Houclls made n business
trip to Afchlnnd this morning.
Try onr flour, Johnson's Best.
$1.15; Uluo Stem, $1.35; None Dot
tcr. L. B. Brown, Russ Mill, Flour
and Feed.
W. W. Ussher of Ashland, filed his
papers Wednesday for tho republican
nomination for coroner, subject to the
primary May 15.
Tumy writes better flro Insurance.'
E. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives made any time or
place by appointment. Phone M
Model Bakery goods at Do Voes.
To accommodate thoso who desire
to attend tho Development meeting
at Eugene on tho 'l 9th. tho Southern
Pacific company will run a sleeper
on number 1C of tho ISth to bo set
out at Eugene, returning, this car
will bo ready for occupancy at
Eugene at 9:30 p. m. of tho 19th and
return to valley points on train 13
reaching Medford tho morning of
tho 20th. In making reservations t
kindly mention this car. 282
Gnrao Warden Hubbard states thnt
bounties hnvo been paid ho fnr thi
winter by Jnekoii county upon 109
bobcat?, 93 coyotes nnd A cougar.
In addition, quite n number of pelt
were shipped without nttempiinj; to
secure bounty.
George Gregjr of Jnnncy creek re
cently presented six coufrnr skins for
bounty payment, but although the
hides were green, County Clerk Gard
ner refuted the bounties, ns the
cluws were missing from the hides,
Inning been left on tho enrcasses
when skinned.
K. L. Crnnfill, a pioneer merchant
of this ciy nnd valley, died nt Ku
gene this moriiing ubout 2 o'clock of
heitrt failure. Mr. Crnnfill was in
terested in the Crnnfill & Itobnett
store ut Central Point, besides bini
ness interots in this city. At the
time- of his death he was vixiting n
Muter, who is ill. lie was about .""
years of age nnd leaves n wife und
son nnd daughter, nil living in this
The body wll bo shipped to this
city for burial, when the funeral ar
rangements will be made. Members
of tho family will leave for Eugene
this evening.
A. P. A.
The grand jury spent tho day in
vestigating acts of vandalism com
mitted ut the old sinters' school at
Jacksonville. It is alleged that A. 1.
A. members dug under the building
and broko into the ho :u in effort
to unearth scandal.
Anonymous letters sent highway
contractors nttacking tho county
couit and state highway engineers
wero ulso probed.
NOOALKS, Ariz., Feb. 18. Gen
end Victoriano Carranza, military
leader of tho Me.icau constitutional
ists, arrived hero late today from
Iicnuosilln, the capital of Konorn. He
will go to Naco by train late today
and thence to Agna 1'riela, opposite
Douglas, by automobile.
Al'ltOU.. HI, Fob. IS llecnuo
Walter Hickman, a negro was so
prompt to furnish Information point
Ing toward Anthony 1'edroes ns tho
murderer of Miss Tracy Holander.
whoe corpse was found jesterday
morning In St. Nicholas cemetery
hero with tho skull crushed and a
bloody club lying nearby, Chief of
Police Frank Michaels was seeking
Hickman himself today.
Pcdroes, a jonng Italian mechanic,
had been nttenllve to Miss Hollander
but his suit was not favorably re
ceived, which seemed Jo tho police nt
first to furnish some basis for sus
picion nralnst him In connection
with the negro's story that ho sa.v
tho couple riding home together on
a street car after a lodge meeting
the girl had attended, and a short
time before the murder. Pcdroes,
illrkman also asserted, left the car ti
Mock bejond tho point whero MUs
Hollander got off and started in tho
same direction that she had taken.
The negro, who had been detained
as a witness, was released after giv
ing this account, and tho pollco were
not sure where to look for him when
they wanted him again.
Investigation had pretty thorough
ly convinced them of Pcdroes Inno
cence. Astdo from the fact that tho
footprints in the snow about tho
spot where tho murdered girl's body
was found were those of a larger man
than the prisoner. It scorned clear
that the latter could never have
taken such enormous strides ns
thoso with which tho murderer left
tho scene of the crime. From tho
length of the steps the police esti
mated thnt tho slayer must have
been at least six feet tall, and Pc
droes Is but a trlflo over flvo.
Tho Inquest was scheduled to re
convene this afternoon.
NEW YORK, Feb. IS. Small and
Irregular changes marked opening
dealings in stocks today. Canadian
Pacific up 1 and Great Northern pre
ferred, down as much, made tho only
Important fluctuations. About noon
there was a general advanco In prices.
A reactionary trend was given tho
list at times by selling of Union Pa
cific and Great Northern preferred.
New York Central, United States
Steel, Pennsylvania, Lehigh Valley
and Union Pacific rose 1. Other
leaders, Including Now Haven, nmdo
up most of their previous losses.
Bonds wore steady.
Tho market closed lower.
Charles H. Gay was appointed po
lice Judge by tho city council Tues
day night at a salary of 125 a month,
and assumed tho rolns of offlco this
morning. Mr. nay will also act as
probation officer, looking aftor
truancy cases, and wago a campaign
against boys who smoko clgarottcs,
Mr. Gay has had .much experience li
police work, nt ono tlmo being a
guard at tho state prison at Salem.
Tho appointment lightens tho labors
of Mayor Purdln, nnd gives him more
time for city nnd private work.
Following inugh tactics in tho Chi
neso restaurant on Front street
Tuesday, Leu Fung, n Chinaman, in
self-defense pulled a pistol on Fred
Kcetl and James Fitzgerald, two
whito customers. In the struggle for
tho gun it was discharged. Fung was
budly beaten up. All threo were ar
rested by Officers Cingcado and
Crawford, Heed and the Chinamaii
afterwards being released on .fSO
buil. Hefoiu Police Judge Gay (his
morning fines of ijsJU wero applied.
8AN FliA.NTISCO, Cal., Feb. 18.
That Francis Fisher and James Wil
son, arrested here Kunday night, wore
responsible for six saloon holdups
within a week was the confession al
leged by the police to have been made
by Fisher hero today, The six hold
ups, however, netted thu two men less
than -1-25.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 18. Mm.
Christine FredunK of Philadelphia,
tcprcrtitmg the Housewives' League
of Atactica, demanded and -eeurod
today a hcnrlit before the house ju
diciary committee on the tiu-t bill.
She pleaded with its members to
tirvo congress to consider women
buyers in small store in framing the
proposed legislation.
Mrs. Fredcnik wld women study
ing business methods demanded that
the trust hill abolish "cut-throat and
cut-price" competition. She bitterly
denounced "hnnrnln counter soVani
ble,' adding'
"Once I crowded around n bargain
counter nnd suffered a twisted
plexus torso; hd a sleeve lorn from
my waist nnd had my best hat
wrecked. Finally I secured three
yards of lace, for which 1 paid 78
cents. Competition and not price
cutting will work the salvation of
business with Uncle Sam as the nut
pi re."
WASHINGTON. Feb. 18.-.Wur-nncc
(hat formal charges nstiiu-t
Federal Judge A. 0. Dayton of the
northern district of Virginia will 'i
fully investigated by the justice de
partment whs given by President
Wilson (oday to n committee rcpio-
senting the United Miucworkers of
Tho committee which preferred the
accusations (omplomed thnt Dayton
hnd termed labor unions criminal as
semblages und conspiracies against
tho nation's cneo ami welfare.
It was 'ehnrged, too, thnt the judge
discriminated against members of la
bor organiraiinas.
SAN DIKGO, Cal., Feb. IS. .lame
Ilussell and David Sehwarts, both lit"
teen, Los Angeles lads, vho left for
Knsennda several weeks ago, equip
ped with "JoO pounds of all kinds of
canned goods and provisions nnd
with camera, fishing tackle and camp
ing outfit, were handed oxer today
to tho local police authorities when
they returned hero on the steamship
According to the boys, they were
deported from Mexicn its' minors af
ter ten day of the most thrilling ad
ventures. They said they were bend
ed for tho interior, but denied that
it was their intention to join (ho reb
els. The lads wero equipped for a
camping trip of several months. They
probably will be scut back to their
homes in Los Angeles.
As soon .u convenient, growers
should spray nil stone fruits and
pears with lime-sulphur in accord
ance with tfiu directions given in the
spray calendar for JU1 1. All shrubs,
vines, roses, etc., should also be
sprayed. Tliosn living in the towns
whero it is. difficult to get the work
douu should look after the matter rof
spraying while there is plenty of time
'Ihoiu who wish to use the nitrate
of soda spr.iy for pear may nnx it
with lime sulphur in accordance with
thu formula published in tho spray
calendar. This npray is to hu applied
to such varieties as do not readily
set fruit. Remember that the nitrate
of soda spray will advance tho bloom
ing period ten days or more, so be,
ready to protect against frost.
It is iidvised that apples be sprayed
somewhat later for tho reason that
(oo early spraying with lime-sulphur
and black-leaf -10 will, not control
aphides, it is best to wait until the
huds begin to swell perceptibly, hach
grower iniil use his judgment, be
cause hu must givu himself time to
miiko thu application before tho hudn
aro too far advanced.
P. J. (VGA HA,
Pathologist in Charge.
flth Medford trade is Medford smile.
FOR RENT Only hotuT" In'town Tf
1000, 40'rtfoniH fiirnlHliod. Ad
drosu M.( euro Mull Tribune.
. G. F.
.s S S S
Mrs llcorgo F King nH It
pays to advertlne- In tho
Mall Tribune. Tuesday after
noon she placed a want ad In
tho Mall Tribune offering a
range for sale, lleforo tho
paper had been delivered at
her home, shu had received
three offers over the phono
and had tho range sold b
H. M. Wilson, expert ncmuntnur,
nppenred before the council Tuedav
night and offered to nndlt the city
hooks nt the rate of $111 a day, or for
a flat rate of :lf0. This amount
was considered too high, and the fin
ance committee instructed to investi
gate and see if a lower rate could not
be secured.
Mr. Wilson also wuKvestcd that 'be
city audit the tax rolls of the eoiiutv
and find out how much m due from
Ibis source ou delinquent taxes.' I'
was estimate. I that between $700 hum
$S00 would be found due the citv.
He said he would do (Ins for 'll j
per cent of the trim amount. Coun
cilman .Mile?, was umtrHcled to confer
with the coiimv trerasurer and see it
the city could not net its money with
out charge.
The iitHtter of chwdnu pool halls on
Sunday was discussed without any
definite action, most of the council
disapproving of the ordinance.
The insurance was renewed on the
firt truck.
(oimI Wood.
If )ou want good wood, get It from
Frank 11 Ray
I'so H)omcl Von Itrenthe It
Unlets properly treated this disease
oftn leads to a irrlous It not fatal
ailment. It is needless to allow ca
tarrh to ruin jour health itsu II) -niel
It Is certainly effective relief (or
catnrrh Ills. It's tho direct-to the
spot treatment. You breathe It no
stomach dosing. No household should
bo without Hyomol It not onlv
gives quick and lasting benefit In
cases of catnrrh but Is ono of th
surest and most pImihuiiI treatments
for bend colds, sulfdos, or croup of
Ilyomel Is n combination of ami
soptlc oils you brenthu It using a
small Inhaler. Tho air laden with
health-restoring Hyomol soothes,
heals and vitalizes tho sore, raw and
Inflamed membrane of tho lirentlilng
organs almost Immediately. Thorn In
no other remedy that benefits mi
surely or so quickly. Money to
funded by ('linn. Ktrafig It you are
not utlsflcd.
Do not bo without Hyomol another
day. Druggists' everywhere soil It
Oct tho complete outfit $1.00 slzn
this rontiilus tho Inhaler nnd bottle
of liquid.
A team can pull ns big n load with
It as nhy other harness and cannot
Injure tho trees while plowing.
ft jShoe Polishes
"CUT lDCC.Mlliu only '1hmj Un--.ini ltit
poilUvtltonlallitOII. JlluiLnncl I'uILIimIuiIIk'
tnd clilldrui'a Ihxik ami tlmo, tlilncl vtllboul rub-
Mna .V.
.5..T.-. -T. '-"..-- " . M -
IMSUTimnuinnin Mir cirauing .nn p
imnhinalliin lor f Ifaiilna
altLlinUnf tfjr tan aliftf-i.tfrf hTAIC'aiuj. hi
"ELfTIT combination fur tfiutltUHU Mho take
ijrlclo liiWlntftlKlr tlial'iou A I, Itralortsolur
and luatro toa-H ba?lt alima.
cr cloth, VIS cent. "BDV LIJTCt'Miluceula.
"SULLY SIIIML" swalifpriHif jmlo pulliti for all
kinds of black allots. Ciiulalni oil ami Ham to
potlik and the ItMhtf. Iliuea niirn with,
akty.JDC "UVSHli BUILV SHINE" sums erica.
If!rriliiakliiil )m vn( .nlui
tliat'rkf In rj,iiiM. rr r rulltri. kavr rlinruva aid I
wuiTTCMone ssoa. a co
2020 Albany Olranl, Oambrldga, Mass.
'Iht OU'il ! htunl ManufiitiHitH uf
iiot IMItihti nt I it WvtU, )
IS. 1!H-
Cllv Attorney .Mefnlio retains hi"
position with tho clt.v, ns a result t'
a voto uf tho rlly council at the
meeting Tuesday night when tho
question of disposing of tho Incum
bent canto up. Ooiinrllumn Hargent
lead tho fight nitnlust Mct'nhe, and
m a do a long speech In which ho ar
gued that ho should be oimtcil he
cause of a statement .ho mmle declar
ing tho electric company was
im titled to a franchise, nmt for this
reason uniihlo to uphold the rights
of the city In a suit. Attorney Me-
Cube spoke ten wonls, ail, when th
vote were counted he hd won by a
vote of to 2, Hiii-Mcit ami Kmnrlok
voting against liim I he others
took tho position Metabo should M
retained heuuno of effl.le.uv.
$2.05 F.O.B.
The lingua River Fruit nnd Pro
duce association has sold two ears
of large New tow as at liCUfi f. o. h.
Medford Hut two cars )ct remain
In storage of the l!U:i crop nnd satis
factory prices aro assured on these
Statements 'I line Ma) He Investigated,
Testimony of Medford Cltlciis
When a Medford rltUcii comes to
the front, telling his friends and
uelghbor of his experience. ou ran
roly on his sliuisrlty Tho stale
mollis of people residing In far nwa)
plates do not command our con. I
delire. Home endorsement Is III'
kind thnt backs Dean's Kid
ney Pills. Such testimony Is con
vlnclng. Investigation proven It true
lletow Is a statement of n Medford
resident. No stronger proof of merit
ran be bad,
W. 1". (lould. 119 W. JnrkiMin St.
Medford, Ore., sn)s: "I tistsl Dorui'u
Kidney Pills, procured nt Hnsklns'
Drug Store, nnd am pleased to say
that they have given me more relief
than any other kidney medicine I
hnvo ever taken. Other ineiuberi
of my family hav also used Dean's
Kidney Pills and the results hnro
been so satisfactory that I do not lies
Itntu one moment in giving this state
ment." For sale by nil dealers Price V
rants Fosler-MlllHiru Co , lluffnl'i.
New York, solo nrouts for the United
Remember tho name Dean's
and take no other
How to Remove Wrinkles
in Fifteen Minutes
Enclose two rent stamp for par
ticulars, satisfaction guaranteed.
Freo demonstration nnd face treat
motit nt nflfro. Also all of tho
toilet preparations for sale, (luar
anteeil harmless under tho pure food
Will have goods on exhibit ami for
sale nt the M M. Department Store
on Saturday of each week.
llrniuli Offlie Mil) North llenlly
Mcdfonl, On. Phone KHI-I
Don't Miss This
Clearance Sale of Shoes
When we offer you the ('renin of Ainerieu'H
10 to 25 OFF
Rinconliliued linen are being closed out regartlleHS of
cost. This includes
Complete linoH, broad high toes, shoi'l- vamjiH, all
Hi.eH, A io 10 widtliH. "weai' like iron."
Your choice, $5.00 Btylos, Sf3.75; $4.00 styloB .2.05
C. M. KIDD & CO.
Delicious "Fruit l.avallvc" Can't
llnrm Tender Little Htnmnth,
Liver anil Dowels
Kvory motlioi' tonHson. nftor glvlnit
her children "C'lillrurnhi Hvrup of
Figs." that tills Is their Ideal laxa
tive, hoentiso Hii'V lnv Its liletmtiiit
taste and It thoroughly elmtusoM tho
tender little kIoiuhcIi, liver mil
bowels without Ktll'Uilt.
When eios. Irrltalilu. founUh or
luoath Is bail, stomach sour, look at
tlllt tlllfltlM tllllttllir If tlllil4tl tfllll
,, of lU mmm, ..frllll
,llMvl(U( .. ,, , fHK. ,, ,
,, ,, ,rtti mw ,,
,,,,,, ,,, mMW nlU llf ,
noU Jn )IW Wt I(Hyll
l(( (Knl W(0H (f, M
Is full of cold, throat sore, 1ms sloin
nth ache. dUrrhuen, Imllfoatloii,
told remember, n hhm1 "Itull.t
icIhiiiIuk" should always bo the first
treatment hIvoii
Millions or mothers kmp "Califor
nia K)rup of 1'Iks" Imndyi thsy know
a tenspouiiful today mvvi a slrk child
tomorrow. Ask )our druiKlst for n
RO-eeiit battle of "Csllforuln M)rup
of Figs." which Iim direction for
bnbliHi. children of all tines and
grownups printed on tho bottle lie
warn of Counterfeits Mild here, so
don't be footed, (let the genuine,
made by "California Fig tfvrup Com
I'ftii) "
IIOHSLS I ou mw.i:
Ono span of mul-n, ago 0 and
7 enrs weight '.' "0 One span,
of arge mares. clght 2C00 Ono
good nl around horse, S )ears old
Large team, weight .1000. One well
lirok saddle horse. Ono gentle lad
les' driving mare One good ranch
team, luirgy and harness. Can oo
seen at
D. ti. Lilt's
At Union lUrn
To the Milk Consumers
of Mcdfonl
Why not buy your milk nnd crenm
from the dairy that has the highest
scoro of any dairy In Medford!
Wo soil milk just as cheap ns tho
lowest scored dalrtos and guaruntco
It to bo pure, clean ami rich of butter
Wo make a specialty of milk for
Rive us a trial ami )ou will always
bo our oustomor.
Wo mnko two deliveries dally,
J. W. Bidder
I'llllllO 'Jiltl.'t