Mutt Is Full of Professional Coo, itswa Hvwi m THAT Daman eunvow.Ttur mm. coiewiPoNbcwr or OMCCJCftN lt CMC, INC ro ,0 ihTTHlr (ofrWIS Iti(irtiH hy JnclNon County Al tntct Co., Klxtli niul I'lr Ku. ( I'llllllltO Untnto of IIiinIiI Alkln. Onlcr up liointliiK J C Hnilth, Nun Scott niul J.n-k Alkln, npjirnlKi'ru. Ilnlnlo o( l.)'ll A. Tow nno ml Or tlr to pulilUli notlru of nttluinnnt of tltint hciolmt. Ilil ISlti Triinfn Otto Jnnotm tit UX to H ClilliN . HWM of NK-t ' 2S JCI WVM. W. I) Jciiulo II. DunnltiK t lr to Kntlu I. In. Hoy, lot 9, block 17, city of Mmlfor.l. W. I) Italpli II. I In in t tu to Ornt (J. (ironrvt nl, N'4 lot 0, c. IJ-JO-n WVit, iilHo 20 ncrci In mio 12IR-n WViit, q. C. I) Dox'tcr llnlu ux to H. Chllil fm. lot 2, lilorlc 9, ImiMirlnl Ailil. to Mfilfonl, W. i. J. II. I'nrroll t tu to Win. Itntiert. f( on A Miry utrcMil In Aihlnml, W. I) ... J. C. (loliln to W. H, Crow oil, loin In I.mirnlliurm Ailil. to Moilfonl, nKri'uiiii'iit. Mory It. Ilcrron to l.dln K. (Irnvim. loin 2 niul 3, block h, Atiininlml Pint of Oakilnlo Pnrk Ailil. to Miulfonl, W. I) ... 10 10 CO 10 10 10 EDEN PRECINCT Amly WViiliii-r of Tiilrnl mim in fiilfiinl IVdliiy on lMiiiiiM. .Mr. niul .Mm. John UrHffru liavo ilcoiili'il to nilupt it cliilil niul Sun day it litlli' ir itrrixi'il in I'limtniv front I Im oiihiuiti' liiimo ami was met hv Mrw, (IrnflVft nn1 taken to tln'ir linini1, Charley Wright luul llm lllllK III f-l'l IliK Kill'!' I.IIIM'kl'll out ui iliii'i hy tin NUi'i'p of n KrnhhiiiK urn. ihini which lie wiik IkIiiik lo npi'i--nli', ktriKin liim ont ilny lat wi'i'k. Stun Vim Dyliu lain hern miflVrin Itrmttly tho pttnl few days niul it it thotiulit lie will have-n haul t'iht for lift if IiIh I'liiiilitioit coitliniu", .Mr. mnl Mix. ('. K. Noimmi anil family Hpinit Knnility with ri'lntiM'i In Talent. Zoe Kaitei- alleiuleil it 1 iijr pally nl Hnilii I'oinl Kiitiinhiy nijjhl, Hie oei'iiHioit lieili -MK VokcTh linlhility. Tho ilieilet' eiPinpany i now gi't linjr reaily to lie-in npunttioim lu tui'i'it Tnlenl anil Phoenix. (', Citrny Iiiih hold liin lino ihtity eiiwH mnl ipiit Mlilppiiij, eieam. II. I;, loft of Med ford wan thn man who Kot it jjooil hity fioin .Mr. Ciuoy, Tim Talent Meniaiililu eoiapnny U moun' inlu new iinitlein in tho new lit ink liiiildinK on Main hlreel.. On I'riility, Fehiunry 'JOtli, thu l.n ilieH1 Aid of Phoenix will have n Martini Washington nupper ami pro Hi am. A Yankeo DimmIIu kltehen will In olid of tint feature of tho even ing. Prli'i'H reiiHoniililo. 1 CENTRAL POINT POINTERS?! . .Mrs. HtonriiH ami dntiKhtor Plor- onro hiivo rutin nod from nuvurul nioiitlm vllt with rolntlvoH lit WiihIi IiihIoii. Mr mnl Mm. it, , Arnold mnl ion who hnvo htum KiinHtn of W. II, Nor eriiHH mid fnmlly for noma tlmo hnvo rnliiruuil to their homo In Iowa, Oil)' niuiiiitl city olurtlon hitu heon luliiil fiic thu ninth of Murch, Quo mayor, (no rlty coiiiirlliuuii niul ono treiiHtirer lo olerl. (li'ort!ii l'"a ran in of Monlmiii U vi lllnil fileinU Intro. .liiMth'o of piuicii A. W. Moan who luiu buun ri'liUiiK ut Jui'luoiivlllo for COU THOSE NEWS tms papq-h- KAY, JUfM', UUJMfaN:APAfV.J. mcm oum.nwes, ah o nil? OftlAU r.ULtiT UMTM KUMYorJ 0 OUfcu'r - ,-- ..... lAMOui liUf-OW U. .1 " u ON THlilP (tin limt (ho montliN, linn rotiirnutl liomo ncnln. Mm. M O. Hronillmiit wnn liotM at it tmrty Klvun nt hur liomo Vnlmi Minn Diirrnn. TliuiivoiilnR wnmieiil im ..Inbomt.i lunrli wnn norvml. All printout Kpi'iii n ury otuoyniilo ivon I tik'. Mm. (IcorKo I'ox linn ri'tnrnud from n inrnl month's lnlt with hur pnr I'litit nt Portlnml. T. M. Jonci mid family of Cornlnx, Cul., httvii nrrlvuil lioro wluiro thoy wl tOlllllt. NOMINATE TICKET F0n JACKSONVILLE ELECTION NomlnntlniiM of thu CKIiciib ticket for thu city election to bo held In Jnnkiomlllo tint flro Tinmdny In Miireh worn mitilo limt nlKht n fol town: Ktnll llrltl, tho prtwutit innjor, ro-notitlimieil for llm plitco, t'ltnrlcrt Prim mnl Wllllnm llowmnn for tho rlty council; I.enlln Htntiholl for ro rorilor, niul JntniH Cronemlller for treiimirur. Another ticket will likely bo plnrrtt In tho fluid thin uitik. DIRECTORS OF MERCANTS ASSOCIATION 1914 ELECTED The Merchants nsnoclntlon hold their regular monthly mooting Inst night and idortud directors for tho 'coming year nn follews: E. P. Hchmldt. J. C. Mntin. A O. llubbtiH. L. II. Drown, 0 M. Kldd. E. C. Und- i . i. .. i. ...iii ,. . lis. nnd II. II. Huttcrflold. Ilotween now mid tho nnxt regular mooting tho directors wilt choose n pronldont mid seorotnry for 1911. Itoutlno IiusIiiqm was nttoudiKl to. NOTICE. Notlro la hereby gtxon that tho tin dorslgttnd will apply to thu city conn ell nt tin meeting to bo hold March' 3rd. 1914, for n llcoitso to soil tunlt. i VUhViiAtl lfrf,A I "V C4v ,rv5K H,fA '"''iwwqil i' Wr; . -r mMru &.y . i n, i spirituous mid litniis llipinrs In qunn-i thin opportunity for GO dnys only, bo titles lo Ihnn n gnlloii nl Its plnco if' i1""1": wodtioilny, Fob. -Mi, 1914. ,.u v ,. v.,,.,,. uir..,,i ,nni1 ,nlB offor closes Sntttrday, April UusIiiosh, .no. .ib, .ortn croiit mrooi, . jyii city of Medford for a period of six1 I'will also sell small tracts of land liiontltM, II. 8. ItADCLIFFE, Dated February 1C, 1911. NOTICE. Notlro Is hereby given that tho un dersigned will npply to tho city coun cil nt Its mooting to be hold March 3rd, IU14, for n llcoimo to soil mult. spirituous niul vinous, liquors In ijunii- tltlcH less thnn n gallon nt Its plnco of business mi lot 11, block 20, city of Medford for n period of nix months- W. M. KENNEDY. Dated February 14, 1911. (looil Wood, If )oit want good wood, gut It from Frank II. Ray. vVlth Medford trnflo is Medford ntnfirt iii:gui:.vr for iiids. In tho district court of thu Uultod Stilton fpr thn district of Oregon. In the matter of E. C. Ireland CI gtir company, InnhruptH. WANTED Soino good country property to ox change for n houso and two lots alt. tinted on n paved Ktruot, Itottso five rooms modern. Will give n good bar gain for tho right kind of country proporty. If you hnvo a snap In city or conn-1 try proporty to soil or oxchniiHo, call , and give mo n listing on It us I think that I can handle It Mr) on. If you want lo rent uu offlca or a rosldonra 1 can fit yon out with tho best nt looHOiiublo rates, Como tii ami lull mo your trou bles. Hooin .) M, IS .V II, lliilldlng Opposite (ho Post Officii W. T, VOHIC Fornully Senior Motnliar of W. T York s Co, imqPFORD MATT;' TRTBUfrTi. MEDFORD. OHMON, TriWDAY, 1?RimTAUY 17. 1011. Courtesy j " ..'ivnt f rVf CntlU'd k0W k.lNV0M ',H.Orrt.V cur wjtrj '"U ",M Wtt AMJ f 10 UOATM I will rcrulvo Fimluil !li!n for tho follow Iiik proporty, Mltuntuil nt Mutl fonl. OroKon, In thu Ktoru room for Innrlt' iirnlllilml liv link nllril'.i fitittwul - i i iimni mi i, ,n.i .tu i- vti. noon on llio 24th of I'oiiruiiry. l'JH.I Htork of koiU, uurim mm nm-. bnrco. pipe. tc , of t'ho Imuntory vnitio or IIKI2.02 PIxttiroM pnrtnliiliiu thuroto of thu Inventoried viilno of $704 !&. CerllftiHl chock for 10 per cent of I tho niiimiiit offurod mint nccompnny onch bid. 8nlo mtbjoct to the approval of the court. i I luvontorr of tho nronortv may bo hoii nt my oflfc ami tbtt proporty will bo hown to ntiy pronpuctlvu pur chniior. Dated tills 11th day of February. 1911. 13. A. WI1I.CH. 2S3 Truiteo. 111111,10 KAMI NOT1CH. On WadiiMdny, April 15th, 19H, nt otio o'clock p. in. nt tho oast door of tho CotUKo roNldonro locnlcd on tho corner of Wont OUtli and Klnc streets 1 will offijr nt public salo for rnxlt. nil thu furnliiilnKk of this fin residence, nlso nil tho paUitltiRs and too many articles to mention; also n lot of tools mid implumunts. After tho furnishing nru cold 1 will ofror for mile to tho blddor tho Cot tngo rcsldoiico, barn mm grounds. conslitliiK of 113 C-10 foot front on Wust loth street, a pnvud utrcot mid 1S1 toot Ioiir on Kim: street. Thoro Is nn nbtiiidnnco ot fruit, fioworn nnd lawn. Terms of salo, oiio-thlrd cash, bntitiirn In )onrly, or throo and flvu year pa) inoiits. Intorost at r, por cunt, punb!o soiiil-nntitinlly. Kpoclnt no' Ice. I will soil ntiy or all of tho abou property nt prhnto salo or will ox - c,"," for '"""try property hero. north or south. , ,, hUo ,Vt)r 700 , of R0(Jl, laud for nlo. closo to shipping point, 40 ncron can bo Irrlgntod now, 310 ' nr.r, ",l I"')' or subirrlgatloii nt nil seasons of tho year mid Is flno atfalfn or fruit lnnd: nlsn SCO ncrns 'of good grnln or clover land with I plenty of water for putitptsc.. good sull mid well locntod For tho noxt CO days I will soil for $15,(100.00 cash , otio of thu butt tracta of land In Jack comilv mrr,; nono. Wo need mnnuy mnl must hnvo It. Don't mln , on yearly payments maturing In flro , or ton yonra to suit purchasers. For further particulars call on me nt CQ4 West loth streut, or wrlto mo, tho ovvnor. II. M. COS8. Medford, Ore. FOE KENT IIOL'SISi FOR ItENT btiugnlow. -Well furnished 5 room 422 South l-uurol. FOIt KENT- Sovornl good fur nished hotisor. llouiiett Invest ment Co, SPECIAL TODAY 7C ncri'H. good valley land neur Central Point, for sale, $100 por acre. Good throo room house for rent, $10. 2 ucros near Phoenix to trado for Modtord proporty. My specialty Is looking after non resident propel ty E. J. STEWART Room :o4 Fruitgrowers Hank lildg Offlm nhnne RSI Res nhntm 123-1 FORTY ACRES To oxelinugo for Modforilroaldouco property, Locntod nbout 4 miles , from Medford, about 30 ticron cleared, iimd In cultivation, balance laud In , oak wood, 20 acred suitable for nl- fulfil, free soil, on main roud. Prlca j $150 per acre, Ilrlitg lu what yod hnvo to trade, llcnuos for laud. Laud for housi'S. Monuy to lonn on good ranch to. oiirlty, Bennett Investment Co. Trades of nil kinds, rrrt liin iMiHif wu! wtioi Mo,LU ,, TICfcUlO WITH PR.HX5 ' '' I " VOAH, A.M& Mft'mtf ruipi.f. . ... . .. - i. "Ul'liUHU VIU, Hill V. WCUm2 UMl'M Wl io To qio RuNroa fNmwui whcu He cot:; to bid TMQ GANT!i wrUfllAU 1'Olt Jtli.NT I'Ult.MHIII.'l) nnojiH FOH HKNT Lnrgo Bleeplnu rooms, nnl modern ' bouiokcoplng npnrt- mi)iit, prlcpR vry roanonable. Phono 247-L. 222 South Holly Hlreat. FOIt III5NT Kiirnlslie.l rooms, mod orn, unntfortablo and clean. Tho ('ottagd .roslduuco, CO I W. 10th Mrrel. 300 FOIt ItM.NT UOAItl) .) ItOO.MH WANTKI) Four or more Rontletnon tony Rcnuro oxcollont board and ex clusive uso of nicely furnished bungalow, close In Iluasonsblo tortus. Ilox 66.".. raro Mull Tri bune 2 S3 - j. - -T-a FOIt HUNT MINf'KI.UlMWUK Foil" KENT bit SALE Oarden and fruit trncU M. A Under, CO N. Oiango St. FOIt LEASE Full equipped placer mine. Cold Hay Itealty Co. FOIt KENT 12 acre. 20 year ol ! apploH and pears adjoining city limits. See Dr. Uoblc, 333 Hast Sixth .St. 2$ I FOIIKALI-ACKEACI FOIt SALE Five nnd 10 ncre tracts cheap and ou easy terms. Lo cated one mllo south of Hotel Med ford. W. 11. Evorhard, 1013 West Ninth St., phono 6C7-J l-Oil SAI.K Ily owner, fine 3 aero berry and chicken ranch, with now modern bungalow, barn and other building, fcv rods from city lltnlu. Addrwfi box C61, Medford. 2b 1 FOIt sali; IWllM la.VDS FOIt SALE lioiTattd "alfalfa ""iraiicni 317 acres. aliMi undivided half In toreel In dniualto of 160 acres, nuar Aalilnitd. 125 acres cultivated, 42 acros In alfalfn. 12 acres In 2 yonr old pears, flno springs, piped to house mid barn, now hog pons, outside ranno. 9 ltorsos. C7 hogs, farm machinery, utc. A dandy place, onl $21,000. Write or seo W. D. Hodgson. ABhland, Ore. 2S4 FOR SALE. EXCHANGE OR LEASE 100 acros, 110 acres In cultiva tion, C5 acres alfalfa, 25 ncre plowed, buildings. Clins. Gilchrist, Sams Vallox, Oro. 29C To lonn on Improved ranches. luterott S per cent "Insurance That Insures." II. S. STINE lluy your Insurnuco of a taxpayer NEW TODAY Twonty acres of jiearg In their fifth year, deeded water right, lu n good lucallt, splendid soil, mid Just tho thing to tnko at this tlir.u mid bring Into bearing. 1'uio crops between tho rows. For sale at $225.00 por acre. Three lots lu southwest Medford nro offorud for $180.00 Just for for a fuw davs. The owner Is n non resident, mid wants to clono out. Let's help him $180.00 takes tho three. Registered title. C. D. Hoon WHY (lot Located Now ! Alfalfa, dairy ranch homo. 45 noron Hoar crook bottom located near Talent, Just off Pacific high way, seven miles from Medford, Doun frco loam. 20 ncroa tu good stand al falfa. Flue shade trees, good spring, largo burn, seven covys, four hulfurs, flvu calvoH, 25 tons alfalfa In burn, hogs, chickens, machinery all go with thu place. $7ou0.00. Tonus. Noun hotter thmi this! J. C. BARNES First Nutluiiiil Hank llulldliiu; ar. ki'myom, uj Af.a "MH. im CAfr 0f TM(1 AfAc Pwcp, I'CIK SAM' IIOUHIM FOIt 8AI.I! Splamllil moclorn room home on largo lot, one block from pnvlni: at a Knap. Ilox X. V., raro Mall Trlbuno. 281 ron s i.k AiiMnn.iVKdUH FOir'SAlTlT 0"7rno"T)urhanT i hulfers coming fresh, also 4 boautlful. froali cows. Walsh's ranch, mllo OQt North Roosovolt Ac. 305 FOIt BALM HarnoM, bngsy, woon, mattnMS. Iimibor. wire. 513 Oak, phono 892-M. 281 FOIt J-S SAI.K Ithodc Island Hod V .t-aHJW. tl.OU for 16. utility. lo ! . J.)bn l'nterton. It. F. I). No .. ........ ' 3, or phone 370-W. 28 FOIl SALE Egas from Whlto Wy nndotteji, winter layers. Flshot an-l Orlffln strain, ono de-Mar setting, no stock for sale. Ilox 33, Itoute 2, I'rltscho. 283 FOE SALE SI laying and feed. 513 Oak. M. hens, wlro Phono i92- 282 FOIl SALE Iloglstercd Ilarkshlree. weaned pigs, olthor sex, from prlro-wlnnlng stock, rcrlstercd nnd gunrnnteod to be breeders. $20.00 onch. unrelated trios, boar and two sows. $50.00. F. It. Steel. It. !. No. 1, Grants Pass, telephone Three Pine. 302 FOIl SALE Haled grain hay, $12.00 por ton; corner lots at Cold Hill. Dotrio Orchards. 2S1 FOIl SALE 2 Cyphers broodors. bone cuttor. Whlto Loghorn cock orols, grain liny. A. W. Stone. FOIl SALE Thoroughbred Indian Ittinnors, $1.00 ench. Geary Or chard. Phono R-13W. 2S1 FOIt SALE Horse, ltarncjs and biirey. $40.00. W. H. Everham. 1013 W. 9th St. FOR SALE Frosh young Jersey cow and calf, $80.00 it taken at once. Robert Dutton, phono 3SC-M. FOIt SALE Fresh Jorsoy cow, extrn flue, giving four and flvu gallons of very rich milk per day, 5 yoara old. Phono 500-R2. 2SG FOIt SALE Young Jack. It. F. D. No. 2, box 57-S. J. J. Iloosoy. 2S I FOR SALE A steel range at loss than one-half price. Usod only a yoar. Phone S41-R. 2SG FOR SAI.K Two bay maro. 4 and fi oars old. weight 2500 lbs.; one bay goldlng. 4 yearn old. weight 1050 lbs. Phono 397-J. 2S3 FOR SALE A flno young mule. Ap ply Foothills Orchard, phono 113-1. FOIl SALE Pon of Whlto Orpin tons, extra fine stock; also half doeu Ruff Orpington pullets. Dr. Webster. Talent, 11 .F. D. box 73, phouo 3-F2. 285 FOR SALE 10 Fox hounds. 2 broad bltchos. A-l btuff. Clias. Gilchrist. Sams Valley, Oro. 290 FOR SALE Patrldge Wyandotte cockerels nnd pul'ets. Also eggs, Harris & Crnndall, Englo Point, phono 5-F3. 290 FOR SALE Lunch couuter. $30 dally receipts. Sacrifice. leaving city. $200. part cash. Daley, over Jackson County Hank. 2S2 i , FOR SALE OR TRADE Ono piano, two organs. Valley Socond Hand Store, 23 N. Fir St. FOR SALE Jorsoy cow, fresh In April, and 13-months old Jorcoy helfor, f 100. Ilox 49, enro Ma'l Tribune. 2SI FOIt SALE llnrgnlna In ruga mid ohlldron's Iron bods. Valley Sc orn! Hand Storo, 26 North Fir street. FOR SALE Hatching egss from my hardy, heavy laying W. L. lions. $1.00 betting, $5.00 per 100. llaby chiokn. F. S. Curponter, phouo 201-1U. 290 FOR SALE Pun of 6 thoroughbred Aucoiia hens nnd cockerel, F. K. Carpeutor. Phouo 201-ltl. 2S4 FOlSALE Muiiuro. F. Y. Allen. Phono 325-L. 286 FOR SALE Ilnlod grain hay, $12.00 per ton car lots; ut Gold Hill. Dolrlo Orchards. 281 HELP WANTED FEMALE VANTKD A goud moV, tvvo " 111 family 3 rettulur men. Phouo 1-F.l. " n f V I -N F M 7 -fl I ' Ifc rM i 3ol J. til - By faaitB?fnHrnn '- , ' T If, SaHHknU ( capyjuejr tvif gy IIF.M U'N1i:i MAI.R WANTKD Minors at Iiradcn ralno, Gold Mill, Oregon, for contract work. Oold Itay Unalty Co. i1 i UMXTKi);ia.ii.Ronrt WANTKD I want to nioet single man who has threo hundred dol lars to Invest In honest proposition. Itonl Mtato and loan mun not oou sldurcd. Answer box 12, earn Mall Tribune. 281 WANTED Two or three furnlshod uimtalrs rooms enulnncd for llcht housekeeping for n family of two. A. II. II., care Malt Tribune, by Thursday. !Sl WANTED Hoof nnd stock caflle, calves, hogs. otc. Phono 171 or address Guy !.awton, Medford. 293 WANTED To buy six broody hen. Phone 312. WANTED To buy choap. ono good billiard table. Give cash price. Address O. S. U., caro Mall Tri bune. 281 WA NTED To rent piano. W. O. Collins, It. F. D. No. 1. box 2C. 2S.' WANTED Illcyclea bought, sold and exchanged; also supplies. O. K. Illko llepalr Shop, 106 South Front St. 303 WANTED Dress making, 307 Sixth St. E. !St WANTED Houses for rent; -wo hare tenants waiting. Ueenet: Investment Co. -1 WANTED SITUATIONS u'iVTtn nt.iA -. i.......... " ,; r,'o in" tl, "u ":7'": ranch preferred. Answer box 12. caro Mall Trlbuno 2Ki WANTED Position by married man or orchard or farm, no children. Am experienced orchardlst. Ad dress J. C. D., care .Mall Trlbuno 282 WANTED First claw drcas making. Your business solicited. Mrs. Myrtle Wolfe. 222 South Holly St. Phono 247-L. 283 FOR KMmAawt; FOR TRADE A clarinet for a typo writer. Phono 104-J. 2b3 FOR EXCHANGE Four acrea of 2 year old Uartlett pears .& mllo wost of Phoenix for Talent, Phoe nix or Central Point property. Ad dress box 105, Talent, Oro. 282 TO TRADE 7 room residence strict ly modern, pantry, sleeping poron, lot 05x120, clear of all incum brances, cost $3200. Will trade for closo in residence Will as sume. Address box C01, caro Mall Trlbuno. 290 ' MONK TO t,OA. ToTbAN We have $5000 to TioatT Ueuuett Iuvostmeut Company. MONEY TO LOAN On city and Blose in ranch property. C A McArthur. room 3, P. O. block. online 3tih IIUSI.MS DiltECIORY Attuiuojit PORTEll T NEFF. VM P ITEALkTi" Attoruo)k-at-Luv. Rooms 8 anu 9, Medford National Rank bldg. A. E. REAME3, LAWYER GaTuet t Corey bldg. V. J. CANTON AUuiuu) aud Couu selloi at Law 123 East Mulu Btroot, Medford .ore m. M. Col v lg George M. Uotwru COLV1G & ROHERTB. LAWYERS - Medford National Rank HiiIIiIIuh il. F. MULKEY & GEO. W. CHERRY Attoruoya at Law. Jackson Coun ty lluuk Building. NEWTON W. UORDEN Attornoy at law, room 7, Sparta building, Med ford, Oregon. Auto Buppllra LA1IER AUTO SPRING CO. Oui big socrut lu luuklng sprlugk is thu lempurlug Wo uru opuratlug the largest, oldest und best eiiulpped plant In the Puelilo uurthwust Use our springs when others full Bold under gtiuruutoe 26 North Ff uoutu St., Portland, Ore. p. ... . PACH3 UTVE "Bud" Fisher 7.15-. .. a -wifci3.'ia- jrfl. cvtP--ry I ISUKI.VXKS DIKIiCTOUY CbtrDprnctors Oil. It. J. LOCICWOOD. Chiropractor, nerve specialist. Rooms 203-204" 205 Gnrnett-Corey hldg Vapor baths and scientific massage glvon, needle spray, head and shouldor shower In connection; advice la dietetics, medical gymnastics, hrdropthcrnpy Lady attendant Phone, office 513, residence Cll-Il. 7r.A II. HEDGES, Dr Louise E Hedges Mcchauo-TberapUts Chiro practors. Spondytothoraptsts The a rietii. Including itiet. tin. cj-ji tn gymnastic. Iijdru-'ln .. etc . pruducu retuils in butb o aad chronli, dleeaseM Cuuijiij. nun free Oror Deuel & Co , cor ner Main and Uartlett. Hours 9 a. ro. to 5 p. m. Othor hours by appointment Phono 170. Dentist DIl.W 5LVAN :'SCOYUO DR C. C. VAN SCOYOO Dentlsta Garnett - Corey bldg . s.'.lte -510 ltHiford. Ori f'hont . Auitlotievrn WILLIAM OLRICH Licensed Auc tioneer for the City of Medford, OrcgoD Terms roaaonablo. Resi dence phono 161-J. Office Jack son County Rank building, Notary Ilibtlr HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub- He. Drlng your work to mo at the Ian of the Mull Tribune INSTUCCTIO.V Mr. FRED ALTON HAIOHT-Teh- "' p'a"0, B ,?,a rrany' c T i ''sht Music Studio. 11C South Lntirel St.. phone 17C-H. Q-rTuigt OARDAGE Gat vour premise, cleaned up for tb winter Call on tho city garbaA wnenn.i fo good service Phone 325-L. .'. Y Allen Physicians mid Rurgvuai. DR P. G. CAULOW. DR EVA. MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians 416-417 Oarnett-Core? bldg.. phono 1036-L. Restdenca 26 South Laurel St. OR 8 A LOCKWOOD Physlclaa and surgeon MYRTLE 8. I.OCKWQOD. M D. -Practice limited to ot women Offices 232 E Main Phones, residence, 814-J2; office 814. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye. ear, noso and throat. Eyes scien tifically tostod and glasses nupplled Office 22S East Main St.. Hours 8:30 a. m to 8 p. m. Phoue E. H. PIOKEL, M. D Offlco Jack, son County Dank bldg. Office phone i'i-ll; residence phouo 5S-R DR. MARTIN C OARUER Phys. clan and Hurgton Offlev Pal .t block, opposite Nash Hotel HiHir 10 to 12. 1 to 4. Phone 110 J DR. R W CLANCY -Phyrilcliu. 4tid surgeon. Phones, office 3l, re-t-dence 724-J. Office hour 10 to 12. 2 to 5 DR W physician, building. lioWAUt) Ottoo,Mi,hi 303 Uartlett-Corey Phouo 904-M 11 J. CONROY, M D.-Physician aud Surgeon Ovor Hutchison & Lu mi don. 215 E Main St I'huuu 77 DR. W. II. HICKMAN Horooopath Office Rostol building, Central Point All tolephoue calls answored night or day. Printer unit I'ublbtlivro MEDFORD PRINTING CO has the beat oitilppod printing office In southern Oregon, hook bludlug, loose leaf ledgers, billing system-, etc. Portlaud prices. 37 NortU Flr St. - 5-t- -a 8toiiogrtpiierii ELLA M GAUNYA.--Palm block, Stenogruphlo work i'in quickly and wh -- r - - - i FAII 8 I It A N8FE it & HTfli iVaOe' CO Office 43 North Kraut St. Pans 316. Prlew t. rl gur utMML . A 1 WQLt,' WHA.T 00 3 CAR.B7 V U If sv